You guys! King County rocks. More than 90% of people under 5 have received their first shot and more than 80% have had their full course. It’s been a lot, and it isn’t over, but this is truly great work by so many people.
Thanks to everyone who got the shot. Thanks if you are afraid of needles or were worried about side effects but did it anyway. Thanks to everyone, starting with Seatac voters, and eventually statewide, who made sure we have a sick leave to take a day off if necessary. Thanks for politicians who pushed state and local mandates.
Thanks to everyone who organized and participated in a vaccine event. Thanks to the people giving shots and taking information. Thanks for people who were there while we waited 15 minutes. Thanks to the private places that gave their space. Thanks to Lumen Field and Amazon for me specifically.
If you haven’t yet, please get vaccinated or boosted.
Last night my favorite local grocer was completely out of stock on rice noodles.
I’m so angry and devastated that I may renounce my citizenship and seek permission to emigrate to Russia.
@1 maybe boob of widbee could spot the ship with the noodles from its house.
@ 1
I remember how funny it was when everyone laughed at Trump running for president. Remember Obama doing the mic drop thing on late-night TV? Good times, good times.
It’s all fun and games until the first bread line is reported, isn’t it, QoS McHillbilly?
Let’s hope it continues to be fun and games.
Two cargo ships anchored by Bob’s house:
RONG AN CHENG, general cargo, looks like break-bulk carrier
LILA MUMBAI, general cargo, also looks like break-bulk
A few more down in Elliot Bay:
NEW HUNTER, break bulk
OCEAN VICTORY, bulk carrier
MSC ARICA, container
URSULA MANX, bulk carrier
WORLD PROSPER, bulk carrier
Doesn’t look like any of those are probably carrying noodles.
“large numbers of employees out sick”
In my part of of Missouri, I called and found out my garbage was not picked up because the garbage men on my route was out sick with Covid. I asked and found out products are not on the shelves in my grocery store because the distributor for those products was out sick with Covid. Missouri won’t wear masks or vax so it makes sense that so many people are out.
Let’s Go Darwin
I’ll go out on a limb here, Rick Larsen isn’t gay. Bob doesn’t have any gay freinds.
Given Democrat’s four decades of consistent economic out performance of Republicans, I’m much more confident of our ability to judge their economic leadership than I am of our ability to judge the soaring depravity, and reckless nihilism of “conservatives”.
Yes, Bob. You are absolutely right. Six years ago we “Lefties” failed entirely to anticipate that your crippling pathological fears of giant black penises and free-range vaginas would drive you “social conservatives” to willingly and eagerly cast votes for admitted rapists, kid-fuckers, drug pushers, and white nationalists authoritarians.
But thanks entirely to that, I’ve since made it my second job to never stop reminding everyone everywhere just exactly who you people really are. Thanks for lending a hand. I don’t think I could have done nearly as well without your many contributions.
3, 4, 5,
Okay, seriously. I thought this was obvious to everyone, even if media folks hadn’t figured it out.
You guys really are retired, aren’t you?
Okay, so for your benefit I’ll tell. Long before Omicron, when Delta was still fading and more and more employers were beginning to prepare to return to F2F, most medium and large employers first had to develop some policies that would account for COVID and COVID risk. And one thing most of them did, even if it was not required of them by a tyrannical overbearing pinko-commie dictator, was to lay out some modified absenteeism policies for COVID.
At the time it seemed reasonable to tell employees “if you are feeling ill please don’t come in – get a test first! Don’t come in unless and until you have one or two negative tests!” We won’t hold it against you – we won’t give you “points” or deduct days from your TOB, etc. Go back to Zoom until you feel better. If your position doesn’t work with Zoom, “we’ll manage”.
Omicron came along and blew all that shit to hell. If you were an exhausted warehouse, distribution, logistics or retail worker who had been consistently pulling OT with no days off for the previous two months laboring to keep up with the biggest retail Christmas in human history Omicron came as Christmas miracle. And if you were a pilot, FA, baggage handler, car rental agent, or TSA dreading an overcrowded, overbooked, overstressed holiday travel nightmare, you got a magical reprieve!
Put simply, with “free excuse” policies and almost no test kits available almost anybody who wanted to badly enough could take a week off at Christmas this year with no consequences. So they did. People in Zoom jobs probably didn’t even notice. But starting right around mid week before Christmas and continuing right through New Years staffing in all kinds of places was fucked.
And I don’t know about “y’all” but I was totes cool with all of it. I had dinner reservations blown up a couple of times when the restaurants had to close because they lacked staff. I had flight delays and spent a few more hours in airports then I would have preferred. I had deliveries delayed indefinitely. I missed deadlines on a couple of things. It was okay. As far as I’m concerned those people deserved the time off and I hope they enjoyed spending it with family for a change. I’m sick and tired of the rest of us demanding that certain people in certain jobs just completely sacrifice normal life for the petty convenience of the rest of us.
A whole lot of good people who really need time off with family actually got it for a change. And I got fresh yakisoba noodles instead.
How are things in Washington….here in Manhattan the daily rate yesterday went down to 10.5% positivity from the high of about 20%, 2-3 weeks ago.
Sorry, I’m not retired.
I knew Omicron would cause a wave and it happened pretty much like you laid it out.
It is gonna get worse before it gets better.
The fresh noodles are better for you anyway.
Maybe in small places in America there are shortages of goods in croceries…..but here in NYC you aint got no problems getting anything you want. And I haven’t been out of state or city for the last two weeks but when I was I didn’t find any shortages, but that was 2 weeks ago.
I was just at a grocery store, shelves are packed!
If you guys need anything, take a trip to NYC, I doubt anyone will deliver it on a bicycle to your house in washington.
Prepare for Right-Wing U.S. Dictatorship Before 2030, Scholar Urges Canada
“By 2025, American democracy could collapse, causing extreme domestic political instability, including widespread civil violence,” Homer-Dixon wrote.
“By 2030, if not sooner, the country could be governed by a right-wing dictatorship. We mustn’t dismiss these possibilities just because they seem ludicrous or too horrible to imagine.
Reasons behind a changing political landscape, he cited “stagnating middle-class incomes, chronic economic insecurity, and rising inequality,” and broadcasters who “hammered away” at the “moral authority of U.S. political institutions.”
He also highlighted “right-wing ideologues” stoking fears of white “replacement,” the unwillingness of the wealthy and powerful “to pay the taxes, invest in the public services, or create the avenues for vertical mobility.”
If Trump is reelected in 2024, the GOP leader will “have only two objectives: vindication and vengeance.”
I feel he’s correct. There will be civil war or a dictatorship because republicans won’t win the popular vote and republican legislators will ignore the majority and give the positions of power to the republicans.
Oh, if you do visit NYC, carefull of the guys delivering croceries on bikes, they’ll run you right the fuck over.
They’ll absolutely try.
They already have tried.
And they failed.
And that was while they could largely do it all entirely in secret, with nobody really watching them, and while the press uniformly pretended that it was all a big joke that would only serve to embarrass Trump while “regular Republicans” would naturally recoil from it and reject Trump.
A year later Trump is more popular and powerful than ever among “conservatives”. And so a chastened public and an especially chastened media are teamed up with a forewarned administrative state. There is now an entire division of the FBI devoted to tracking, investigating, and prosecuting right-wing domestic terror. And the kinds of casual racism, fascism, and extremism and “Coup-curious” dabbling and cosplaying previously ignored among public servants in key positions of authority that tended to cover for their efforts at undermining democracy and elections is now carefully observed and instantly called out.
They’ll continue to try.
And they’ll fail some more.
That doesn’t mean they won’t win any elections. And it doesn’t mean they might not rig one or two. They’ve already gotten away with that previously and the democratic administrative state has survived it. But I don’t see the widespread evidence that the regular functionary workers of the sprawling administrative state are in any way interested in making this Republican fever dream a reality.
All of the state fraud schemes failed because all of the bureaucrats and administrators refused to play along or look away. Trump could only delay the National Guard response for a couple of hours. The insurrectionists still couldn’t get their heavy weapons out of Virginia. Michael Fanone was a dedicated Trump supporter who stood in the breach and risked his life to turn Trump’s insurrection mob away.
They will fail. They always do.
@3 How many years in a Georgia prison does a black man get these days for handing a water bottle to his wife waiting in a bread line?
@5 How do you stand living in that state?
@13 You forgot to mention genocide. If these “white nationalists” do get absolute power, you don’t think for a moment they won’t cook up a “final solution” to the “black problem,” do you?