What they don’t realize is they are essentially going to give away House seats. As their older population dwindles and the younger population doesn’t reproduce and survive and the correct rate, well they have a population decline.
There was a lawn sign here in Missouri by the freeway stating “UNMASK YOUR CHILDREN!”
@2 I don’t think they care about long term anything Fired Tennessee Vaccine Official Received Dog Muzzle in Mail
Newt Hoenikkerspews:
That is pretty much the definition of a Republican. All the care about is “I got mine” and they are not capable of long-term planning or governing. They are completely for the here and now, and want to live in the 1850’s.
Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
It’s basically nihilism.
Nietzsche proposed that nihilism would come to dominate any moralistic society once the influence of “God” had withered away from the philosophical social objectives. “Conservatism” in America is as far away from any conception of “God” today as it has ever been.
Pragmatically “conservatives” today seek to establish, reinforce, and restore as much as possible of white, male privilege and dominance. But that objective has become unmoored from any moral foundation. Even quasi-benign moral frameworks such as “paternalism” have been stripped away. There’s nothing “fatherly” about exposing your children to a deadly virus, consigning your adolescent daughter to cervical cancer, or forcing thousands of unaccompanied pre-teen refugees into border gulags to be preyed upon by sex traffickers and organ harvesters.
For people who believe in absolute, unchanging values the departure from an omnipotent, magical, supernatural law-giver, however they conceive him, can only lead to this kind of depraved nihilism.
The only possible rescue available for “conservatism” from this decline into nihilism would probably lie in a restoration of Judeo Christian values among them. And I for one am absolutely positive that degenerate weaklings like David Brooks, Bill Kristol, or Jerry Falwell Jr. don’t have that in them.
Vicious Trollspews:
Maybe if I put enough exclamation marks, you won’t notice that I was exhausted and sleeping on my way into work.
In YLB’s case it’s a combination of stupidity and desperation to be noticed. Same goes for her nail polish.
Hunter Biden is a criminal. The Biden Crime Family is a criminal enterprise.
Eleven Time Person Woman Man Camera TV Cognitive NOBLE Prize Winner in Dropping Humiliation Bombs on Rapepublican "Losers and Suckers", Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
Because the use of nail polish uniquely connotes “desperation to be noticed” arising from weakness.
Go ahead. Try it with driving a Range Rover.
Eleven Time Person Woman Man Camera TV Cognitive NOBLE Prize Winner in Dropping Humiliation Bombs on Rapepublican "Losers and Suckers", Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
The dumbfuck traitor, stupe that he is, will turn that into a hashtag and post it 7,000+ times.
Sure, it didn’t work with Hillary, and he spent five years trying, but maybe this time the stupid dumbfuck traitor will finally find himself a fucking crime.
Eleven Time Person Woman Man Camera TV Cognitive NOBLE Prize Winner in Dropping Humiliation Bombs on Rapepublican "Losers and Suckers", Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
Without Crooked Hillary Clinton and the DNC’s dishonest behavior to prop her up throughout the primary season, Moobs McScrote, we don’t have those justices now, and we don’t have them in 2045.
It worked with Hillary far better than we dreamed it would.
Think on your sins, Moobs.
Roger Rabbitspews:
The question, Carl, is whether your boss will notice.
Vicious Trollspews:
@ 11, 15
Come to think of it, it was Comey’s dishonest behavior in early July, 2016 that likely led to Comey’s decision to try to make it right in late October, 2016.
None of that would have taken place had Hillary Clinton not been so crooked, Moobs.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Trump not only cheats at golf, he also wastes water.
Options have become drastically narrowed as each subsequent “concern” and shrieking fringe weirdo has been ridiculed and marginalized. It now appears that the messaging strategy for 2022 depends upon convincing college educated suburban voters that they were better off twelve months ago than they are today.
Really. That’s their plan.
Au contraire. It worked fuckin’ great with Hillary.
So you say it was your 7,000+ pro-Putin hashtags and failure to identify a single crime that gave you SCOTUS justices?
Forty-five percent of those who turned down a job offer cited the generosity of UI benefits as a major reason why they did not accept the job offer… unemployment benefits directly contributed to 13% of UI recipients rejecting a job offer during the pandemic.
I hope YLB’s kids enjoyed the free money. I hope they think it was worth the economic ass-pounding it will cause them to experience for the rest of their working lives. I hope they are smart enough to blame YLB for her silliness and stupidity.
Vicious Trollspews:
@ 20
You’re too fucking stupid for words.
You’re speechless without a RawStory link to get you started, Moobs. I’m sure you have blocked the 2016 experience from your memory. Doesn’t mean it didn’t happen.
Think on your sins.
Roger Rabbitspews:
These days, this is just your local GOP, conducting business as usual.
My sins involve beautiful women, something to which you can’t relate and never will.
I’m sure you are correct, Steve. Unlike you and Bill Clinton, I have never forced a woman to have sex against her will.
Eleven Time Person Woman Man Camera TV Cognitive NOBLE Prize Winner in Dropping Humiliation Bombs on Rapepublican "Losers and Suckers", Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
Turns out there’s more than one way to raise the minimum wage.
And you guys even voted in favor of it in the first round.
You got punk’d.
TFW a $5000 signing bonus and 15% higher starting salary equals “economic ass-pounding”.
Vicious Trollspews:
@ 27
It’s apparently five charges. NFL.com’s post last night only reported four.
Eleven Time Person Woman Man Camera TV Cognitive NOBLE Prize Winner in Dropping Humiliation Bombs on Rapepublican "Losers and Suckers", Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
26, 27, 30,
So… it’s because he’s a black dude. Is that it?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@8 People have different definitions of “crime.” To you, Hunter Biden is a “criminal.” To Ken Paxton, Crystal Mason is a “criminal.” To me, Benjamin Rogers and Jarrod Copeland are criminals I(see @23 for details).
No, Republicans and Democrats aren’t the same. We see things differently.
“I am deeply remorseful for my actions on Tuesday night. I behaved in a manner I am not proud of. I have been dealing with some personal challenges over the last several months, but that is not an excuse for how I acted. The importance of mental and emotional health is extremely real and I vow to get the help I need.
Heh. Stuff like this is angering enough to make guys like Steve @ 25 commit violent sins against women.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@12 Now we’re arguing over hair? As if there’s nothing more consequential to think about? Well, for you there isn’t. What you’re probably thinking about right now is what time the horse will wake up.
Vicious Trollspews:
@ 31
So… it’s because he’s a black dude.
Is that it?
Sure it is. And Joyce Beatty was arrested because she’s a black chick.
It’s an Android phone. It’s controlled by Google (Alphabet really).
Since the entire enterprise is directed at idiots too dumb to recognize that they are paying a 400% markup because their grandkids won’t talk to them anymore, I won’t even bother suggesting they root the device and install an open OS like Ubuntu.
Vicious Trollspews:
I wonder if YLB would have a problem if I were to wish for the death of one or more of her children.
Would she still wail mournfully at my mere presence here, as she did shortly after the 2014 midterms, I wonder.
After all, there’s no law that ensures that certain day will come for me sooner than it will come for one, if not both, of her children.
@42 do your worst… No one here expects anything better from you..
Hey. I’m wishing the BEST for you.. YOU and your fookin’ munnee that you whine about ceaselessly.. entombed forever – safe from the remotest threat of the smelly hippees using it. Look what happened to the Ford and the Rockefeller fortunes.
I want you to have it. Forever… Sheesh what gratitude..
Eleven Time Person Woman Man Camera TV Cognitive NOBLE Prize Winner in Dropping Humiliation Bombs on Rapepublican "Losers and Suckers", Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
It’s funny because… women should be beaten up. Is that it?
Don’t stop, Tara. You’re on a roll!
Roger Rabbitspews:
Looks like the Governor of Fever Swamp will have a pile of bodies to run on in 2024.
@47 “This Republican” is someone who also thinks Trump was a better outcome than Hillary in 2016, and Trump would have been a better outcome than Biden in 2020, which speaks for itself.
Roger Rabbitspews:
When a culpable Republican gets sued the first thing he does is seek free legal representation, preferably at taxpayer expense, although the ACLU would do in a pinch.
The most obnoxious @ 46 and second-stupidest @ 48 commenters on HA decide to try what Weingarten tried yesterday.
Randi Weingarten
Jul 14
You are all probably right… I shouldn’t have said millions.. I should have just said DeSantis was wrong to do this.. Fauci is an amazing public servant. He shoudn’t be mocked. But I shouldn’t engage in that kind of hyperbole either. My bad…
Quote Tweet
Randi Weingarten
· Jul 14
Disgusting. Millions of Floridians are going to die for Ron DeSantis’ ignorance and he’s choosing to profit from it. He doesn’t care about Floridians; he cares about furthering his own cruel agenda. https://twitter.com/washingtonpost/status/1415257271601451010
She got her ass handed to her and backtracked. Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit has no shame nor conscience, so he won’t.
YLB has insufficient understanding and knows only to parrot what others on HA do – it’s horribly misapplied hero worship but all YLB knows is to cheerlead for others. It got her through high school, anyway. Then it got her pregnant.
Vicious Trollspews:
YLB likes her some Kamala because Kamala communicates in a language that YLB can understand.
Vice President Kamala Harris
United States government official
and I agree, vaccines—they’re ‘good 4 u.’
Small words, incomplete sentences enable YLB and others like her to keep up. YLB’s faves are the ones with poop emojis.
Vicious Trollspews:
I see Angela Merkel used this last swing through the States as an excuse to raid Hillary’s closet.
Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
“…man enough to own up to it.”
From the famously Whaddaboutist concern-troll who has spent every waking instant since November of 2016 running away as fast as he can from the inescapable fact that he voted for a guy who told him he was a rapist. And then when the rapist lost everything turned to making up imaginary Facebook friends to fabricate “laptops” and “counterfeit vaccines”.
Not the comedian.. Famous for bringin’ home teh bacon for his district.
Steered over 167 million in earmarks to Loma Linda University. teh babblin’ butthole musta loved this guy.
Vicious Trollspews:
Guy @ 57 out of office for several years passes. YLB, ever the unserious twat, for some reason believes it warrants an exclamation point.
I bet YLB thinks this will complicate Mitch McConnell’s efforts to retake the Senate. After all, she thought a legislative race in Virginia was going to complicate McConnell’s efforts.
It’s a good thing for YLB that The Even Bigger Fucking Moron is around, as he’s the only thing that keeps YLB from being recognized as the HA commenter with the lowest IQ.
like a [insert typical dimfuk misogynist taunt here]???
it came for Adelson.. it came for Limbaugh.. it came for Frosty “aspirin” Freeze.. it came for teh shameless R pork barreler @57.
“that certain day” will come for teh rapey kreepah of widbee..
and the world.. will be.. a better place…
Eleven Time Person Woman Man Camera TV Cognitive NOBLE Prize Winner in Dropping Humiliation Bombs on Rapepublican "Losers and Suckers", Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
Actually, mostly “…this will complicate Mitch McConnell’s efforts to retake the Senate.”
But it’s really too late now. You’re all-in with no more chips and no more draws. Everything you’ve got rides on flipping the entire electorate back to Trump with the same hand you’ve had since 2018. Because, as bad as he was, he’s all you’ve got now.
@52 Being a doctor, and a dumbfuck one at that, you can’t be expected to know anything about legal concepts like gross negligence; however, you should have at least a crude familiarity with concepts like malpractice.
It’s not wrong to say DeSantis’ policies are killing people, and that he should know better.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@55 “From the famously Whaddaboutist concern-troll who has spent every waking instant since November of” 2020 obsessing over Hillary’s wardroom, as if there’s nothing more important in the world to worry about.
There is, but he doesn’t want to talk about those problems, because he helped create them.
Enter teh De Santis orange sickness and death zone:
During the same time period, 32 counties in Florida experienced an increase of more than 25% in COVID-19 hospitalizations, the CDC reported, adding that all but five Florida counties are reporting either substantial or high levels of COVID-19 transmission, CDC data stated.
teh De Santis summer of sickness and death.. 2021…
Roger Rabbitspews:
@58 You probably have no idea how funny you sound when you call someone else an “unserious twit.”
The joke’s on you. The laughter is at you.
Roger Rabbitspews:
The term “unserious twit” also applies to a lot of folks who run for Congress as Republicans these days, and some of them even get elected and sit in the House chamber (when it’s not under assault).
Roger Rabbitspews:
@59 Don’t overlook William Regnery II; it came for him, too.
@68 Oh that’s a good one.. Way better than that earmarker Lewis..
“Bill Regnery was a good man, who cared about the future, and, as they say, ‘did something’ about it,” tweeted Richard Spencer, the racist who led the National Policy Institute, a white nationalist organization Regnery founded.
“I’ll light a cigar for Bill tonight,” added Spencer. “Rest in power, friend.”
Kevin MacDonald — perhaps America’s foremost anti-Semite, who authored a series of books claiming that Jews are genetically hard-wired to destroy Western civilization — also tweeted that he hoped Regnery would “rest in peace.”
Thanks for that..
It’s a sad day for klownservatics everywhere.. They grew up on Regnery books.. teh babblin’ butthole loved those things.
That’s almost as good as Limbaugh.. Good riddance!
Roger Rabbitspews:
@71 “Good riddance!”
Coincidentally, that’s the headline I chose for announcing his passage on Handbill. We think alike.
Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
48, 65,
It’s gonna leave a mark.
For the first time since sad orange crybaby left office in January the rate of new infections in all 50 states has stopped falling and begun to climb again.
Only things are different now. Bigly.
You, and I, and everyone we know who all voted to turn back the authoritarian White Rage are fully vaccinated. And the only people being hospitalized and dying are those whose white fragility has driven them to risk suicide, “to own the libs”.
Republican mini-Trump Governors like DeathSantis and Doug Ducey, and Kemp can’t order closures, or mask mandates, or social distancing, or stepped up vaccination efforts. All they can do is order excavators to dig the mass graves.
And why on earth would Democratic Governors like Whitmer, or Tom Wolf, or Roy Cooper, or Tony Evers agree to be subjected to withering attacks and death threats simply to protect the lives of opposition voters who promise to reject the election results anyway? Morbid, perhaps. But still, very win-win.
Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
Tara, let’s take this opportunity to show you how a real master does it:
Tara, I don’t ever expect you to elevate your troll game to Biden’s level. But you can still learn from his game. Consider your own reactions, and the reaction of your fellow “diehard Trump supporters” this week to Biden’s calls for Facebook to takedown some of the disinformation. He knows you as well as we do. He knows exactly where all your stupid “own the libs” buttons are located.
You’re being punk’d again. By a master.
I’m willing to bet that Biden and Psaki alone, arguing with Facebook over vaccine denial is good for a couple hundred thousand fewer Trump voters. in 2022. And they’re just getting started.
Vicious Trollspews:
Should be interesting watching Dems as they craft a DACA workaround that will be acceptable to border state Democrat Sinema.
Which would not be a bad thing.
Vicious Trollspews:
@ 72
…that’s the headline I chose for announcing his passage on Handbill.
Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit, wouldn’t it just be easier to send Mark Adams an email? In either case the likelihood is that only one person reads it. If you send an email then it’s unlikely that anyone but “Shortbus” will see you write something stupid like fleeing felons take slugs in their chest.
74. That explains the red-faced apoplectic outrage Fox News was spewing tonight about government censoring conservatives.
75. Its not possible right now. Sinema has shown us who she really is. Her voters will have a chance to vote on her actions in 5 years.
76. Is that as stupid as you saying that Japanese internment justifies child labor? Or covid-19 killed less people than a tornado. Or the Steele dossier was completely wrong
Eleven Time Person Woman Man Camera TV Cognitive NOBLE Prize Winner in Dropping Humiliation Bombs on Rapepublican "Losers and Suckers", Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
Should be interesting watching Dems as they craft a DACA workaround that will be acceptable to border state Democrat Sinema.
Not really a priority right now.
Because it isn’t our problem.
Troll okay on current events. Troll very bad on math.
P.S. Just promise me Abbott begins the kid sweeps and toddler beatings in the Rio Grande Valley before Nov of 2022.
Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
Just picture Joe kicking back smiling wearing his signature aviators and quietly muttering “Dance, motherfuckers. Dance till you die.“
Who triggered the dumbfuck traitor? The fucktard has gone off the rails again.
Hmm, looks like a group effort. Well done, everybody.
Roger Rabbitspews:
There are people who absolutely should not be cops. Unfortunately, pre-employment screening by police agencies isn’t always good enough, and this is only determined after the fact.
A lot of police departments would be defunded if they had to pay their legal liabilities out of their departmental budgets.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@76 You’re just dying to tell him who I am, and where to find me, aren’t you?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@80 I won’t give Doctor Dumbfuck my email address, either. He has the horse’s email address and look what happened to the horse.
Roger Rabbitspews:
This mother should be investigated for child neglect and abuse.
“Angela Morris said she resisted Covid-19 vaccinations for herself and her 13-year-old daughter believing that other preventative measures, like mostly staying home and wearing masks, would be enough to ward off infection.
“But on July 1, Morris wrote on Facebook that her daughter, Caia Morris Cooper, had tested positive for Covid. Two days later, she updated her friends that her daughter had been admitted to Arkansas Children’s Hospital in Little Rock and was on a ventilator. ‘I am so scared right now and I feel so helpless,’ she posted.
“Nearly two weeks later, Caia remained in the hospital, Morris said Friday, and was again intubated after being taken off a ventilator Thursday night. …
“‘It’s very hard not knowing if she’s really going to come home anymore or not,’ Morris told a CBS affiliate in Little Rock from her daughter’s hospital room. ‘It’s heartbreaking. I wish I would’ve made better choices for her.'”
Fracking is a ponzi scheme whose string has run out. If you bought a house far from your employer, telecommute or change jobs. Frackers have run out of greater fools to float their unworkable business.
And no, I don’t believe electric cars are a solution.
Should probably also say “Come Die in a cheaply built House!”
Ggggggeeee Money!spews:
killing kids to own the libs”
Breeding will not save them, especially after they kill them and have gone through the expense of rearing them. Stupid is.
Ggggggeeee Money!spews:
As their older population dwindles and the younger population doesn’t reproduce and survive and the correct rate, well they have a population decline.
Like I’ve been saying – “Breeding will not save them”
Their brains are getting smaller and smaller.
Ggggggeeee Money!spews:
No halloween either then!
83)Comparing Merkel’s wardrobe to Clinton’s. She usually doesn’t change it. Somebody asked Merkel once about her outfit, and she said she’s the Chancellor, not a Model. Turns out, she buys her own wardrobe,
I think it’s going to be fascinating in future elections to track vote lean and turnout against county/state vax rates.
Killing kids to own the libs
What they don’t realize is they are essentially going to give away House seats. As their older population dwindles and the younger population doesn’t reproduce and survive and the correct rate, well they have a population decline.
There was a lawn sign here in Missouri by the freeway stating “UNMASK YOUR CHILDREN!”
@2 I don’t think they care about long term anything
Fired Tennessee Vaccine Official Received Dog Muzzle in Mail
That is pretty much the definition of a Republican. All the care about is “I got mine” and they are not capable of long-term planning or governing. They are completely for the here and now, and want to live in the 1850’s.
It’s basically nihilism.
Nietzsche proposed that nihilism would come to dominate any moralistic society once the influence of “God” had withered away from the philosophical social objectives. “Conservatism” in America is as far away from any conception of “God” today as it has ever been.
Pragmatically “conservatives” today seek to establish, reinforce, and restore as much as possible of white, male privilege and dominance. But that objective has become unmoored from any moral foundation. Even quasi-benign moral frameworks such as “paternalism” have been stripped away. There’s nothing “fatherly” about exposing your children to a deadly virus, consigning your adolescent daughter to cervical cancer, or forcing thousands of unaccompanied pre-teen refugees into border gulags to be preyed upon by sex traffickers and organ harvesters.
For people who believe in absolute, unchanging values the departure from an omnipotent, magical, supernatural law-giver, however they conceive him, can only lead to this kind of depraved nihilism.
The only possible rescue available for “conservatism” from this decline into nihilism would probably lie in a restoration of Judeo Christian values among them. And I for one am absolutely positive that degenerate weaklings like David Brooks, Bill Kristol, or Jerry Falwell Jr. don’t have that in them.
Maybe if I put enough exclamation marks, you won’t notice that I was exhausted and sleeping on my way into work.
In YLB’s case it’s a combination of stupidity and desperation to be noticed. Same goes for her nail polish.
Hunter Biden’s prosecutor rejected moves that would have revealed probe earlier
Veteran U.S. attorney David Weiss, known for his willingness to take on powerful Delaware figures, kept his investigation into Biden’s son out of the 2020 campaign.
Hunter Biden is a criminal. The Biden Crime Family is a criminal enterprise.
Because the use of nail polish uniquely connotes “desperation to be noticed” arising from weakness.
Go ahead. Try it with driving a Range Rover.
After that try hair plugs.
The dumbfuck traitor, stupe that he is, will turn that into a hashtag and post it 7,000+ times.
Sure, it didn’t work with Hillary, and he spent five years trying, but maybe this time the stupid dumbfuck traitor will finally find himself a fucking crime.
@ 10
After that try hair plugs.
You know who’s president these days, right?
I just know that you don’t.
Meanwhile, as the dumbfuck traitor gives up on jailing Hillary and begins a desperate search for a Biden crime…
Prosecutors ‘astonished’ after family member directly implicates Trump in ‘explosive interview’
Are all radiologists this fucking stupid? Between Dr. Atlas and the stupid dumbfuck traitor, it sure looks like it.
@ 11
Sure, it didn’t work with Hillary.
Au contraire. It worked fuckin’ great with Hillary.
Coney Barrett.
Without Crooked Hillary Clinton and the DNC’s dishonest behavior to prop her up throughout the primary season, Moobs McScrote, we don’t have those justices now, and we don’t have them in 2045.
It worked with Hillary far better than we dreamed it would.
Think on your sins, Moobs.
The question, Carl, is whether your boss will notice.
@ 11, 15
Come to think of it, it was Comey’s dishonest behavior in early July, 2016 that likely led to Comey’s decision to try to make it right in late October, 2016.
None of that would have taken place had Hillary Clinton not been so crooked, Moobs.
Trump not only cheats at golf, he also wastes water.
11, 14,
It did work on Hillary.
But it totally failed four years later on Biden.
The electorate has changed.
Teh Dumfuck and the GOP have not.
Options have become drastically narrowed as each subsequent “concern” and shrieking fringe weirdo has been ridiculed and marginalized. It now appears that the messaging strategy for 2022 depends upon convincing college educated suburban voters that they were better off twelve months ago than they are today.
Really. That’s their plan.
So you say it was your 7,000+ pro-Putin hashtags and failure to identify a single crime that gave you SCOTUS justices?
You’re too fucking stupid for words.
Morning Consult poll:
I hope YLB’s kids enjoyed the free money. I hope they think it was worth the economic ass-pounding it will cause them to experience for the rest of their working lives. I hope they are smart enough to blame YLB for her silliness and stupidity.
@ 20
You’re too fucking stupid for words.
You’re speechless without a RawStory link to get you started, Moobs. I’m sure you have blocked the 2016 experience from your memory. Doesn’t mean it didn’t happen.
Think on your sins.
These days, this is just your local GOP, conducting business as usual.
What unregulated capitalism looks like.
Maybe government price regulation isn’t the best answer for this; criminally prosecuting hospital officials for grand larceny might be more effective.
My sins involve beautiful women, something to which you can’t relate and never will.
Your sin is treason. You’re going to hang for that.
Q: For the time being, what do ‘froggy and Richard Sherman have in common?
A: They’re both unemployed.
Hey Richard Sherman, how many charges are you facing so far?
@ 25
My sins involve beautiful women, something to which you can’t relate and never will.
I’m sure you are correct, Steve. Unlike you and Bill Clinton, I have never forced a woman to have sex against her will.
Turns out there’s more than one way to raise the minimum wage.
And you guys even voted in favor of it in the first round.
You got punk’d.
TFW a $5000 signing bonus and 15% higher starting salary equals “economic ass-pounding”.
@ 27
It’s apparently five charges. NFL.com’s post last night only reported four.
26, 27, 30,
So… it’s because he’s a black dude.
Is that it?
@8 People have different definitions of “crime.” To you, Hunter Biden is a “criminal.” To Ken Paxton, Crystal Mason is a “criminal.” To me, Benjamin Rogers and Jarrod Copeland are criminals I(see @23 for details).
No, Republicans and Democrats aren’t the same. We see things differently.
The concession speech Hillary Clinton should have given the day after she was too drunk to appear in public on Election Night 2016:
Heh. Stuff like this is angering enough to make guys like Steve @ 25 commit violent sins against women.
@12 Now we’re arguing over hair? As if there’s nothing more consequential to think about? Well, for you there isn’t. What you’re probably thinking about right now is what time the horse will wake up.
@ 31
So… it’s because he’s a black dude.
Is that it?
Sure it is. And Joyce Beatty was arrested because she’s a black chick.
When all you’ve got is a hammer, QoS McHillbilly.
I hope they think it was worth the economic ass-pounding it will cause them to experience for the rest of their working lives.
Oh but life will be..
much.. better…
that certain day..
when the remains of a miserable mean-spirited pos is thrown into a pit wrapped in a coffin of bricks.. of its fookin’ munee…
gasoline.. lit match… BONFIRE!!!!
wtf ever needed that shit?
@25 But what about beautiful horses? Horses can be lovely, too, you know. I’ll bet dumbfuck aches to fuck this one.
His current fuck buddy looks like this:
Re @28: Notice he said he’s never forced a woman to have sex against her will.
Q: What does Moobs McScrote tell a beautiful woman @ 25 with two black eyes?
A: Nuthin’. After all, he’s already told that bitch twice.
@35 A Republican is someone who thinks Joyce Beatty is a “criminal” and Ashli Babbitt isn’t.
“I’m holding a freaking phone that is not controlled by Apple or Google,”
It’s an Android phone. It’s controlled by Google (Alphabet really).
Since the entire enterprise is directed at idiots too dumb to recognize that they are paying a 400% markup because their grandkids won’t talk to them anymore, I won’t even bother suggesting they root the device and install an open OS like Ubuntu.
I wonder if YLB would have a problem if I were to wish for the death of one or more of her children.
Would she still wail mournfully at my mere presence here, as she did shortly after the 2014 midterms, I wonder.
After all, there’s no law that ensures that certain day will come for me sooner than it will come for one, if not both, of her children.
Back in teh day rapey dimfuk climaxed hard to “The Starr Report”..
It didn’t take too long for Ken to climb into the hot tub with Bill.
Richardson, Clinton or both?
@42 do your worst… No one here expects anything better from you..
Hey. I’m wishing the BEST for you.. YOU and your fookin’ munnee that you whine about ceaselessly.. entombed forever – safe from the remotest threat of the smelly hippees using it. Look what happened to the Ford and the Rockefeller fortunes.
I want you to have it. Forever… Sheesh what gratitude..
It’s funny because… women should be beaten up.
Is that it?
Don’t stop, Tara. You’re on a roll!
Looks like the Governor of Fever Swamp will have a pile of bodies to run on in 2024.
@ 40
@35 A Republican is someone who thinks Joyce Beatty is a “criminal” and Ashli Babbitt isn’t.
This Republican is someone who thinks that supporters of Hillary Clinton during the 2016 primary season got what they deserved.
And that Moobs McScrote isn’t man enough to own up to it.
@46 Come to Florida!
i.e. enter the De Santis Orange Death Zone…
the summer of sickness and death… 2021…
guest starring a washed up golf cheat in the throes of dementia.
Fox News’ Pete Doocey proves every day he’s no match for Jen Psaki, and today is no exception.
@47 “This Republican” is someone who also thinks Trump was a better outcome than Hillary in 2016, and Trump would have been a better outcome than Biden in 2020, which speaks for itself.
When a culpable Republican gets sued the first thing he does is seek free legal representation, preferably at taxpayer expense, although the ACLU would do in a pinch.
The most obnoxious @ 46 and second-stupidest @ 48 commenters on HA decide to try what Weingarten tried yesterday.
She got her ass handed to her and backtracked. Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit has no shame nor conscience, so he won’t.
YLB has insufficient understanding and knows only to parrot what others on HA do – it’s horribly misapplied hero worship but all YLB knows is to cheerlead for others. It got her through high school, anyway. Then it got her pregnant.
YLB likes her some Kamala because Kamala communicates in a language that YLB can understand.
Small words, incomplete sentences enable YLB and others like her to keep up. YLB’s faves are the ones with poop emojis.
I see Angela Merkel used this last swing through the States as an excuse to raid Hillary’s closet.
From the famously Whaddaboutist concern-troll who has spent every waking instant since November of 2016 running away as fast as he can from the inescapable fact that he voted for a guy who told him he was a rapist. And then when the rapist lost everything turned to making up imaginary Facebook friends to fabricate “laptops” and “counterfeit vaccines”.
A Profile in “conservative” courage.
what Weingarten tried yesterday
Dimfuk please find “Weingarten” anywhere in the article cited @46
And speak to the facts in the article..
But it’s ok if you run away from this like a coward.. I’d expect no better from you.
Not the comedian.. Famous for bringin’ home teh bacon for his district.
Steered over 167 million in earmarks to Loma Linda University. teh babblin’ butthole musta loved this guy.
Guy @ 57 out of office for several years passes. YLB, ever the unserious twat, for some reason believes it warrants an exclamation point.
I bet YLB thinks this will complicate Mitch McConnell’s efforts to retake the Senate. After all, she thought a legislative race in Virginia was going to complicate McConnell’s efforts.
It’s a good thing for YLB that The Even Bigger Fucking Moron is around, as he’s the only thing that keeps YLB from being recognized as the HA commenter with the lowest IQ.
LOL @ 58.. Still runnin’ away from @56..
Answers with a “GE”
like a [insert typical dimfuk misogynist taunt here]???
it came for Adelson.. it came for Limbaugh.. it came for Frosty “aspirin” Freeze.. it came for teh shameless R pork barreler @57.
“that certain day” will come for teh rapey kreepah of widbee..
and the world.. will be.. a better place…
Actually, mostly “…this will complicate Mitch McConnell’s efforts to retake the Senate.”
But it’s really too late now. You’re all-in with no more chips and no more draws. Everything you’ve got rides on flipping the entire electorate back to Trump with the same hand you’ve had since 2018. Because, as bad as he was, he’s all you’ve got now.
@60 Somebody’s got to leak the b-roll of The Apprentice…
If Nixon and Bonzo laughing over Africans at the UN could be exposed..
If drumpf’s tax returns…
What’s the holdup?
“What’s the holdup?”
What’s the rush?
@52 Being a doctor, and a dumbfuck one at that, you can’t be expected to know anything about legal concepts like gross negligence; however, you should have at least a crude familiarity with concepts like malpractice.
It’s not wrong to say DeSantis’ policies are killing people, and that he should know better.
@55 “From the famously Whaddaboutist concern-troll who has spent every waking instant since November of” 2020 obsessing over Hillary’s wardroom, as if there’s nothing more important in the world to worry about.
There is, but he doesn’t want to talk about those problems, because he helped create them.
Come to Florida..
Enter teh De Santis orange sickness and death zone:
During the same time period, 32 counties in Florida experienced an increase of more than 25% in COVID-19 hospitalizations, the CDC reported, adding that all but five Florida counties are reporting either substantial or high levels of COVID-19 transmission, CDC data stated.
teh De Santis summer of sickness and death.. 2021…
@58 You probably have no idea how funny you sound when you call someone else an “unserious twit.”
The joke’s on you. The laughter is at you.
The term “unserious twit” also applies to a lot of folks who run for Congress as Republicans these days, and some of them even get elected and sit in the House chamber (when it’s not under assault).
@59 Don’t overlook William Regnery II; it came for him, too.
@60 Teh dumbfuck doesn’t even have Hillary to run against, that’s how bad it is for him now.
@65 The only relative I have in Florida just fled to Colombia, and he’s not even Colombian.
@68 Oh that’s a good one.. Way better than that earmarker Lewis..
“Bill Regnery was a good man, who cared about the future, and, as they say, ‘did something’ about it,” tweeted Richard Spencer, the racist who led the National Policy Institute, a white nationalist organization Regnery founded.
“I’ll light a cigar for Bill tonight,” added Spencer. “Rest in power, friend.”
Kevin MacDonald — perhaps America’s foremost anti-Semite, who authored a series of books claiming that Jews are genetically hard-wired to destroy Western civilization — also tweeted that he hoped Regnery would “rest in peace.”
Thanks for that..
It’s a sad day for klownservatics everywhere.. They grew up on Regnery books.. teh babblin’ butthole loved those things.
That’s almost as good as Limbaugh.. Good riddance!
@71 “Good riddance!”
Coincidentally, that’s the headline I chose for announcing his passage on Handbill. We think alike.
48, 65,
It’s gonna leave a mark.
For the first time since sad orange crybaby left office in January the rate of new infections in all 50 states has stopped falling and begun to climb again.
Only things are different now. Bigly.
You, and I, and everyone we know who all voted to turn back the authoritarian White Rage are fully vaccinated. And the only people being hospitalized and dying are those whose white fragility has driven them to risk suicide, “to own the libs”.
Republican mini-Trump Governors like DeathSantis and Doug Ducey, and Kemp can’t order closures, or mask mandates, or social distancing, or stepped up vaccination efforts. All they can do is order excavators to dig the mass graves.
And why on earth would Democratic Governors like Whitmer, or Tom Wolf, or Roy Cooper, or Tony Evers agree to be subjected to withering attacks and death threats simply to protect the lives of opposition voters who promise to reject the election results anyway? Morbid, perhaps. But still, very win-win.
Tara, let’s take this opportunity to show you how a real master does it:
“Biden says platforms like Facebook are ‘killing people’ with Covid misinformation”
Tara, I don’t ever expect you to elevate your troll game to Biden’s level. But you can still learn from his game. Consider your own reactions, and the reaction of your fellow “diehard Trump supporters” this week to Biden’s calls for Facebook to takedown some of the disinformation. He knows you as well as we do. He knows exactly where all your stupid “own the libs” buttons are located.
You’re being punk’d again. By a master.
I’m willing to bet that Biden and Psaki alone, arguing with Facebook over vaccine denial is good for a couple hundred thousand fewer Trump voters. in 2022. And they’re just getting started.
Should be interesting watching Dems as they craft a DACA workaround that will be acceptable to border state Democrat Sinema.
Which would not be a bad thing.
@ 72
…that’s the headline I chose for announcing his passage on Handbill.
Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit, wouldn’t it just be easier to send Mark Adams an email? In either case the likelihood is that only one person reads it. If you send an email then it’s unlikely that anyone but “Shortbus” will see you write something stupid like fleeing felons take slugs in their chest.
74. That explains the red-faced apoplectic outrage Fox News was spewing tonight about government censoring conservatives.
75. Its not possible right now. Sinema has shown us who she really is. Her voters will have a chance to vote on her actions in 5 years.
dimfuk and its ilk:
Card carrying members.. To “that certain day”…
76. Is that as stupid as you saying that Japanese internment justifies child labor? Or covid-19 killed less people than a tornado. Or the Steele dossier was completely wrong
Not really a priority right now.
Because it isn’t our problem.
Troll okay on current events. Troll very bad on math.
P.S. Just promise me Abbott begins the kid sweeps and toddler beatings in the Rio Grande Valley before Nov of 2022.
Just picture Joe kicking back smiling wearing his signature aviators and quietly muttering “Dance, motherfuckers. Dance till you die.“
Who triggered the dumbfuck traitor? The fucktard has gone off the rails again.
Hmm, looks like a group effort. Well done, everybody.
There are people who absolutely should not be cops. Unfortunately, pre-employment screening by police agencies isn’t always good enough, and this is only determined after the fact.
The only good thing about this case is they were fired before they did it to a person.
Another bad police hire, and there go a couple million more of taxpayer money.
A lot of police departments would be defunded if they had to pay their legal liabilities out of their departmental budgets.
@76 You’re just dying to tell him who I am, and where to find me, aren’t you?
@80 I won’t give Doctor Dumbfuck my email address, either. He has the horse’s email address and look what happened to the horse.
This mother should be investigated for child neglect and abuse.
“Angela Morris said she resisted Covid-19 vaccinations for herself and her 13-year-old daughter believing that other preventative measures, like mostly staying home and wearing masks, would be enough to ward off infection.
“But on July 1, Morris wrote on Facebook that her daughter, Caia Morris Cooper, had tested positive for Covid. Two days later, she updated her friends that her daughter had been admitted to Arkansas Children’s Hospital in Little Rock and was on a ventilator. ‘I am so scared right now and I feel so helpless,’ she posted.
“Nearly two weeks later, Caia remained in the hospital, Morris said Friday, and was again intubated after being taken off a ventilator Thursday night. …
“‘It’s very hard not knowing if she’s really going to come home anymore or not,’ Morris told a CBS affiliate in Little Rock from her daughter’s hospital room. ‘It’s heartbreaking. I wish I would’ve made better choices for her.'”
Higher gas prices from here on out.
Fracking is a ponzi scheme whose string has run out. If you bought a house far from your employer, telecommute or change jobs. Frackers have run out of greater fools to float their unworkable business.
And no, I don’t believe electric cars are a solution.
Don’t Fauci Bob’s Florida!
Should probably also say “Come Die in a cheaply built House!”
Like I’ve been saying – “Breeding will not save them”
Their brains are getting smaller and smaller.
No halloween either then!
83)Comparing Merkel’s wardrobe to Clinton’s. She usually doesn’t change it. Somebody asked Merkel once about her outfit, and she said she’s the Chancellor, not a Model. Turns out, she buys her own wardrobe,