“If African-American voters give Donald Trump a chance by giving me their vote, the result for them will be amazing.“
Ima Duncespews:
@1 They will get an entire mountain of superlatives. And he will get to blame single mothers for all our ills while he jails massive more black men with his “law and order” (no doubt while he owns stock in privately run dungeons). I like his new team’s nebulous statement on his “regrets” for offending unspecified people. OYG I didn’t know stupidity could be so addicting!
Roger Rabbitspews:
The Putin mole, now that he’s outed, quits as Trump’s campaign chairman. But Russia still owns the candidate.
Republican war hero Colin Powell used personal email for unclassified messages when he served as Secretary of State because it “vastly improved communications within the State Department,” and advised Mrs. Clinton to do the same.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Nobody’s saying Powell should be hung, shot, or locked up; but, that’s Republican privilege.
Roger Rabbitspews:
The problem with “trickle down” is that nothing trickled down. The average American got absolutely nothing in return for the trillions of dollars in public debt racked up by Republicans, much of it borrowed from China, to finance tax cuts for billionaires.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: And now Republicans are whining about the debt Obama had to incur to save us all from the depression that Republicans created. Go figure.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Maybe we should split the country in two, send all the Republicans to their territory, let them run it as they please, and watch them wallow in their own economic failures and gun violence instead of letting them keep doing it to us.
Ima Duncespews:
@6 It already happened. They still blame Obama. He makes them do stupid things so it’s his fault red states are an economic basket case.
@4 I’d imagine that coming from the DOD at that time, Powell had an email device set up that he would have been accustomed to. Probably a Model 33 Teletype.
“watch them wallow in their own economic failures”
At the state level they already wallow.
“Brownback says election wasn’t rejection of his policies”
A Gold Star father not named Khan lays waste to Trump’s vague “regrets”.
“Sir I’m not a “Top of the Class Wharton Business school graduate- so I sincerely hope I come across clearly- but I’ll Try- when you say “I REGRET” it is clearly about you and how it affects you- Not that you are sorry for how it affects the other person- Sir it’s not about “choosing the right words”. Clearly the words you chose are what you meant, because they were repeated by you numerous times. You said them and then you repeated them.”
“The words you say aren’t misspoken or not PC. They are insulting, uncompassionate and mean spirited.”
“Sir, as I have stated previously, you are a coward and a fraud – you have no business endangering our country’s security by running for the job of President of the United States when you not only woefully lack the good judgment when under pressure, you don’t have the “Class” to represent our great nation.”
(((Goldy))) @GoldyHA
Some disturbing revelations about the anti-minimum wage credentials of the guy Seattle is paying to study min wage: http://www.progressive.org/new.....-alliances …
And I suppose all the rest of the team:
The team investigators are Jacob Vigdor, Mark C. Long, Jennifer Romich, Scott W. Allard, Heather D. Hill,
Jennifer Otten, Robert Plotnick, Scott Bailey, and Anneliese Vance-Sherman. This report was principally
authored by Long, Plotnick, Ekaterina Roshchina, Vigdor, and Hilary Wething, and had major intellectual
and editing contributions from other members of the Seattle Minimum Wage Study Team.
were complicit shills as well, amirite?
Willy Vomitspews:
So, The Trump goes to Louisiana for a (not a photo op) photo op, get his pictures taken in front of a truck handing out kids toys and socks and suchlike while pontificating on how “helpful” he’s being while the President plays golf in Maine or some shit.
The truck had nothing whatsoever with Donald Trump, nor did Donald Trump have anything whatsoever to do with the presence or existence of the truck. It was a truckload of stuff donated by people in Texas, that just coincidentally happened to be there when the Donald showed up. So, he gets to make a big show of being helpful, while actually doing absolutely nothing other than mugging for the cameras.
All he did was create a logistical and security nightmare for the State and Local Governments, who had to pull several dozens of personnel off their regular disaster-related duties to provide security for the Great Cheesedick. Governor Edwards specifically asked him NOT to come for this exact reason, as he did the President and Hillary Clinton who, oddly enough, respected his wishes.
This will all be on the local jurisdiction’s dime of course. The Federal Government isn’t going to reimburse the funds incurred by the costs of some Mafiosos security detail on a Political campaign action, even if it did come in the midst of a serious local disaster.
And of course, neither will Trump or the GOP.
Distant Replayspews:
Powell doesn’t need to be hung, shot, or locked up.
But Comey needs to be fired.
After this why on earth would A N Y O N E agree to be interviewed by the FBI? If anything you say to an FBI agent will be immediately CCd to the Lizard Kings of Congress for the afternoon InfoWars update no sane person would advise anything but silence.
It took those assholes less than 24 hours to start leaking. Big surprise, right?
“If African-American voters give Donald Trump a chance by giving me their vote, the result for them will be amazing.“
@1 They will get an entire mountain of superlatives. And he will get to blame single mothers for all our ills while he jails massive more black men with his “law and order” (no doubt while he owns stock in privately run dungeons). I like his new team’s nebulous statement on his “regrets” for offending unspecified people. OYG I didn’t know stupidity could be so addicting!
The Putin mole, now that he’s outed, quits as Trump’s campaign chairman. But Russia still owns the candidate.
Republican war hero Colin Powell used personal email for unclassified messages when he served as Secretary of State because it “vastly improved communications within the State Department,” and advised Mrs. Clinton to do the same.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Nobody’s saying Powell should be hung, shot, or locked up; but, that’s Republican privilege.
The problem with “trickle down” is that nothing trickled down. The average American got absolutely nothing in return for the trillions of dollars in public debt racked up by Republicans, much of it borrowed from China, to finance tax cuts for billionaires.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: And now Republicans are whining about the debt Obama had to incur to save us all from the depression that Republicans created. Go figure.
Maybe we should split the country in two, send all the Republicans to their territory, let them run it as they please, and watch them wallow in their own economic failures and gun violence instead of letting them keep doing it to us.
@6 It already happened. They still blame Obama. He makes them do stupid things so it’s his fault red states are an economic basket case.
How true. How fucking true Boob.
9 Tweets That Sum Up The Glaring White Privilege In #LochteGate http://www.huffingtonpost.com/.....2?section=
@4 I’d imagine that coming from the DOD at that time, Powell had an email device set up that he would have been accustomed to. Probably a Model 33 Teletype.
“watch them wallow in their own economic failures”
At the state level they already wallow.
“Brownback says election wasn’t rejection of his policies”
And yet they’d still have the entire nation go down the drain for their failed bullshit.
@1 This guy gave Trump a chance, and look what it got him.
Oh, joy!
“Donald Trump’s campaign is under new management—and his white nationalist fanboys love it.”
A Gold Star father not named Khan lays waste to Trump’s vague “regrets”.
“Sir I’m not a “Top of the Class Wharton Business school graduate- so I sincerely hope I come across clearly- but I’ll Try- when you say “I REGRET” it is clearly about you and how it affects you- Not that you are sorry for how it affects the other person- Sir it’s not about “choosing the right words”. Clearly the words you chose are what you meant, because they were repeated by you numerous times. You said them and then you repeated them.”
“The words you say aren’t misspoken or not PC. They are insulting, uncompassionate and mean spirited.”
“Sir, as I have stated previously, you are a coward and a fraud – you have no business endangering our country’s security by running for the job of President of the United States when you not only woefully lack the good judgment when under pressure, you don’t have the “Class” to represent our great nation.”
(((Goldy))) @GoldyHA
Some disturbing revelations about the anti-minimum wage credentials of the guy Seattle is paying to study min wage:
http://www.progressive.org/new.....-alliances …
And I suppose all the rest of the team:
The team investigators are Jacob Vigdor, Mark C. Long, Jennifer Romich, Scott W. Allard, Heather D. Hill,
Jennifer Otten, Robert Plotnick, Scott Bailey, and Anneliese Vance-Sherman. This report was principally
authored by Long, Plotnick, Ekaterina Roshchina, Vigdor, and Hilary Wething, and had major intellectual
and editing contributions from other members of the Seattle Minimum Wage Study Team.
were complicit shills as well, amirite?
So, The Trump goes to Louisiana for a (not a photo op) photo op, get his pictures taken in front of a truck handing out kids toys and socks and suchlike while pontificating on how “helpful” he’s being while the President plays golf in Maine or some shit.
The truck had nothing whatsoever with Donald Trump, nor did Donald Trump have anything whatsoever to do with the presence or existence of the truck. It was a truckload of stuff donated by people in Texas, that just coincidentally happened to be there when the Donald showed up. So, he gets to make a big show of being helpful, while actually doing absolutely nothing other than mugging for the cameras.
All he did was create a logistical and security nightmare for the State and Local Governments, who had to pull several dozens of personnel off their regular disaster-related duties to provide security for the Great Cheesedick. Governor Edwards specifically asked him NOT to come for this exact reason, as he did the President and Hillary Clinton who, oddly enough, respected his wishes.
This will all be on the local jurisdiction’s dime of course. The Federal Government isn’t going to reimburse the funds incurred by the costs of some Mafiosos security detail on a Political campaign action, even if it did come in the midst of a serious local disaster.
And of course, neither will Trump or the GOP.
Powell doesn’t need to be hung, shot, or locked up.
But Comey needs to be fired.
After this why on earth would A N Y O N E agree to be interviewed by the FBI? If anything you say to an FBI agent will be immediately CCd to the Lizard Kings of Congress for the afternoon InfoWars update no sane person would advise anything but silence.
It took those assholes less than 24 hours to start leaking. Big surprise, right?