Man oh man. What the heck is Reagan Dunn doing (first point)? Other than trying to build political capital on the possibility of harassing homeless people. When he’s anti abortion, it’s because he’s a Christian, but he can’t frickin’ even try compassion for the least among us. This deranged poop-heel.
Anyway, please wash your hands right now. And get vaccinated or boosted if you’re eligible.
Bob is a dick. Discuss.
Heteros really have fucked up this country and world.
I see the Tulsa shootings have been memory-holed.
That was quick.
Degen has sad.
Because every couple of days there is another mass shooting?
Because The Blacks™ aren’t getting blamed.
@3 Why single out Tulsa.
May 25, 2022, Today is Day 145 of the year, and the country has already experienced 213 mass shootings so far. Two hundred and thirteen such attacks in 21 weeks. This averages out to about 10 a week.
So are you picking Tulsa in specific because you are a racist asshole gasming to use a black man to score points in your head against the libs?
The man in texas with a assault rifle slaughtered 19 children. He was so heavily armed with legal weapons and ammo the cops were afraid to confront him so they just let him kill more children. I don’t know why you would want to forget that. Those cops are the only thing more useless than you are.
I have no opposition to Conor Lamb. Would be fine with him. The problem is, he just finished getting his ass kicked by a vegetable.
Let’s start out with a quick reminder of “who” The Proud Boys are.
A failed standup comedian from Canada with an early YouTube Channel who, as a struggling writer of satire, helped found Vice Media as a “zine” mostly hoping to capture an older and more expanded audience of skate mag readers, in the middle of GamerGate thought it would be funny to use his clout to form a “mens” club. It’s as if the audience of Big Brother and Jackass had a love child with Roosh and Andrew Dice Clay.
Originally conceived as overtly chauvinistic and nationalistic, while remaining otherwise irreverent about political identity, the group gradually became both more militantly violent, and politically conservative in reaction to youth/street driven cultural demands for civil rights, women’s rights, LGBTQ rights, tolerance, diversity, and inclusion. By the time of the 2016 election they had become essentially a fascist/nationalist violent street gang. And they saw themselves as such, hoping to provide the “street muscle” behind a sharp, rightward turn among Republicans and Republican voters. So they began to turn up at demonstrations for civil rights hoping to get on the news by starting fights and quickly become notorious for that.
This week The Proud Boys successfully staged a take-over of the Miami-Dade GOP. And it was not without drama and even a few fist fights, of course.
I’m really only pointing this out to draw a contrast to how the media deals with this shit. Had anything even remotely similar taken place in a major local Democratic Party committee, it would become sensational, nationwide news and dominate thing pieces about “the future of the party” for weeks to come. It should.
It’s a very dire turn of events.
The Proud Boys are a violent, fascist, antisemitic street gang that periodically engages in domestic terrorism. And they are now in a position to control a traditional regional power center of Republican politics.
Its Florida. Proud boys are the least of the thugs.
DeSantis vetoes funds for Tampa Bay Rays practice facility after team tweets on gun control
Shorter 6:
“Hillary has an aneurysm.”
Hasan is out of reach.
Johnson is losing Wisconsin.
His last and only hope left is to light candles, drink chicken blood and stick pins in a Fetterman doll.
Tulsa, as bad as it was/is and an indication of too many guns, was different. It was a guy who had a beef against his doctor.
We don’t bring up every domestic dispute when some white guy kills his wife, do we? Maybe we should. Maybe you should Bob. Why don’t you Bob?
Bob, you don’t like talking about a police killing a kid holding a toy gun. You don’t like talking about the assault on LEO on Jan 6th. Your cherry picking is a lot more common and done mor inappropriately. Now run along. May hay with the horse.
Sure. But the media are aggressively reporting on that.
Lots of reasons. But at this point a big one is that between Disney and this, DeSantis is positioning himself aggressively opposing large private corporations who don’t kiss his ass by placing his interests ahead of the interests of their customers in the public and their shareholders. It’s very, very Trumpian.
But it could be very bad for a presidential campaign that needs to raise hundreds of millions of dollars from private corporations, their employees, their shareholders, and their customers. It’s a shiny new thing.
But so is a major U.S. political party that raises avowed violent domestic terrorists into positions of leadership.
Partisan Democrats are certainly aware of this transformation of the GOP. It’s merely the most recent major event in a long upheaval. But the steadfast refusal of the major media to even look at this very big deal, much less comment on it, is stunning. And frankly shameful.
@ 8
The Even Bigger Fucking Moron, why should government subsidize Major League Baseball?
Virginia will go DeSantis in 2024.
@ 8, 11, 12
Until MLB rejected the idea, Tampa Bay Rays had planned to play half of their season in Montreal.
Why should taxpayer dollars be used to support a team with one foot already out of the country?
When the legislature passes a bill, the governor has a limited time in which to act. What happened this week was coincidental to DeSantis’ decision to use the line-item veto.
The Even Bigger Fucking Moron, not everything you read is true. You live in an area that lost a NFL team, and that should have told you something. Teams that threaten to move are not good long-term investments for governments that might want them to stay.
I spent $122 to fill the Audi S8 today. Premium UNL, Whidbey prices. And I was on fumes.
But still. $122 to fill the tank.
Democrats are so fucked in November.
Mr. President, which of our other Bill of Rights are not absolute?
12, 14,
Degen conceives he has built an inescapable steel trap of “genius”.
I like the look of the Tesla. But Elon Musk sure is an asshole. King Musk probably blows Putin too. I’m sure one day they’ll all be blowing the fat fuck from North Korea too.
I thought about a Tesla one day, but fuck no. I’d rather go with an electric truck.
There’s really only a couple of things that would seriously hold DeSantis back from success (other than being short and fat).
Trump would be one big one, of course.
But even in the ridiculously unlikely chance that Trump agrees to stand aside and throw his support to any other Republican, it won’t help DeSantis to be followed around the primary season by a campaign and party org consisting of a bunch of Fight Club goons whose most qualifying feature is having tasted their own semen.
why should government subsidize Major League Baseball?
I don’t disagree, but not going to give him kudos for a right thing for a corrupt wrong reason.
You know fucking very well if they blew DeFuckFace he would subsidize them and you’d be supporting it and expressing your agreement with it.
@20 exactly. On the other hand Bob is against it until the corruption is in support of the subsidy, then he’s for it.
He’s for January 6th…..need anyone say anymore or give the dumbfuck any notice.
You’re the reason Musk is firing one out of ten of his current employees.
He’s fucked himself, and his car company.
His antics would never have been good for any consumer products company. But in our culture, for many consumers, “the car you drive” is a public statement about personal characteristics and deeply held values. No car company ever wants to deliberately alienate half of all potential buyers.
But this would have been a challenging time for Tesla no matter what. A lot of good, stylish, feature packed competing products are coming into the market. Consumers will have a lot more choice, at more competitive prices. And because of how Tesla builds their cars, it will be very difficult for them to sustain themselves on both reduced volumes and increased discounts.
So it’s smart for Tesla to trim their sails. But inviting the best ten percent of your workforce to GTFO might not be smart.
Musk reminds me of neutron Jack Welch who was the first celebrity CEO and who’s ultimately awful management practices destroyed GE.
Pissing off a huge segment of your customers is stupid. Hope he enjoys the moon
At least Welch had the intelligence to systematically fire the lowest performing 10%. But it’s plausible that Musk is merely manipulating the share price again. Why anyone would buy or hold stock in such a company is beyond me. As CEO he is inviting suckers to play in his openly rigged casino. And they volunteer.
@1 What’s there to discuss?
@12 “The Even Bigger Fucking Moron, why should government subsidize Major League Baseball?”
Continue a long-standing tradition (under which, among other things, taxpayers pay for stadiums and teams collect all the parking, concession, and other revenues).
@14 “Teams that threaten to move” unless taxpayers gift them a billion-dollar stadium “are
notnever good long-term investments forgovernmentstaxpayersthat might want them to stay,” so I say let ’em go.ftfy
@15 I didn’t hear you complaining when investors in oil companies were subsidizing your cheap gas. Why don’t you average your gas purchases over, say, the 7-year period beginning in 2015? It’ll come out to a quite reasonable average price, and you’ll feel better.
Even an idiot like you should be able to figure out that when oil companies cease investing in future production because (1) they have no incentive to do so, and (2) they have no money to do so, there isn’t going to be as much oil in the future.
This is Biden’s fault how? Electing Repukes fixes this how?
@15 Ride the goddamn horse to town if you can’t afford to feed the Audi.
@16 None of them are.
At least according to DeSantis, the guy you hope becomes president, when it comes to a woman’s body, protests, books, freedom from school prayer, etc.
This also is a rather strange complaint coming from a guy who doesn’t believe in due process or fair trial, and advocates summary executions.
Shorter version: A Republican is someone who believes gun rights are absolute and unlimited, and there are no other rights.
Of course they did.
Ohio GOP passes bill aiming to root out ‘suspected’ transgender female athletes through genital inspection
Line up, girls.
@18 I decided some time ago I won’t become a Tesla customer. Not only because Musk is an asshole. If his workers can’t trust him, his customers can’t either.
Looks like Degen has gone full Sov Cit.
Repukes fixes this how?
The “infinite”* tax cut.. Low life Walker gave a prototype of one to FoxConn..
for the “job creators” ya see…
* better known as degenerate…
He probably gets plowed pretty badly by the horse.
Who was it who said that Fetterman has dilated cardiomyopathy?
Anybody remember?
Meanwhile, McCormick has conceded, to vascular surgeon Mehmet Oz is now the GOP nominee, and can go to town criticizing Fetterman’s
• poor health
• efforts to prevent voters from finding out about his health status
@37 You’re forgetting a lot of people in Pennsylvania and elsewhere will vote for a dead Democrat before they’ll vote for a live Republican.
When there isn’t enough gas to go around, there are several ways to decide who gets the gas:
Everyone participates in voluntarily reducing consumption
Involuntarily reduce consumption with rationing
Price controls with rationing, or
Price controls and shortages, or
Let high prices do the rationing and reduce consumption
If Republicans win control of Congress in November, they won’t be able to bring consumers any relief from gas prices. Then, in 2024, voters will throw them out.
Indicted Trumper Peter Navarro has decided to be his own lawyer. Good.
Louie Gohmert is having a sad because lying under oath could get his friends in trouble.
Lindsey Graham wants retired military and veterans to guard schools. He didn’t mention paying us, but did indicate most of us wouldn’t be armed. I guess his reasoning is we won’t run away like school cops do. We’ll stand our ground for the few seconds before we’re shot.
@ 40
If Republicans win control of Congress in November, they won’t be able to bring consumers any relief from gas prices. Then, in 2024, voters will throw them out.
Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit, I don’t hear anyone blaming Congress for high gas prices now.
It wasn’t Congress that signed an EO ending the Keystone pipeline. It’s not Congress doing all of the other executive shit that has the world believing that the United States isn’t serious about producing energy.
It’s the Biden administration, not Congress, that has fucked up US energy policy. And in 2024 the voters will throw the Democrats out of the White House, in no small part because of it.
I had to look twice to make sure @ 40 wasn’t written by The Even Bigger Fucking Moron.
@42 “It wasn’t Congress that signed an EO ending the Keystone pipeline.”
It isn’t the EO that’s behind high gas prices. The bigger fucking moron is you. Supply and demand, dipshit. Supply is down because years of low oil prices led to disinvestment in E&P. Demand is up because people are piling back into their cars. Supply is down further because of the Russian oil embargo. You want cheap gas? Hand over Ukraine to Putin, that’ll put 3 million bpd back into commerce, 6 times Keystone XL’s planned capacity. Trump would do it. So would you, because the only thing you give a shit about is your two F-350s and your Audi. You chose to live in a rural area where you have to drive your gas guzzlers 20 miles to buy a sixpack of beer or mail a letter. That’s your problem.
Dumbass assesses his chances at trial and opts for 51 to 63 months instead.
“Pruitt told CNN in January that he didn’t ‘feel like (he) did anything wrong’ that day but was concerned about potential consequences. ‘Trying to send me to prison for a few years over this, I think, is a complete joke,’ Pruitt said, noting at the time that he had no plans to plead guilty.”
Well, he changed his mind. Maybe because …
“Security footage from that day shows Schumer and his detail approaching the elevators and then quickly fleeing” from Pruitt.
“Pruitt also confronted police officers at the Capitol and threw a sign inside the building during the riot. … Pruitt had faced eight counts, including physical acts of violence and obstructing law enforcement. … Pruitt was detained … after failing to comply multiple times with his pretrial release conditions and making a threatening video, according to prosecutors.”
I’m pretty sure his lawyer had a heart-to-heart talk with him.
What Doctor Dumbfuck and his ilk want is Drill Baby Drill! And why not? Climate disaster won’t be averted; that flies in the face of human nature. But make them pay for the drill bits. They have an opportunity to do that now. Two dollar gas doesn’t get more oil out of the ground. Six dollar gas does. Be patient, more gas at lower prices is coming. So are bigger hurricanes, tornado outbreaks, and wildfires; but that’s just the price of continuing their fossil fuel addiction.
Saudi’s in the bag with Kushner