Sorry for the late post. In my defense I still have jet lag and I caught something nasty (COVID negative). Further in my defense, I am an idiot.
Anyway, I don’t know the ins and outs, but I am glad Seattle schools have rejected school resource officers. Police can have their place, but that place is not in schools outside of an emergency. It is good to acknowledge the harm having people who arrest people just…around.
And congratulations to the activists who made this happen. The City is not exactly easy for people who are skeptical about the role of police. Here’s hoping that counseling can help prevent violence.
This morning on CNBC Elizabeth Warren complained about a 448% increase in Kraft-Heinz profit YoY in 2022, without mentioning that the whole thing was due to a large charge related to an accounting change in the previous year.
She has her ass handed to her.
All price controls do is fail to correct the problems for which they were enacted to solve. Nobody but those with limited intelligence advocate for price controls.
@1 Dumbfuck talking about someone, man or woman, without calling them a bitch, cunt or twat. Might be a first.
@ 2
Nobody but those with limited intelligence advocate for price controls.
Boxcheck Momala, explained.
And now, for something completely new and different:
Kirby: Deal on Gaza ceasefire and hostages ‘is as close as it’s ever been’
Which is nowhere close to agreement. Mile-wide gap. Kirby and Blinken need to play Lucy to the voters’ Charlie Brown for about 10-11 more weeks.
To be fair, Boxcheck Momala suffers every time she opens her mouth unscripted.
RFK Jr. Supporters Say They Will Vote for Trump as Poll Show Harris Suffers
It’s a Newsweek piece, and the text is very weakly supportive of the title’s thrust, so instead I’ll just post the title.
But it’s a given that every time Boxcheck Momala speaks without a teleprompter, it’s a fucking disaster for the Democrat party.
It’s why pundits are angling for her to just spend the next 10-11 weeks in STFU mode. Which might be Democrats’ best bet – a mute for a president. And why not? It worked for Angel.
But it’s a given that every time Boxcheck Momala speaks without a teleprompter, it’s a fucking disaster for the Democrat party.
Are you going to Trump’s J6 Gala? I understand your cosplaying grandmothers who aren’t in prison will be there. Rudy too. Should be wild.
Dumbfuck’s least favorite moment from the DNC was when Obama talked about “size”. But at least the horse got a laugh out of it.
Morning Consult released today.
But not a peep about it from the shit troll.
Nobody but those with limited intelligence advocate for price controls.
Tricky Dick Nixon the toast of degen repukes. tdn showed teh dirty hippies the what what..
Anyone remember Kent State? Jews died that day and we all know how tdn felt about teh joos… heh..
I bet Thanksgiving dinner at the Kennedy compound this year is going to be kind of tense, particularly if RFK, Jr. shows up!
@ 9
Morning Consult released today.
But not a peep about it from …
What, this MC poll?
Donald Trump Has Doubled His Support Among Black Voters: New Poll
So let’s talk. Black voters moving to Trump. And after all Democrats have done for those ungrateful bitches, for six months every four years, this is how they show their love?
26 – 6 < 35
26 + 6 = 32 still < 35.
I can only hope that Trump plans to ride to statewide victory in Pennsylvania on the backs of “his Blacks”.
“Here’s hoping that counseling can help prevent violence.”
Metal detectors are more immediately effective.
Alina Habba to Kinzinger: “Sit the hell down. I am sick and tired of this fake nonsense. I am literally baffled by what I’m seeing. I am voting you off the island because you are worse than a RINO. You are pathetic and the only weak person I see is somebody who needs to tout their service to this country only when they want to betray it, and I’m not having it.”
Roger Rabbit: Sounds like somebody’s having a meltdown. Do we need to do an intervention? I know a good therapist.
@1 RNC is calling Democrats “socialists” again. Big yawn. Even your conversation about this is more intelligent than theirs. But my question is, what increase in profit? Value Line shows steady profits from 2019-2023 after a sharp drop in 2018.
@ 14
I can only hope that Trump plans to ride to statewide victory in Pennsylvania on the backs of “his Blacks”.
Well, he sure can’t rely on the black man, ’cause that guy might not live through the election season.
The owners of sports franchises in the NFL, NBA, NHL, WNBA, MLS note your concern.
Absent free market competition price controls are absolutely necessary. See Comcast.
No taxes on abortions!
Really. I promise.
Kinzinger “Donald Trump is a weak man pretending to be strong,” Kinzinger said. “He is a small man pretending to be big. He’s a faithless man pretending to be righteous. He’s a perpetrator who can’t stop playing the victim.”
>> What repubicans don’t want to hear.
@16 “the only weak person I see is somebody who needs to tout their service to this country”
Bashing a veteran’s military service is routine Republican fare now. It’s understandable, because most of them never served. Military service is working class and they’re above that. Still, a little gratitude for other people’s military service would be nice.
@18 It appears the dumbfuck doctor finally gave up campaigning against Hillary and is now campaigning against Biden.
By the way, you were sooo sure there was a DNC plot to replace Biden with Hillary, and then Michelle, what happened to that? Another of your dumbfuck prognostications didn’t pan out (again).
Have you examined your crystal ball for cracks? Is it cloudy from wiping it down with Windex? Maybe it’s time for a new one.
After listening to hate wing podcasts for a couple of weeks, what I’m amazed by is the bizzarro mirror world they claim to want. Public anything is bad to them. Everything has to be privatized and charged what the market can bear for the minimal about of cost to maximize profits for the owners. Even women are owned by their men.
In their world view, shared anything is for suckers and is taking profits from the wealth generators.
Dumb cunt alert, jobs revision edition:
The Commerce Secretary has checked out of the Bi-Done administration. This was her “And what is Aleppo?” moment.
The above quote from The NY Post is riddled with The Holman Ellipses, also known as the death of clear communication.
The same Dr. Holman, of course, is fine with the clarity @ 10 of
Tricky Dick Nixon the toast of degen repukes. tdn showed teh dirty hippies the what what..
Anyone remember Kent State? Jews died that day and we all know how tdn felt about teh joos… heh..
@21 Here’s something else Republicans don’t want to hear:
Maybe the polls aren’t a mirage?
@24 That’s not new. Republicans always want to replace taxes with user fees. For them, a private fire department is a business opportunity if your house catches fire. And they want your house to catch on fire.
@ 26
Say, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit, since you’re such a believer in the wisdom of Eric Bolling, what else did he have to say in that link?
You believe that, too, don’t you, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit? Because otherwise, why would you post the link?
@28 All I’m saying @26 is when someone like Bolling freaks out over the polls, maybe you should, too.
Bolling must be having a really bad day after her speech last night, because he forgot to call her a “socialist.”
In North Carolina, it’s surprising Mark Robinson is down only 14 points and there are still undecideds.
30)14 points, he can still make it up with the voters that don’t want to say they are voting for him.
The just announced Kennedy-Trump political alignment pact may be unsettling to some of the MAGA crowd.
But certainly not to a “serious conservative”.
Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit’s claims of millionaire status are a joke.
Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit was the retired German in 1923 who insisted that he was a millionaire because he had in his possession a million Deutschmarks.
If Harris wins, we’ll have a war. If rump wins, we’ll have a war.
We’ll have a war regardless of what happens in November because the Democrats and the Republicans are really the same political party: They’re all owned by AIPAC, and will always do AIPAC’s bidding.
Don’t believe me? Check out the last time Netanyahu came to speak to a joint session of the House and Senate. Those representatives couldn’t trip over each other fast enough to kiss Netanyahu’s ass. And why not? Netanyahu has bragged many times that he owns the House of Representatives and Senate. He’s going to get us into serious trouble and soon!
Trump and MAGA could honestly care less as long as Trump gets to keep on grifting the MAGA suckers, and as long as the MAGA suckers get to keep on tying trans kids to razor wire fences and throwing empties at them.
But while all the rational, competent professionals were driven out of the GOP a mob of radical dipshit libertarians took over. They’re willing to hold their noses for 20% tariffs so long as they get for-profit drinking water systems they can invest in with crypto.
JBS has entered the chat.
It’s a GOP seat. Post-Palin, they’ll get it back.
Trump-backed Alaska Republican withdraws from US House race after third-place finish in primary
A few weeks back, before this silly piece of 💩🧌 cooked up his latest 🍯🌜 excuse for the horrible Trump collapse, I explained the core of what was really going to happen.
Republicans were left frozen and unable to mount any effective rhetoric to negatively redefine Vice President Harris because they’ve grown lazily dependent on personal attacks. That works with Biden because the culture freely grants permission to mock and ridicule age in any context. And so the media are eager to run with those attack themes. And run they did.
But the culture has managed to shift and make just enough progress on racial bigotry and misogyny that the media are largely skeptical of Trump and MAGA’s initial personal attacks on Vice President Harris. And they’ve been unwilling to amplify them into the mainstream.
That left Harris and Walz completely free to define their own story and their own characters in a welcoming media environment capped by this week’s successful convention. That candidate defining phase has now drawn to a close with Trump and Vance🛋️ still sputtering weird race science and telling grandmothers how to do their jobs.
More than almost anything the modern media need to be seen as “savvy” and “in the know”. So for the most part they won’t be interested in revising these character narratives about Harris or Walz. They’re set now.
And that’s the reason Eric Bolling shit himself. He understands that on a basic fundamental level swing voters now see Harris/Walz as nice, normal people and Trump/Vance as weird assholes.
@38. That would explain why Republicans were so desperate to sully the military career of Tim Waltz, to lie he wasn’t a “real” soldier so they could attack. Their stolen valor lies gained no traction outside of the maga base that wouldn’t have voted for Democrats anyway.
@34 go away troll. It’s not even good fan fiction.
@40 No, let’s beg him to stay, we can use another punching bag.
A Republican group is making a legal argument that Harris is ineligible to be president, citing Dred Scott v. Sanford as authority.
42)First President actually born in the US was Van Buren.
As for Dred Scott, the Museum that has the former Coast Guard Cutter Taney took his name off the ship. Only reason it was saved was because it was posted in Honolulu when Pearl Harbor was attacked.
Rudy went on Newsmax tonight and declared that Governor Walz was trained by the Peoples Republic of China as a deep sleeper spy.
So yeah. No traction.
If Governor Walz is a deep sleeper agent for China simply because he has travelled to China several times, then what does that make the republican politicians who travelled to Moscow on the 4th of July or Jill Stein who had supper with Putin? The elderly convicted felon has been to Epstein’s island several times, what does that make him?
>> They got nothing. Republicans are going to have to run on the policies of Project 2025. and getting rid of Social Security and making women into breeding livestock. With Democrats, we keep Social Security and Medicare and lower taxes on the poor and middle class. And not have a Fascist government is a bonus
Dr. Holman, of course, is fine with the clarity @ 10
Yawn.. teh kreepshit, typical of trolls, is bad with context..
Or maybe it just wants to fellate the legacy of yet another criminal repuke of “limited intelligence”.
“It’s so unfair. I was winning we had a debate and I was up 17-18 points so crazy nancy took him out. It’s so unfair to him but especially to me.”