Good morning to everyone except Kathy Lambert. Seriously, that isn’t a mistake, it was a deliberate choice. She must have thought that she could get away with it. And hell, maybe it still will.
Anyway, please wash your hands right now. And my goodness it’s time to get vaccinated if you haven’t yet.
I don’t know about the Seattle region but it’s a fairly decent day her in NYC. A great way to spend your day is to be a Troll, I guess.
Biggest loser: Pramila Jayapal.
Democrats likely to throw billions in tax hikes overboard as spending plans shrink
It’s the flip side to Democrats’ decision to scale back their spending plans. Much of the focus in Washington has been on how they will slim down their package, by either dropping lower-priority initiatives or funding more programs for shorter periods of time, in hopes Congress will re-up them later.
But a smaller price tag will also mean big changes on the tax side as well because Democrats are unlikely to raise taxes by more than they need to defray the cost of their plans.
Quote du jour:
“The truly frightening thought for frustrated Democrats: This might be the high-water mark of power they’ll have for the next decade.”
How big a fuckin’ baby is Bernie Sanders?
First he won’t lend his name to support Sinema, and now this.
Inside the Manchin-Sanders feud that has Democrats nervous about Biden’s agenda
First Bernie hurt #CrookedHillary and helped give y’all
Coney Barrett.
Now he’s gonna hurt Biden by strengthening Manchin.
Even The Even Bigger Fucking Moron knows this.
That’s sayin’ sumthin’, ’cause The Even Bigger Fucking Moron is convinced that the reason he was left back no fewer than three times in grade school is because of his homosexuality.
Well, it’s no secret that Schumer’s behavior is fucking stupid most of the time.
Also going to get worse: Biden’s tanking approval numbers.
Maybe she doesn’t want to live in a society where the poor think they are entitled to the same education as the rich. Can’t have them competing for their gifted classes.
“A Republican campaign manager for school board candidates in a Connecticut town has sparked controversy by telling participants of a virtual education forum that “helping kids of color to feel they belong has a negative effect on white, Christian, or conservative kids.””
She later sought to clarify her statement, which she admitted was “poorly worded,” and claimed it had been shown “out of context.” In trying to mop up the mess, Beeman said she’d been referring to “students who may have staunch Judeo-Christian values, or simply are conservative thinkers,” and are now being “bullied into submission by their teachers and fellow students with left-leaning ideologies.”
How do you say this shit out loud and not get that you’re the bad guy?
@ 7
Can’t have them competing for their gifted classes.
Perhaps The Even Bigger Fucking Moron does not realize that NYC’s solution is to eliminate gifted classes for everybody.
Or perhaps he does, but supports the move, because it helps narrow the knowledge gap between himself and everyone else.
The link @ 3 warrants a careful, thoughtful read. Something in it for everyone.
Very weak president more likely than Gen X behavior.
Grown-up anti-mask assholes harass kids wearing masks.
Really shows what they’re made of, doesn’t it?
How many billions in a trillion?
“The capacity for deluding ourselves that today’s reality is the only true one, on the one hand, sustains us, but on the other, it plunges us into an endless void, because today’s reality is destined to prove delusion for us tomorrow; and life doesn’t conclude. It can’t conclude. Tomorrow if it concludes, it’s finished.”– Pirandello
Bob’s taxes are not going up.
They never were.
@2 “Democrats are unlikely to raise taxes by more than they need to defray the cost of their plans.”
Republicans are unlikely to raise taxes enough to pay for their next multi-trillion-dollar war. Democrats don’t want to tax people for that, either, so they’ll skip the war.
@ 11
Really shows what they’re made of, doesn’t it?
Yup, it does. As did the willingness of the mayor and city council to put up with four homicides in the Durkan Kill Zone before finally deciding to put a stop to it.
Some people don’t deserve to be taken seriously. Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit you are one of them.
@14 You should take your horse seriously. He’s itching for a chance to plant a horseshoe in your balls.
@4 Sanders isn’t a Democrat, in case you’ve forgotten. Some people would argue Manchin isn’t, either, despite calling himself one.
Helllllooooo, boys! I’m baaaaaacccck!
@6 Schumer was fucking stupid one day. You’re fucking stupid every day. Given a choice, I’d take him over you.
We have our first candidate @ 16 for weakest spew of the thread. Perennial winner Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit once again takes the early lead.
@7 Poorly worded, yes; out of context, no. She said what she meant, and meant what she said. Just another racist Republican wearing her true feelings on her sleeve. These people still can’t get over a black kid growing up to be president.
She’s only hurting herself.
Setting aside the fact that she deliberately chose to position herself as one of only two Democratic lawmakers opposing the president’s budget, where will all this leave her if the worst should come to pass, and Manchin was to formally break with the party and declare himself an EEN-DEE-PEN-DUNCE?
A pro-bort, tree-hugging, anti-defense, atheist lesbian isn’t getting any Goldwater “conservatives” to vote for her no matter whose taxes she cuts.
Without that (D) after her name she’s a community college sociology instructor.
The smart move for her would be to act as the shuttle between Manchin and the other 268 Democrats that he wants to oppose. That way if they bring him around, she appears to be a “bipartisany” hero. And if Manchin cuts a deal with Cocaine Mitch, she’s betrayed along with everyone else. As it stands, she risks being on record supporting Team KILL HIM WITH HIS OWN GUN! She should take those calls and listen to people who know this game better than her.
@8 “Perhaps The Even Bigger Fucking Moron does not realize that NYC’s solution is to eliminate gifted classes for everybody.”
For certain The Biggest Fucking Moron Of All Who Can’t Read doesn’t realize he was talking about Connecticut, not NYC.
Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit was forced out of his government job before typical retirement age, too.
It’s only October and already the GOP has picked up a House seat held by a Democrat.
@22. Chortle!
Ruben Gallego, call your office.
@ 21
Without that (D) after her name she’s a community college sociology instructor.
Without the quadrennial Monte Carlo analyses on HA, Darryl’s a local university sociology prof.
I don’t buy that about Darryl. If you are being honest about it you don’t buy your claim about Sinema, either.
Two predictions:
1. Sinema will be re-elected.
2. Cheney won’t be.
I’ve been more than a little bit hesitant about some of the excessive hyperbole that Neal Katyal has been driven to by Trump/GOP criminality and corruption.
However I think his response to the Senate Trump-Coup report is a measured, honest, and entirely straightforward proposal. This is what the Special Counsel provisions in the regulations are for. This is exactly the best-case example of why the regulations are needed and why they are appropriate here.
Set the partisan agendas aside and start and independent investigation operated by career investigators and prosecutors. Let the evidence dictate. And if members of the administration proposed and conspired to break the law to overturn the election results, send them to jail. Our right to democratically decide who will rule over us is far more worthy of protection than almost anything else I can think of.
@ 29
Our right to democratically decide who will rule over us is far more worthy of protection than almost anything else I can think of.
You forgot rights to abortion, and to be referred to by one’s preferred pronoun. WTF is wrong with you.
@23 “Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit was forced out of his government job before typical retirement age, too.”
Nope. I was asked to stay. And I did, for an extra year, out of loyalty to my co-workers. Lying won’t get you anywhere, dumbfuck. Your horse knows all your secrets.
Headline du jour:
Independents have turned on Joe Biden
It’s a CNN piece by Harry Enten, who was formerly with
QoS McHillbilly seems to think that Sinema can’t win because she’s losing the left. What he doesn’t admit is that she’s solidifying her relationship with independents because she’s willing to behave like one when it’s called for. See @ 28.
@24 “already the GOP has picked up a House seat”
Aren’t you getting ahead of yourself? You may get it, but you don’t have it yet.
@ 33
We have our second candidate for weakest spew of the thread.
Incumbent Dem runs screaming from a House seat sure to flip next year, and Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit’s reply is that it’s not next year yet. And that water is wet.
@27 “Without the quadrennial Monte Carlo analyses on HA, Darryl’s a local university sociology prof.”
With or without the Monte Carlo analyses, Darryl is a local university anthropology, not sociology, prof. And with or without his Monte Carlo analyses, you’re a dumbfuck.
@30 He has his priorities right. We could live without legal abortion more easily than we could live under an unelected strongman who overthrew our democracy.
@32 Your party doesn’t have a problem of independent thinkers. You revel in it; we shake our heads at it.
@34 As you said yourself, “it’s not next year yet,” and whatever happens to that House seat next year doesn’t help you now. Pretending that it does only makes you look like a dumbfuck.
@7. More of the same. That labert racist ad is all the republican have anymore. They don’t seem to have policies that voters want.
“Painting the Black elected official with a foreign-sounding name as an enemy to suburban and rural values is nothing new,” Zahilay wrote on Twitter. “In my two years on the Council the number of racist and xenophobic messages, and even threats, I get weekly has been alarming. It’s sad that my own colleague would fuel these attacks for cheap political points in a race that I’m not even in.”
Conservatives. Saying the quiet part out loud.
@ 35
Darryl is a local university anthropology, not sociology, prof.
So he is. And yet:
It’s a right to privacy.
Bonus points to save your grade if you can correctly name the case.
This may be your best “equivalency” yet!
A tenured professor at a major public research institution is precisely “equivalent” to a part-time instructor at a two-year vocational “high school with smoking”.
Workload aside, the total comp isn’t even close.
@ 36
We could live without legal abortion more easily than we could live under an unelected strongman who overthrew our democracy.
This would mean more if it came from the 20-something year-old spouse of a wife-beater, rather than from a man who hasn’t been able to achieve erection since the last millenium.
Initial response from Sussman attorneys to the HuhrDuhrham indictment is pretty scathing and promises to set the tone.
Essentially the motion begs the court to order HuhDuhrham to be a better prosecutor. Point by point the motion describes all the glaring deficiencies present in the indictment that both violate DOJ regulations but also deprive their client of the information required to mount any defense.
It will be very hard for HuhrDuhrham to hand this turd off and disppear quietly.
It’s going to be even harder for him to ever bring it to trial.
I’m willing to bet it gets tossed following discovery.
And BurQa Bob’s long, anguished wait will finally come to its predictably ignominious ending.
Score: 34 – 0
Mueller pitches a nine inning shutout while Bob gives up 26 bases on balls, a half dozen home runs, and lets 28 other runners score.
It’s bound to be a record.
The poor horse gets neglected.
Probably never gets fed. The master is either trolling or wasting time on Twitter. Someone call the SPCA!
@40 He’s in his element there, you’re in over your head here. Whatever his title is, he’s not “Doctor Dumbfuck.” You are.
@43 You just won the “weak comment” prize. Snatched it from the jaws of my victory, you did.
As if you really needed another reason to cut the cable, here’s how ATT created Trump’s most extremist, and degenerate propaganda network, OAN:
No Senate hearings on any of this bullshit. No screaming about protecting the children. No calls for a new federal agency. The cable/satellite companies simply decide that demographically it will be in their financial interest to expand the universe of crypto-fascist 24 hour news companies, so they make it happen.
You can do this. It’s really very easy. You can still get all the media programming you want. Only it’s better. Because it’s on your terms according to your schedule. You do not need cable/satellite. And by subscribing YOU ARE FUNDING TRUMP!
Stop that.
It’s wrong.
And you don’t need to do it. You have high speed internet. That’s all you need. Fuck, with the money you save you can upgrade to high speed optical fiber gigabit service and whatever plan you want and still have money for a new big television.
“I am a good man. I am,” Reeder said.
No, you’re not. You’re a POS seditionist, and your refusal to acknowledge that got you 3 months in the clink. You deserve more.
“In Gallup polling conducted at the end of September, 92% of Democrats had received at least one dose of the vaccine, while just 56% of Republicans had done the same.
“Donald Trump thinks he knows why. Here’s his explanation during an ‘interview’ with Fox News’ Sean Hannity on Thursday night:
“During my administration, everybody wanted the vaccine. There was nobody saying oh, gee, I don’t want to take it. Now they say that. And that’s because they don’t trust the Biden administration. I can think of no other reason.”
Yeah. Because they think Biden microchipped it. They can’t think of any other reason, because there isn’t one. It’s getting to where more and more people don’t care if these stupid Trumpers die. The doctors and nurses just throw up their hands and say, “I can’t deal with this.”
“Well, you see, we just don’t get black people buying homes in this neighborhood, so when someone called 911, we naturally thought you broke in.”
This one will cost the cops around $150k, but only because they didn’t kill them this time.
Sedition boi khruzz said moscow mitch blinked:
Didn’t sedition boi go to haahvudd? Sux to be you dimfuk.
@ 48
You can do this. It’s really very easy. You can still get all the media programming you want. Only it’s better. Because it’s on your terms according to your schedule. You do not need cable/satellite.
I pretty much agree with this. Coupla exceptions:
1. If I want to watch The Kraken, I need Root Sports. Meaning I need cable, since it’s not available otherwise. NHL blacks out local coverage.
2. I grew up bleeding Dodger blue and hating the Giants. Life got in the way, but there’s a playoff game between them on tonite and the only way I can watch it is either to have a cable subscription or go to a bar where it’s on.
Here’s how I know this: I just signed up for post-season access on MLB.TV. The website said that I would have web access to the NLDS and NLCS games. (And the American League games.). So I paid $24.99 plus tax, just now.
Then I tried to watch the Bosox/Rays game. What came on instead is the radio broadcast. And there’s this message:
So I’m out the money, and I can’t watch the Dodgers in the post-season.
Because I don’t have cable.
It’s a good thing I’m not Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit, or I’d miss that 25 bucks.
Kamala trying too hard to be likable because she can’t manage being competent is not a good look.
Because I don’t have cable.
We do.
Sux to be you. Out 25 of your fookin’ muneee…
The most brittle gay has more backbone than YLB on her best day.
has more backbone
I live in Seattle.. closer to (gasp!) PDX… closer to the homeless crisis in this country. so do my kids.
dimfuk cowers in widbee..
Who’s obviously living in fear? hmmm. not yours truly.
“Having to go to a bar” is without a doubt the most wrenching and tragic “white people problem” I’ve ever heard.
Unless perhaps it is having mindlessly handed over $24.99 plus tax to a company with more than a decade of history of streaming apps that don’t work for… wait for it… app access that doesn’t work.
I can see now what it is about our Bobby that makes him a Trumper.
@56 Comments like that at thanksgiving contributed greatly to why your gay brother is not around anymore. Seems you are pissed he was one of the brittle ones, you wanted to torture him for years more and he escaped you.
Local internet “sleuth” brilliantly ferrets out a Muslim who is prejudiced against the LGBT community.
@52 Wal, if Ted Crud sez so, it must be so.
@53 “Because I don’t have cable. It’s a good thing I’m not Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit, or I’d miss that 25 bucks.”
I wouldn’t miss it if I wasn’t spending it, either.
I spend over four times that every week on my private trainer in my private gym — I’m not a couch potato like you — but I can afford it.
@54 “Kamala trying too hard to be likable”
At least she makes an effort.
“’How — how many times have you taken the bar?’ an attorney asked her. ‘I passed on the fifth time,’ she said. She was admitted to practice law in 1995, nine years after getting her law degree.”
And she’s been a shitty juvenile court judge ever since. Especially to black kids.
“Herd immunity” is going to be Republican Russian Roulette.
How shitty? This shitty:
“The following year, Rutherford County violated federal law 191 times by keeping kids locked up too long …. For cursing, she said, she typically sentenced kids to two to 10 days in jail. ‘Was I in violation?’ she said. ‘Heck, yes. But am I going to allow a child to cuss anyone out? Heck, no.’”
“With juveniles, police in Tennessee typically avoid cuffs and custody …. But that wasn’t the routine in Rutherford County … she declared that even kids accused of minor violations like truancy must be taken into custody and transported to jail.”
“Davenport, finding that a mother had neglected her daughter, granted custody to another couple. Two higher courts disagreed and ordered Davenport to reunify the mother and child. Instead, Davenport terminated the mother’s parental rights. The other couple then adopted the girl ….”
Now imagine there was no federal law.
That’s what we’ll get if Democrats don’t pass the Voting Rights Act to prevent state officials like this from fucking with elections. That’s what Republicans are counting on.