It finally happened. I was at the Columbia City Farmers Market and I decided that I didn’t need any Rainier Cherries. Thus concludes the saga for another year.
Although, writing this, now I’m kind of hungry for some. Maybe I’ll pick some up after work.
Jeff Sessions wants to increase theft of people’s property through the asset forfeiture mechanism. He refuses to admit the War on Drugs has been a failure, and that’s another reason to remove him from office. If he wants to be a Little Caesar, he should resign and go attempt that in Alabama.
Good news! Food stamp participation is at its lowest in the past 7 years. That’s very good news because it means more people are taking care of themselves.
Sue Bird is gay, it turns out.
Far less surprising than learning that YLB is male.
@2 Either that or more people are going to bed hungry.
@ 2
Well, that’s one way of looking at it. Another is that eligibility for food stamps has tightened – in Alabama, for instance. People who used to qualify now don’t. So the government is forcing many of them to “take care of themselves”.
According to Alabama Media Group, 13 counties in Alabama replaced work requirements for food stamp participation and saw an astounding 85 percent drop in people using the program.
The work requirements were waived during the economic downturn of 2011-2013 under high unemployment numbers. The requirements were reinstated for 54 counties in 2016, and the 13 remaining counties in 2017.
@3 Who cares? If it turns out you’re a goat, and your sexual proclivities aren’t the cross-breeding we thought they were, nobody will give a damn.
Spicer has resigned.
Meanwhile, Trump is discussing pardons with his staff. This doesn’t mean he intends to pardon them. He wants to know if he can pardon himself.
Too bad Jeff Sessions didn’t resign, too.
4 – Maybe, but it’s still good news for those of us paying the bills.
@ 10
Fewer people with the wherewithal to slip into a Slim Jim.
@4 Yeah, better your neighbors starve, than you pay another penny of taxes.
Biggest loser: Melissa McCarthy.
Oh, and I also heard Sean Spicer resigned.
Nobody is standing it your way to pick up the tab, Roger. Feel free to send in a generous check to help out the food stampers.
“A jury has convicted a western Michigan woman of first-degree murder in the shooting death of her husband in a crime apparently witnessed by the man’s pet parrot.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Any parakeets in the White House?
@14 Why should I pay my share of the freight and yours, too, just so you can be a freeloader? Were you a draft dodger, too?
Well well, guess what, Reuters reports that Russian lawyer’s client list includes Russia’s spy agency.
In other news, “Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov on Friday suggested that President Donald Trump may have met with Russian President Vladimir Putin more times than previously known.”
truly amazed he lasted this long. I’m sure he’ll manage to land somewhere. But he certainly damaged his own image in a very short span of time.
Lay down with dogs…
…wake up with orange ball cheese smeared all over your chin.
that’s how this game is played. Nixon certainly understood.
Some of history’s most fascinating ball gargling can be heard on the Oval Office tapes as numerous appointees and staffers lined up to praise and flatter that Republican degenerate in hopes of earning a pardon. Not a single one passed his test. Apparently Nixon had very high standards when it comes to oral.
Very entertaining.
Curiously loud ticking sound coming from Priebus today.
16 I pay more than my fair share, fuckface, and I served in the military, too.
So fuck off!!!
When Mooch was asked if he would report to Priebus of jump the chain and report directly to Fuckface said he’d let Preibus answer that but then added that: “President said he’d report directly to him.”
@22 “I pay more than my fair share”
Actually, no, you don’t. None of us do. About a third of the federal budget is financed by borrowing. We’re all stealing from the future. But my view is, if you served in the military, you’ve done all that anyone has a right to ask of you. However, as far as I know, we veterans are not exempt from paying taxes even though we deserve to be. But at least veterans’ disability income isn’t taxed.
When you accept a pardon or immunity, you give up your right against self-incrimination with respect to crimes for which you no longer can be prosecuted.
Whether a president can pardon himself has never been tested in court, and no one knows for sure, but prevailing legal opinion is “no.” NIxon’s pardon was issued by his successor.
With two films to be released in 2018 and the sitcom she produces getting picked up for a second season I think Melissa McCarthy will be doing just fine.
Say, when was the last time someone said, “I really hope that one particular anesthesiologist is working on me. He’s great!”
@26 Well, someone probably said that, but not about Dr. Dumbfuck.
Yesterday it was, “Russia is fake news!” Heh. Today it’s, “Can I give myself a pardon?”
You people misheard.
Heh. After a lifetime of striking out with pre sales reps..
Boob, somehwhat like the babbling butthole, NEEDS HA..
Scaramucci??? Nope, don’t have to come here anymore.
Just turn on the tube for laughs.
I’ll bet this guy voted for Trump.
Everything points to Trump fixing to pull a Nixon on Mueller, to be followed by a similar political firestorm. Those who don’t learn from history are condemned to repeat it.
Can anyone tell me, if Richard Burr calls Deven Nunes a lying sack of shit, but says it on CNN, does that mean it didn’t really happen?
That’s so cute. It’s like they don’t even realize that they work for him now.
@1. You pot smokers really need to get a life. Nobody is stopping you from smoking that stuff. People smoking everyday and everywhere. And it’s against the law (in most States). You could probably even get a nice cake baked with a pot plant on it by God himself.
@2 and that miraculously happened overnight by Drumpf? And are they really helping themselves or doing better or just starving more?
@3 it’s an abomination.
@36 “And it’s against the law (in most States).”
It’s against the law in all states. If Jeff Sessions catches you with a joint in your car, he can and will confiscate your car, and throw you in a federal prison. Then you’ll lose your right to vote, too.*
I repeat, marijuana — recreational or medical — is NOT legal in Washington State. Possessing it is a federal crime, and forbearance in enforcing the federal criminal statutes proscribing the sale, possession and/or use of marijuana is at the discretion of the Attorney General of the United States.
* But don’t worry, Sessions won’t make it to 2020, in fact he may not last through next week. He’ll go when Mueller does, unless he agrees to fire Mueller.
@38 It’s none of Doctor Dumbfuck’s business. He has no right to pass judgment on someone else’s gender or gender identity.
4000 DEA agents would get tied up very quickly busting soccer moms doing dabs during girl’s weekend in Chelan.
Jared Kushner rushes to revise his financial disclosure forms:
“President Trump’s son-in-law and senior adviser Jared Kushner initially ‘inadvertently omitted’ more than 70 assets worth at least $10.6 million from his personal financial disclosure reports, according to revised paperwork released Friday.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Because having federal prosecutors breathing down your neck tends to sharpen your powers of recollection.
@41 Think that bothers people willing to spend billions on a border wall but not two cents on food stamps or health care? No sacrifice by taxpayers is too great when going after pot-smoking hippies!