I am very glad to live in a country with the presumption of innocence. It is a foundation of our criminal justice system.
The part of the Constitution that deals with giving people lifetime appointments to the Supreme Court is not that. The presumption of innocence also is coupled with trials and investigations, not whatever sham we saw yesterday.
A comment about partisanship in the SJC.
Nobody right now knows what the fuck Flake was trying to pull. Flake backed by a bunch of unnamed other Senate Roypublicans (Murkowski) was maneuvering for some kind of deal with the other ten Roypublicans on the committee. The Democrats on the committee were shut out, have no information, and are not being included or kept apprised of any part of these negotiations. Whatever the fuck the Roypublicans were up to today, they are still scheduling a vote for the nominee next week. Will that change? You’d have to be Yertle or one of his top ranked hillbilly child molesters to even know.
This kind of process has defined this nomination from the start. All the scheming, any delays, and all the confusion and frustration arising from the SJC process for vetting and preparing this nominee for a full senate vote (if ever) is and always has been entirely the product of the Roypublican majority leadership of that committee.
I don’t give one single fuck about the “frustration” being voiced by the nominee, Sen. Grassley, or President Greasy PornFucker.
They are doing this to themselves. For whatever reasons they have only themselves to blame for what is happening today or at any other time in this clown circus. This kind of thing follows quite naturally when idiot trailerbillies are put in charge of stuff.
Yertle now orders a one week delay in the vote in order to give him more time to twist arms, and create smoke and cover.
As such, this remains an entirely political process. Whatever the FBI can do in five days with no prior notice is unlikely to be conclusive or even enlightening. FBI is the excuse. Time is the goal. Time to attack the women. Time to defend the men. Time to shift the narrative away from what just happened in the last 48 hours.
So Date Rape is losing on politics. That’s encouraging. Let’s all hope Blame the Women can’t stage a comeback.
@1, 2 It’s obvious what’s going on: Republicans don’t want the world to know what a scumbag they’re putting on the Supreme Court. All they care about is reinstating the death penalty for abortion.
The Democrats are rapists. They raped Lady Liberty.
They raped the premier tenet of the American justice system, INNOCENT UNTIL PROVEN GUILTY.
They raped the American people.
They raped truth.
And they did it like every other scumbag rapist: with power over the victims.
New Poll Shows Missouri Voters Rejecting Sen. McCaskill For Opposing Kavanaugh
September 30, 2018
It’s not a criminal trial. It’s a fucking job interview you toothless, arm-fishing, ignorant traillerbilly dumbfuck. Nobody will ever be impressed by your phony Jeff Roe push-poll. Fairytales are for the kiddies. It might help you sleep better at night with your fears of the FemeNazi monsters in the closet. But it won’t change the outcome in November. You idiots blew the best chance you ever had to flip Senate seats.
If the new GOP standard for fitness to serve on the Supreme Court is really going to be no record of convictions why even bother to have the background checks, vetting, and committee hearings at all? A quick ten minute records check for felony convictions and outstanding judgments can be performed from a home computer by Shortbus.