I love The Admiral Theater. But man oh man, am I worried that it’s reopening today. As more and more people get the vaccine, get the second dose, and wait long enough to have full immunity, it makes sense for businesses to open. But it’s not worth spreading the disease, or dying, for Wonder Woman (I haven’t seen it, so this isn’t a review).
Anyway, wash your hands right now.
MyPillow CrackHead has purchased twelve hours on OAN today to play some crazy Q Conspiracy Phony Election Fraud documentary.
Twelve hours.
I don’t know which is more pathetic: A degenerate, decompensating millionaire who squanders it all in flamboyant display of his own self-destruction, or the financially collapsing media network that invites him to do it.
We will all run out of popcorn before this spectacle concludes.
Todays tangy, sweet, salty amuse-bouche of FAFO:
Fifty years. Five decades. That’s how long these people have been given to accommodate themselves to equal protection, multi-cultural pluralism, and diversity. Five decades of do-overs, and try-harders. Five decades of “Locker Room Talk”.
Times up.
Now they go to jail.
Yeah, that’s almost as stupid as Mike Bloomberg spending $100 million to get Florida in the Biden column last November.
But look on the bright side: Hillary Clinton will never be president!
Current events much?
Bloomberg also put $50 million into Stacy Abrams in Georgia… even after she announced that she did not support him for the nom.
Don’t cry too much. For a guy like Bloomberg that’s pool cleaning money. Are you sad? You sound sad.
Trust the plan. The Storm is coming.
Goldy, do you think you can get your billionaire boss to help out here?
OAN does some CYA.
“Mr. Lindell is the sole author and executive producer of this program and is solely and exclusively responsible for its content,” OAN stated. “The topic of this broadcast is the 2020 election. OAN has undertaken its own reporting on this topic. This program is not the product of OAN’s reporting.”
“OAN does not adopt or endorse any statements or opinions in this program regarding the following entities or people: US Dominion Inc. (and any related entities); Smartmatic USA Corp.; Brian Kemp; Brad Raffensperger; or Gabriel Sterling,” the disclaimer reads. “Further, the statements and claims expressed in this program are presented at this time as opinions only and are not intended to be taken or interpreted by the viewer as established facts.”
A Raw Story link. By bad.
@ 1 I don’t know which is more pathetic: A degenerate, decompensating millionaire who squanders it all in flamboyant display of his own self-destruction, or the financially collapsing media network that invites him to do it.
The most pathetic is a failed attorney who can’t afford his own Barron’s copy but who takes to the digital pages of a little-read liberal blog in an effort to convince gullible people that he’s a millionaire.
Was not one of the multiple choice options.
You’ll never pass organic if you keep this up. God forbid you should have to settle for a career as a diagnostic tech, pretending to be an MD on liberal blogs and spending your days bragging about how much money you squander on magazine subscriptions to Fetish Fancy and NAMBLA.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is a lying shitbag.
AFAIK, the way this normally works is the broadcaster’s legal team reviews the material in advance for potentially defamatory factual claims and then issues the disclaimer with regard to opinions expressed.
Their legal peril resides in that misty gray area between “factual claim” and “opinion”. Opinions are protected. False claims of fact are not. Being as I will not be watching I have no opinion on the degree of peril specific to this desperate move.
But given their track record, they are probably in a lot more trouble than they realize. Especially if, as I suspect, they declined to allow the legal team to review the documentary. Declining to allow the lawyers to review could be seen as “reckless disregard”. But maybe they figure they can’t be accused of “actual malice” if nobody reviewed the material. That seems to create a dubious loophole. One that I’d be surprised to see judges want to uphold.
In any event, what promises to be most delightful will be the degrading process of discovery that will undoubtedly ensue. Like I said, not nearly enough popcorn.
“Bitch wasn’t hiding anywhere near where we told the mob they could find her.”
The most pathetic is a radiologist writing dumbfuck tripe and then posting it over and over again, thousands upon thousands of times.
@ 6, 10
Lemme know when it’s Gawkeresque.
Three of five polls that included sampling during the month of February have Biden’s approval at 50% or less.
Quinnipiac had Kamala’s favorability at only 45%. Must be the shoes.
A pillow made in the US, by workers earning $15/hr and paying dues to a union would cost so much that it would be out of the reach of wannabe millionaires like Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.
Alternate title: Why Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit Will Never Be A Millionaire
Jeff Immelt Oversaw the Downfall of G.E. Now He’d Like You to Read His Book.
Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit oversees the collapse of his family’s financial security.
Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit writes candidly about his tactical errors and lapses in judgement, too. The thing is, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit thinks he’s bragging when he does it.
Mr. Immelt acknowledges that he made mistakes, and writes candidly about his tactical errors and lapses in judgment.
Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit bragged about the dividend GE paid, even though the company was hemorrhaging cash. The dividend was slashed by 95% only two months later.
Don’t be a dumbfuck. Don’t do what Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit suggests. Ever.
Jeffrey Immelt got rich off of the stupidity of Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.
My day off today, but I still haven’t been able to get to much news of the day……anyone know if anymore traitorous insurrectionist have tossed anything else at a cop today? A fire extinquisher, a chair, how about a harpooning with a flagpole?
“Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition, to wit:
There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect.
There is nothing more or else to it, and there never has been, in any place or time.
… As the core proposition of conservatism is indefensible if stated baldly, it has always been surrounded by an elaborate backwash of pseudophilosophy, amounting over time to millions of pages.”
– Frank Wilhoit
The dude thought he could be a professional athlete and found out his sissy ass wasn’t capable of being one. But he’ll always be a good troll.
The last Democrat nominee for governor of Florida has a piece in GQ.
Andrew Gillum makes G-clown sound like Mike Pence by comparison.
Leave it up to a Repuke to pump up a ballon beyond it’s capacity to sustain the gas and then run.
Bob is probably fantasizing whether the dude has a bigger dick than the horse’s.
I bet he read every drop of the article.
Bill Clinton, always ready to step in and make an embarrassing event in Democrat politics worse.
“As you know, I’ve been there,” Andrew says Bill Clinton told him during a phone check-in.
I’m sure that what Bill meant is that one time his wife’s personal assistant’s husband was caught with some compromising electronic material on a personal laptop.
I’m not sure about that. Mike Pence has probably spent a lot of time with Gym Jordan.
I thought Tara Reade was already an adult when Biden finger-banged her in that hallway.
Gillum didn’t have a horse…..but if he did have a horse, like Bob’s horse, the horse would have know what Gillum was up to, just like Bob’s horse knows Bob real well……or I should say, Bob’s horse knows that Bob knows he (the horse) very well.
You have to think that the DNC was thinking something similar during the last week of the 2016 presidential campaign.
“Stop f—ing selling GME,” is the title of a thread on the WallStreetBets forum, home of the Reddit army that boosted the gaming retailer’s stock price in recent weeks.
“We have the advantage. All we have to [do] is buy and hold shares,” wrote one of the users.
All we have to do is prop up this vile cunt of a presidential candidate for one more week.
@ 27
Gillum didn’t have a horse…
You’re correct. It was crystal meth, not heroin that Gillum OD’d on.
Why can’t Nick Hanauer stake David Hogg? I mean, the kid is clearly crying out for some competent experience to help him.
G-clown gets a fecal transplant every time his is the second asshole fucked by a stranger in that greasy alley behind the bar on Saturday nights.
Fecal transplant turns cancer immunotherapy non-responders into responders
He’s convinced he’ll live forever because of it.
10 seasons in the NFL.
10 times in the playoffs.
Roger Rabbit’s response: “Yeah, but he doesn’t pay a dividend.”
The Democrats’ two favorite Republicans are Mitt Romney and the daughter of Dick Cheney.
Democrats: No way will we ever, ever again run a nominee as awful as Andrew Gillum for FL governor.
Charlie Crist: Hold my beer.
Larry Summers was right about women, too.
YLB is living, breathing proof.
Joe Biden: Promise-breaker.
28 thru 36: I actually use powdered nose candy, not crack.
I knew the sex in the alley comment was coming but I thought it was the failed pro athlete comment that would have triggered the response but maybe it was the horse comment. Hahaha.
Promises broken oh my! Kill a cop, no problemo. Moi bene
Yeah, that’s as stupid as trumpers giving $57 million to the twice impeached loser to get Georgia into the Republican column January.
Bob has a new found fondness for fleeing cop killing fire extinguisher throwers.
At 36 Tara wishes to helpfully point out that we aren’t kicking “conservative” ass correctly.
Let us all resolved to kick “conservative” ass much better in the future.
@ 41
Officer Sicknick was not killed by blunt trauma. In fact, he very likely was not killed at all, but died of an acute thromboembolic event.
US Capitol Police officer on life support dies after suffering stroke following riots, union chair says
Doesn’t fit the narrative, I know. G-clown, you’re incredibly gullible, and it is you that fake news is intended to persuade. Time to go back to being an embarrassment to your family, G-clown. Never mind the facts.
G-clown, what was written @ 42 was to kick conservative ass. I know you’re salivating, but you read it incorrectly.
Wanna know who else is kicking “conservative” ass (but I guess this must be “the right” way)?
You guessed it. Former “The Office of the Former” ex-President Fuckface VonClownstick himself. Forbes’ analysis of the most recent FEC filing from the final quarter of last year shows Trump diverted millions to his private companies (which are now staggering under immense Russian debt).
Too late for a pardon. Damn.
It was every bit as legitimate as Trump’s victory in 2016.
Biden not legitimately elected, two-thirds of Republicans say
Which about two-thirds of Democrats refused to recognize.
@ 45
Forbes’ analysis of the most recent FEC filing from the final quarter of last year shows Trump diverted millions to his private companies…
We call that pulling an Omar.
I’m just now realizing that G-clown might understand the meaning of the term “crack pipe” differently from the rest of us.
Court clears way for GOP’s Claudia Tenney to recapture seat from Democrat Anthony Brindisi
Ah, but the pussy Democrat loser doesn’t think her win is legit.
The pussy.
Speaking of Democrats @ 49 fingering @ 26 minors:
What’s surprising here is that it was a heterosexual crime. Most Democrats caught with their hand in the underage cookie jar are the Ed Mole types.
Steve’s not picky. He’s offered cash to minors of both genders. The issue with Steve is that he’s yet to get any of them to say yes, once they see his photo and stats.
Real “conservative” manly-men don fur bikinis and backpacks loaded with nail bombs and go in search of old ladies to kill.
I dislike the woman. But to accomplish numbers like this in the current environment is not small feat.
Hey, remember when the wife of Senator Kelly used an AR-15 and let herself be video’d in the process ’cause she knew it would get her re-elected?
Biden goes “really fine people” in reference to domestic terrorists.
In which we are reminded that Mike Bloomberg was once a Republican:
Teachers are like LEO. Just because they’re in a union doesn’t mean they aren’t fucking assholes.
Beautiful teen girls. I’ve never needed money, not even intentions.
The night of my 37th birthday which I spent with a couple of beautiful, young Palo Alto girls who’d just graduated from HS comes to mind. It was their idea, not mine. They even paid for our dinner out that night, including tips, with my choice of any restaurant. Back at my place, they have a small birthday cake that they’d baked for me, which they presented with lit candles for me to blow out! “Make a wish, Steve!”
Who am I to say no to that?
@ 56
Who am I to say no to that?
Why, you’d need self-control and a sense of morality, Steve. You’re a liberal; by definition you possess neither.
I’m very glad those girls shared my lack of self-control and sense of morality.
As opposed to conservative hypocrisy, greed, misogyny, racism and fascism. I choose liberals. They are a better class of people
Hopefully this is finally going to happen.
Bob could move down there.
So how’s Plan B working out, Doctor? Are you people going to kill everybody this time, including that “lying shitbag” AOC?
QAnon Believers Are Pushing New Trump Conspiracy Theories on TikTok
New theories that Trump will be sworn in as the 19th president on March 4th are swirling on social media
QAnon merges with white extremists and spreads new conspiracy Trump will be president again on March 4
Trump supporters have started sharing theories from the sovereign citizen movement, who argue US is a corporation
Looks to me like you folks could use a little self control, maybe develop a sense of morality.
@7 “can’t afford his own Barron’s copy”
Really? Public libraries have been closed sinc March. Where do you think I’m getting my Barrons? From dumpsters? I pay for them now, dumbass.
“but who takes to the digital pages of a little-read liberal blog”
As do you. But unlike you, I spend only half my time on the little-read liberal blog, not all of it, because I have another blog to manage. You don’t. Neener neener.
@12 Yeah, that’s another thing; I don’t have to repeat myself over and over to come up with material to post. The dumbfuck not only doesn’t have a blog of his own, he wouldn’t have anything to put on it if he did.
Fox just canned Lou Dobbs and took his show off the air.
Looks like damage control. Also, being his boss was more fun than being his co-defendant.
57, 58,
That whole exchange only serves to ratify my conviction that Tara nurses a monumental grudge for having thrown away her best fucking years in dogged pursuit of a white coat career that left her earning less than min wage debriding medicare taints.
All I can say is don’t cry shop girl. I promise you while you were working overnight weekends 42 hours straight on-call and we were at the bar getting laid by the summer interns, we remembered to pour one out for you. Bro.
It’s heartening to see traitors taken to the woodshed: Rioters getting arrested and fired from jobs, MTG kicked off committees, inciters booted from social media, conspiracy peddlers being sued, the GOP losing donors, Fox hosts canned, etc.
Post-Trump America needs something akin to postwar de-nazification: Punish the principals, root out the followers, and make the whole sick movement disappear into the sewers from whence it came.
Hillary was right. They are the deplorables, totally lacking self-control and any sense of morality. Return them to the foul sewers from which they came.
Emily Peck Jan 4
Meghan McCain had a baby and now realizes that the US needs paid maternity leave, she explains on The View. She says personal experience helped open her eyes.
andi zeisler Jan 4
The conservative ethos distilled: It’s not a problem unless it happens to me, and when it does happen to me I am absolutely outraged that other people let it happen to me
What does it say about Doctor’s dumbfuck’s own “sense of morality” that he would make an attempt to smear AOC for the trauma she experienced on 1/6 with his incel-like victim mockery, calling AOC a “lying shitbag”?
I was only surprised he didn’t end it with “cunt” or “bitch”.
@68 Give the poor guy a break. He isn’t himself. Been impaired by equine syphilis for years now. Even had to stop working in his mid-50s because the deterioration of brain function got so severe.
In their zeal to embrace Trump’s thirty million post-career, pre-diabetic, self-destructive, aging, infrequently voting “aggrieveds” the GOP has so far moved about five million college educated, suburban frequent voters over to our side. In addition their extreme violence, race hatred, and religious bigotry, driven by culture war themes has brought out about another five million new voters under 40 for us.
Trumpism is good for Democrats. I hope they keep it up, dump Cheney and Kinzinger, and primary the fuck out of fake moderates like Herrera Beutler and Valadao. Our best chances of holding the House majority and expanding the Senate may depend on it.
@ 70
We needed the voters #CrookedHillary abandoned in 2016. We got enough of them to make the difference we needed.
Coney Barrett.
Time for y’all libbies to make The Pelican Brief a nonfiction story. Otherwise they’re going to be on the Court for decades to come.
Matt Welch
It is now official NYT policy that for some words, intent does not matter, and it only takes one strike to sink a 47-year career.
In this case one strike = one word, used as part of a question.
The younger generation are pussies. What YLB hath wrought.
Gorsuch, BeerBong, and ACB couldn’t prevent Keystone XL from being canceled, “catch and release” from starting up again, or Joe Manchin from agreeing to proceed with reconciliation. And they won’t be able to roll back S. 4263 in time for it to save the GOP from losing for another eight years.
So go ahead and enjoy quiet, capacity limited, socially distanced indoor worship to your magical, invisible sky-buddy. I’m celebrating your triumph by blazing up and mail ordering a bunch of abortions while burning a transgender flag.
@70 I guess Trumpism is good for Democrats in the same sense that Nazism was good for gravedigger careers.
@71 Funny thing is Gorsuch, Kavanaugh, and Comey Barrett didn’t sign on for the insurrection, much to Trump’s surprise. He’s not used to people he gives jobs not following his orders.
@72 Probably just disguised age discrimination. All companies do it.
Unless, you know, you’re a pussy.
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