It is the right thing to let felons who have served their time vote. It will help them be part of society once they have served their time. And a democracy should include everyone. So I am glad that a bill to do that has passed the state House. The article doesn’t really say what its prospects are in the Senate, so it couldn’t hurt to contact yours.
One thing I’m curious about, although obviously it’s the right thing to do either way, is how they will vote. During the 2004 election lawsuit they found some former felon voters, and many were Republicans. Not sure how much you can extrapolate a small sample size, but it may be that it helps Republicans a bit.
Anyway, wash your hands right now.
Yes. Of course it was an inside job:
Used government plates and House credentials to stage a supply of weapons at the point of attack, inside restricted areas.
Moms for America is one of the event organizers who raised money for the Pipe Bomb Rally and took out event permits with US Park Svc. Miller is a leader of the group, held VIP credentials for the insurrection rally, and spoke the day before at one of the organizing and planning pre-functions.
I was told the riots were caused by Trump’s speech. He was impeached for it.
Since Democrats in Congress are never wrong, clearly @ 1 is false. Otherwise Trump was impeached falsely. This simply cannot be.
We’re starting to see articles documenting the poor distribution of vaccines. There’s one in the Minnesota Star-Tribune that demonstrates a slide in vaccine delivery efficiency that began right about Inauguration Day. It’s not weather-related.
Vaccines are being produced and delivered, and then states are fumbling the administration.
It’s not Biden’s fault. It’s not Trump’s fault, either.
Fully engaged.
He’s a fucking vegetable. President Turnip.
How about telling them “You fucked up! You trusted us!”
Time to be honest. You knew you couldn’t do what you said you’d do.
Carl, don’t worry about how they vote.
It shouldn’t make any difference.
Law enforcement, criminal justice, and felony conviction in every single state weigh overwhelmingly and disproportionately upon POC. For a remarkably good example of that playing out IRL right before our eyes look back at my post from the last thread about South Dakota AG Ravnsborg.
A white, middle aged state official drives home drunk from a political fundraising event. And distracted while reading Q anon conspiracy stories on his iPhone he swerves drunkenly off the pavement and kills a pedestrian. He lies to the police at the scene. They decline to test him for drugs and alcohol or even to investigate the crash. They loan him a car to drive home in. And he goes on to lie repeatedly to detectives after all involved leave the injured victim laying in a ditch for half a day to die.
They charge him with two minor misdemeanors.
This is not a thing that ever happens to POC. Not ever.
Regardless of whether or not that situation is just (it fucking is not), a healthy democracy cannot be sustained in which one similarly situated class of our fellow citizens is systematically disenfranchised while another is systematically shielded from the laws they seek to impose. It is in all our interests to see the voting rights of felons restored.
Democrats are blaming failure on a woman.
Once again, deep end Tara.
You just can’t help yourself.
Google “felony murder” statute.
If you can be executed for hiding a murder weapon, Trump can be impeached for ordering a violent mob to follow through on their plan to kill the Vice President.
Which ticket has the greater chance of success in 2024:
Or Inslee/Harris?
Gillebrand: Nearly one in five female aides to Governor Cuomo have been subject to sexual assault by him.
Not bad for an administration that claimed that Trump had left them no plan and no vaccine.
Biden, Harris mark 50 million COVID-19 vaccinations in past month
Against Trump/Greene does it even matter?
Sure it is.
“What happened at the Fairview Rehabilitation and Healthcare center, where the coronavirus infected 42 residents and killed a quarter of them, was not an exception. Resthaven Nursing and Rehabilitation in Lake Charles, La., had no cases in September, October or November, then nearly 100 in three weeks in December. Elderwood in Hamburg, N.Y., had none through early December, and then 48 in the month that followed. Windber Woods in Paint, Pa., had none through late November, then 45 over the next six weeks. Parke View Rehabilitation and Care Center in Burley Falls, Idaho, had three cases in all of last year, and 24 this year.”
Trump country. The trailer park. Where despite each receiving tens of thousands of dollars in assistance, nursing homes failed to implement infection controls. Where despite receiving hundreds of thousands in assistance, counties failed to implement tracking and isolation or any controls over pubic gatherings.
Because Trump told them it wasn’t necessary. Because Jared and his college dining club buddies made sure the PPE wasn’t available. Because Larry Kudlow and FOX said it was going away and “not the government’s job”. Because MTG and Q told them “contact tracing was CHEMTRAILS”.
Now they’re dead.
President Turnip isn’t gonna give a SOTU address this year.
You know why. Everyone knows why.
Ignore him. He’s not really black.
Get used to them. It’s all they’ve got.
He’s back: Trump set to address CPAC in bid to extend his lease on the GOP
All voids @ 14 are filled.
Jill Biden is running the country.
Excuse me.
Doctor Jill Biden is running the country.
With Jill Biden running the country, we’ll experience the same for the next four years, or until the Democrats stop acting like nothing is seriously wrong.
US intel report directly blames Saudi Crown Prince for approving killing of Jamal Khashoggi
A Raw Story link. The doctor will have a double sad.
Putin’s next.
Biden Presses Putin On Alleged Russian Bounties And Cyber Attack In Phone Call
Finally, a harsh word. It took President Turnip only a few days. More to come, I’m sure, and the doctor will be quite sad.
Doctor Dumbfuck and his raging orange man-baby had years to say something. Anything. But no, they were silent. The doctor did squeeze in 5,000+ pro-Putin hashtags, though, so he’s got that going for him.
@ 20
Finally, a harsh word.
Steve, have you forgotten Obama’s strongly worded letter?
Steve likes to forget that sanctions against Russia were increased while Trump was in office. It helps that RawStory never mentions it.
More of this and the doctor could shorten his screen name to “crack pipe”.
US intel report directly blames Saudi Crown Prince for approving killing of Jamal Khashoggi
It’s easier to blame the Saudis for stuff now that the US is energy-independent.
We’ll see if that’s still possible in four years.
Meanwhile, I directly blame Donald Trump for approving the killing of Iran’s Soleimani.
@ 22
Jill Biden is the second female president. Eleanor Roosevelt was the first.
Both were married to very, very infirm men at the time the latter were elected.
Facts not in dispute: Jill Biden received as many primary votes for president as did Kamala Harris.
I wouldn’t let all felons who’ve served their time vote. I think it depends on the criminal and the crime. For example, Trump shouldn’t vote after he gets out. But then, there’s no reason for him to get out.
We haven’t seen pork sauce for a while. He disappeared several months ago. I wonder if Covid got him?
By pimping Marianne “Moonbeam” Williamson he already has.
Behold Tara’s Turnip:
Tara set that bar all last year repeatedly, incessantly proclaiming Trump’s “genius” and tirelessly defending his “honor”. Whether it’s the character bar, or the competency bar, it’s not really Joe’s fault if he can clear them with ease, hopping on one foot, with his wife riding proudly on one shoulder.
I think the U.S. should deny visas and ban entry to all of the Crown Prince’s closest associates, not just some of them, in particular including these:
“The Trump administration conducted relations through the crown prince, who maintained close personal ties with members of the Trump family, particularly former President Donald Trump’s son-in-law Jared Kushner.”
Doctor Dumbfuck’s stock porfolio continues to shrink today. His turds are getting larger.
Get back to us when Jill Biden personally launches and oversees a needless and ill-advised global war costing us over $6 trillion and over 70,000 US casualties.
How many cops died today at the hands of Conservatives?
This morning while working out at the gym I saw the news playing new footage of conservatives assualting police officers. And not one Republican is asking (or demanding) that anyone go to jail for the autrocity.
Conservatives are cop killers anc cop assaulters!
GQP South Dakota Atty. Gen Ravnsborg had a significant recent history of dangerous driving offenses, and frequently shared photos from his phones while driving. Still, local sheriff ignored the crime scene and loaned him a car to drive himself home the night he committed vehicular homicide.
Crickets from all the Trolls4Trump and CPAC “brain trust” while they continue to search Tanden’s Twitter history for mean-girl tweets and lose their shit because the Mexican flag was “upside down”.
Party of “life” and “personal responsibility”.
I wonder what Steve’s point was @ 20 in mentioning the Khashoggi killing if Biden’s too much of a wuss to do anything about it.
Perhaps Steve was referring to the similarity between Biden’s treatment of the Crown Prince to Trump’s treatment of Putin.
Yeah, that must have been it.
See, the problem with Steve’s overreliance on RawStory to provide him with news is that it’s like reading Goldy. Because with RawStory and with Goldy, you only get one side of any given issue.
According to Obama’s former SOD, Chuck Hagel, because of Joe Biden’s cowardice the US has lost all moral standing in the world.
Those are Hagel’s words. I’m just here to make it clear that Steve’s an apologist for Biden’s cowardice by pointing them out.
@ 32
It was a bullshit story they were selling months ago. Noem’s calling for his resignation now.
The victim’s eyeglasses in his front seat were a pretty gruesome new fact.
China Gave US Diplomats Anal COVID Tests ‘In Error,’ American Officials Say
The whole thing was a translation error. Rather than receiving anal COVID-19 tests, what the US attempted to communicate was that WRT COVID-19, Biden would gladly lick Xi’s asshole as long as Xi would continue to keep Hunter Biden’s info out of the public domain.
Why the GQP has no other choice but to be the “white supremacist party”:
When never Trumpers and No Labels “conservatives” like Cheney, or Kristol, or Lieberman harken back to “proud moments” of anti-bigotry name checking in the GQP past they are missing something very important. It shouldn’t come as a surprise that wealthy elites like these folks miss it. It’s never part of their lived experience.
From the comfort, ease, and security of the country club it’s easy for them to give lip service to anti-discrimination and anti-racism sentiments while continuing to dog-whistle the trailer park into a lather. Joe Lieberman need never worry about having a black woman for a boss. And Liz Cheney need never worry about accidentally sharing one of her favorite holocaust jokes in the wrong company.
But having spent decades teaching Trailer Murica to fear and mistrust “the others” in order to drive them to the polls, they now have a price to pay. And that price is Trump, Q, and Proud Boys marching with Tiki Torches. Cheney has to face this base outrage and retaliation precisely because her father and his colleagues spent those decades teaching working and middle class “conservative” whites to be angry and afraid. They have every right to feeeeel insulted and betrayed when she calls them names for doing as they were told.
Trailer Murica doesn’t get to withdraw to safe enclaves to “weather Biden’s America”. They live and go about their business in shared spaces – precisely the spaces where the routine of “microaggressions” and unchecked privilege are finally at long last being called out.
Not true. There are many, many more progressive fears that Biden will make reality. Pull up a chair, siddown, STFU.
@ 37
It only took 20 years for Al Gore’s VP selection to be tarred as a conservative. ’cause calling him a dirty Jew goes a little too far for QoS McHillbilly.
The GOP didn’t move right. Liberals moved further left. Waaaaay further left.
I wonder if there’s a reason that G-clown hasn’t shown his Kaposi’s-riddled face in these parts yet today.
Ladies and gentlemen, allow me to introduce the next junior US Senator from the state of Pennsylvania:
The new USPS mail truck looks like the Popemobile.
This is what happens when The Even Bigger Fucking Moron is put in charge of writing a petition.
The witch was buried today.
I’m right here Bob, did you need something?
I know – not such a great day today on Wall Street, I bet you put the skirt on anyways – you couldn’t resist the urge since you’ve been jonesing to put it on.
Dow 60,000 soon! Just wait!
It was good to see that no Repukes assaulted any cops today…..but there’s always March 4th!
Let’s see – to blow up the Capitol Building… many cops would die? Maybe one…..hopefully he dies a day later of a stroke.
He’s a conservative. So’s Gore. Plenty conservative.
Or is it just that by now you can no longer recognize anyone as being “conservative” unless they are wearing Klan robes? You keep using that word. But I do not think you know what it means.
Calling Lieberman, or Kristol “Dirty Jews” is that thing you and Mr. Megan McCain do now. Calling you “very fine people” for doing so is that thing Trump does.
This is what makes you Republican and Trump your leader, and what makes them “RINO”.
According to you.
I agree with denying bail to dangerous terrorists. Who would oppose that? Besides the public defender, I mean.
@1 Nothing in the Constitution says terrorists can’t be elected to Congress. I don’t think the Founding Fathers foresaw that possibility. Their generation had more sense than today’s Republican voters. Come to think of it, everyone has more sense than Republicans.
@2 By your reasoning, the Holocaust was caused by Hitler, and Himmler was an innocent bystander.
It’s time to,end the War on Drugs and disestablish the DEA.
@5 What the Democrats should do is make the GOP senators filibuster the $15 min wage. I mean filibuster it. That means they stand on the Senate floor and talk, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, for the next 2 years. And if they quit talking, the filibuster is over and a vote is taken.
I’d also attach civil rights reform, police reform, gun reform, voting rights reform, immigration reform, campaign finance reform, Supreme Court reform, gerrymandering reform, student loan relief, and stiffer penalties for insurrectiion to the minimum wage bill.
@6 “It is in all our interests to see the voting rights of felons restored.”
In other words, Ravnsborg should be allowed to vote for himself in prison. He’d probably get elected while in prison, too, in that state.
@15 Sez the shill for the party that argues $600 is enough to tide over unemployed renters until things begin returning to normal next fall.
@23 Let’s see if the Saudis can get the sun’s rays by the throat. I’m betting they can’t.
I’ll bet the Crown Prince knows what a “stranded asset” is. If he doesn’t, I’m sure his dad does. Sell it now or get stuck with it, baby.
@24 Edith Wilson was the first.
@35 “Noem’s calling for his resignation now.”
When is she going to call for a special prosecutor? When they find the victim’s leg in the back seat?
@39 “The GOP didn’t move right.”
I think you may be right. Republicans have always been neo-Nazis. They just kept it in the closet until 4 years ago.
@51 Think bigger. End the war against democracy and disestablish the GOP.
To a Republican, a black person isn’t “disenfranchised” if he’s prevented from voting, but a white supemacist is “disenfranchised” if his party loses.
Opening a HOMICIDE investigation. As in killed / murdered, Bob.
They want to blow up the Capitol Building. How do you do that without killing a cop? Do you ask all the cops to evacuate via a warning. Nope – you kill them too! Just the way Bob likes it.
“but they can cause physical reactions that could create risks for people with underlying health conditions and disorientation that could lead to injury.”
Assualt with bear spray, fire extinquishers, and javelins.
What does a Trump fan do with his Furur’s flag? Of course – toss it at someone with complete disrespect in attitude. This is the mental state of the Nutjobs.
Blow up the Capitol? With LEO inside?
What a great idea! Right Bob!?
From Link above
@64 Jan. 6, 2021 was a terrorist attack.
Is it time to start euthanizing drug addict street dwellers who trash the city, yet refuse any treatment?
They are simply killing themselves slowly, while ruining everything around them. Much more humane to put them down painlessly.
This is exactly how I feel about Trumpers, street mimes, and K-pop producers.