NJ councilwoman caught on video slamming into UberEats cyclist — and driving away
There’s great video.
Jersey City councilwoman Amy DeGise was captured on camera slamming into Andrew Black at 8 a.m. on July 19, causing him to fly over vehicle’s hood and fall to the ground, according to hudpost.com.
“I look left, suddenly I just hear ‘Ba[m].’ I get hit,” said Black, a 29-year-old UberEats deliveryman. “I roll over and I’m in such pain.”
Instead of stopping to help, the lawmaker drove away from the intersection of Martin Luther King Drive and Forrest Street in a Nissan Rogue…
Black House Progressives Alarmed By Rush To Up Police Funding
A tentative police funding and accountability deal struck by the chair of the Congressional Black Caucus on Thursday night surprised and disappointed progressive members of the CBC, according to two top aides to CBC members.
“Truly, the Congressional Black Caucus struck a deal that was not in line with what the civil rights community wanted to do, and that was not in line with what many, many, many members of their caucus wanted,” said a senior aide to a CBC member, who requested anonymity for professional reasons, told HuffPost.
See, the problem the CBC will have is that what the civil rights community wants to do is burn shit down.
Vicious Trollspews:
May I suggest renaming it “A Typical G-clown Saturday Night Virus”?
NYC wants to rename monkeypox, cites ‘racist history’ of the word ‘monkey’
Vasan asserted that continued use of the term “monkeypox” could ignite “traumatic feelings of racism and stigma,” especially among people of color and members of the LGBT community. He feared that, as a result of this potential stigma, people from these groups may choose to avoid obtaining critical healthcare services down the road.
Let’s be honest about this. The real fear is that gays might feel pressure to wear protection and stick with one partner – maybe even learn that person’s first name before bending over for him. The horror.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Devastating flooding in Kentucky. At least 15 dead.
Wildly successful, popular vote winning President Biden immediately declares emergency, dispatching federal assistance to provide emergency medical treatment, help rescue people from rooftops and relocate survivors into emergency shelters and feeding centers.
Kentucky Senator Rand “Lunger” Paul, who has opposed every single disaster relief spending bill he could, remains in hiding behind a team of armed security and massage therapists, well supplied with premium Oxy products and rolls of paper towels.
Newt Hoenikkerspews:
I bet Rand votes against providing disaster relief for his own people because he knows they are just dumb enough to vote for him anyway because he has a ‘R’ attached to his name.
Vicious Trollspews:
Weather forecast in Seattle:
Sat 95F
Sun 95F
Weather forecast on Whidbey
Sat 76F
Sun 74F
Vicious Trollspews:
@ 4
… Biden immediately declares emergency…
Of course it’s immediate. Democrats are desperate not to lose the House.
One Democrat isn’t waiting for the first Wednesday in November to admit reality in public.
Phillips: Democrats need ‘new generation’ of leadership, not Biden in 2024 In an interview on the Chad Hartman radio show on WCCO-AM, Phillips, who represents Minnesota’s 3rd Congressional District, said he wants to see “a new generation of compelling, well-prepared, dynamic Democrats who step up.”
Biden’s unpopularity as well as historic losses the party in the White House suffers in midterms has made many Democrats in so-called “safe” districts wary.
So far with this one exception he’s made them cowards as well.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@6 Temp in rabbit burrow: A comfortable 70 degrees. You should learn to dig, doc. You’d be 6 degrees cooler.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@8 The election’s still over 3 months away and the dumbfuck doctor is already crowing about the “historic losses the party in the White House suffers in midterms.” Perhaps.
But trust me, if Repukes can blow this, they will. With candidates like Walker, Oz, and Vance. And a bargeload of election deniers and QAnon promoters down ballot.
The economy isn’t on the ballot. Democracy, abortion, and AR-15s are on the ballot. And the GOP doesn’t poll well on those issues.
“Appearing on MSNBC’s ‘Morning Joe’ on Friday, the New York Times’ Peter Baker claimed that Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) is highly displeased that his chance of becoming Senate Majority Leader after the 2022 midterm election is spiraling down the drain due to a slate of terrible GOP candidates who were hand-picked by Donald Trump” and Doctor Dumbfuck.
With friends like you and Trump, doc, Mitch doesn’t need enemies to see a majority slip out of his grasp.
Vicious Trollspews:
@ 9
You should learn to dig, doc.
I don’t think I would derive the same joy from rolling around in my own feces that you do, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit.
That’s not a hot tub you’re luxuriating in, it’s a septic tank.
Vicious Trollspews:
@ 10
…is already crowing about the “historic losses the party in the White House suffers in midterms.” Perhaps.
You know, don’t you, that the sentence @ 8 refers to prior midterm results, and that the meaning of “historic” in the sentence is therefore factual, and not a “perhaps”, don’t you? Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit, you don’t get to revise history to reflect your preferences any more than does Donald Trump.
Vicious Trollspews:
It’s been awhile since Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit has simultaneously 1) failed to impress anyone, and 2) provided us even more reason to disbelieve his claim to be a millionaire when he shared that his stock holdings went up a whole five figures! on a day that the entire market rose.
A five-figure one-day gain is noteworthy only to people with so little money that they don’t see that very often.
Vicious Trollspews:
Maybe this is why libbies in the House are gonna start bashing First Vegetable Joe Biden more openly.
Biden administration to fill border wall gaps near Yuma, Arizona
President Joe Biden halted new border wall construction after he took office but has since made closing the gaps just south of Yuma a priority.
Democratic U.S. Sen. Mark Kelly of Arizona, who is seeking his party nomination’s next week to defend the seat in November, has pressed the Biden administration to close the gaps, calling them a challenge for officials trying to secure the border.
Oh, and propping up a cowardly senator might factor into it as well.
Vicious Trollspews:
Hey, whaddya expect from the doofus who promised to shut down the virus?
Jacqui Heinrich
Biden, Aug 2020: “There will not be another foot of wall constructed on my administration”
Mayorkas, today: green light to fill 4 border gaps “within an incomplete border barrier project near the Morelos Dam” in the Yuma Sector – citing safety risk to migrants
Meaning re-election risk to border Democrats.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Good thread here demonstrating, not arguing, how “IF IT BLEEDS IT LEDES” produces cop-sucking propaganda and takes over the conversation. https://mobile.twitter.com/ScottHech/status/1553024034362626048
It legitimately feels like violent crime is running out of control when cops, politicians, and local media all conspire to tell that story, even if it isn’t true.
Roger Rabbitspews:
MAGAteen’s remaining lawsuits just got tossed by a judge.
This ruling doesn’t invalidate the nuisance settlements paid by CNN and Washington Post, but makes clear his claims had no merit in those cases, either.
Vicious Trollspews:
@ 19
You know that’s just NYC, right?
Look at the graph in this June Bloomberg piece and concentrate on Philadelphia, Chicago, and Houston.
When the homicides double, yeah, “it legitimately feels like violent crime is running out of control”.
So feel free to cherry-pick NYC and leave Chicago out of it, QoS McHillbilly. You won’t be the first on this blog to do it. Just the most intelligent one to do it, especially compared to YLB, the dumb twat.
Vicious Trollspews:
@ 20
The ruling’s under appeal, and the settlements already paid give him plenty of cash to fund it.
CNN and WaPo must have seen some merit in Sandmann’s claims.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@14 Rabbits don’t shit in their burrows. We shit on people’s lawns, including yours, after dining in your gardens.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@15 In other words you’re doting on previous midterms to take your mind off the upcoming one. Thanks for clarifying.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@16 So should we assume you routinely suffer six-figure losses whenever the market has a bad day?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@21 The proliferation of guns and Wild West mentality promoted by Republicans, not to mention the violent rhetoric of their de facto party leader, has nothing to do with the surge in violence? The Republican solution to which is more violence: By cops, armed citizens, vigilantes, private militias. And you voted for this,
Roger Rabbitspews:
@22 There’s always the hope the Supreme Court as currently constituted will substantially rewrite the nation’s libel laws after his attorneys spend several million dollars he can’t afford to pay them. This will be underwritten by donors, as these things always are.
Vicious Trollspews:
@ 25
@16 So should we assume you routinely suffer six-figure losses whenever the market has a bad day?
They’re not “bad days”. They’re buying opportunities, remember? Isn’t that what you call them?
Wide swings in both directions are commonly experienced by those who trade options, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit. They are something to tolerate, not suffer from. And they occur frequently enough that there’s certainly nothing to brag about or whine about when they happen.
The only bad trading days are the ones that end with margin calls, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit.
Vicious Trollspews:
Next time you brag about your “five-figure” one-day gain, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit, I want you to stop for a second, and think about QoS McHillbilly, who as far as I can tell doesn’t talk about his investments.
As you ponder the silent McHillbilly family, look at your one-day tally. Then add a zero to the end of it, at least. Then look at McHillbilly for evidence of the tell that you’re dying to see. You won’t.
The investors who have regular six-figure market days, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit, don’t go rushing to thinly read blogs like HA in order to brag about them. Instead they engage in tax-loss harvesting at year’s end.
Vicious Trollspews:
It’s interesting, isn’t it, that on a day that QoS McHillbilly is desperate to convince us @ 19 that violent crime is NOT on the increase, I find a link to a piece that appeared in WaPo on Wednesday, entitled:
Black women who once hated guns are embracing them as violence rises
It’s interesting, isn’t it.
This is why QoS McHillbilly cherry-picked NYC.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@28 My buying opportunities are the teeth-gritting days you “tolerate.” I’d rather be me than you. For other reasons, too.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@29 Investors who have six-figure market days don’t spend them posting on thinly read blogs like HA like you do.
It listed six states, and four of them are blue states,
aawwwww.. it has to have its hand held… ok…. we make allowances for the more challenged.. AGAIN from my original comment: COUNTIES AND METRO AREAS…
First counties:
Big Horn County MT…
Calhoun County MS..
Phillips County AR…
Holmes County MS
Dillon County SC…..
Yes I’m listing only the top 6 in the Red States. Out of 15 counties listed in the bloomberg piece, 14 are in red states.
Now for metro Areas..
Pine Bluff AR
Lake Havasu City-Kingman, AZ
Florence, SC
Jackson, MS
Memphis, TN
Lake Charles, LA
Again top red state metro areas listed only. Out of 15 metro areas listed, 11 are in red states and some of the “blue” border red states..
But keep fuckin’ that chicago chicken, ya dumb bald limp degenerate.
Vicious Trollspews:
When we say a “very small bump”, we’re talking Biden fist-bump. After his successes of the past year, what can go wrong?
Democrats’ newly rebranded “Inflation Reduction Act” would slightly raise prices before cooling them, economic analysts predict.
They say the package would cause “a very small” bump in inflation through 2024.
Democrats’ latest reboot of Build Back Better, specifically marketed to fight inflation, won’t actually do so until after the 2024 presidential election.
That’s the takeaway from a fresh analysis today, delivered by the budget experts at The University of Pennsylvania’s business school.
IOW it will be President Ron DeSantis claiming credit for decreasing inflation. Which is sorta true, because the sigh of relief the nation’s economy will breathe when First Vegetable Joe Biden is replaced by a Republican (not by Momala) will be massive.
Leave it to Democrats to stick it to the electorate while calling it an inflation reduction act.
Vicious Trollspews:
It turns out that if we don’t continue to blindly subsidize Obamacare, the subsidies will expire and Obamacare will collapse under its own weight.
Who knew that bending the cost curve downward would be so costly?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@37 In other words, if some people can’t afford health care because their employers pay shit wages, Herbert Hoover economics dictates government shouldn’t help them.
Same with food stamps, school lunch programs, child care tax credits, Pell credits, and every other form of government income assistance. Free market ideology insists they starve.
To make possible more billionaire tax cuts. Because taxing billionaires is confiscating private property.
Democrat councilwoman had the green light. Fuck that puto.
NJ councilwoman caught on video slamming into UberEats cyclist — and driving away
There’s great video.
Because the solution to increasing crime is fewer LEO. Or something.
Black House Progressives Alarmed By Rush To Up Police Funding
See, the problem the CBC will have is that what the civil rights community wants to do is burn shit down.
May I suggest renaming it “A Typical G-clown Saturday Night Virus”?
NYC wants to rename monkeypox, cites ‘racist history’ of the word ‘monkey’
Let’s be honest about this. The real fear is that gays might feel pressure to wear protection and stick with one partner – maybe even learn that person’s first name before bending over for him. The horror.
Devastating flooding in Kentucky. At least 15 dead.
Wildly successful, popular vote winning President Biden immediately declares emergency, dispatching federal assistance to provide emergency medical treatment, help rescue people from rooftops and relocate survivors into emergency shelters and feeding centers.
Kentucky Senator Rand “Lunger” Paul, who has opposed every single disaster relief spending bill he could, remains in hiding behind a team of armed security and massage therapists, well supplied with premium Oxy products and rolls of paper towels.
I bet Rand votes against providing disaster relief for his own people because he knows they are just dumb enough to vote for him anyway because he has a ‘R’ attached to his name.
Weather forecast in Seattle:
Sat 95F
Sun 95F
Weather forecast on Whidbey
Sat 76F
Sun 74F
@ 4
… Biden immediately declares emergency…
Of course it’s immediate. Democrats are desperate not to lose the House.
Took him five days last year.
One Democrat isn’t waiting for the first Wednesday in November to admit reality in public.
Phillips: Democrats need ‘new generation’ of leadership, not Biden in 2024
In an interview on the Chad Hartman radio show on WCCO-AM, Phillips, who represents Minnesota’s 3rd Congressional District, said he wants to see “a new generation of compelling, well-prepared, dynamic Democrats who step up.”
So far with this one exception he’s made them cowards as well.
@6 Temp in rabbit burrow: A comfortable 70 degrees. You should learn to dig, doc. You’d be 6 degrees cooler.
@8 The election’s still over 3 months away and the dumbfuck doctor is already crowing about the “historic losses the party in the White House suffers in midterms.” Perhaps.
But trust me, if Repukes can blow this, they will. With candidates like Walker, Oz, and Vance. And a bargeload of election deniers and QAnon promoters down ballot.
The economy isn’t on the ballot. Democracy, abortion, and AR-15s are on the ballot. And the GOP doesn’t poll well on those issues.
Just ask Mitch.
Biden’s epic stock market collapse continues. Upward.
Elena Kagan calls on SCOTUS conservatives to “act like a court,” which rather straightforwardly says they aren’t.
“Appearing on MSNBC’s ‘Morning Joe’ on Friday, the New York Times’ Peter Baker claimed that Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) is highly displeased that his chance of becoming Senate Majority Leader after the 2022 midterm election is spiraling down the drain due to a slate of terrible GOP candidates who were hand-picked by Donald Trump” and Doctor Dumbfuck.
With friends like you and Trump, doc, Mitch doesn’t need enemies to see a majority slip out of his grasp.
@ 9
You should learn to dig, doc.
I don’t think I would derive the same joy from rolling around in my own feces that you do, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit.
That’s not a hot tub you’re luxuriating in, it’s a septic tank.
@ 10
…is already crowing about the “historic losses the party in the White House suffers in midterms.” Perhaps.
You know, don’t you, that the sentence @ 8 refers to prior midterm results, and that the meaning of “historic” in the sentence is therefore factual, and not a “perhaps”, don’t you? Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit, you don’t get to revise history to reflect your preferences any more than does Donald Trump.
It’s been awhile since Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit has simultaneously 1) failed to impress anyone, and 2) provided us even more reason to disbelieve his claim to be a millionaire when he shared that his stock holdings went up a whole five figures! on a day that the entire market rose.
A five-figure one-day gain is noteworthy only to people with so little money that they don’t see that very often.
Maybe this is why libbies in the House are gonna start bashing First Vegetable Joe Biden more openly.
Biden administration to fill border wall gaps near Yuma, Arizona
President Joe Biden halted new border wall construction after he took office but has since made closing the gaps just south of Yuma a priority.
Oh, and propping up a cowardly senator might factor into it as well.
Hey, whaddya expect from the doofus who promised to shut down the virus?
Meaning re-election risk to border Democrats.
Good thread here demonstrating, not arguing, how “IF IT BLEEDS IT LEDES” produces cop-sucking propaganda and takes over the conversation.
It legitimately feels like violent crime is running out of control when cops, politicians, and local media all conspire to tell that story, even if it isn’t true.
MAGAteen’s remaining lawsuits just got tossed by a judge.
This ruling doesn’t invalidate the nuisance settlements paid by CNN and Washington Post, but makes clear his claims had no merit in those cases, either.
@ 19
You know that’s just NYC, right?
Look at the graph in this June Bloomberg piece and concentrate on Philadelphia, Chicago, and Houston.
When the homicides double, yeah, “it legitimately feels like violent crime is running out of control”.
So feel free to cherry-pick NYC and leave Chicago out of it, QoS McHillbilly. You won’t be the first on this blog to do it. Just the most intelligent one to do it, especially compared to YLB, the dumb twat.
@ 20
The ruling’s under appeal, and the settlements already paid give him plenty of cash to fund it.
CNN and WaPo must have seen some merit in Sandmann’s claims.
@14 Rabbits don’t shit in their burrows. We shit on people’s lawns, including yours, after dining in your gardens.
@15 In other words you’re doting on previous midterms to take your mind off the upcoming one. Thanks for clarifying.
@16 So should we assume you routinely suffer six-figure losses whenever the market has a bad day?
@21 The proliferation of guns and Wild West mentality promoted by Republicans, not to mention the violent rhetoric of their de facto party leader, has nothing to do with the surge in violence? The Republican solution to which is more violence: By cops, armed citizens, vigilantes, private militias. And you voted for this,
@22 There’s always the hope the Supreme Court as currently constituted will substantially rewrite the nation’s libel laws after his attorneys spend several million dollars he can’t afford to pay them. This will be underwritten by donors, as these things always are.
@ 25
@16 So should we assume you routinely suffer six-figure losses whenever the market has a bad day?
They’re not “bad days”. They’re buying opportunities, remember? Isn’t that what you call them?
Wide swings in both directions are commonly experienced by those who trade options, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit. They are something to tolerate, not suffer from. And they occur frequently enough that there’s certainly nothing to brag about or whine about when they happen.
The only bad trading days are the ones that end with margin calls, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit.
Next time you brag about your “five-figure” one-day gain, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit, I want you to stop for a second, and think about QoS McHillbilly, who as far as I can tell doesn’t talk about his investments.
As you ponder the silent McHillbilly family, look at your one-day tally. Then add a zero to the end of it, at least. Then look at McHillbilly for evidence of the tell that you’re dying to see. You won’t.
The investors who have regular six-figure market days, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit, don’t go rushing to thinly read blogs like HA in order to brag about them. Instead they engage in tax-loss harvesting at year’s end.
It’s interesting, isn’t it, that on a day that QoS McHillbilly is desperate to convince us @ 19 that violent crime is NOT on the increase, I find a link to a piece that appeared in WaPo on Wednesday, entitled:
Black women who once hated guns are embracing them as violence rises
It’s interesting, isn’t it.
This is why QoS McHillbilly cherry-picked NYC.
@28 My buying opportunities are the teeth-gritting days you “tolerate.” I’d rather be me than you. For other reasons, too.
@29 Investors who have six-figure market days don’t spend them posting on thinly read blogs like HA like you do.
So feel free to cherry-pick NYC and leave Chicago out of it
Our pet degen troll points to a bloomberg piece that lists the most dangerous counties and metro areas almost all being in red states.
Next thing you know it’ll bleat about slow walked FBI stats.
Thanks for playing kreepshit!
@ 33
… a bloomberg piece that lists the most dangerous counties and metro areas almost all being in red states.
It listed six states, and four of them are blue states, ya dumb twat.
NY, NY – blue
LA, CA – blue
Chicago, IL – blue
Philly, PA – blue
2/6 does not translate to “almost all of them”, YLB. Although I can understand how someone with a double-digit IQ might miscalculate.
Keep fuckin’ that “red state” chicken.
It listed six states, and four of them are blue states,
aawwwww.. it has to have its hand held… ok…. we make allowances for the more challenged.. AGAIN from my original comment: COUNTIES AND METRO AREAS…
First counties:
Big Horn County MT…
Calhoun County MS..
Phillips County AR…
Holmes County MS
Dillon County SC…..
Yes I’m listing only the top 6 in the Red States. Out of 15 counties listed in the bloomberg piece, 14 are in red states.
Now for metro Areas..
Pine Bluff AR
Lake Havasu City-Kingman, AZ
Florence, SC
Jackson, MS
Memphis, TN
Lake Charles, LA
Again top red state metro areas listed only. Out of 15 metro areas listed, 11 are in red states and some of the “blue” border red states..
But keep fuckin’ that chicago chicken, ya dumb bald limp degenerate.
When we say a “very small bump”, we’re talking Biden fist-bump. After his successes of the past year, what can go wrong?
Democrats’ newly rebranded “Inflation Reduction Act” would slightly raise prices before cooling them, economic analysts predict.
They say the package would cause “a very small” bump in inflation through 2024.
IOW it will be President Ron DeSantis claiming credit for decreasing inflation. Which is sorta true, because the sigh of relief the nation’s economy will breathe when First Vegetable Joe Biden is replaced by a Republican (not by Momala) will be massive.
Leave it to Democrats to stick it to the electorate while calling it an inflation reduction act.
It turns out that if we don’t continue to blindly subsidize Obamacare, the subsidies will expire and Obamacare will collapse under its own weight.
Who knew that bending the cost curve downward would be so costly?
@37 In other words, if some people can’t afford health care because their employers pay shit wages, Herbert Hoover economics dictates government shouldn’t help them.
Same with food stamps, school lunch programs, child care tax credits, Pell credits, and every other form of government income assistance. Free market ideology insists they starve.
To make possible more billionaire tax cuts. Because taxing billionaires is confiscating private property.
I can see why Republicans don’t want elections.
One of Bob’s Neanderthal Hetero peers.
Chicago, Chicago, Chicago. Association – Democrats.
Rapist. Associatation – Hetero Neanderthal.