This account of getting homeless people isolated after time in crowded shelters during the cold spell is amazing. I don’t know how we prepare for those sorts of events when the people act differently than usual. But clearly if people caught COVID-19, something didn’t work.
Anyway, please wash your hands right now. And Jesus Christ almighty get vaccinated if you haven’t yet.
The average homeless person is more likely to be a millionaire than is Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit.
Takes a little practice but once you get it down right you can earn a little cash robbing a bank.
Geeeeeeee money doesn’t have to rob a bank
Geeeeee money got 20k dropped into the 401k today by my employer.
Whenever I read tweets like this I’m reminded of how badly Goldy needed an editor.
Der Spiegel is reporting that the German chancellor turned down First Vegetable Joe Biden’s invitation to travel to Washington DC for an emergency meeting about the Russia-Ukraine crisis.
It’s hard to blame him. I mean, why fly across the pond to watch some clueless geezer drool Jell-O?
These days watching is all Trump is able to do.
Sound familiar, Bob?
Zelensky called out First Vegetable Joe Biden for his despicable performance while trying to break a press conference duration record:
Having had his ass handed to him, the First Vegetable backtracked and did the right thing, sorta:
For which he got an undeserved Thank You:
What a fucking clown is First Vegetable Joe Biden, who needed a wrist slap to bring him back into brief cognition.
Of course Biden won’t be there when the Russian invasion actually happens. He already gave Putin the go-ahead, as long as too many people don’t get killed in the process.
The average homeless person is more likely to…
…have an IQ higher than our low IQ dumbfuck traitor.
@ 6
These days watching is all Trump is able to do.
Sound familiar, Bob?
No reason to do more than sit back and watch until after the midterms. Just ask Hillary Clinton.
Long knives coming out for Ron Klain.
I guess being cited in a SCOTUS opinion smacking down the cognitively impaired president wasn’t a good thing.
Just think how much different things could be for First Vegetable Joe Biden had he chosen a different CoS.
For the record, I brought this up here more than a week ago.
I wonder if Newsom has toured the Tenderloin sidewalks in SF lately. It’s not just LA that looks like Haiti after a hurricane.
Reason does not enter into it.
Watching is all I will allow. And only if Bob is gagged, caged, and all of his chores have passed inspection this month.
Our low IQ idiot needed to talk about Biden after his raging orange moron had another ‘Person. Woman. Man. Camera. TV.’ moment last night, only this time with less cognition than the original.
Trump Humiliates Himself on Hannity When He Misunderstands Easy Question: Then Brags About Acing Cognitive test
You want a despicable performance? That’d be you having your low IQ head up a raging orange man-baby’s ass for the last six years.
I stopped letting mine watch years ago.
He made too much noise.
An important reminder to all patriot Americans (as opposed to the “African” variety), you should not trust anything you hear from somebody who claims to be Tom Hanks.
Mr. Hanks has been dead since June 25th.
Do your own research.
Follow the breadcrumbs.
Trump won.
Something Bob doesn’t want to talk about. And it’s not The FuckHump, its Repukes that he really should want to talk about.
The hate that occurred here probably gives Bob a woody…..peak orgasm would have occurred if the victims were gay.
Lock them up in gallows and let people spit at them!
@16 so sad about Tom Hanks.
R.I.P Tom! Thoughts and Prayers, Condolences to the family.
Other the other hand I saw Louie Anderson today.
Breeding will not save them.
The lawn was so manicured. Nice!
Louie must have been with the many hundreds of Air Force fighter pilots, highly decorated senior officials, and Navy Seals who all quit in unison because the Vegetable Vaccine contains a bio-luminescent marker called Luciferase that allows the vaccinated to be targeted by George Soros’ laser weapon.
Tom Hanks is dead.
“With no Tom Hanks to bring you home.” R.I.P. Tom Hanks. He is dead!
Fight People! There’s a message here!
DJ Khaled!
Just think didn’t have to slave over books and medical terms.
$57,000,000. Now that is some Geeeee Money
“Popstar not a Doctor”
I wonder if Beiber has a horse
Can’t just post a link without comment
@1 What kind of person would assert that a retired attorney and business owner is, in all probability, poorer than a typical homeless person?
That takes a real dumbfuck.
Mark wanted to know why he can’t comment on Handbill.US anymore. I explained why here.
@2 He’s still in bank robber training.
@ 28
Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit bans his only reader.
@4 I don’t think the police can be blamed for crime any more than Biden can be blamed for inflation.
It was pretty clear in November that Seattle voters want more, not less, law enforcement downtown.
To the extent there are issues with Seattle policing (and there clearly are, or there wouldn’t have been a federal investigation followed by a consent decree), I think the answer is not fewer cops but better cops.
As I’ve been saying all along, American policing is in crisis, and reforms are needed in recruiting, training, supervision, and discipline to weed out bad cops and raise effectiveness and professionalism.
@5 Cross the border and see what Jell-O does.
Here’s the problem, dipshit. How do you protect a country on Russia’s border, and thousands of miles from ours, accessible only through other countries whose cooperate we need, against an adversary with a huge army and nuclear weapons, without the situation spiraling out of control into World War 3?
That takes more brains than you have.
For generations, Ukraine was completely dominated by Russia. After the USSR fell, it was run by a Moscow stooge. He was overthrown by a popular revolt and Ukraine became a fragile democracy. Then Ukraine was attacked by Russia (Crimea, Donbas), and now it’s being threatened with full-scale invasion.
Here are our options, yours and mine.
(1) Biden figures we and NATO don’t have a viable option of direct military intervention, so he’s trying to deter Putin by bringing to bear a combination of military and other aid to Ukraine, economic sanctions against Russia, and turning Russia into a pariah nation.
(2) Trump figured if he held Congressionally-approved military aid to Ukraine hostage, he could extort fabricated dirt on Biden from its government, and when that didn’t work and he lost the election, he tried to overthrow our fragile democracy.
I voted for #1. You voted for #2 because you’re a dumbfuck.
@7 We all know Biden makes gaffes. We also know he’s better than he sometimes sounds, isn’t a criminal, and doesn’t sell our allies down the river to keep his Russian bankers (he doesn’t have any) happy. That’s why he’s president now and Trump isn’t. It’s not even a contest.
@10 Ron Kain isn’t about to be indicted for sedition. In this world, nothing is perfect, everything is relative, and Ron Kain is better than Mark Meadows. As a certified dumbfuck, you can be counted on to vote for the worst choice every time.
@11 I don’t expect you to think about how much worse everything would be if Mark Meadows was still CoS, because dumbfucks are incapable of thinking.
The link shows Mark whining in a comment, but I don’t see your explanation.
Looks like Mark knows as much about law as our stupid low IQ troll. The latter’s lame attempts to use HA to prove to himself that he knows more about law than attorneys and judges informs me that he’s lost one hell of a lot of medical malpractice lawsuits.
@18 And then there’s this one. Telling little kids Hitler should have killed them and then spitting on an 8-year-old boy because she doesn’t like Jews.
IBM lost a shit-ton of money in the mistaken belief that any robot can do radiology.
IBM Sells Some Watson Health Assets for More Than $1 Billion
Making radiologists more efficient is a winner. Microsoft had it right when it bought Nuance.
Replacing radiologists isn’t like replacing an attorney.
@ 35
@10 Ron Kain isn’t about to be indicted for sedition.
Neither is Huma Abedin. But both became huge problems for the people they served, which was my point, you bloviating, useless fuck.
@37 It’s in my comment under his comment.
@39 Now we know where Doctor Dumbfuck gets legal advice, and what legal advice he gets, thanks to the link @39. We also know he’s been replaced, because he told us so himself.
That looks like 0-for-2 to me.
I still see only one comment. I’ll blame my browser. What’d you say in reply?
@ 43
I’ll blame my browser.
Even Steve has grown tired of blaming Trump for everything. I guess going a year without getting laid – a year in which Biden is president – will do that to a guy. Did it to Steve, apparently.
Confidential to Steve: Y’know, if you stop whining about Trump to every woman you meet, one of them might stick around you long enough to maybe want to fuck you. You’d also have to shower more than once a week.
And dude, Old Spice and deodorant are two different products.
I’m surprised no one has commented on the passing of Meat Loaf..
Meat Loaf was a MAGAt before MAGAts.. No one was more sycophantic towards orange dear leader starting back in the Apprentice days..
Oh Meat Loaf let slip one time that orange dear leader shouldn’t be preznit.. I don’t buy that as any sort of saving grace.. Meat Loaf was a total orange dear leader butt licker bar none.
74 years old.. Know what that means? SS check?
no more.. and according to the “serious”ly deranged babblings of the kreepee dimfuk of widbee..
THAT is GOOD.. for my kids..
Peloton has fallen on hard times, and “may be toast.”
From my point of view, that’s no problem, because I don’t own their stock or gym equipment. But it’s too bad they bought Precor, a Woodinville-based maker of high-quality gym equipment used by many commercial gyms. Under pressure to slash costs, they may cut corners and ruin a fine product line.
The article says,
“Product recalls have hurt the company’s image and its sales.”
So have videos of toddlers being pulled under its treadmills.
“The high prices for its equipment also don’t help.”
High prices? Their exercise bike retails for $1,495. The Precor bikes in my home gym retail for $4,575. Peloton is what you buy if you can’t afford Precor.
“Competition from upstarts selling much cheaper bikes has eaten into sales, as not everyone that wants to work out is a wealthy suburbanite with plenty of disposable cash to spend.”
But some of us are, and my home gym is equipped with Precor commercial gym equipment. Big bucks? You bet. And worth every penny. I’m willing to pay for the best, and I can.
@44, 45
As I fuck beautiful young women and you fuck farm animals, I can understand why you would be so jealous as to make up stupid low IQ shit like that and post it here.
Wanna talk about how your “dozen cosplaying grandmothers” were indicted for seditious conspiracy? No? Then how about we talk about how…
Comey Barrett
….betrayed your treasonous Putin lovin’ ass when you needed them most?
Another “No”, huh?. No surprise.
@43 He said, “Have I violated some rule? To whom do I complain? The dead man who owns this list? I think there could be a legal complaint in there. Would you like to speak with my attorney or me as yourself and avoid legal stuff? [Edited comment]”
(I deleted some extraneous language.) I replied,
“This action is taken because of your comment here, specifically, your statement that Dr. Fauci ‘has outdone Joseph Mengele tenfold.’ That is intolerable on a blog owned by a Jewish medical researcher whose father, a military doctor, was the first American to find the Nazi death camp at Buchenwald at the end of World War 2. Dr. Schwartz isn’t here to terminate your commenting privileges, so I’m doing it for him. You can appeal to his widow if you like, but there is no legal right to have your comments posted on a privately owned blog. When it’s not your blog, you are a guest and commenting is a privilege, not a legally enforceable right. Any competent lawyer will tell you that. You should have learned this when you were kicked off for threatening to sue Goldstein to get my identity. Informed of that, any judge would wonder why I ever allowed you to post here at all. The answer is an attitude of leniency, tolerance, and forgiveness on my part, plus the fact it’s not my blog and I maintain it as a friend of Dr. Schwartz and try to reflect his beliefs and values in doing so. My attitude hasn’t changed, but you’ve forced my hand by exceeding the bounds of decency. His blog has an educated readership, and I won’t subject them to that. If you go to court on this, you’ll have to convince a judge you’re entitled to damages because you were expelled from a Jewish doctor’s blog for saying Dr. Fauci is 10 times worse than Nazi doctor Mengele. And then you’ll get a Civil Rule 11(a)(4) motion asking the court to order you to reimburse the defense expenses. I can’t fathom what’s going on in your head, but you lack common sense. I suggest you set up your own blog, then you can post anything you like, without having to satisfy a moderator. And also, learn from your mistake, and use it in a constructive manner to grow as a person going forward.”
@45 A guy who doesn’t have to shower because he can only get laid by fucking a captive horse is giving out womanizing tips. Cute.
@49 Well done, Roger.
To say something nice about Mark, his IQ is obviously higher than HA’s low IQ idiot troll.
I only see one comment too….Mark’s only.
I’m not going to diss on Mark here. When he chose to wallow in the HA cesspool, he made himself fair game along with the other trolls, just as we’re fair game for the trolls to abuse in return, because that’s how we all play the game here. (Something he didn’t seem to understand when he was here.) But I didn’t carry that over to Handbill.US when he moved his commenting from here to there.
Handbill.US is not an extension of the HA cesspool. There, I treated him respectfully, replied to his comments dispassionately with facts, kept the discussion on an elevated and intellectual plane, and never got personal toward him. I didn’t post some of his comments and edited others, usually to remove flippant or off-topic elements, but he did have a platform for his views there, and he made prolific use of it. I knew he’d had a lawyer send a threatening letter to Goldy demanding Goldy disclose my identity so he could sue me over some grievance against me, and that’s why he was banned from HA, but I didn’t hold that against him. I suspect a lot of other people would have been less generous. I think I treated him fairly, and I’m not treating him unfairly now.
I disciplined him for saying Dr. Fauci is 10 times worse than Dr. Mengele. What person with common sense would do that on a Jewish doctor’s blog? What kind of friend to SeattleJew would I be if I let that pass? Sure, I could’ve just deleted that portion of the comment, or not posted the comment. But I think there’s a point at which some people need to get blowback, or they’ll never learn that words and actions can have consequences. I wish him well, and I hope he learns from it and uses it for self-improvement.
Enjoy it! Bake a loaf with the extra money…… a meatloaf.
@52 Not sure why you guys aren’t seeing it. It’s visible on my browser.
I just reformatted that story. Clicking on the headline will now open the story on a dedicated page with the comments displayed in the sidebar, and both comments are there.
I just checked on my other computer downstairs in the gym, and I see both comments. In any case, both comments are fully reproduced @49 above.
Maybe you provided the wrong link.
this is where your link takes me. And there is only 1 Comment by Mark and no other.
His comment is “Have I violated some rule? To whom do I complain? The dead man who owns this list? I think there could be a legal complaint in there. Would you like to speak with my attorney or me as yourself and avoid legal stuff?”
And there is not 2nd post. I am using Chrome. I can try with Microsoft Edge and see if I then see it.
To the Nut job spitter…..not to the post regarding Mark’s comment regarding Fauci.
@51 Mark posted on Handbill.US that he’s retired from the Air Force and has a college degree. He’s had superficial exposure to the legal system, which leads him to express legal opinions and threaten legal action when he has grievances. He’s not an effective debater. He’s hobbled by dogmatism, and his comments lacked originality and critical thinking; a lot of them reflected rightwing propaganda. That’s not a diss; it’s simply saying he’s human. There are millions of people out there just like him, who have education beyond high school, but don’t think through complex and abstract issues the way academics or professional journalists do. Those are rare abilities; most people have formed opinions, closed minds, canned responses, and knee-jerk reflexes. I try to avoid being judgmental, even when I’m operating in the HA mockery factory, which to me is just a game. Unfortunately, Mark is thin-skinned and took personally the rowdy exchanges here on HA, and harbors grievances from that. Given that vulnerability, I really think he’s better off and happier not being here. It didn’t occur to him to participate in the HA cesspool anonymously, the way the rest of us do, or he chose not to, and at one point I even posted a suggestion — for his benefit — that he should do that. I wish Mark well, I don’t condemn him, I only disagree with him on an intellectual level, and I would say of his experience on HA that if you don’t want to get roughed up in a mosh pit, then don’t jump into the mosh pit. He seems to want a political prizefight in which he doesn’t get punched. He bruises easily. I provided him with a gentler setting on Handbill.US in which to express his opinions. He was never insulted or otherwise mistreated there. But I will not give him a soapbox to broadcast that Dr. Fauci is worse than a Nazi torturer and murderer. That’s a bridge too far.
African Americans don’t deserve Mayor Pete…..they need more of this.^tfw|twcamp^tweetembed|twterm^1484630066235527170|twgr^hb_1_8|twcon^s1_c10&ref_url=
That’s putting it nicely….I think it goes deeper….another dumbfuck.
Breeding will not save them
GOP continues to absolutely DOMINATE public school board WEAKLINGS:
@56 That’s the right link, and when I click on it, I get a page displaying both comments.
Could be in your settings, I don’t know. I’m not a computer geek.
Handbill.US uses WordPress (that’s how SJ set it up), and I use Google Chrome funneled through Duck Duck Go to shield my browsing from Google’s data harvesting.
I’m seeing both comments on both my computers, using your link @56. Maybe I typed it in invisible computer ink or something. Maybe one of our computer experts can explain this.
As for whether the rest of the outside world can see it, I don’t know. One way to test it is I could make a trip to the public library tomorrow to see if it comes up on theirs.
When comments are submitted to Handbill.US, they don’t post until I go to the site administration page and click on “Approve” below the comment. Normally, if I’m logged in, my comments post without that step. I just checked to see if I need to “Approve” it, but it’s approved.
@56 That page originally was a simple message to Mark that his comments wouldn’t be posted, so he wouldn’t waste his time writing them. He replied to that. This morning, I edited that page, replacing that message with the story that’s there now, about the woman harassing the Jewish kids, but I left his comment up and replied to it. I had previously replied to his original comment in the Dr. Fauci thread that he was losing his commenting privileges on Handbill.US, but I don’t think he saw that, and as he was still submitting comments, so I felt obligated to let him know he was wasting his time writing them. I want to clarify that he posted his comment before I changed that page from that message to the story there now, and that his comment wasn’t a reply to that story, it was a reply to the message.
@60 Some like furry Horses. What to do (not a question).
@ 57
He’s not an effective debater.
Neither are you. See 20Oct2017, General Electric’s prospects.
You beclowned yourself in that one more memorably than in all of the other times you stepped in your own spreading pile of diarrhea, but you do it on a regular basis, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit.
And on multiple blogs. Who can forget your “fleeing felon” lecture to citizens, on, after a thug was shot several times in the chest while bull-rushing a cop, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit?
You’re a fucking clown.
Now remember, he’s fat and his wife might only have one funbag.
Gov DeSantis just released a badass ad on his accomplishments
2022’s a formality. He’s running.
@ 46
Know what that means? SS check?
no more.. and according to the “serious”ly deranged babblings of the kreepee dimfuk of widbee..
THAT is GOOD.. for my kids..
It was GOOD.. for your kids when RBG bought it, YLB. Same rationale applies, girlfriend.
So as you cheer the death of every conservative-leaning famous type because it will reduce the tax burden on those two people unfortunate enough to be sprung for your gene pool, you unserious twat, realize that they stand to benefit in exactly the same way from the deaths of liberal famous types.
Unless they are replaced by someone even more liberal, in which case, hell, they’re fucked, anyway, because they share your genes.
So keep on celebrating as if it makes you look intelligent, YLB.
Now when many think of New York State, they correlate to NYC. Approximately 1/3 of the population of New York State lives in NYC.
New York State just today reach a COVID positivity rate below 10%(9.75%). But That percentage is more because of rural NY.
Manhattan Rate today is 6.15%. The lowest rate of all New York Counties. Of the five Burroughs, Queens had the highest rate of all, at 8.77%.
It’s the RedNeck Country folk that are fucking things up, the less liberal folk. Many other counties have 15%. Thank God for NYC
@ 69
You psychotic AIDS-addled fuck, New York City’s positivity rate averaged over the last 14 days is 30%. And you’re bitching about 15% in other counties?
You’re a fucking waste of food, G-clown. Lately compared to you, even YLB comes off as relatively intelligent.
@66 Compared to me, you’re the neighborhood garbage truck.
@67 “Gov DeSantis just released a badass ad on his accomplishments”
The Covid refrigerator truck photos?
@68 “Unless they are replaced by someone even more liberal”
Purely as a matter of math, I don’t see how dead conservatives translate into more conservatives.
I’d just like to add one more comment on why I’ll no longer clear Mark’s comments for posting on Handbill.US. And understand I’m only saying I won’t click on “Approve”; Steve’s widow has her own password and access, so she could post his comments, and I wouldn’t interfere (the blog is her property now). So this is really a matter of what I’m willing to be a party to, and what I refuse to be a party to.
What I won’t be a party to is someone saying Dr. Fauci is 10 times worse than Josef Mengele. I’m influenced in part by the recent televised exchange between Dr. Fauci and Ted Cruz, in which Dr. Fauci said he’s getting death threats because of things that are being said about him, and he cited the case of a person who recently was stopped by police while driving cross-country, had guns in his car, and told the cops he was driving to Washington D.C. to shoot Dr. Fauci. How do I know that letting a remark like that post won’t incite someone to take action? And then I’m partly responsible.
He did this to himself. He doesn’t seem to understand that. He mentioned getting a lawyer and taking legal action against me, a clear sign that he blames me for being banned from Handbill.US, but I didn’t ask him to post reckless and potentially dangerous comments. At the same time, he shows no sign of taking responsibility for his conduct, so what else can I do? I felt I had no choice but to remove myself from providing a soapbox for him.
it will reduce the tax burden on those two people
Thank you for conceding the consequences of your “serious” babblings about the “burden” of an idiot like you getting a SS check… I will continue to remind you of those “serious” babblings
Up until you do your stupid dance and BEYOND.
Btw, RBG was getting a government check by dint of her SCOTUS employment.. – that reduces if not eliminates SS benefits.. Missed that didn’t ya – klown.
Kind of like your “serious” babbling about GE.. zzzZZzzzZZZZZ
Thanks for being such a fucking klown.