– i am glad that enough of Seattle thinks that the Trump Administration is a threat to do at least a committee.
– Look at all of the people using their Orca Card [h/t]
– Let’s go, Walla Walla students.
– Sexism is a hell of a drug.
by Carl Ballard — ,
– i am glad that enough of Seattle thinks that the Trump Administration is a threat to do at least a committee.
– Look at all of the people using their Orca Card [h/t]
– Let’s go, Walla Walla students.
– Sexism is a hell of a drug.
Nice to see that Columbia University expelled some of the assholes who took over a university building last Spring, suspended others, and revoked some degrees. It’s a start.
Columbia’s got more work to do if it wants that $400M back from DJT47, tho:
News | Administration
Trump administration issues list of demands Columbia must meet to maintain federal funding
Too bad this letter wasn’t written after letting Columbia stew in its own juices for several months or so.
Monmouth’s last 2024 poll had it Harris 48, Trump 45.
Monmouth’s embarrassing performance flew under the radar compared with Ann Selzer’s final weekend joke.
Nice to see Monmouth follow Selzer into the trash heap of polling. They were not as smart as was Darryl.
Darryl knew not to waste his time aggregating poll results that would fail to adequately detect that while Welfare Queen YLB and her girlfriends truly believed that it was only a cold that affected Bi-Done’s debate performance, not enough of them would actually turn out to vote their idiocy.
@ 2
I probably should have also included Nate Silver’s former 538 entity, which was purchased by ABC News. Last week Disney announced that they’re shutting down 538.
Welfare Queen YLB fell for “It’s just a cold.” the same way she fell for “It’s just a cold sore.”.
Jamie Dimon believes this, too.
Here’s what Woodard wrote:
Chuck Schumer agrees as well, although he won’t admit it. However, yesterday he decided to be a patriot.
25% of the jobs “created” last year are government jobs.
Welfare Queen YLB called herself a landlady because she and her husband rent out their basement so that they can afford to feed themselves.
The correct term for Welfare Queen YLB is housemate. Also, weak and unserious.
To trigger Welfare Queen YLB, please enjoy this brief video of our vice president’s Hindu wife.
And watch Welfare Queen YLB tremble in fear at the mere thought of an “Asian” in the house.
@1 Now if only Wharton would revoke the degree it awarded to the worst vandal of them all …
Happy Steak and BJ Day, Welfare Queen YLB. Give your husband a good one – after all, you’ve always done your best work on your knees. Make him erupt loudly enough for your downstairs housemate to hear.
@5 It’s playing real well in Peoria, isn’t it?
Please enjoy this video of Barack announcing
• the creation of DOGE
• the appointment of Joe Biden to oversee it.
Barack Obama in so many ways is a gift to Republicans that keeps on giving.
Schumer committing ritual sepuku right now.
Democrats will go into the midterms divided as a party, as a caucus, and as political leaders. Yet at precisely the same time there is more base energy and more insurgent opportunity than at any other time in the last forty years. I anticipate a lot of retirements. And a lot of fresh new blood behind a new generation of leadership. And probably the only thing that can forestall that will be a unified no vote on cloture.
The current generation of Democratic party leadership is incapable of meeting the moment and effectively confronting authoritarian autocracy.
NATO to Ukraine: No, we’re not putting the boots of Welfare Queen YLB’s two fucked kids on the ground in your massively corrupt country. Ever.
@12 yawwwn.. silly troll beklowning itself with false equivalences..
so typical.. so boring.. a gift that keeps on giving.. to the boring klown klub..
Got better things to do today.
It’s the unique nature of the NATO alliance that each individual member in good standing “holds all the cards” at any given point in time where the membership and activities of the alliance are concerned. Citizens of the U.S. who aren’t addicted to cartoonish FOX news representations of global security already know this. All NATO decisions must be unanimous. That’s why every NATO member voted in favor of invoking Article 5 following the 9/11 attacks – the only time in NATO history. That’s why, until the last few weeks, so much diplomatic effort was traditionally invested by each of the members into the alliance. But that has now all come to an end.
Thanks to Republicans.
Of course any one individual member can veto the alliance at any time. Trump is merely another Orban. But that probably points out the increasing tenuousness of the alliance and the relationships it demands. NATO established in 1949 with just 12 members. Since then the alliance has voted (unanimously) ten times to expand its ranks, going from the original 12 members to 32 members today with the addition of Sweden last year. Today 30 of the 32 member nations are European. So it should surprise nobody that Fat Hitler is attacking and destabilizing Canada at the same time he is withdrawing the US from NATO. What more could Bald Hitler ask for?
For a long time a lot of the diplomatic energy focused on NATO circulated around efforts to align European security interests with those of the United States, especially after the collapse of the Soviet Union and the Warsaw Pact. Given a stance of naked hostility from the U.S. toward European allies and open U.S. collusion with Russian aggression against Europe, it makes as much sense for most European members to form their own security alliance separate from NATO, and let NATO die of natural causes over time. And that frees European nations to pursue other strategic security and trade alliances without U.S. interference.