Go vote if you haven’t yet. Shit’s important even if you don’t like Kamala Harris (I do). Shit’s important even if you don’t like Bob Ferguson (Complicated). Shit’s important even if you don’t give much thought to downticket. Get your ballot postmarked or dropped off by Tuesday. Fill it out on your commute or over the weekend. But get it in. And yeah, I encourage people everyone to vote straight ticket Democrats.
Telling women they shouldn’t vote without their unemployed, gamer-douche, “crypto-investing” boyfriend’s permission is driving some extra turnout this weekend.
I think for once the Lincoln Project has done some good.
With yesterday’s additions it’s over 400k more women voting than men in North Carolina.
I sure hope they got permission first from a man. /s
In non GOP Polls Marist has new surveys out and none of them are good for Donnie.
Carl, some things don’t need to be said. Of course we’re all voting a straight ticket. Those of us who aren’t dumbfucks are voting the Democratic ticket. Voters can’t trust any Republican candidate, no matter how far down ballot, because they’re all captives of MAGA like little moons caught in a tidal orbit. Even the dogcatchers are.
The infectious jackassery in Idaho continues …
DJT is plunging another 10% today.
Pennsylvania retirees are voting to keep Social Security and Medicare.
Besides Roger and Carl, the Republican nominee calls you “scum of the earth”, and “the enemy within” and promises to unleash a wave of “violence on day one” to punish you for your voting history.
And not one single Republican candidate, official, or even dog catcher has offered to stand in the way of any of that.
“That is sick!”: Newt Gingrich loses it over ad informing women they can secretly vote for Harris
“These people are dishonest,” Newt “i cheated on my second wife with a congressional staffer while pushing for Bill Clinton’s impeachment over consensual sex between adults” Gingrich said “And so, for them to tell people to lie is just one further example of the depth of their corruption. I mean, how do you run a country where you’re walking around saying, ‘Wives should lie to their husbands, husbands should lie to their wives’?” “I mean, what kind of a totally amoral, corrupt, sick system have the Democrats developed? If you think about it at that level, it is astonishing, the decay,” he said. “Instead of having a dignity and patriotism and a sense of morality, these are really sick people,” Newt “i divorced my first wife while she was in the hospital fighting cancer” Gingrich continued. “And the more you watch them, to say, ‘Oh, why don’t you lie to your husband?’ as a publicly advocated ad? That is sick! And I think we ought to have the courage to say this is a sick, dishonest party.”
>> A believer of the principle that if you say something over and over, it has to be true. Reminds me of Troll. It’s Weird.
Remember I first tipped this weeks ago when I described how these arrogant fucktards from the “bespoke” techbro app world built the most bloated, bandwidth hungry app “with ALL the really COOL features. So when canvassers travel out into the rural areas where they hope to mine turnout from sparsely distributed low-propensity voters cleaning gun collections in remote, empty beer can littered blue-tarp trailers at the end of dirt roads, the signal strength drops and they lose all the bars. And because they slapped it together on-the-fly with no beta the app crashes and dumps the data whenever the signal drops. And also because these fuckers are greedhead “entrepreneurs” they set the canvassers up to only get paid for the data collected. So when the app crashes and the data dumps they go home hungry.
Or, alternatively they figure out how to beat the system. If data is what you pay them for then data is what you get, assholes. And if you only pay the vendor who employs the canvassers for doors and data, then not only do they have a disincentive to look too closely at what their employees are actually doing, but in fact the fraudulent employees are often your top performers who produce the most revenue and profit.
It’s like a perfect simulation in micro of the bullshit glibertardian nightmare that assholes like Elmo and Peter Thiel would turn government into if they get the chance. And if Trump wins they will.
You really are a fucking arrogant little cocksucker, McFuckhead.
I have little doubt that I would appear that way to a loser.
My advice is that you stop losing.
One way you might go about doing that is to stop supporting rapist felons who hate fair, democratic elections so much they murder police officers and plant pipe-bombs.
Muslims in Michigan.
While refusing to answer a question if he supports a two state solution someone standing very close to Trump, a campaign aide maybe, starts chanting USA USA USA!
“Biden should never have gone into Ukraine”
Donald Trump, Nov 1, 2024
On gun safety, Harris supports common-sense measures that will help save lives and keep guns out of the hands of criminals and other dangerous people. Trump, after talking a big game about standing up to the gun industry’s lobbyists, buckled under their pressure and did their bidding.
Donald Dump has said many things and has many complaints but I don’t think he’s ever denied being a fascist. Nor his supporters.
I still haven’t voted, I will do so Erection Day. Hopefully it’s a stiffing for Dumpy
I almost feel bad for dumbfuck.
And that was BEFORE you know. The thing Donnie still swears he knows nothing about.
Donnie crying
Now why would DJT be worth $40 or $50 a share if Trump is president, but worth $0 if he isn’t? Because as president, he’ll steer government contracts to his own company. Corruption, anyone?
The thing you want all over the news in Western PA days before an election is not garbage supporters being garbage people.
Fresh off screaming in Madison Square Garden about Muslim Toddlers coming to kill you the now homeless ex-mayor of New York, prominent ally and Rally Speaking opening act for Donald J Trump went on the ‘Flyover Conservatives’ podcast.
You know you’re losing if one business day before the election you file suit against a major news organization for running accurate reporting that’s not to your liking.
Jeff Jeff Jeff. Was that spiking the endorsement thing worth it. You’re still getting sued. You could have kept 250K subscribers. You could have still had the $2.25m a month in revenue.
Side note, the Harris Campaign is a co-defendant on the novel theory that the opposing campaign should be forced to make some kinds of statements and ads praising the other side. That’s not totally weird or anything
5)I have met Reichert, but still voted a straight ticket.
6)A narrow decision in Idaho, sounds like progress.
True enough. The US and the rest of the West have no business in Ukraine. NATO is over, yet diehard Neocon crazies are shouting a the top of their lungs for nuclear war with Russia and China. What the fuck is wrong with these crazy people?
To borrow from Game of Thrones, these Neocon bastards would burn the earth to a crisp as long as they got to rule over the ashes. Stop this silliness now. We don’t need to destroy the Northern Hemipshere for their fucking egos.
As long as you’re willing to stick your head in the sand and imagine Ukraine doesn’t lead to Putin moving on Latvia, Estonia, Poland, Lithuania…
A tiny, relative to the Federal Budget, amount of arms sales and financial aid exposed Russia to ‘needing North Korean Conscripts to try to keep from losing Leningrad.”
Trump would have said…”Sure thing Vlad, take Kiev. Sarajevo needs your help. Warsaw…well I’ve heard of a pact so that’s yours.”
Dolt @ 27,
Russia has no desire to rule over Ukraine, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia or any other country. All Russia wants is geography between Russia and NATO members. It’s the best way to avoid the end of the Northern Hemisphere.
Answer this question, The Worst and the Dimmest: would it be OK if we didn’t have a nuclear war with Russia? Ukraine ain’t worth it. Watch “Judging Freedom” to educate yourself, because you are a low information individual.
@24 Reichert is a weasel. Asked whether he’s voting for Trump, he tells the press and public one thing, and tells Republicans in private groups, “Of course I am,” or words to that effect.
It doesn’t matter. Reichert won’t be governor. He’ll get the 42% that all statewide Republican candidates get, even Richard Pope and Loren Culp (who otherwise aren’t similar). Except Donnie Trump got only 38.77%, signaling that something is extra-special wrong with that guy.
@28 “Russia has no desire to rule over Ukraine, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia or any other country.”
You’re forgetting those countries used to be part of the Russian empire Putin dreams of reconstituting. In fact, if you knew your history, once upon a time Ukraine was “Rus,” Russian nationhood was born and arose in Ukraine, and the capital of the Russian nation was Kiev before it was Leningrad or Moscow. And you’re saying Putin doesn’t want Russia’s ancient original back?
P.S., are you a Russian troll?
So what if that ‘buffer zone’ has no interest in being Russia.
Putin has made reunification of the USSR his out loud stated goal.
It’s been his goal for 30 years.
Nice work Russian apologist.
Please let me know which other right wing lunatics, give Putin all he desires, YouTube channels you follow.
Napolitano. Good source. You like Michael Weiner too no doubt.
Why, as the Ukrainian invasion by Russia gets close to three years old with red line after red line after red line breeched by NATO and the west have Nukes not flown? Ask someone old enough to know about MAD.
There’s also this little detail: When the USSR broke up, the U.S. persuaded a newly independent Ukraine to return the nuclear weapons in its possession to Russian, and in return the U.S., U.K., and Russia promised to respect Ukraine’s sovereignty and guarantee its security.
That’s like a treaty obligation. We’re honoring it because we keep our promises so our other partners will trust us. Also, honoring this particular agreement is key to discouraging nuclear proliferation. The idiot above keeps harping on nuclear war; well, if you want to increase the risks of nuclear war, then show countries like Ukraine they’re on their own and need nukes to defend themselves.
@31 “Nice work Russian apologist.”
He’s either very stupid, or very employed by a Russian troll farm.