Another day, another threat from Amazon. I don’t know if it’s pandemic, or otherwise business related. Or trying to scare Seattle once again. The article mentions that they are moving some things to Redmond, a city with a head tax.
Anyway, wash your hands right now.
Pence and Biden attended the same 9-12 ceremony today. Donald is tweeting.
Meanwhile, NY Daily News has a story:
Detroit Free Press has some interesting coverage today following Donald’s Super Spreader event in Michigan:
And on getting a bigger share of black voters:
I guess this is what happens when you spend your presidency not pursuing war against Muslims.
Trump expected to announce historic Bahrain-Israel normalization agreement
There’s also an influential Saudi cleric who is preaching that Muslims should learn to tolerate non-Muslims, taken by some as an early sign that normalization of relations between Saudi Arabia and Israel is about to happen as well.
Biggest losers: Iran and the Palestinians.
Trump’s most bellicose move in the Middle East was to take out Soleimani.
Quite the change from “We came. We saw. He died.” And no inappropriate cackle at the end.
From a guy who spent months promoting and then cheerleading Trump’s impeachment.
Maybe in 2024 you’ll nominate someone for president who is not awful.
A country that did not Exist, Like UAE, until 1971 and not in its current Monarchy until 2002?
The same Saudi Cleric who has been preaching that for two decades or someone new?
Trump is doing an admirable job of getting the secular countries of the middle east to not fight a religious war that they have not been fighting ever. An achievement like getting Suriname to recognize Argentina.
Here’s a cookie. Lou Dobbs will be along now to say how these countries have been locked in a showdown since 1948.
Meanwhile, wink wink, “Bibi, you can build those settlements.”
Donald is spending some time rearranging the flower vases while the pile of dishes in the sink gets larger.
An Alternate take on the upcoming debates:
Another day, more trolling by the brainless troll.
from the One Trick Pony Troll. He’d be saying that about any Dem nominee, even one that he said that he’d vote for.
That’s all relative. Compared to you, they are winners.
Maybe in 2024 the dumbfuck Putin-lovin’ traitor will nominate someone for president who isn’t more loyal to Russia than America. Or at least find a Putin loyalist who can recite the Pledge of Allegiance.
Maybe in 2024 the dumbfuck Putin-lovin’ traitor will nominate someone for president who isn’t more loyal to Putin than he is to FDNY firefighters and medics suffering from 9/11-related illnesses.
Even still, Bob probably doesn’t like this guy if he really had to give it a lot of thought…..for obvious reasons.
Money is money. Dirty and clean.
Give The Q Clearance Cat Lady a little credit here.
He got up and faced another day surrounded by nothing but Trump failure and incompetence and he dug in and managed to find something he could pimp.
Sure, it’s a thimble of weak yum-yum sauce tossed into a vast ocean of Trump sewage. But he knows his voters like The Q Clearance Cat Lady are rubes who believe his morning bowel movements are “historic”. Now just imagine old Bob ten years from now grinning excitedly and spastically fist pumping as he watches Donnie Jr. open an “historic” and “unprecedented” chain of Trump branded fast food stores cleverly made to look like an elegant, if spare, suburban living room where they will serve “high-end” Italian style coffee beverages. “There’s really never been anything like it. It’s the most amazing, fabulous thing. It’s yuuuge. Obama couldn’t have done it.”
He won’t have a chance. If The Hump is re-elected, choice will not be an option.
Heil Hump!
@ 5
A country that did not Exist, Like UAE, until 1971 and not in its current Monarchy until 2002?
Are you this disparaging of South Sudan?
How about the nations formed amidst the collapse of the Soviet Union?
What is the minimum age of a country, Cz-252, that you require before nondisparagement is called for? Is it a sliding scale, so that a young nation you like is fine but a nation founded in 1948, say, is too young to be taken seriously?
Exit question: Is there a minimum number of years that a US state must exist, according to your demands of a minimum age, before its congressional representatives should be allowed to vote, Cz-252? Or would that disparage people of color (DC, Puerto Rico)?
You’re a fucking clown, increasingly frequently, Cz-252.
Despite its “youth”, Bahrain was a member of the UN Security Council in 1998 and 1999.
While it was still wet behind the ears, Cz-252 will have you know.
Cz-252 wants y’all to know that Kosovo has not achieved universal recognition as a sovereign state.
Trump nominated for second Nobel Peace Prize following Serbia-Kosovo deal
Further, Kosovo only declared its independence in 2008. How much autonomy should a 12 year-old be permitted, anyway? PG-13 exists for a reason, after all.
amazeballs. really really amazeballs.
A tiny incredibly oil rich island nation under an authoritarian regime that serves as a base site for the United States Navy’s Fifth Fleet is promoted within the UN Security Council. wowzer.
The Cat Lady is suitably impressed. Then again, The Cat Lady is impressed by Trump’s sexual “conquests”. So…
Keep fuckin’ that chicken Cat Lady.
Clearly, the DNC expects that there won’t be a more obvious example of Biden’s reliance on the teleprompter to answer simple questions in the last several weeks of the campaign.
Team Biden dodges question about teleprompter use during interviews
Here’s hoping Biden doesn’t have a small ripple in the back of his coat during one of the debates.
The Q Clearance Cat Lady wants y’all to know that Donald J. Trump is less of a fuck up in global security and foreign policy than in every other area of presidential Article II authority.
I guess.
It took 6 months for Gillum to admit it was him.
It will take until May of next year for Jill to admit that Biden read from a teleprompter. Jill’s gonna do it ’cause Biden will withdraw from the public eye in mid-November or so.
Ilhan Omar would like to remind y’all that 19 years ago today, some people did something.
You are aware that literally anyone can be nominated for the prize, right?
As in unknown until now Swedish member of the 349 member Riksdag nominates Donald Trump twice for Nobel Prize.
Let’s take a look Magnus Jacobsson. Represents the Christian Democrats, a party founded in opposition to the breakdown of traditional Christian society. As the “Green” Party at the time they failed to get any traction or seats in the Riksdag. Reformed as a right wing block, they finally broke through on an Anti-Socialist platform in the 80s. They are now a evangelical party that wants to do away with unemployment and worker protections and their party leader has commented that he wants the party to be the “Tea Party” of Europe.
Others that have been nominated over the years:
Rush Limbaugh (2007)
Benito Mussolini (1935)
Joe Stalin (1948)
Adolf Hitler (1939, nominated by a member of the Riksdag ironically)
Fidel Castro (2001)
Vlad Putin (2014)
Henry Kissenger (1973, winner)
Kim Jong Un (2016, it is believed that Dear leader of NK has himself nominated every year.)
In 2019, 301 were officially nominated for the 2020 Nobel Peace Prize, 223 individuals and 78 organizations.
The Committee that takes the full list of nominees down to a group of finalists and does not reveal the full nominations or the finalists until 50 years have past but there is nothing stopping a right wing nutter politician in Sweden from putting out a press release that he nominated Donald.
For $250 you can have a copy of “Who’s who among American High School Students” and weirdly, we the publisher, can authoritatively say your name is there but you need $250 to get a copy and see it. Why no, the copy your friend bought is an incomplete “publishers proof” and we fixed the error of you not being in it. $250 please. I would also be willing to register you a star. That’s only $100 and the star will officially with our organization be renamed. With NASA? Of course they know we are doing this. $100. Have you seen the Time “Man of the Year” in the frame at Mar-A-Lago! Legit! We can get you named too. $400!
Donald J. Trump would like to remind you that 19 years ago he owned the tallest building in lower Manhattan.*
*Not true but that’s what he said on air at the time.
Gleeson’s prelim statement ahead of Flynn hearing pulls no punches. In thirty pages he details each of the glaring contradictions and reversals in DOJ’s presentation over the entirety of the case and ties them to what he calls a campaign orchestrated by the White House and the president to intervene on Flynn’s behalf for corrupt purposes.
Perhaps to be expected. But it obligates DOJ to respond to each of the issues that he raises, as well as responding to Flynn’s persistent allegation that his guilty plea was coerced. To dispense with that, DOJ must assert and defend all of their prior filings and arguments that there was no prosecutorial misconduct. Then in turn, Flynn may either persist in his allegation thus putting him in full breach of any agreements, or re-allocute and formally withdraw the allegation (unlikely). Then, with any Flynn agreement dealt with they can proceed to dispensing with the issues surrounding DOJ’s request for dismissal.
Again, DOJ will be obligated to respond to the questions about circumstances surrounding the reversals and contradictions among their pleadings before Sullivan. These could drag out, since the government may wish to refuse to explore internal deliberations. Not sure if “because we say so” will suffice.
And while Gleeson is very adamant that Sullivan should deny DOJ’s motion to dismiss and proceed to sentencing, I expect Sullivan will grant in the end. But not after forcing DOJ to enter false statements into the official record. So I also won’t be surprised if a few more people quit the case between now and Jan of 2021.
Trump paid a guy to take his tests to transfer out of Fordham.
He paid a guy to sign certificates saying he had bone spurs in his feet.
He paid hookers to deny he paid them to fuck him.
He blackmailed perverts to get their political endorsements.
He tried to blackmail Ukraine.
I don’t really think we need to slither down to The Q Clearance Cat Lady’s level of degradation and argue Trump’s character at this point.
Among even average human beings, Donald J. Trump is a total piece of shit. A terrible person who consistently betrays those who are most loyal to him because they are loyal to him. He is literally the most abusive domestic partner in human history locked in a stable, unbreakable and permanent relationship with Every Rapepublican You Know.
@26 How can anyone even argue about the character of someone who doesn’t have one? That’s impossible.
@7 He was pithed in med school.
Everyone getting the popcorn ready for the Durham report. Except for:
This is why he’s going to win in PA. They love him there even in the red parts.
Shanksville is in the Southern/Central part of the state and close to the Flight 93 Crash Site an memorial. The county voted 75% for Donald.
He even knew to bring a local favorite along with the big national Light Beer Were he closer to Allentown or Philly it would have been Yeungling which, full disclosure, is nasty but there’s no accounting for regional tastes. All he needs is to get .7% of 2016 PA Trump voters to flip and it’s done.
Confidential to Dumbfuck, he had no trouble remembering what the constituent was talking about when the beer was brought up.
Huh, a stock ad now being used by GOP in house races goes after Medicare for all incumbents by using Joe Biden debating against the issue.
The GOP is using this.
Tells me Biden is so much more popular than Trump that lower ticket Republicans are using Moderate Joe as a foil against crazy lefty Congressperson. Indicates the ‘Biden is a far left socialist who’s coming for you’ attack isn’t focus testing well even with GOP voters. They’re running from Don in a lot of places.
It’s the Drip. Drip. Drip. that will never stop. Ever.
And in the next 50 days not a day will go by that America is not reminded that in 2016 Every Republican You Know listened intently as they heard their nominee bragging to a busload of complete strangers about his long history of violent sexual assaults.
Then they listened again the following day when he told them everything they heard was true.
Then they voted to make him their president.
Demorat-China Party Of Hate America, Race War & Make Riots Great Again Bombshell News – Scientists Baffled By Discovery Of Honestus Demoratus, A Species Thought To Be Extinct. Beijing University scientist Xi Hunter Be explained, “We thought we had bought off all the Demorats then this dingbat Barbara Ferrer turns up and tells the truth about our phoney shutdowns which are really only for ruining the Trump capitalist economy and electing Demorats.”
A Los Angeles area reporter was given a copy of a recording from a conference call, which has LA County Director of Public Health, Dr. (not of the medical variety) Barbara Ferrer saying that schools won’t open up until “after the election.”
“So we uh don’t realistically anticipate moving that we would be moving to either Tier 2 or to reopening K-12 schools at least through… at least until after the election, after you know, early November. Like when we just look at the timing of everything it seems to us the more realistic approach to this would be to think that we are going to be where we are now, until we are done with the elections.”
@ 30
All he needs is to get .7% of 2016 PA Trump voters to flip and it’s done.
Assuming he loses none of the voters who supported The Chardonnay Lady 2.0 in 2016.
There’s always somethin’. It’s why claiming “absolute locks” on anything is stupid. You know that by now, don’t you. Cz-252. Don’t you.
@ 30
“I keep my promises!” Biden said.
Tapper points out in an interview with Biden that he and Obama each promised to repeal NAFTA and failed. Trump got it done.
Cz-252: “Yabbut Joe kept his promise to bring beer!”
“There’s a slim statistical possibility that My Dear Precious Leader can still win.”
Schrödinger’s Trump box remains closed for now. But it opens in just 52 days. As each day passes the probability that the vial of pure, unadulterated Clownsurvaturd Stoopidity has not shattered releasing it’s deadly contents killing your party’s future grows smaller and smaller. Your entire ideology rides on the fickle impulses of 44,000 people so dumb they believe walls stop immigrants but masks are a hoax.
Four years ago Democrats just lost an election. You’re about to lose everything. And you’re counting on these guys to save you.
Another dot bombed farts from Wednesday’s thread
Sure deflect and dodge all you want. Puddy already gave you five instances of the NY Slimes, CNN, WA Compost, MSDNC pre-announcing indictments, raids and arrests. Puddy has way more from your favrit erags where you get your assesHorse commentary from. You admitted for all assesHorse dummocretins to read that US Attorneys talk to the dummocretin lamestream press all the time. Want that link again dot bombed? Do you need ASSistance since you seem to exhibit the same chronological inferiority complex of the senile idiot wabbit!
You can’t escape from PuddyFacts!
@38 10 minutes out!
Trump got it done.
So says an always wrong wing rag, fwiw.
freak held up.. till it’s sprung from its cage early Sun morn..
Damn! The wretched freak was so desperate to cover it’s tracks it risked the Wrath of GOD!
Yeah, that Hillary / Donald Venn diagram doesn’t exist. And .7 allows wiggle room as Donald’s margin in PA was .7%. So .4 would actually get it done (Joe + .4, Don-.4) ends up
47.9Joe/47.8Donald with all else equal.
But glad you focused on the little thing and not PA generally loves Joe Biden. Even deeply Red parts at least respect him. There lies Donald’s problem. Coal miners know he’s pro union and don’t want them to starve. Farmers know he’s on their side. Suburban Moms know him and aren’t buying the perv bit. Suburban Dads With educations know him and hate Donald.
@ 43
Trump’s margin was 0.7%. He would have to lose half of that, or 0.7% of his support, to lose the state, all other variables unchanged.
You were correct with your first description.
But really, Cz-252, are you gonna spend the last weeks of the 2020 campaign as if you didn’t claim that The Chardonnay Lady 2.0 was going to take an absolute minimum of 252 EVs in 2016? You’re just gonna memory hole that and carry on as if you didn’t have your ass handed to you?
Oregon said that 500,000 of its residents were evacuated.
The actual number was 40,000.
Surprisingly, Cz-252 was not involved in the original misstatement.
Also good you brought it up:
“On day one I will get rid of Obamacare” 2015-2016 many many times.
January 2017 “We’ll have our Beautiful healthcare replacement for Obamacare right away.”
2018, no replacement,
2019, no replacement,
2020 “We will unveil the replacement for Obamacare this summer.”
2020 July, “were almost finished and we’ll reveal our healthcare plane soon.”
2020 August, “We’ll have a great healthcare bill for you next week.”
2020 Mid August. “The healthcare bill will be so fantastic and we’ll have it by the end of the month.”
September 2020, not a word about Healthcare from Don.
Bad Ideas Dep’t
GOP donors don’t mind if you steal from taxpayers, but they don’t like you stealing from them.
Senator Concerned is disappointed again.
@35 Why do you think anyone who held their nose and voted for Hillary in 2016 would flip now? That doesn’t make sense.
@37 What a thoughtful Republican thinks.
@44 Still living in the past, and pinning its hopes on history repeating itself, despite different candidates and a four-year track record of failure piled on top of corruption.
@45 The other 450,000 are still packing their suitcases and camping coolers.
No actually. Oregon said 60,000 had been ordered to evacuate AND 500,000 had been given notice to be ready to leave.
My cousin whose house near Lincoln City is now just a foundation, my wife’s dearest friend near Eagle Creek who have packed both pickup trucks and are ready to drive away as of noon and now appear to be on the ‘Leave Now’ zone and all those not sleeping in the beds that may burn tomorrow appreciate your thoughts and prayers. Some have evacuated and some are lying awake waiting to see if they need to grab the kids and dog and run.
But Dumbfuck found a nit to pick at.
Also our ex-Nanny is frantically trying to get word on her parents who live outside Cave Junction in a cell dead zone so they don’t have them and hasn’t heard from them in three days. She’s a roller derby girl and definitely would beat the shit out of you if you downplayed the fire danger in her presence.
Nice work, asshole.
Why do you think anyone who held their nose and voted for Hillary in 2016 would flip now? TIL The Q Clearance Cat Lady is an expert on the “Pro-Guatemalan-Toddler-Torture but also Anti-Violent-Sexual-Assault” voter.
The truth is, among less engaged, less informed voters who obtain the bulk of their understanding of the candidates from drunk neighbors, FB posts, the guy who fixes their furnace, etc. there will indeed be some voters who voted for Clinton in 2016 and who will vote for Trump in 2020. But it’s really hard and very expensive to create and deploy a strategy to identify and target them.
Again, thanks to a fundamentally broken system the only ones who will count will be registered in one of eight battleground states, which had combined vote margins in 2016 of 563,000 votes comprising 0.3% of all ballots cast nationwide awarding a total of 117 EVs. In the same combination of states a total of 1,680,665 votes were cast for candidates other than the two major parties, comprising over 1.2% of the total votes cast in battlegrounds.
So perhaps some of what Trump2020 might do is campaign to Clinton voters hoping to encourage them to stay home. But the more significant tactic would involve trying to shift some 3rd party voters toward Trump while trying to keep some lean-Biden 3rd party voters right where they are. Because we know these people vote. And we know they are on average more engaged than most other voters. Some relatively large percentage of 2016 3rd party voters are gettable*. But I see no indication yet that Trump2020 have done any of the math. They appear to remain laser focused on the strategy that Steve Bannon developed for them five years ago. And it should be noted that it was at the time a strategy intended only to produce a top three result in the Republican primaries.
*It should be understood that a probably large percentage of these voters might never consider voting for one of the two major party candidates. But given their large numbers in comparison to the narrow margins in these eight states, and the simple fact that they are engaged likely voters, it is a very good bet that enough of them are open to messaging to make a big difference. Once again, Trump himself does almost all of the heavy lifting here for Democrats. Being such a total and complete failure and a genuine piece of shit human being helps tremendously in persuading a giant chunk of these voters to make their vote count.
I’d be far more impressed if any “thoughtful Republicans” were finally willing to confront the horror they willingly unleashed fifty years ago when, largely out of desperation, they embraced “The Southern Strategy” in all its manifest evil.
The loss of “ideas” and “abandonment of democratic principles” decried by Nichols and so many others of his ilk and his generation was quite simply pre-ordained at that time. Whenever an idea as gruesome and hateful as white supremacy is enshrined as a central organizing principle all other ideas and all other principles, however lofty or hopeful, are ultimately crushed. The GOP did not become “a cult of personality” devoid of ideas and mired in corruption in just the last five years. They’ve been hard at work at it for five decades.
Nichols’ tepid hand-wringing over a Biden White House unchecked by a Moscow Mitch Senate is proof enough that he still doesn’t get it, and he never will. Unlike the GOP, The Democratic Party retains ideas and democratic principles because the party has torn itself apart for most of those five decades trying desperately to reconcile it’s own shameful history (and that of the nation) with those ideas and principles. That work goes on today. It’s chaotic. And it scares the shit out of some of our fellow citizens. But it is necessary work if the nation and its government is ever going to transcend the massive evil of slavery and white supremacy that was literally built into it at its founding.
When Trump is gone, Nichols I’m sorry to say will simply resume his life’s work as a scold, seated on a lofty perch criticizing and mocking the chaotic messiness and “inefficiency” of that work. It’s a living, I guess.
Tulsi has now turned to dabbling in Q.
But honestly, she had The Cat Lady at “hello”