Note that both officers are now documented having given false sworn testimony.
Brady list? Will any of you write your county prosecutor?
If either of these two remain as police officers in Seattle then in any subsequent arrests their documented history of lying under oath must by law be disclosed to defense counsel.
But will your county prosecutor’s office do that?
Any citizen who is ever accused of a crime by either of these two shitheads is entitled to that information disclosure as part of discovery in preparing their defense. Wouldn’t you want to know about if if the cop who was accusing you was guilty of previously lying under oath?
You should not try to make any kind of criminal case against anyone based on the testimony of an admitted and proven liar. Shame indeed that you may have to continue paying their exorbitant salaries and pensions for decades to come. But you should not send your neighbors and fellow citizens to prison based upon the testimony of lying assholes.
Vicious Trollspews:
The “trespassing” charge is iffy.
If they were in the area where the violence occurred and claimed not to be aware of it, that’s a different story.
After all, ignoring violence is the purview of prosecuting attorneys in the Portland area, in NYC, and in other cities under liberal governance.
Vicious Trollspews:
There are two weeks out of each year when Goldy knows not to make fun of eastern Washington for scratching out a living by working the land instead of being overpaid for writing code like a good western Washington resident.
I promised myself I wouldn’t buy yet more cherries at the farmer’s market, but they had Vans.
Jul 7, 2021
We’re in the middle of those two weeks.
Vicious Trollspews:
Even Democrats, with the exception of the YLB and The Even Bigger Fucking Moron contingents, know it’s The Wuhan.
In March 2020, a Pew Research Center poll found 29 percent of Americans believed the virus was made in a Chinese lab and released either accidentally or intentionally. The new survey shows 52 percent believe the virus came out of a lab, including 59 percent of Republicans and 52 percent of Democrats, while 28 percent said it was from an infected animal.
The absence of a large partisan gap on the issue is particularly striking, said Bob Blendon, a professor of health policy and political analysis at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health who designed the poll.
By October 2022 First Vegetable Joe Biden will be telling people it’s patriotic to bash random Asian-Americans in the head.
Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
Peak violence in the U.S. happened thirty years ago.
Coincided with and resulted from a combination of demographics and the CIA operation to fund counterinsurgencies in Central America by flooding the U.S. with crack.
Thirty years later all that crack gets us Tara’s nonsense, nine minutes of neck-kneeling, and this.
Vicious Trollspews:
Peak incarceration in the US was in 2009.
The surge in incarceration began not with the mid-80s Iran-Contra shit that QoS McHillbilly @ 5 wants you to believe, but more than a decade earlier.
If Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit can become a lawyer, any doofus with an IQ greaer than, say, YLB’s can become a lawyer. The IQ threshold isn’t even into triple digits.
Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
Believe this:
U.S. homicide rate in 1991 was 10:100,000.
U.S. homicide rate in 2020 was 6.5:100,000 (up from 5 in 2018 – pandemic)
Tara can’t do that math. But you can.
Incarceration has risen because numbers of police and prisons have risen.
Police just don’t do what you think they do.
Except for the neck-kneeling. They do lots of that. Still.
Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
The new survey shows 52 percent believe the virus came out of a lab
A 57% majority of Americans say there is more violent crime now in the U.S. compared to 30 years ago.
People are often wrong when they are scared of dying and being told by the GOP president to shove flashlights up their asses.
A picture caption with an article on Sunday about the vice-presidential vetting process misspelled the given name of the Democratic presidential nominee in 2016. She is Hillary Clinton, not Hilary.
While there is more than one way to spell Hillary, C-O-R-R-U-P-T is always spelled with two Rs.
White House officials arrange confidential sales of Hunter Biden’s art
The White House was dealing with Hunter Biden’s overt corruption even when it was Barack Obama’s White House.
Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
The GOP frontrunner to challenge for the Senate in Georgia used to invite friends over to his house to play russian roulette with his collection of handguns.
So this is looking good.
Vicious Trollspews:
@ 12
The husband of the personal assistant to the Democrat nominee for president in 2016 held sexual conversations with minor children using the same laptop on which classified State Department documents and communications were stored.
That looked good, too.
Eleven Time Person Woman Man Camera TV Cognitive NOBLE Prize Winner in Dropping Humiliation Bombs on Rapepublican "Losers and Suckers", Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
The husband of the personal assistant to the Democrat nominee
What about the physical therapist for the father-in-law of the letter carrier who delivered mail to their ex-wife’s adopted kid’s orthodontist?
Stale dick picks won’t save your lost states Tara.
Neither will Trump.
Vicious Trollspews:
QoS McHillbilly is more desperate than ever @ 9 for people to simply ignore the weekend slaughters that are Chicago’s South Side.
This is why:
ABC News
Jul 2
JUST IN: The number of Americans seeing crime as an extremely serious problem in the United States is at a more than 20-year high, President Joe Biden is underwater in trust to handle it, according to a new ABC News/Washington Post poll.
Biden is rated poorly on handling crime; alternative approaches win broad favor: POLL
Americans seeing crime as an extremely serious problem in the U.S. is at a more than 20-year high and President Joe Biden is underwater in trust to handle it: POLL
“Crime. Boy, I don’t know.” has been tried before. Biden can’t pull it off any better than Streisand’s husband did.
Ggggggeeee Money!spews:
Biden is a miracle worker. Stock market will be at 40,000 in no time!
The FuckHump failed!
Ggggggeeee Money!spews:
You should not try to make any kind of criminal case against anyone based on the testimony of an admitted and proven liar.
Kind of like them saying that they know what your AGI is but have no fucking clue. How can they ever be taken seriously, really!
It’s like saying that Jan. 6th was a tourist visit.
Ggggggeeee Money!spews:
In March 2020, a Pew Research Center poll found 29 percent of Americans believed the virus was made in a Chinese lab and released either accidentally or intentionally.
I would hope that greater than 29 percent of that same sample believe that there potentially is alien life out there too.
Full disclosure- I never discounted that it came from a lab, intentionally or accidentally, I just waited for the evidence. But still to call it the Chinese Virus? Not from a FuckHump of an asshole con artist anyways
Vicious Trollspews:
Chelsea Clinton
17h Please don’t comment on kids’ appearances.
Please don’t invade kids’ privacy.
Please don’t “joke” about kids.
Please leave kids alone and let kids be kids.
Joe Biden looks at a little girl in the audience, the daughter of a veteran, and says “I love those barrettes in your hair. Man I’ll tell you what, look at her she looks like she’s 19 years old sitting there like a little lady with her legs crossed.”
I gotta hand it to Chelsea. She knows what it’s like to grow up in close proximity to a sexual predator.
Vicious Trollspews:
Your party controls the White House and both houses of Congress, you pint-sized clown.
Robert Reich
Jul 8
Abolishing the filibuster is not radical. What’s radical is watching our democracy disintegrate in front of our eyes and doing absolutely nothing to stop it.
Who is more corrupt? Michael Avenatti or Hunter Biden?
Vicious Trollspews:
Lawyer to many Democrats.
Lawyer to Colin Kaepernick.
Lawyer to Michael Jackson.
Lawyer to Michael Avenatti.
Devlin Barrett
Judge hammers lawyer Mark Geragos, and implicitly rebukes Justice Dept for not charging him. Geragos, the judge said, “suffered no consequences as a result of his conduct and he was a central figure in the criminal conduct.”
Vicious Trollspews:
If the Democrats lose Congress in 2022 and the White House in 2024 because voters think crime is increasing and too much of it is violent, and it turns out that yeah, maybe that’s true compared with 2019 but not when compared with the early 1990s, does it matter that @ 8 and @ 9 are factually accurate?
Chicago mayor asks Biden for help after bloody July 4 weekend
Hours before Biden landed Wednesday, three undercover officers — two of them agents from the federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) and the third from Chicago Police — were shot and wounded as they drove to an assignment on the city’s South Side.
voters think crime is increasing and too much of it is violent,
kreepah… you’re not trying hard enough..
add gasoline prices… yeah they’re a little higher..
If you recall, gas prices worked wonders for you in 2012.
Yeah. That’s an election debate I’m willing to have.
What the dumbfuck traitor doesn’t want to debate or even discuss is the QOP’s failed attempt to violently overthrow our democracy on 1/6 so they could establish fascist totalitarian rule under a raging orange man-baby. To do so always ends in a treasonous shit-show as we saw in the last couple of threads.
kreepah is too silly.. didn’t it babble endlessly about Charm City once upon a time?
Stats say Baltimore is more violent than Chicago.
But.. but.. but.. there’s that black guy.. and that black woman mayor….
Vicious Trollspews:
I’m not sure “tongue-in-cheek” was the best choice of words here.
The SF Gay Men’s Chorus, like YLB, operates with a limited vocabulary.
Vicious Trollspews:
Stroke material for G-clown.
The White House
United States government organization
@SecretaryPete, here. I’m taking over the White House’s Twitter today to tell you all about @POTUS’ Bipartisan Infrastructure Framework.
12:33 PM · Jul 8, 2021·The White House
Eleven Time Person Woman Man Camera TV Cognitive NOBLE Prize Winner in Dropping Humiliation Bombs on Rapepublican "Losers and Suckers", Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
Try to keep yourself from laying awake at nights for the next three years certain in the knowledge that the only thing keeping that dream alive is hoping that Merrick Garland doesn’t do anything about it*. He’s the guy you fucked over. Remember him?
And since crime is actually at a low and in decline all he has to do is issue press releases and make announcements.
Desperate? Looks to me like priorities. Responding to a real deadly pandemic and Trumpconomy collapse gets priority over responding to “Jews Will Not Replace Us” and “social uncertainty”.
*Ditto voting restrictions
There’s a good reason why the FBI and the Capitol police don’t want to release video, Moobs. It’s gonna turn your “insurrection” into a group of a few dozen unarmed dudes who needed to feel heard. And so they were.
Oh, look, more video. He just needed to be heard, right, traitor?
Eleven Time Person Woman Man Camera TV Cognitive NOBLE Prize Winner in Dropping Humiliation Bombs on Rapepublican "Losers and Suckers", Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
@WhiteHouse 5 million
@SecretaryPete 313,000
@PeteButtigieg 3.4 million
Just standard “conservative” vacay tourism videos.
Very cool. Very legal, etc.
(nice RawStory link)
Vicious Trollspews:
Ya know, if Voter ID catches on, this guy might only get to vote once.
Police: Unemployed man nabbed using fake ID, checks to buy $135,000 BMW
Dickens provided dealership staff with a treasure trove of fraudulent documents including a California driver’s license, four M&T Bank checks, a credit report, and an insurance card, police allege.
Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
I can’t believe they didn’t just open fire.
But officers who survived it report they could see that many of the attackers were carrying. And since some of their fellow officers had been dragged into the surrounding crowd they were afraid that opening fire they might either injure their fellow officers, intensify the attacks on those same officers, and prompt the hundreds of armed attackers to open fire in return. Encrypted DMs among attackers confirm that one of the reasons they sought to pull officers into the crowd was to use them as human shields. The tactic appeared to work.
“Prosecutors said the 27-year-old Verastigui, who had been president of the Northwest Vista College Students for Life before going to work on Republican campaigns, sought out images of the rape of infants during an online chat last year and fantasized online about killing children and babies while abusing them.”
pro “life”.. repukelican..
Well pedos gravitate to anyplace where there’s kids to exploit.. kids sports team.. clergy.. scouting.. etc…
pro “life” advocacy.. the constant blather about “babies” – the younger the better did it for that freak.. new one on me..
And repukelicanism.. heh.. I bet widbee kreepah will counsel us to be compassionate to that poor sick young man..
Vicious Trollspews:
@ 43
Great video, Moobs McScrote. What part of that video is inconsistent with my suspicion that there will be a few dozen people charged with serious crimes, and everyone else will be wrist-slapped @ 1, 2 with “trespassing” and similar silly charges?
I fully acknowledge that more than a few people were there to do some serious damage. I’m just saying that the vast majority of them were “trespassing” or similarly nonviolently at the Capitol. The whole time.
Let’s see some building video. Surely the FBI and the Capitol Police have some of that, too.
Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
Sanctions hearing for the Kraken lawyers in Michigan is now set for Tuesday after their pleas to be absented have been DENIED.
Vicious Trollspews:
@ 47
HA libbies spend years claiming that cops don’t care who they shoot, including other cops.
Encrypted DMs among attackers confirm that one of the reasons they sought to pull officers into the crowd was to use them as human shields. The tactic appeared to work.
One one certain day, and one day only, HA libbies suddenly choose to claim differently.
I fully acknowledge that more than a few people were there to do some serious damage.
Tara has denied this repeatedly, along with dutifully passing along idiot propaganda and false claims of his “superiors” and “elite thought-givers” like Ted Cruz, Josh Hawley, etc.
“More than a few people” were there to kill police, take hostages, and gain control over the Congress. They amassed hotel rooms filled with guns and ammo. They staged caches of weapons and bombs, They arranged for boats to ferry the weapons to them. Huge numbers of them brought small arms with them on the day of the attack.
And none of it ended on Jan 6th. Some of those arrested in the months that followed continued their work, even after their terror attack of Jan 6 failed. Captured and decrypted messaging among those since arrested proves that they carried out follow up surveillance of The Capitol in the following weeks and months at least into February and March. Included in this were the collection and sharing of “SALUTE” reports (“Size, Activity, Location, Unit/Uniform, Time, and Equipment”) intended to identify vulnerabilities for further attacks.
The entire Republican response to this, including Tara’s, is pure gaslighting. And the only purpose of that gaslighting is to help ensure that they can succeed next time.
Vicious Trollspews:
@ 47
But officers who survived it report they could see that many of the attackers were carrying.
2. It’s not like people weren’t there with cameras. It’s not like the press wasn’t there with cameras. It’s not like body cameras weren’t running. It’s not like the building cameras were inoperable. Shouldn’t we have some photographic evidence of what the “surviving” officers claimed they saw?
For years, HA libbies claim that all cops are liars, that they falsify police reports, plant evidence, coordinate their stories, claim without basis to be frightened for their lives, etc.
On one certain day, and one day only, HA libbies choose to claim otherwise.
Pick one.
Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
HA libbies spend years claiming that cops…
Show us.
Vicious Trollspews:
40 U.S. Code § 5104 – Unlawful activities
(e)Capitol Grounds and Buildings Security.—
(1)Firearms, dangerous weapons, explosives, or incendiary devices.—An individual or group of individuals—
(A)except as authorized by regulations prescribed by the Capitol Police Board—
(i)may not carry on or have readily accessible to any individual on the Grounds or in any of the Capitol Buildings a firearm, a dangerous weapon, explosives, or an incendiary device;
Shouldn’t we see some charges for unlawful possession of a firearm on Capitol grounds? Or do we just see trespassing charges?
Vicious Trollspews:
@ 53, 55
Tara has denied this repeatedly
Show us.
(For the record, that guy @ 43 should be incarcerated for far long than Michael Avenatti.)
Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
Geezus you simp. On the very day of the attack DC Metro recovered six handguns at the scene. You continue to deny all of it, even immediately after claiming that you don’t deny it. It’s like Eastern European performance art.
This is the very definition of gaslighting asshole. I’m done responding to you in this regard. Take you numbered lists and shove them up your dick hole. All two of them. In denying the attack you serve a fundamentally malign purpose. And you lie. Constantly.
Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
You just did it again in this thread.
You always make it all too easy.
Handguns were present. You deny it.
Heavy weapons, bombs, and ammo were staged. You deny it.
Boats were arranged to deliver the weapons. You deny it.
Police were attacked and injured. You deny it.
Police were taken as hostages. You deny it.
The attack was coordinated in advance and in real time. You deny it.
The attack was intended to stop the election certification. You deny it.
Etc. etc. ad nauseum.
All you do is show us. Who you really are now.
Character is destiny.
Vicious Trollspews:
Biden nominated Los Angeles mayor Eric Garcetti to be ambassador to India.
Los Angeles population: 3.97 million
LA homeless population: 82,955
That’s 2.0%
India population: 1.366 billion
India homeless population: 1.8 million
That’s 0.13%.
Since there are more than 15 times as many homeless people per-capita in LA as there are in India, Garcetti should be up to speed on Day One.
Those charges are among the filings. You’re just too lazy to look them up. Additional unlawful weapons charges arising from DC are pending federal jurisdiction. This is already well documented.
And yet at the federal level much remains under seal (as well it should), and some may arise in charging amendments. That part of the system. Always has been.
When you have serious multiple offenses you file low to mid initially if you hope to obtain cooperation and a plea. Many (most) of these prosecutors are from outside the district on loan. Few plan or intend to build their careers out of these kinds of felony prosecutions. None will gain much cred or status one way or the other from these prosecutions when they return to their home offices. So none of them are looking for the kind of media attention you are demanding. The smartest career move for any of them will be to very obviously put in yeoman’s workmanlike effort in ploddingly moving these prosecutions forward toward either conviction at trial or plea.
In the end, this is all to the benefit of your insurrection-buddies. It’s how we all wish federal criminal prosecutions would proceed. They get untainted pools of jurors and due process before they go to prison for trying to assassinate the Vice President and the Congress.
Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
California is a shithole.
Bring your Visa.
Blow a hole in your savings at Cakebread.
It’s too funny that kreepah has been so busy gaslighting about the Jan 6 yahoos…
it’s forgotten about antifa… Last we heard they were gonna party some weeks back at pdx.. that brain fart dissipated overnight..
Has antifa ever done a fraction of a percent of what was done on Jan 6? I mean taking @59 as a guide..
It was too funny that drumpfist morons went on cspan blaming it all on antifa dressed as “patriots”.. And then the usual suspect repuke politicians dipped their toes in that spew..
And then when that didn’t work, shifted to the FBI.. sheesh…
Vicious Trollspews:
@ 58
On the very day of the attack DC Metro recovered six handguns at the scene.
By 9:30 p.m., 52 people had been arrested. Four were taken into custody on suspicion of carrying pistols without licenses, one for alleged possession of prohibited weapon and 47 on suspicion of curfew and unlawful entry violations, Contee said.
Of those detained, 26 were arrested on Capitol grounds.
Meaning 26 were arrested somewhere else.
Finding something in a vehicle off-grounds isn’t the same. Carrying an unlicensed pistol off-grounds might refer to a local rather than a protester/rioter.
…was subsequently placed under
arrest for Carrying a Pistol without a License, Possession of a firearm on Capital Grounds, Curfew
Violation, Possession of Unregistered Ammunition, and Possession of a High Capacity
Ammunition Feeding Device
The high-capacity device was a 12-round clip (in addition to the one in the firearm).
So there’s one, holstered firearm on-site, which was conceal-carried. I stand corrected.
I’ll also stipulate that this guy had more charges added, including beating up cops and being in the Capitol building. No charges that pertain to him having his firearm unholstered.
How many more firearms confiscated on the Capitol grounds, QoS McHillbilly? After all, there must have been more than one “surviving” officer able to file a report.
Nice to see what teh widbee safespace dweller/kreepah considers a decent “home” for our homeless…
Vicious Trollspews:
When you have children coming from dysfunctional homes, when you have children coming from homes where there’s no books, where the mother from the time they’re born doesn’t talk to them — as opposed to the mother in Iowa who’s sitting out there and talks to them, the kid starts out with a 300 word larger vocabulary at age three. Half this education gap exists before the kid steps foot in the classroom.
– Joni Ernst
Roger Rabbitspews:
6 of the 31 cops who participated in the Jan. 6 insurrection are from Seattle PD, the largest group of cops from any city. This suggests Seattle’s police force is at odds with the values of the community it serves. Maybe Seattle needs a new police force.
Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
is another denial. Is it not?
Roger Rabbitspews:
When you have children coming from dysfunctional homes, when you have children coming from homes where there’s no books, where the mother from the time they’re born doesn’t talk to them —
– Joni Ernst
you end up with kids who don’t know shit from shinola and grow up to be Republican voters.
Vicious Trollspews:
@ 66
Nope.. City of Los Angeles is 40k+…
Thank you for the correction, YLB.
So Los Angeles a homeless population only around 7-8X that of India on a per-capita basis, not 15X as I had written.
Based on that good news I’m gonna book a flight to LAX right now.
Vicious Trollspews:
@ 69, 72
It was Joe Biden who said that. Back when it wasn’t something that would get you canceled. 2007.
No “home” any decent person would want anyone to live in. It’s all fine to widbee kreepah…
Roger Rabbitspews:
@43 I’m getting so tired of these people saying they “weren’t heard.” They got to vote, and their votes were counted. So they were heard. Our votes were louder because there were more of them. That’s all that happened.
Based on that good news I’m gonna book a flight to LAX right now.
Why not be a good tourist and fly to India? They could use your tourist dollars..
Stay at the kind of “home” where 104 million Indians live?
No worries dimfuk.. You’re vaccinated..
Roger Rabbitspews:
Strange that Seattle has one of the Trumpiest police forces of all major cities. How did that happen? Where did these cops come from? Texas? Idaho? The Confederacy?
Where did these cops come from? Texas? Idaho? The Confederacy?
They all saw that copland was in Puyallup and vicinity and made a beeline here.
Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
I believe the personality type that is drawn to traditional late-20th century U.S. police work naturally produces this result.
Correct me if I’m wrong, but Seattle has one of the largest police forces in the largest urban area with the largest population of African Americans, Native Americans, Latino Americans, Asian Americans, Queer Americans, and college students in the PNW. If growing up your dream in life was to get paid plenty to beat the shit out of just those people, where the fuck else would you go to work?
Seattle has one of the largest police forces in the largest urban area..
As cities go, I still think of Seattle like a small town.. or maybe 7 small towns joined together.. It still has a bit of that vibe.. but it’s diminishing for sure. Place keeps changing and getting more crowded.
143 sq miles..
Police: 1325 deployable sworn officers..
Population: 747,300 plus (2019)
Seattle has more people than Wyoming. I wonder how much “LE” that whole State has.
“Since 2006, white evangelical Protestants have experienced the most precipitous drop in affiliation, shrinking from 23% of Americans in 2006 to 14% in 2020.”
Donald Rumsfeld alone easily accounts for half of that decline. Get some!
Vicious Trollspews:
I bet G-clown was involved in this. He probably gets down to Beantown with regularity.
Boston Pride Is Shutting Down Amid Calls for Change
The group grappled for months with complaints of structural racism, and it had hired consultants and formed an advisory committee to help facilitate that process.
But the board said Friday that it became clear “that our community needs and wants change without the involvement of Boston Pride.”
Over 1,000 people attended a rally in June held by Trans Resistance, whose organizers called Boston Pride “trans-exclusionary” and said it “fails to represent trans people of color.”
Why are y’all homos so racist, G-clown?
This decision was made with a heavy heart, out of love and hope for a better future.”
“Officer AW stepped out of a tunnel where police were congregated and into the crowd to help Rosanne Boyland, 34, a rioter and QAnon supporter who was trampled by the mob. …
“Prosecutors say AW’s body-worn camera video shows defendant Jack Whitton leaping over a barricade, knocking AW onto his back and attempting to wrestle away his baton. …
“The attack landed AW in the hospital, where he got staples in his head to stop the bleeding. Whitton was charged with several felonies, including assault.”
Yep, I guess vendors of depends, catheters, penis pills, pd shots in the dick, hair restoration and precious metals scams..
they gotta target their market.. even if it’s dying because sean hannity tells them “teh wuhan” is no worse than a cold.. and the vaccination contains a tracker, is a gubmint’ mandate or taking the mark of the beast…
when the last faux geriatric snooze viewer dies from “teh wuhan”, please turn out the lights at faux and all the bidnesses hawking their shit to their viewers glued to the boob tube in their deathbeds.
Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
He posts it on the same day NEWS Corp had to shutter their mobile online aggregator after hemorrhaging money for 18 months.
The whole Murdoch family enterprise now rides to the community center on a mobility scooter flying a TRUMP2021 flag.
Ggggggeeee Money!spews:
The cost of living is so much cheaper in the South.
It’s where dreams are made of and buildings collapse
Ggggggeeee Money!spews:
The Hartford Courant had an article (I think Front Page) of the possibility of one of the Women’s basketball players making $300,000 annually. One of the white gals.
Florida sees 48 percent jump in weekly coronavirus infections as delta variant spreads
i.e enter the De Santis orange death zone.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@101 Make sure you step over the used syringes.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Another example of the kind of people Republican voters elect to public offices these days.
I really think it’s time to start questioning the competence of Republican voters.
Roger Rabbitspews:
“Sen. Marsha Blackburn (R-Tenn.) said during an interview published this week that Taylor Swift, who came out against her ahead of the 2018 midterms, and other performers would be ‘the first victim’ of a socialist or Marxist government.
“’When I’m talking to my friends who are musicians and entertainers, I say, ‘If — if we have a socialistic government, if we have Marxism, you are going to be the first ones who will be caught off because the state would have to approve your music,’’ Blackburn told Breitbart News.
“’And, you know, Taylor Swift, came after me and my 2018 campaign, but Taylor Swift would be the first victim of that because when you look at Marxist, socialist societies, they do not allow women to dress, or sing, or be on stage, or to entertain,” she continued, adding that such governments ‘don’t allow protection of private intellectual property rights.’”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: This isn’t as nutty as it sounds. We have a Taliban Party in our own country. We have politicians who wouldn’t allow women to “dress, sing, or be on stage.” They don’t call themselves “socialists” or “Marxists,” though. And I suspect Blackburn is one of ’em.
Why is the greedy racist incel obsessed with the British Broadcasting Company?
Note that both officers are now documented having given false sworn testimony.
Brady list? Will any of you write your county prosecutor?
If either of these two remain as police officers in Seattle then in any subsequent arrests their documented history of lying under oath must by law be disclosed to defense counsel.
But will your county prosecutor’s office do that?
Any citizen who is ever accused of a crime by either of these two shitheads is entitled to that information disclosure as part of discovery in preparing their defense. Wouldn’t you want to know about if if the cop who was accusing you was guilty of previously lying under oath?
You should not try to make any kind of criminal case against anyone based on the testimony of an admitted and proven liar. Shame indeed that you may have to continue paying their exorbitant salaries and pensions for decades to come. But you should not send your neighbors and fellow citizens to prison based upon the testimony of lying assholes.
The “trespassing” charge is iffy.
If they were in the area where the violence occurred and claimed not to be aware of it, that’s a different story.
After all, ignoring violence is the purview of prosecuting attorneys in the Portland area, in NYC, and in other cities under liberal governance.
There are two weeks out of each year when Goldy knows not to make fun of eastern Washington for scratching out a living by working the land instead of being overpaid for writing code like a good western Washington resident.
We’re in the middle of those two weeks.
Even Democrats, with the exception of the YLB and The Even Bigger Fucking Moron contingents, know it’s The Wuhan.
In March 2020, a Pew Research Center poll found 29 percent of Americans believed the virus was made in a Chinese lab and released either accidentally or intentionally. The new survey shows 52 percent believe the virus came out of a lab, including 59 percent of Republicans and 52 percent of Democrats, while 28 percent said it was from an infected animal.
The absence of a large partisan gap on the issue is particularly striking, said Bob Blendon, a professor of health policy and political analysis at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health who designed the poll.
Peak violence in the U.S. happened thirty years ago.
Coincided with and resulted from a combination of demographics and the CIA operation to fund counterinsurgencies in Central America by flooding the U.S. with crack.
Thirty years later all that crack gets us Tara’s nonsense, nine minutes of neck-kneeling, and this.
Peak incarceration in the US was in 2009.
The surge in incarceration began not with the mid-80s Iran-Contra shit that QoS McHillbilly @ 5 wants you to believe, but more than a decade earlier.
This follows a nearly 700% growth in the prison population between 1972 and 2009.
Fun fact: Incarceration in WA state is growing, at a rate only behind backwater Arkansas’ rate. In most other states it’s on the decline.
Well, surely.
Law School Application Surge Means ‘Nightmare’ Contest for Slots
If Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit can become a lawyer, any doofus with an IQ greaer than, say, YLB’s can become a lawyer. The IQ threshold isn’t even into triple digits.
Believe this:
U.S. homicide rate in 1991 was 10:100,000.
U.S. homicide rate in 2020 was 6.5:100,000 (up from 5 in 2018 – pandemic)
Tara can’t do that math. But you can.
Incarceration has risen because numbers of police and prisons have risen.
Police just don’t do what you think they do.
Except for the neck-kneeling. They do lots of that. Still.
A 57% majority of Americans say there is more violent crime now in the U.S. compared to 30 years ago.
People are often wrong when they are scared of dying and being told by the GOP president to shove flashlights up their asses.
Correction du jour:
A picture caption with an article on Sunday about the vice-presidential vetting process misspelled the given name of the Democratic presidential nominee in 2016. She is Hillary Clinton, not Hilary.
While there is more than one way to spell Hillary, C-O-R-R-U-P-T is always spelled with two Rs.
Speaking of corrupt:
White House officials arrange confidential sales of Hunter Biden’s art
The White House was dealing with Hunter Biden’s overt corruption even when it was Barack Obama’s White House.
The GOP frontrunner to challenge for the Senate in Georgia used to invite friends over to his house to play russian roulette with his collection of handguns.
So this is looking good.
@ 12
The husband of the personal assistant to the Democrat nominee for president in 2016 held sexual conversations with minor children using the same laptop on which classified State Department documents and communications were stored.
That looked good, too.
What about the physical therapist for the father-in-law of the letter carrier who delivered mail to their ex-wife’s adopted kid’s orthodontist?
Stale dick picks won’t save your lost states Tara.
Neither will Trump.
QoS McHillbilly is more desperate than ever @ 9 for people to simply ignore the weekend slaughters that are Chicago’s South Side.
This is why:
“Crime. Boy, I don’t know.” has been tried before. Biden can’t pull it off any better than Streisand’s husband did.
Biden is a miracle worker. Stock market will be at 40,000 in no time!
The FuckHump failed!
Kind of like them saying that they know what your AGI is but have no fucking clue. How can they ever be taken seriously, really!
It’s like saying that Jan. 6th was a tourist visit.
I would hope that greater than 29 percent of that same sample believe that there potentially is alien life out there too.
Full disclosure- I never discounted that it came from a lab, intentionally or accidentally, I just waited for the evidence. But still to call it the Chinese Virus? Not from a FuckHump of an asshole con artist anyways
I gotta hand it to Chelsea. She knows what it’s like to grow up in close proximity to a sexual predator.
Your party controls the White House and both houses of Congress, you pint-sized clown.
Trump, so much better: “There was that time on ‘The View’ Trump said he’d be interested in dating Ivanka if she wasn’t his daughter.”
I gotta hand it to
ChelseaIvanka. She knows what it’s like to grow up in close proximity to a sexual predator.Hey at least Bill Clinton was only impeached once, not twice like your orange man-baby crush.
This. Is. CNN.
Who is more corrupt? Michael Avenatti or Hunter Biden?
Lawyer to many Democrats.
Lawyer to Colin Kaepernick.
Lawyer to Michael Jackson.
Lawyer to Michael Avenatti.
If the Democrats lose Congress in 2022 and the White House in 2024 because voters think crime is increasing and too much of it is violent, and it turns out that yeah, maybe that’s true compared with 2019 but not when compared with the early 1990s, does it matter that @ 8 and @ 9 are factually accurate?
The growers had their own water trucks.
More than $1B worth of marijuana seized during ‘historic’ bust in Antelope Valley: LASD
GOP: More than 230 people were fatally shot last weekend, 19 of them in Chicago alone.
Democrats: That’s nuthin’. You shoulda been here in the 1990s!
Yeah. That’s an election debate I’m willing to have.
You shoulda been here in the 1990s!
Yeah. That’s an election debate I’m willing to have.
Shorter widbee kreepah..
Damn.. This picture says a’murica is becoming MORE YT! drumpf 2024!
kreepah is comforted in its safespace…
Shorter QoS McHillbilly @ 8
“Yabbut at least this isn’t the 1990s!”
Chicago mayor asks Biden for help after bloody July 4 weekend
voters think crime is increasing and too much of it is violent,
kreepah… you’re not trying hard enough..
add gasoline prices… yeah they’re a little higher..
If you recall, gas prices worked wonders for you in 2012.
What the dumbfuck traitor doesn’t want to debate or even discuss is the QOP’s failed attempt to violently overthrow our democracy on 1/6 so they could establish fascist totalitarian rule under a raging orange man-baby. To do so always ends in a treasonous shit-show as we saw in the last couple of threads.
@ 28
HA baby talk. Fits right in with your understanding of how state redistricting affects the US Senate, YLB.
Baby talk. You’ve morphed rather quickly into a little girl, YLB.
How many did COVID kill, because of choice? And not the 2nd Amnendment.
@32 counters w/ a “GE”… zzzzzZZzzzzzzz
How about let’s hear about that cali “black guy” and his junk?
Now that’s quality kreepah entertainment!
kreepah is too silly.. didn’t it babble endlessly about Charm City once upon a time?
Stats say Baltimore is more violent than Chicago.
But.. but.. but.. there’s that black guy.. and that black woman mayor….
I’m not sure “tongue-in-cheek” was the best choice of words here.
The SF Gay Men’s Chorus, like YLB, operates with a limited vocabulary.
Stroke material for G-clown.
operates with a limited vocabulary.
Oh kreepah.. yours truly used to watch Firing Line once a week for the poly-syllabic banter…
Didn’t you? While a grinnin’ mug of “teh one” hung in the background at teh frat?
I understand a repuke turncoat wrote a book pointing out what a blatant out racist WFB was.. I’ll have to get around to taking a look at it.
Heh.. yeah almost certainly Bill Clinton had his dark side..
almost… certainly…
drumpf admitted to it.. ON TAPE…
and repukes barely squeaked the freak in in 2016 and voted for it in vastly bigger numbers in 2024..
And thankfully failed… f’in hypocrites.. all of them..
Watch out, YLB. Our sick-in-the-head dumbfuck traitor now sees you as someone he wants to fuck.
Ex-Trump campaign aide pleads guilty in disturbing child pornography case — fantasized online about killing babies
Never, ever leave a child (or a farm animal) alone with a Republican.
@40 I feel sorry for young females in widbee..
Widbee parents keep your daughters out of sight..
there’s a widbee kreepah about…
Try to keep yourself from laying awake at nights for the next three years certain in the knowledge that the only thing keeping that dream alive is hoping that Merrick Garland doesn’t do anything about it*. He’s the guy you fucked over. Remember him?
And since crime is actually at a low and in decline all he has to do is issue press releases and make announcements.
Desperate? Looks to me like priorities. Responding to a real deadly pandemic and Trumpconomy collapse gets priority over responding to “Jews Will Not Replace Us” and “social uncertainty”.
*Ditto voting restrictions
Oh, look, more video. He just needed to be heard, right, traitor?
‘You’re going to die tonight’: New video shows Capitol rioters brutally assaulting officers and dragging them down steps
@WhiteHouse 5 million
@SecretaryPete 313,000
@PeteButtigieg 3.4 million
@EvanMcMullin 500,000 (including 200,000 Moldovan script-bots)
There’s always GETTR!
Just standard “conservative” vacay tourism videos.
Very cool. Very legal, etc.
(nice RawStory link)
Ya know, if Voter ID catches on, this guy might only get to vote once.
Police: Unemployed man nabbed using fake ID, checks to buy $135,000 BMW
I can’t believe they didn’t just open fire.
But officers who survived it report they could see that many of the attackers were carrying. And since some of their fellow officers had been dragged into the surrounding crowd they were afraid that opening fire they might either injure their fellow officers, intensify the attacks on those same officers, and prompt the hundreds of armed attackers to open fire in return. Encrypted DMs among attackers confirm that one of the reasons they sought to pull officers into the crowd was to use them as human shields. The tactic appeared to work.
@40 whoa.. that’s some sick shit..
“Prosecutors said the 27-year-old Verastigui, who had been president of the Northwest Vista College Students for Life before going to work on Republican campaigns, sought out images of the rape of infants during an online chat last year and fantasized online about killing children and babies while abusing them.”
pro “life”.. repukelican..
Well pedos gravitate to anyplace where there’s kids to exploit.. kids sports team.. clergy.. scouting.. etc…
pro “life” advocacy.. the constant blather about “babies” – the younger the better did it for that freak.. new one on me..
And repukelicanism.. heh.. I bet widbee kreepah will counsel us to be compassionate to that poor sick young man..
@ 43
Great video, Moobs McScrote. What part of that video is inconsistent with my suspicion that there will be a few dozen people charged with serious crimes, and everyone else will be wrist-slapped @ 1, 2 with “trespassing” and similar silly charges?
I fully acknowledge that more than a few people were there to do some serious damage. I’m just saying that the vast majority of them were “trespassing” or similarly nonviolently at the Capitol. The whole time.
Let’s see some building video. Surely the FBI and the Capitol Police have some of that, too.
Sanctions hearing for the Kraken lawyers in Michigan is now set for Tuesday after their pleas to be absented have been DENIED.
@ 47
HA libbies spend years claiming that cops don’t care who they shoot, including other cops.
One one certain day, and one day only, HA libbies suddenly choose to claim differently.
Pick one.
Speaking @ 50 of Kraken:
Dick’s on QA is holding an NHL Expansion Draft party.
Formerly known as a superspreader event.
Tara has denied this repeatedly, along with dutifully passing along idiot propaganda and false claims of his “superiors” and “elite thought-givers” like Ted Cruz, Josh Hawley, etc.
“More than a few people” were there to kill police, take hostages, and gain control over the Congress. They amassed hotel rooms filled with guns and ammo. They staged caches of weapons and bombs, They arranged for boats to ferry the weapons to them. Huge numbers of them brought small arms with them on the day of the attack.
And none of it ended on Jan 6th. Some of those arrested in the months that followed continued their work, even after their terror attack of Jan 6 failed. Captured and decrypted messaging among those since arrested proves that they carried out follow up surveillance of The Capitol in the following weeks and months at least into February and March. Included in this were the collection and sharing of “SALUTE” reports (“Size, Activity, Location, Unit/Uniform, Time, and Equipment”) intended to identify vulnerabilities for further attacks.
The entire Republican response to this, including Tara’s, is pure gaslighting. And the only purpose of that gaslighting is to help ensure that they can succeed next time.
@ 47
But officers who survived it report they could see that many of the attackers were carrying.
1. Every single officer survived it. When Steve Schmidt claimed that January 6 will be more lethal than 9/11, he probably wasn’t referring to cops, was he?
2. It’s not like people weren’t there with cameras. It’s not like the press wasn’t there with cameras. It’s not like body cameras weren’t running. It’s not like the building cameras were inoperable. Shouldn’t we have some photographic evidence of what the “surviving” officers claimed they saw?
For years, HA libbies claim that all cops are liars, that they falsify police reports, plant evidence, coordinate their stories, claim without basis to be frightened for their lives, etc.
On one certain day, and one day only, HA libbies choose to claim otherwise.
Pick one.
Show us.
40 U.S. Code § 5104 – Unlawful activities
Shouldn’t we see some charges for unlawful possession of a firearm on Capitol grounds? Or do we just see trespassing charges?
@ 53, 55
Show us.
(For the record, that guy @ 43 should be incarcerated for far long than Michael Avenatti.)
Geezus you simp. On the very day of the attack DC Metro recovered six handguns at the scene. You continue to deny all of it, even immediately after claiming that you don’t deny it. It’s like Eastern European performance art.
This is the very definition of gaslighting asshole. I’m done responding to you in this regard. Take you numbered lists and shove them up your dick hole. All two of them. In denying the attack you serve a fundamentally malign purpose. And you lie. Constantly.
You just did it again in this thread.
You always make it all too easy.
Handguns were present. You deny it.
Heavy weapons, bombs, and ammo were staged. You deny it.
Boats were arranged to deliver the weapons. You deny it.
Police were attacked and injured. You deny it.
Police were taken as hostages. You deny it.
The attack was coordinated in advance and in real time. You deny it.
The attack was intended to stop the election certification. You deny it.
Etc. etc. ad nauseum.
All you do is show us. Who you really are now.
Character is destiny.
Biden nominated Los Angeles mayor Eric Garcetti to be ambassador to India.
Los Angeles population: 3.97 million
LA homeless population: 82,955
That’s 2.0%
India population: 1.366 billion
India homeless population: 1.8 million
That’s 0.13%.
Since there are more than 15 times as many homeless people per-capita in LA as there are in India, Garcetti should be up to speed on Day One.
California is a shithole.
California is a shithole.
If that’s true (not really) then you’re “product”
“.. stinkin’ up widbee..
Those charges are among the filings. You’re just too lazy to look them up. Additional unlawful weapons charges arising from DC are pending federal jurisdiction. This is already well documented.
And yet at the federal level much remains under seal (as well it should), and some may arise in charging amendments. That part of the system. Always has been.
When you have serious multiple offenses you file low to mid initially if you hope to obtain cooperation and a plea. Many (most) of these prosecutors are from outside the district on loan. Few plan or intend to build their careers out of these kinds of felony prosecutions. None will gain much cred or status one way or the other from these prosecutions when they return to their home offices. So none of them are looking for the kind of media attention you are demanding. The smartest career move for any of them will be to very obviously put in yeoman’s workmanlike effort in ploddingly moving these prosecutions forward toward either conviction at trial or plea.
In the end, this is all to the benefit of your insurrection-buddies. It’s how we all wish federal criminal prosecutions would proceed. They get untainted pools of jurors and due process before they go to prison for trying to assassinate the Vice President and the Congress.
Bring your Visa.
Blow a hole in your savings at Cakebread.
Then leave. With a tee shirt.
It’s too funny that kreepah has been so busy gaslighting about the Jan 6 yahoos…
it’s forgotten about antifa… Last we heard they were gonna party some weeks back at pdx.. that brain fart dissipated overnight..
Has antifa ever done a fraction of a percent of what was done on Jan 6? I mean taking @59 as a guide..
It was too funny that drumpfist morons went on cspan blaming it all on antifa dressed as “patriots”.. And then the usual suspect repuke politicians dipped their toes in that spew..
And then when that didn’t work, shifted to the FBI.. sheesh…
@ 58
On the very day of the attack DC Metro recovered six handguns at the scene.
Meaning 26 were arrested somewhere else.
Finding something in a vehicle off-grounds isn’t the same. Carrying an unlicensed pistol off-grounds might refer to a local rather than a protester/rioter.
You claimed six firearms were recovered on-scene. I do not believe that is correct. That having been said, I did find a reference to a guy who was found with a “bulge” on his person, which turned out to be an unlicensed firearm.
The high-capacity device was a 12-round clip (in addition to the one in the firearm).
So there’s one, holstered firearm on-site, which was conceal-carried. I stand corrected.
I’ll also stipulate that this guy had more charges added, including beating up cops and being in the Capitol building. No charges that pertain to him having his firearm unholstered.
How many more firearms confiscated on the Capitol grounds, QoS McHillbilly? After all, there must have been more than one “surviving” officer able to file a report.
LA homeless population: 82,955
Nope.. City of Los Angeles is 40k+…
LA County is higher..
Gaslighting.. with lies and distortions.. That said, the pandemic made accurate counting a lot harder.
@2 “The ‘trespassing’ charge is iffy.”
Their lying isn’t, and their credibility is what matters in a courtroom when they’re testifying against a defendant.
India homeless population: 1.8 million
Oh really?
Nice to see what teh widbee safespace dweller/kreepah considers a decent “home” for our homeless…
– Joni Ernst
6 of the 31 cops who participated in the Jan. 6 insurrection are from Seattle PD, the largest group of cops from any city. This suggests Seattle’s police force is at odds with the values of the community it serves. Maybe Seattle needs a new police force.
is another denial. Is it not?
you end up with kids who don’t know shit from shinola and grow up to be Republican voters.
@ 66
Nope.. City of Los Angeles is 40k+…
Thank you for the correction, YLB.
So Los Angeles a homeless population only around 7-8X that of India on a per-capita basis, not 15X as I had written.
Based on that good news I’m gonna book a flight to LAX right now.
@ 69, 72
It was Joe Biden who said that. Back when it wasn’t something that would get you canceled. 2007.
India’s total slum population greater than 104 million…
No “home” any decent person would want anyone to live in. It’s all fine to widbee kreepah…
@43 I’m getting so tired of these people saying they “weren’t heard.” They got to vote, and their votes were counted. So they were heard. Our votes were louder because there were more of them. That’s all that happened.
Nother. Dumbfuck.
Shall I continue you credulous ignorant fuck?
LPT: your 8chan girlfriends lie to you aaaaallllll the time. About more than just your comb-over.
Based on that good news I’m gonna book a flight to LAX right now.
Why not be a good tourist and fly to India? They could use your tourist dollars..
Stay at the kind of “home” where 104 million Indians live?
No worries dimfuk.. You’re vaccinated..
Strange that Seattle has one of the Trumpiest police forces of all major cities. How did that happen? Where did these cops come from? Texas? Idaho? The Confederacy?
Mohamed Atta needed to be heard too.
Can you hear him?
you end up with kids who don’t know shit from shinola and grow up to be Republican voters.
And vote for an orange, pathologically lying, serial sex assaulting, compulsive golf cheat with an over the top combover..
2020 they was robbed!!!
@74 So what?
Where did these cops come from? Texas? Idaho? The Confederacy?
They all saw that copland was in Puyallup and vicinity and made a beeline here.
I believe the personality type that is drawn to traditional late-20th century U.S. police work naturally produces this result.
Correct me if I’m wrong, but Seattle has one of the largest police forces in the largest urban area with the largest population of African Americans, Native Americans, Latino Americans, Asian Americans, Queer Americans, and college students in the PNW. If growing up your dream in life was to get paid plenty to beat the shit out of just those people, where the fuck else would you go to work?
Police just don’t do what you think they do.
Seattle has one of the largest police forces in the largest urban area..
As cities go, I still think of Seattle like a small town.. or maybe 7 small towns joined together.. It still has a bit of that vibe.. but it’s diminishing for sure. Place keeps changing and getting more crowded.
143 sq miles..
Police: 1325 deployable sworn officers..
Population: 747,300 plus (2019)
Seattle has more people than Wyoming. I wonder how much “LE” that whole State has.
Just took a gander at Media Matters. First time in a long time..
I appears Kayleigh ItsANinny has a gig at faux geriatrics snooze channel..
Yea.. count yours truly surprised..
Fox’s ongoing assault on the coronavirus vaccination campaign is going to kill its viewers
I see something wrong with that?
It’s not good business.. Killing your target audience. If Faux Snooze dies – that couldn’t have happened to a nicer business.. heh.
Bob’s got his own gig for Faux News. He’s and independent
surrogateTroll.Study this carefully:
It predicts the future.
“Since 2006, white evangelical Protestants have experienced the most precipitous drop in affiliation, shrinking from 23% of Americans in 2006 to 14% in 2020.”
Donald Rumsfeld alone easily accounts for half of that decline.
Get some!
I bet G-clown was involved in this. He probably gets down to Beantown with regularity.
Boston Pride Is Shutting Down Amid Calls for Change
Why are y’all homos so racist, G-clown?
Love of BBC, mostly.
Somehow, YLB, I think Fox is gonna be OK.
CNN Drops 68% In Prime As Fox News Channel Crushes …
You can imagine the rest. It’s not pretty, YLB.
Meet “tourist” Jack Whitton:
“Officer AW stepped out of a tunnel where police were congregated and into the crowd to help Rosanne Boyland, 34, a rioter and QAnon supporter who was trampled by the mob. …
“Prosecutors say AW’s body-worn camera video shows defendant Jack Whitton leaping over a barricade, knocking AW onto his back and attempting to wrestle away his baton. …
“The attack landed AW in the hospital, where he got staples in his head to stop the bleeding. Whitton was charged with several felonies, including assault.”
300-year-old Hawaiian petroglyphs are used for target practice by louts.
@91 Gee, you missed the best part of that article, the link to this guy:
A pro-Trump intellectual, he is.
Hey Dumbfuck,
here’s your “bulge” guy:
Counts Nine and Ten. More than just a mag.
Nother, asshole.
Somehow, YLB, I think Fox is gonna be OK.
Yep, I guess vendors of depends, catheters, penis pills, pd shots in the dick, hair restoration and precious metals scams..
they gotta target their market.. even if it’s dying because sean hannity tells them “teh wuhan” is no worse than a cold.. and the vaccination contains a tracker, is a gubmint’ mandate or taking the mark of the beast…
when the last faux geriatric snooze viewer dies from “teh wuhan”, please turn out the lights at faux and all the bidnesses hawking their shit to their viewers glued to the boob tube in their deathbeds.
He posts it on the same day NEWS Corp had to shutter their mobile online aggregator after hemorrhaging money for 18 months.
The whole Murdoch family enterprise now rides to the community center on a mobility scooter flying a TRUMP2021 flag.
The cost of living is so much cheaper in the South.
It’s where dreams are made of and buildings collapse
The Hartford Courant had an article (I think Front Page) of the possibility of one of the Women’s basketball players making $300,000 annually. One of the white gals.
What a deal! Education pays for itself!
The FuckHumpsters are really smart cocksuckers!
There might be some really cheap land in them five low vaccinated areas soon.
Grab it after they’re all dead, if you’re into swampland and mobile homes!
More companies need to do this…..if they want to survive and make profits and see that capitalism survives.
Florida sees 48 percent jump in weekly coronavirus infections as delta variant spreads
i.e enter the De Santis orange death zone.
@101 Make sure you step over the used syringes.
Another example of the kind of people Republican voters elect to public offices these days.
I really think it’s time to start questioning the competence of Republican voters.
“Sen. Marsha Blackburn (R-Tenn.) said during an interview published this week that Taylor Swift, who came out against her ahead of the 2018 midterms, and other performers would be ‘the first victim’ of a socialist or Marxist government.
“’When I’m talking to my friends who are musicians and entertainers, I say, ‘If — if we have a socialistic government, if we have Marxism, you are going to be the first ones who will be caught off because the state would have to approve your music,’’ Blackburn told Breitbart News.
“’And, you know, Taylor Swift, came after me and my 2018 campaign, but Taylor Swift would be the first victim of that because when you look at Marxist, socialist societies, they do not allow women to dress, or sing, or be on stage, or to entertain,” she continued, adding that such governments ‘don’t allow protection of private intellectual property rights.’”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: This isn’t as nutty as it sounds. We have a Taliban Party in our own country. We have politicians who wouldn’t allow women to “dress, sing, or be on stage.” They don’t call themselves “socialists” or “Marxists,” though. And I suspect Blackburn is one of ’em.
Why is the greedy racist incel obsessed with the British Broadcasting Company?