Dear Bob Ferguson,
Congratulations on your victory this week. I am writing to ask you to stand up to Donald Trump in his second term. I appreciate the way you did that as Attorney General, but I fear the pressure will be different as governor. There will be pressure and potentially a lot of money from the Federal government. And those resources could be used to build a better Washington. I am also worried that you didn’t do much to deal with the sort of problems that made Donald Trump more attractive when you were on the King County Council. I don’t know where this is going, except to say don’t give in and don’t make the not giving in the only thing you do.
Carl Ballard
(I sent this to the AG’s contact page, not sure if there’s a transition office or something like that)
Tim Walz was not a serious selection.
It’s simply unconscionable that Americans chose a healthier economy over a woman’s right to order an elective dismemberment abortion of her child in his 39th week of gestation because her tarot card reader doesn’t think he will grow up to be trans.
Too many miggers and beaners.
Oh look what the magats have wrought:
The White House condemned the wave of racist text messages that have been sent to Black people across the country, summoning them to report for slavery. The F.B.I. and state law enforcement officials are investigating the messages, which have been received by students in at least nine states…
Only the beginning.. “fine” people indeed…
Finally my pets will be safe.
And your filthy pickaninny trans kids will not.
Oh it’s too “good”.. from the AP link above:
Tasha Dunham of Lodi, California, said her 16-year-old daughter showed her one of the messages Wednesday evening before her basketball practice.
The text not only used her daughter’s name, but it directed her to report to a “plantation” in North Carolina, where Dunham said they’ve never lived. When they looked up the address, it was the location of a museum…
About six middle school students in Montgomery County, Pennsylvania, received the messages too, said Megan Shafer, acting superintendent of the Lower Merion School District.
“The racist nature of these text messages is extremely disturbing, made even more so by the fact that children have been targeted,” she wrote in a letter to parents.
acsw, please excuse Cathy Justice if she sends therapy dogs (on the public dime, on some klownservatic donor’s, whatever) to comfort stressed out kids.. you know what I’m talking about amirite???
Good news! Harris didn’t underperform everywhere:
Boxcheck Momala took 50% of my household’s vote.
a woman’s right
I count 7 successful referendums..
It’s no fun being an illegal alien.
New York City ending voucher program that allowed migrant families to buy their own food
One day after Eric Adams spoke with our president-elect.
It should be comforting to libbies to know that WRT illegal immigrants flooding our southern borders and consuming precious resources in our communities, come January the White House and Congress will finally be on the same page.
@ 8
a woman’s right
States’ rights. Just as the Constitution intended.
I’m pleased that you and I can celebrate the election outcome together, Welfare Queen YLB.
Nebraska will enshrine in its constitution a ban on abortions during the second and third trimesters. Which is, essentially, the Roe decision described differently.
Since libbies wanted Roe to be codified nationwide, they should celebrate the decision of Nebraska’s sage electorate, amirite?
Not my words, but appropriate, nonetheless:
The Garbage took out the trash.
If acsw can’t have as much death in childbirth like in the bad old days, it’ll settle for bleeding out in hospital parking lots or sepsis.. or being mutilated for life by a last ditch procedure..
that’ll “teach” ’em..
First! White House Chief of Staff! Ever!
Something Welfare Queen YLB and her sisters across this great nation can celebrate as they seek to embrace @ 8 the good that came from this election season.
States’ rights. Just as the Constitution intended.
Nice to know you can travel to certain states to celebrate:
People did that for executions. Great for tourist dollars in those states, fuck yeah..
that WRT illegal immigrants
Nope, asylum seekers are legal.. otherwise arrest reptile in risers and that TexASS jerk for trafficking “illegals” to NYC on the public dime.
Woulda put a cap on that, but drumpf said no..
@ 16
Nope, asylum seekers are legal..
Welfare Queen YLB has yet to face the reasons for the second Trump presidency, I see.
Rasmussen celebrates.
Did anyone else notice that over the past year Rasmussen reported higher Biden approval numbers than almoste everyone else?
Nebraska will enshrine in its constitution a ban on abortions during the second and third trimesters. >
Still means a woman running a gauntlet so she won’t die in the 2nd/3rd trimesters.
And if a few slip through? Shit happens..
@17 And acsw can’t handle facts.. There was a bill, a reform that low-life drumpf vetoed.
From its sex club in FL.., not the White House.
the reasons for the second Trump presidency
Repuke degenerates trafficking “illegals” to NYC.. Coyotes Shitstain Abbott and DEE-Santis.
Bathe in it, fan boi acsw..
When the front loading of profits in anticipation of tariffs drives up food prices this holiday season we can always eat minorities and illegals.
Do you prefer dark meat? Or even darker?
One thing I’m sure of, if four years from now we still have hoards of grubby beaners invading us across our southern borders I’ll never vote for another Republican.
That’s the one thing they have to fix or they will never be forgiven by guys like me.
the reasons for the second Trump presidency
low turnout in a polarized electorate.. add in the antiquated electoral college.. shit happened.
Qatar knows what’s coming.
A projection of strength from the White House has begun well in advance of the inauguration. Putin and Xi notice it, too.
93 promises drumpf made on video aka forget project 2025:
These jump out at me:
7. Cut the corporate tax rate. (uhh.. sorry acsw NEW TAX CUT)
8. No cuts in benefits or changes in Social Security retirement age. (sorry acsw, another fantasy turns to shit, no scrap the cap though)
9. The federal budget will be cut by 33%. (how? like in bonzo’s daze WITH MIRRORS)
And that’s the tame stuff.. Now for the good stuff:
13. All migrants, including those with pending asylum claims, will be taken into custody and deported immediately by invoking the Alien Enemies Act of 1798.
14. Birthright citizenship will be ended by executive order. All persons who were born in the US to migrant parents will have their citizenship revoked and will be deported immediately.
15. Border will be closed with no migrants entering the US by moving thousands of US troops from overseas to be stationed on the southern border.
And the really krazy shit..
55. Bible study will be instituted in public schools.
56. School prayer will be instituted in public schools.
and of course..
26. Send astronauts to Mars. (Praise be to “genius” Elmo)..
That’s just a taste.. It’s so fucking insane it’s not funny any more.
I have every confidence project 2025 will be worked in there somehow..
Just bear in mind that Fat Hitler doesn’t have to actually do any of that shit.
Did he ever actually build a successful casino business?
Did he ever actally develop and launch a highly successful consumer products brand?
Did he ever actually pass a cognitive test?
Did he even ever actually grab pussies and get away with it?
What Fat Hitler must do is create theater around enough of these false promises to convice his moronic supporters to stick with him and sustain their cult fervor. And that won’t be terribly difficult because as full-on believers they have a powerful internal need to ratify and sustain their own belief.
@27 He could die tomorrow, yes.. Early in its new term would suffice only to have jdb take over..
then it’s gubmint’ by breeder happy crypto bro.. with Leonard Leo as consligiere.. now that’s a nightmare..
@ 22
When the front loading of profits in anticipation of tariffs drives up food prices this holiday season …
So you’re suggesting the US imports its Thanksgiving turkeys from China?
And yet Team Biden still allows one of them into the White House? Wouldn’t you think Democrats would learn something from the Fang Fang/Swalwell episode?
It was a politically motivated prosecution, it failed, and to perpetuate it risk disclosure of items Garland and Smith don’t want to see the light of day.
Judge hits pause on Trump’s election interference criminal case
The prosecutor said he would notify the court in December about how he plans to move forward, likely the first step in unwinding the case against Trump.
A Senate Judiciary Committee hearing with no questions answered. Sure. Why not.
910 weeks is plenty of time to make nice with Sinema and Manchin after the way libbies have treated them in the past couple of years.Has any SCOTUS nominee ever failed a bar exam?
@ 31
If for no other reason, the link is worth clicking in order to hear a black commenter talk about Republicans going ape.
And yet Team Biden still allows one of them into the White House?
Heh.. yeah right..
I fired that pos! Tell Vlad.. He’ll luv my pasty white ass for it!
It was a politically motivated prosecution,
If say, Bill Clinton, stored critical national secrets revealing sources and methods in a sex club toilet, no politics, just treason..
So you’re suggesting the US imports its Thanksgiving turkeys from China?
I like to go shopping at the local Asian stores.. the family store on N. Aurora, 99 Ranch in Edmonds..
I like preparing the recipes plastered all over youtube.
Maybe a quarter to half the stuff in the stores are made here.
A lot is imported, especially the non-food items, dishes, cookware, stuff like that. And drumpf wants to raise prices on all of it.
Prices are great at those stores.. now.. Never buy a wok at Amazon. You’ll pay a quarter of that price at an Asian market. Never buy the butane fuel in a can for a tabletop stove at Amazon. Ditto.
What a fiasco is that tariff shit in the making.
Talking about hating Asians, acsw..
Has any SCOTUS nominee ever failed a bar exam?
Plenty of the lesser (aborted nother!) types didn’t know shit from shinola:
On December 13, 2017, during his confirmation hearing before the Senate Judiciary Committee[233][234] Senator John Neely Kennedy (R-LA) questioned Petersen about legal procedure,[235] asking if Petersen knew what the Daubert standard was, and what a motion in limine was. He was unable to answer.[236][237] Petersen’s answers received criticism in the press and from lawmakers. The New York Times described it as one of the “more painful Senate hearings in recent memory.”
Where was the Federalist Society when drumpf needed it? Oh yeah.. drumpf is not on speaking terms with Leo, last I heard.
No boo boo a cash poultice can’t soothe instantly.
He forgot the 3-to-1 outspending ratio.
What was it to Lizzo? $2.3 million for a few minutes at the podium?
The tell-all books Democrats will release in the coming 12-18 months are gonna be delicious.
Last I checked both Canada and Mexico were foreign countries facing stupid Trump tariffs.
Both are significant exporters of food to the US markets. Chances are half of all that greasey ham and the bacon the dumbshit troll gobbles down comes from Canada. And yes, plenty of turkey. A metric shit ton of the feed used to raise any animal, including his stupid, brainless, bottomless food-pit horses, comes from either Mexico or Canada. These are commodities. He knows this. Trump jacks import duties on these products and domestic producers will hike their prices to nearly match. That’s how it works.
And it isn’t as if the actual animals or their feeds are the only inputs. Fertilizers, supplements, machinery, parts, and of course labor can all now be expected to become much more expensive some time after Jan 20th of next year. Every distributor of everything you can think of is preparing price increases, not just in anticipation of those higher costs next year, but in anticipation of steep competition for supply right now as they all try to front load as much supply input now ahead of the fucking dumbness they know will soon follow. My neighbor doing a gut remodel on his whole house just got an email from his flooring contractor telling him to prepare for a 25% increase. I laughed in his fucking face when he told me. He didn’t bother to vote.
@40 Well there’s NAFTA to consider for North America but everything else outside of all current trade agreements is fair game sure.
The tell-all books Democrats will release in the coming 12-18 months are gonna be delicious.
Nothing compares to the vibrator models both you and Bill O’Reilly share.
Some “alphas” you fux are.. lmao..
Ya know acsw believes the YUGE settlements paid by Faux Snooze and O’Reilly for boorish behavior..
acsw believes that was munee well spent..
for the cause..
of klownservatic workplace.. traditions.. and constitutional even..
time honored by generations of frat bois.. legacy admissions…
It’s a good thing drumpf’s COS is as mature as she is.. not exactly drumpf’s taste for p***y grabbing.. scotus sez it can do as it pleases.. make it “official” donnie..
watching donnie grouse at COS.. “why can’t ya hire anyone younger? It’s a desert in this dump!”
“Good help is hard to find, mister preznit..”
“Fuck that!”
When your daughter has a miscarriage and ends up with sepsis because she can’t get the care she needs – don’t worry, the gas you need to get to her funeral in your Hummer should be super cheap.
Sounds like a whore. Probably impregnated by her drug dealing pimp. I’ll pass on the funeral.
@1 J.D. Vance is a deranged man, and was a deranged selection by another deranged man. They both belong on a psychiatrist’s couch, not in the seats of government.
A majority of voters preferred the GOP candidates to the disastrous duo of Boxcheck Momala and Cut and Run Walz.
Democrats made a historically awful selection of candidates.
Think on your sins.
Dumb cunt government employee alert:
EXCLUSIVE: FEMA Official Ordered Relief Workers To Skip Houses With Trump Signs
Only a dumb cunt would put it in writing.
C’mon, Goldy. HA is no longer a current name for this blog – it’s so 2005. You should rename it for Marn’i Washington and for HA’s unserious twat, Welfare Queen YLB.
Republicans going ape.
Both acsw(‘ass cheeks spread wide’)@47 and liddle maxiwipe have gone rapeshit at HA… busting rape fantasies right here in the threads.
heh.. these degenerate trolls never fail to make our point..
Dumb cunt
Once again.. It makes our point..
Libbies who insist on doing @ 48 such stupid shit should at least not be dumbcunt enough to do it in Florida while DeSantis is running things:
That would be the Florida that accurately counted about 10.5 million votes in three hours on Tuesday night.
Robert Hur was right about Joe Biden’s senility.
Notice ass cheeks spread wide never misses an opportunity to spew “cunt” and “twat”..
at whatever the fever swamps serve up..
Menendez got served for mere graft, acsw.. An earnest Dem took his place. Sorry it was a such a let down for you..
A good laugh back in the day..
while DeSantis is running things
aka the reptile in risers… what a winner that one..
Missing from the ballot. No one could vote for it.
Stabby stabby in seattle…..
Shorter Carl Ballard: DO SOMETHING!
I think Jimmy wishes he died at about 91. And that he lusted with more than just his heart.
Turns out election fuckery doesn’t always work.
The Obamas waited until people were openly talking about their missing endorsement. They knew Boxcheck Momala is a terrible candidate. They knew what happened with the last female terrible candidate the DNC attempted to make president.
“She’s got 80 different accents. How do you decide which one to pull out?”
Since Boxcheck Momala was too chickenshit to sit for an interview she couldn’t edit afterward, I guess we’ll never know.
Why is Welfare Queen YLB always drawn to weakness?
Trump won because you people turned him into a sympathetic character.
@ 61
Sure didn’t hurt.
drawn to weakness?
Is unlikability a weakness that can be cured with risers and a phony smile?
Maybe clipping the tongue.. lmao..
“piece” through strength..
acsw “seriously” contemplates: will drumpf “grab” Susan Wiles?
acsw’s enduring regret…
it will never be a “star” like drumpf.. heh. at least as long as there’s horseshit to shovel..