Tim Eyman’s latest garbage car tabs initiative is unconstitutional. At this point he must know not to do a multiple issues initiative. Like have a lawyer look it over. Or don’t, since Eyman gets to keep fundraising on the same initiative and agencies get to keep their car tab money.
Anyway, wash your hands right now.
Seems dummocretin have to go there in every hearing when it comes to conservatives.
It so sad what dummocretins think of Jesus Christ, Lord and Saviour!
Puddy wanted to get this into the blog
363 electoral votes – Joe BiteME!
175 electoral votes – President Trump
Guess we’ll see if BeerPong252 was the midwater mark this election cycle.
It so sad what trump think of Jesus Christ, Lord and Saviour!
But go ahead, vote against the teachings of Jesus and vote for trump.
Last night on AllBullsh^ttiumCommentary Joe BiteME! did not receive any hardball questions from George Steponallofus. Yet this young Black Man asked the toughest question of the night.
Joe BiteME! said gibberish!
Beginning of Exodus 20 – I am the LORD thy God – dummocretins hate God
Here is a simplified version of the 10 Commandments dead&deaformed.
No other gods before me – dummocretins worship wall street
No graven images or likenesses – dummocretins have many graven images – pentagrams come to mind
Not take the LORD’s name in vain – dummocretins swear to high heaven on this blog
Remember the sabbath day – Any day but Saturday – Sunday law coming – read Laudato Si #237 and Fratelli Tutti – Climate Change Rest
Honour thy father and thy mother – dummocretins put them into homes
Thou shalt not kill – aborting unborn babies
Thou shalt not commit adultery – dummocretins cheer Hollyweird bed swapping Entertainment Tonight anyone?
Thou shalt not steal – dummocretins steal the vote from inner city blacks since dummocretins invented slavery
Thou shalt not bear false witness – John Scully anyone
Thou shalt not covet – Fair share, antifa and BLM take from whites and reparations – Bernie Sanders anyone?
Need Puddy say more.
Watch how some assesHorse dummocretin will take these same Commandments and twist them against Republicans.
Let me help you out here, Puddy.
No other gods before me – The traitor Doctor Dumbfuck worships wall street. And Putin.
No graven images or likenesses – The traitor Doctor Dumbfuck has two graven images – the dollar sign and a pic of a shirtless Putin on a horse.
Remember the sabbath day – The traitor Doctor Dumbfuck remember the sabbath day?? Heh. Yeah, right.
Honour thy father and thy mother – the traitor Doctor Dumbfuck puts them in graves. See below.
Thou shalt not kill – 220,000 departed American souls, all the traitor Doctor Dumbfuck and his orange moron’s fault.
You’re welcome. Have a nice sabbath.
Proof that God hates Trump-loving megachurch pastors and their congregations?
Megachurch suffers COVID-19 outbreak after Trump-loving pastor refuses to quarantine after being exposed to the virus
All due respect to @6, Wow, Piddles. Just wow.
No other Gods before me – About a 3rd of Americans believe Trump is God’s will (PEW)
No Graven Images – “The Statues…..The beautiful statues. The Giant portrait of myself I tried to have the charity pay for so I could gaze at my majesty every day!” or words to that effect.
Not take the Lord’s name in vain – ““goddamn windmills” Donald, 9/14/2020
“they’ll be hit so goddamn hard” & “if you don’t support me, you’re going to be so goddamn poor.” Donald, 7/18/2020 (just a few)
Remember the sabbath day – Donald does not go to Church. A quick google for the last year finds Sunday rounds of Golf. More on Saturday if you’re going to go with the ‘real’ sabbath like you do.
Honour thy father and thy mother – Donald so honored his father that he put in writing in ‘Art of the Deal’ that he was Irish. He’s not. Hes Austro-Germanic. Dad was arrested at a Klan Rally. Facing financial ruin Donald attempted to force his father to re do his will to name Donald as sole beneficiary in 1990
Thou shalt not kill – How bout gleefully cheering the death instead of arrest of someone? “LIBERATE MICHIGAN!; LIBERATE MINNESOTA!; LIBERATE VIRGINIA, and save your great 2nd Amendment. It is under siege!”
Thou Shalt Not Commit Adultery Right Marla? Melania, Stormy? Karen? Jessica? Kristen? Jill? Lisa? Mariah? Jean? Temple, Cathy, Amy, Karena, Karen, Tasha, Melinda, Natasha, Jennifer, Rachel, Samantha, Ninni, Jessica, Cassandra and Alva?
Thou shalt not steal – Right Trump University? ” Donald J. Trump Pays Court-Ordered $2 Million For Illegally Using Trump Foundation Funds”
Thou shalt not bear false witness Really, you even left this one in? Dumb as a post, Piddles. Over 2,000 lies in public just since taking office.
Thou shalt not covet “Although she does have a very nice figure. I’ve said that if Ivanka weren’t my daughter, perhaps, I would be dating her.” (eeeeewwww) also you left about the part about specifically not coveting a neighbor’s wife which gets back to the adultery things and… “I did try to fuck her. And she was married.” (Access Hollywood)
The shit that comes out of your mouth, Piddles. Do you really believe Jesus is watching cause if so….good luck with that.
@5 your response doesn’t address the point made @3.
But you not addressing that says it all. That you really don’t give a shit about Jesus Christ, Lord and Saviour. Please keep your bullshit to yourself.
@5 stuff it up your ass…before you man handle the goat’s ass.
Romney’s a Yes on The Notorious ACB.
Game over.
When Tom Nichols spotted The Nodding Lady, he couldn’t convince himself that she’s black.
Black Like MeDarker Than Me.The Biden campaign did not respond to five requests for comment from The Post before publication of the initial account.
Still trying to make that dog hunt?
Nothing else going on?
85% of people who wear masks get corona virus. I heard someone said that to Voters.
This is a lie.
“I have never spoken to my son about his overseas business dealings.”
Joe Biden is a liar.
Remember the claim by Team Biden that the Post didn’t mention Giuliani’s involvement when it asked for comment?
(Link @ 13)
That is only a lie if the email is real. Evidence of that is very, very, very sketchy. (“I had a laptop bag. It had not one, not two, but three macbooks and I dropped it in the ocean here in Delaware where I don’t live. Can you fix them? Why yes, my name is Hunter Biden. This one of the three. Don’t open the secret email that says “Dad, I need you to oust a Ukranian prosecutor.” Yes, my name is Hunter. No I have no ID.”)
Even then it is not necessarily a lie. “Dad, this is Sergei, we work together at Burisma.”
“How do you do.”
“Fine mister Vice President, it is an honor to meet you.”
“You too.” VP turns to speak to someone else.
Apparently for Dumbfuck something like this is speaking to your son about overseas business deals. (Meanwhile, Donald totes barely knew Epstein.)
If one knows that his son got a part time job at the Dairy Queen has he spoken to his son about his business dealings?
Sad. So low energy.
As far as ACB is concerned, do all the Democrats hate her because of her Catholic faith? Is abortion the issue? I don’t give a shit if a woman gets an abortion or not.
In other news, some crazy Muslin BEHEADED a guy in Paris, shouting, “Allah Akbar,” until the gendarmes shot him dead. Just another fine example of the “peaceful religion” of Islam.
@ 17
That is only a lie if the email is real.
No one from Team Biden has alleged that the email has been faked.
Further, it is beyond belief that a father would not converse with his son about the latter’s business affairs. C’mon, man.
@ 18
I bet Joe Manchin votes to confirm.
11 i never thought he would do otherwise. He is a Republican. Only American apartheid matters to them.
Reading comprehension, Dumbfuck…
part the first.
Part the second.
Hunter Biden has no official role in the Biden Campaign. Has not been seen on the campaign trail making speeches. And other than introducing his father at the convention is not part of the Biden campaign.
Both of the following statements are true and the Post now trying to tie them together says more about their standards of journalism and your intellect than you realize.
The Post informed Hunter Biden’s attorney.
The Post did not inform the Biden Campaign.
@ 17
(“I had a laptop bag. It had not one, not two, but three macbooks and I dropped it in the ocean here in Delaware where I don’t live. Can you fix them? Why yes, my name is Hunter Biden. This one of the three. Don’t open the secret email that says “Dad, I need you to oust a Ukranian prosecutor.” Yes, my name is Hunter. No I have no ID.”)
Now do Anthony Weiner’s laptop. Can you do it from the perspective of Huma, sotto voce?
Oh. I have two Macbook Pro laptops. Both are in need of repair – battery is out on one of them and I can’t find the tool kit I bought from Amazon. The other probably needs a new screen. And if I had $3.5 million transferred to me by the wife of the mayor of Moscow I’d probably have a third Macbook Pro laptop, and there would probably be something wrong with it by now as well.
Everyone visits their parents, even if they live in another state. Everyone except gman, whose family has moved without telling him for the eighth time in five years.
So let’s keep talking about Hunter Biden. It’s right there a big big concern for voters.
Top five issues (Pew Research)
Health Care
Corona Virus
Violent Crime
Kaiser Family Foundation October 2020 poll:
Tim Eyman’s $35 car tabs is dead. Heck, it was never alive! Does anyone ever remember paying just $35 for their car tabs? It’s never just $35, and now, old folks like me, who don’t live in King County, are paying for a damn light rail system that we’ll never use and won’t even live long enough to see completed.
We’ve been over this. Everyone decidedly does not cart a broken computer, or three, to a shop 0:45 to hour away from home but sort of near their parents’ house to be repaired requiring they either wait to pick it up until the next visit or make a special 90-120 minute round trip. Also, “eh fuck it. I’m rich I’ll just get a new MacBook and I’m sure there’s nothing on that other one that isn’t in the cloud so I def don’t ever need to go get it, like the next time I visit dad it’s totally not needed. They can just keep it for parts.” Do you know anyone at all like this? Can you imagine anyone like this? Is this real? Inquiring minds want to
Catch and Killknow.But while we’re at it, “We can neither confirm nor deny…”
The Hill:
@ 26
Do you know anyone at all like this? Can you imagine anyone like this?
Yeah. They’re crack addicts.
Crack addicts take it to the pawn shop. There’s no payout in a repair job. Trading it for a rock at TheMacStore isn’t a high likelihood of finding a fix.
You can be damn sure if a crack addict has access to an asset like a MacBook and all they need is to pick it up, pawn it and score some cash for a rock… It’s the reason you don’t leave valuables in your car.
One last thing before I go….
Anyone concerned Joe Biden is going to put Hunter in charge of the Coronavirus response?
Joe going to get him security clearance?
Take him to the G-7 and have him play diplomat for meetings he just finds boring.
Too damn funny.
Puddy been saying this FOREVER. Yet Da Perfessa and BeerPong keep telling us otherwise!
@ 29
If there’s one thing we can all agree on concerning Joe Biden, it’s his absolute discretion, amirite?
58% of people are stockpiling or considering stockpiling of grocery items in preparation of the 2020 election results.
You 58% people need to consider two principles in your preparation:
1. When is comes to supplies and equipment, good enough and plenty of it. No Cadillacs needed when a good Chevrolet will do.
2. Stay away from crowds.
Once again we see how a university reacts to a conservative person who doesn’t “toe the line”.
You are outraged because a conservative provocateur mouthing off was kicked ou of a zoom call?
Victim much?
Wow….Did anyone think that she wasn’t going to get a yes vote from the yes people of party first?
Bob your stupid statement comes with false implications. But that is you, someone who is always wrong and making false statements.
We all know you suck horse cock. Admit it.
one lie, or a lie, about your son’s businees dealings, that every pussy grabber could be accused of, isn’t the same as a lie like, “The Virus will disappear”, and “It’s just the flu”
Bob – go suck the horse’s cock. You dumbfuck.
400,000 dead.
Game over for 400,000.
The Catholic Religion is jealous, and wishes they could do that too. Give them a few more years.
What is it with Seattlians and car tabs?
The more you say that the less you’ll ever come to being right, you dumbfuck.
The virus DID disappear. The Rona is gone. We beat it. You’re all safe now.
Don’t worry. It’s in the bag. Stop donating. We have enough. In fact, vote don’t vote. Doesn’t matter. Polls are so strong we can’t lose. If you were going to phone bank, take the weekend. Go to the pumpkin patch. Wear a mask. Just take the time off.
Free speech still exists in America until the dummocretin remove the first amendment! Did you see the NY Slimes Magazine article?
No? Well it’s from a feminazi and she double-talks (double writes?) all through this article.
Did she ever research whom Norm Eisen is? No she didn’t. Puddy did though! And then she train wrecks again later
She really is nutzo!
dummocretin talk in scum doublespeak
More of @43,
She has nothing to say about Facebook and Twatter running the Russia Russia Russia crap. She has nothing to say about Facebook and Twatter running the Steele Dossier crap. She has nothing to say about Facebook and Twatter running the ill gotten Trump tax returns crap. Butt, she will castigate any/every Trump supporter in this article!
To understand how the scum think, you have to put on the wet suit, tank, and headgear and wade into the scum covered swamp. Puddy tries to read as much libtard filth as possible to see where dot bombed and BeerPong find their news. The senile idiot wabbit as lost 90% of his sting over the years.
dummocretins are scum
Two of the least impressive children running for the 2024 GOP nomination aren’t man enough to criticize their fuhrer even when smoke is pouring out of his underground bunker. Instead, they demonstrate their bravery and stand up against evil by voting for a dead guy.
At least Reagan’s no threat to anyone, anymore, if he gets elected.
@11 “Game over.”
Au contraire, the game has just begun. Try to think of the four liberal lawyers you least want to see sitting on the Supreme Court by next March.
We can confirm justices in two weeks’ time, too. We can even do them four at a time.
@13 Wherein Doctor Dumbfuck quotes the NY Post as his “source” to back up the veracity of the NY Post, because he’s a dumbfuck, and that’s what dumbfucks do.
@15 “Joe Biden is a liar.”
Coming from a Trump shill, that’s actually funny. The humor lies in the fact that even if Biden is a corrupt liar, people will go to great trouble and inconvenience to vote for him in droves anyway, because he’s so vastly less untruthful or corrupt than your candidate.
Oh wait there is one more
Interestingly she left off Lead Stories as one of Facebook’s fact checkers. They were exposed here as bigtime libtard dummocretins.
She also forgot to mention Barron Trump’s favrit professor Pamela Karlan. Karlan is one of the premier Facebook fact checkers.
So Puddy wonders why she forgot them since one article was back in May and the other in June? One was from the NY Post. Oh no the dreaded NY Post. Did she meet the senile idiot wabbit and some senile drippings got stuck on her?
Still waiting for Steve to respond to the two PuddyQuestions!
@18 Seems like you’re doing all the talking about her religion.
@19 “No one from Team Biden has alleged that the email has been faked.”
Actually, I’m not sure that’s the case, but everyone else is alleging it was faked, including the computer experts who pointed out it was created 6 months after the computers were allegedly dropped off at the computer shop run by the Trump supporter who doesn’t know who dropped them off. Some guy with a Russian accent calling himself “Hunter” or maybe it was “Igor.”
Because CNN, MSDNC, ABC<, CBS, NBC, and PBS along with DeFacedbook and Twatter, all censor real news so those poor rubes are voting in the dark senile idiot wabbit!
@23 “Now do Anthony Weiner’s laptop.”
Now you’re trying to find the Russian fake emails on Weiner’s laptop?
Where this whole scheme falls apart is it depends on us believing half a dozen of the least believable “sources” on the planet:
1. Trump
2. Giuliani
3. A Trump supporter
4. A Russian agent
5. NY Post
6. You
They would have been better off hiring Jacob Wohl for this operation. Most people haven’t heard of him yet.
Your problem, Dumbfuck, is nobody believes Republicans anymore. Not any Republicans. Not even you.
Tired – Skewed Polls
Wired – News Suppression
@31 It’s all relative. Compared to your candidate, yes, yes, YES!!!
@33 Geez, you should read your own links, because you missed a doozy:
Can you imagine that? The FBI instructing a witness not to talk about an ongoing investigation? A witness who, coincidentally, has been blabbing all over the park?
Mac guy isn’t nearly as reluctant a witness as Christine Blasey Ford was. He acts more like someone who wants to plaster his story all over the headlines.
@54 Since when can’t you read NY Post, Fox, and Pravda?
Here ya go, doc. Your patriotic computer shop owner was a “lead genius” at Apple before he opened an obscure little computer shop in a Delaware strip mall.
Also, likes airplanes and had a flight simulator.
He obviously hasn’t met Doctor Dumbfuck.
John Kelly has dished to friends that Trump is ‘the most flawed person’ he has ever met
@15 “Rudy Giuliani gave The Post an external hard drive that the owner of a computer-repair shop in Delaware told The Post was copied from a laptop that Hunter Biden brought in for repair but never picked up.”
With two weeks to go, our pathetic dumbfuck wheels out Giuliani one last time.
As Hail Marys go, that is so sad. So pathetic.
Of the 17 battleground states listed by RCP, Biden leads in 16 of them.
Geez, I hope Rudy doesn’t go to prison.
FBI Probing If Russia Involved In Hunter Biden Email Story
But if he does, may he have Doctor Dumbfuck and a half dozen big black males as cell mates.
Doctor Dumbfuck really, really needed for Rudy to pull this off..
Anatomy Of A Smear: Questions Surrounding The New York Post’s Hunter Biden Story
So sad!
That’s gotta hurt.
TRUMP’S NIGHTMARE: Biden Takes the Ratings Crown in Dueling Town Halls
Try this out for a hypothetical.
The last time the Supreme Court was increased the argument for doing so was that there were now Nine Federal Circuit courts so there should be nine Justices.
There are now 13 Circuits. There is historical precedent for
court packinghaving 13 Justices.By early February The Democratic Senate and President Biden have confirmed four new justices needing only 50 votes, “Thanks Mitch!”, altering the majority to 7-6. Senate Democrats then file suit that Lindsey Graham violated his own committee rules to move forward ACB nomination without a quorum under standing rules of the committee that were not altered by the chair. He just did it without consent of members which, as a the majority he could have done but that might have slowed things down a bit and can’t have that. The suit winds it’s way through the courts. The Chief Judge of the DC circuit is an Obama appointee and Obama/Clinton nominees are seven, GW Bush/Trump 4. DC Circuit En Banc rules ACB appointment violated established legislative rules and is invalid. SCOTUS, now a 7-6 Liberal majority upholds. ACB is no longer or a Justice as her confirmation is invalidated.
8-5 Liberal Court with. Bryer retires and is replaced with a slightly more progressive Justice. GOP spends the Kamala Harris Administration holding their breath the 72 year old Thomas or 70 year old Alito don’t die or retire. The next oldest are Sotomayor, 66 and Chief Justice Roberts, 65. Everyone else is 60 or younger.
Mitch’s grand plan to steal the judiciary dies before it even gets started.
There is nothing that would constitutionally require this could not happen even if it is unlikely to happen. Well at least the kicking of ACB off the court is unlikely but still, the court is re balanced to reflect that only once since 1992 have conservatives won a majority at the ballot box and this is decidedly not a center right country.
A 7-6 Rational center-left court would almost assuredly uphold a new voting rights act.
Just because I was curious, the Senior Justices in DC Circuit are aged:
90 (Reagan)
85 (Carter)
77 (Reagan)
77 (GHW Bush)
74 (Reagan)
The Full Justices currently eligible to move to Senior Status or retire are
81 (Clinton)
78 (Clinton)
76 (GHW Bush)
68 (Clinton, this is Gorsuch)
Assuming the two older Clinton appointees take senior status or retire outright while a D Senate is in place needing only 50 votes, The DC Circuit could solidify that Democratic majority and have the oldest Justice be the Bush Appointee, then
Merrick Garland is 68 and no one else is over 60. Garland is eligible at this point for full pay on the senior tour which might be an attractive consolation prize to see his seat go to a 30 year old raging liberal for the next 40 years.
So that’s where the senile idiot wabbit gets those “news” updates from!
Just admit if ballot stuffing works it’s president harris! Yes all lower case because most of us Real Americans will be at sad! Sad the dummocretin lied [as usual] and delivered half-baked goods. You can take that however you want becuz Puddy don’t care what you think. You have to pack the court because it’s your other legislative body! And you lie to do it.
dummocretin are scum
See ya!
Just admit if ballot stuffing works it’s president harris! Yes all lower case because most of us Real Americans will be at sad! Sad the dummocretin lied [as usual] and delivered half-baked goods. You can take that however you want becuz Puddy don’t care what you think. You have to pack the court because it’s your other legislative body! And you lie to do it.
dummocretin are scum
See ya!
Daily Kooks? You are back on the sauce dude!
Oh Steve@67,
The senile idiot wabbit used that last night. Why are you only firing on four cylinders today? If the senile one has one on you then you have to be sick or in the stupid solution stupor again!
So which is it?
And you guys scream about Trump and Barr? The knives are out for Feinstein when public comity isn’t found anywhere else in the dummocretin party. What happened to being inclusive?
dummocretin are scum!
The Wall Street Journal blames Scary Land Deal Reid
Sometimes dummocretin moves BACKFIRE!
Do keep up. The GOP has shot it’s wad. Donald killed it for you. Biden wins serves a term. maybe he serves the full term maybe not, maybe he runs for a second, maybe not. Which debased GOPer is going to run in 2024 who can peel away enough suburban moms and hold the not college educated and flat out racist Trump Fanboys together. Nikki?! She’s a ferriner you know, might have gone to a Madrassa. A lot of GOP rising stars are about to get shown the door in Senate and house races and a few governors are going down. Ben, I take voting so seriously I voted for a dead Ronald Regan, Sasse?
Dr. Carson?
Ivanka “Get me a new line of Chinese made Fashion” Trump?
If the GOP can’t somehow vote suppress their way to victory in November the future looks bleak. Texas isn’t staying reliably red for long. Donald may even have turned it in 2020. You’ve heard about the demographic problem and that Donald has likely made lifetime Democrats out of sizable portion of the under 30 set, right. Those under 30s become the reliable 30-50 voters of the future. Then the really reliable seniors.
So get used to the notion of President Harris
Joe Kennedy spent an extra $1.5 million and lost.
And it’s an FEC violation.
But he lost so….
Stabile Not Senile Genius Donald Trump three times today at a rally turned and spoke of GOP Wunderkind at the side of the stage as Rick Gates.
Does anyone have a photo of Matt Gaetz with a sad face? I want to create a meme.
@71 It’s not easy to persuade voters to “vote for me because my opponent is corrupt” when you’re Donald Trump.
That more than anything else is why the Hunter Biden smears won’t work. But it doesn’t help that they’re clumsily manufactured and have Russian fingerprints all over them.
Also, David Perdue went there.
“Those crazy blacks and their made up baby moma names….”
You don’t say.
Remember folks…Hunter may have sent an email. Or not.
The Stable genius at his rally today also several times talked about the Military’s new Hydrosonic missiles.
That is not a thing.
Hypersonic Missiles are though.
“Faster than the sound of water”
Man, basing a whole campaign on Biden being senile probably not a great idea.
You hate to say it, but TAAARAAAA!!!! was manufactured the same way.
All around the world everybody knows that this Trump2020 campaign, the GOP, and their media enablers are standing by to pay plenty big sums of money for “help” (or Tomahawk anti-tank missiles if that’s your thing). Why do you suppose the first phone call was to Rudy? He’s the bagman now that Mr. Safety School is disbarred and on parole.
Some of them are opportunists. Some are unbalanced people suffering with mental disorders who are easily manipulated. But it’s still the same thing. Remember Trump made a point of this even before he was elected the GOP FailPresident. He was open to “help” from anywhere. Even Russian spies – “This is obviously very high level and sensitive information but is part of Russia and its government’s support for Mr. Trump.” “If it’s what you say, I love it, especially later in the summer.”.
These are not bright people. They are not inventive or creative. They do dumb stuff right out in the open and they just hammer away at it until the other guy gives in. Real America isn’t giving in this time.
This is all they’ve got. And this time it isn’t even close to being enough.
I suppose this is what you get for relying on the WSJ opinion pages for political insight.
This is actually not how legislation works.
Put down the pipe.
Go take a shower.
Eat some vegetables.
Get a good night’s sleep for once.
Because from here on out, If you’re a Rapepublican you’re fucked.
With a 51 vote majority in the Senate the GOP can block legislation (as they have done for the last two years). And they can freeze judicial appointments. But with a slim majority in one branch and opposition in the other two they cannot enact any new legislation. They can’t even override a veto.
We shouldn’t blame the Pudiot for being this dumb. Over the last four years he’s been conditioned to a very low expectation of government performance andcompetency. Undoubtedly Trump himself is this dumb. Rest assured, Moscow Mitch is not. He knows that without the House and the White House he can do nothing.
So the threat, if you want to call it that, being issued here by the Pudiot and his WSJ tutors is that whatever Dems do in the next two years, it had better be everything. They are in essence encouraging us to go for it. Because if they can win back a slim majority in the Senate they will simply refuse to work, vote down everything, hold lots of hearings and investigations, and issue lots of subpoenas that, thanks to Don McGahn, the White House will ignore and laugh at.
And that is honestly the best they can hope for from here on out.
Every two years if the Senate Class stars align they can freeze progress for two years. But what they can’t do is reverse it. That’s it.
That’s the big “BLOOOOOWBAAAAAACK!!!!!!!!!!!” they are threatening.
It’s fucking bad joke. Don’t laugh at it. And don’t fall for it.
Demorat-China Party Of Hate America, Race War & Make Riots Great Again Bombshell News –
Trouble Brews For Biden-Einstein’s “Yet Another Giant Russian Conspiracy” Strategy As Hunter Biden Business Associate Cops To Peter Schweizer.
In a 2011 email, Hunter Biden’s business associates also discussed developing relations with what one called “China Inc.” as part of a “new push on soft diplomacy for the Chinese.” These emails are completely unconnected to the Hunter Biden emails being released by the New York Post.
These and more explosive never-before-revealed emails were provided to Schweizer by Bevan Cooney, a one-time Hunter Biden and Devon Archer business associate. Cooney is currently in prison serving a sentence for his involvement in a 2016 bond fraud investment scheme.
In 2019, Cooney reached out to Schweizer after becoming familiar with the revelations in his 2018 book Secret Empires. Cooney explained that he believes he was the “fall guy” for the fraud scheme and that Archer and Hunter Biden had avoided responsibility.
Cooney, their associate who is currently serving a prison sentence on his conviction in the matter, later reestablished contact with Schweizer through investigative journalist Matthew Tyrmand. From prison, Cooney provided Schweizer with written authorization, his email account name, and password to his Gmail account to retrieve these emails. He authorized, in writing, the publication of these emails— notable because it is the first time a close associate has publicly confirmed Hunter’s trading on his father’s influence.
New poll shows Jaime Harrison up by two percent
@ 87
Steve, Steve, Steve…
@ 87, 88
Steve, perhaps you could ask Darryl why he did not include this poll
Newly Released Senate Race Poll Shows Harrison Ahead Of Graham
in his SC Senate analysis.
It’s by the same pollster you mentioned @ 87, Steve.
@88, 89 – I really don’t see why we’re arguing over polls with the election two weeks away. Let’s just wait and see, shall we? I don’t mind saying I hope doc has a very bad election night, but I’m not eager to count any chickens before they hatch.
Susan Collins donates to QAnon candidates.
When you’re locked in a tight race in a swing state, is blowing on your racist dog whistle the smartest thing you can do?
Don’t hire Trump buddies to print ballots. For obvious reasons.
“The New York Times went scorched earth in a scathing editorial Friday, calling Donald Trump — with his ‘rampant corruption, celebrations of violence, gross negligence with the public’s health’ and incompetence — the ‘worst American president in modern history.’
“‘End our national crisis’ the Times pleaded with voters to oust the president, adding that Trump’s reelection campaign ‘poses the greatest threat to American democracy since World War II.’
Trump ‘cannot solve the nation’s pressing problems because he is the nation’s most pressing problem,’ the newspaper flatly said. ‘He is a racist demagogue presiding over an increasingly diverse country; an isolationist in an interconnected world; a showman forever boasting about things he has never done, and promising to do things he never will.’”
Telling it like it is.
Trump told a crowd today that when he loses in a couple of weeks he may leave the US.
He’ll have to.
Trump’s townhall event was on three networks.
And he still drew fewer viewers than Biden.
Resilts out of New Zealand. 1% in, Labor doing good, so far.
In which Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit solemnly pledges not to bring up poll data until after the election.
@88, 89 – I really don’t see why we’re arguing over polls with the election two weeks away. Let’s just wait and see, shall we?
@98 What are you heehawing about? I’m not the jackass braying about polls around here.
@97 Labor doing great, just great. New Zealand’s rational voters like not having a Trumpy in charge of handling Covid-19.
P.S., If you need to flee the U.S. after the election for some reason, don’t try to get a NZ visa if you’re a Trumpy. They’ll stamp your passport, “Presumed Contagious.”
I think Trump is absolutely right about one thing:
Marjorie Taylor Greene is definitively the future of the GOP.