They’re breaching a dam on the Nooksack River. It seems like it will help with salmon and trout recovery. Very exciting, and I hope it leads to more dam removal around the state.
“For the sake of short-term profits, American companies have succumbed to [Chinese] influence, even at the expense of freedom and openness in the United States.”
dumocretin talk a good socialist game butt when it comes down to brass tacks and ten penny nails, capitalism still rules the dummocretin mind!
“Every year at the Academy Awards, Americans are lectured about how this country falls short of Hollywood’s ideals of social justice,” he said. “But Hollywood now regularly censors its own movies to appease the Chinese Communist Party—the world’s most powerful violator of human rights.”
Yessiree! Gotta make that big buck now! The NBA proved that when they rejected FreeHongKong jersey shirts!
dummocretins, can’t throw them far; butt let’s throw them out!
The Epoch Times has a self-proclaimed anti-communist bias and stands for traditional values and awareness of virtues.
The AllSides team found The Epoch Times is clearly critical of left-wing ideas and policies such as open borders, the sexual revolution, abortion, and multiculturalism on its news and opinion pages. It writes favorably about freedom of speech, gun rights, immigration control, and other topics. It is openly critical of the Chinese Communist Party.
@2 – Well, most of it sounds good so far. Free speech and gun rights are OK with me. I have no opinion as to abortion – get one or not, just leave me out of paying for your decision.
And being decidedly anti-Communist sounds like good common sense. Being anti-liberal should be a minor inconvenience to you folks.
Puddybud, The One and Onlyspews:
Trigger Warning @2. Karen much Redreformed? Oh Redreformed, did Barr make those comments or not? So that you can appreciate the news and not the source here are the same comments from NPR . National Pravda Radio, all things anti-American paid for by US taxpayers!
@4 Project much? How did you get that rant from the boring facts I posted. Triggered? Karen? Barr? Pravada?
I wonder, could I post anything, like what I had for breakfast and you would go off on an anti liberal freak out?
“Breakfast: Left over wonton soup, a braut and coffee with soy milk. “
And go!
Eleven Time Cognitive Noble Prize Winner in Dropping Humiliation Bombs on Rapepublicans, Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
It’s potentially a very expensive way to suppress peaceful demonstrations. If they really want this to work they need to at least pretend better by herding them into a stadium with some open graves. As far as I can tell, this tactic is only encouraging more people to head to downtown Portland and demonstrate. Some will go merely in search of a payday at taxpayer expense.
The federal officers who snatched him off the street as he was walking home from a peaceful protest did not tell him why he had been detained or provide him any record of an arrest, he told The Post. As far as he knows, he has not been charged with any crimes.
Rapepublicans really don’t care how much this shit costs you.
Puddybud, The One and Only, Shaking His Head at Redreformed!spews:
The Epoch Times has a self-proclaimed anti-communist bias and stands for traditional values and awareness of virtues.
Your trigger phrase Karen@5! Traditional values are not your friend as all can see from above!
I’m assuming it’s pancreatic carcinoma metastases to her liver that RBG was reported as having.
Reminds me I should probably watch Dave again.
Eleven Time Cognitive Noble Prize Winner in Dropping Humiliation Bombs on Rapepublicans, Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
just leave me out of paying for your decision.
Are you equally opposed to paying for penis implants, and perscriptions for Sildenafil for retired cops?
Asking for The Q Clearance Pussy.
Eleven Time Cognitive Noble Prize Winner in Dropping Humiliation Bombs on Rapepublicans, Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
“Traditional values” is code for fear.
Oh, look! The Even Bigger Fucking Moron treats criticism of the Chinese Communist Party @ 2 as if it’s a bad thing.
Doubt it. He’s fucking clueless about nearly everything else.
Eleven Time Cognitive Noble Prize Winner in Dropping Humiliation Bombs on Rapepublicans, Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
You should definitely accompany “soy milk” with a trigger warning. The Q Clearance Pussy could blow an aneurysm.
It’s pancreatic CA. She began a course of gemcitabine in May.
A few years ago I was at a social gathering, speaking with a couple of acquaintences. We realized that all three of us lost our mothers to pancreatic CA.
Pimply Moldovan Teen Script-Kid Supervisorspews:
President Xi = Good
Supreme Leader Kim = Good
President Moon = Bad
Prime Minister Abe = Bad
Take a minute today to update your algorithm and perform a quick search and replace as appropriate.
@ 9
Are you equally opposed to paying for penis implants, and perscriptions for Sildenafil for retired cops?
Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit bought his penile implant from a DIY ad in the back of the Popular Mechanics magazine he reads at the library because he can’t afford his own subscription.
As a result of complications he now has a rectovesicular fistula and at least twice a day passes feces through his urethra.
And y’all thought I was just joshin’ about his catheter issues.
Federal officers wearing clearly identifiable “Police” and DHS patches are restoring order and QoS McHillbilly @ 6 has his panties in a twist because their vehicles are unmarked.
Anonymity is fine when Antifa gang up on a conservative and cause some scalp lacerations and a concussion, but QoS McHillbilly demands full disclosure when the government has finally had enough of the carnage.
40+ days of demanding to be treated like big boys, and now you’re being treated like big boys. Not so much with the whining, maybe.
Eleven Time Cognitive Noble Prize Winner in Dropping Humiliation Bombs on Rapepublicans, Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
All I can tell you, Pussy, is that I alone know seven very highly qualified attys with practice experience in fed crim and fed civ who are offering their services pro bono. A few are former AUSAs. One is admitted to the SCOTUS, not that it will be needed. All indications are that in the next couple of days the nationwide outpouring of legal assistance will be centralized probably under the local ACLU, but I guess that’s still being discussed.
So by all means, keep it up. Flex. Strut. Do your usual end-zone dance. It’s become predictable. When you exhaust yourself take a minute to review Bivens 403 U.S. 388. This is going to cost you and every other top bracket tax payer plenty. And Trump will still lose and take the Senate with him.
Roger Rabbitspews:
It’s official: Relying on the original intent of the Founding Fathers, the GOP and Trump administration are adopting the position that only landowning white males over the age of 21 have human rights worth defending.
According to Ann Coulter and other neocons, that doesn’t include liberals, who they think should be put in “concentration camps” and “executed” without due process or trial. Doctor Dumbfuck doesn’t believe in due process, either, and doesn’t need any evidence to conclude someone is guilty of desertion, being alive while black, or whatever.
Eleven Time Cognitive Noble Prize Winner in Dropping Humiliation Bombs on Rapepublicans, Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
Approval of Trump’s handling of COVID-19 has fallen another eight points.
Only 24% of “Independents” approve.
Approval among Republicans dropped ELEVEN POINTS.
Some people have the nutty idea that COVID could be an issue in November. But there’s always statues. Right Brad? Brad? Where’s Brad? What’s he doing in Florida?
Roger Rabbitspews:
“It seems like it will help with salmon and trout recovery.”
Salmon are very hardy, and very good at recolonizing rivers once the obstructions are gone.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@3 I don’t believe toddlers, gangbangers, criminals, drug dealers, vigilantes, or killer cops should have guns; and refusing to wear a mask around others is not “free speech.”
Seems to me lefties have a better grip on gun rights and free speech than your tribe does.
Eleven Time Cognitive Noble Prize Winner in Dropping Humiliation Bombs on Rapepublicans, Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
Average poll leads by GOP Pres candidate in Texas on July 16th for the last four cycles including this one:
2004: Bush +20
2008: McCain +9
2012: Romney +7.5
2016: Trump +8.4
2020: Trump: +0.3
Roger Rabbitspews:
@4 Wherein the idiot thinks calling “Epoch Times” what it is — a rightwing propaganda sheet — makes that person a “Karen.”
Exactly what you’d expect from a babbling butthole who doesn’t know which end is up and probably can’t figure out how to put a quarter in a parking meter.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@8 At the right your gang is going downhill all she needs to do is keep breathing until noon of Jan. 3. In fact, it’s an interesting question who will leave first, her or Clarence. Biden may get to appoint two justices on his first day at work.
Eleven Time Cognitive Noble Prize Winner in Dropping Humiliation Bombs on Rapepublicans, Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
In January of this year Republicans had a very slim two point advantage in party affiliation. By June it had flipped to an eleven point advantage in favor of Democrats.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@3 You don’t pay taxes for abortions now, so what are you bitching about?
Oh, that’s right, I forgot: A conservative is someone who complains about taxes he doesn’t pay.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@10 Funny, I thought it was code for white supremacy and homophobia.
“Traditional values” can mean different things to different people, but it doesn’t mean hard work, honesty, decency, or common sense to Republicans. They’re none of those things.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@11 Except that’s only half the story of Epoch Times.
Now do Hitler’s love for dogs.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@13 I’m sure you won’t mind her son and daughter losing their mother. Not a bit. You’ve made that plain with your ghoulish grave-dancing over the last few months.
Eleven Time Cognitive Noble Prize Winner in Dropping Humiliation Bombs on Rapepublicans, Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
LeanTossup now calling Maine, Colorado, and Arizona as safe D pickups, and Alabama as a safe R pickup in the Senate.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@15 Click here to see Doctor Dumbfuck’s full-mouth implant.
That is such a good look, Trolls4Trump. The “murse” really pulls the ensemble together.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@17 Although legally accurate, your observations are falling on deaf ears, because Doctor Dumbfuck belongs to a tribe that has completely removed itself from the rule of law.
That this is so in his case is evident from his repetitive demands for the execution of a U.S. soldier without charges or trial. (Is he a Taliban?) He’s fine with summary street executions of black men by white cops, too.
Also teargassing and truncheoning peaceful protesters exercising their constitutional right to assemble to “make a hole” for an atheist to walk across the street to a church he never attends so he can flash a Bible for TV cameras, and making a “show of force” in downtown Portland by knocking people off bicycles.
In short, Doctor Dumbfuck is as far removed from rule of law and law and order as it’s possible for an armchair lawyer to get.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@32 Sharing the company of such intellectually uplifting compatriots must be very comforting to Doctor Dumbfuck.
Eleven Time Cognitive Noble Prize Winner in Dropping Humiliation Bombs on Rapepublicans, Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
They do claim to care about money and spending too much of it on worthless lazy hippies.
They are being put up in a bunch of waterfront suites across the river in Vancouver at $150/night. They are running around in airport rental mini-vans trashing them. They are tying up resources that are supposed to be keeping us all safe from “MS-13”, And aside from mostly getting embarrassed and humiliated, they are burdening the agency, and the DOJ with probably years of litigation that will ultimately end up paying for someone’s drum studio or art collective maker space.
Puddybud, The One AND Only, Demonstrating the Senile Idiot Wabbit is Very Senilespews:
So to the senile idiot wabbit is upset about Epoch Times! Good as it’s the messenger not the message eh senile one? Well senile one, Puddy reads them all butt likes to trigger you libtard dummocretins into spastic movements that you SH^T yourselves on assesHorse. Y’all go Karen over the messenger when the message is ALWAYS FACTUAL! You went spastic on the Joyless Reid 2nd Circuit of Appeals ruling. This is why you really are a senile moron. Instead of nitpicking the way it was written you denigrate the messenger when the message is the same across both aisle sides.
This is the reason you get picked on by us senility enhanced one!
Karen’s getting triggered every moment of every day.
Puddybud, The One and Onlyspews:
That this is so in his case is evident from his repetitive demands for the execution of a U.S. soldier without charges or trial.
Which libtard you talking about senile one? There are so many to guess from!
Puddybud, the HA dummocretin disinfectant!spews:
Now do Hitler’s love for dogs.
Puddy don’t jump for senile idiot wabbits. Take your BULLSH^TTIUM to the yellowishleakingbuttspigot! It will gladly jump for you.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@33 And this is one of ’em. Here’s proof that cops can be patient when they want to be; this is what “white privilege” looks like:
If someone who looks like Puddy did this, he’d end up weighing more than an aircraft carrier’s anchor.
Dumbfuck took an early end zone dance on suggesting that unarmed civilians doing traffic stops is in the future and that would make everyone less safe. Oooooooops.
The bullet that killed Bothell police officer Jonathan Shoop came from his partner’s firearm during crossfire with the armed suspect.
Crow. James Crowspews:
You are aware that “Traditional Values” also means they can string you up for looking at a white girl let alone talking or dating or marrying one?
Probably wouldn’t hire you except to wipe the desk the computer sits on either.
NRSC dropped $3m into GA Ossoff v. Purdue.
Something truly awful is in GOP internal polls. That’s a terrified buy this far out to try to shore up Purdue.
After digesting the events of the past several weeks, and thinking back upon Ed Mole’s disgrace, I think it’s clear that a heterosexual needs to run Seattle, don’t you?
43rd District Dems
As of tonight the @36th, @37Dems, and @43rdDems have all called on @MayorJenny to resign. Seattle deserves a Mayor who will protect our protesters and journalists from police violence and who will work to defund SPD.
43rd District Dems
Replying to @43rdDems .@36th Democrats will be considering similar resolutions at their meeting tomorrow evening. More information on how to join the meeting and support the resolutions here:
9:25 PM · Jul 15, 2020
@ 40
The bullet that killed Bothell police officer Jonathan Shoop came from his partner’s firearm during crossfire with the armed suspect.
It’s hard to shoot straight when someone has fucked with your sights.
According to the probable cause statement, as the patrol car pulled up, Washington hustled around the front to its driver’s side and fired two shots into the vehicle.
A witness told investigators that the shooter shouted “Come on, pig” as he fired, Fontenot wrote.
What part of @ 40 implies that it would have been safe for a civilian to stop Washington?
Come on, pig.
@43. no you just an asshole who says hateful things in the hope it owns the libs.
Someone’s triggered.
See what I did there?
Puddybud, The One and Onlyspews:
You are aware that “Traditional Values” also means they can string you up for looking at a white girl let alone talking or dating or marrying one?
Only have to declare race in these states moronic_one@41
Connecticut, Delaware, Kentucky, Louisiana, Minnesota, Virginia, New Hampshire and Alabama.
Even WA State had a law until 1888. Looks like traditional values are evident in Minnesota. Puddy wonders if Ilhan Omar broke the law again? Maybe you should call her and find out!
Puddybud, the HA dummocretin disinfectant!spews:
See what I did there?
Actually you didn’t do anything Defund [BeerPong]. If a policeman dies in act of a crime it doesn’t matter what bullet killed him. BeerPong. Your unmistakable stench here just made godwinha explain the situation, which, of course, you never correctly do! godwinha asked a great question about social workers doing traffic stops.
Still waiting for you to explain how StuyTown is in Brooklyn.
Bootlicker Internet Police Review Boardspews:
Think Satterberg will charge murder?
Who will he charge?
Demorat-China Party Of Hate America, Hate Cops, Race-Obsessed & Make Crime Great Again Bombshell News – Live In A Demorat City? Expect To Get Shot.
Shootings are on the rise in several [Demorat] cities, and children are paying the price.
Overall crime rates – including violent crime rates – are still low across the U.S. But homicides and shootings are on the rise this year in Chicago, New York, Atlanta, D.C., Philadelphia, Houston, Charlotte, Denver, Milwaukee, Minneapolis and Kansas City.
As the nation’s largest city on Monday celebrated the first time in months that no one died from COVID-19 over a 24-hour period, New York City observed a moment of silence for 1-year-old Davell Gardner Jr., who was fatally shot in his stomach while sitting in a stroller at a Brooklyn cookout Sunday night.
As of July 5, shootings were up 53% from the same time last year in New York City, according to police.
In Atlanta, where 8-year-old Secoriea Turner was fatally shot on Independence Day, shootings were up 23% from last year as of July 4, according to police.
In Chicago, shootings increased 46% from the same time last year as of July 12, according to police.
In Washington, D.C., where the killing of 11-year-old Davon McNeal has rattled the nation’s capital, homicides are up 24% from the same time last year, and assault with a dangerous weapon is up 1%, according to police.
I wouldn’t expect you to understand.
If police took the recommended by almost every civilian oversight board ever advice to not engage in high speed chases….the officer would still be alive. (Endangers innocent civilians rarely results in a positive resolution). In a world that doesn’t exist except in the mind of Dumbfuck, a social worker isn’t a ‘die pig’ situation. Unarmed cops not itching to prove their manhood with chase and arrest it is literally impossible for an officer to shoot another officer….see unarmed.
When Dumbfuck went for the cheap political point without facts….Piddles came to his defense.
Like clockwork.
Roger Rabbitspews:
“The official portraits of former Presidents Bill Clinton and George W. Bush were removed from the Grand Foyer of the White House within the last week, aides told CNN, and replaced by those of two Republican presidents who served more than a century ago. White House tradition calls for portraits of the most recent American presidents to be given the most prominent placement, in the entrance of the executive mansion, visible to guests during official events.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: The world would be a better place if all of Trump’s mean and vindictive actions were this petty. Of course, it would be an even better place if he wasn’t president.
He’s not called the Loon for nothing!
And he’s got gay relatives!
Roger Rabbitspews:
@42 Enabling corruption doesn’t come cheap these days, so corruption must pay pretty well.
Puddybud, the HA dummocretin disinfectant!spews:
Sure do BeerPong.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@43 I remember when business interests ran this city. That was before Republicans became so awful that even Republicans can’t vote for them.
Keep guessing and failing. There are no gays butt you can keep being a DOPE alive.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@44 “What part of @ 40 implies that it would have been safe for a civilian to stop Washington?”
Sounds to me like you’ve just refuted the NRA’s “good guy with a gun” argument.
Puddybud, the HA dummocretin disinfectant!spews:
Sounds to me like you’ve just refuted the NRA’s “good guy with a gun” argument for civilians carrying firearms in public.
Who is claiming that senile idiot wabbit? It’s another attempt at throwing out something no one is talking about. Your side claims unarmed social workers will make the traffic stops. This will happen until the first one is murdered and then your political control will fall flat on its face and then the lack of trust of dummocretins will be very apparent!
Roger Rabbitspews:
@44 “It’s hard to shoot straight when someone has fucked with your sights.”
Btw, it’s not. I don’t know if they do this in police training, but every Army soldier is taught how to point-and-shoot. Of course, you should look to see what’s behind the target before pulling the trigger, but that’s true of aimed fire too.
Eleven Time Cognitive Noble Prize Winner in Dropping Humiliation Bombs on Rapepublicans, Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
Your side claims unarmed social workers will make the traffic stops.
Sure Jan.
So you’re arguing that it was a traffic infraction that launched this misadventure?
Well done. That there is a great look.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@59 “Who is claiming that senile idiot wabbit?”
A stupid question, but I’ll answer it anyway. Doctor Dumbfuck @44.
Puddybud, The One AND Only, Demonstrating the Senile Idiot Wabbit is Very Senilespews:
Btw, it’s not. I don’t know if this applies to police training, but every Army soldier is taught how to point-and-shoot.
When the enemy is firing upon you within ten feet senile idiot wabbit?
Another silly attempt to shape a narrative with “facts” that didn’t happen!
Puddybud, The One AND Only, Demonstrating the Senile Idiot Wabbit is Very Senilespews:
A perfect question, but I’ll answer it anyway. Doctor Dumbfuck @44.
No, he didn’t senile idiot wabbit. He was repeating the cancel culture crowd demands. We need unarmed social workers working the roads. It’s not the NRA who are even close to postulating what you surmise above. Your lawyering attempts at swaying the narrative continue to fall flat on your face!
Roger Rabbitspews:
@63 Why would you need to aim at someone ten feet away?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@64 “It’s not the NRA who are even close to postulating what you surmise above.”
In that case, their mouthpiece says things he doesn’t mean.
@65 – Yeah, I carry a little Colt 1903 with me, and it’s definitely a conversation gun. The sights are not exactly built for competitive shooting, but, at a distance one would have a conversation with someone, it works pretty well. No aiming, just point and fire.
Puddybud, the HA dummocretin disinfectant!spews:
@63 Why would you need to aim at someone ten feet away?
Stoooooooooooopid question senile idiot wabbit. Good try at trying to trap Puddy. Puddy wasn’t there. It’s just a guess. The perp could have been much closer or farther away. Your claim was hey we are taught to aim at far away enemies. All Puddy asked was they were under fire at point blank range, so what would the senile idiot wabbit do in a split second. Kind of reminds Puddy what some libtards said when the four Lakewood police officers were eliminated by a deranged maniac. Did anyone look at his voting record. Probably didn’t vote Republican! Go back and look at the comments senile idiot wabbit. You should ask for help from the buttspigot!
Puddybud, the HA dummocretin disinfectant!spews:
Good guy with a gun. – NRA
Social workers without a gun. – cancel culture
Do you see the difference senile idiot wabbit? Need more help? Ask WTF. Thxy are little smarter than you per thxm. Cancel Culture. You know, thxy are not human, thxy are humxn!
@57 sure tell the goats that, they’ll believe you.
Again, are they Aaron Schock hetero or are they Lindsey Graham hetero
Puddybud, the HA dummocretin disinfectant!spews:
Goat comedy. Coming back in 2020. Only from the libtard. They occupy all lanes, people and animals. Gonna bring back the flying goat award again?
Steve, you gonna start the goat “comedy” too? Puddy knows the yellowishleakingbuttspigot will because its a follower.
It’s hard to shoot straight when someone has fucked with your sights.”
No, it’s hard to shoot straight when your bent over and the horse is pounding your ass while one of Puddy’s relatives are filming.
See what I did there!
@71 no need to fuck with goats. Maybe if you didn’t fuck them nobody would have reason to be a comedian.
Puddybud, the HA dummocretin disinfectant!spews:
NOPE! Some poor dummocretin loves goatsee!
@67 you wouldn’t need a gun if you didn’t think you ass was going to be cooked one day! Enjoy. Make sure you have enough bullets.
Republicans fucking horses and goats, with relatives that film that shit.
And looters!
Puddy trying to blow Steve again.
The apples don’t fall far from the tree.
James Coltspews:
@75 – Oh, no worries! I have lots of ammo.
@ 68
@63 Why would you need to aim at someone ten feet away?
If I understood the story correctly, the perp squeezed off two shots. One of those shots grazed the LEO in the passenger seat after striking the handgun he was holding. The LEO(s) fired nine rounds. One of those accidentally struck the LEO in the driver’s seat.
If I have it correct, everyone was within a few feet of each other, 11 shots were fired, total, by either two or three people, and yet exactly none of them hit their intended target well enough to do serious damage.
Now, there is no one alive who can do anything as well as Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit can do everything (and he’ll be the first person to tell you this), but I suspect that firing a handgun in a pressure situation isn’t something that is done with accuracy very often.
To start Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit’s weekend off with a special treat, the SnoCo Sheriff’s Office FB page has video of the respect shown by his colleagues to the Bothell PD LEO killed earlier this week, as his body was transported from the Medical Examiner’s office.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@81 All I see there is a login page for Facebook.
Roger Rabbitspews:
A social psychologist acqaintance explained to me “the GOP is a mutual support group of self-loathing clinical misanthropes,” and he’s applying for a research grant to study them after his serial killer project wraps up.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@80 Sure glad I didn’t have to be in a foxhole with any of those guys in The Nam. Too bad and very sad about the officer, though. Nobody wants that, least of all me.
Bootlicker Internet Police Review Boardspews:
none of them hit their intended target well enough to do serious damage.
After careful and methodical deliberations we have concluded…
bad shot, but… GOOD SHOOT!
Eleven Time Cognitive Noble Prize Winner in Dropping Humiliation Bombs on Rapepublicans, Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
Willamette Week sleuthed the plate numbers on the Portland Rendition Mini-Van Troop Carriers and traced it back to Enterprise Rental.
So boycotting those guys.
Nothing in the Bible that says Thou Shall not be Dumbfucks, so why not?
dumocretin talk a good socialist game butt when it comes down to brass tacks and ten penny nails, capitalism still rules the dummocretin mind!
Yessiree! Gotta make that big buck now! The NBA proved that when they rejected FreeHongKong jersey shirts!
dummocretins, can’t throw them far; butt let’s throw them out!
The Epoch Times has a self-proclaimed anti-communist bias and stands for traditional values and awareness of virtues.
The AllSides team found The Epoch Times is clearly critical of left-wing ideas and policies such as open borders, the sexual revolution, abortion, and multiculturalism on its news and opinion pages. It writes favorably about freedom of speech, gun rights, immigration control, and other topics. It is openly critical of the Chinese Communist Party.
@2 – Well, most of it sounds good so far. Free speech and gun rights are OK with me. I have no opinion as to abortion – get one or not, just leave me out of paying for your decision.
And being decidedly anti-Communist sounds like good common sense. Being anti-liberal should be a minor inconvenience to you folks.
Trigger Warning @2. Karen much Redreformed? Oh Redreformed, did Barr make those comments or not? So that you can appreciate the news and not the source here are the same comments from NPR . National Pravda Radio, all things anti-American paid for by US taxpayers!
@4 Project much? How did you get that rant from the boring facts I posted. Triggered? Karen? Barr? Pravada?
I wonder, could I post anything, like what I had for breakfast and you would go off on an anti liberal freak out?
And go!
It’s potentially a very expensive way to suppress peaceful demonstrations. If they really want this to work they need to at least pretend better by herding them into a stadium with some open graves. As far as I can tell, this tactic is only encouraging more people to head to downtown Portland and demonstrate. Some will go merely in search of a payday at taxpayer expense.
The federal officers who snatched him off the street as he was walking home from a peaceful protest did not tell him why he had been detained or provide him any record of an arrest, he told The Post. As far as he knows, he has not been charged with any crimes.
Rapepublicans really don’t care how much this shit costs you.
Your trigger phrase Karen@5! Traditional values are not your friend as all can see from above!
I’m assuming it’s pancreatic carcinoma metastases to her liver that RBG was reported as having.
Reminds me I should probably watch Dave again.
Are you equally opposed to paying for penis implants, and perscriptions for Sildenafil for retired cops?
Asking for The Q Clearance Pussy.
“Traditional values” is code for fear.
Oh, look! The Even Bigger Fucking Moron treats criticism of the Chinese Communist Party @ 2 as if it’s a bad thing.
I wonder if The Even Bigger Fucking Moron has any clue as to why he should criticize as well.
Doubt it. He’s fucking clueless about nearly everything else.
You should definitely accompany “soy milk” with a trigger warning. The Q Clearance Pussy could blow an aneurysm.
It’s pancreatic CA. She began a course of gemcitabine in May.
A few years ago I was at a social gathering, speaking with a couple of acquaintences. We realized that all three of us lost our mothers to pancreatic CA.
President Xi = Good
Supreme Leader Kim = Good
President Moon = Bad
Prime Minister Abe = Bad
Take a minute today to update your algorithm and perform a quick search and replace as appropriate.
@ 9
Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit bought his penile implant from a DIY ad in the back of the Popular Mechanics magazine he reads at the library because he can’t afford his own subscription.
As a result of complications he now has a rectovesicular fistula and at least twice a day passes feces through his urethra.
And y’all thought I was just joshin’ about his catheter issues.
Federal officers wearing clearly identifiable “Police” and DHS patches are restoring order and QoS McHillbilly @ 6 has his panties in a twist because their vehicles are unmarked.
Anonymity is fine when Antifa gang up on a conservative and cause some scalp lacerations and a concussion, but QoS McHillbilly demands full disclosure when the government has finally had enough of the carnage.
40+ days of demanding to be treated like big boys, and now you’re being treated like big boys. Not so much with the whining, maybe.
All I can tell you, Pussy, is that I alone know seven very highly qualified attys with practice experience in fed crim and fed civ who are offering their services pro bono. A few are former AUSAs. One is admitted to the SCOTUS, not that it will be needed. All indications are that in the next couple of days the nationwide outpouring of legal assistance will be centralized probably under the local ACLU, but I guess that’s still being discussed.
So by all means, keep it up. Flex. Strut. Do your usual end-zone dance. It’s become predictable. When you exhaust yourself take a minute to review Bivens 403 U.S. 388. This is going to cost you and every other top bracket tax payer plenty. And Trump will still lose and take the Senate with him.
It’s official: Relying on the original intent of the Founding Fathers, the GOP and Trump administration are adopting the position that only landowning white males over the age of 21 have human rights worth defending.
According to Ann Coulter and other neocons, that doesn’t include liberals, who they think should be put in “concentration camps” and “executed” without due process or trial. Doctor Dumbfuck doesn’t believe in due process, either, and doesn’t need any evidence to conclude someone is guilty of desertion, being alive while black, or whatever.
Approval of Trump’s handling of COVID-19 has fallen another eight points.
Only 24% of “Independents” approve.
Approval among Republicans dropped ELEVEN POINTS.
Some people have the nutty idea that COVID could be an issue in November. But there’s always statues. Right Brad? Brad? Where’s Brad? What’s he doing in Florida?
“It seems like it will help with salmon and trout recovery.”
Salmon are very hardy, and very good at recolonizing rivers once the obstructions are gone.
@3 I don’t believe toddlers, gangbangers, criminals, drug dealers, vigilantes, or killer cops should have guns; and refusing to wear a mask around others is not “free speech.”
Seems to me lefties have a better grip on gun rights and free speech than your tribe does.
Average poll leads by GOP Pres candidate in Texas on July 16th for the last four cycles including this one:
2004: Bush +20
2008: McCain +9
2012: Romney +7.5
2016: Trump +8.4
2020: Trump: +0.3
@4 Wherein the idiot thinks calling “Epoch Times” what it is — a rightwing propaganda sheet — makes that person a “Karen.”
Exactly what you’d expect from a babbling butthole who doesn’t know which end is up and probably can’t figure out how to put a quarter in a parking meter.
@8 At the right your gang is going downhill all she needs to do is keep breathing until noon of Jan. 3. In fact, it’s an interesting question who will leave first, her or Clarence. Biden may get to appoint two justices on his first day at work.
In January of this year Republicans had a very slim two point advantage in party affiliation. By June it had flipped to an eleven point advantage in favor of Democrats.
@3 You don’t pay taxes for abortions now, so what are you bitching about?
Oh, that’s right, I forgot: A conservative is someone who complains about taxes he doesn’t pay.
@10 Funny, I thought it was code for white supremacy and homophobia.
“Traditional values” can mean different things to different people, but it doesn’t mean hard work, honesty, decency, or common sense to Republicans. They’re none of those things.
@11 Except that’s only half the story of Epoch Times.
Now do Hitler’s love for dogs.
@13 I’m sure you won’t mind her son and daughter losing their mother. Not a bit. You’ve made that plain with your ghoulish grave-dancing over the last few months.
LeanTossup now calling Maine, Colorado, and Arizona as safe D pickups, and Alabama as a safe R pickup in the Senate.
@15 Click here to see Doctor Dumbfuck’s full-mouth implant.
(not suitable for kids)
I remember Dicks!
I don’t remember it like this, though.
That is such a good look, Trolls4Trump. The “murse” really pulls the ensemble together.
@17 Although legally accurate, your observations are falling on deaf ears, because Doctor Dumbfuck belongs to a tribe that has completely removed itself from the rule of law.
That this is so in his case is evident from his repetitive demands for the execution of a U.S. soldier without charges or trial. (Is he a Taliban?) He’s fine with summary street executions of black men by white cops, too.
Also teargassing and truncheoning peaceful protesters exercising their constitutional right to assemble to “make a hole” for an atheist to walk across the street to a church he never attends so he can flash a Bible for TV cameras, and making a “show of force” in downtown Portland by knocking people off bicycles.
He channels the late Maj. Gen. George S. Patton III, who assured his troops “I do like to see the arms and legs fly!”
In short, Doctor Dumbfuck is as far removed from rule of law and law and order as it’s possible for an armchair lawyer to get.
@32 Sharing the company of such intellectually uplifting compatriots must be very comforting to Doctor Dumbfuck.
They do claim to care about money and spending too much of it on worthless lazy hippies.
They are being put up in a bunch of waterfront suites across the river in Vancouver at $150/night. They are running around in airport rental mini-vans trashing them. They are tying up resources that are supposed to be keeping us all safe from “MS-13”, And aside from mostly getting embarrassed and humiliated, they are burdening the agency, and the DOJ with probably years of litigation that will ultimately end up paying for someone’s drum studio or art collective maker space.
So to the senile idiot wabbit is upset about Epoch Times! Good as it’s the messenger not the message eh senile one? Well senile one, Puddy reads them all butt likes to trigger you libtard dummocretins into spastic movements that you SH^T yourselves on assesHorse. Y’all go Karen over the messenger when the message is ALWAYS FACTUAL! You went spastic on the Joyless Reid 2nd Circuit of Appeals ruling. This is why you really are a senile moron. Instead of nitpicking the way it was written you denigrate the messenger when the message is the same across both aisle sides.
This is the reason you get picked on by us senility enhanced one!
Karen’s getting triggered every moment of every day.
Which libtard you talking about senile one? There are so many to guess from!
Puddy don’t jump for senile idiot wabbits. Take your BULLSH^TTIUM to the yellowishleakingbuttspigot! It will gladly jump for you.
@33 And this is one of ’em. Here’s proof that cops can be patient when they want to be; this is what “white privilege” looks like:
If someone who looks like Puddy did this, he’d end up weighing more than an aircraft carrier’s anchor.
Dumbfuck took an early end zone dance on suggesting that unarmed civilians doing traffic stops is in the future and that would make everyone less safe. Oooooooops.
You are aware that “Traditional Values” also means they can string you up for looking at a white girl let alone talking or dating or marrying one?
Probably wouldn’t hire you except to wipe the desk the computer sits on either.
NRSC dropped $3m into GA Ossoff v. Purdue.
Something truly awful is in GOP internal polls. That’s a terrified buy this far out to try to shore up Purdue.
After digesting the events of the past several weeks, and thinking back upon Ed Mole’s disgrace, I think it’s clear that a heterosexual needs to run Seattle, don’t you?
More Seattle Democrats Call for the Mayor’s Resignation
@ 40
The bullet that killed Bothell police officer Jonathan Shoop came from his partner’s firearm during crossfire with the armed suspect.
It’s hard to shoot straight when someone has fucked with your sights.
What part of @ 40 implies that it would have been safe for a civilian to stop Washington?
Come on, pig.
@43. no you just an asshole who says hateful things in the hope it owns the libs.
Someone’s triggered.
See what I did there?
Only have to declare race in these states moronic_one@41
Even WA State had a law until 1888. Looks like traditional values are evident in Minnesota. Puddy wonders if Ilhan Omar broke the law again? Maybe you should call her and find out!
Actually you didn’t do anything Defund [BeerPong]. If a policeman dies in act of a crime it doesn’t matter what bullet killed him. BeerPong. Your unmistakable stench here just made godwinha explain the situation, which, of course, you never correctly do! godwinha asked a great question about social workers doing traffic stops.
Still waiting for you to explain how StuyTown is in Brooklyn.
Think Satterberg will charge murder?
Who will he charge?
Demorat-China Party Of Hate America, Hate Cops, Race-Obsessed & Make Crime Great Again Bombshell News – Live In A Demorat City? Expect To Get Shot.
Shootings are on the rise in several [Demorat] cities, and children are paying the price.
Overall crime rates – including violent crime rates – are still low across the U.S. But homicides and shootings are on the rise this year in Chicago, New York, Atlanta, D.C., Philadelphia, Houston, Charlotte, Denver, Milwaukee, Minneapolis and Kansas City.
As the nation’s largest city on Monday celebrated the first time in months that no one died from COVID-19 over a 24-hour period, New York City observed a moment of silence for 1-year-old Davell Gardner Jr., who was fatally shot in his stomach while sitting in a stroller at a Brooklyn cookout Sunday night.
As of July 5, shootings were up 53% from the same time last year in New York City, according to police.
In Atlanta, where 8-year-old Secoriea Turner was fatally shot on Independence Day, shootings were up 23% from last year as of July 4, according to police.
In Chicago, shootings increased 46% from the same time last year as of July 12, according to police.
In Washington, D.C., where the killing of 11-year-old Davon McNeal has rattled the nation’s capital, homicides are up 24% from the same time last year, and assault with a dangerous weapon is up 1%, according to police.
I wouldn’t expect you to understand.
If police took the recommended by almost every civilian oversight board ever advice to not engage in high speed chases….the officer would still be alive. (Endangers innocent civilians rarely results in a positive resolution). In a world that doesn’t exist except in the mind of Dumbfuck, a social worker isn’t a ‘die pig’ situation. Unarmed cops not itching to prove their manhood with chase and arrest it is literally impossible for an officer to shoot another officer….see unarmed.
When Dumbfuck went for the cheap political point without facts….Piddles came to his defense.
Like clockwork.
“The official portraits of former Presidents Bill Clinton and George W. Bush were removed from the Grand Foyer of the White House within the last week, aides told CNN, and replaced by those of two Republican presidents who served more than a century ago. White House tradition calls for portraits of the most recent American presidents to be given the most prominent placement, in the entrance of the executive mansion, visible to guests during official events.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: The world would be a better place if all of Trump’s mean and vindictive actions were this petty. Of course, it would be an even better place if he wasn’t president.
He’s not called the Loon for nothing!
And he’s got gay relatives!
@42 Enabling corruption doesn’t come cheap these days, so corruption must pay pretty well.
Sure do BeerPong.
@43 I remember when business interests ran this city. That was before Republicans became so awful that even Republicans can’t vote for them.
Once again moron@53,
Keep guessing and failing. There are no gays butt you can keep being a DOPE alive.
@44 “What part of @ 40 implies that it would have been safe for a civilian to stop Washington?”
Sounds to me like you’ve just refuted the NRA’s “good guy with a gun” argument.
Who is claiming that senile idiot wabbit? It’s another attempt at throwing out something no one is talking about. Your side claims unarmed social workers will make the traffic stops. This will happen until the first one is murdered and then your political control will fall flat on its face and then the lack of trust of dummocretins will be very apparent!
@44 “It’s hard to shoot straight when someone has fucked with your sights.”
Btw, it’s not. I don’t know if they do this in police training, but every Army soldier is taught how to point-and-shoot. Of course, you should look to see what’s behind the target before pulling the trigger, but that’s true of aimed fire too.
Sure Jan.
So you’re arguing that it was a traffic infraction that launched this misadventure?
Well done. That there is a great look.
@59 “Who is claiming that senile idiot wabbit?”
A stupid question, but I’ll answer it anyway. Doctor Dumbfuck @44.
When the enemy is firing upon you within ten feet senile idiot wabbit?
Another silly attempt to shape a narrative with “facts” that didn’t happen!
No, he didn’t senile idiot wabbit. He was repeating the cancel culture crowd demands. We need unarmed social workers working the roads. It’s not the NRA who are even close to postulating what you surmise above. Your lawyering attempts at swaying the narrative continue to fall flat on your face!
@63 Why would you need to aim at someone ten feet away?
@64 “It’s not the NRA who are even close to postulating what you surmise above.”
In that case, their mouthpiece says things he doesn’t mean.
@65 – Yeah, I carry a little Colt 1903 with me, and it’s definitely a conversation gun. The sights are not exactly built for competitive shooting, but, at a distance one would have a conversation with someone, it works pretty well. No aiming, just point and fire.
Stoooooooooooopid question senile idiot wabbit. Good try at trying to trap Puddy. Puddy wasn’t there. It’s just a guess. The perp could have been much closer or farther away. Your claim was hey we are taught to aim at far away enemies. All Puddy asked was they were under fire at point blank range, so what would the senile idiot wabbit do in a split second. Kind of reminds Puddy what some libtards said when the four Lakewood police officers were eliminated by a deranged maniac. Did anyone look at his voting record. Probably didn’t vote Republican! Go back and look at the comments senile idiot wabbit. You should ask for help from the buttspigot!
Good guy with a gun. – NRA
Social workers without a gun. – cancel culture
Do you see the difference senile idiot wabbit? Need more help? Ask WTF. Thxy are little smarter than you per thxm. Cancel Culture. You know, thxy are not human, thxy are humxn!
@57 sure tell the goats that, they’ll believe you.
Again, are they Aaron Schock hetero or are they Lindsey Graham hetero
Goat comedy. Coming back in 2020. Only from the libtard. They occupy all lanes, people and animals. Gonna bring back the flying goat award again?
Steve, you gonna start the goat “comedy” too? Puddy knows the yellowishleakingbuttspigot will because its a follower.
No, it’s hard to shoot straight when your bent over and the horse is pounding your ass while one of Puddy’s relatives are filming.
See what I did there!
@71 no need to fuck with goats. Maybe if you didn’t fuck them nobody would have reason to be a comedian.
NOPE! Some poor dummocretin loves goatsee!
@67 you wouldn’t need a gun if you didn’t think you ass was going to be cooked one day! Enjoy. Make sure you have enough bullets.
Republicans fucking horses and goats, with relatives that film that shit.
And looters!
Puddy trying to blow Steve again.
The apples don’t fall far from the tree.
@75 – Oh, no worries! I have lots of ammo.
@ 68
If I understood the story correctly, the perp squeezed off two shots. One of those shots grazed the LEO in the passenger seat after striking the handgun he was holding. The LEO(s) fired nine rounds. One of those accidentally struck the LEO in the driver’s seat.
If I have it correct, everyone was within a few feet of each other, 11 shots were fired, total, by either two or three people, and yet exactly none of them hit their intended target well enough to do serious damage.
Now, there is no one alive who can do anything as well as Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit can do everything (and he’ll be the first person to tell you this), but I suspect that firing a handgun in a pressure situation isn’t something that is done with accuracy very often.
To start Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit’s weekend off with a special treat, the SnoCo Sheriff’s Office FB page has video of the respect shown by his colleagues to the Bothell PD LEO killed earlier this week, as his body was transported from the Medical Examiner’s office.
@81 All I see there is a login page for Facebook.
A social psychologist acqaintance explained to me “the GOP is a mutual support group of self-loathing clinical misanthropes,” and he’s applying for a research grant to study them after his serial killer project wraps up.
@80 Sure glad I didn’t have to be in a foxhole with any of those guys in The Nam. Too bad and very sad about the officer, though. Nobody wants that, least of all me.
After careful and methodical deliberations we have concluded…
bad shot, but…
Willamette Week sleuthed the plate numbers on the Portland Rendition Mini-Van Troop Carriers and traced it back to Enterprise Rental.
So boycotting those guys.
Nothing in the Bible that says Thou Shall not be Dumbfucks, so why not?
If this virus gets completely completely completely out of control, what better excuse not to have an election!!
#Freedumb. #Constitution #KingFuckHump