– Boeing employees have rejected another contract. The company should probably not give its executives who fucked things up such great benefits if they weren’t willing to have a traditional pension for normal employees.
– Ted Cruz trying to bully trans kids in Oregon. Stay out of the Pacific Northwest, you creep.
– The 12th District legislative race is very interesting.
– The Storm endorsing Kamala Harris probably doesn’t move the needle, but gosh, what a delight.
– Anyway, please wash your hands right now and get vaccinated or boosted if you’re eligible.
It’s very unlikely that Boeing will bring back those pensions.
In @ 180 of the previous thread Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit thinks he’s got the goods on Montana GOP Senate candidate Sheehy. He doesn’t.
I wonder why the Walz-bashing doctor hasn’t posted anything about this guy lying about his military service?
Navy SEAL. The only relevant lie he could tell is that he shot OBL.
Once again, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit, READ THE ENTIRE PIECE before spewing. You would have seen this:
Oh. One more thing. The piece also included this:
Montana will elect a real military hero as its senator. Strong, strong post, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit. You probably earned Sheehy an extra dozen votes.
It’s very unlikely Boeing will be manufacturing much if they don’t.
Think of it as a bronze parachute for the non-executives who didn’t break the company, its reputation or the stock price.
64% no vote is a lot.
Or for a competent DNC presidential nominee.
Now at three high profile resignations at LA Times after billionaire owner spiked the Editorial Board’s Harris endorsement.
@3: Then Boeing might just close up shop. It wouldn’t be the end of the world.
Imagine spending capaign funds on non campaign activities.
That’s a crime.
$1.2 billion didn’t do much for #CrookedHillary in 20216, either.
Think on your sins, libbies.
@ 5
Now at three high profile resignations at LA Times after billionaire owner spiked the Editorial Board’s Harris endorsement.
There’s no publicity in merely being downsized, which would have happened in the next several months, anyway. Might as well get some liberal cred out of the job loss.
@4 had to be said, well because of this
Bob should seek help.
The final NYT/Siena poll:
Trump beat #CrookedHillary when he was at 37%.
Imagine fighting to the death to make sure the executive suite keeps an extra $1b rather than paying the people who create that billion.
Father forgive me for I have sinned.
I grabbed pussy and I raped little girls. I cheat at everything, and I lie like a mother fucker, as I dream of fucking my daughter. And I can murder someone on 5th (but I didn’t yet).
@ 10
$ 22 million over 2 years? For successfully shepherding a misogynist, racist, 37x felon into the White House?
That kind of success is cheap at twice that price.
Didn’t you see what Bartlet and McGarry paid Bruno Gianelli, G-clown? 12% of the buy.
Now imagine the buy is $500 million.
Wait ’til G-clown finds out how much Boxcheck Momala’s sister and husband were paid.
One can only hope people above will form their own militia to take out the Fascist people and movement.
Americans will not put up with this shit!
Eat shit Dumbfuck! You like the taste.
From the previous thread, another example of liddle maxwipe’s idiocy:
So what you are saying is that you have an automated system…
yawwwn.. not only is liddle maxpuddle mentally stuck at junior high level, its reading comprehension is barely 5th grade.
No little maxwipe, I said the bank has an automated system that people with something on the ball can use to make their lives simpler..
Little maxwipe prolly still asks his 4’9″ mommy to write checks for him.
Best deal on rent in Seattle, haven’t raised the rent once.
btw, BIG announcement.. my youngest (the renter, rent the envy of every renter in Seattle) has been admitted to a professional school program. If that sounds vague to people who haven’t been following it’s only for the benefit of the stinking asswipe trolls. When the “kid” (a grown adult) gets his credential, I will rub it in their troll faces.
Which program? I’ll just say.. it’s very close to the family home.. We expect he’ll move out to better focus on a very challenging course of study.
Congrats kid, all the hard work paid off.. Your parents are proud of you.
The incel brigade is all up in arms the new ‘Call of Duty’ game has a character that was motion capture acted by a trans woman.
From what I understand the character is not IDd as Trans within the game but based on appearance it can be assumed it is a lesbian or possibly trans
They are ‘boycotting’
OK sorry gravy seals you’ll have to go scream ‘FAG’ at a bunch of teenage gamers on some other platform. Shouldn’t you be out trying to relate to a woman at 37 anyway?
btw, an old defunct troll that I called teh babblin’ butthole (old timers know who that is) also had two sons who attended and graduated from UW here in Seattle.. My two sons did the same. I’m talking undergraduate.
Wow why not wing nut school? Wow why not a kult skewl? babblin’ butthole was SDA.. babblin’ butthole you mean to tell us all that you’re sending your two sons to a woke woke woke liberal skewl where prof Darryl teaches? Say it’s not so.. All babblin’ butthole could say:
“It’s the best school in the State”..
One of babblin’ butthole’s sons went on to be admitted to a professional school. I don’t know where..
“Butt” he got a license.. And the profession was Law. babblin’ butthole’s son became a lawyer..
What was the worst thing yours truly said?
“All the world needs is another lawyer..”
When babblin’ butthole’s son signed up to an NYC based firm, babblin’ butthole crowed about all the munee he was making.. What was the worst thing yours truly could think of saying about that?
“Congrats to teh bookoo bucks legal beagle..”
Can only imagine what the trolls have to say when my son gets his license.. maybe nothing.. they might be dead.
Don’t ask for whom the bell tolls.. It cancels kreepshit’s once a month low 4 figure ss check.. like many, many times a month.. heh.
@12: As I said, Boeing going out of business won’t be the end of the world. I don’t think it will come to that, and I don’t think the pensions are coming back.
Uh oh.
Lancaster County
Investigation into fraudulent voter registration applications in Lancaster County underway
The investigation is underway, but officials have confirmed that about 60% of the ballots in question that have been checked have been fraudulent.
In-person. Paper ballots. Rigid custody.
In-person. Paper ballots. Rigid custody.
Wrong asshole…
Registration applications are NOT ballots.. gfy liar..
And blame hasn’t been assigned yet, has it?
Please tell us when “Mickey Mouse” has ever voted? STOOPID…
lmao.. too bad teh babblin’ butthole isn’t here. It’d be babblin’ ACORN right now. and maybe noun, verb, ANTIFA… lol..
@ 16
G-clown envisions a homosexual J6. All barriers will be constructed of latex. Battering rams will be 6-8″ in length, and will be carried just below the waist. Scaffolding will be erected with water-soluble lubricants.
Every bit as credible as the one this week against Trump.
Donnie in Texas.
Glenn Greenwald:
The Godwin thing doesn’t work, either.
Well I had NO IDEA fake accounts were spreading fake election stories.
Next thing you know she invaded teen girls dressing rooms..
“Nothing I haven’t seen before girls!”
kreepshit be jelly..
In the mood for a little kulture… last night I got obsessive about the early Fleetwood Mac.. not the Fleetwood Mac of Stevie Nicks and Lindsey Buckingham aka “relationship rock”.. No the more blues based earlier lineups but not too blues based..
After founding guitarists Peter Green (messed up on drugs) and Jeremy Spencer (messed up on drugs and found Jesus) left the band, the band’s sound changed from a more hard core blues based to a more melodic sound, setting the stage for their pop megahits in the mid seventies. Especially with the input of one Christine Perfect on keyboards and vocals.. She married the band’s bassist John McVie and became Christine McVie.
One guitarist was left in the band, Danny Kirwan, who was a brilliant guitarist who idolized Peter Green and became his protege joining Fleetwood Mac in the late 60’s. But the band needed another guitarist and vocalist to round out the sound. The band’s secretary recommend Bob Welsh who was languishing in Paris. Danny Kirwan wrote a great deal of very good material for at least two of the band’s albums in the post Peter Green era but he had his own drug and alcohol issues which came to a tumultuous head in late 1972 when he was fired from the band. Bob Weston was hired to take his place. And that brings us to some relevant samples from this era:
First off, there’s Bob Welsh, whose singing style I’ve always liked. His guitar playing wasn’t too strong to my ears at this time but by the early eighties he was on fire. He was also a damn good song writer. “Sentimental Lady” was just a brilliant pop song.
But then there was Christine McVie… All due respect to Stevie Nicks, a very pretty lady, damn good singer and writer actually – her stage persona and personal dramas played out in the music just lose the attraction for me. But Christine.. She could play her instrument and sing and performing music just made her glow. I actually saw Fleetwood Mac in Los Angeles in the mid seventies before Rumours and I didn’t know much about them.. Stevie Nicks did her Rhiannon thing (without the witchy walking moves) just sang, yeah she was good. But Christine just played her keyboards and sang her songs. She stood out to me even back then. She was brilliant and beautiful.
This Bob Welch show kicks ass.. Features a lot of Fleetwood Mac, both current at the time and former members.. Alvin Taylor the drummer is on fire.
Amazing songs and musicianship throughout. In 2012, Bob Welch suffering from a painful debilitating condition took his own life not wanting to burden his wife. Christine McVie is no longer with us. May they RIP..
She is so incredibly weak.
Donald to Bibi on phone call “Do what you have to do.”
“ we’re voting Trump because Harris supports war and genocide.”
“I’m not willing to risk billions in cloud service contracts to do the right thing. Money is more important to me”
Welfare Queen YLB savages Stevie Nicks @ 30.
Nobody treats a woman more viciously than another woman. In this case it’s because Nicks is prettier than Welfare Queen YLB is.
I’m partial to the old, live videos of Oh Well.
This is nearly as bad as Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit questioning the service of a highly decorated Navy SEAL because he’s about to kick the ass of a useless Montana senator.
Why do you all keep saying we are against Democracy and voting?
savages Stevie Nicks
while kreepshit fantasizes being groped by Kamala at its fav vip lounge..
No one is more sleazebag than a vip lounge lizard..
Amy Lee sucks.
Oh Well
That was a standout tune from that era of the band, yes. One video had Danny Kirwan to Green’s left and I can barely make out John McVie behind Green, Kirwan and Spencer.
Inspector Clouseau uncovered something of complete insignificance. Probably planted by a Rumpster but that doesn’t matter so long as it sows the seeds of Insurrection II.
“The investigation is underway, but officials have confirmed that about 60% of the ballots in question that have been checked have been fraudulent.”
“Officials say they have identified about 2,500 voter registration applications that are in-question and under investigation in Lancaster County”
Ballots in question = 2500? 60% of 2500? or 60% of the Ballots checked? How many have been checked? 5? 60% of 5?
Someone drops off 2500 ballots, but nobody knows who dropped them off. Did the Stork drop them off? Did he fly them in on his or her little wings.
“In a press release, officials say that Lancaster County Elections systems are secure, and they worked in this instance.”
“Lancaster County tends to be slightly republican based on voting results in recent elections. Compared to other nearby counties, Lancaster County has more republican voters. Compared to the nation as a whole, Lancaster County leans more republican.” – https://bestneighborhood.org/conservative-vs-liberal-map-lancaster-county-pa/
Bob should ride his horse there, from there he could go to DC to kill a cop.
Hurry! Scurry the 2500 Mexicans to Lancaster!
Those Mexicans won’t look out of place there.
@ 36
Why do you all keep saying we are against Democracy and voting?
Might have had something to do with Biden saying of Trump, “We gotta lock him up.” Like, four days ago.
@ 39
Someone drops off 2500 ballots, but nobody knows who dropped them off.
The investigators are not saying who dropped them off. Not the same thing. There are cameras. The investigators know. See @ 35.
October 25, 2020: Biden by 8.
October 25, 2016: #CrookedHillary by 5.
Today: CNN’s got it a tie.
Someone drops off 2500 ballots
They weren’t ballots.
There are cameras. The investigators know.
The perps? Heh. We can only imagine at this stage..
Quantus Insights, which is essentially the Trafalgar of 2024, has Virginia within 1:
Boxcheck Momala 49
Trump 48
[725 LV | Oct 22-24 | MoE 3.6%]
She is so fucking weak.
New Mexicon within the MoE, too.
After four years of Boxcheck Momala’s porous southern border, there are no blue border states, except California.
Today Bi-Done apologized to the Native Americans for that awful Johnny Depp movie.
Lancaster County, in the south central part of Pennsylvania, has been a historically Republican stronghold, with former President Donald Trump carrying the county by 20 points over Hillary Clinton in 2016 and by 16 points over President Joe Biden in 2020.
Why would Dems bother to do anything other than the minimum here?
My bet is on a fraud squad fishing for Elmo munee..
It’s come out that Elmo’s been babblin’ to Pootie..
About making cars in Russia? hmmm. on the table sure, but it doesn’t seem likely to me.. Mebbee AI data centers? That’s a fucking nightmare scenario.. a launchpad for SpaceX rockets.. eh.. long shot..
But otoh Elmo believes orange dear leader is Elmo’s ticket to its childish fantasy for Mars..
Joint mission to Mars sponsored by dictators drumpf, pootie and xi?
I’m sure it’s crossed elmo’s “mind”.. (rolls eyes)..
Even if Mars is a tempting target for wrecking for its resources. think about it for 3 minutes and the pipe dream evaporates.
for that awful Johnny Depp movie.
translation: kreepshit fantasizes it could have spent some “quality time” in those native american boarding schools..
@ 47
Why would Dems bother to do anything other than the minimum here?
Because the Senate race is a statewide election and because the electoral votes are cast according to a statewide majority, Welfare Queen YLB.
And if you’re going to steal the ballots of someone who wasn’t going to vote, what does it matter whether that nonvoter is R or D, girlfriend?
Do we need to go through the basics again, like why Cocaine Mitch doesn’t care if the VA state legislature flips, Welfare Queen YLB? This really isn’t a good time for you to showcase your ignorance, Cupcake.
And if you’re going to steal the ballots
Translation: kreepshit believes Mickey Mouse will show up to vote in Lancaster County.
Do we need to go through the basics
Like the difference between registration applications and ballots that you flubbed @22..
Dem GOTV won’t work too well in Lancaster County, seems to me. Residents there that are sane, whose stomachs turned at Oz and Mastriano, are welcome to give it the college try. Bless their hearts.
With the outcome a foregone conclusion, why would Bezos give a shit about a loser like Boxcheck Momala? I mean, what are libbies gonna do – buy from Walmart’s online store instead of Amazon’s? The Waltons are fascists, too, amirite?
2018 General Election in Lancaster County:
Bob Casey, Jr. (D) 90521
Lou Barletta (R) 107454
Sure, it’s an important election. A little more than the minimum..
My money’s still on Elmo’s spending bringing out the fast buck artists.
Boxcheck Momala does a great job explaining why voters should pick Josh Shapiro instead of Donald Trump.
Her problem is, she gets nowhere when she attempts to persuade voters to pick her instead of Donald Trump.
Tim Walz was a shaken baby.
why would Bezos give a shit
He’s a greedee coward who will bend the knee if that’s what it takes.
His munee insulates him from consequences but he wants more.
Like you with your fear of your lifetime of tax cheating sins catching up with you.
You don’t have nearly so much insulation.
@ 53
My money’s still on Elmo’s spending bringing out the fast buck artists.
You mean the money someone else earned and then gave to you, Welfare Queen YLB.
In the news conference it was made clear that the fraud goes back to June. Musk didn’t enter the picture until late last month.
Here’s a hint, girlfriend: The ACLU tried to stop this investigation.
it was made clear that the fraud goes back to June.
Ok so the same fast buck artists group has been milking more than one teat.. Could be even bi-partisan.. munee is munee…
Still think it was “ballots”?
Thanks for playing..
The ACLU tried to stop this investigation.
Oh now we have a librul klownspiracy forming instead of a track record over many decades of opposing putting the thumb on the scale..
Shades of the teh Menendez fucking psychotic break..
Thanks for playing again..
Musk didn’t enter the picture until late last month.
hmmm.. I seem to recall that elmo was big kon-klown DEE-Santis fan boi at one time..
but no.. Musk prolly wasn’t throwing good munee after bad in June.
I could be wrong though! The dude really has a hard-on for Mars..
Those execs are gone. They were sacked, along with some of the board members, and they all deserved it. I sympathize with the union, but the company hasn’t made a profit since 2018, its revenues have fallen by 25%, it has incurred $25 billion of losses, and is still losing money; so where would the money come from? New management’s top priority should be to stop building shitty airplanes with cheap nonunion labor. Pay all the workers better. Union leaders and membership should take the long view, spacing out demands over time, in tandem with the company’s recovery; otherwise there may be no company or jobs for union members.
@42 complete useless reporting that you decided to pass along with your little self interest motive to cast doubt and accusations.
Einstein – how many were fraudulent and who did it? You have no answers
I’d go as far to say that those election officials made it up
Anyone still want to argue Republicans aren’t dictatorial fascists?
@ 60
hmmm.. I seem to recall that elmo was big kon-klown DEE-Santis fan boi at one time..
Wrong state, girlfriend. At least you got the time zone right.
@ 60, 64. Here’s a face-saving question for you, girlfriend.
Q: What do FL and PA have in common?
A: Trump will be awarded all of the electoral votes from both states.
How to spot a candidate who knows he’s losing two weeks out
Wrong state
So you mean elmo had no stake in a repuke winning PA just because xitter broke on DEE-Santis coming out day (elmo blamed it on all the other fan bois) and kon-klown turned out to be the repellent, reptilian, unlikable asshole from FL?
And we all know the latter to this day makes you pine for kon-klown and his one-time fan boi elmo..
$78m for killing the company profitability.
Stan Deal is believed to have cashed out $45m in stock options on his ‘resignation effective immediately.’
Some might call that a pension but the Boeing contract negotiators are calling it a ‘performance bonus and be grateful for the crumbs from our pie crust you sniveling little nobodies. We haven’t turned a profit in years and we all have to tighten our belts. Well not the executive suite we just get newly tailored suits instead. We’re all in this together.’
@1 “It’s very unlikely that Boeing will bring back those pensions.”
Being anti-union hasn’t worked out well for Boeing. For decades, the company’s airplanes were the epitome of quality, and Boeing was America’s largest exporter by dollar value. Those airplanes were union-label throughout.
But Boeing’s problems go deeper than antagonism toward its workforce. The company should be called McDonnell-Douglas, because McDonnell-Douglas execs took it over and brought their culture with them. They were bean counters who only cared about profits.
It was all downhill from there: Moving the headquarters to Chicago, opening the nonunion South Carolina plants, outsourcing component manufacture to nonunion contractors.
Of course it didn’t help that they sought confrontation with Boeing’s best asset, its unionized workforce. Boeing needs to purge that culture and return to its roots. Relying on low-paid, non-union labor has to go.
But restoring wages should take precedence over restoring pensions. There are only so many resources while Boeing climbs out of the hole that past managements, starting with Stonechipher but not ending with him, pushed it in.
“You mean the money someone else earned and then gave to you”
Do you know the only thing that gives me pleasure? It’s to see my dividends coming in.
J.D. Vance
Epstein’s client list needs to be released.
Donald, Saturday morning.
Well no we haven’t heard from J.D. but he’s bound to turn up eventually. No we’re not concerned. It’s not like he could be buried in a desert where no one can find him.
America’s economy, and American corporations, thrived for decades with heavily-unionized domestic manufacturing that paid high wages, generous health benefits, and defined benefit pensions. Ever since Reagan and trickle-down economics, we’ve been becoming a more feudal society.
Having never read the constitution the 5th circuit appeals panel rules.
By text you say…
So the three Trump appointed judges of the 5th circuit are claiming that even if a state legislature, in the “Times, Places and Manner” legislate that post parked by election day is legal…..nope. We know better because….reason.
@68 They should pay Boeing for the privilege of running it into the ground, but a contract is a contract, and Boeing has to pay them the agreed-upon “golden parachutes.” Would be nice if someone took a knife to the ripcords, they’ve got it coming.
These guys were hired by the board, and the board was hired by the shareholders, who’ve seen the stock tank and the dividends eliminated as their reward, so there’s some justice in all this. That doesn’t help the workers, but what will help the workers is a better managed company going forward — which, of course, remains to be seen.
Obama in NC…
kreepshit’s greatest disappointment no matter who wins Nov 5..
It can’t babble..
“teh next Jimmeh Caaaaahtaaa”..
It can pretend I suppose like it pretends to be John Dutton.
Busted again:
Scotty P passed along every one of these lies that originated from these fake online personas.
Please keep that in mind.
Engage with lies as you see fit. But engage with them as what they are.
Well, Israel is attacking Iran right now. Isn’t that just peachy-keeno?
It’s time for the US to declare neutrality in the Middle East Morass.
Radiology as a political weapon. It’s not just nukes.
Going great.
Michigan… an hour after he was supposed to take the stage Donald appears via Zoom on the jumbotron to announce he’ll be there in another three hours.
Only the trancendent Trumpy tier cult members stay.
Why is Donald Trump visiting Virginia during the final push?
You know why.
Don’t you.
@ 80
…an hour after he was supposed to take the stage Donald appears via Zoom on the jumbotron to announce he’ll be there in another three hours.
Bet he’s on the stage for more than six minutes, tho.
I just don’t know how Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit is going to handle the next four years after Trump takes 300-plus EVs AND the national popular vote.
What would Dumbfuck Rabbit then be able to claim? That Trump is not the president of the US because he lost California?
Hour one,
“An onion on my belt which was the style at the time.
Hour two
“They take your boys and cut off their peepees and send them home to you a girl and the surgeon was an illegal immigrant.
Hour three,
“Solar…its a panel you can cook on and it kills the rabbits.
If you speak to an emptyy arena after the East Coast news, did anyone hear?
The stock market continues to move inversely with Doctor Dumbfuck’s enthusiasm for the latest Russian bot polls. If he really believes those polls he should short the S&P 500.
@55 “Tim Walz was a shaken baby.”
You think that’s something? You were raised in a cave by wolves after your mother abandoned you in an outhouse because she thought you were a turd.
Willie Nelson
Kamala Harris
Trump by Zoom
Solid burn since Texas stayed an execution just this week since ‘shaken baby syndrome’ is now known to be a myth.
The video resembles the work of Storm-1516, Linvill said. The disinformation group previously promoted a false claim that Vice President Kamala Harris was involved in a hit-and-run incident, according to a report by Microsoft.
“Suggestions of sexual deviance in various forms are a favorite theme of Storm-1516,” said Linvill. “This campaign has recently turned from a focus primarily on the war in Ukraine to more frequent targeting of the Harris-Walz campaign.”
Linvill said versions of the Walz allegations appear to be a Storm-1516 “narrative laundering campaign,” a process of presenting false claims in a way that makes them appear credible. This often includes presenting the claims through a person who claims to be a victim.
Sexual deviance.. that’s kreepshit catnip fer shure… 24/7 now till Nov 5.. and beyond..
@ 87
Willie Nelson
Kamala Harris
Any idea how much it cost Boxcheck Momala’s campaign to bring in Beyonce and the country fossil?
And was Beyonce directly involved in Diddy’s escapades or was she just the observer while her husband did the Eiffel Tower thing with Diddy and some pre-teen boy?
Willie has endorsed.
I announced it weeks ago.
One of the sad, sad trolls refuses to recognize the whole universe turning against him.
They are all fraudsters, especially Bob.
They don’t like the law. They don’t like the police. They kill the police.
Bob is also a pervert. When the horse isn’t giving out he’s got to get into the sex life of others. He must fantasize all day.
The Army’s report on the Arlington Cemetery incident, ordered released by a judge, confirms that a Trump campaign staffer physically assaulted a cemetery official.
A 3-judge panel of the notoriously rightwing Fifth Circuit has ruled that ballots must be received by election day, and state laws allowing ballots postmarked on or before election day, but received after election day, to be counted are invalid.
@89 “This often includes presenting the claims through a person who claims to be a victim.”
Tara Reade comes to mind. She’s now a Russian citizen residing in Russia. And could be working in one of their troll factories for all anyone knows.
Trump met with execs of Jeff Bezos’ Blue Origin, a government contractor, the same day Bezos blocked his newspaper from endorsing Harris.
Even if it’s somehow not corrupt as hell, it looks corrupt as hell.
You don’t even know the things you want to criticize. Jay-Z was 31 when he started dating a 19 year old Beyonce and much has been written, twatted, facebooked and YouTubed about that bit of grooming.
Noted anti-semite Mel ‘Oven Dodger’ Gibson endorses Trump.
The calls to stay in his lane on Twatter are….oh god no it’s like he’s their Taylor Swift.
@ 80
Michigan… an hour after he was supposed to take the stage Donald appears via Zoom on the jumbotron to announce he’ll be there in another three hours.
Trump was in a podcast with Joe Rogan for three hours. That’s why he was so late to Michigan.
Imagine how many undecided male voters Trump locked in today. Probably five times the number that Boxcheck Momala was hoping she’d get by embarrassing herself in that Brett Baier interview.
Can you imagine Boxcheck Momala reading from a teleprompter for a three-hour interview? Can you imagine anyone wanting to spend more than an hour with Boxcheck Momala?
@ 94
The Army’s report on the Arlington Cemetery incident, ordered released by a judge, confirms that a Trump campaign staffer physically assaulted a cemetery official.
It says nothing like that, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit. Both sides claimed that hands were laid upon them. The released report states,
Cry more, you bloviating, useless fuck.
Lancaster County PA District Attorney Heather Adams has traced thousands of falsified voter registrations to Elon Musk’s paid canvassing operations.
And Willie is still endorsing Vice President Harris.
The episode of “The Joe Rogan Experience” was posted late Friday to YouTube and Spotify after the two men sat down at Rogan’s studio in Austin, Texas. The discussion ran so long that Trump’s scheduled rally in Traverse City, Mich., was significantly delayed.
meaning drumpf sharted at least 3 times during that Rogan babblefest.. No, drumpf has no problem babbling lies for hours straight…
Its magats in MI like Nugent will vote for it even if it commits murder in the streets of Austin TX.. murder by intestinal gas asphyxiation..
@102 The story I read at Lancaster Online says D.A. Adams didn’t say who the organizations were, or who funded them. I can’t find info linking Musk to the incident anywhere. Is there a source for this? Is this fact or a guess?