Good morning you beautiful people. What a lovely, drizzly morning. Walking down wet streets for the first time in forever. How fantastic. Anyway.
I was in the Central Library for longer than just grabbing a book and leaving for first time since it completely shut down. It’s just the lower level and the computers. I don’t know why this in particular, but it made me sad how slow the reopening is going. Like, how long until I can just grab a random book of poetry, read a few and put it back? I know there’s a deadly disease, so I’m glad they’re taking their time. But it’s such a great location when it can be.
Please wash your hands right now and get vaccinated if you haven’t yet.
Instead of rallying around the flag and supporting our troops, Republicans are focused entirely on how to politically exploit yesterday’s tragedy.
What an unpatriotic bunch of ogres.
“The voters who know Ron DeSantis best don’t think he should run for president in 2024. Six in 10 Florida voters said they would not like to see the state’s Republican governor become a presidential candidate, while just over 1 in 3 (35%) said they would like to see that, according to a new Quinnipiac University poll.”
And that’s in Florida, where a lot of crazy voters live. Wonder how he’d play in swing states?
A white connected republican murders someone with his car, and drives away with the victim’s glasses on his front seat. Has no consequences.
A school district opted out of a free meals program, saying students could ‘become spoiled’
Waukesha County, Wisconsin is 92% white and has a 5% poverty rating and voted for trump.
“Why should I have to pay for someone else’s kid to eat”
Even worse than them is the low IQ stupe traitor who spent years with his head up Putin’s ass while his raging orange man-baby trusted Russian intel over ours, wrote love notes to Kim Jung un as North Korea became a nuclear power, then announced a pullout from Afghanistan and how he wanted to meet with the Taliban, very fine people that they are, at Camp Fucking David.
The low IQ traitor then helped incite an insurrection to overthrow our democracy and has lied about what happened on 1/6 ever since. He described it as “Grandmothers touring our Capitol”.
After all this, the low IQ stupe traitor now posts as though he’s the only fucking patriot among the people posting here.
What the low IQ stupe’s treason has earned him is a neck stretching party in his honor deep in the forests of Whidbey Island.
@ 3
A white connected republican murders…
The Even Bigger Fucking Moron, you can’t even get five words into your first sentence before you prove your inability to comprehend basic sentences.
You have the comprehension of a six year-old, The Even Bigger Fucking Moron.
They can all die.
Pastor dies from COVID after church told members ‘not to worry’ about virus because ‘God is in control’
Good riddance to you.
It wasn’t a crash. It was hit and run. A miniscule $5,000 fine paid and he’s free to do it again. Our low IQ stupe traitor celebrates this.
I like Leon Panetta. He’s a Democrat but he’s not an imbecile, nor an asshole.
Among other accomplishments, he has been a congressman from CA. He ran OMB. He was a COS for Bill Clinton. He ran the CIA. He was Obama’s SecDef – one of them, and a much better choice than Hagel.
He’s a very, very smart guy, and he’d make a more experienced president than anyone else. On a cerebral level no Democrat save perhaps Elizabeth Warren can touch him.
This vast experience and the trust placed in him by two very smart Democrat presidents are worth considering when one reads what he had to say earlier today:
If we don’t go in and yet Biden keeps his promise, y’all libbies are gonna have to find a way to become very, very comfortable accepting the civilian casualties that will accompany all of the drone strikes and MOABs to come.
Good riddance to you.
Georgia cop who pushed people to take horse dewormer instead of vaccine dies from COVID-19
@ 8
It was hit and run.
Then he should have been found guilty of that, Steve. However, here at HA we have learned from the Hillary Clinton experience that Crimes Not Charged Are Crimes Not Committed.
The SD AG will face the voters. Just as Hillary had to.
I appreciate the precedent y’all set by defending the most crooked candidate y’all could have nominated in 2016.
Are you ever going to share what this crime was with us? No, of course not. In spite of your 7,041 pro-Putin hashtags, you have no crime. All you have shown us is that you’re a low IQ stupe traitor.
Anyone know if Biden or Harris are aware that a hurricane’s comin’?
Hurricane Ida expected to be Cat 3 at landfall; watches issued for New Orleans, Louisiana coast
And here’s the update:
Hurricane Ida could be close to Cat 4, dump up to 20 inches of rain in southeast Louisiana
We’re pre-positioning emergency materials, right?
Sunday’s the 16th anniversary of Katrina – check.
Louisiana’s got a Democrat governor – check.
The White House is occupied by a president who has given Americans ample reason to question his intelligence and competence – triple check.
Confidential to Goldy: The FEMA director is Deanne Criswell.
She has pre-positioned her tweets, at least:
@6 So your argument is that a white connected Republican in a Trumper state who killed a guy with his car and drove away from the scene without even checking to see what or who he hit and whether the person was still alive and needed medical aid, by pleading guilty a misdemeanor traffic charges with no jail time, is suffering consequences?
You’re a laughingstock, doc.
@ 12
Steve, recall that the personal communication devices of #CrookedHillary’s people were not searched and, in fact, were destroyed with the FBI’s blessings. Which makes it impossible to prove intent. Conveniently, the DOJ then relied on the absence of intent as a reason not to charge #CrookedHillary with multiple crimes.
Recall that Comey had to be convinced to replace grossly negligent with extremely careless.
On page vi of the Executive Summary of this DOJ document are a list of crimes that the DOJ considered indicting #CrookedHillary for committing. You want the crime specified , Steve? Here ya go, Cupcake:
Alas, #CrookedHillary was not charged.
No charge, ergo no crime committed, Steve. That’s how it worked for #CrookedHillary. That’s how it should work for the SD AG.
Let the voters decide.
Five separate crimes, the DOJ considered filing against Hillary Clinton. And very shortly thereafter y’all nominated her as your candidate to run the country.
Stupidity should be painful. Don’t you think, Steve?
@9 Panetta is an impressive guy, a former defense secretary who actually served in the military, and when he says “our work is not done in Afghanistan” he certainly has more cred than run-of-the-mill Republican draft dodgers.
And he’s entitled to his opinion, which aligns with that of most (if not all) Republicans, i.e. the U.S. should continue the war in Afghanistan. But the president we elected has decided otherwise. And Biden, not Panetta, is the guy calling the policy shots.
To avoid misunderstanding, let’s clarify that the commander-in-chief has only two options: Continue the war, or end the war. There’s no middle option. The Taliban have made it clear the truce ends on Aug. 31, and if our troops are still there after that date, they will resume hostilities.
So when Republicans talk about “extending the withdrawal,” what they really mean is restarting the war. American troops will immediately come under fire. Some will die. Probably many more than the 13 we lost yesterday (who, incidentally, we did not lose to hostile action by the Taliban, but rather to Taliban enemies).
Unless these Republicans are very, very stupid, they know that’s exactly what “extending the withdrawal” means. Same song-and-dance we heard in 1968, 1969, 1970, ad nauseum.
That Republican commander-in-chief didn’t win anything in the end for all the American blood and treasure he spent trying, either. Biden was around then, saw what happened, and decided he doesn’t want to be another Nixon. Can’t say I blame him.
@11 “Then he should have been found guilty of that, Steve.”
Isn’t that the fucking point?
But as if that dumbfuckery weren’t enough, you compare a fatal hit-and-run to — what? Tell us what crime Hillary committed. Then explain why your Orange Moron, uninhibited by the usual restraints on executive influence over federal prosecutorial decision-making, failed for four years to bring any charges against her. Maybe because they’re friends?
@13 We no longer have a president who draws on weather charts with crayons. This president doesn’t throw paper towels at storm victims, either.
I have to wonder if Hillary would still have been nominated, had it been common knowledge that not one but five separate crimes were under consideration by the DOJ, and that the DOJ had to rely on the tortured terminology of “extremely careless” in order to let her slide.
Probably so, as the airport tarmac meeting between her husband and Loretta Lynch became public, much to Lynch’s chagrin.
The fix was in, and it nearly worked.
If not for all those people who understandably hate Hillary Clinton’s guts because she’s been so corrupt during her entire career.
After reading that low IQ stupid post of yours, I agree. You have a lot of pain coming to you, traitor. That’s why I believe a couple of .38 slugs in your gut is far more suitable punishment for you than a fucking rope.
@15 ” … the prosecutors concluded that the evidence did not support prosecution under any of these statutes for various reasons,” which is a fancy way of saying you’ve got nothing.
@15 ” … the prosecutors concluded that the evidence did not support prosecution under any of these statutes for various reasons,” which is a fancy way of saying you’ve got nothing.
But that never stopped you and your ilk. Still waiting for your “proof” the election was stolen.
@ 20
What, no pushback from oh-so-tough Moobs McScrote now that I answered his question about the crimes #CrookedHillary got away with committing?
@10 “On August 14th, for instance, Manning posted a meme that stated, ‘If we lose on vaccines we will completely lose our right to sovereignty over our own bodies.'”
Worms now have sovereignty over his body.
The murder victim’s head was driven so far through the vehicle’s windshield that, aside from hair, flesh, and blood, his eyeglasses remained behind inside the passenger compartment.
Yet Ravnsborg insisted that he was “unaware” that he had run down a pedestrian while driving home from a party, although he did admit that he “hit something”. And inexplicably, the local small timer sheriff believed that, when the next day (presumably sobered up) Ravnsborg showed up with his lawyer at his home to report the accident, after having visited the accident scene to clean it up.
There was no further investigation. State investigators simply reviewed the local reports and drew their conclusions from the thin record they contained. Responding law enforcement simply declined to investigate.
It’s a Rapepublican state. They make one set of laws for themselves. And another, different set of laws for everyone else, including their victims.
@15 “the personal communication devices of #CrookedHillary’s people were not searched”
I heard somewhere that requires a search warrant, which requires probable cause, the absence of which means you don’t get to conduct a search.
@19 “crimes were under consideration by the DOJ”
Which, to a dumbfuck, is the same thing as “guilty.” This is the same dumbfuck who wanted Bergdahl shot without trial, and voted for another dumbfuck who continued to demand the executions of the Central Park Five after they were formally exonerated and someone else confessed to the crime.
Medical schools must have lower admission standards than law schools.
@21 “Stupidity should be painful. Don’t you think, Steve?”
Yes. We want to watch you writhe.
@ 25
…after having visited the accident scene to clean it up.
“Like, with a cloth?”
Deserved snarkiness aside, I agree that he skated. If you want to call it unintentional vehicular manslaughter, no objection from me. He got away with something.
It’s when you call it murder that I dismiss anything else you have to say because you’re too full of shit to merit an argument.
#CrookedHillary got what was coming to her. Noem wanted this guy out of office. He’ll face the voters if he runs again.
Maybe he’ll get #CrookedHillaried.
@25 Well, there’s still the civil lawsuit. Maybe the victim’s widow can strip him of everything he owns.
@ 30
Indeed. Then there’s releasing him back into the public after everyone has seen just how awful his behavior was.
You do what you can. You can still take down people with clout.
The GOP and more than a few Democrats took down #CrookedHillary.
South Dakota has its own Chappaquiddick.
I doubt the GOP will be referring to the guy as the “Lion of …” anything.
Perhaps while y’all are expressing your outrage over what happened in SD, you might remember that killing Mary Jo Kopechne didn’t keep Ted Kennedy from:
1. remaining a US senator until his death.
2. running for president (and helping to take down Jimmy Carter in the process).
3. having former KKK higher-up and fellow Democrat Robert Byrd cry
over his death.
Right? Right?
CNN has a hell of a lot to make up for.
That might have started when Chris Cuomo had to go on a sudden vacay earlier this month.
Email from Office of Naval Intelligence CoS to ONI personnel:
@34 That’s been the standing orders for 225 years. Has something changed?
Oh. Yeah. We have some Trumpers in our military and police, and Trumpers are people who only obey laws and orders they like, and don’t take orders from a commander-in-chief they don’t like.
The Taliban don’t have this problem. They shoot their soldiers with that attitude. Doctor Dumbfuck has previously expressed his views that it’s too bad our commanders can’t do the same.
@32 This is what scraping the bottom of the barrel looks like.
@29 Oh, so now you’re our resident legal expert who parses the distinction between vehicular manslaughter and murder?
Stupidity should be painful.
Yawwwnn.. Then dimfuk must be mainlining oxy..
I like Leon Panetta.
And Bill Richardson and Ken Starr.. both frequenters of Epstein’s hot tubs, getting “shoulder rubs”..
Dersh too?
After the low IQ stupe lost millions in medical malpractice lawsuits he’s believed he would have faired better representing himself, did so, then lost yet more millions. Now the low IQ stupe blames attorneys and judges for bankrupting him instead of his own fucking incompetence.
In today’s GQP, this actually required a measure of courage. MAGA will hate him and he’ll be primaried, but he said something that needed to be said.
Sen. Thom Tillis (R-NC) broke ranks with many Trump-loving governors on Friday when he said that unvaccinated Americans are to blame for the surge in COVID-19 cases, not undocumented immigrants.
Courage. Our low IQ stupe traitor and his raging orange man-baby have no clue whatsoever as to what that word means.
An unvaccinated elementary teacher who violated the school’s mask policy infected 12 of the 22 kids in the class. The dumbshit had Covid symptoms but went to work anyway.
There should be a criminal prosecution in this case. As Doctor Dumbfuck would say, stupidity should be painful.
Let’s ignore the comments of the dumb twat @ 39 and look more at Panetta.
I see he endorsed Joe Biden last year. Not unexpected, but unfortunate.
Here’s something a little more relevant:
Now that’s not Afghanistan but it is relevant to current events. One reason is we’re seeing what happens when you just bug out without first taking care of business. It’s what Hillary saw after she left State.
Seem familiar? It should. Under Democrat presidents it keeps happening.
@ 42
I don’t see the Fisher’s exact test mentioned much. Makes sense here but the classroom diagram does a better job of making the point.
It’s interesting, isn’t it, that the offending teacher’s preferred pronoun isn’t he or she. It’s they. I suppose people who think they don’t have to pay attention to their genetics also feel free to not pay attention to rules like masking up.
Another point of interest is that one of the authors owns stock shares of Pfizer and Moderna. A pro-vaccine piece co-authored by someone with something to gain if vaccines are better accepted.
Also interesting, given that this information has to have been available to the DOE and elsewhere in government prior to this early release, is the very small number of school systems that mandate teachers be vaccinated.
That’s in Time magazine, four days ago.
Teachers, you’re gonna have to get stuck. Either that or lose your fucking job, which you probably do poorly, anyway.
Clearly it’s Trump’s fault that the US military 1) gave the Taliban a list of names of Afghanis it wanted to evacuate and 2) gave them the biometric devices needed to verify the identity of all of the Afghanis who were stupid enough to take us at our word that we would help them get out.
When he is lucid Joe Biden is sort of a monster, isn’t he?
Own this, libbies.
@43 “Now that’s not Afghanistan but it is relevant to current events.”
It is not, however, relevant to Afghanistan. We either stay and keeping fighting a war against the Taliban, or we leave.
Panetta is for more war. This isn’t shocking. He originally was a Republican. But it’s not his call. Biden, not he, was elected to make those decisions.
My share ownership mention @ 44 was in jest. Before last year I had never heard of Moderna. Before last month my Pfizer shares, which I have owned going back as far as 2000, were one of my biggest disappointments. I don’t expect the recent gains to last, so I sold covered calls against my shares last week.
I don’t begrudge physicians owning shares in vaccine-producing companies any more than libbies should begrudge DeSantis for plugging an effective treatment produced by a company in which one of his supporters has invested. Nothing gets done without investor support, and nothing gets done correctly if it’s done by the government. When the CDC tried to create a test for The Wuhan, it badly fucked it up.
Could Biden do better? Yes. Do the voters who elected him have buyers’ remorse? No. The alternative was Trump.
This is your fault, doc. If you and your ilk hadn’t voted for Trump, we wouldn’t have Biden. Think on your sins.
Teachers, you’re gonna have to get stuck. Either that or lose your fucking job, which you probably do poorly, anyway.
Heh. You just gave away DeathSantis’ hidden agenda dimfuk..
The maskless kids spread “teh wuhan” delta variant to teachers.
Vouchered private religious nut schools to follow. Muslims need not apply. Scientologists ok. They’ll do a “better” job.
@ 46
We either stay and keeping fighting a war against the Taliban, or we leave.
We’re in Okinawa. Are we still fighting Tojo?
We’re in Germany. Are we still fighting Hitler?
A week from now a majority of poll respondents will probably reply that we shouldn’t have pulled out completely, the way it’s going. Here’s a question from the most recent Morning Consult poll:
As it becomes clearer that Panetta is correct and we will have to go back in, more poll respondents will oppose complete withdrawal, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit. In answer to the question I posted in the preceding paragraph, 40% of respondents felt the US should stay, and only 45% felt the US should leave.
It’s not an either/or, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit. It’s been a grey zone for a long time, and it’s why the “war” cost zero US military lives since February of 2020. Until yesterday.
We’ll be back in. Not under the Biden administration but he won’t be in office much longer.
@ 50
The 40/45 number I quoted was from a Gallup article. It does not match this:
The reason for the mismatch is they are different polls, three days apart, although Politico was part of each.
We’ll be back in Afghanistan. The way it’s looking since yesterday, we might not even leave.
nothing gets done correctly if it’s done by the government.
Has any troll here ever complained about trillions thrown away on failed pentagon toys, aka weapons systems…
like the f-35?
1.5 trillion for a jet the air force called “failed”…
Nope never.. Everyone who has been here as long as I’ve been here, like Roger, has NEVER heard a troll proffer anything other than lip service.
To the ha troll, the only thing other than the Pentagon and all military branches that is more perfect and sacrosanct is Israel.
CNN piece, today:
Biden in turmoil as blast in Kabul raises leadership questions
Weakness and stumbling leadership are putting it nicely. Incompetent and imbecilic are putting it more accurately.
Kamala is hiding in hopes that when Biden is taken down she can escape being tarred with the consequences of his decisions. Bet she’s sorry she claimed to be the last one in the room when he made his decision in April.
I also bet that she lied about being there.
@44 “Teachers, you’re gonna have to get stuck. Either that or lose your fucking job, which you probably do poorly, anyway.”
You don’t have to worry about that, because you’ve already lost your job, I’m guessing because you did it poorly.
All you have to worry about is losing your fucking life.
Our silly troll dimfuk is known in these parts for a fixation on
Neil BushHunter Biden…Today it compared the dumbshit Ravnsborg’s accident to Chappaquiddick.
Damn, that’s some condemnation there dimfuk.. A klownservatic can’t diss another repuke harder than that.
Unless it’s a repuke after a silly troll’s own heart?
In February, a video of investigators questioning Ravnsborg about the crash on September 30 of last year was released in February, revealing that immediately prior to the crash, the attorney general had been reading an article about a documentary filled with conspiracy theories about Hunter Biden’s investments in China.
A fellow repuke hopelessly fixated, dimfuk… Care to take your low blow back? Heh.
@50 Trump’s secret truce with the Taliban, which he kept from the Afghan government, is “why the ‘war’ cost zero US military lives since February of 2020.”
Since February of 2020 our troops have been “shot at only by arrangement.” That was predicated on them leaving. Time’s almost up.
Ravnsborg: a mind on Hunter Biden klownspiracy krack…
“LE” of widbee, if you’re listening…
Not only is a kreepah in a Nissan Leaf kreepin’ the women and kids of widbee..
It’s a vehicular homicidal MENACE..
Please apprehend and detain this threat to the people of widbee..
Two weeks ago, the Georgia sheriff’s captain was healthy, walking around, and posting anti-vax propaganda on Facebook and promoting horse pills on Twitter.
Bet he never dreamed he wouldn’t be here for Labor Day.
It’s unnerving how fast they go.
We’ll be back in Afghanistan. The way it’s looking since yesterday, we might not even leave.
Off the deep end now.. Well shit, it’s always been there.
We’ll no more return to Afghanistan than we did to Vietnam..
Wow.. the stoopid.. it burns…
We must all demonstrate our gratitude for the heroic sacrifice of patriotic hero Ashli Babbitt by storming our state capitals and gathering there in solemn community to take worm pills.
The chewable ones.
When they sedate you for intubation, you’re already struggling to breathe, and your last thought before going under is that you have only about a 30% – 50% chance of waking up again.
This highlights the fear of terrorism coming from the country
Oh please.. One reason the Afghan allies have found it almost impossible to emigrate here is the draconian vetting imposed after 9/11..
Bush decreed it must never happen again. The vetting was part of that policy.. It’s not going away.
But the repuke lie machine will pretend it has like dimfuk is doing.
@59 Who would’ve dreamed an island of peace and stability like Kabul might become the scene of a terrorist attack?
Or suspected that sending troops to a war zone on a mission might put them in harm’s way?
For people in the military, that’s what the job is. When I served, that’s what my job was. In harm’s way.
Apparently Doctor Dumbuck and a raft of other Republicans haven’t gotten that news yet. Probably because they never served, so they never read the job description.
Wow. Dimfuk will now bleat again about Biden “weakness”.
US military forces conducted an over-the-horizon counterterrorism operation today against an ISIS-K planner. The unmanned airstrike occurred in the Nangahar Province of Afghanistan. Initial are that we killed the target. We know of no civilian casualties,” the statement said.
And babble about Biden being boxed in indefinitely in Afghanistan. Please do continue dimfuk..
You’re funny that way.
Positivity rate for The Wuhan:
Miami-Dade County: 12.86%
Island County, WA: 34.21% Where I live
King County, WA: 50.18% Where Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit lives and mocks others.
Just throwin’ that out there. Seems that the testing volume in King County is way, way down, and they’re only testing sickos or those exposed to sickos.
Still, new hospital admissions in King County are up 23.4% over the previous 7 days, while those in Miami-Dade county are down 12.3% over the same period. Miami-Dade’s situation may be getting better while King County’s is only beginning.
I’m sure y’all will be as hard on those dying here as y’all are on those dying in Florida, tho. HA libbies are known for their balanced mindsets, after all.
Biden announces plan to raise federal employees’ pay
CPI is 5.4%, bitches. First Vegetable Joe Biden is gonna make sure y’all are only half that much behind beginning in January. Until then, y’all are fucked, but then y’all voted to be fucked, didn’t y’all.
Remember on the 18th when First Vegetable Joe Biden told George Stephanopoulos that “No one is being killed right now.”?
Good times, good times.
Biden really should rely on adequate numbers of troops rather than knocking on wood if he wants to minimize military casualties.
On Wednesday we knew where they were and that an imminent attack was planned. Biden’s military leadership did nothing.
Democrat mayor of a city in a state governed by a Democrat:
Lie back and enjoy it.
OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!!!!
Did you see? Did you see the FACTS!!!!!
More than HALF of King County is POSITIVE for the PLAGUE!!!!
It’s funny since nearly every one of the Trumpaloompa Republican Anti-VAXers who crawls gasping for air through an ER infecting every single toddler and senior in their path has never previously tested.
That’s 100%!
#winning with teh stoopid
Still, new hospital admissions in King County are up 23.4% over the previous 7 days,
Yawwnnnn.. Dimfuk cherry picking again.. Harborview in particular and other Seattle area hospitals accept patients from all over the Pacific Northwest and Alaska.
All teh drumpfies od’ing on horse and cow pills come to Seattle..
Mississippi Health Official:
“You wouldn’t get your chemotherapy from a feed store..”
Heh.. Given the shit that dimfuk throws against the wall here..
Uh.. dimfuk.. maybe???
In the real scheme of things, it hardly matters.
No west coast state, and no wet-side congressional district is going to be meaningfully shifted by the weight of all those dead bodies.
But Texas and Florida look like a nightmare.
Poor Bobby is just distracting himself.
But Texas and Florida look like a nightmare.
Buh, buh. buht… Booby’s mancrush DeathSantis…
is making things better!
Own this, libbies.
Own this, you stupid low IQ twat.
Florida reports 1,727 COVID deaths, more than 150,000 cases this week
DeathSantis will never be your president.
But people routinely buy all kinds of silly folk remedies for the common cold.
And that’s all this is.
Trump and Poor Bobby said so sixteen months ago.
Hell, as recently as this spring Poor Bobby was making up imaginary friends in glamorous places he can’t afford to visit simply to discredit the vaccine.
Poor Bobby is not Mr. Yuk
Hey dimfuk…
There’s gotta be a bitchin’ options play in here somewhere..
just like for regeneron… You in on this shit?
Greed.. is.. good…
While you’re at it, own this, too, you miserable low IQ twat.
14 portable morgues headed to central Florida amid ‘unprecedented’ COVID-19 death
DeathSantis will never be your president.
Here’s your MAGA base talking, you stupid low IQ bitch.
The Taliban is a conservative, religious force, the US is godless and liberal. The defeat of the US government in Afghanistan is unequivocally a positive development.
Kill them all, lop their heads off and drag the bodies through the street for all I care. Anyone still in the embassy right now, after everything that has happened deserves it.
“This will be us one day,” HL wrote in the post’s caption, seeming to encourage the neo-Nazi community to take inspiration from the Taliban by drafting lists of and taking direct violent action against its political, racial, and religious enemies.
The sooner you all die, the sooner this becomes a better world.
CPI is 5.4%, bitches.
And the dollar is up and oil has moderated from a one year high.. what other commodities? lumber?
The bond market believes Powell..
dimfuk sucks..
CPI is 5.4%, bitches.
And the dollar is up and oil has moderated from a one year high.. what other commodities? lumber?
The bond market believes Powell..
dimfuk sucks..
I guess Ivermectin toxicity leads to blindness.
Mr. Yuk is buying audiobook Sasquatch porn futures.
I’m sure y’all will be as hard on those dying here as y’all are on those dying in Florida, tho.
Science and the FDA said the vaccines were safe and effective ..
This is how I got my shot. Didn’t hesitate for a nanosecond. Roped the kids in. We all got shots. End of January.
but noooo…..
too many gullible fools believed in faux, newswackos, onanism and fb friends in co.. they took hydroxy, horse, cow and sheep meds among other quackery cuz’ teh orange man didn’t like Fauci.
now who said fucking stupidity should be “painful”..
I think the question should be how many would vote for him anyways.
In Mr. Yuk’s defense, they were all going blind already from the diabetes.
He just gave them a little nudge.
So Bob, why did your FuckHump make a deal “with this Taliban, or one American Taliban to one Afghan Taliban, to pull out, and you let him, you even voted for him after he did that act, and you had Pom Poms for the FuckHump. You are full of shot and don’t care of the dead, who the fuck you trying to kid?
@66 No doubt GOP congressmen and senators will rush to amend the budget bill to include larger increases. I’ll wait. But I won’t hold my breath.
Neither will this guy. He has no breath to spare.
Own this Bob…. 🖕
Sturgis Motorcycle Rally Update
“Two weeks after the annual motorcycle rally in Sturgis, South Dakota, reported Covid infections in the state have risen nearly sixfold. …
“Meade County, home to Sturgis, has counted 330 new cases in the last two weeks, up from the 20 reported in the two weeks before the rally …. The 1,550 percent increase comes after the motorcycle rally ….”
Hells Angels on ventilators …
“During his tenure in office, Trump called for cuts and a cancellation of federal pay raises, but he also reversed course, at one point proposing a 2.6% pay increase for 2020. Federal employees received a pay bump of 1% in 2021, ordered by Trump.”
I suspect federal employees will like Biden’s 2.7% pay bump better than the alternative.
Hells Angels on ventilators …
Five separate “crimes”, the DOJ considered filing against Hillary Clinton.
But didn’t.
The weasel word there is considered. The greed racist incel tries to make considered filing into did file.
Like the greedy racist incel said, Hillary was not charged. Because they couldn’t find evidence. If she had jaywwalked, the trump DOJ would have locked her up for 20 years. They had nothing actionable.
“the crimes #CrookedHillary got away with committing?”
She didn’t commit anything to be charged with. You will die mad that she was innocent.
Her “crimes” are up there with the “crimes” on Hunter’s laptop.
I do admire how greedy racist incel has a set of propaganda points and it doesn’t matter how much evidence that proves he is lying, he just keep shoveling it out, like it’s truth from an alternate reality.