HJ Mai
When asked about the high #inflation rate in the U.S.,
Kamala Harris tells reporters that the White House is taking it “seriously.” She then talked about #BBB. It seems like the administration doesn’t have a short-term fix, which could become a big #political problem.
Meanwhile, in the RCP average Kamala Harris’ favorability is lower than Donald Trump’s. Which is saying something.
Newt Hoenikkerspews:
@1 NPR decides that Kamala Harris is useless.
Funny, that is what Trump thinks of his (former) VP Pence.
Vicious Trollspews:
@ 2
Between Kamala Harris and Mike Pence, Newt, which is a heartbeat away from the presidency?
Here’s the thing: Kamala Harris was duly elected by voters who presumably know that if the First Vegetable dies in office, resigns, or is twentififted or otherwise removed, she ascends to the presidency.
So it is increasingly likely (statistically, with each passing day) that the First Vegetable could stroke or croak.
Pence has run a US state from its executive office. Harris has been a state AG with a record from which she had to run when Tulsi Gabbard brought it up at an inconvenient time.
Why is it, Newt, that you care more about what Trump thinks/thought of Pence than you do about what the voters might think of Harris? That’s an odd perspective. Unless you merely seek to divert attention from the distinct possibility that as bad as our president is, the one who will succeed him if he loses the presidency before 2025 will be even worse.
Vicious Trollspews:
YLB played the race card only yesterday.
Noam Blum
“Imagine how people would react if Rittenhouse were black” is something you say when you want to deflect from the reality that if he were black, you would flip your opinion on this due to race, and so you want to mitigate that by claiming your opponent will too.
Yeah, imagine a buncha screaming white supremacists, with various weapons, terrorizing a scared black kid who is carrying an AR-15 while trying to help people, causing him to run in fear for his life and then chasing him as part of a mob, firing a lethal weapon in his immediate vicinity just before trapping him between some cars, and then trying to grab the weapon out of his hand.
Y’all would empty the stores of Free Carl Lee-style apparel if that happened.
Think I’m wrong? A certain white guy in Oxford, MS would challenge y’all on that.
Ann Coulter
There would be no trial. He would be a hero and the names Joseph Rosenbaum, Anthony Huber and Gaige Grosskreutz would be ranked with Hitler for their attempts to murder an innocent black man.
Quote Tweet
Jeffrey Toobin
· 16h
I wonder what the verdict would be in the #RittenhouseTrial if the defendant were a Black seventeen year old from another state who killed two people with an illegal assault weapon?
11:02 PM · Nov 11, 2021
Vicious Trollspews:
WaPo, in light of the recent revelations about the origins and honesty of the Steele dossier, has corrected or removed parts of two stories it published.
It didn’t just do a silent correction without telling anybody like the NYT does so often. It wrote a story about its own inaccuracy.
Paul Farhi
New: The
corrects, removes parts of two stories regarding the Steele dossier. Latest by me:
The Washington Post corrects, removes parts of two stories regarding the Steele dossier New reporting and the recent indictment of dossier contributor led The Post to decide it could no longer stand by the stories.
Common sense alone was not enough for WaPo. They had to see proof.
Biggest losers: Steve (RIP, Manboobs) and QoS McHillbilly. Oh, and #CrookedHillary! And a lot of guys who worked for or with the Trump campaign and didn’t deserve what #CrookedHillary’s campaign did to them.
Vicious Trollspews:
Remember when y’all cheered the increasing percent of Texas that isn’t white? ’cause it was gonna flip the state blue?
Good times, good times.
Varad Mehta
3h If the true number is anywhere close to 49%, that’s an unmitigated disaster for Democrats if it sticks. And this was in Fairfax County, which is a very blue area. It’s getting harder and harder to argue, as Sean notes below, that the Hispanic swing isn’t real. H/t
Quote Tweet
Sean T at RCP
· 5h
Hispanic voters, on the other hand, went 82%, 80% and 49% Democratic. Again, I emphasize the reality of error margins, and the error margins are pretty large for 2021. But, they don’t include the 82% or 80%. 4/
Vicious Trollspews:
If y’all libbies had to pick the one person most responsible for the shift of Hispanic voters toward the GOP, who would it be?
Or one of yours?
Vicious Trollspews:
I’ve been stuck three times, and I’m OK with mandates to at least some extent. As a corollary I guess I’m OK with my house burning down because there aren’t enough fire fighters willing to succumb to the mandates to remain employed to prevent it.
That having been said, shit like this does nothing to instill confidence in the system:
BERKELEY (KPIX 5) – As the Cal football program postponed this weekend’s game against USC following after 44 players tested positive for COVID-19, an infectious expert at UCSF questions testing those who were asymptomatic.
Dr. Monica Gandhi from UCSF said this is case where some of the guidelines haven’t been updated. Gandhi adds the big fail here was that those in the football program who were asymptomatic and fully vaccinated were tested.
Doesn’t help, either, when the CA state governor is knocked onto his ass for a few days by vaccine (The Wuhan plus flu vaccines, purportedly) side effects, and covers it up.
Y’all are making the case for President DeSantis.
I can wait.
Vicious Trollspews:
I can wait.
Paul Kane
Youngkin-McAuliffe data is now in for congressional districts – and it’s not good for Dems.
Youngkin won Spanberger (+11%) & Luria (+8) districts, after Northam won those 4 years ago. Youngkin narrowly lost Wexton’s district.
With @Meagan_Flynn details.
Vicious Trollspews:
Looking forward to September and October next year, when inflation is running at 8%, and First Vegetable Joe Biden tries to pass it off by blaming Trump for, er, lower food and energy prices in 2017-2020.
Newt Hoenikkerspews:
The thought of Pence being POTUS was terrifying, more so than Harris reaching that position.
Pence is a religious zealot. Trump thought he had his perfect minion to do his biding. When Trump is wrong, he is wrong bigly.
I’ll give Pence credit for doing the right thing at a critical moment. However, leadership? Not so much.
Harris doesn’t have strong record on leadership either, but I would rather take a chance on her than on Pence.
Besides, Harris isn’t on “Team Insurrection” like Pence was.
Pence probably thought he heard Trump mutter something about “resurrection” and wanted to join it to meet his god. However I think when the mob stormed the Capitol, that was the moment he realized Trump really said “insurrection.”
As bad as Harris is, she isn’t nearly as bad as any of the Trump clan.
Vicious Trollspews:
@ 12
Some real deep thought there, Newt.
Small wonder you thought asking Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit’s advice on an investment was a good idea.
Newt Hoenikkerspews:
Continuing with the your “Big Lie” about Roger, GE and investments. You are one to comment on “deep thought.”
Go spot a ship, it is more up your alley.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@3 “Between Kamala Harris and Mike Pence, Newt, which is a heartbeat away from the presidency?”
Now do Dan Quayle.
A Republican complaining about Veep picks? Seriously?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@7 Well, if Texas Republicans are doing so great with Hispanics, why do they have to gerrymander to cling to power? It’s not like the state is overrun with African-American cowboys.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@9 Wherein dumbfuck ADMITS he’s been vaccinated. Which makes him smarter than the average Republican dumbfuck, even though he’s a dumbfuck. Probably knows better than to self-care with horse dewormer pills, too. He’d better not let his “friends” find out, or he’ll suffer Puddy’s fate.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@11 What are ya gonna post if there’s a giant sucking sound and it turns out to be deflation?
You forgot the low-water mark for Republican Veep picks: Sarah Palin.
Let’s not forget Spiro Agnew. He was so corrupt he had to resign from office. Didn’t another prominent Republican figure have to resign because of corruption? Bueller? Bueller? Anyone?
Newt Hoenikkerspews:
Best opening line ever in a Veep debate: “Who am I? Why am I here?”
He was a very honorable man, just not cut out for the public life of a political figure.
Vicious Trollspews:
@ 15
Now do Dan Quayle.
Dumbfuck, why not do, say, Geraldine Ferraro? As long as we’re going to dwell on the past rather than on the future, let’s not stop with those elected.
Unless a President Harris is going to nominate Mike Pence to be her Veep, what Trump or anyone else thinks of Pence is irrelevant at present.
Harris is being hidden from the American public to the extent possible because the administration realizes that her numbers are not going to improve and the only thing that she can do is further drag down Biden’s numbers.
Rehashing a vice presidency from nearly 30 years ago is irrelevant.
Biden/Harris are duly elected. They are the only relevant politicians insofar as the presidency is concerned, at the moment. Although it might be interesting to discuss who the potential Veep nominees by a President Harris might be. Someone competent but who will not overshadow an incompetent woman in the Oval Office.
Leon Panetta? He’s easily confirmable and probably wouldn’t challenge her in 2024. He could be her Dick Cheney.
Vicious Trollspews:
@ 20
Best opening line ever in a Veep debate: “Who am I? Why am I here?”
More common than you apparently realize Newt.
Google “Biden what am I doing here”.
It’s Senility 101. On display for your consumption.
Newt Hoenikkerspews:
The point being both parties pick the VP as a result of style over substance.
McCain picked a women, who was also a governor (of a low population State), who in no way was qualified to be POTUS (for the reasons you stated in @3).
Trump picked one because he thought he could manipulate him. Biden picked a woman of color. Your point is?
Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
The thought of Mike Pence as president was so troubling to Republicans that they set out to murder him via hangman’s noose and Trump approved of it, calling it “common sense”:
Oh. My bad. I now see that according to a Republican, assembling a violent pipe-bomb mob to assassinate Pence and approving of that when questioned about it is “irrelevant”.
Boy that Biden Stock Market is un-fucking-believable!
Ggggggeeee Money!spews:
False equivalency on your part. Nice try though.
One trick pony or should we say one trick horse’s ass
Ggggggeeee Money!spews:
Your point is?
To be a troll. An un-vicious one at that.
Ggggggeeee Money!spews:
What am I doing here? Not the question.
The Pussy Grabber is not there is the answer.
Ggggggeeee Money!spews:
I’ve already heard that sucking sound. I think it was the intake of Bob’s ass when Bob got his head to close to his ass and it got sucked in.
Vicious Trollspews:
@ 23
The point being both parties pick the VP as a result of style over substance.
That’s not what Obama did. It’s not what GWB43 did. They needed experience to balance the ticket. Substance, not style.
Biden outed himself early on by promising to check boxes. He pledged to pick a woman, way back in mid-March of 2020. Cut your potential Veep pool in half based on gender and you find yourself with severe limitations. Cut out of consideration were Mayor Pete, Cory Booker, Julian Castro. Also Leon Panetta, Gavin Newsom, and nearly every Democrat with military experience.
Biden checked one more box with his ultimate choice, and ended up with an imbecile.
I hate the hell out of Elizabeth Warren, but as Biden fails I wish someone competent was vice president right now. Among women he could have picked, Warren is at the top of the competency list. Then Klobuchar. Then, maybe/hopefully, Val Demings. Gretchen Whitmer. After that? None that immediately come to mind. Definitely not Stacey Abrams. Not Tulsi Gabbard, either.
Biden went for style, which might not have been so bad if he was mid-60s. He’s not. We’re going to be poorer for it, when the nation is led by the incompetent Kamala Harris.
Ggggggeeee Money!spews:
What!? No homophobe comments today? He must not have been dreaming about me today.
Ggggggeeee Money!spews:
Bob, you yourself said that Biden needed to pick Kamala.
Wasn’t my choice obviously. And we know what you would say as to why that would be.
Bob, your a failed Doctor and failed Troll, face it. You shouldn’t get all drunk to have to forget about that
Ggggggeeee Money!spews:
Go on talk about mandates, the pros and cons, and debate it forever and waste your time. But don’t think about the future Pandemic coming.
Grow up, you old man in a diaper. Keep your skirt on, we don’t need to visualize that, you fat fuck.
Ggggggeeee Money!spews:
Tweet Twet News from Bob, his own Wikipedia
Ggggggeeee Money!spews:
Bob has has three forks in his tongue. Two aren’t sufficient to spin his bullshit
Roger Rabbitspews:
@19 I’m trying to block that one out. Anyway, she’ll never, ever be Veep, so she’s not the best example.
Newt Hoenikkerspews:
Bush needed Cheney, somebody needed to run the government because even the R’s knew Bush43 was incompetent to actually run the country. Cheney was a backroom deal to check all the boxes. Too bad he wasn’t a woman, that would have made the R’s really progressive at the time.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@22 Now reduced to making shit up. Happens a lot when he’s getting his ass handed to him.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Don’t see that anyone has post this yet, so here it is:
Grand jury indicts Steve Bannon for contempt of Congress
The other Trumpers defying House subpoenas can get in line and wait for theirs, too.
Not very much Gggggeeee money in the bankspews:
Ya, you and your big time investments at $78k a year
Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
Bannon indicted today on two counts.
Meadows to be referred for charges later today.
Another six pending referral probably before Thanksgiving.
All surrounding their efforts to cover up their involvement in “tourism” and “a bunch of stupid hillbillies who let things get out of hand”. Which is a perfectly normal thing.
If you are Republican.
Vicious Trollspews:
@ 33
Wasn’t my choice obviously. And we know what you would say as to why that would be.
Your consolation prize, Cuomosexual G-clown, is that Biden picked someone else with cocksucking experience.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@43 So now you like Kamala again?
Roger Rabbitspews:
These indictments aren’t a Democrat vs. Republican thing, they’re a rule of law thing. It’s a question of whether the congressional subpoena power applies to everyone or Trumpers are privileged characters who can exempt themselves, just like they exempt themselves from mask, social distancing, and vaccine mandates, and any other laws and rules they don’t feel like obeying.
The other day it said my kids should learn to code…
I saw the youngest write a little javascript once.. something connected with gaming – he’s an enthusiastic gamer to this day. Long time ago. Like 8 or 10 years ago.
Oldest – not a line..
Oldest has a b.a. degree. Made the Dean’s list at very big local University multiple times. I’ve let that school slip here but I’m being vague because one day the babblin’ butthole will slink back here from under its rock and I’d enjoy rubbing it in its face – if it first gives up salt mining buddy’s union. Youngest is employed as a team leader. He started at the bottom and is in middle management now.
Youngest has a b.s. degree in one of the hard sciences, went to the same University as the oldest. Made the Dean’s list multiple times. He’s now studying towards credentials and acceptance in one of the major professions. I’m being vague about the profession because I really want to rub that in herr dicktor dimfuk’s face until it turns dark brown when the youngest enters that profession – as he most certainly is capable of entering just as he was capable of excelling in his study of hard science.
Code couldn’t be farther from their interests in life. Both strive to work with people – leading, guiding and helping. Couldn’t have chosen better in my book. Computers are just another tool for them to help them succeed at what they really want to do. A tool they’ve grown up with their entire lives. Never needed or wanted to look under the hood.
Software engineers can make good livings but most just grind it out. As more and more enter that profession, compensation is driven down. And competition gets ever more fierce. One day the computers will program themselves. AI is making it happen.
Here’s a former Google engineer on why people should NOT learn to code..
It’s a question of whether the congressional subpoena power applies to everyone or Trumpers are privileged characters who can exempt themselves…
Actually, that question was answered during the Obama administration, when it permitted AG Eric Holder to defy a subpoena from the House of Representatives.
The difference in this case is that DOJ and those currently resisting subpoenas hail from opposing parties.
We do know, from experience, that Obamabots were “privileged characters who could exempt themselves.” Why not Trump’s group as well?
oops.. Oldest is employed as a team leader.. Excuse me.
Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
Actually, that question was answered during the Obama administration
Not true at all.
Case was settled in 2019. Significance of the ruling was mooted by the settlement. Settlement was struck by AG Barr.
Trump WH agreed to limited document production and another email search. In exchange Trump controlled House agreed to allow previous rulings from ABJ to be removed – an agreement that protected Trump. DC circuit sent the settlement back to ABJ who said “fuck that shit” or something to that effect.
Lasting upshot and effect is that both branches maintain their standing objections to ABJ’s rulings as filed in their appeals. Settlement went into effect. ABJ’s rulings remain in effect, however mooted by the settlement. House won document production it wanted. Barr didn’t win shit. ABJs rulings though they stand, are not binding precedent but may be cited and consulted as influential.
What rulings? That the federal courts are empowered to intervene when members of the Executive Branch seek to defy subpoenas from Congress. Running out the clock is no longer a good strategy.
What is a good strategy is to mostly ignore anything a Republican has to say about the law. They don’t believe in it anymore.
Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
Why not Trump’s group as well?
Just in case I didn’t answer this clearly enough for a Dumbfuck.
a) The law was never remotely clear even insofar as the power of the third branch to weigh in on disputes between the other two. Obviously (hopefully) some longstanding unresolved issues concerning the power balancing sought in the constitution need to be resolved. ABJ ruling is a very significant step in that direction.
b) Absent that uncertainty the option of tying up the dispute for years in a protracted exercise of due process until the object of the dispute has disappeared really does not apply in this case. And it’s probably no longer a good strategy.
The former guy who pays drugged teen prostitutes to jerk him off wearing Playtex gloves is no longer in office (despite rumors to the contrary that live only in his head and in Desperately Poor Bobby’s). The House is still issuing subpoenas. Even if the House changes hands by Jan of 2023, the charges will have been referred and the cases all filed. At that point the criminal charges and any constitutional arguments are in the hands of the DOJ and Merrick Garland. Very sad trombones.
You might have a prostate the size of a basketball like Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit, or you might weigh 300# with EEEE manboobs like our dearly departed Steve, or you might spend your WIC money on vajazzling like resident twat YLB.
But if you’re online at HA on Friday night, you insist on others addressing you by using your preferred pronoun, and you’re not a conservative, you’re an “HA hero“. To resident twat YLB, anyway.
People like YLB – weak, effeminate, stupid people who couldn’t keep up with the rest of us normal, productive types – are the ones who created the wealth gap in the first place. They let a gap open up, lost the draft because of it, and now they’ve been lapped so many times the only recourse they have is to take from those of us who are there at the finish to contest the sprint.
MAGA friends, I’m not saying this white Republican theocracy built on power, exclusion, and subjugation that you’re tethered to is anti-Jesus.
Jesus is saying that.
I know you really want to shoot the messenger.
That’s been going on for two-thousand years.
The conclusion of the conversation seemed to be that white people who voted for Trump a second time (even after his violent, predatory, disfigured four-year body of work) are tired of being labeled bigots and we should be nicer to them.
That’s what the greed racist incel has told us multiple times. Conservative voters are going to vote republican in the midterms because Liberals were not nicer to them.
I’m tired of seeing the loudest, most violent opposition to racial equity in this country come from white people professing to love a dark-skinned, foreign Jesus and operating as if God is a white guy who was born in American, raised Christian, and votes Republican.
Spot on.
Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
Geezus and Wow!
The poor thing must now sneak across closed international borders just like a filthy “wet” in order to conjure up another “grievance”.
There are over 6,000 war memorials registered in Canada (I checked). So not surprisingly they tend to get fucked around with by assholes from time to time. Is this one your pet project? Or is it Cranbrook? (Where the fuck is that?)
Or is it really as I suspect the fact that the assholes in this case happened to be pro-VAX?
After all, we all saw you when you fabricated fake “FB friends in CO” for the sole purpose of discrediting a wildly effective life saving vaccine. Hey Jenny McCarthy! Your man-clit just shrank a little bit more.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@52 I’m surprised you didn’t call it a false flag operation. After all, to your tribe, everything else is.
Vicious Trollspews:
@ 56
Poor little Kyle has PTSD.
That’s what your takeaway was, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit?
My takeaway is that prosecutors know that he’s gonna skate on their more serious charges, so they are scrambling to charge Rittenhouse with crimes they had not previously considered, so that they don’t end up watching him walk on every charge except the misdemeanor.
Prosecutors asked Kenosha County Circuit Judge Bruce Schroeder if he’d give the jury instructions on lesser charges Monday after closing arguments from prosecutors and defense attorneys.
They fucked up, they know they fucked up, and so now they’re trying to salvage a conviction on something.
Rittenhouse is charged with first-degree reckless homicide, use of a dangerous weapon, in the death of Rosenbaum. Prosecutors asked that the jury also be given instruction for second-degree reckless homicide.
The judge denied the request and the jury will only be allowed to consider the original charge.
Nope, not for this charge
Rittenhouse is charged with attempted first-degree recklessly endangering safety, use of a dangerous weapon, for endangering the safety of an unknown man, often referred to as “jump kick man” in court.
Prosecutors asked that the jury also be given instructions to consider charges for second-degree recklessly endangering safety but the judge denied the request.
Nope, not for that one, either.
For an attorney, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit, you seem to have an exceptionally poor comprehension skillset.
Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
They aren’t even at any real risk of losing the “supremacy”.
At least not entirely.
The truth is that what is turning “grievance” voters into Trump voters is the intolerable prospect of merely sharing a few limited public spaces with people who are different. It’s about their need to retain the authority to dictate norms in those spaces without facing any challenge. It’s about prayers before public meetings, workplace “grooming” standards, and the wrong people using the community pool.
Vicious Trollspews:
I am pleased to observe that a claim of PTSD is one that may be subjected to mockery on horsesass.org/haseattle.com.
I plan to make use of this precedent.
Vicious Trollspews:
God forbid we treat rioters as if they are anything but angels sent from heaven.
The Columbia Bugle 🇺🇸
Prosecutor: “Your videos that you have captured of these incidents that you call ‘riots’ they’re very slanted against the people who are rioting. You characterize them as ‘Antifa, BLM rioters.’ Correct?”
: “Because they are rioting in the footage, yes absolutely.”
10:15 AM · Nov 11, 2021
Vicious Trollspews:
I think that the announcement is that there will be one less potential chickenshit Democrat representative to flee Texas in order to prevent the government from conducting its business.
Patrick Svitek
New: State Rep. Ryan Guillen, D-Rio Grande City, is set to make an announcement Monday with
, per a person close to Guillen. #txlege
The 67 Democratic House members also reflect a diverse array of ideological worldviews — all of them to the left of all of their Republican colleagues.
Jasmine Crockett of Dallas, Michelle Beckley of Carrollton, Ana-Maria Ramos of Richardson, Toni Rose of Dallas, Gina Hinojosa of Austin and Jessica González of Dallas anchor the most liberal end of the Democratic spectrum.
Ryan Guillen of Rio Grande City, Richard Peña Raymond of Laredo, Terry Canales of Edinburg, Tracy King of Batesville, Abel Herrero of Robstown and Eddie Morales Jr. of Eagle Pass (all from South Texas) anchor the other end.
Take a Hispanic representative’s district and, quite suddenly, stuff it with a slew of illegals infested with The Wuhan, and that representative is gonna do what his constituents elected him to do. Protect their asses. Or at least their collective health and local economy.
First Vegetable Joe Biden is flipping Hispanics into conservatives.
Keep it up. I can wait.
Vicious Trollspews:
So abandon.
Manu Raju
And at one point, Biden suggested that if they couldn’t trust him and wouldn’t get behind the infrastructure bill last Friday, then they should just abandon the entire agenda, according to four sources familiar with his remarks.
“That really woke people up,” one person said.
He worked behind Pelosi’s back and thwarted the moderates in his own party. Why should he be trusted?
Ggggggeeee Money!spews:
Ya, you and your big time investments at $78k a year
Everyone here probably knows that I don’t play the stock market. I keep the 800k safe, very stupidly. And the 250k in the bank sitting there
I just like Biden’s stock market accomplishments because no Repuke could do that.
And even if I made 78k I’d be happy with it, but very fortunate I make a lot more than that but it’s a secret because Bob has no fucking clue what my AGI is.
And being one of the Trustees in the Family Trust is just a piece of legal document to me.
And the 600k mortgage it’s just a piece of paper, and second residence. But again Bob has no clue what my AGI is!
Guess what? CRT is not one of them.
Neither are gender fluid pre-teens, wedding cakes, or baggy pants.
PS If you haven’t seen the video, sadly you will sooner or later. I’m not linking for what I hope are obvious reasons. When you do please try to remember these are minors.
Again, not celebrating this. But the vaccine has been available since March. It’s incredibly safe. And wildly successful at saving lives. And it is free.
Flying monoclonal antibodies to El Salvador to treat a tourist from a country where the vaccine has been available to him since last March would be morally reprehensible. I hope he recovers. I also hope he does not get the treatment he is demanding.
Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
Maybe there’s some kind of play here.
Is it possible there’s interest among willfully unvaccinated “conservatives” in organized virus tours in developing nations?
Spreading “truth” among those hungry souls yearning for FREEDUMB.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@60 Hmm. Poor little Kyle told the cops “he was hit in the head and neck with a baseball bat” but he didn’t repeat that claim under oath in court. That’s not the only thing he lied to the police about:
“Rittenhouse also told police that he had been hired as security for a Kenosha business …. The owner of the business, Car Source, has told the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel that he did not hire any security.”
He cried his little eyes out in the police station, too:
“Kyle Rittenhouse cycled through a range of emotions, crying and vomiting several times, as he described to police what happened late on August 25 after he traveled to Kenosha ….”
Not because two people are dead at his hands, but because …
“He started to cry after learning from family members about negative social media comments over the shootings, the police records say.”
Way too young and immature to be patrolling a riot scene with an AR-15, don’cha think?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@62 Yeah, I’m sure you’ll go up to some Vietnam veteran and ask him if being a “baby killer” gave him PTSD.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Doctor Dumbfuck has tried to blame inflation on Biden’s social spending bill, even though it hasn’t passed Congress and no money has been spent yet. (Spoiler alert: Government spending doesn’t cause inflation until the money, you know, gets into the economy.)
Well, here’s a little tidbit I found from a CBS News link here:
“According to a January poll from Data For Progress, nearly two-thirds of all voters support $2,000 monthly payments to all Americans for the length of the pandemic. Supporters include a majority of Independents and Republicans.”
Hmm, it seems Republicans aren’t against inflation-causing deficit spending as long as they get a big piece of the action. It’s only spending that benefits other people (e.g., low-income single mothers who can’t afford child care) that bothers them.
NPR decides that Kamala Harris is useless.
Meanwhile, in the RCP average Kamala Harris’ favorability is lower than Donald Trump’s. Which is saying something.
@1 NPR decides that Kamala Harris is useless.
Funny, that is what Trump thinks of his (former) VP Pence.
@ 2
Between Kamala Harris and Mike Pence, Newt, which is a heartbeat away from the presidency?
Here’s the thing: Kamala Harris was duly elected by voters who presumably know that if the First Vegetable dies in office, resigns, or is twentififted or otherwise removed, she ascends to the presidency.
So it is increasingly likely (statistically, with each passing day) that the First Vegetable could stroke or croak.
Pence has run a US state from its executive office. Harris has been a state AG with a record from which she had to run when Tulsi Gabbard brought it up at an inconvenient time.
Why is it, Newt, that you care more about what Trump thinks/thought of Pence than you do about what the voters might think of Harris? That’s an odd perspective. Unless you merely seek to divert attention from the distinct possibility that as bad as our president is, the one who will succeed him if he loses the presidency before 2025 will be even worse.
YLB played the race card only yesterday.
Yeah, imagine a buncha screaming white supremacists, with various weapons, terrorizing a scared black kid who is carrying an AR-15 while trying to help people, causing him to run in fear for his life and then chasing him as part of a mob, firing a lethal weapon in his immediate vicinity just before trapping him between some cars, and then trying to grab the weapon out of his hand.
Y’all would empty the stores of Free Carl Lee-style apparel if that happened.
Think I’m wrong? A certain white guy in Oxford, MS would challenge y’all on that.
Jeffrey Toobin and Ann Coulter play Q&A with dumb twat YLB’s stupid inference.
WaPo, in light of the recent revelations about the origins and honesty of the Steele dossier, has corrected or removed parts of two stories it published.
It didn’t just do a silent correction without telling anybody like the NYT does so often. It wrote a story about its own inaccuracy.
Common sense alone was not enough for WaPo. They had to see proof.
Biggest losers: Steve (RIP, Manboobs) and QoS McHillbilly. Oh, and #CrookedHillary! And a lot of guys who worked for or with the Trump campaign and didn’t deserve what #CrookedHillary’s campaign did to them.
Remember when y’all cheered the increasing percent of Texas that isn’t white? ’cause it was gonna flip the state blue?
Good times, good times.
If y’all libbies had to pick the one person most responsible for the shift of Hispanic voters toward the GOP, who would it be?
Or one of yours?
I’ve been stuck three times, and I’m OK with mandates to at least some extent. As a corollary I guess I’m OK with my house burning down because there aren’t enough fire fighters willing to succumb to the mandates to remain employed to prevent it.
That having been said, shit like this does nothing to instill confidence in the system:
Doesn’t help, either, when the CA state governor is knocked onto his ass for a few days by vaccine (The Wuhan plus flu vaccines, purportedly) side effects, and covers it up.
Y’all are making the case for President DeSantis.
I can wait.
I can wait.
Looking forward to September and October next year, when inflation is running at 8%, and First Vegetable Joe Biden tries to pass it off by blaming Trump for, er, lower food and energy prices in 2017-2020.
The thought of Pence being POTUS was terrifying, more so than Harris reaching that position.
Pence is a religious zealot. Trump thought he had his perfect minion to do his biding. When Trump is wrong, he is wrong bigly.
I’ll give Pence credit for doing the right thing at a critical moment. However, leadership? Not so much.
Harris doesn’t have strong record on leadership either, but I would rather take a chance on her than on Pence.
Besides, Harris isn’t on “Team Insurrection” like Pence was.
Pence probably thought he heard Trump mutter something about “resurrection” and wanted to join it to meet his god. However I think when the mob stormed the Capitol, that was the moment he realized Trump really said “insurrection.”
As bad as Harris is, she isn’t nearly as bad as any of the Trump clan.
@ 12
Some real deep thought there, Newt.
Small wonder you thought asking Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit’s advice on an investment was a good idea.
Continuing with the your “Big Lie” about Roger, GE and investments. You are one to comment on “deep thought.”
Go spot a ship, it is more up your alley.
@3 “Between Kamala Harris and Mike Pence, Newt, which is a heartbeat away from the presidency?”
Now do Dan Quayle.
A Republican complaining about Veep picks? Seriously?
@7 Well, if Texas Republicans are doing so great with Hispanics, why do they have to gerrymander to cling to power? It’s not like the state is overrun with African-American cowboys.
@9 Wherein dumbfuck ADMITS he’s been vaccinated. Which makes him smarter than the average Republican dumbfuck, even though he’s a dumbfuck. Probably knows better than to self-care with horse dewormer pills, too. He’d better not let his “friends” find out, or he’ll suffer Puddy’s fate.
@11 What are ya gonna post if there’s a giant sucking sound and it turns out to be deflation?
Asking for a hedge fund friend.
You forgot the low-water mark for Republican Veep picks: Sarah Palin.
Let’s not forget Spiro Agnew. He was so corrupt he had to resign from office. Didn’t another prominent Republican figure have to resign because of corruption? Bueller? Bueller? Anyone?
Best opening line ever in a Veep debate: “Who am I? Why am I here?”
He was a very honorable man, just not cut out for the public life of a political figure.
@ 15
Now do Dan Quayle.
Dumbfuck, why not do, say, Geraldine Ferraro? As long as we’re going to dwell on the past rather than on the future, let’s not stop with those elected.
Unless a President Harris is going to nominate Mike Pence to be her Veep, what Trump or anyone else thinks of Pence is irrelevant at present.
Harris is being hidden from the American public to the extent possible because the administration realizes that her numbers are not going to improve and the only thing that she can do is further drag down Biden’s numbers.
Rehashing a vice presidency from nearly 30 years ago is irrelevant.
Biden/Harris are duly elected. They are the only relevant politicians insofar as the presidency is concerned, at the moment. Although it might be interesting to discuss who the potential Veep nominees by a President Harris might be. Someone competent but who will not overshadow an incompetent woman in the Oval Office.
Leon Panetta? He’s easily confirmable and probably wouldn’t challenge her in 2024. He could be her Dick Cheney.
@ 20
Best opening line ever in a Veep debate: “Who am I? Why am I here?”
More common than you apparently realize Newt.
Google “Biden what am I doing here”.
It’s Senility 101. On display for your consumption.
The point being both parties pick the VP as a result of style over substance.
McCain picked a women, who was also a governor (of a low population State), who in no way was qualified to be POTUS (for the reasons you stated in @3).
Trump picked one because he thought he could manipulate him. Biden picked a woman of color. Your point is?
The thought of Mike Pence as president was so troubling to Republicans that they set out to murder him via hangman’s noose and Trump approved of it, calling it “common sense”:
Oh. My bad. I now see that according to a Republican, assembling a violent pipe-bomb mob to assassinate Pence and approving of that when questioned about it is “irrelevant”.
I took your suggestion and got this: https://rumble.com/vo26o7-biden-what-am-i-doing-here.html
Not the same context as Stockdale: https://youtu.be/hk53qOhq40M
False equivalency on your part. Nice try though.
I’d take Kamala Harris over Mike Pence any day.
Boy that Biden Stock Market is un-fucking-believable!
One trick pony or should we say one trick horse’s ass
To be a troll. An un-vicious one at that.
What am I doing here? Not the question.
The Pussy Grabber is not there is the answer.
I’ve already heard that sucking sound. I think it was the intake of Bob’s ass when Bob got his head to close to his ass and it got sucked in.
@ 23
The point being both parties pick the VP as a result of style over substance.
That’s not what Obama did. It’s not what GWB43 did. They needed experience to balance the ticket. Substance, not style.
Biden outed himself early on by promising to check boxes. He pledged to pick a woman, way back in mid-March of 2020. Cut your potential Veep pool in half based on gender and you find yourself with severe limitations. Cut out of consideration were Mayor Pete, Cory Booker, Julian Castro. Also Leon Panetta, Gavin Newsom, and nearly every Democrat with military experience.
Biden checked one more box with his ultimate choice, and ended up with an imbecile.
I hate the hell out of Elizabeth Warren, but as Biden fails I wish someone competent was vice president right now. Among women he could have picked, Warren is at the top of the competency list. Then Klobuchar. Then, maybe/hopefully, Val Demings. Gretchen Whitmer. After that? None that immediately come to mind. Definitely not Stacey Abrams. Not Tulsi Gabbard, either.
Biden went for style, which might not have been so bad if he was mid-60s. He’s not. We’re going to be poorer for it, when the nation is led by the incompetent Kamala Harris.
What!? No homophobe comments today? He must not have been dreaming about me today.
Bob, you yourself said that Biden needed to pick Kamala.
Wasn’t my choice obviously. And we know what you would say as to why that would be.
Bob, your a failed Doctor and failed Troll, face it. You shouldn’t get all drunk to have to forget about that
Go on talk about mandates, the pros and cons, and debate it forever and waste your time. But don’t think about the future Pandemic coming.
Grow up, you old man in a diaper. Keep your skirt on, we don’t need to visualize that, you fat fuck.
Tweet Twet News from Bob, his own Wikipedia
Bob has has three forks in his tongue. Two aren’t sufficient to spin his bullshit
@19 I’m trying to block that one out. Anyway, she’ll never, ever be Veep, so she’s not the best example.
Bush needed Cheney, somebody needed to run the government because even the R’s knew Bush43 was incompetent to actually run the country. Cheney was a backroom deal to check all the boxes. Too bad he wasn’t a woman, that would have made the R’s really progressive at the time.
@22 Now reduced to making shit up. Happens a lot when he’s getting his ass handed to him.
Don’t see that anyone has post this yet, so here it is:
Grand jury indicts Steve Bannon for contempt of Congress
The other Trumpers defying House subpoenas can get in line and wait for theirs, too.
Ya, you and your big time investments at $78k a year
Bannon indicted today on two counts.
Meadows to be referred for charges later today.
Another six pending referral probably before Thanksgiving.
All surrounding their efforts to cover up their involvement in “tourism” and “a bunch of stupid hillbillies who let things get out of hand”. Which is a perfectly normal thing.
If you are Republican.
@ 33
Wasn’t my choice obviously. And we know what you would say as to why that would be.
Your consolation prize, Cuomosexual G-clown, is that Biden picked someone else with cocksucking experience.
@43 So now you like Kamala again?
These indictments aren’t a Democrat vs. Republican thing, they’re a rule of law thing. It’s a question of whether the congressional subpoena power applies to everyone or Trumpers are privileged characters who can exempt themselves, just like they exempt themselves from mask, social distancing, and vaccine mandates, and any other laws and rules they don’t feel like obeying.
Herr dicktor dimfuk is soooo dumb…
How dumb is it????
The other day it said my kids should learn to code…
I saw the youngest write a little javascript once.. something connected with gaming – he’s an enthusiastic gamer to this day. Long time ago. Like 8 or 10 years ago.
Oldest – not a line..
Oldest has a b.a. degree. Made the Dean’s list at very big local University multiple times. I’ve let that school slip here but I’m being vague because one day the babblin’ butthole will slink back here from under its rock and I’d enjoy rubbing it in its face – if it first gives up salt mining buddy’s union. Youngest is employed as a team leader. He started at the bottom and is in middle management now.
Youngest has a b.s. degree in one of the hard sciences, went to the same University as the oldest. Made the Dean’s list multiple times. He’s now studying towards credentials and acceptance in one of the major professions. I’m being vague about the profession because I really want to rub that in herr dicktor dimfuk’s face until it turns dark brown when the youngest enters that profession – as he most certainly is capable of entering just as he was capable of excelling in his study of hard science.
Code couldn’t be farther from their interests in life. Both strive to work with people – leading, guiding and helping. Couldn’t have chosen better in my book. Computers are just another tool for them to help them succeed at what they really want to do. A tool they’ve grown up with their entire lives. Never needed or wanted to look under the hood.
Software engineers can make good livings but most just grind it out. As more and more enter that profession, compensation is driven down. And competition gets ever more fierce. One day the computers will program themselves. AI is making it happen.
Here’s a former Google engineer on why people should NOT learn to code..
Heh. thanks again for the laughs vacuous troll.
@ 45
It’s a question of whether the congressional subpoena power applies to everyone or Trumpers are privileged characters who can exempt themselves…
Actually, that question was answered during the Obama administration, when it permitted AG Eric Holder to defy a subpoena from the House of Representatives.
The difference in this case is that DOJ and those currently resisting subpoenas hail from opposing parties.
We do know, from experience, that Obamabots were “privileged characters who could exempt themselves.” Why not Trump’s group as well?
The difference will be hypocrisy.
So now you like Kamala again?
It suffers “seriously” from a case of Cali black guy envy.
oops.. Oldest is employed as a team leader.. Excuse me.
Not true at all.
Case was settled in 2019. Significance of the ruling was mooted by the settlement. Settlement was struck by AG Barr.
Trump WH agreed to limited document production and another email search. In exchange Trump controlled House agreed to allow previous rulings from ABJ to be removed – an agreement that protected Trump. DC circuit sent the settlement back to ABJ who said “fuck that shit” or something to that effect.
Lasting upshot and effect is that both branches maintain their standing objections to ABJ’s rulings as filed in their appeals. Settlement went into effect. ABJ’s rulings remain in effect, however mooted by the settlement. House won document production it wanted. Barr didn’t win shit. ABJs rulings though they stand, are not binding precedent but may be cited and consulted as influential.
What rulings? That the federal courts are empowered to intervene when members of the Executive Branch seek to defy subpoenas from Congress. Running out the clock is no longer a good strategy.
What is a good strategy is to mostly ignore anything a Republican has to say about the law. They don’t believe in it anymore.
Just in case I didn’t answer this clearly enough for a Dumbfuck.
a) The law was never remotely clear even insofar as the power of the third branch to weigh in on disputes between the other two. Obviously (hopefully) some longstanding unresolved issues concerning the power balancing sought in the constitution need to be resolved. ABJ ruling is a very significant step in that direction.
b) Absent that uncertainty the option of tying up the dispute for years in a protracted exercise of due process until the object of the dispute has disappeared really does not apply in this case. And it’s probably no longer a good strategy.
The former guy who pays drugged teen prostitutes to jerk him off wearing Playtex gloves is no longer in office (despite rumors to the contrary that live only in his head and in Desperately Poor Bobby’s). The House is still issuing subpoenas. Even if the House changes hands by Jan of 2023, the charges will have been referred and the cases all filed. At that point the criminal charges and any constitutional arguments are in the hands of the DOJ and Merrick Garland. Very sad trombones.
When YLB does graffiti.
You might have a prostate the size of a basketball like Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit, or you might weigh 300# with EEEE manboobs like our dearly departed Steve, or you might spend your WIC money on vajazzling like resident twat YLB.
But if you’re online at HA on Friday night, you insist on others addressing you by using your preferred pronoun, and you’re not a conservative, you’re an “HA hero“. To resident twat YLB, anyway.
People like YLB – weak, effeminate, stupid people who couldn’t keep up with the rest of us normal, productive types – are the ones who created the wealth gap in the first place. They let a gap open up, lost the draft because of it, and now they’ve been lapped so many times the only recourse they have is to take from those of us who are there at the finish to contest the sprint.
YLB is HA’s own Rosie Ruiz.
Bob in his heday: Bob, you ignorant slut! Classic!
I’m Not Saying Conservative Christianity is Anti-Jesus. Jesus is.
Poor little Kyle has PTSD.
But he’s still considerably better off than his victims.
For White People Tired of Being Called “Racist”
That’s what the greed racist incel has told us multiple times. Conservative voters are going to vote republican in the midterms because Liberals were not nicer to them.
Spot on.
Geezus and Wow!
The poor thing must now sneak across closed international borders just like a filthy “wet” in order to conjure up another “grievance”.
There are over 6,000 war memorials registered in Canada (I checked). So not surprisingly they tend to get fucked around with by assholes from time to time. Is this one your pet project? Or is it Cranbrook? (Where the fuck is that?)
Or is it really as I suspect the fact that the assholes in this case happened to be pro-VAX?
After all, we all saw you when you fabricated fake “FB friends in CO” for the sole purpose of discrediting a wildly effective life saving vaccine. Hey Jenny McCarthy! Your man-clit just shrank a little bit more.
@52 I’m surprised you didn’t call it a false flag operation. After all, to your tribe, everything else is.
@ 56
Poor little Kyle has PTSD.
That’s what your takeaway was, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit?
My takeaway is that prosecutors know that he’s gonna skate on their more serious charges, so they are scrambling to charge Rittenhouse with crimes they had not previously considered, so that they don’t end up watching him walk on every charge except the misdemeanor.
They fucked up, they know they fucked up, and so now they’re trying to salvage a conviction on something.
Nope, not for this charge
Nope, not for that one, either.
For an attorney, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit, you seem to have an exceptionally poor comprehension skillset.
They aren’t even at any real risk of losing the “supremacy”.
At least not entirely.
The truth is that what is turning “grievance” voters into Trump voters is the intolerable prospect of merely sharing a few limited public spaces with people who are different. It’s about their need to retain the authority to dictate norms in those spaces without facing any challenge. It’s about prayers before public meetings, workplace “grooming” standards, and the wrong people using the community pool.
I am pleased to observe that a claim of PTSD is one that may be subjected to mockery on horsesass.org/haseattle.com.
I plan to make use of this precedent.
God forbid we treat rioters as if they are anything but angels sent from heaven.
I think that the announcement is that there will be one less potential chickenshit Democrat representative to flee Texas in order to prevent the government from conducting its business.
What say you, libbies?
@ 64
Guillen is considered to be among the least chickenshit of Texas Democrat state legislators.
Take a Hispanic representative’s district and, quite suddenly, stuff it with a slew of illegals infested with The Wuhan, and that representative is gonna do what his constituents elected him to do. Protect their asses. Or at least their collective health and local economy.
First Vegetable Joe Biden is flipping Hispanics into conservatives.
Keep it up. I can wait.
So abandon.
He worked behind Pelosi’s back and thwarted the moderates in his own party. Why should he be trusted?
Everyone here probably knows that I don’t play the stock market. I keep the 800k safe, very stupidly. And the 250k in the bank sitting there
I just like Biden’s stock market accomplishments because no Repuke could do that.
And even if I made 78k I’d be happy with it, but very fortunate I make a lot more than that but it’s a secret because Bob has no fucking clue what my AGI is.
And being one of the Trustees in the Family Trust is just a piece of legal document to me.
And the 600k mortgage it’s just a piece of paper, and second residence. But again Bob has no clue what my AGI is!
We have a lot of problems with racism in America:
Guess what? CRT is not one of them.
Neither are gender fluid pre-teens, wedding cakes, or baggy pants.
PS If you haven’t seen the video, sadly you will sooner or later. I’m not linking for what I hope are obvious reasons. When you do please try to remember these are minors.
Again, not celebrating this. But the vaccine has been available since March. It’s incredibly safe. And wildly successful at saving lives. And it is free.
Flying monoclonal antibodies to El Salvador to treat a tourist from a country where the vaccine has been available to him since last March would be morally reprehensible. I hope he recovers. I also hope he does not get the treatment he is demanding.
Maybe there’s some kind of play here.
Is it possible there’s interest among willfully unvaccinated “conservatives” in organized virus tours in developing nations?
Spreading “truth” among those hungry souls yearning for FREEDUMB.
@60 Hmm. Poor little Kyle told the cops “he was hit in the head and neck with a baseball bat” but he didn’t repeat that claim under oath in court. That’s not the only thing he lied to the police about:
“Rittenhouse also told police that he had been hired as security for a Kenosha business …. The owner of the business, Car Source, has told the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel that he did not hire any security.”
He cried his little eyes out in the police station, too:
“Kyle Rittenhouse cycled through a range of emotions, crying and vomiting several times, as he described to police what happened late on August 25 after he traveled to Kenosha ….”
Not because two people are dead at his hands, but because …
“He started to cry after learning from family members about negative social media comments over the shootings, the police records say.”
Way too young and immature to be patrolling a riot scene with an AR-15, don’cha think?
@62 Yeah, I’m sure you’ll go up to some Vietnam veteran and ask him if being a “baby killer” gave him PTSD.
Doctor Dumbfuck has tried to blame inflation on Biden’s social spending bill, even though it hasn’t passed Congress and no money has been spent yet. (Spoiler alert: Government spending doesn’t cause inflation until the money, you know, gets into the economy.)
Well, here’s a little tidbit I found from a CBS News link here:
“According to a January poll from Data For Progress, nearly two-thirds of all voters support $2,000 monthly payments to all Americans for the length of the pandemic. Supporters include a majority of Independents and Republicans.”
Hmm, it seems Republicans aren’t against inflation-causing deficit spending as long as they get a big piece of the action. It’s only spending that benefits other people (e.g., low-income single mothers who can’t afford child care) that bothers them.
normal, productive types
yawn… a lifetime of being “normal”, leading to “producing” cali black guy envy and other laughs on HA…
“serious” and “normal”… until “that certain day” which according to it own babbling is…
GOOD for my kids..
A “normal, productive” type aka one of the billionaires Bezos wants to send on joy rides into space..
goes to “that certain day”…
Glen de Vries, a businessman who flew to space last month with Jeff Bezos’ company Blue Origin, died in a small plane crash on Thursday. He was 49, according to New Jersey State Police.
I mean just anyone can take Jeff’s Bezos’ joy ride into “space”.
Poor “normal, productive” type – will never cash a ss check..
But according to herr dicktor dimfuk that should be GOOD for my kids..
Average salary for construction scheduler: $78k per year
Yep….you rollin heavy…lol
Don’t quit your day job of sucking dicks and stealing hubcaps…pay that rent!
Does swallowing get you an extra $10?
little maxpile watchin’ porn and strokin’ its lil’ popgun..
is bi-curious..
zzzZzzzzz… lil’ maxpile and its boring lil’ “life”