I think the budget and transportation packages passed at the end of the legislative session are pretty great. I would prefer no money for new highways, but overall, it feels like non-driving portions of the transit package are more than just an afterthought. And they didn’t fall into the trap of giving tax cuts when there’s a surplus.
Also, congrats to legislative staff on your right to organize!
And please wash your hands right now. And book an appointment today to get vaccinated or boosted if you’re eligible.
Yesterday I commented on Hannity.
I was not the only one to notice the pleading.
Trump Refuses to Condemn Putin Despite Sean Hannity Practically Begging Him To
“I got along with these people,” Trump said of the world’s most ruthless authoritarians. “I got along with them well”
Hannity knows as well as anyone who Trump works for. And he knows more or less what Trump can and cannot say about Putin.
Hannity is just trying to re-spin the narrative as much as he can. Trump is still his daddy.
But it’s good that he got Trump to start talking about nuclear annihilation. That’s what Boomer conservatives want now.
Their radioactive swan song as payback because they lost.
Thank the Lord Jesus for Biden!
Not a traitor to this Nation like The FuckHump and the other GOP fucks! POS fuckers that they are!
@1 Windmills!
It only took 122 years, but Congress finally passed an anti-lynching bill this week, with a lot of credit probably owing to George Floyd, Ahmaed Arbury and the millions of “woke” Americans who marched and demonstrated for change in the last two years.
Remember, two years ago “conscientious conservatives” wherever you encountered them not only opposed this bill, but defended the authority of local and state officials to “defend their community traditions and ways of life” as they saw fit.
This time around only three Republicans managed to summon the hatred and bigotry to vote against something so obvious.
The rest still hate the bill. But they can no longer afford to be seen actively opposing basic civil rights.
I see nothing wrong with that statement, especially in the setting of where it was said.
Nothing there says allegiance. it says heart to the rainbow.
It could be worse, like participating in January 6th. And then saying that January 6th was just political discourse. Or tossing fire extinguisher and spears at LEO.
A far stretch to claim that the statement made by Chasten was a replacement to the pledge of allegiance.
Given that the GOP scum have praised Putin well before the current praise and denouncement of Ukraine this little pep talk by Chasten is innocent. But the likes of Bob need a new thing to divert focus from their failings.
Bob you are a traitor to America that has no standing to make criticism of someone else’s allegiance to the United States of America.
As always Bob, go fuck yourself. Good Day!
Republicans are pushing hard for a new law that would make it a crime to terminate an ectopic pregnancy.
Ectopic pregnancies are about one to two out of every 100 pregnancies, so relatively common. They happen when an embryo implants and develops outside of the uterus, Chances are you know a woman who has suffered an ectopic pregnancy. Ectopic pregnancy is the number one cause of death for 1st trimester patients. Poverty and access to financially supported health care play an enormous role in risk, with lower income and working poor women three times more likely to suffer death or serious injury.
“Right to Life” is, and has always been, really just a war against the lives of women, especially low income and working poor women.
I can see why the low IQ dumbfuck traitor loves him some Tulsi. Just like our Low IQ dumbfuck traitor, Tulsi stinks to high heaven of borscht.
Newly indicted Russian spy donated money to only one American politician: Tulsi Gabbard
God bless Raw Story.
@ 7
WRT ectopic pregnancy, if this provision is stricken and this law is otherwise passed, the number of “ectopic pregnancy” diagnoses will skyrocket, because it’s an exclusion permitting abortion.
An OB does an in-house US, excludes the anatomy surrounding the fetus or embryo so that the intrauterine location of the pregnancy cannot be proven, “diagnoses” ectopia, and the case goes to an abortionist whose livelihood depends on not verifying the truthfulness of the diagnosis.
Just as physicians lie about illnesses of union members engaged in sickouts or who try to score early retirement at full pension due to an on-the-job “injury”, physicians lie about other medical issues.
Physicians lie as often as attorneys and politicians lie, and for the same reasons: it furthers their interests to do so.
Eat shit and die, QoS McHillbilly.
Eat borscht and die, Degen.
9. So it’s argument is doctors will lie like republicans? The difference is doctors will lie to benifit their patients, while republicans lie to amass power to benifit themselves.
Abortion SHOULD be legal, safe and as rare as possible. Every child should be a wanted child.
No forced births.
@ 8, 10
Y’all know it’s a lot worse if Swalwell’s contributions from foreigners affiliated with China are listed, right?
Like Gabbard, Eric Swalwell was a Democrat candidate for the DNC presidential nomination in. 2019-20. Unlike Gabbard, Swalwell’s first-person foreign spy association was intimate. Unlike Gabbard, Swalwell’s donations came from non-citizens of the US.
Y’all are making a big deal because an American citizen donated to Tulsi Gabbard. Which is fine, but if we’re gonna air the dirty laundry of Democrats, let’s air all of it.
And Steve has no idea what I’m talking about, ’cause it’s not in his sole source of information, RawStory.
9 this weird when the greedy racist incel has already admitted it doesn’t care, its only forced birth to own the libs.
Hypothetical ethical thought experiment for you:
You are spending another sunny day of your retirement picketing peacefully (as is your right!) outside a local reproductive services clinic that offers medical and surgical abortion services as well as reproductive therapy including IVF .
Suddenly a massive fireball blooms from the clinic as a fellow, not-so-peaceful “Right to Life” demonstrator has once again set off an incendiary explosive device inside the clinic.
Selflessly and heroically* motivated by your conscientious zeal to preserve human life, and with no regard for your own safety, you fight your way through the flames and into the clinic to help. By the time you make it inside all of the employees and all but one patient have safely evacuated. She is an anesthetized patient prepped for an implantation procedure. Beside her on a table is a tray of 50 frozen human embryos. You are alone. The patient must be carried out to save her. You can not carry both the patient and the tray of 50 frozen human embryos.
You must choose either to save the patient or save the tray.
Which do you choose?
Can you answer that without evasion?
*Hey. I said it was “hypothetical”.
I just love that he’s now being entirely open about the sought after end game here.
Dead women.
That’s their argument. An argument that Degen even advances in this forum, where he surely knows that, like more than three quarters of all Americans, we broadly support a woman’s right to privately decide in consultation with her physician how to take care of her own body.
Even here, among us, he argues that the lives of women must be sacrificed in pursuit of his movement’s goals. Let them die. Doctors may not intervene. Even if the threat to his movement is merely hypothetical.
Note, he’s not supporting forced births.
He’s supporting forced deaths.
Forced deaths of pregnant women.
Republicans. We get elected if we treat women as slaves. Hold my beer!
Abortion SHOULD be legal, safe and as rare as possible.
rare as required… Note that Canada has NO LAWS on the books regulating abortion – aside from the usual health and safety laws regulating an outpatient clinic.
Compare that to thicket of laws regulating abortion here that vary from State to State.
It’s generally acknowledged the abortion rate per capita in Canada is lower, much lower even.
widbee kreepah bleating abortion is black genocide in 5.. 4.. 3.. 2..
That’s because Canada supports the born instead of punishing them for not being white and rich like we do in the states.
@9 “Physicians lie as often as attorneys and politicians lie, and for the same reasons: it furthers their interests to do so.”
Thanks for clearing that up for us. We know you are a physician, you have confirmed that in the past. We know you lie to make your points, such as the infamous “FB friends from Colorado”.
Nice to see you finally own up and admit you are a liar (habitual at that).
Game, set, match to Dr. Dumbfuck (spikes ball on his own goal line).
What a fucking idiot.
@19 good point. Makes me wonder WHAT he lied about when he was a doc to further his interests.
@ 17
It’s generally acknowledged the abortion rate per capita in Canada is lower, much lower even.
Canada abortion rate 15.2/1000 women
US abortion rate 20.8/1000 women
Now, if a multivariate analysis were done and ethnicity was considered, there might be some explanation for those differences. Or there might not.
I do have a question for YLB: If Canada has virtually no laws on the books restricting abortion, and if the US has so many onerous burdens on women preventing ready access to abortion…
can you feel the question coming yet…
why is it that American women have more than one-third more abortions (after accounting for population differences) than do Canadian women?
Please show your work.
Stephanie Grisham was on The View this morning. She pointed out that Kamala Harris has now appeared unprepared to answer basic questions from the press, with regularity.
A host responded that it was because of racism and misogyny. Which I don’t recall being used as explanations for Dan Quayle’s seeming inability to project intelligence when he was VP.
DJIA has now registered a decline for five straight weeks. Pity Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit went all-in after the first week.
You first.
You still haven’t answered the question.
Tray or patient? Choose.
Or deflect to a wallowing exploration of daytime television.
Your answer will tell us all we need to know about you and your movement.
Compared to the previous thirteen weeks of Degen’s mattress-filled-with-Krugerrands hedge strategy.
why is it that American women have more than one-third more abortions (after accounting for population differences) than do Canadian women?
LOL! What a fucking stupid joke of a leading question.
If the thicket of regulations is supposed to lower the rate of abortion below that of godless Canada (who has also has an ERA, btw)..
then it’s a fucking failure.
Here comes teh bleat about a klownspiracy of PP and black genocide.. Plenty of Repukes gave munee to PP, btw..
uh… fuck you..
why is it that American women have more than one-third more abortions (after accounting for population differences) than do Canadian women?
LOL! What a fucking stupid joke of a leading question.
If the thicket of regulations is supposed to lower the rate of abortion below that of godless Canada (who has also has an ERA, btw)..
then it’s a fucking failure.
Here comes teh bleat about a klownspiracy of PP and black genocide.. Plenty of Repukes gave munee to PP, btw..
uh… fuck you..
Matt Gaetz pays the adolescent girls extra if he doesn’t have to wear a condom.
You seriously have no clue why American women have more than one-third more abortions than do Canadian women?
“Republicans spoke against the bill. Senate Minority Leader John Braun, R-Centralia, said there are other ways to address staff issues than collective bargaining. Collective bargaining is not the logical next step, Braun said.”
We know how that works: “If you don’t like working here, I can replace you.” Workers wouldn’t vote in unions if employers didn’t underpay and overwork them, and treat them like dirt. And most employers like that are Republicans.
Well, it looks like I’m going to,have a lot of boyfriends for the next 150 days!
@1 “I got along with them well”
He certainly did.
“With Trump in office, Putin was already getting what he wanted. … Consider where Trump and Biden stand on three key issue areas the Kremlin cares deeply about: NATO, political leadership in Ukraine and undermining democracy. Under Trump, there was little daylight between Russia and the United States on these issues. … Trump worked to diminish the influence of NATO, reportedly planning to withdraw from it in his second term. … Trump also broke with longstanding bipartisan support of Ukraine. … Trump actually withheld military aid to Ukraine …. The truth is that during his administration, Trump’s policy alignment with Putin advanced the aims of Russia’s political elites, who could imagine that the United States was on their side. Their comfort with Trump was evident from the start …. In Trump, Putin had a fellow-traveler …. [T]he Trump years … offered Putin a useful pause he utilized to further military readiness and prime the Russian population for a hot war.”
“Fellow traveler” is a term Republicans formerly used to describe people who cozied up to the Russkies. Today, the term fits them very well.
@5 The only reason the rest could vote for it is because it doesn’t allow teachers to tell students about the KKK lynchings.
@9 Wherein Doctor Dumbfuck tells us all doctors are liars, and forgot to exclude himself.
@18 Unless they’re indigenous, in which case they bury them in mass graves behind boarding schools.
Let’s get real here. Canada’s indigenous people were just as conquered as indigenous people everywhere.
No wonder the Andaman islanders speared the missionary on the beach.
nobody cares what I say…
@21 “why is it that American women have more than one-third more abortions (after accounting for population differences) than do Canadian women? Please show your work.”
Don’t want to bring more Republicans into the world.
@23 I would merely observe that (a) 5 straight weeks of declines isn’t upsetting to people who don’t own stock, and (b) you don’t seem very upset about it. But fwiw, my stock account is worth more now than it was on Jan. 1, and being a constant buyer of stocks, declines and lower stock prices don’t upset me at all.
Thank You President Joe Biden! Thank You for being a real true American with leadership skills. Thank You!
And God Bless Joe Biden!
@30 you forgot to put a space after the comma aside from the terrible grammar, you must be high from sniffing glue.
@30. The greedy racist incel is fantasizing about BBC again.