Man, fucking Mercer Island. Homeless people should have housing. They are on Mercer Island for a reason. Maybe they’re less visible in the forested area than in Seattle or denser Eastside cities. Maybe they have friends and family on Mercer Island. But whatever the reasons, pawning them off to other cities isn’t helping them.
Anyway, please wash your hands right now.
Look on the bright side. If Cuomo gets tossed out of the New York governor’s office, he can probably get a gig with his brother, Freddo, over at the Communist Narrative Nerwork.
How many cops did the fascist right wing pigs kill today?
Why? How? It’s not like he can be impeached. Twice. Then put on trial and forced to flee to a non-extradition nation. And nobody polls within 40 points of him.
We get it. You need a distraction from so much failure and humiliation. I’m glad for your sake Cuomo can oblige.
@1 Look on the bright side. Ted Cruz, Ivanka Trump, Josh Hawley and Nikki Haley will never be your president.
@4 You left out Lindsey Graham and Marco Rubio. They won’t be anybody’s president, either.
I wonder if Governor-in-Waiting Culp will lower flags for Doctor Dumbfuck when he passes on. Honoring private citizens in this manner, especially lying windbags, seems to be a thing now.
Thunderdome 2016: Pedophile vs. enabling wife of pedophile.
Ghislaine Maxwell admitted Jeffrey Epstein DID have tapes of Trump and the Clintons after she was tricked by 60 Minutes producer in 2016 – ‘but refused to help locate them because she wanted Hillary to win’
Had y’all nominated someone else, it would have been pedophile vs. guitar player from Maryland.
I don’t think any of us should be pontificating on who won’t ever be president. Not after Trump. And on the state level, not after The Terminator and The Body.
Except #CrookedHillary. #CrookedHillary will never, ever be president. Especially after we get to see @ 7 Slick Willy giving a pearl necklace to a 14 year-old girl. In HD, slo-mo, multiple angles.
The greedy racist incel attempts to change the subject away from Republican crimes and failures in 2021
Exception to @ 8:
When tapes emerge of Hillary Clinton carpetmunching Huma, she might have a chance. But only if Huma is sporting no more than a landing strip.
This is interesting (NYT):
Maya Wiley Is Backed by N.Y.C.’s Largest Union, Lifting Her Bid for Mayor
A black woman with personality, mayor of the nation’s largest city, would scare the shit out of Kamala Harris.
@4 and @5
But that Q lady, Marjorie, is what they are hoping for, so that’s all good for them.
On to March 4th, Insurrection Part II!
I bet your perverted sick demented mind really can’t wait.
@ 2
Q: How many LEO were killed during the Capitol riot on January 6?
A: Zero.
No matter how badly you want the answer to be different, G-clown, only one person died at the hands of another during that January 6 altercation, and it wasn’t a LEO.
Good. A little competition is the GOP, conservative Mantra.
@14, one died, and many more injured because of mental cases like you. They tossed fire extinguishers and spears at the cops, kicked and shoved them.
I’m sure you would like to forget or probably would like to see more of it. How many are behind bars because of it? ZERO?
And it bothered you to spit at their feet. Oh and the priest, that poor priest who got spit at, I bet he would have enjoyed it if it was form a teenage boy
Dude I don’t desire for any outcomes of any particular circumstances, just the facts. The facts that you like to forget about. Stick it in your mouth.
@8 You have a point. There’s no one Republicans won’t elect. Trump. Gaetz. Greene. Ron Johnson. Ted Crud. Duncan Hunter. Republicans elected them all.
@ 13
I bet your perverted sick demented mind really can’t wait.
My normal, analytic mind knows he did it.
Trump: Maybe, if it was in NYC or FL. No one has connected Trump to the island.
Dershowitz: WTF. Hard to believe, but anything’s possible.
Andrew: Oh hell yes.
@14 “only one person died at the hands of another during that January 6 altercation, and it wasn’t a LEO”
Are you referring to the violent rioter killed by police defending themselves against a mob of insurrectionists with zipties and nooses hunting the leaders of our government?
Had that criminal lived, she would’ve had living in a federal penitentiary to look forward to.
@ 20
Are you referring to the violent rioter …
No, I am referring to an unarmed woman, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit.
You continue to embarrass the memory of SeattleJew.
@19 You’re the only person on the planet who thinks you’re normal. Even your horse doesn’t think you’re normal.
With the potential 2024 GQP field thinning faster than Tara’s damp comb-over, Trump may be the first GQP nominee to campaign from an FCI.
And Tara will vote for him.
Third time’s the charm!
Yeah! Fuckin’ A!
“Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has raised more than $2 million for Texas relief efforts in under 24 hours …. Early Thursday evening, Ocasio-Cortez encouraged her 12.4 million Twitter followers to donate money to five Texas charities working on the frontlines there …, securing hundreds of thousands of donations for Family Eldercare, Feeding Texas, Houston Food Bank, ECHO (Ending Community Homelessness Coalition) and the Bridge Homeless Recovery Center. The fundraiser has since added five more groups.”
So far the only thing Ted Crud has raised is his butt off an airplane seat.
@21 Crawling through a window to breach the last line of defense between a murderou mob and the Vice President, Speaker, and members of Congress.
“During the riot, Ashli Elizabeth Babbitt, a 35-year-old from San Diego, was fatally shot by Capitol Police as she attempted to climb through a shattered window in a barricaded door leading into the Speaker’s Lobby, through which House members were escaping. … Babbitt was unarmed when she was shot and killed; however, officers were aware that many rioters and intruders were carrying concealed weapons.”
Were they supposed to frisk her before shooting, dumbfuck?
If the right wing party is no longer the “conservative” party…
@21 “You continue to embarrass the memory of SeattleJew.”
Dumbfuck critiquing a blog he never reads.
That’s almost as much as Senator Cancun spent on luxury getaway suites at a resort for “his girls”.
Bob’s definition of assault of a LEO – spitting at them. Sure. But toss shit at the them, shove them, and kick them, then it’s time to forget and run away from the scene of the crime.
A true supporter of a LEO!
Ted Crud even abandoned his dog to its fate.
@29 Now, now. That’s not his money he’s spending. His salary is only $174,000 a year, which has to cover his D.C. living expenses. His wife, on the other hand, is a managing partner of Goldman Sachs’ Houston office. She paid for this junket. Ted is only a gigolo.
Seems weird to me that a Managing Partner at Goldman needs her husband’s help booking airline seats and finding the Ritz Carlton.
@33 What’s even weirder is he made it through airport security screening. He’s a Republican. They’re all packing. They need to. Their supporters want to hang them.
‘Buddy,’ the Clintons’ Dog, Dies After Being Hit by Car
Vince Foster was not available for comment.
My dog.
Pouring one out while I shiver in loneliness and hunger by the back door.
@ 28
Dumbfuck critiquing a blog he never reads.
I have never read The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit, but that doesn’t mean I don’t know it’s garbage.
You post garbage, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit, on a liberal Seattle blog – HA Seattle – in which you are regularly called out for what you spew, and even the moderators have criticized you for some of your most awful garbage. It is not a stretch of the imagination to assume that you are even worse on a blog fully controlled by you.
You’re a fucking clown. You’ve turned SeattleJew’s blog into a clown show with nearly no readership. You shill its garbage with pathetic links in your HA posts. Moderators here let you do it, probably for laughs. After all, it’s been awhile since you’ve slurred Muslims and Asians on HA. They’re keeping track of you less often than they used to.
Tara only choke-faps to the pictures.
Some Texans use 2021 Ford F-150 hybrid pickup trucks to power homes amid winter storm
YLB was sad to learn that there are very few generated BTUs when she tries to burn exclamation points.
The Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbits of Texas were able to keep warm with the heat friction generated when they used their thigh fat to rub their urethral and rectal catheters quickly back and forth against each other.
Will Team Biden yank the nomination?
She’s worse than Susan Rice.
Charter schools now.
Oakley School Board President Resigns After School Trustees Caught Disparaging Parents
That’s the sanitized NBC News version. Here
is a version that includes brief videos of just exactly what these people were saying about the parents of the kids they are supposed to be helping.
Liberals always look ugliest when what think they they do in private is actually being done in public.
I have always thought that a babysitter had to actually like children to do a good job.
For that reason I think that teachers who support teachers’ unions make shitty babysitters.
On the bright side, Tanden @ 41 can go back to being vicious WRT Ted Cruz:
“You wrote that Susan Collins is ‘the worst,’ that Tom Cotton is a fraud, that vampires have more heart than Ted Cruz, you called Leader McConnell ‘Moscow Mitch’ and Voldemort,” Portman said.
Tanden defended her decision to delete the tweets, saying she did not do so in an effort to cover them up.
“I deleted tweets because I regretted my tone and I’ve deleted tweets over many months … But for those concerned about my rhetoric and my language, I’m sorry, and I’m sorry for any hurt that they’ve caused,” she said.
However, Portman pointed to “nine pages of tweets about Sen. Ted Cruz.”
To be fair, Ted Cruz came in second in the 2016 GOP primary race. Not a bad target to pick.
If Manchin really wants to be a Twitter-cop he’s going to have to clean up his own history first:
Before the Jan 6th KILL HIM WITH HIS OWN GUN dance party at The Capitol, Manchin might have made a credible threat to switch parties. And ol’ Mitch might have been interested in such a deal. But that all blew away that afternoon in a cloud of Grizzly Gas.
A three point win in 2018 means Joe will need lots of help. And after thirty six years in the Senate, Biden now has three years and trillions to spend proving he can deliver that help.
Or not.
After giving Trump his vote on more than 115 nominees, most with their own “colorful” comment histories, I’ll be surprised if Manchin chooses Twitter as his hill to die on.
Tanden, who is president of the Center for American Progress, deleted more than 1,000 insulting tweets ahead of her nomination.
If I delete 1,001 insults directed at Goldy, can I become finance director for, please?
I mean, after all, I did assist Goldy in the Letter to the Editor he sent to the Seattle Times that one time.
@ 45
A three point win in 2018 means Joe will need lots of help. And after thirty six years in the Senate, Biden now has three years and trillions to spend proving he can deliver that help.
That was a three-point win over a Republican in a very, very Democratic year.
If things seem tight going into the 2024 election season, can you imagine any option that Manchin might have that would protect him from a threat by a solid GOP Senate candidate?
Anyone? Bueller?
I suspect that the option Manchin will choose was previewed today, QoS McHillbilly.
The sole McDonald’s on Whidbey Island is being demolished today. Apparently this was the option preferable to doing a major remodel while remaining open, or moving to a new location.
I’m willing to bet that when it reopens there will be a lot of kiosks doing jobs formerly done by human employees.
But then, I bet on Varian, too.
Speaking of the thinning GQP dance card for the 2024 primary, Nikki Haley reached out (about four or five times apparently) to Trump’s people to ask for a meeting at “The Club”, and after ignoring her for a couple of weeks Trump finally said “Fuck Off”.
He’s decided for now that he will not forgive her for saying that sending thousands of pipe-bomb wielding Q-Loons in fur bikinis to The Capitol to lynch Mike Pence was “bad form”. She’s on the bad list. And it looks like that’s where she’ll stay unless she goes out for the rest of this years “saying nice things” about Trump. Which is really just code for saying that “the election was stolen”, “Mitt Romney is girly”, “McConnell is weak”, and “Mike Pence should be killed”.
Trump/Greene 2024 is coming!
The insurrectionist GOP like to shove, kick and toss shit at LEO, assualting them with deadly weapons with intent to kill.
How’s that Bob…..sound better and more accurate?
GOP are disrespectful lawless mother fucking hypocrites. Don’t let them forget. They’d love to forget this and The Trump Virus.
It seems the greedy racist incel’s teachers were justified in their visceral dislike of him.
And no pipeline jobs for them. Jobs, jobs, jobs!
If it anit dead cops that Bob is concerned about then it’s Jobs!
Confidential to YLB:
On Feb 27th there will be a gifting event in Oak Harbor.
Free bras, tampons, panties, pads, and beauty products.
It’s free and it’s all for you, girlfriend. Everything your feminine freeloading self desires.
PM me for location. I’d post it here but Steve would use it to hit on the attendees.
The GOP are Cop assaulters!
GOP are cop killer wannabes.
March 4th Inurrection II coming…..cops, be carefull of the attacking killers.
Interesting knowing that some of the police force has been infiltrated by white supremisists and that the civilians that are like them want to kill cops like them…..cops killing cops. Cops bolstering killing of cops.
See you Boob!
If you think he can change parties now, you’ve been huffing your own farts again. Trump took all that away. If he filed as a GQP in 2024 he would not make it on to the November ballot. He’d have a better chance of running in 2024 as an Indy. If all he wants to do is retire from the Senate he doesn’t need to do anything. There are ways Mitch can help him. But that’s not it.
Any of the Capital Police assualters behind bars? Or have they been let go by the cop killing condoning whitey judges?
Let’s face it, now that there are many black and minority cops, the white cops really don’t give a damn about cops being killed when it comes down to it…..have any of the predominantly white LEO agencies spoken up about the treatment the Capitol Police force goy the day of Insurecction I? Did Humpfuckster?
How about the ones taking selfies for the camera…..did they give a shit about their brothers? No. Does Bob give a shit? Nope.
@ 59
If you think he can change parties now, you’ve been huffing your own farts again.
You are not following me. Manchin does not have to change parties. Right now the GOP needs him, desperately. Democrats need him, desperately.
Manchin is very popular in his home state. If he remains a Democrat he faces no primary opposition and even if he did it would not be a significant threat – think de Leon vs. DiFi. If he keeps other Democrats in check for two years the GOP will leave him alone in 2023-24, and if they don’t it’s money spent on a close loss when that money could have instead been spent elsewhere in a very expensive election season.
Manchin does not need to switch parties. He merely needs to play his current role smartly. So far I think he is doing just that.
Biden privately tells governors: Minimum wage hike likely isn’t happening
At least we’ll be able to give Iran cash AND nukes. That’s really what liberals wanted when they elected Biden – the spoils of victory going to someone else.
@ 59, 62
What Manchin needs to do is assist the GOP when it’s most important.
The GOP doesn’t need Manchin’s vote on Trump impeachment issues.
The GOP needs Manchin to counter the worst liberal impulses.
– $15 minimum wage.
– Installing someone as awful as Neera Tanden.
– Pushing Kavanaugh over the top after the disgraceful display Democrats showed.
– Making sure Biden understands that $1.9 trillion is not only too much, most of it is not necessary right now.
Manchin needs to be a conservative Democrat on occasion. If he can do that, he’s safe. If he can do that, it’s all we need.
It’s also nice when Manchin occasionally does this:
You know* who he’s talking about. No link necessary.
(* with the likely exception of The Even Bigger Fucking Moron)
The Office of the Former President may have a different take on that if he intends to demonstrate over the next four years that he has a bigger mushroom-shaped micro-penis than Mitch.
You’re not following Trump.
Mucho regret.
That may certainly be what you or Moscow Mitch would like.
But what on earth does that have to do with what Joe Manchin would need (or like)?
He’s a United States Senator in his second full term.
What he “needs” is what every other incumbent in their second Senate term needs. A third. With a 50/50 split in the Senate right now, today, and for another twenty months at least, he’s got Joe Biden, Chuck Schumer, and Nancy Pelosi’s full help with that. After November 8th next year, all that could change. He knows that too. And though you might not have noticed it while dry-humping Hannity’s face on your Bravia, you and he aren’t the only ones who hate Tanden. Not many outside the White House defending her right now.
Not everything about the Capitol insurrection is awful. It provides a way to get rid of bad cops.
I wonder how many cops he injured?
@37 “I have never read The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit, but that doesn’t mean I don’t know it’s garbage.”
You have a point. I’ve never seen your medical degree, but we all know it’s garbage. That’s why you have time on your hands to post on HA while hospitals can’t get enough doctors.
However, these kinds of comparisons go only so far. I was pasting in quotes from Foreign Policy magazine today while you were wiping horse shit off your dick.
@37 “You’ve turned SeattleJew’s blog into a clown show with nearly no readership.”
This week it’s averaging 823 readers a day through yesterday. That’s somewhat more than your readership here.
“Moderators here … ”
HA is moderated? If it was, you’d be the first to go …
@39 That’s a nice feature. Until the truck runs out of gas. Next best thing to a full-house generator like the one in my backyard.
@46 “If I delete 1,001 insults directed at Goldy, can I become finance director for, please?”
You might want to get some experience as a contributor first. See that “donate” button in the left sidebar? He makes it easy for you.
@48 “The sole McDonald’s on Whidbey Island is being demolished today.”
You’ll survive. There’s still Beyond Meat.
Apparently the Texans who don’t have power are the lucky ones, compared to those who do.
Free markets. Yup.
Pandering to Puerto Ricans ultimately didn’t do much to help #CrookedHillary.
Schumer doesn’t see the need to perpetuate the charade any longer than necessary, either.
I guess those two extra Democrat US Senators from Puerto Rico aren’t needed anymore. Either that, or Schumer realizes that creating new states has far greater potential to blow up in Democrats’ faces than he wants to divulge.
“A Democratic New York state lawmaker who accused Gov. Andrew Cuomo of threatening him over his criticism of the handling of COVID-19-related nursing home deaths said Friday that support is building within the state legislature to begin an impeachment investigation.”
You know, I wouldn’t mind if Cuomo was impeached or resigned. Accountability is a good thing. It’s too bad Republicans don’t believe in it, too.
@ 77
It’s too bad Republicans don’t believe in it, too.
You mean when the Republican Lt. Governor of South Carolina didn’t tell Mark Sanford to resign? Except for that time he did?
Is that what you meant, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit?
Or did you mean that time the Republican Party of Alabama didn’t call for Robert Bentley to resign?
Except for that time it did. Maybe you were referring to that instance, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit.
You’re a fucking clown, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit. The blog you were handed has become a clown show, because there’s nobody there to hold you to account and hand you your ass for being such a fucking awful liar and shill for the left. You suck at it, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit.
You embarrass SeattleJew’s family with every falsehood you tell.
Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit, you embarrass SeattleJew’s family several times per day.
It’s the weirdest thing, but according to Every Republican You Know the only states that need massive new restrictions on ballot access and sweeping new limitations on voting rights are the ones that Trump just narrowly lost in November.
All those other Dominion machines and vote-by-mail ballots in Florida, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Utah, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Idaho, Kansas, Iowa, Ohio, West Virginia, etc. all those mail ballots, filled out in someone’s home and signed by “God only knows who”, those ballots are A-Okay, 100% free of any and all STEAL, and entirely untouched by Hugo Chavez. It’s only the mail ballots in Arizona, Florida, Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin that are all fraudy and dripping with dead commie cooties.