“You are bad at driving, and should stop.” I feel like Seattle drivers have got worse recently. Maybe they forget post commute. But also, it seems like a lot of the bad driving is Uber and Lyft drivers. Parking in the crosswalk, crossing multiple lanes to drop people off. Blowing through red lights.
So when I see something, especially if they come close to hitting a a pedestrian, a bike, or a car, I just say, loudly but not yelling, “you are bad at driving, and should stop.” I hope if you have come close to hitting someone, or if you actually have, that you will take this advice.
Anyway, please wash your hands right now. And of you’re unvaccinated or unboosted, get that done.
It’s a good thing Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit can’t afford a Tesla, or driving in Seattle would truly be hazardous.
The Dumbfuck Rabbit family relies on a reverse mortgage for the cash flow necessary to feed itself each month.
Behold the famous Dumbfuck Rabbit home gym.
QoS McHillbilly @ 136 in the Wednesday OT:
At the grassroots level it really is being manufactured.
Fewer than 100 attend the “Big” protest event at Disneyland yesterday.
Also manufactured: Democrat opposition to the re-election of Florida governor and 2024 president-elect Ron DeSantis:
Around a Dozen People Show Up to Campaign Event for Ron DeSantis Opponent
I’m shocked, shocked, that a state which so recently featured Andrew Gillum as its last Democrat nominee, not to mention Corinne Brown as one of its national representatives, is not more supportive of Democrats.
In the previous thread QoS McHillbilly dared us to compare and contrast Walker and Warnock.
So here’s my contribution: Neither of these men deserves to be a US Senator.
Real wages fell 0.8% just last month.
@5 Of course you would think that. Both are black and the better one is a democrat.
Fried is not the democratic front runner. Crist has significantly outperformed in recent polling including one out Tuesday that has him besting primary challengers by double-digits but faces huge obstacles in his attempt to unseat Ron DeSantis.
I think Rabbit is replacing Hillary for living rent free in the greedy racist incel’s head.
The “University” is U-Dub.
University misrepresented study by claiming puberty blockers help teens’ mental health
According to the study’s data, 57 percent of the teenagers who entered the study and began puberty blockers reported having “moderate to severe depression.” By the end of the 12-month study, 56 percent of the subjects reported having moderate to severe depression, virtually no change from before.
Further, at the beginning of the study, 57 percent of the subjects provided puberty blockers reported having “moderate to severe anxiety.” Twelve months later, 51 percent reported having moderate to severe anxiety.
Among subjects who received puberty blockers, the number who reported “suicidal thoughts” dropped slightly, from 43 percent to 37 percent over the 12-month period.
Nonetheless, the study’s authors claimed the students receiving gender affirming medicine “experienced a 60% decrease in baseline depression and a 73% reduction in baseline suicidality over the course of 12 months.”
In the age of Trump there are literally zero responsible, law-abiding Republicans.
From Mike Lee to Mark Meadows
Sydney Powell is saying that she needs to get in to see the president, but she’s being kept away from him. Apparently she has a strategy to keep things alive and put several states back in play. Can you help her get in?
From Mike Lee to Mark Meadows
John Eastman has some really interesting research on this. The good news is is that Eastman is proposing an approach that unlike what Sidney Powell has propose could be examined very quickly.
@ 8.
The only way the Dumbfuck Rabbit family can survive is by not paying rent, The Even Bigger Fucking Moron.
I recall Degen having previously made similar statements about TFG who paid adolescent girls to jerk him off wearing rubber gloves.
Yet when Trump told Degen right to his stupid face that he once bragged proudly to a bus load of complete strangers the he got away with sexual assault for years, a few weeks later Degen voted for him anyway.
Degen’s credibility about who “deserves” to serve in public office is badly tarnished by that monumental, catastrophic fuck up. It’s further eroded by the enduring fact that Degen can’t face up to that horrible fuck up. But what really destroys Degen’s credibility to judge who “deserves” public service is the plain fact that, as we all know by now, he really doesn’t give one single shit.
All Degen cares about is ensuring that anyone with a (D) after their name loses, and that anyone who ever votes for them should feeeeeel defeated.
Too late. He fucked up. Badly. And lost even more badly.
Now he’s just a shitty loser pretending not to care whenever doing so suits him.
@ 10
Adding a bit of context to what QoS McHillbilly posted, the texts from Lee to Meadows were sent on November 7, 2020. That is the same day that the major networks called the election for Biden.
Student Free Press Association is yet another astroturf front funded by Koch bros. and Lynde and Harry Bradley, right along with Franklin News Foundation from yesterday.
Degen can’t find any independent, non-partisan news sources capable of ratifying his nihilistic, bigoted worldview.
This is what it means to be “conservative” under Trump.
To be perpetually at the mercy of whatever toxic gas is blown up his ass by whatever billionaire cares to. A dancing, capering, idiotic puppet in a street show for the wealthy.
@ 14
Student Free Press Association is yet another astroturf front funded by Koch bros….
Shorter QoS McHillbilly: “I can’t find fault with the message, but I sure hate the messenger.”
Texas governor Greg Abbott now has an agreement with the state of Chihuahua to increase security on the Mexican side of the border.
Wasn’t Momala supposed to be doing this work? ’cause this is the kind of executive behavior that people expect from their leadership.
Instead Momala is busy being upset because not enough people stand when she enters a room.
Imagine how much better the Biden administration would look if Momala had the stones to do the work.
DeSantis/Abbott 2024.
Look at the bright side, libbies: You’d get to openly tell jokes about breast cancer and disabilities for eight years. With his opportunities to drop racial slurs with abandon now limited because he’s being watched, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit looks forward to mocking dying women and paraplegics instead.
Hey wait a minute…
Woman dies after getting entangled and hanging upside down on U.S.-Mexico border wall
You guys keep telling me the wall doesn’t work. Seems to me not only does the wall work, but it reduces the number of second attempts.
@17 This is Bob’s kind of politician: ““We have every kind of mix you can have. I have a black, I have a woman, two Jews and a cripple.”
That one came from your side Dumbfuck. The bar was set low back in the 80’s.
Compassionate Conservatives, whoa boy!
@ 19
Just one year before Jesse Jackson referred to Jews as Hymies, and NYC as Hymie-town, Newt.
This is the Pandora’s Box you open, Newt, when you decide to go back 39 years to try to prove a point.
There are about two million academic study articles published in about 28,000 academic journals each year in the United States alone.
If Charles Koch is willing to pay a team of interns from Turning Point USA a few hundred thousand dollars a year to hunt through all of them searching for “breadcrumbs” I’m very confident he can eventually find something useful every few years. That tells us, among other things, that the quality of academic journal review is not what it should be. But that is of course not really news.
And it certainly does not provide Degen with evidence in support of his wildly paranoid uncontrollable obsessions with whatever is inside the swimsuits of middle school children.
There is no conspiracy. And evidence that there is a lack of sufficient rigor in the pre-publication review of academic articles is certainly not also proof of a vast, interlocking conspiracy among parents, pediatricians, educators, and alien lizard people to cancel Chuck Norris.
Degen is of course, as always a fucking fool. But what is noteworthy in this case is that he is a dangerously paranoid, delusional fool who sees occult conspiracy hiding behind every lazy associate prof. And thus he is forced to rely upon Charles Koch to jack him off every morning.
@ 21
To QoS McHillbilly a sodomized teenager crumpled in a heap on the floor of a bathroom in a Loudon County high school is a “breadcrumb”.
It’s how we got Governor Youngkin. So hit me again, Hillbilly. It’s how we’ll get a GOP-led Senate.
Sure, Jesse didn’t like Jews, neither did Watt. The point was, a very Conservative Christian, such as James Watt claimed to be, was the one referring to a person as a “cripple.”
Jesse is never claimed to be a Conservative Christian. DeathSantis and Abbott are both Conservative and Christian.
My bar napkin calculation is that for every 32 year old female entangled in a climbing harness or 9 year old dying of exposure and dehydration there are about 16,000 successful illegal entries.
That’s a 0.00625% rate of capture at a cost of $10 million per mile per year of service life.
Let’s all try to keep this in mind when we are forced to endure Degen’s endless complaints that “Teh gumit spenz too much!”
is evidence that there is violence in America and that public schools, though they may be statistically much safer than other places, are no exception.
It is not evidence of a space laser, “joo” or otherwise. It does not overcome or cancel that sad statistical truth that heterosexual males account for nearly all significant violence in America. And it doesn’t have anything to do with “gender”, or rainbows, or Disney princesses.
It’s just more proof that Republicans like Degen are literally at the mercy of and controlled by these paranoid delusions.
That makes them the true danger. Not rainbows.
@ 23
Jesse is never claimed to be a Conservative Christian.
Pretty sure Watt never claimed to be an ordained minister.
Oh we will. We promise.
Remember how quickly the moral panic over CRT turned into The Lost Cause campaign for Klan Konsciousness?
Mobs of fat Karens and TrumPatriot Beer-guts bullying and beating up on eleven year olds is a great campaign look.
Maybe when this one has run its course Republicans will find a way to go after golden retrievers.
@ 27
Mobs of fat Karens and TrumPatriot Beer-guts bullying and beating up on eleven year olds is a great campaign look.
A dude in a skirt sodomizing a girl in a high school bathroom and the crime being covered up by the Loudon County superintendent of schools so that the skirt-wearing dude could commit another sexual assault in a different Loudon County school is a better one.
So Jesse didn’t like a particular religion, Watt was making fun of a person that had a health disability (paralyzed arm).
People can choose their religious affinity, but not sure most choose to be disabled, unless they do something stupid like drink and drive, ride a motorcycle without a helmet and then crash and become disabled as a result of that. Maybe Cawthorn can fill us in on that aspect since he was disabled when a car he was in hit a concrete pylon. Still, I wouldn’t call him a “cripple”, but James Watt might.
Your side claims to be the party of “Family Values”, how is it a family value to be hating on a disabled person?
Once again, you clearly missed the point of the original post, proving yet again, what a Dumbfuck you are.
@ 30
Your side claims to be the party of “Family Values”…
Your side claims to be the party of tolerance.
…proving yet again, what a Dumbfuck you are.
Newt, you have proved yet again what a hypocrite you are.
Unless it isn’t actually a thing.
Like the claim that educators, book publishers, and The Radical Mau Mau were all conspiring with Angela Davis and Bobby Seale to stifle the creativity of little Andrew Anglins.
It’s like The Big Lie. It actually worked for a few months. On more than Mike Lee even. Now it’s not quite so “hot”. Even a substantial liability for more than a few GQP incumbents. Likely to weigh down a bunch of GQP challengers too. Even deprive them of some donor backing. And we haven’t even begun handing down the indictments yet.
Wow, pot meet kettle.
I’ll take Jesse’s hypocrisy over Watt, DeathSantis, Abbott, and Trump any day.
Still mad about the 816 Republican terrorist arrests?
It only gets worse. Suck it up, buttercup.
Your side claims to be the party of tolerance.
It’s stupid to tolerate the intolerant.. heh.. fascism.. white nationalism .. big lie politics.. the new normal????
heh. fuck that shit…
Here’s a helpful article on the best way to maximize the tax benefits of charitable giving for most of us slobs:
Here’s the charitable-giving strategy that helps the 1% cut their tax bills
When bloviating Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit brags about his percentage returns I can’t help but laugh. The poor fuck can’t afford to be charitable to others to any significant extent. He hoards his “winners”, which make his returns look better than they would if he donated his winners.
It’s also why I don’t look at my percentage returns. We receive maximum benefit by avoiding as much capital gain as possible, which means donating our biggest winners rather than selling them and triggering a taxable event. Whatever “return” the brokerage account displays is less than how we really did, so who gives a fuck about a number? Unless you are Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit, that is.
Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit is a pathetically poor investor. AT&T, 3M, and Citigroup all tanked after he invested. What’s he got to give away?
Libbies, every time Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit brags about some return percentage he claims to have made, remember that
1. He’s very likely lying about it, and
2. He’s hoarding what few winners he might have, because that’s where his gains come from in the event that he isn’t lying.
We all know we can’t take it with us when we go. In Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit’s case, it’s because he never had it to begin with.
@ 34
It’s stupid to tolerate the
intolerantJoooooos.Just ask Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, Cynthia McKinney’s father. Oh, and that guy who used to lead the Labour Party in the UK.
Here’s a small taste of what’s making poor Degen shit himself:
Also what he finds INTOLERABLE.
And be assured, Degen and Every Republican You Know is 100% convinced that hating this mother and shaming and ridiculing her son are not only the righteous thing to do, but similarly convinced that the hatred, and ridicule will win.
It never does.
@1-3 You’re batting 0-for-3, but at least the last one is funny.
@4 How many people show up for Putin’s opponents’ rallies? Remember, this is Florida you’re talking about.
@5 Deserve’s got nothing to do with it.
@3 By the way, how did you get ahold of my medical records? You’re not my doctor. And posting them online? I’m gonna report you to the medical board for a HIPAA violation.
@11 Why would I need to pay rent when I own a burrow free and clear? You do know what “own” is, don’t you?
@13 re @10: I have a bit different perspective than either of you, which I posted here.
Mike Lee and Chip Roy, driven by their lawyer instincts, eventually came around to endorsing rule of law and constitutional process. It just took them a long time, and only after all other alternatives were exhausted, that’s all.
What took them 2 months, I could have done 2 in minutes.
@15 Correct me if I’m mistaken, but didn’t he find fault with the message when he called it “toxic gas”?
If they had any “lawyer instincts” at all they would not have been pimping for Sidney Powell.
One of the things she is currently under sanction for is not only failing to perform any reasonable fact checking of the claims she was filing to the courts, but knowingly refusing to enter into the process – a process that the courts and her bar licensure require. Lee and Roy are both equally guilty in spirit, if not in law (but only because their names are not on any of the filings). So maybe Powell was the patsy of a couple of clever lawyers.
But what does that make them?
Lawless scum who sought to overturn a democratic election based on completely false, obviously bogus claims, but who cleverly got a patsy to file the claims for them is what.
I have a car that’s two years old, with LESS THAN 10,000 miles on the vehicle, and I just paid an additional $306.00 for my new licence plate tabs. That amount was 77.61572% of the total damn bill, and it’s for a light rail system I will not live to see finished and will never – fucking ever – use!
Why don’t you elitist, liberal progressive assholes pay for your own damn light rail? Isn’t it bad enough I’m paying to educate other people’s kids every damn year, and they ain’t learning diddly-squat in these schools run by communist buttfuckers. When do I get a break from being financially fucked by government?
The day will come when you will be free. Hard to tell when, it just depends on your activities.
Anyplace you live, regardless of the country, you will at some point be “fucked by the government.”
I hear Whidbey Island is home to some “very fine people”, our resident Dr. Dumbfuck seems to enjoy his hobby farm there. Plus, there is no light rail.
@21 Charles Koch probably is more interested in indoctrinating those interns than in what they find.
@29 “People can choose their religious affinity,” but few of ’em have any inkling of what Jesus taught, much less try to live by it.
@30 We’re intolerant of the things society shouldn’t tolerate.
It is telling of their minds that a male doing anything that is attributed to a female terrifies them. They are so scared they might be treated like a female.
@35 I can’t visualize you donating anything to anybody. You don’t strike me has someone with a charitable heart.
Team Biden takes another “L”.
This will be Trump’s second term by November 2024.
@46 I won’t live to see it finished or use it either, but while I can sympathize, as a disabled veteran receiving free license tabs for life, I’ll never be able to feel your anguish myself.
@46 We paid $143 for our family car’s tabs.. And we live within walking distance of a station and use the light rail often enough..
Baseball game? Check..
Shopping at Uwajimaya? Check..
Airport? Check..
Thank you for your support of Sound Transit Nil Brains… You can fucking move out of the taxing district anytime you fucking want if your miserable ass is so chapped about chipping in.
What a miserable bore you are.
kreepshit, you got competition…
Please, regale us with your own moral abomination that exceeds this one..
It’s stupid to tolerate the
intolerantJoooooos.Funny, I first heard about the space lasers from drumpfists like MTG..
JOOOOS will not replace us?? Where’d I hear that from? No Hillary voter I know of..
Yawwwn… so boring…
I own shirts that cost more, you sad fuck.
Take some personal responsibility. Pull yourself up by your bootstraps. The world doesn’t owe you wealth and happiness. Get a paper route.