Stay safe, Eastern Washington. There are too many fires, please eliminate several. Drugstores are still giving away N-95’s for COVID-19 (and hopefully you already had some), so you can use those for smoke. Pick some up.
Anyway, please wash your hands right now. And get vaccinated or boosted if you’re eligible.
A lying POS traitor.
PatriotTakes 🇺🇸
Marjorie Taylor Greene claims Ashli Babbitt, who entered the Capitol on January 6th and made it all the way to the Speaker’s lobby, was “trying to stop [the Capitol rioters] from going in.”
I suggest MTG and our low IQ Nazi traitor. Maybe throw in the rotting corpse of Ashleigh Babbitt to sweeten the deal.
Who could be part of a US-Russia prisoner exchange?
Bob’s recession.
Neanderthals will be Dumbfucks
@2 may they all burn in hell, where they deserve to be!
God bless you, Steve.
Pussies! The pussy GOP Party. Hang them all. The fetus, the fetus! Save the babies!
Hot economy!!! Too hot! 😢 😭 😭 😿
1. Roger Rabbit spews:
Sunday, 1/24/21 at 1:41 pm
Anyone who thinks the Biden administration will coddle China or look the other way at Chinese aggression has his head up his ass.
Anybody who thinks the Chinese won’t beat Biden like a red-headed stepchild has got his head up his ass. Biden is a confused, hopeless old man who should just be sitting in a nursing home somewhere until he shits and pisses his pants for the last time.
The FuckHump locked China’s balls.
Beginning at 12:53 pm on Jan 6th 2021, when rioting Proud Boys breached barricades, until 4:23 pm, acting Sec. of Def Miller denied requests to deploy the Capitol District National Guard fourteen times.
He kicked your ass. He kicked your ass badly.
He flipped Georgia and Arizona, and took away your Senate.
He beat you when you had total control of everything. He turned an entire nation against you, and made you cry like a bitch.
If Biden is a confused, hopeless old man, just what the fuck does that make you, boy?
The U.S just recovered the 22 million jobs lost during the pandemic..
Just blame Joe.. and Hunter’s laptop…
528,000 new jobs added in July.
What a disaster. Democrats are doomed. The voters are sure to punish us for this. /s
Tickets to the LIVGolf/Let’s Go Brandon Invitational Golf Sausagefest held at Trump’s Bedford New Jersey Cemetery were available second hand for $1.
How many epidemics will First Vegetable Joe Biden’s administration face due to its complacence and dismissive attitude?
New York polio case is the ‘tip of the iceberg,’ hundreds of others could be infected, health official says
Quick, libbies, someone tell a Cocaine Mitch joke.
I’ll admit that, to a certain extent, the personal issues you see in my worthless son may have been my fault. Whenever he wouldn’t stop bawling as an infant I’d drop him on his head a few times to shut him the fuck up.
Polio is the result of too many illegals.
Fuck Joe Biden.
No, G-clown, polio isn’t transmitted through semen. Plenty of other reasons you should cease your bareback bottom behavior with strangers, tho.
Quick, libbies, someone tell a Cocaine Mitch joke.
I plan watch you, a low IQ Nazi traitor, hang until you’re fucking dead. Find humor any in that? I did. I’m LMFAO at you, just as I will be doing when I watch you swing from a fucking rope.
@ 14
Black unemployment rate up.
Labor force participation rate down, lowest of the year.
Wage growth in the past year lagged inflation by 3.9%.
Significant increase in those employed part-time.
When prime’s up another 0.75 points in a month, we’ll revisit.
From today’s BLS report:
U-6 will be the canary in the coal mine.
@ 11
…acting Sec. of Def Miller denied requests to deploy the Capitol District National Guard fourteen times.
Hell, Austin denied National Guard deployment to DC just this week:
DOD denies D.C. mayor’s request for National Guard help with influx of migrants sent north by Texas
The National Guard is needed elsewhere. It’s currently doing monkeypox inspections of the anuses of homosexuals who want to participate in the next bareback festival in San Francisco and NYC.
G-clown’s been in line four times already, and was rejected each time.
G-clown has replaced his bidet with a 3,000 PSI pressure washer wand. He plans to ulcerate his entire perianal region so that the monkeypox ulcers can no longer be detected.
An added bonus is it makes his sigmoid colon mucosa sparkle.
Of course, the U-6 data are skewed @ 22 by the rapidly increasing number of male homosexuals who itch so badly that they cannot remain at work for a full eight hours each day. And four 10s is out of the question.
CDC estimates 1.7 million gay and bisexual men face highest risk from monkeypox
Gays are worried that gay marriage will be invalidated by the SCOTUS.
They should be worried that their repeated transmission of fatal diseases due to their irresponsible behaviors will result in gay marriage being invaldated by the voters.
I mean, who wants to bless the union of two men who leave stains on chair cushions like the bleed-through monkeypox ulcer stains that G-clown leaves on his work chair?
21, 22,
Looks like some of that re-definition I posted about yesterday.
For nearly a year Degen has been declaring a nuclear winter of recession. Starving citizens roaming the streets like zombies picking through trash cans for scraps of food or something to sell.
Today it just became “history making economic recovery could be better”. Okay. That’s fair. It could.
The important difference between Democrats and Republicans is that not only do Democrats happily agree that our economic recovery can and should be be broader and more inclusive, we keep introducing legislation to try and advance that. And Republicans keep defeating that legislation with filibusters whenever they can.
But we’ll keep fighting and winning. We managed to pull wounded veterans out of the burn pit Senate Republicans kicked them into.
We out maneuvered them on the Inflation Reduction Act. Republicans will just have to sit back and watch, and maybe hold some hearings next year.
All of us in the reality-based community missed the part where Abbott’s Immigrant Dump planted a dozen pipe bombs and tried to assassinate the Vice President.
I for one promise to search those headlines just as hard as I searched for the JoO sPAcE LAseR bEHinD thE mOon.
Today’s jobs report:
The number of people employed full-time went DOWN 71,000.
The number of people employed part-time went UP 384,000.
The number of people who have to work two jobs to make ends meet went UP 92,000.
Cheer less, evaluate more.
Looks like Degen confirms it. No longer “economic nuclear winter”.
Beloved, popularly elected President Joe Biden has pulled America out of the Trump/GOP economic nosedive and summoned the spring.
But now Degen complains that it’s a little too rainy.
@ 30
… popularly elected President Joe Biden …
Constitutionally elected sounds more relevant, no? Popularly elected just sounds like Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit, and there isn’t much in this world less relevant than he.
Eyman forced to sell his house to pay his bills.
From the article, a quote from AG Ferguson:
“I’ve said everything there is to say about Tim Eyman’s outrageous and illegal conduct… Eyman will never take accountability for his actions, because any acknowledgment of wrongdoing would undermine his attempts to pry additional dollars out of his supporters. Consequently, he will continue to falsely portray himself as the victim while losing where it matters — in court.”
I’m surprised the party – either party – was named in the headline.
How a Dem Congressional Staffer Faked Being an FBI Agent and Became a Fugitive
It’s a sufficiently curious story to prompt the reader without the political affiliation having to be teased.
I think this explains how LE so easily permitted January 6 to occur.
Cheer less, evaluate more.
You should have done that before coming here to cheer for Putin, Trump and fascism over America and democracy.
But you didn’t. Now you’re going to pay for it, you fucking low IQ Nazi traitor.
Why did Kendee Yamaguchi leave the Seattle mayor’s office?
I think this explains how LE so easily permitted January 6 to occur.
Good grief. Now the low IQ Nazi traitor is blaming LE for 1/6. He’s blamed everyone but himself, Trump and the dozen cosplaying grandmothers they sent to violently attacked our Capitol in an attempt to end our democracy by stopping the peaceful transfer of power by executing the nation’s VP.
Degen shits himself in front of the whole room again.
The constitution makes absolutely no mention whatsoever about “winner-take-all” state contests.
In terms of popular success, winning the national popular vote for the one and only nationally elected office is no more or less relevant than winning a carefully crafted handful of state contests.
Time for Degen to quit while he’s behind.
@8 Thanks for reminding everyone I was right (see #12 for details) and you’re still a low-information ignoramus.
You embarrass your poor, dear mother (see #17).
Time for Degen to quit while he’s behind.
He should be encouraged to continue. After all, the low IQ Nazi traitor is digging his own grave.
@ 36
…blaming LE for 1/6.
Why do you think that Metro leader committed suicide, Steve?
QoS McHillbilly wants to make something of apparent denials of National Guard assistance on January 6, and you want to ignore refusals of assistance offers that were made more than once in the planning stages before January 6. Even sissy libs like yourself don’t get it both ways, Steve.
LE planners embarrassed themselves and put their people at risk by ignoring clear needs for greater LE support.
@17 Maybe you should’ve used a harder floor.
Cheer less, evaluate more.
Well, clearly Degen should have cheered less and evaluated more in the weeks and months following his party’s disastrous attempt to overturn an election by violence on Jan. 6.
But instead he came here daily for nearly a year and claimed:
– no laws were broken;
– no weapons were present;
– no violence was committed by the insurgent mob;
– the mob was legally exercising their rights;
– the fake electors were a perfectly legal method of preparing a challenge to an election;
– there was no planning or coordination among the perpetrators of the violence;
– no reserve forces with crates of weapons and ammunition had been staged;
– election results reported by Michigan, Pennsylvania, Arizona, and Georgia were fraudulent;
and my absolute favorite idiotic claim….
– there were “agent-provocateurs” positioned within the crowd by the FBI in order to incite the rioters.
Laughably pathetic.
The forced revenue losses to the Inflation Increase bill that Sinema signed onto yesterday will be replaced by some form of surtax on stock share buybacks by companies. This surtax will apparently raise $74B.
Unless companies decide not to buy back their shares and hoard capital until the GOP takes over in 2025. This would really fuck over Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit, who might not live that long.
@18 Luckily for you, this question wasn’t on your medical boards:
Polio is a result of (choose any of the three correct answers):
[ ] 1. The polio VIRUS
[ ] 2. A VIRUS that causes polio
[ ] 3. A spreadable VIRUS
[ ] 4. Illegal immigrants
The purpose of this question is not to find out whether you know what a fucking virus is, but to find out whether you can take a fucking hint when you don’t know something.
@22 “U-6 will be the canary in the coal mine.”
What other coal mine canaries will you come up with? Sounds like the coal mine may be a pretty chirpy place by this fall.
Fourteen different refusals in under four hours by the only principle federal officer other than Trump himself empowered under the law to deploy federal troops within the district IS something.
And I didn’t make it.
#youbuiltthat again, and again, and again, Republicans are their own undoing. They used to at least be competent in their corruption. But guys like Dick Cheney are on the outs now. And the GOP is ruled over by degenerate, incompetent freaks like Matt Gaetz and Ron Johnson. That’s on them. This is who they are because they choose to be.
Fetterman will peek his head out on August 12.
No word, yet, on whether he’ll try to speak.
I’m telling you, he’s not a doctor.
No doctor would misunderstand how oversampling works the way he does.
@31 Last I checked, 81 million votes is more popular than 74 million votes. Going Kari Lake on us now?
@ 46
Gotta link?
Googling “january 6 miller national guard refused 14 times” and clicking the News tab isn’t getting me what you’ve got. Thx.
Does he need to?
Since suffering his stroke the GOP candidate secured the nomination and Fetterman steadily moved to a double digit lead while recovering quietly at home.
I’m no “expert” but it looks to me like Dr. Oz is winning this thing… for Fetterman.
This new Republican Party is really something!
“Two Iowans criminally charged in the Jan. 6, 2021, insurrection at the U.S. Capitol are arguing in court that they acted in self-defense and are the victims of selective prosecution.”
I would’ve guessed they’re representing themselves, but reading the article, it appears they have defense counsel. Just not very good defense counsel. But defense counsel don’t have much to work with here, either.
Just tune in with the other 20 million voters in September. It’s better live.
Why do you think that Metro leader committed suicide, Steve?
You’re the all-knowing radiologist, which I’m sure gives you special insight into what was going on in his head. So you tell us, you stupid fucking low IQ Nazi traitor.
@40 Someday you’ll realize bad police work doesn’t excuse the criminals.
@43 Buybacks are a boon to execs holding stock options, and bad for shareholders because they’re often mistimed. (CFOs seem to be even worse at market timing than mom-and-pop amateur investors.) I’ve been against buybacks all along. If taxing them encourages companies to distribute capital by paying dividends, how is that bad for me?
My guess is that his suicide was driven by regrets for having voted for Trump who then rewarded him by inspiring a violent mob to kill him and other LE so they could hang Pence from the gallows they had built in front of the Capitol.
Vapid Toll is just that, on big vapid Dumbfuck. Wishing a failure at the sake of America. Traitor fuck!
I don’t disagree with you douche bag, but if I told you the truth in how long it’s been and on how many occasions I’ve had anal sex (top or bottom) you’d only make negative comment with regard to not having any sex, so go fuck yourself. You e never been right in your life, a complete failure at accomplishing anything in life, and you’ll never ever be right about anything in life, including saying what my AGI is, nor will you ever accomplish anything In life, you are a true Repuke in that sense. If that wasn’t true you wouldn’t have to have horses in your life. Keep pulling those turds out of your horses’ ass.
It’s glad to see I live in a Vapid Troll mind. He’s a mouse in a mouse trap.
This new GOP is the party that boos John McCain and cheers Viktor Orban. Then tries to blame it on Hillary Clinton.
@60 “He’s a mouse in a mouse trap.”
What you omitted to mention is he went looking for a mouse trap to leap into. Even by mice IQ standards, he’s a dumbfuck mouse. The other mice laugh at him.
@61 They want to reinstate the 1950s. The early 1950s, pre-Brown v. Board, except without the unions. But with the Klan hoods, torches, and axe handles.
Kent continues to close on JHB in WA03.
This is how the Trump disaster is the gift that keeps giving.
If Kent wins it could still be a GOP hold. But incumbent advantage is flushed. And Trump enters the race producing a big turnout boost for Perez.
If JHB hangs on it’s guaranteed that Kent will demand recounts, challenge the results, and shit all over JHB and the process to an electorate primed for it from twenty years of Dino Rossi.
Whatever happens expect this race to finally get the DCCC attention it deserves.
“Florida has the highest number of death-row exonerations with DuBoise being the 30th death-row prisoner to be exonerated in Florida since 1973. The state has executed 99 prisoners during that period, or one exoneration for every 3.3 executions. DuBoise is the 172nd documented death-row exoneration in the U.S. since 1973.”
And he’s suing the state, the crooked cops, and the lying expert witness for framing him, of course. The hidden cost of the death penalty is the millions paid to every exonerated death-row inmate.
Doctor Dumbfuck’s preferred candidate presides over this mess. How many innocent federal prisoners will DeathSantis kill if he gets to be president?
Right to life, my ass.
Quote of the Day
“Alex Jones will be financially ground to dust after doing the opposite of winning the lottery.”
For more pithy comments about the verdict, go here.
The nuts like DeathSantis only want to protect the ones that have no voice. If they had a voice, they would tell him to fuck off.
Reading a couple day old NYT article titled “Abortion Chaos: Are They “Going to Let Me Die?”.
I wonder if the Dumbfuck Doctor read it. The November election can’t come quick enough for him.
We need more of this, as much of it as can be delivered, before the election.
@67 As of today, Aug. 5, 2022, Washington’s Covid-19 death rate is 179 per 100,000 population. Twice that is 358; Florida’s is 362. Bottom line, you are more than twice as likely to die from the VIRUS under Gov. DeSantis than under Gov. Inslee.
Like I said, right to life my ass. DeSantis doesn’t respect human life.
Florida also is in the top 7 states for exonerations (see data here).
And, of course, for every exoneration there’s a wrongful conviction.
Florida under DeSantis is a shithole.