Hey, people with marijuana convictions in King County: The county is still making efforts to clear those convictions from before it was legal. And their budget includes outreach to some of the toughest people to find. It’s good, and it is still producing results a decade on.
Anyway, please wash your hands right now. And get vaccinated or boosted if you’re eligible. I got boosted and a flu shot at the same time, and my only symptom is that my arm is a bit sore.
Where’d he get radicalized? Maybe it’s time we stop selling all these guns until we kind find out what the hell is going on? When will mainstream gun owners disavow all these mass shooters. The real danger is we’re letting just any White American citizen in here to do whatever.
We used to play up the drama all the time on my TeeVee show.
So what if the tearful woman I hugged after she described gun violence is a paid staffer on my campaign. We used to pay the audience all the time. They’re called actors. We need then to act like the supplements work.
I gotta protect my income.
2 dead cops in Bristol CT. I’m sure the insurrectionists of Jan.6th. don’t care, especially if perp was white.
A lot of sadness expressed but not OUTRAGE! As in the OUTRAGEOUS disrespect of “Defund the Police”, or yelling insults at demonstrations and demonstrating against them.
These guys need to be shot while they are committing their violent acts. If they all get killed, so what?
After Missouri banned abortions, she was left ‘with a baby dying inside.’ Doctors said they could do nothing.
What happened if you vote republican
Thought this describes forced birth Republicans well
Joe Biden is doing to America what we’re doing to Afghanistan.
@ 6
Very true.
Apparently the GOP was unable to prove that the Dem governor wanted this murder to happen. As if that excuses negligence.
Everybody feel safer now? It was just an “oopsie” on the governor’s part, no malice intended.
As you pile in three-deep in that Ballard bar waiting for your next overly citra-infused IPA, Carl, remember that we’re still in a COVID-19 emergency.
’cause Biden said so.
Biden administration extends COVID public health emergency
Right after he told Scott Pelley the pandemic is over in that 60 Minutes interview.
The purpose of extending the public emergency is so that First Vegetable Joe Biden can fuck YLB’s kids by handing out free student loan forgiveness money to every fuck who hasn’t finished paying off student loan debt.
YLB’s fucked kids are needed, of course, to pick up the tab for it.
YLB cheers while her kids are fucked and then fucked again, by First Vegetable Joe Biden.
Earlier today the 2-year Treasuries yielded 50 basis points more than the 10-year Treasuries.
Quite the inversion on that yield curve, libbies.
Maybe we should’ve found someone better than a TV meteorologist who’s already been defeated statewide once to run against her.
He’s an outsider. He isn’t a politician. He can read a teleprompter. He’s perfect!
Nancy Pelosi casually eating a Slim Jim while she called me to make sure I was safe and urge me not to tell ANYONE where I was on Jan 6 is quite a thing.
Kind of hard to make her out as this evil, vile creature when she was worried about me.
Well fuck it, gonna try anyway.
@ 12
Maybe we should’ve found someone better than a TV meteorologist who’s already been defeated statewide …
Maybe y’all shoulda found someone better than an election-denying fat cow who’s already been defeated statewide to run against Kemp in GA, too.
Having to admit I’m way over my head after just three weeks is pretty embarrassing, yeah.
Easy there Herschel. Yours was the prize we were really after and you fucked us on that like a baby Mama didn’t you.
A tidal wave of ‘nothers:
‘Between March 2020 and March 2021, excess death rates for Republicans in Ohio and Florida were 1.6 percentage points higher than for Democrats; but from April 2021 to December 2021 — after vaccines became widely available — the gap widened to 10.6 percentage points. The study found that the largest gaps in excess death rates between Republicans and Democrats came in Ohio and Florida counties with low vaccination rates. By using county-level vaccination rates in Ohio and Florida, “we find evidence that vaccination contributes to explaining differences in excess deaths by political party affiliation, even after controlling for location and age differences,” the study said.’
Thanks to the shitheadedness of repukes, fewer SS and Medicare checks will be written.
Nothin’ but blue skies for the kids.. bright future!
At least according to the silly, deranged, inane and batshit babbling of teh widbee kreepshit.
Whaddya think. At tonight’s debate should I just flat out ask him how many kids he has and what their names are?
Ask for a body count?
Or should I just quote some scripture to him and ask him if he agrees? Matthew 5:27-28 maybe. Mark 7:20-23?
Or should I take the high road and ask him why he held a gun to his wife’s head?
Or just let him try to speak full sentences on health care, fiscal policy, environment…
That really hurts. My IQ is at least 90. And no one talks about my wife like that EXCEPT her father and gets away with it.
@18. Chortle
How dare a journalist expose the obvious inability of a candidate to do the job he is seeking.
“…an incredible disservice to all Americans.”
WRT Fetterman, whatever happened to, “He’s fine.”, libbies?
Eleven more days until Oz and Fetterman debate.
What kind of suit will Fetterman wear in order to hide that massive tumor growing out of the right side of the base of his neck?
WRT Fetterman, whatever happened to, “He’s fine.”, libbies?
WRT current events, whatever happened to your violent insurrection intended to end self-governance in America and your theft of our top secret documents?
Biden and Fetterman will appear together next week.
Imagine having to watch The Even Bigger Fucking Moron and YLB play a chess match. While taking nitrous hits.
Gasoline prices up 20 cents in the last month.
Wonder what they’ll be the first weekend in November. After all, First Vegetable Joe Biden still has 3 1/2 weeks to beg OPEC+ to do something, anything, to save his presidency.
Average hourly earnings increased 4.92% YoY in September.
Since CPI was up 8.2% over the same period, real wages decreased nearly 3.3% in the last year.
More real wage declines to come. YLB’s kids are so fucked.
The government has failed to introduce that requisite evidence,” said Judge Anthony Trenga
That’s a win for me right? Wait I’M the government in this case?
@ 28
Depends on what your definition of the word “talked” is.
Gouging. Explain why one station is selling for 20-30-40 cents higher than the one across the street from it.
Cyclical shot happens Dumbfuck, especially after a fat fuck quack is in the White House like the FuckHump
real wages decreased nearly 3.3% in the last year.
More real wage declines to come.
Yawwwnn.. Both kids got wage increases ahead of inflation..
It’s possible for peeps to outpace inflation. Just gotta hustle, have the right skills.. Peeps have done that in the past and are doing the same now.
Why is that so hard for teh widbee kreepshit to understand? Heh.. Its obtuseness never disappoints. It’s so fucked up in the empty head..
heh. and fucked in the ass too.. by 20 something redneck slum tenants with alluring baby mommas..
The purpose of extending the public emergency
is to alert people of the threat from current and newly emerging covid mutations as people spend more time indoors this winter..
It appears that lord kreepshit would prefer the government do nothing and allow more repukes to die and at a higher clip than they are at the moment.
According to its silly, insane, deranged, batshit babbling that can only be good for my kids who are current with their vaccinations.
YLB cheers
Yours truly cheers politicians of any political stripe who makes sensible policies.
My senile, imbecilic, incompetent president did this, YLB and gentlemen.
Kinda makes one wonder what the rest of his response was.
No. He said, “No.”.
I do SO have a policeman I am. See badge.
Yes. I’m laughing at y’all.
He’s also an honorary pilot because the stewardess gave him plastic wings.
And an honorary valedictorian.
And an honorary conductor from the visit to the Choo Choo museum.
There’s a BABY in the room you say? Can you explain your medical knowledge?
The only thing Patty Murray has to run on is abortion. The Democrats are losing on crime, immigration, inflation, foreign policy and the economy. That’s a losing lineup, Dems.
It’s fine. Sarah Palin says it isn’t real. Dan Sullivan says it isn’t real. Mitch McConnel says it isn’t real. Ted Cruz says it isn’t real. Donald Trump says it isn’t real. Kevin McCarthy says it isn’t real. Tucker Carlson says it isn’t real. Sean Hannity says it isn’t real. Laura Ingraham says it isn’t real. Sarah Huckabee says it isn’t real. Alex Jones says it isn’t real….
It’s all fine. They’ll come back. If you ask me they just went to Syria when we weren’t looking.