Mayor Jenny claimed the CHAZ was a block party atmosphere.
It’s OK for people to be armed and open-carrying at block parties, I guess. At least in Seattle.
Scott Morefield
Seattle Mayor Jenny Durkan says the six-block autonomous zone in her city known as CHAZ, where armed Antifa types have driven off police and set up checkpoints, is “more like a block party atmosphere” than an “armed takeover.”
6:48 PM · Jun 11, 2020
What’s important is that nobody catch the Wuhan from a dirty gun barrel.
Lemme know when Trump interns Americans of a single race.
Goldy ☂️✔
Now that Google Maps has officially recognized the Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone, @realDonaldTrump has become the first president in history to cede US territory. Sad!
Of course, he wouldn’t be the first president to do that, so never mind.
Captain Obviousspews:
In several weeks Seattle will see an increase in Virus cases and deaths.
Goldy @ 2 and Tucker Carlson are on the same page.
This, of course, enables Trump to work around Governor Jay and Mayor Jenny. ’cause when he sends in the military, he’s invading a foreign country.
@ 3
Only if there is a God.
Waiting for Hillary to offer the same mea culpa.
Marshall Cohen
Wow. A message of contrition from David Wildstein, a conspirator-turned-cooperator in the Chris Christie bridgegate scandal. (Even after SCOTUS vacated the convictions his testimony helped secure.) Christie and the defendants haven’t taken this tone. They’ve claimed vindication.
Quote Tweet
David Wildstein
· 23m
The Supreme Court has determined that the lane realignment at the George Washington Bridge was not criminal. However, the conduct by me and others was still wrong. This is not a vindication. My apologies stand, my remorse continues, and I fully accept responsibility for my role.
Weird that I was there yesterday and there were no checkpoints. Just wandered in, took some pictures, talked to a couple people, saw someone I know, dropped a couple gallons of water and some food, then went home.
Saw no weapons but will stipulate that at night according to posted pictures there are armed people acting as security because it’s not like a group of armed white guys have been running around the suburbs looking to bust heads and posting on Social Media about breaking up Seattle.
Most were wearing masks and keeping 6′ was at least as easy as it is on a regular grocery run. Sometimes you have to choose between passing someone or just standing there and waiting for someone else to move.
I’ll take first hand observation over the tweet of a Town Hall reporter in Bristol TN for my news. Thanks though.
You mean the thing for which a bill Authored by WA Democratic U.S. Rep Tom Foley Officially apologized? A bill that passed a Democratic led Senate on the way to becoming law by a veto proof majority? A thing that paid those interred or their survivors not that money makes up for it really.
A thing normal Americans view as a stain on our nation but Right Wing Pundits like Candace Owens and Michelle Malkin still insists was totally appropriate because, “Not trusting the slant eyed shifty types after Pearl Harbor was natural.”? Or words to that effect.
1988, 32 years ago the Democratic Party led a formal apology for that ugly episode. Good example, Dumbfuck.
Ted Cruzspews:
Christopher Columbus, hell of a guy. He discovered the New World leading to America. Genocide? Don’t be silly. Why no, I’ve never actually read his personal log even though it’s a foundational document on European expansion to the New World. Why should I?
Eleven Time Noble Prize Winner in Humiliating Rapepublicans, Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
In 24 hrs that claim about “armed immigration check points” and “body searches” has become a Deplorable trope.
The Q Clearance Pussy needs it.
Bearing in mind, of course, that armed checkpoints, and body searches were a very real, and very well documented feature of the White Supremacy takeovers of federal and state facilities in the last decade.
The Pussy has effectively obliterated any credibility he ever might have had with his TORNADO SHELTER ravings and tireless pimping of TAAAARAAAA!!!!! Now it’s all just academic.
In a way I’ll miss the challenge that once existed in whack-a-moling the Clownsurvaturd bullshit. But this Q Anon stuff is so idiotic that it really defies the effort. It’s sad to see the decline. But this was both foreseen and foreseeable. He made this choice knowing this is where it would take him.
Village Idiot of HA.
Eleven Time Noble Prize Winner in Humiliating Rapepublicans, Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
In the interest of establishing clarity in advance of The Q Anon bread crumbs, here is the condition of the Malheur following the 40 day occupation by White Nationalists in 2016:
In addition to vandalism and spoilage, the armed and violent White Nationalists looted federal property as well as Native American artifacts and desecrated Native American sites. On top of the $2 million spent providing employee safety and relocation during the invasion, DFW spent an addition $4 million on cleanup and repairs.
Santa Cruz bomber/Oakland shooter (Arrested at scene/alleged) is still on USAF Active duty.
So typical lefty anarchist.
Eleven Time Noble Prize Winner in Humiliating Rapepublicans, Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
It would appear as though the “no holds barred” Stupid Hitler interview on FOX has deftly managed to disgrace and diminish both Stupid Hitler and FOX simultaneously, despite what must have been tense hours of editing punctuated by binge drinking.
Plenty of attack ad sound bites.
Village Idiot of HA.
And a traitor to his country.
New Rasmussen orange moron approval poll…
Approve 43, Disapprove 55
Better call Putin.
White House economic adviser Larry Kudlow says, “There is no emergency. There is no second wave. I don’t know where that got started on Wall Street.”
“The coronavirus outbreaks seen in about half a dozen states across the U.S. isn’t the feared “second wave” – it’s still the first, scientists and infectious disease specialists say”
You may not want to watch all of that idiotic conspiracy word-salad. Cut-to-the chase, Marjorie Taylor Green will be the next Rapepublican to rep GA-14 and she’s straight bug-fuck Q Anon. She’s also a Three Percenter who got herself listed on the SPLC watchlist for threatening immigrants and religious minorities. So of course she needs to go to The People’s House to advance the sacred fight against Satanic Baby Cannibalism.
This is the other side of the gerrymandering coin. GA-14 is the tenth most Rapepublican district in the US. In “safe” districts primaries become dispositive. And in solid red districts the risk is of not being far enough to the right. Any doubt just ask Eric Cantor who, if he hadn’t got outflanked on the right by a TeaPublican Kook, would have been Stupid Hitler’s Speaker instead of Googly Eyed Granny-Starver.
It’s why we have increasing partisanship, why Stupid Hitler can’t apologize for gassing peaceful children and trying to stage a coup, and why no one in his party can say shit about it. It’s why Stupid Hitler can’t be impeached under a GOP Senate.
It’s also why The Q Clearance Pussy has found himself trapped on the wrong side of Teh Orange Event Horizon. Safely ensconced in and adjacent to liberal enclaves of affluence, education, and inclusiveness, and not a few Tibetan prayer flags, you’d think The Pussy would enjoy some immunity. But modern media revolution, my dudes and dudettes. Nobody is immune from Teh Stoopid contagion in a media saturated mobile data world. And the same forces that drive House candidates in North Georgia further and further out on a 4chan limb have also done their work on The Pussy. Gerrymandering has helped the GOP gain temporary majorities. But it came at a certain and devastating cost.
Because it has also permanently consigned the GOP to becoming ever more and more extreme, especially in The House and in state legislatures. Crazy wins GOP primaries. And when you draw the lines to decide the race in the primary, crazy wins the race. The lunacy will not end with Stupid Hitler. This really is who they are now.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Bolton’s book will remove any lingering doubt — although there never should’ve been any — that voting for Trump is profoundly unpatriotic:
“From the publisher: ‘What Bolton saw astonished him: a President for whom getting reelected was the only thing that mattered, even if it meant endangering or weakening the nation.’ … Bolton ‘shows a President addicted to chaos, who embraced our enemies and spurned our friends, and … and advancing his own interests.’ … Bolton argues in the book that, ‘the U.S. lost an opportunity to confront its deepening threats, and in cases like China, Russia, Iran, and North Korea ended up in a more vulnerable place.'”
I went straight to the bottom here, without looking, but just in case Boob didn’t post I thought I’d help out with a little distraction to the +110,00 dead due to The Hump and Repuke Viral infection sweeping the Nation.
yeah, you can’t really have a second wave, if your still on your first, Arizona and TexAss!
Roger Rabbitspews:
“White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany said that even discussing the renaming of the installations [named after Confederates] was akin to desecrating the sacrifice of fallen soldiers.”
Say what?? What sacrifice? Which soldiers? Ah well, Trump can’t afford to lose the Confederate vote, can he? And she can’t afford to lose her job. Who else would hire a nitwit like her? Even Fox didn’t want her.
Roger Rabbitspews:
McNitwit’s argument goes like this: “”To suggest these forts are somehow inherently racist and their names need to be changed is a complete disrespect to the men and women, who the last bit of American land they saw before they went overseas and lost their lives were these forts.”
To which a grizzled Iraq War veteran responded, “If any of my fallen friends’ last thoughts were of the fucking base they deployed from, I’ll eat Kevlar.”
Well, you can’t expect a ninny to comprehend the first thing about serving in the military or fighting in a war, can you? After all, she wasn’t there, and you can’t really get any sense of what it’s like from an Oxford-Harvard education. Trust me on this.
Now I’m a veteran myself, so I know about this, and I can tell you the best thing — the only good thing — about the Army bases I trained and served at is that I’m not there anymore.
I hope to God, for the sake of future trainees and service members, they never name one after Trump. Reveille is bad enough, Army food is bad enough, the fatigue details are bad enough, the Army chickenshit is bad enough, it’s all bad enough already without having to wake up and go to bed at Camp Trump. Frankly, I think more troops would go AWOL rather than serve in such a place. I mean, that’s like being buried in a cemetery with swastika headstones.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@1 If Second Amendment is good enough for Boogaloo, it’s good enough for antifa. What’s good for the goose, is good for the gander.
“When I got hit and saw my leg over there and I was bleeding my last thought was, ‘Well, I guess the bone spur isn’t a problem anymore.’” Donald, somewhere having a bowl of Phở, Upper Westside.
A Denver militia observed a man and a woman walking a dog on his sovereign nation. After screaming at them through an open window he executed the woman for the capital crime of not having a poop bag.
Armed polite something something.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@3 You don’t have to wait several weeks. You’ve got it right now in Arizona ( 93%), Arkansas ( 63%), Utah ( 62%), Florida ( 47%), Kentucky ( 40%), Oklahoma ( 37%), Nevada ( 28%), Texass ( 20%), and Georgia ( 18%), among others. (U.S. as a whole is -0.5%, Washington is -16%). Gee, how many of those are REOPEN NOW!!! states? All of ’em.
Probably not good optics for dumbfucks like you to wag fingers about crowds and social distancing.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Here’s how you can tell the difference between Boogaloo and Antifa on security video footage of rioters torching police cars: Antifa wears masks and you have to identify them from arm tattoos. Boogaloo smiles for the camera, and you can identify them from the gaps in their teeth. Also, Boogaloo are the people shooting at the police.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@4 Better do it before antifa installs ICBM silos at Sixth and Broadway. Those people are dangerous, you know, unlike Putin or Comrade Kim.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@5 Out of sorts this morning, are you? Horse kick you out of the barn last night?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@6 Actually, SCOTUS didn’t determine it wasn’t criminal, only that the criminality of it didn’t fall within the explicit elements of the criminal statute they were prosecuted under.
But no matter, it ended Christie’s political career, and that’s justice enough for the innocent victims of his petty vendetta against a mayor who had the good sense to tell him to go fuck himself.
Kinda like our Seattle mayor’s response to another rightwing politician obsessed with petty vendettas.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@9 How can you “discover” a continent already full of people? It sure seems like someone else got there first.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@10 “Village Idiot of HA.”
There’s only one?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@15 I quit paying attention to that idiot Kudlow while he was still a CNN hack whose only raison d’etre for being there was a misguided management effort to look “fair and balanced” by putting complete nonsense on the air. Now I’m really ignoring him.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@16 I believe in a competitive two-party system, and I get frustrated with Democrats at times (although my grievances are relatively minor), but stuff like this makes it impossible to vote for any Republican under any circumstances, even a halfway sane one (if there still is such a thing), because if you do you’re further empowering these kooks.
The reality is the GOP isn’t a political party anymore. It’s a cult, hate group, and lunatic asylum all rolled into one. No one has to wonder why Puddy’s in that facility; he obviously belongs in a nut house. As for Doctor Dumbfuck, the most plausible explanation is because he’s a dumbfuck.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@18 I heard it’s over 115,000 and on its way to 225,000 by Labor Day.
Think about it. A hundred thousand unsuspecting people walking around healthy today, going to barberships and beauty parlors, sitting at tables in cafes, mingling with crowds at beaches and amusement parks, are going to be cold stone dead before their kids go back to school.
It’s like the Western Front in 1917. Here one moment, gone the next.
Trolls: You realize, don’t you, that when all those folks congregating at Sixth and Broadway are gone — felled by Covid-19 — we can’t rename CHAZ because that will be “sacred ground” where heroes fell? From then on, East Precinct must be called “CHAZ” forever.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@24 I thought he has a wooden head. It never occurred to me he has a wooden leg. I guess that explains the thumping noise in White House hallways.
Eleven Time Noble Prize Winner in Dropping Humiliation Bombs on Rapepublicans, Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
The framing of the debate is all wrong. And that’s why we are in this place right now.
No other country would valorize treason and traitors in this way. These are not conquered lands where the sacrifices of the heroes from the past are being honored. These lands, these places were and are all part of the Unites States. And these are United States citizens who engaged in treason and went to war against their own nation. And they lost.
Only the US honors treason in this way.
What is racist is not the naming of military facilities after traitors, nor the erection of statues and monuments to celebrate traitors. That’s not racism. That’s disloyalty. That’s betrayal. What is racist is that, until recently, only African Americans were sufficiently loyal to America and its ideals to be able to see it this way. And for that loyalty white America honored them with Jim Crow, Red-lining, color-bars, separate drinking fountains, soaring cash bail, and knees on wind pipes.
Until only very recently almost all of white America, all of our history books, all of our literature, music, and culture, treated many of these traitors as heroes. We’ve been more loyal to something else. Something we all shared in common with them was worth more to us than America itself – still is for some of us.
Raz Simone
Jun 11
Someone is creating fake tweets from my page somehow… fake tweets that seem like they’re from the past and they’re from my account somehow smh y’all are ridiculous…
Why didn’t Obama remove the Confederate references when he was president? Eight years is a long time to do shit like this.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Factoid: America doesn’t have two flags.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@40 That’s your excuse for keeping them?
Eleven Time Noble Prize Winner in Dropping Humiliation Bombs on Rapepublicans, Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
Why didn’t Obama…
Perhaps he got tired of ducking all the death threats targeting his children, questions about his birth certificate, thrown shoes and cries of “Traitor” from Rapepublicans during SOTUs.
Just like The Pussy to call for a black man to clean up another white America mess.
Then criticize the way he does it.
Then claim Stupid Hitler could do it better.
Then claim that a secret invisible cabal of Zionist bankers and socialist moles buried within the ranks of the GSA are the ones who made the mess all in order to distract from their weekly baby cannibalism feasts with Satan and AOC.
Eleven Time Noble Prize Winner in Dropping Humiliation Bombs on Rapepublicans, Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
A cursory study of Lynyrd Synyrd album artwork might tell a different story.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@40 Well, I’ll tell you why: George Floyd’s murder has awakened the conscience of our nation. Black men were murdered by white cops on Obama’s watch, too, but having a white supremacist in the White House egging on racists and killer cops has infused energy into the movement to tear down Confederate flags and monuments. The irony is delicious: It was Trump’s actions, not Obama’s, that pulled down the Confederate flags and toppled Nathan Bedford Forrest’s statue. The good ol’ rebel boys know who to thank.
And a spokesperson for the Torrance Police Department said, “And we also had a second matter that was also brought up from October of last year, for an incident at the mall where it’s believed that the same female struck a patron at the mall.”
Okay, I get that when you’re in a public park and someone is using the stairs on a pathway for stretching or exercising, that can be annoying if you want to go up the stairs, but normal people would go around or say, “Excuse me, can I get by here?”
The recurring theme of all these similar incidents is that the petty irritations of daily life seem to bring out the latent racism in these people. And yes, there’s more of this overt behavior now; and yes, Trump is partly to blame, because he has created a social climate that legitimizes and excuses this conduct. So if you vote for Trump, you’re contributing to it.
And you, Puddy, could be next.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Inslee called up the National Guard to process unemployment claims.
Don’t need them to monitor the “black lives don’t matter” counter protests. Only 5 people show up for those.
Roger Rabbitspews:
“Another person has tested positive for coronavirus after visiting the Lake of the Ozarks over Memorial Day weekend in Missouri, health officials said Friday.”
What goes around, spreads. Funny how some people don’t understand that. You’d think they’d have learned from their experience with common colds and flus.
Roger Rabbitspews:
“Mark Zuckerberg and Priscilla Chan say they are ‘disgusted’ by President Donald Trump’s remarks on the nationwide protests against racial injustice.”
Then don’t give him a platform and megaphone, dumbass. The First Amendment doesn’t apply to private companies.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Why a reporter who covered the Rodney King riots thinks this time is different: “I’ve never seen so many white people as angry about racism as its victims.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: I’ve always been angry about racism, even though I’m not one of its victims, and I’m not less angry because I’m holed up in my burrow instead of out there protesting. I won’t say I’m angry at our indifferent trolls; I don’t personalize my anger at racism. I just post about it. I let the world know what I think of it. And I realize I’m only a zit on a horsefly’s wing; the young people now in the streets are the ones changing the world. Thank God for them. Those of us who lived through the 1960s always knew it would take a white uprising against racism to change things. That’s what makes this time different. And it sure feels real to me. Statues toppled, Confederate flags banned, racists fired from their jobs. Like the breakup of the Soviet Union, I never thought I’d see it, but here it is.
Boomers. They were going to change the world and instead they voted for Trump.
Roger Rabbitspews:
The firings are now coming thick and fast. In Florida, a cop union jerk bites the dust. I’m not against good cops, but this weeding of our police forces is long overdue.
Eleven Time Noble Prize Winner in Dropping Humiliation Bombs on Rapepublicans, Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
Maybe Suckerberg would have more credibility if he applied the Stupid Hitler standard to every other account. FB allows Stupid Hitler to post content that would get other accounts removed or suspended. He’s not “disgusted”. He’s thrilled.
The Trolls come out of the woodwork when they know they are losing, and Bob hides.
Zuckerberg sucks dick!
I’ve always been angry about racism, even though I’m not one of its victims
I’ve always been as angry about Racism and Bigotry, as one of the victims.
Sorry, but one doesn’t go without the other.
The Neanderthal race needs to check themselves.
How about an out (male) player in Pro Sports? Is that too much to ask for? Let’s take a poll from the Owner’s and Players that all except Public money from the taxpayer (indirectly) – let’s see how they feel at this exact moment. Serves them right that they, the Neanderthals, can’t play today. I say that, as I still don’t know if I’ll ever be refunded my couple of thousand dollars for the purchase of NY Yankees season tickets (20 game package), or see a game this season.
Huffington Post is hypocritical when they post a story about some private religious institution receiving public funding and into conversion therapy, without question the Sports Industrial Complex. Every heterosexual asking for income inequality is a hypocrite, if they are silent to it.
too blind to see that
they aren’t blind….they are Neanderthals.
Eleven Time Noble Prize Winner in Dropping Humiliation Bombs on Rapepublicans, Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
57, How about an out (male) player in Pro Sports?
NFL: Michael Sam 2014
MLB: Glenn Burke 1978
NBA: Jason Collins 2013
There have been openly gay “premier” league soccer players as far back as the 1980s.
I would not say it was “easy” for any of them. And there is ample evidence to suggest that their sexuality harmed their professional careers in almost every case.
@59, Jason Collins, who was not open about it for the first 12-13 years of his 14 year career. 3 guys, is that all you got? It’s 2020! Any others? Or is it that gay guys just don’t have the ability?
Jason Paul Collins (born December 2, 1978) is an American former professional basketball player who played 13 seasons in the National Basketball Association (NBA). A center, Collins played college basketball for Stanford University, where he was an All-American in 2000–01. Collins was selected by the Houston Rockets as the 18th overall pick in the 2001 NBA draft. He went on to play for the New Jersey Nets, Memphis Grizzlies, Minnesota Timberwolves, Atlanta Hawks….After the 2012–13 NBA season concluded, Collins publicly came out as gay. He became a free agent and did not play again until February 2014, when he signed with the Nets and became the second openly gay athlete to play in any of Major professional sports leagues in the United States and Canada following
Demorat-China Party Of Hate America, Hate Whites & Make Riots Great Again Bombshell News – CHAZ aka BIDENVILLE Report – Racist Border Wall Erected In BIDENVILLE.
Seattle, Washington’s Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone (CHAZ) — formed by anarchists, Antifa members, and Black Lives Matter activists — has set up a border wall surrounding its perimeters and is seemingly conducting ‘deportations’.
Likewise, CHAZ occupants have seemingly conducted at least one deportation.
On Thursday, reporter Julio Rosas captured a moment where CHAZ occupants kicked out a man who said he was a pro-life activist and had been live-streaming from inside the autonomous zone.
The man was taunted by a mob as he was kicked out. The process was far less technical and impartial than the deportation process of the United States federal government.
Occupiers forced this guy out who was live-streaming inside the zone. The crowd was calling him a white supremacist, though the man being pushed out says he’s simply an anti-abortion advocate. The crowd chanted, “Who don’t matter? This motherfucker!”
— Julio Rosas (@Julio_Rosas11) June 11, 2020
Roger Rabbitspews:
@61 I won’t condone it, but it’s not quite the same thing as this
Now he knows what it feels like to be a liberal on Free Republic* or any other rightwing blog.
* There are no liberals on Free Republic. They’re summarily “deported” upon trying to post there.
And the sport that I am, I’ll go to Yankee Stadium, only to hear one of the fans seated around me call one of the players faggot, or some reference to being effeminate.
But hey 3 open gay guys in the last 40 years of the three leagues, what progress!
Roger Rabbitspews:
Seattle’s streets, of course, are public property and anyone has a right to be there. Blogs, on the other hand, are private property and can decide who can post on them. I’m not saying differently. CHAZ is a protest. Our rightwing friends argue the Malheur occupation was a protest. When someone else is on the street before you, well, you wait your turn. We’ve all learned to be patient with street demonstrations*; they don’t last forever, and the streets eventually reopen to the public. So be patient, little doggie, you’ll be able to stroll down Broadway at Sixth again someday, pissing on the hydrants as you go.
* Well, those of us who are grownups, at least.
Eleven Time Noble Prize Winner in Dropping Humiliation Bombs on Rapepublicans, Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
Because Jville does not have enough hotel rooms, they will be packing MAGAts onto little cruise ships on the St. Johns river for the RNC.
Free nightly entertainment courtesy of The Parasite Pals!
Eleven Time Noble Prize Winner in Dropping Humiliation Bombs on Rapepublicans, Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
I think there are more now. Those are the first in each league I believe. Just thought you might want to know. My understanding is that for most of the major professional leagues, an individual player’s sexual orientation is, at this point, of very little interest to the team, coaches, or other players. But since commercial endorsement deals can comprise the lion’s share of income for many professional athletes, it sounds like most talent management firms discourage their athletes under contract from making their sexuality known.
So maybe blame it on Toyota or Coors?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@66 Thx, now do @64.
Question: Who’s getting raped and robbed in CHAZ, if nobody’s there except protesters?
Roger Rabbitspews:
“Despite massive problems at the voting booth, Democratic turnout in Georgia’s primaries skyrocketed — with three times as many votes cast in the Senate primary as in 2016.”
My sense is the harder they make it to vote, the more people will turn out to vote. The longer they stand out in the cold and rain, the less likely they will give up and go home. The fewer polling places there are, the more determined they will be to get to them. The harder they try to suppress the vote, the less they’ll succeed at preventing voting.
Funny, you humans. Especially when somebody pisses you off, and Trump pisses a lot of people off. I think the GOP has a tiger by the tail.
And Michael Sam didn’t make the roster after being drafted.
An SEC defensive player of the year Senior fell to the 7th round of the draft.
And after notching three sacks in four preseason games was cut by the Rams. No team picked him up even after a solid pre-season showing. Teams would say, too small, too slow but three sacks in four games. But for some reason he didn’t make it. So I have no doubt there are currently gay players and we know post career players have come out but the message from the league is clear. If you’re out, you’re out.
Roger Rabbitspews:
We will now be treated to an outpouring of outrage and calls for use of force against the peaceful protesters in CHAZ by people who thought the non-violent eviction of armed terrorists from Malheur was overreach and government abuse of citizens.
Here’s the thing. If they didn’t call for use of force against the Malheur occupiers, and they now call for use of force against the CHAZ occupiers, they’re fucking hypocrites and their credibility is somewhere between zero and none.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Trump backed down from holding his Tulsa rally on Juneteenth and rescheduled it to the following day, June 20.
Probably two liberals, they seem to be intelligent.
If you want to single yourself out as a group that is demanding respect, and rightfully so, then you can be singled out as a group that needs to be respectful of others (groups).
On MSNBC, they showed live backgrounds of this morning Seattle, up on Capitol Hill, where the protesters are at the police station It seemed calm at the moment and had a festival look and feel with the chalk art on the street It was nice to see the old neighborhood and that side of Cal Anderson park. The camera was set up in the parking lot of the old KFC. I used to walk that area almost daily walking home.
Mayor Jenny claimed the CHAZ was a block party atmosphere.
It’s OK for people to be armed and open-carrying at block parties, I guess. At least in Seattle.
What’s important is that nobody catch the Wuhan from a dirty gun barrel.
Lemme know when Trump interns Americans of a single race.
Of course, he wouldn’t be the first president to do that, so never mind.
In several weeks Seattle will see an increase in Virus cases and deaths.
Goldy @ 2 and Tucker Carlson are on the same page.
Tucker: The world welcomes its newest country
This, of course, enables Trump to work around Governor Jay and Mayor Jenny. ’cause when he sends in the military, he’s invading a foreign country.
@ 3
Only if there is a God.
Waiting for Hillary to offer the same mea culpa.
Weird that I was there yesterday and there were no checkpoints. Just wandered in, took some pictures, talked to a couple people, saw someone I know, dropped a couple gallons of water and some food, then went home.
Saw no weapons but will stipulate that at night according to posted pictures there are armed people acting as security because it’s not like a group of armed white guys have been running around the suburbs looking to bust heads and posting on Social Media about breaking up Seattle.
Most were wearing masks and keeping 6′ was at least as easy as it is on a regular grocery run. Sometimes you have to choose between passing someone or just standing there and waiting for someone else to move.
I’ll take first hand observation over the tweet of a Town Hall reporter in Bristol TN for my news. Thanks though.
You mean the thing for which a bill Authored by WA Democratic U.S. Rep Tom Foley Officially apologized? A bill that passed a Democratic led Senate on the way to becoming law by a veto proof majority? A thing that paid those interred or their survivors not that money makes up for it really.
A thing normal Americans view as a stain on our nation but Right Wing Pundits like Candace Owens and Michelle Malkin still insists was totally appropriate because, “Not trusting the slant eyed shifty types after Pearl Harbor was natural.”? Or words to that effect.
1988, 32 years ago the Democratic Party led a formal apology for that ugly episode. Good example, Dumbfuck.
Christopher Columbus, hell of a guy. He discovered the New World leading to America. Genocide? Don’t be silly. Why no, I’ve never actually read his personal log even though it’s a foundational document on European expansion to the New World. Why should I?
In 24 hrs that claim about “armed immigration check points” and “body searches” has become a Deplorable trope.
The Q Clearance Pussy needs it.
Bearing in mind, of course, that armed checkpoints, and body searches were a very real, and very well documented feature of the White Supremacy takeovers of federal and state facilities in the last decade.
The Pussy has effectively obliterated any credibility he ever might have had with his TORNADO SHELTER ravings and tireless pimping of TAAAARAAAA!!!!! Now it’s all just academic.
In a way I’ll miss the challenge that once existed in whack-a-moling the Clownsurvaturd bullshit. But this Q Anon stuff is so idiotic that it really defies the effort. It’s sad to see the decline. But this was both foreseen and foreseeable. He made this choice knowing this is where it would take him.
Village Idiot of HA.
In the interest of establishing clarity in advance of The Q Anon bread crumbs, here is the condition of the Malheur following the 40 day occupation by White Nationalists in 2016:
In addition to vandalism and spoilage, the armed and violent White Nationalists looted federal property as well as Native American artifacts and desecrated Native American sites. On top of the $2 million spent providing employee safety and relocation during the invasion, DFW spent an addition $4 million on cleanup and repairs.
Santa Cruz bomber/Oakland shooter (Arrested at scene/alleged) is still on USAF Active duty.
So typical lefty anarchist.
It would appear as though the “no holds barred” Stupid Hitler interview on FOX has deftly managed to disgrace and diminish both Stupid Hitler and FOX simultaneously, despite what must have been tense hours of editing punctuated by binge drinking.
Plenty of attack ad sound bites.
And a traitor to his country.
New Rasmussen orange moron approval poll…
Approve 43, Disapprove 55
Better call Putin.
White House economic adviser Larry Kudlow says, “There is no emergency. There is no second wave. I don’t know where that got started on Wall Street.”
“The coronavirus outbreaks seen in about half a dozen states across the U.S. isn’t the feared “second wave” – it’s still the first, scientists and infectious disease specialists say”
So this is what gerrymandering has also done for the GOP:
You may not want to watch all of that idiotic conspiracy word-salad. Cut-to-the chase, Marjorie Taylor Green will be the next Rapepublican to rep GA-14 and she’s straight bug-fuck Q Anon. She’s also a Three Percenter who got herself listed on the SPLC watchlist for threatening immigrants and religious minorities. So of course she needs to go to The People’s House to advance the sacred fight against Satanic Baby Cannibalism.
This is the other side of the gerrymandering coin. GA-14 is the tenth most Rapepublican district in the US. In “safe” districts primaries become dispositive. And in solid red districts the risk is of not being far enough to the right. Any doubt just ask Eric Cantor who, if he hadn’t got outflanked on the right by a TeaPublican Kook, would have been Stupid Hitler’s Speaker instead of Googly Eyed Granny-Starver.
It’s why we have increasing partisanship, why Stupid Hitler can’t apologize for gassing peaceful children and trying to stage a coup, and why no one in his party can say shit about it. It’s why Stupid Hitler can’t be impeached under a GOP Senate.
It’s also why The Q Clearance Pussy has found himself trapped on the wrong side of Teh Orange Event Horizon. Safely ensconced in and adjacent to liberal enclaves of affluence, education, and inclusiveness, and not a few Tibetan prayer flags, you’d think The Pussy would enjoy some immunity. But modern media revolution, my dudes and dudettes. Nobody is immune from Teh Stoopid contagion in a media saturated mobile data world. And the same forces that drive House candidates in North Georgia further and further out on a 4chan limb have also done their work on The Pussy. Gerrymandering has helped the GOP gain temporary majorities. But it came at a certain and devastating cost.
Because it has also permanently consigned the GOP to becoming ever more and more extreme, especially in The House and in state legislatures. Crazy wins GOP primaries. And when you draw the lines to decide the race in the primary, crazy wins the race. The lunacy will not end with Stupid Hitler. This really is who they are now.
Bolton’s book will remove any lingering doubt — although there never should’ve been any — that voting for Trump is profoundly unpatriotic:
“From the publisher: ‘What Bolton saw astonished him: a President for whom getting reelected was the only thing that mattered, even if it meant endangering or weakening the nation.’ … Bolton ‘shows a President addicted to chaos, who embraced our enemies and spurned our friends, and … and advancing his own interests.’ … Bolton argues in the book that, ‘the U.S. lost an opportunity to confront its deepening threats, and in cases like China, Russia, Iran, and North Korea ended up in a more vulnerable place.'”
I went straight to the bottom here, without looking, but just in case Boob didn’t post I thought I’d help out with a little distraction to the +110,00 dead due to The Hump and Repuke Viral infection sweeping the Nation.
Look here! Jussie is in the news!
@5 Boob you wouldn’t approve of your comment if anyone else said….hope the Horse kicks you in the balls.
If there were a God you’d be taking a long nap.
yeah, you can’t really have a second wave, if your still on your first, Arizona and TexAss!
“White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany said that even discussing the renaming of the installations [named after Confederates] was akin to desecrating the sacrifice of fallen soldiers.”
Say what?? What sacrifice? Which soldiers? Ah well, Trump can’t afford to lose the Confederate vote, can he? And she can’t afford to lose her job. Who else would hire a nitwit like her? Even Fox didn’t want her.
McNitwit’s argument goes like this: “”To suggest these forts are somehow inherently racist and their names need to be changed is a complete disrespect to the men and women, who the last bit of American land they saw before they went overseas and lost their lives were these forts.”
To which a grizzled Iraq War veteran responded, “If any of my fallen friends’ last thoughts were of the fucking base they deployed from, I’ll eat Kevlar.”
Well, you can’t expect a ninny to comprehend the first thing about serving in the military or fighting in a war, can you? After all, she wasn’t there, and you can’t really get any sense of what it’s like from an Oxford-Harvard education. Trust me on this.
Now I’m a veteran myself, so I know about this, and I can tell you the best thing — the only good thing — about the Army bases I trained and served at is that I’m not there anymore.
I hope to God, for the sake of future trainees and service members, they never name one after Trump. Reveille is bad enough, Army food is bad enough, the fatigue details are bad enough, the Army chickenshit is bad enough, it’s all bad enough already without having to wake up and go to bed at Camp Trump. Frankly, I think more troops would go AWOL rather than serve in such a place. I mean, that’s like being buried in a cemetery with swastika headstones.
@1 If Second Amendment is good enough for Boogaloo, it’s good enough for antifa. What’s good for the goose, is good for the gander.
“When I got hit and saw my leg over there and I was bleeding my last thought was, ‘Well, I guess the bone spur isn’t a problem anymore.’” Donald, somewhere having a bowl of Phở, Upper Westside.
A Denver militia observed a man and a woman walking a dog on his sovereign nation. After screaming at them through an open window he executed the woman for the capital crime of not having a poop bag.
Armed polite something something.
@3 You don’t have to wait several weeks. You’ve got it right now in Arizona ( 93%), Arkansas ( 63%), Utah ( 62%), Florida ( 47%), Kentucky ( 40%), Oklahoma ( 37%), Nevada ( 28%), Texass ( 20%), and Georgia ( 18%), among others. (U.S. as a whole is -0.5%, Washington is -16%). Gee, how many of those are REOPEN NOW!!! states? All of ’em.
Probably not good optics for dumbfucks like you to wag fingers about crowds and social distancing.
Here’s how you can tell the difference between Boogaloo and Antifa on security video footage of rioters torching police cars: Antifa wears masks and you have to identify them from arm tattoos. Boogaloo smiles for the camera, and you can identify them from the gaps in their teeth. Also, Boogaloo are the people shooting at the police.
@4 Better do it before antifa installs ICBM silos at Sixth and Broadway. Those people are dangerous, you know, unlike Putin or Comrade Kim.
@5 Out of sorts this morning, are you? Horse kick you out of the barn last night?
@6 Actually, SCOTUS didn’t determine it wasn’t criminal, only that the criminality of it didn’t fall within the explicit elements of the criminal statute they were prosecuted under.
But no matter, it ended Christie’s political career, and that’s justice enough for the innocent victims of his petty vendetta against a mayor who had the good sense to tell him to go fuck himself.
Kinda like our Seattle mayor’s response to another rightwing politician obsessed with petty vendettas.
@9 How can you “discover” a continent already full of people? It sure seems like someone else got there first.
@10 “Village Idiot of HA.”
There’s only one?
@15 I quit paying attention to that idiot Kudlow while he was still a CNN hack whose only raison d’etre for being there was a misguided management effort to look “fair and balanced” by putting complete nonsense on the air. Now I’m really ignoring him.
@16 I believe in a competitive two-party system, and I get frustrated with Democrats at times (although my grievances are relatively minor), but stuff like this makes it impossible to vote for any Republican under any circumstances, even a halfway sane one (if there still is such a thing), because if you do you’re further empowering these kooks.
The reality is the GOP isn’t a political party anymore. It’s a cult, hate group, and lunatic asylum all rolled into one. No one has to wonder why Puddy’s in that facility; he obviously belongs in a nut house. As for Doctor Dumbfuck, the most plausible explanation is because he’s a dumbfuck.
@18 I heard it’s over 115,000 and on its way to 225,000 by Labor Day.
Think about it. A hundred thousand unsuspecting people walking around healthy today, going to barberships and beauty parlors, sitting at tables in cafes, mingling with crowds at beaches and amusement parks, are going to be cold stone dead before their kids go back to school.
It’s like the Western Front in 1917. Here one moment, gone the next.
Trolls: You realize, don’t you, that when all those folks congregating at Sixth and Broadway are gone — felled by Covid-19 — we can’t rename CHAZ because that will be “sacred ground” where heroes fell? From then on, East Precinct must be called “CHAZ” forever.
@24 I thought he has a wooden head. It never occurred to me he has a wooden leg. I guess that explains the thumping noise in White House hallways.
The framing of the debate is all wrong. And that’s why we are in this place right now.
No other country would valorize treason and traitors in this way. These are not conquered lands where the sacrifices of the heroes from the past are being honored. These lands, these places were and are all part of the Unites States. And these are United States citizens who engaged in treason and went to war against their own nation. And they lost.
Only the US honors treason in this way.
What is racist is not the naming of military facilities after traitors, nor the erection of statues and monuments to celebrate traitors. That’s not racism. That’s disloyalty. That’s betrayal. What is racist is that, until recently, only African Americans were sufficiently loyal to America and its ideals to be able to see it this way. And for that loyalty white America honored them with Jim Crow, Red-lining, color-bars, separate drinking fountains, soaring cash bail, and knees on wind pipes.
Until only very recently almost all of white America, all of our history books, all of our literature, music, and culture, treated many of these traitors as heroes. We’ve been more loyal to something else. Something we all shared in common with them was worth more to us than America itself – still is for some of us.
Can you guess what that is?
Is it racist to delete a CHAZ warlord for being a homophobic asshole?
How about if he lies about it when he’s caught?
Why didn’t Obama remove the Confederate references when he was president? Eight years is a long time to do shit like this.
Factoid: America doesn’t have two flags.
@40 That’s your excuse for keeping them?
Perhaps he got tired of ducking all the death threats targeting his children, questions about his birth certificate, thrown shoes and cries of “Traitor” from Rapepublicans during SOTUs.
Just like The Pussy to call for a black man to clean up another white America mess.
Then criticize the way he does it.
Then claim Stupid Hitler could do it better.
Then claim that a secret invisible cabal of Zionist bankers and socialist moles buried within the ranks of the GSA are the ones who made the mess all in order to distract from their weekly baby cannibalism feasts with Satan and AOC.
A cursory study of Lynyrd Synyrd album artwork might tell a different story.
@40 Well, I’ll tell you why: George Floyd’s murder has awakened the conscience of our nation. Black men were murdered by white cops on Obama’s watch, too, but having a white supremacist in the White House egging on racists and killer cops has infused energy into the movement to tear down Confederate flags and monuments. The irony is delicious: It was Trump’s actions, not Obama’s, that pulled down the Confederate flags and toppled Nathan Bedford Forrest’s statue. The good ol’ rebel boys know who to thank.
This woman has issues.
And a spokesperson for the Torrance Police Department said, “And we also had a second matter that was also brought up from October of last year, for an incident at the mall where it’s believed that the same female struck a patron at the mall.”
Okay, I get that when you’re in a public park and someone is using the stairs on a pathway for stretching or exercising, that can be annoying if you want to go up the stairs, but normal people would go around or say, “Excuse me, can I get by here?”
The recurring theme of all these similar incidents is that the petty irritations of daily life seem to bring out the latent racism in these people. And yes, there’s more of this overt behavior now; and yes, Trump is partly to blame, because he has created a social climate that legitimizes and excuses this conduct. So if you vote for Trump, you’re contributing to it.
And you, Puddy, could be next.
Inslee called up the National Guard to process unemployment claims.
Trump wants to federalize them to shoot BLM protesters.
No, trolls, the parties aren’t the same. Republicans are different from Democrats. I’m sorry you’re too blind to see that.
“US government spy planes monitored George Floyd protests”
Don’t need them to monitor the “black lives don’t matter” counter protests. Only 5 people show up for those.
“Another person has tested positive for coronavirus after visiting the Lake of the Ozarks over Memorial Day weekend in Missouri, health officials said Friday.”
What goes around, spreads. Funny how some people don’t understand that. You’d think they’d have learned from their experience with common colds and flus.
“Mark Zuckerberg and Priscilla Chan say they are ‘disgusted’ by President Donald Trump’s remarks on the nationwide protests against racial injustice.”
Then don’t give him a platform and megaphone, dumbass. The First Amendment doesn’t apply to private companies.
Why a reporter who covered the Rodney King riots thinks this time is different: “I’ve never seen so many white people as angry about racism as its victims.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: I’ve always been angry about racism, even though I’m not one of its victims, and I’m not less angry because I’m holed up in my burrow instead of out there protesting. I won’t say I’m angry at our indifferent trolls; I don’t personalize my anger at racism. I just post about it. I let the world know what I think of it. And I realize I’m only a zit on a horsefly’s wing; the young people now in the streets are the ones changing the world. Thank God for them. Those of us who lived through the 1960s always knew it would take a white uprising against racism to change things. That’s what makes this time different. And it sure feels real to me. Statues toppled, Confederate flags banned, racists fired from their jobs. Like the breakup of the Soviet Union, I never thought I’d see it, but here it is.
Boomers. They were going to change the world and instead they voted for Trump.
The firings are now coming thick and fast. In Florida, a cop union jerk bites the dust. I’m not against good cops, but this weeding of our police forces is long overdue.
Maybe Suckerberg would have more credibility if he applied the Stupid Hitler standard to every other account. FB allows Stupid Hitler to post content that would get other accounts removed or suspended. He’s not “disgusted”. He’s thrilled.
The Trolls come out of the woodwork when they know they are losing, and Bob hides.
Zuckerberg sucks dick!
I’ve always been as angry about Racism and Bigotry, as one of the victims.
Sorry, but one doesn’t go without the other.
The Neanderthal race needs to check themselves.
How about an out (male) player in Pro Sports? Is that too much to ask for? Let’s take a poll from the Owner’s and Players that all except Public money from the taxpayer (indirectly) – let’s see how they feel at this exact moment. Serves them right that they, the Neanderthals, can’t play today. I say that, as I still don’t know if I’ll ever be refunded my couple of thousand dollars for the purchase of NY Yankees season tickets (20 game package), or see a game this season.
Huffington Post is hypocritical when they post a story about some private religious institution receiving public funding and into conversion therapy, without question the Sports Industrial Complex. Every heterosexual asking for income inequality is a hypocrite, if they are silent to it.
they aren’t blind….they are Neanderthals.
How about an out (male) player in Pro Sports?
NFL: Michael Sam 2014
MLB: Glenn Burke 1978
NBA: Jason Collins 2013
There have been openly gay “premier” league soccer players as far back as the 1980s.
I would not say it was “easy” for any of them. And there is ample evidence to suggest that their sexuality harmed their professional careers in almost every case.
@59, Jason Collins, who was not open about it for the first 12-13 years of his 14 year career. 3 guys, is that all you got? It’s 2020! Any others? Or is it that gay guys just don’t have the ability?
Demorat-China Party Of Hate America, Hate Whites & Make Riots Great Again Bombshell News – CHAZ aka BIDENVILLE Report – Racist Border Wall Erected In BIDENVILLE.
Seattle, Washington’s Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone (CHAZ) — formed by anarchists, Antifa members, and Black Lives Matter activists — has set up a border wall surrounding its perimeters and is seemingly conducting ‘deportations’.
Likewise, CHAZ occupants have seemingly conducted at least one deportation.
On Thursday, reporter Julio Rosas captured a moment where CHAZ occupants kicked out a man who said he was a pro-life activist and had been live-streaming from inside the autonomous zone.
The man was taunted by a mob as he was kicked out. The process was far less technical and impartial than the deportation process of the United States federal government.
Occupiers forced this guy out who was live-streaming inside the zone. The crowd was calling him a white supremacist, though the man being pushed out says he’s simply an anti-abortion advocate. The crowd chanted, “Who don’t matter? This motherfucker!”
— Julio Rosas (@Julio_Rosas11) June 11, 2020
@61 I won’t condone it, but it’s not quite the same thing as this
or this
Now he knows what it feels like to be a liberal on Free Republic* or any other rightwing blog.
* There are no liberals on Free Republic. They’re summarily “deported” upon trying to post there.
And the sport that I am, I’ll go to Yankee Stadium, only to hear one of the fans seated around me call one of the players faggot, or some reference to being effeminate.
But hey 3 open gay guys in the last 40 years of the three leagues, what progress!
Seattle’s streets, of course, are public property and anyone has a right to be there. Blogs, on the other hand, are private property and can decide who can post on them. I’m not saying differently. CHAZ is a protest. Our rightwing friends argue the Malheur occupation was a protest. When someone else is on the street before you, well, you wait your turn. We’ve all learned to be patient with street demonstrations*; they don’t last forever, and the streets eventually reopen to the public. So be patient, little doggie, you’ll be able to stroll down Broadway at Sixth again someday, pissing on the hydrants as you go.
* Well, those of us who are grownups, at least.
Because Jville does not have enough hotel rooms, they will be packing MAGAts onto little cruise ships on the St. Johns river for the RNC.
Free nightly entertainment courtesy of The Parasite Pals!
Demorat-China Party Of Hate America, Hate Whites & Make Riots Great Again Bombshell News – CHAZ aka BIDENVILLE Report Update- Dingbat Durkan (D-China) calls Seattle Riot “Block Party,” see,;
Seattle Police Chief explains what a Demorat block party looks like.
Seattle Police Chief Carmen Best told reporters on Thursday that “rapes, robberies, all sorts of violent acts” are occurring inside the Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone (CHAZ), the anarchist autonomous zone, in Seattle City.
This was on the same day Seattle Mayor Jenny Durkan called the anarchist takeover of a six-block section of Seattle “patriotism.”
@62 A for effort
Repuke-Russia Party of Bigots. Go fuck yourself!
I think there are more now. Those are the first in each league I believe. Just thought you might want to know. My understanding is that for most of the major professional leagues, an individual player’s sexual orientation is, at this point, of very little interest to the team, coaches, or other players. But since commercial endorsement deals can comprise the lion’s share of income for many professional athletes, it sounds like most talent management firms discourage their athletes under contract from making their sexuality known.
So maybe blame it on Toyota or Coors?
@66 Thx, now do @64.
Question: Who’s getting raped and robbed in CHAZ, if nobody’s there except protesters?
“Despite massive problems at the voting booth, Democratic turnout in Georgia’s primaries skyrocketed — with three times as many votes cast in the Senate primary as in 2016.”
Didn’t go quite the way they planned.
My sense is the harder they make it to vote, the more people will turn out to vote. The longer they stand out in the cold and rain, the less likely they will give up and go home. The fewer polling places there are, the more determined they will be to get to them. The harder they try to suppress the vote, the less they’ll succeed at preventing voting.
Funny, you humans. Especially when somebody pisses you off, and Trump pisses a lot of people off. I think the GOP has a tiger by the tail.
61, 66,
Andy Ngo and his mini-me Rosas.
Known affiliates of a violent terrorist organizations with a well documented history of falsifying video content and posting it to social media.
Peddle your propaganda elsewhere, Boris.
A relative of A1.
And Michael Sam didn’t make the roster after being drafted.
An SEC defensive player of the year Senior fell to the 7th round of the draft.
And after notching three sacks in four preseason games was cut by the Rams. No team picked him up even after a solid pre-season showing. Teams would say, too small, too slow but three sacks in four games. But for some reason he didn’t make it. So I have no doubt there are currently gay players and we know post career players have come out but the message from the league is clear. If you’re out, you’re out.
We will now be treated to an outpouring of outrage and calls for use of force against the peaceful protesters in CHAZ by people who thought the non-violent eviction of armed terrorists from Malheur was overreach and government abuse of citizens.
Here’s the thing. If they didn’t call for use of force against the Malheur occupiers, and they now call for use of force against the CHAZ occupiers, they’re fucking hypocrites and their credibility is somewhere between zero and none.
Trump backed down from holding his Tulsa rally on Juneteenth and rescheduled it to the following day, June 20.
Hey trolls, here’s your “busloads of antifa.”
@76. Thank You. Denial is a bitch.
Clearly Pro sports leagues are doing more harm than any church group performing conversion therapy.
And the silence of speaking up about it is doing more harm than any religious conversion therapy.
Ohh fuck off, how about a year off.
Neanderthals…..buying lots of guns to protect themselves from…………………their daughters.
Hey Steve, get a load of this guy…….he decided to dig put a swimming pool in his basement……..for fun. Deep enough for a horse too.
I think the way to fill the pool with water is through the “egress” window.
Fucking amazing. Way to go Spencer.
Probably two liberals, they seem to be intelligent.
If you want to single yourself out as a group that is demanding respect, and rightfully so, then you can be singled out as a group that needs to be respectful of others (groups).
On MSNBC, they showed live backgrounds of this morning Seattle, up on Capitol Hill, where the protesters are at the police station It seemed calm at the moment and had a festival look and feel with the chalk art on the street It was nice to see the old neighborhood and that side of Cal Anderson park. The camera was set up in the parking lot of the old KFC. I used to walk that area almost daily walking home.