Nice to see Bellevue get the Grand Connection going. Just think, the East Link Light Rail will be open soon and then Bellevue can have tents and a homeless population in their nice new promenade.
It will be fun to watch Kemper Freeman, Jr. go on and on about the decline of Bellevue. He will sound much like our racist Doctor Bob because they are cut from the same cloth.
He can reminisce about why people come to Bellevue Square (because of the free parking) and lament now because of the nice parks. Seattle can reduce their homeless population by giving tokens for rides to Bellevue. Cue the Jefferson’s theme song!
At age 18, he impregnated a 14-year-old girl. She didn’t get an abortion. Instead, they got married when he was 19 and she was 15. Three years later, they divorced. Two years later, she killed herself. He blames that on “another relationship.” And her dad, who also killed himself. The kid? “He made some wrong choices.” He blames that on the kid.
All the basic Republican elements are here:
Making a mockery of family values
Dodging responsibility
Against abortion
Only one of these matters to GOP voters, so he’ll probably be Wyoming’s next congressman.
Vicious Trollspews:
@ 3
Hit ‘n Run Beto was OK with you.
G Big Money giving $18 Charityspews:
And assaulting LEO is ok with you, Bob.
Ggggggeeee Money!spews:
Still trying to do the math Bob, on my puddly AGI?
Ggggggeeee Money!spews:
Still trying to do the math Bob, on my piddly AGI?
Anytime the greedy racist incel says something bad about a liberal without a link, he’s only telling the parts of the truth that fit his agenda. He is lying by omission.
Beto is honest about the DWI. It’s worth noting the cops did not charge him for allegedly attempting to flee the scene just DWI.
Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
This needs attention:
51 of the 55 African countries HAVE made vaccine orders.
4 of the 51 have received NIL.
Of the 47 that have received vaccines, they amount to 3% of orders
43% of vaccines received are from #COVAX.
1.1% of Africa’s population has received any vaccine. Only 0.4% is fully vaccinated.
Do you want someone who cannot teach his son right from wrong to be your senator?
“Some bad choices”?
What’s more, the child they had, Tony Bouchard, 36, is currently awaiting trial in California on five sex-related felony charges involving a 51-year-old woman.p
The main charges include sodomy by use of force, forcible oral copulation, sexual penetration by foreign object and false imprisonment.
Maybe the son will run for Missouri governor when he gets out?
Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
Just put him on a fucking stage next to Cheeto Jeezus.
The rest will take care of itself.
Politically, these really are “the Short Bus people”.
Vicious Trollspews:
In which @ 10 The Even Bigger Fucking Moron steps on the rake.
Do you want someone who cannot teach his son right from wrong to be your senator?
Then again, I can understand why the dumbfuck traitor doesn’t want to talk about current events. The conversation would eventually turn to talking about how Republicans are all sick, perverted freaks, including our traitor Doctor Dumbfuck. I fully expect that someday we’re going to learn there really was a pizza place dungeon, only it was Republican pedophiles who were fucking the children.
As I used to say here…
Projection. It’s a Psych 101 thing.
Vicious Trollspews:
@ 8
It’s worth noting the cops did not charge him for allegedly attempting to flee the scene just DWI.
It’s worth noting that none of the other people at the house that day remember Kavanaugh doing what Blasey Ford claims he did, too.
Vicious Trollspews:
@ 13
I have no trouble talking about current events, Steve.
Gaetz is scum. So is Adam Schiff.
MTG is scum. So is Maxine Waters.
Who’s next? How about name a governor, Steve, and I can come back with Cuomo?
(Spoiler: Biden @ 53.9% approval after accounting for each poll’s quality, recency, sample size and partisan lean.)
Vicious Trollspews:
For some reason Steve never shared this poll that has Biden’s approval at only 48%, and his net at only +2.
It’s a Civiqs/Daily Kos poll. It seems weighted appropriately to me, if you look at party breakdown:
Democrat 37%
Republican 31%
Independent 32%
36% of RV have a 4-year degree. 34% of the poll respondents are degreed.
Steve, what say you, dude?
@12. I know in right-wing fantasies, Hunter Biden is guilty of pretty much everything including being Hillary Clinton but in the fact-based world I cannot anything but possession of controlled substance charge. That’s nowhere near kidnapping and forced sodomy done to unwilling others. If you were honest you did knowledge that.
Vicious Trollspews:
@ 18
How about lying on an application to purchase a firearm, The Even Bigger Fucking Moron?
He’s also under federal criminal investigation for tax fraud, The Even Bigger Fucking Moron.
What the Russians know about Hunter Biden could be used to blackmail his father, The Even Bigger Fucking Moron. They sure did get that pipeline cleared with ease earlier this week, after all. I thought pipelines were bad.
And then there’s denying responsibility for a child he fathered until the courts forced him to own up to it, The Even Bigger Fucking Moron.
Hunter Biden is human garbage. Admit it.
14. So conservatives get to convict Beto for fleeing the scene and liberals get to convict Kavanaugh for rape.
19. Which of those is hunter awaiting criminal trial for or been criminally convicted of?
I am not saying that Hunter is a Flawless man, Hunter does not seem to be nearly the man that his father is
Who’s next? How about name a governor, Steve, and I can come back with Cuomo?
You can take your false equivalencies fuck your own ass with them. Like you, Gaetz and MTG are fucking traitors who helped incite a insurrection to overthrow our country’s government and you fucks are still trying to do this.
All of you deserve to hang for your fucking treason.
Vicious Trollspews:
Private-college education is worth less than half of what they try to charge you for it.
24. So you’re saying Trump University wasn’t worth the money?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@13 Do you suppose it could turn out that it wasn’t the horse the doctor was fucking all along? I guess we’d find out when the indictment was unsealed. If it happened.
I wonder how Mr. Cynical is making out (figuratively and literally) at his Montana goat ranch? We haven’t heard from him in years. He’s been MIA from HA even longer than Puddy.
Vicious Trollspews:
@ 25
If an offshore infection arrives here, it’s Biden’s fault.
Those are the rules. He knows it’s there, he doesn’t want it here. If it shows up here, it’s Biden’s fault.
Oh. If he limits travel to try to prevent its arrival here, he’s a xenophobe, too. Those are the rules.
26 by contrast how much did people like or dislike Cheney?
Also consider the source PJ media really?
Vicious Trollspews:
@ 27
That, too. Whatever was spent to educate you certainly was a waste.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@14 Wherein Doctor Dumbfuck announces, again, that he believes the rapist, not the victim.
What else is new?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@17 Wherein Doctor Dumbfuck finds small solace in a single poll showing Biden’s approval rating below 50%.
Which doesn’t change the fact that Biden is still president, and Trump still is not.
In that respect, November 3 was the only poll that mattered.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@19 “What the Russians know about Hunter Biden could be used to blackmail his father”
Owing them $900 million could be used for blackmail, too.
“They sure did get that pipeline cleared with ease earlier this week, after all.”
After Colonial paid the hackers $5 million.
31. There you go, fantasizing again.
You have no idea how much was spent on my education or how much money i am making now. I am proud that my parents did not educate me to be a greedy racist incel. They succeeded in raising me to be a productive and kind member of society.
I know they educated me better than you in the values that matter.
He’s been MIA from HA even longer than Puddy.
I can tell you that Puddy’s doing quite well. I’ll let you know when our podcast debuts. We’ll be taking Puddy’s exploding head and Steve’s Stupid Solution to a whole new level.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@26 I guess if you believe claims about her popularity by a rightwing website with an extensive track record of publishing falsehoods.
“PJ Media, originally known as Pajamas Media, News is an American subscription-based[1] commentary website of right-wing politics ….
“August 2018, PJ Media published an article by then supervising editor Paula Bolyard, claiming that Google was manipulating its algorithm to prioritize left-leaning news outlets in their coverage of President Trump. … Fact checkers at PolitiFact rated this claim false.
“In January 2019, PJ Media published a column by their senior editor Tyler O’Neil in which he insinuated … a Muslim community patrol in New York City might be enforcing Sharia Law and might be linked to the NYPD. … Fact-checkers at Snopes rated this claim false.
“In February 2019, PJ Media published a column by one of their writers John Hawkins, also creator of Rightwingnews, … titled ‘The Six Most Bizarre Proposals from Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s Green New Deal’ …. Fact checkers at NewsGuard rated … five claims false ….
“In January 2020, PJ Media published a column by one of their writers, Robert B. Spencer, also founder and director of the anti-Muslim conspiracy blog Jihad Watch, in which he stated that congresswoman Ilhan Omar had given Iran military advice by suggesting it could target Trump hotels …. Fact-checkers at Snopes rated this claim false.
“In February 2020, PJ Media published a column by Victoria Taft, one of their writers and a conservative talk show host, in which she stated that President Barack Obama waited until millions were infected and 1000 dead in the U.S. before he declared the Pandemic H1N1/09 virus an emergency. Fact-checkers at Snopes rated this claim false.
” … A now deleted July 2020 article written by Matt Margolis headlined ‘COVID-19 May Soon Lose Status as an ‘Epidemic’ Under CDC Guidelines’, promoted a misleading claim originally published by Many other websites reported this story by PJ Media. After the fact, PJ Media never issued a correction to their original story, but only an update with changes and a new headline ….
“In August, 2020, PJ Media published an article by their Chicago editor Rick Moran, claiming Democrats were urging presidential candidate Joe Biden not to debate with President Trump because they were concerned with the former vice president’s mental stamina. The … Newsweek article cited by PJ Media makes no mention [of] mental stamina … [and] Biden [had] already agreed to three debates with President Trump in Fall 2020.
“In September 2020, PJ Media published an article by senior editor Tyler O’Neil, claiming that Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden was promising fewer fires, floods, and hurricanes if he should defeat Donald Trump in November. … Fact checkers at Snopes rated this claim as false ….”
Except it’s all our show now. You clung to your cheese emperor for too long, tried to slaughter cops, colluded with Russian spies and got caught, tried to assassinate your own VP, prolonged a deadly pandemic, told everyone to shove flashlights up their butts, tried to overthrow the Congress, got impeached twice, lost both the House and the Senate, flipped Arizona and Georgia, and traded everything away for racist memes and Tiki Torch parades.
So now we can change the rules any time we like.
Gonna cry?
Newt Hoenikkerspews:
@31 “Whatever was spent to educate you certainly was a waste.”
You would know how that works. You spend every day lamenting about how much you wasted on your education. Talk about projection.
What kind of school would teach you that having two Dodge Ram trucks that are both driven less than 10,000 miles a year, combined, was a good expenditure of money? Even your horse is smarter than that.
Fucking idiot traitor.
G Big Money giving $18 Charityspews:
Oh. If he limits travel to try to prevent its arrival here, he’s a xenophobe, too. Those are the rules.
Bob is xenophobic.
I clearly remember when I suggested back in January/February to shut down ALL air travel, which eventually every airline did practically, domestic and international, and Bob poo pooed my comment.
Bob address Steve’s comments that you allowed and could care less about the Insurrection that took place on Jan. 6th.
There’s no point in debating and opining about other issues if you can’t answer to Jan. 6 insurrection and the assault on LEO, i thought you were a staunch advocate of LEO, apparently not.
Before you bring up BLM and such, remember your talking to people that you say don’t care about LEO.
Tell people to get a vaccine. Stop saying that we shouldn’t help other nations, if you want us to address supply to other countries.
And hadn’t the Biden Admin already limited travel from India.
Your comments make about as much sense as you saying you can tell what my AGI is, when you can’t even make a guess at it.
G Big Money giving $18 Charityspews:
And they did, only after being too late. Dumbfucks.
Right now in this country the virus spread is about to level out, after a steady decline, but Bob your not calling for the Dumbfucks to get vaccinated?
Vaccinated people stand a better chance of fight any variant than non vaccinated people. It will probably spread more easily amongst the non vaccinated in this country.
They are your problem, not the African people.
@44 that list is a thing of beauty. Well said.
Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
partial list.
This fun will never end. And we owe it all to “modern conservatives” like Bob. The putz.
Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
and traded everything away
Think for a minute about the enormity of it.
Think about at how many points, they could have done one simple thing. One simple thing.
And it would all still be theirs.
They could have simply been a little nicer.
Skipped a couple of Guatemalan toddler beatings and Nazi torch rallies. They could have nominated an Associate Justice other than Bluto. They could have been just the tiniest bit sympathetic about all the dead grandparents, even one time. In the end they could have taken the Get Out of Jail Free card we offered them and cast a few more votes for President Pence. So many good chances to give the tiller a little nudge. And they just simply refused.
Character is destiny.
G Massive giver of thousands to charity, the Angelspews:
Heterosexual perverts and predators – actor rapes 3. And politician impregnates 14 year old.
So sad and sick people. Insane in the membrane.
Thoughts and prayers.
Vicious Trollspews:
A real HA hero:
NFL Update
@MySportsUpdate Here’s your first look at Tim Tebow at #Jaguars minicamp. This is actually happening.
(🎥 @wjxt4)
8:55 AM · May 20, 2021
Vicious Trollspews:
In a year everyone will be calling it the Wuhan virus.
The state of play: The recently-formed civil rights group alleges that during and after his presidency, Trump has ignored attacks against the Asian American community, which increased “particularly since his repeated use of such inflammatory phases.”
CARC is asking for $1 as an apology to every Asian American in the U.S., amounting to a total of $22.9 million. The nonprofit cites terms like the “China virus,” “Chinese virus” and “Wuhan virus,” which Trump has used repeatedly.
Vicious Trollspews:
KING5 is telling us
Capitol Hill Pride banning police at Seattle march, rally in June
SEATTLE — Capitol Hill Pride will ban police at its June march and rally in Seattle, because the organization isn’t confident Seattle officers will protect the public’s right to protest.
The organization announced the ban Friday, saying it will ask police to remain on the perimeter of the rally at Cal Anderson Park on June 26-27.
But if this is the case, how will the police be able to investigate the “hate crimes” hoaxed by POS types like Michael Volz?
What a fucking joke for the Seattle PD to have to behave as if this was an actual attack. This chick was Jussie Smollett a half-decade before Jussie Smollett.
Jesse Hagopian, a Seattle high school teacher and writer, said testing to measure the impact of the pandemic misses what students have learned outside of physical classrooms during a year of overlapping crises in health, politics and police violence. “They are learning about how our society works, how racism is used to divide,” he said. “They are learning about the failure of government to respond to the pandemic.”
Yabbut before the pandemic they were learning that 2 plus 2 = 5.
Seattle teachers suck. When they’re not sexually assaulting their students while their school principals cover up for them, I mean.
Seattle teacher abuse: What two school principals knew
A KUOW investigation found that two Seattle Schools principals welcomed or protected an abusive teacher.
In a year everyone will be calling it the Wuhan virus.
In a year you’ll be dead and buried in a shallow grave.
You fucking traitors have been doing that for over a year and you have made your own contribution in successfully ginning up an awful lot hate against Asian-Americans.
I promise you this, traitor. I have a lot of very dear Asian friends and if one them is ever harmed by what you’ve done, consequences be damned, I’ll fucking kill you myself.
Go ahead and make things worse for yourself and say something stupid.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@51 Frankly, I think the Mormons will abandon the GOP first. Their family values are genuine. The evangelicals will take longer; theirs are fake.
💰 Ggggggeeee Money 💰spews:
Horse and goat fuckers should have to be put on the sex Registry so other horse and goats are warned.
Nice to see Bellevue get the Grand Connection going. Just think, the East Link Light Rail will be open soon and then Bellevue can have tents and a homeless population in their nice new promenade.
It will be fun to watch Kemper Freeman, Jr. go on and on about the decline of Bellevue. He will sound much like our racist Doctor Bob because they are cut from the same cloth.
He can reminisce about why people come to Bellevue Square (because of the free parking) and lament now because of the nice parks. Seattle can reduce their homeless population by giving tokens for rides to Bellevue. Cue the Jefferson’s theme song!
Never means not calling it quits when it’s 5 p.m.
Meet the guy who’s going to primary Liz Cheney:
At age 18, he impregnated a 14-year-old girl. She didn’t get an abortion. Instead, they got married when he was 19 and she was 15. Three years later, they divorced. Two years later, she killed herself. He blames that on “another relationship.” And her dad, who also killed himself. The kid? “He made some wrong choices.” He blames that on the kid.
All the basic Republican elements are here:
Making a mockery of family values
Dodging responsibility
Against abortion
Only one of these matters to GOP voters, so he’ll probably be Wyoming’s next congressman.
@ 3
Hit ‘n Run Beto was OK with you.
And assaulting LEO is ok with you, Bob.
Still trying to do the math Bob, on my puddly AGI?
Still trying to do the math Bob, on my piddly AGI?
Anytime the greedy racist incel says something bad about a liberal without a link, he’s only telling the parts of the truth that fit his agenda. He is lying by omission.
Beto is honest about the DWI. It’s worth noting the cops did not charge him for allegedly attempting to flee the scene just DWI.
This needs attention:
51 of the 55 African countries HAVE made vaccine orders.
4 of the 51 have received NIL.
Of the 47 that have received vaccines, they amount to 3% of orders
43% of vaccines received are from #COVAX.
1.1% of Africa’s population has received any vaccine. Only 0.4% is fully vaccinated.
Do you want someone who cannot teach his son right from wrong to be your senator?
“Some bad choices”?
What’s more, the child they had, Tony Bouchard, 36, is currently awaiting trial in California on five sex-related felony charges involving a 51-year-old woman.p
The main charges include sodomy by use of force, forcible oral copulation, sexual penetration by foreign object and false imprisonment.
Maybe the son will run for Missouri governor when he gets out?
Just put him on a fucking stage next to Cheeto Jeezus.
The rest will take care of itself.
Politically, these really are “the Short Bus people”.
In which @ 10 The Even Bigger Fucking Moron steps on the rake.
Do you want someone who cannot teach his son right from wrong to be your senator?
Well, then, how about your president?
Hunter Biden much, The Even Bigger Fucking Moron?
Text messages between Rep. Matt Gaetz’s wingman and a former Florida shock jock reveal how people with key information about an alleged underage sex ring were scrambling as the feds closed in—and they bolster the evidence in a growing scandal that could take down the congressman.
Then again, I can understand why the dumbfuck traitor doesn’t want to talk about current events. The conversation would eventually turn to talking about how Republicans are all sick, perverted freaks, including our traitor Doctor Dumbfuck. I fully expect that someday we’re going to learn there really was a pizza place dungeon, only it was Republican pedophiles who were fucking the children.
As I used to say here…
Projection. It’s a Psych 101 thing.
@ 8
It’s worth noting the cops did not charge him for allegedly attempting to flee the scene just DWI.
It’s worth noting that none of the other people at the house that day remember Kavanaugh doing what Blasey Ford claims he did, too.
@ 13
I have no trouble talking about current events, Steve.
Gaetz is scum. So is Adam Schiff.
MTG is scum. So is Maxine Waters.
Who’s next? How about name a governor, Steve, and I can come back with Cuomo?
This is kinda cool.
Keep watching the headline. It changes.
(Spoiler: Biden @ 53.9% approval after accounting for each poll’s quality, recency, sample size and partisan lean.)
For some reason Steve never shared this poll that has Biden’s approval at only 48%, and his net at only +2.
It’s a Civiqs/Daily Kos poll. It seems weighted appropriately to me, if you look at party breakdown:
Democrat 37%
Republican 31%
Independent 32%
36% of RV have a 4-year degree. 34% of the poll respondents are degreed.
Steve, what say you, dude?
@12. I know in right-wing fantasies, Hunter Biden is guilty of pretty much everything including being Hillary Clinton but in the fact-based world I cannot anything but possession of controlled substance charge. That’s nowhere near kidnapping and forced sodomy done to unwilling others. If you were honest you did knowledge that.
@ 18
How about lying on an application to purchase a firearm, The Even Bigger Fucking Moron?
He’s also under federal criminal investigation for tax fraud, The Even Bigger Fucking Moron.
What the Russians know about Hunter Biden could be used to blackmail his father, The Even Bigger Fucking Moron. They sure did get that pipeline cleared with ease earlier this week, after all. I thought pipelines were bad.
And then there’s denying responsibility for a child he fathered until the courts forced him to own up to it, The Even Bigger Fucking Moron.
Hunter Biden is human garbage. Admit it.
14. So conservatives get to convict Beto for fleeing the scene and liberals get to convict Kavanaugh for rape.
“Steve, what say you, dude?”
I’d say…
Reuters/Ipsos Approve 56% Disapprove 39%
Suck on that.
19. Which of those is hunter awaiting criminal trial for or been criminally convicted of?
I am not saying that Hunter is a Flawless man, Hunter does not seem to be nearly the man that his father is
You can take your false equivalencies fuck your own ass with them. Like you, Gaetz and MTG are fucking traitors who helped incite a insurrection to overthrow our country’s government and you fucks are still trying to do this.
All of you deserve to hang for your fucking treason.
Private-college education is worth less than half of what they try to charge you for it.
Private College Tuition Discount Rate Hits All-Time High Of 53.9%
Small wonder the rubes want the government to shoulder their student loan burden. They got took.
Ponder the waste of money that went into The Even Bigger Fucking Moron‘s degree.
@9 I guess you might say Africa is the petri dish for the vaccine-resistant mutation that will eventually (perhaps soon) arrive on our shores.
I’m bewildered at the inanity of The Even Bigger Fucking Moron.
24. So you’re saying Trump University wasn’t worth the money?
@13 Do you suppose it could turn out that it wasn’t the horse the doctor was fucking all along? I guess we’d find out when the indictment was unsealed. If it happened.
I wonder how Mr. Cynical is making out (figuratively and literally) at his Montana goat ranch? We haven’t heard from him in years. He’s been MIA from HA even longer than Puddy.
@ 25
If an offshore infection arrives here, it’s Biden’s fault.
Those are the rules. He knows it’s there, he doesn’t want it here. If it shows up here, it’s Biden’s fault.
Oh. If he limits travel to try to prevent its arrival here, he’s a xenophobe, too. Those are the rules.
26 by contrast how much did people like or dislike Cheney?
Also consider the source PJ media really?
@ 27
That, too. Whatever was spent to educate you certainly was a waste.
@14 Wherein Doctor Dumbfuck announces, again, that he believes the rapist, not the victim.
What else is new?
@17 Wherein Doctor Dumbfuck finds small solace in a single poll showing Biden’s approval rating below 50%.
Which doesn’t change the fact that Biden is still president, and Trump still is not.
In that respect, November 3 was the only poll that mattered.
@19 “What the Russians know about Hunter Biden could be used to blackmail his father”
Owing them $900 million could be used for blackmail, too.
“They sure did get that pipeline cleared with ease earlier this week, after all.”
After Colonial paid the hackers $5 million.
31. There you go, fantasizing again.
You have no idea how much was spent on my education or how much money i am making now. I am proud that my parents did not educate me to be a greedy racist incel. They succeeded in raising me to be a productive and kind member of society.
I know they educated me better than you in the values that matter.
I can tell you that Puddy’s doing quite well. I’ll let you know when our podcast debuts. We’ll be taking Puddy’s exploding head and Steve’s Stupid Solution to a whole new level.
@26 I guess if you believe claims about her popularity by a rightwing website with an extensive track record of publishing falsehoods.
“PJ Media, originally known as Pajamas Media, News is an American subscription-based[1] commentary website of right-wing politics ….
“August 2018, PJ Media published an article by then supervising editor Paula Bolyard, claiming that Google was manipulating its algorithm to prioritize left-leaning news outlets in their coverage of President Trump. … Fact checkers at PolitiFact rated this claim false.
“In January 2019, PJ Media published a column by their senior editor Tyler O’Neil in which he insinuated … a Muslim community patrol in New York City might be enforcing Sharia Law and might be linked to the NYPD. … Fact-checkers at Snopes rated this claim false.
“In February 2019, PJ Media published a column by one of their writers John Hawkins, also creator of Rightwingnews, … titled ‘The Six Most Bizarre Proposals from Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s Green New Deal’ …. Fact checkers at NewsGuard rated … five claims false ….
“In January 2020, PJ Media published a column by one of their writers, Robert B. Spencer, also founder and director of the anti-Muslim conspiracy blog Jihad Watch, in which he stated that congresswoman Ilhan Omar had given Iran military advice by suggesting it could target Trump hotels …. Fact-checkers at Snopes rated this claim false.
“In February 2020, PJ Media published a column by Victoria Taft, one of their writers and a conservative talk show host, in which she stated that President Barack Obama waited until millions were infected and 1000 dead in the U.S. before he declared the Pandemic H1N1/09 virus an emergency. Fact-checkers at Snopes rated this claim false.
” … A now deleted July 2020 article written by Matt Margolis headlined ‘COVID-19 May Soon Lose Status as an ‘Epidemic’ Under CDC Guidelines’, promoted a misleading claim originally published by Many other websites reported this story by PJ Media. After the fact, PJ Media never issued a correction to their original story, but only an update with changes and a new headline ….
“In August, 2020, PJ Media published an article by their Chicago editor Rick Moran, claiming Democrats were urging presidential candidate Joe Biden not to debate with President Trump because they were concerned with the former vice president’s mental stamina. The … Newsweek article cited by PJ Media makes no mention [of] mental stamina … [and] Biden [had] already agreed to three debates with President Trump in Fall 2020.
“In September 2020, PJ Media published an article by senior editor Tyler O’Neil, claiming that Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden was promising fewer fires, floods, and hurricanes if he should defeat Donald Trump in November. … Fact checkers at Snopes rated this claim as false ….”
In May 2021, Doctor Dumbfuck cited PJ Media for …
Pj media makes the greedy racist incel seem to be a partisan idiot. Bless his heart.
@36 I’m glad to hear his friends haven’t lynched him yet. When he first disappeared, some of us thought maybe that’s what happened to him.
More bad news for Matt Gaetz: Now his ex-girlfriend has flipped, too.
More bad news for Matt Gaetz: Now his ex-girlfriend has flipped, too.
were ever sworn and deposed.
choooooo chooooooooooooo!
Shorter 15:
Except it’s all our show now. You clung to your cheese emperor for too long, tried to slaughter cops, colluded with Russian spies and got caught, tried to assassinate your own VP, prolonged a deadly pandemic, told everyone to shove flashlights up their butts, tried to overthrow the Congress, got impeached twice, lost both the House and the Senate, flipped Arizona and Georgia, and traded everything away for racist memes and Tiki Torch parades.
So now we can change the rules any time we like.
Gonna cry?
@31 “Whatever was spent to educate you certainly was a waste.”
You would know how that works. You spend every day lamenting about how much you wasted on your education. Talk about projection.
What kind of school would teach you that having two Dodge Ram trucks that are both driven less than 10,000 miles a year, combined, was a good expenditure of money? Even your horse is smarter than that.
Fucking idiot traitor.
Bob is xenophobic.
I clearly remember when I suggested back in January/February to shut down ALL air travel, which eventually every airline did practically, domestic and international, and Bob poo pooed my comment.
Bob address Steve’s comments that you allowed and could care less about the Insurrection that took place on Jan. 6th.
There’s no point in debating and opining about other issues if you can’t answer to Jan. 6 insurrection and the assault on LEO, i thought you were a staunch advocate of LEO, apparently not.
Before you bring up BLM and such, remember your talking to people that you say don’t care about LEO.
Tell people to get a vaccine. Stop saying that we shouldn’t help other nations, if you want us to address supply to other countries.
And hadn’t the Biden Admin already limited travel from India.
Your comments make about as much sense as you saying you can tell what my AGI is, when you can’t even make a guess at it.
And they did, only after being too late. Dumbfucks.
Right now in this country the virus spread is about to level out, after a steady decline, but Bob your not calling for the Dumbfucks to get vaccinated?
Vaccinated people stand a better chance of fight any variant than non vaccinated people. It will probably spread more easily amongst the non vaccinated in this country.
They are your problem, not the African people.
@44 that list is a thing of beauty. Well said.
partial list.
This fun will never end. And we owe it all to “modern conservatives” like Bob. The putz.
Think for a minute about the enormity of it.
Think about at how many points, they could have done one simple thing. One simple thing.
And it would all still be theirs.
They could have simply been a little nicer.
Skipped a couple of Guatemalan toddler beatings and Nazi torch rallies. They could have nominated an Associate Justice other than Bluto. They could have been just the tiniest bit sympathetic about all the dead grandparents, even one time. In the end they could have taken the Get Out of Jail Free card we offered them and cast a few more votes for President Pence. So many good chances to give the tiller a little nudge. And they just simply refused.
Character is destiny.
Heterosexual perverts and predators – actor rapes 3. And politician impregnates 14 year old.
So sad and sick people. Insane in the membrane.
Thoughts and prayers.
A real HA hero:
In a year everyone will be calling it the Wuhan virus.
Civil rights group sues Trump for calling COVID-19 “China virus”
KING5 is telling us
Capitol Hill Pride banning police at Seattle march, rally in June
SEATTLE — Capitol Hill Pride will ban police at its June march and rally in Seattle, because the organization isn’t confident Seattle officers will protect the public’s right to protest.
The organization announced the ban Friday, saying it will ask police to remain on the perimeter of the rally at Cal Anderson Park on June 26-27.
But if this is the case, how will the police be able to investigate the “hate crimes” hoaxed by POS types like Michael Volz?
What a fucking joke for the Seattle PD to have to behave as if this was an actual attack. This chick was Jussie Smollett a half-decade before Jussie Smollett.
Did y’all see Jesse Hagopian quoted in the NYT today?
Yabbut before the pandemic they were learning that 2 plus 2 = 5.
Seattle teachers suck. When they’re not sexually assaulting their students while their school principals cover up for them, I mean.
Seattle teacher abuse: What two school principals knew
A KUOW investigation found that two Seattle Schools principals welcomed or protected an abusive teacher.
In a year you’ll be dead and buried in a shallow grave.
You fucking traitors have been doing that for over a year and you have made your own contribution in successfully ginning up an awful lot hate against Asian-Americans.
I promise you this, traitor. I have a lot of very dear Asian friends and if one them is ever harmed by what you’ve done, consequences be damned, I’ll fucking kill you myself.
Go ahead and make things worse for yourself and say something stupid.
@51 Frankly, I think the Mormons will abandon the GOP first. Their family values are genuine. The evangelicals will take longer; theirs are fake.
Horse and goat fuckers should have to be put on the sex Registry so other horse and goats are warned.