The U.S. Air Force reports having absolutely no record of the Republican House candidate J.R. Majewski serving in Afghanistan despite years of Majewski claiming that he did.
Accounts from Majewski himself are murky and very inconsistent.
However it appears that the claim of serving in combat in Afghanistan arose originally as a story Majewski employed to explain his absence from a family funeral.
“The most important thing that’s ever happened probably is I lost my grandmother while I was in Afghanistan. And I didn’t.. I didn’t get to see her.. her funeral. That’s probably, you know, one of the worst things. Because I could have come home. And, you know, I didn’t have to go back. And I did.
By the time the chaplain found out where I was in the desert, and by the time they got to me, you know, they were moving on with her funeral. I couldn’t have left and came home… it’s… I could have avoided deployment because it was an optional deployment for me. I wish I could do that over but, you know, she was proud of me. That’s all that matters.”
Passed out in a motel with a tranny hooker and missed his grandmother’s funeral. So he makes up a story under pressure about deployment in combat and it becomes a part of his life history.
House GOP eyes repeal of Dems’ drug pricing law
The law would for the first time allow Medicare to negotiate lower prices for a limited set of costly prescription drugs beginning in 2026.
158 out of 212 House Republicans, including top GOP leadership Members Whip Scalise and Chair Stefanik, have called for slashing and privatizing Social Security, raising the retirement age to 70 and ending Medicare as we know it as part of the Republican Study Committee FY2023 budget.
Top GOP Senator Rick Scott continues to push Senate Republicans’ plan to terminate Social Security and Medicare after five years.
Senior GOP Senator Ron Johnson called for putting Social Security and Medicare on the chopping block for Republicans to slash at will every year.
193 House Republicans voted against limiting seniors’ and families’ co-pay for insulin to $35 per month, with the Affordable Insulin Now Act.
Voters can chose between Democrats having 2-year Treasuries jump to 4.27% and republicans terminating Social Security and Medicare. I know which I would choose.
Now I don’t really think Utah is going to go blue but pulling at 40% and only up five with 25% undecided at this stage is definitely not where an incumbent senator wants to be.
Please Mr Koch. Send me money.
Vicious Trollspews:
Biggest loser: QoS McHillbilly.
Prosecutors have recommended not to bring charges against Republican Rep. Matt Gaetz as part of a sex trafficking investigation, the Washington Post reported.
The reported recommendation means the Department of Justice is unlikely to charge Gaetz with a crime as a result of the probe into his alleged relationship with a 17-year-old girl.
I haven’t read the WaPo piece. This is from CNBC
No charge, no crime, supporters of Hillary Clinton seem to think.
People familiar with the case told the Post that the 17-year-old girl is one of the two witnesses whose testimony may not stand up before a jury.
The second person is Joel Greenberg, the former Seminole County, Florida, tax collector and friend of Gaetz who last year pleaded guilty to multiple crimes in a case that led to the investigation of the congressman.
Greenberg flipping was what McHillbilly told us would sink Gaetz. Hence his loser-ness on this one.
YLB and gentlemen, I give you lily-white Matt Gaetz. Second biggest loser is Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit’s fave congressional candidate, a lying Democrat challenging Gaetz in the general.
Vicious Trollspews:
@ 1
And there goes another House seat.
Sorta. Dem hold, to be accurate.
Stolen valor never bothered Democrats when Kerry, Vilsack, and Blumenthal did it. Why this time?
The prosecutors said they made that decision in part because of credibility questions with two central witnesses, those people told the Post.
If that is their logic, then how has any mob boss ever been sentenced to time in prison, considering that almost all the witnesses who would be flipped and used to testify against them are their fellow organized crime underlings aka people with credibility issues?
Voters under 30 who care about Roe are coming for your soulsspews:
I’m sorry, did you not act when every ad on your conservative talk station that wasn’t for prepper food rations and GOLD was begging you to refinance at historicity low fixed rates?
Besides, an utter collapse of the housing market is the only way I’m ever getting one
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Greenberg flipping was what McHillbilly told us would sink Gaetz. Hence his loser-ness on this one.
I believe I said it would make Gaetz a target and ruin/limit his political future. But I believe I also said that without additional first hand witnesses it would not get an indictment.
Gaetz has kept himself alive for two years by bear hugging Donald J. Trump and fund raising off of WEEECH HUUUUNT. But if you look at his reports he lost most of his large dollar donors and PAC contributions. If he ever faces a credible Dem challenger the leadership might kick in some money to protect the seat. But some day, though I personally hope it isn’t for a long, long time, Trump is going to disappear.
On that day Gaetz is going to be left standing alone holding a bottle of amyl nitrate and two Build-a-Bear tickets and nothing else. And the minute a good GOP challenger files against him in the primary he’s toast.
You can’t send a guy to jail for drugging and fucking children if the children won’t testify and if the only guy who will is Aqualung. But the damage is done. Because, if you ask, what difference does it really make to a partisan like me if a degenerate child-rapist is the GOP House member from another safe GOP district? The answer I give you back is the House votes don’t change. But the November election votes do.
As with Trump, the “Biggest Loser” is the GOP. Cool.
Vicious Trollspews:
@ 7
If that is their logic, then how has any mob boss ever been sentenced to time in prison, considering that almost all the witnesses who would be flipped and used to testify against them are their fellow organized crime underlings aka people with credibility issues?
In which The Even Bigger Fucking Moron learns about corroborating evidence. Oh, and juries.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Why this time?
Cry more.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Mob bosses haven’t been prosecuted by AUSAs as much as you might think. And when they are it’s often not for the kind of child-rapey things that Gaetz is guilty of.
Federal prosecutors are super risk averse. They nearly always prefer to see mountains of unassailable evidence piled up against an individual before they will even step in front of a grand jury. Compared to state prosecutors it’s another world. And that’s partly because there are just a whole lot more federal crimes than there are prosecutors. So it works itself out that they pick and choose only the ones they can be fairly sure of winning.
Jim Cramerspews:
Treasury rates went up.
WTI /Brent/Opec and Gasoline futures went down. Which of these will be noticed by an average voter in about a month and which will take a bit to percolate through the economy?
I believe I said it would make Gaetz a target and ruin/limit his political future. But I believe I also said that without additional first hand witnesses it would not get an indictment.
That prolonged negotiation would suggest that her cooperation may include her admission to having committed crimes of her own while witnessing crimes of others. We may expect entry of a plea agreement to those crimes by her and her lawyer later this week or next. If that happens it would indicate that an indictment against the Congressman is imminent.
She was granted immunity. She’s your additional first-hand witness. You wrote that if she spilled the beans an indictment would be imminent.
It’s not as if we don’t have more receipts, dude. I still consider you a more-than-worthy adversary. Just not a perfect one.
Take the L, QoS McHillbilly.
Shorter greedy racist incel “you were wrong once, so I will dismiss you till the end of time, regardless of how many times you were correct”
Vicious Trollspews:
@ 15
The Even Bigger Fucking Moron, QoS McHillbilly mischaracterized his prior statements. I called him on it.
Try not to make your fellow homosexuals wince when you post, The Even Bigger Fucking Moron.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Fair enough. I made assumptions about the female witness’ credibility, without really knowing much at all about her. I’m not sure anybody did, or does even now. Smart move on Gaetz’s part to involve a female co-conspirator who has major issues. It’s always wise to plan ahead whenever a Republican is selecting which children they are going to drug and fuck.
I’d also add that federal immunity agreements may not work the way you think. Greenberg’s sentencing has been delayed for over a year. And the prosecutor recommendations ride on the quality and nature of his cooperation. Immunity agreements are similar. Typically what a witness like the teen girl get are “use” immunity agreements in which the testimony she gives against co-conspirators may not be used against her. These are quite complicated to work out. And they are almost always at risk of falling apart because local prosecutors are not bound by fed promises.
So I’m not sure we know at this point why feds have decided to announce that they will not indict Gaetz (for now). But yes, for sure, I was way to confident in the quality and usefulness of the other witness with respect to how federal criminal prosecutors put cases together. I view that as a mistake. I don’t view that as a “loss”. And as I pointed out, in at least one respect, keeping a greasy, weird, drugged-up child rapist in the GOP House FREEDUMB CAUCUS through 2024 in a seat that Republicans would hold anyway is not a bad outcome for Democrats.
If this is your victory lap dude, enjoy. But you might want to take a shower after.
Vicious Trollspews:
The DJIA hit a 2022 low this morning.
Imagine being Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit and having so little life left during which to recover from your investment losses, and knowing only how to make Dumbfuckian investment decisions in your effort.
livin’ rent-free in a silly, deranged troll’s, empty skull..
No charge, no crime, supporters of Hillary Clinton seem to think.
It’s pedo gaetz forever.. if the shoe fits.. and tuckem’ shitferbrains carlson.. heh.. at that same dinner..
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
As I see it, either Gaetz would be indicted and still re-elected, in which case a popular insurgent within the FREEDUMB CAUCUS would present the leadership with tough choices and ugly compromises. Or Gaetz escapes prosecution for now, and the FREEDUMB CAUCUS is forced to welcome and further incorporate a guy who shares phone pics with them of middle school girls he’s fucking, never knowing for certain when/if the other shoe is going to drop.
Ghost of Jeffrey Epsteinspews:
Way to go Matty!
Being a suspected pedo isn’t all bad, just don’t get caught and you will be fine.
You might need to lay low for a bit because your man-crush is having a bad time and losing bigly in the courts right now. Maybe you should move to Thailand and work on the Thai railroad for a bit and then come back.
JR Majewskispews:
Yeah I know y’all are looking at me like that 29year old at the side of the freeway asking for handouts because I’m a VietNam Veteran but trust me…
“My deployments were classified”. I was actually an Air Force
SealRanger. You don’t know about us. THAT’s how classified I was.”
(Press, “Mr. Vance, would you care to comment on how a member of your party doubling down on the bill shot might effect your race for Senate?”)
Newt Hoenikkerspews:
Clearly using the strategy of, “It was classified because I was thinking it was classified.”
What a joke you are.
It isn’t that I feel sorry for your pathetic lie, it is the morons that vote for you that I feel sorry for.
@16. The greedy racist incel has no problem putting lies in other people’s mouths but gets upset when truths are put into his. Weird.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
If anyone ever, at any time, under whatever circumstances, describes to you some specific portion of their service record regarding location, unit assignment, activity, etc. and says it is “classified”, trust me you can ignore them.
Classified service assignments are just that. They are classified.
They are not to be discussed or mentioned.
NRCC just canceled a $1 million ad buy in his district.
Ryan just bought the space.
Here’s hoping the GOP never learns.
Newt Hoenikkerspews:
I personally know people that have done classified work, here and abroad. For the most part you are correct, they won’t even mention it. If you know the person well enough, there might me a cue that you know to indicate they did participate in some sort of classified action, but they won’t outright say it.
That is what makes JR a fucking joke. Maybe GOP rubes think that it is important that “their guy” did secret-agent stuff and that makes them important enough to be elected. Folks like JR make me think of Sheriff JW Pepper
Roger Rabbitspews:
@5 No one, including Gaetz, should be convicted by a lying witness. How am I a “loser” from upholding the rule of law? It’s your tribe, not mine — and you personally — who trash due process. And get cheap thrills from gloating over a slimeball getting off the hook. Because Gaetz, whether guilty or innocent of sex trafficking, is a slimeball.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@6 Kerry stole nothing. Unlike the Ohio GOP candidate, he did serve in combat. His medals are real, and he didn’t approve them, his military superiors did following standard military procedures. Corsi and his crew, not Kerry and his crew, are the liars. And you’re a gullible dumbfuck.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@18 Are you serious? I want the stock market to go down, and I’ve been saying so for months! Got dementia? Or are you just inattentive?
Net buyers of stock like me want cheaper, not more expensive, stocks. And higher, not lower, dividend yields. How hard is that?
This rant raises suspicion your recent options trades haven’t gone well.
Gggeeee Moneyspews:
Net buyers of stock like me want cheaper, not more expensive, stocks. And higher, not lower, dividend yields. How hard is that?
And Wall Street knows it too. They can’t make money unless they buy low. It’s a racket.
I’m not a fan of the little mermaid, but this little black mermaid story has pissed off some people so badly you would think the little black mermaid stole some classified documents and hid them in a broom closet in a beach resort.
Electrical activity in a group of organizing cells is not a heart beat.
Know who has a heartbeat? Kids cowering in classrooms
Pro-life them.
Elijah McClainspews:
Yeah, I went to the corner store and bought an iced tea. Then one of you thought I was suspicious because….I had the dangerous condition and appearance of a black man. So you called the police. Their chokehold sent me into spasms and the paramedics gave me a lethal dose of the sedative Ketamine. Then the officers conspired to cover up the choking and injection.
Took a second autopsy to find something they tried to cover up.
Now they’re all under indictment and I’m still dead.
Stolen Valor:
The U.S. Air Force reports having absolutely no record of the Republican House candidate J.R. Majewski serving in Afghanistan despite years of Majewski claiming that he did.
Accounts from Majewski himself are murky and very inconsistent.
However it appears that the claim of serving in combat in Afghanistan arose originally as a story Majewski employed to explain his absence from a family funeral.
“The most important thing that’s ever happened probably is I lost my grandmother while I was in Afghanistan. And I didn’t.. I didn’t get to see her.. her funeral. That’s probably, you know, one of the worst things. Because I could have come home. And, you know, I didn’t have to go back. And I did.
By the time the chaplain found out where I was in the desert, and by the time they got to me, you know, they were moving on with her funeral. I couldn’t have left and came home… it’s… I could have avoided deployment because it was an optional deployment for me. I wish I could do that over but, you know, she was proud of me. That’s all that matters.”
Passed out in a motel with a tranny hooker and missed his grandmother’s funeral. So he makes up a story under pressure about deployment in combat and it becomes a part of his life history.
He probably even believes it.
And there goes another House seat.
“Um, I was in Sang Bang, uh Dang Gong, uh.. I was all over that place, basically. A lot of places. A lot of places.”
This is Every Republican You Know.
Pure trash.
House GOP eyes repeal of Dems’ drug pricing law
The law would for the first time allow Medicare to negotiate lower prices for a limited set of costly prescription drugs beginning in 2026.
158 out of 212 House Republicans, including top GOP leadership Members Whip Scalise and Chair Stefanik, have called for slashing and privatizing Social Security, raising the retirement age to 70 and ending Medicare as we know it as part of the Republican Study Committee FY2023 budget.
Top GOP Senator Rick Scott continues to push Senate Republicans’ plan to terminate Social Security and Medicare after five years.
Senior GOP Senator Ron Johnson called for putting Social Security and Medicare on the chopping block for Republicans to slash at will every year.
193 House Republicans voted against limiting seniors’ and families’ co-pay for insulin to $35 per month, with the Affordable Insulin Now Act.
Voters can chose between Democrats having 2-year Treasuries jump to 4.27% and republicans terminating Social Security and Medicare. I know which I would choose.
Now I don’t really think Utah is going to go blue but pulling at 40% and only up five with 25% undecided at this stage is definitely not where an incumbent senator wants to be.
Please Mr Koch. Send me money.
Biggest loser: QoS McHillbilly.
I haven’t read the WaPo piece. This is from CNBC
No charge, no crime, supporters of Hillary Clinton seem to think.
Greenberg flipping was what McHillbilly told us would sink Gaetz. Hence his loser-ness on this one.
YLB and gentlemen, I give you lily-white Matt Gaetz. Second biggest loser is Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit’s fave congressional candidate, a lying Democrat challenging Gaetz in the general.
@ 1
And there goes another House seat.
Sorta. Dem hold, to be accurate.
Stolen valor never bothered Democrats when Kerry, Vilsack, and Blumenthal did it. Why this time?
The prosecutors said they made that decision in part because of credibility questions with two central witnesses, those people told the Post.
If that is their logic, then how has any mob boss ever been sentenced to time in prison, considering that almost all the witnesses who would be flipped and used to testify against them are their fellow organized crime underlings aka people with credibility issues?
I’m sorry, did you not act when every ad on your conservative talk station that wasn’t for prepper food rations and GOLD was begging you to refinance at historicity low fixed rates?
Besides, an utter collapse of the housing market is the only way I’m ever getting one
I believe I said it would make Gaetz a target and ruin/limit his political future. But I believe I also said that without additional first hand witnesses it would not get an indictment.
Gaetz has kept himself alive for two years by bear hugging Donald J. Trump and fund raising off of WEEECH HUUUUNT. But if you look at his reports he lost most of his large dollar donors and PAC contributions. If he ever faces a credible Dem challenger the leadership might kick in some money to protect the seat. But some day, though I personally hope it isn’t for a long, long time, Trump is going to disappear.
On that day Gaetz is going to be left standing alone holding a bottle of amyl nitrate and two Build-a-Bear tickets and nothing else. And the minute a good GOP challenger files against him in the primary he’s toast.
You can’t send a guy to jail for drugging and fucking children if the children won’t testify and if the only guy who will is Aqualung. But the damage is done. Because, if you ask, what difference does it really make to a partisan like me if a degenerate child-rapist is the GOP House member from another safe GOP district? The answer I give you back is the House votes don’t change. But the November election votes do.
As with Trump, the “Biggest Loser” is the GOP. Cool.
@ 7
If that is their logic, then how has any mob boss ever been sentenced to time in prison, considering that almost all the witnesses who would be flipped and used to testify against them are their fellow organized crime underlings aka people with credibility issues?
In which The Even Bigger Fucking Moron learns about corroborating evidence. Oh, and juries.
Cry more.
Mob bosses haven’t been prosecuted by AUSAs as much as you might think. And when they are it’s often not for the kind of child-rapey things that Gaetz is guilty of.
Federal prosecutors are super risk averse. They nearly always prefer to see mountains of unassailable evidence piled up against an individual before they will even step in front of a grand jury. Compared to state prosecutors it’s another world. And that’s partly because there are just a whole lot more federal crimes than there are prosecutors. So it works itself out that they pick and choose only the ones they can be fairly sure of winning.
Treasury rates went up.
WTI /Brent/Opec and Gasoline futures went down. Which of these will be noticed by an average voter in about a month and which will take a bit to percolate through the economy?
@ 9
I believe I said it would make Gaetz a target and ruin/limit his political future. But I believe I also said that without additional first hand witnesses it would not get an indictment.
I believe you to be full of shit.
She was granted immunity. She’s your additional first-hand witness. You wrote that if she spilled the beans an indictment would be imminent.
It’s not as if we don’t have more receipts, dude. I still consider you a more-than-worthy adversary. Just not a perfect one.
Take the L, QoS McHillbilly.
Shorter greedy racist incel “you were wrong once, so I will dismiss you till the end of time, regardless of how many times you were correct”
@ 15
The Even Bigger Fucking Moron, QoS McHillbilly mischaracterized his prior statements. I called him on it.
Try not to make your fellow homosexuals wince when you post, The Even Bigger Fucking Moron.
Fair enough. I made assumptions about the female witness’ credibility, without really knowing much at all about her. I’m not sure anybody did, or does even now. Smart move on Gaetz’s part to involve a female co-conspirator who has major issues. It’s always wise to plan ahead whenever a Republican is selecting which children they are going to drug and fuck.
I’d also add that federal immunity agreements may not work the way you think. Greenberg’s sentencing has been delayed for over a year. And the prosecutor recommendations ride on the quality and nature of his cooperation. Immunity agreements are similar. Typically what a witness like the teen girl get are “use” immunity agreements in which the testimony she gives against co-conspirators may not be used against her. These are quite complicated to work out. And they are almost always at risk of falling apart because local prosecutors are not bound by fed promises.
So I’m not sure we know at this point why feds have decided to announce that they will not indict Gaetz (for now). But yes, for sure, I was way to confident in the quality and usefulness of the other witness with respect to how federal criminal prosecutors put cases together. I view that as a mistake. I don’t view that as a “loss”. And as I pointed out, in at least one respect, keeping a greasy, weird, drugged-up child rapist in the GOP House FREEDUMB CAUCUS through 2024 in a seat that Republicans would hold anyway is not a bad outcome for Democrats.
If this is your victory lap dude, enjoy. But you might want to take a shower after.
The DJIA hit a 2022 low this morning.
Imagine being Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit and having so little life left during which to recover from your investment losses, and knowing only how to make Dumbfuckian investment decisions in your effort.
YLB and gentlemen
Oh look, yours truly looms first..
livin’ rent-free in a silly, deranged troll’s, empty skull..
No charge, no crime, supporters of Hillary Clinton seem to think.
It’s pedo gaetz forever.. if the shoe fits.. and tuckem’ shitferbrains carlson.. heh.. at that same dinner..
As I see it, either Gaetz would be indicted and still re-elected, in which case a popular insurgent within the FREEDUMB CAUCUS would present the leadership with tough choices and ugly compromises. Or Gaetz escapes prosecution for now, and the FREEDUMB CAUCUS is forced to welcome and further incorporate a guy who shares phone pics with them of middle school girls he’s fucking, never knowing for certain when/if the other shoe is going to drop.
Way to go Matty!
Being a suspected pedo isn’t all bad, just don’t get caught and you will be fine.
You might need to lay low for a bit because your man-crush is having a bad time and losing bigly in the courts right now. Maybe you should move to Thailand and work on the Thai railroad for a bit and then come back.
Yeah I know y’all are looking at me like that 29year old at the side of the freeway asking for handouts because I’m a VietNam Veteran but trust me…
“My deployments were classified”. I was actually an Air Force
SealRanger. You don’t know about us. THAT’s how classified I was.”
(Press, “Mr. Vance, would you care to comment on how a member of your party doubling down on the bill shot might effect your race for Senate?”)
Clearly using the strategy of, “It was classified because I was thinking it was classified.”
What a joke you are.
It isn’t that I feel sorry for your pathetic lie, it is the morons that vote for you that I feel sorry for.
@16. The greedy racist incel has no problem putting lies in other people’s mouths but gets upset when truths are put into his. Weird.
If anyone ever, at any time, under whatever circumstances, describes to you some specific portion of their service record regarding location, unit assignment, activity, etc. and says it is “classified”, trust me you can ignore them.
Classified service assignments are just that. They are classified.
They are not to be discussed or mentioned.
NRCC just canceled a $1 million ad buy in his district.
Ryan just bought the space.
Here’s hoping the GOP never learns.
I personally know people that have done classified work, here and abroad. For the most part you are correct, they won’t even mention it. If you know the person well enough, there might me a cue that you know to indicate they did participate in some sort of classified action, but they won’t outright say it.
That is what makes JR a fucking joke. Maybe GOP rubes think that it is important that “their guy” did secret-agent stuff and that makes them important enough to be elected. Folks like JR make me think of Sheriff JW Pepper
@5 No one, including Gaetz, should be convicted by a lying witness. How am I a “loser” from upholding the rule of law? It’s your tribe, not mine — and you personally — who trash due process. And get cheap thrills from gloating over a slimeball getting off the hook. Because Gaetz, whether guilty or innocent of sex trafficking, is a slimeball.
@6 Kerry stole nothing. Unlike the Ohio GOP candidate, he did serve in combat. His medals are real, and he didn’t approve them, his military superiors did following standard military procedures. Corsi and his crew, not Kerry and his crew, are the liars. And you’re a gullible dumbfuck.
@18 Are you serious? I want the stock market to go down, and I’ve been saying so for months! Got dementia? Or are you just inattentive?
Net buyers of stock like me want cheaper, not more expensive, stocks. And higher, not lower, dividend yields. How hard is that?
This rant raises suspicion your recent options trades haven’t gone well.
And Wall Street knows it too. They can’t make money unless they buy low. It’s a racket.
I’m not a fan of the little mermaid, but this little black mermaid story has pissed off some people so badly you would think the little black mermaid stole some classified documents and hid them in a broom closet in a beach resort.
Electrical activity in a group of organizing cells is not a heart beat.
Know who has a heartbeat? Kids cowering in classrooms
Pro-life them.
Yeah, I went to the corner store and bought an iced tea. Then one of you thought I was suspicious because….I had the dangerous condition and appearance of a black man. So you called the police. Their chokehold sent me into spasms and the paramedics gave me a lethal dose of the sedative Ketamine. Then the officers conspired to cover up the choking and injection.
Took a second autopsy to find something they tried to cover up.
Now they’re all under indictment and I’m still dead.
Aren’t police wonderful?
Gotta hand it to ’em.
Police keep finding new ways to ruin innocent lives for their own amusement.
QMAGA loves them some Russia, Russia, Russia!
Surprise! GOP’s ‘Commitment To America’ Video Features Images Of Russia
You’re shocked, I’m sure.
Fat Midget will never be the low IQ Nazi traitor’s president.
Ron DeSantis Trails Democrat Charlie Crist in New Poll After Migrant Flight
After months in the lead, DeSantis trails Crist by 6 points in a poll by The Political Matrix and The Listener Group.