Here is the list of King County parks and trails that are reopening today. If you’re using one be cool. Allow social distancing to work. Still wear a mask. Wash your hands.
And if you’re going out or not, wash your hands right now.
by Carl Ballard — ,
And Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit was never a millionaire. But he’ll tell you about Walla Walla Wuhan parties.
Walla Walla County retracts claim about ‘coronavirus parties,’ says they never occurred
Her earlier comments prompted state Department of Health officials on Wednesday to release a statement saying, in part, “Gathering in groups in the midst of this pandemic can be incredibly dangerous and puts people at increased risk for hospitalization and even death.”
Placing trust in Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit can be incredibly moronic and puts people at increased risk for ridicule and even shunning.
We don’t see Newt in these parts anymore, for instance.
14.7% unemployment rate.
Over 33.4 million jobs lost
Over 67,000 dead
Way to go, Dumbfuck. You and your orange moron really know how to fuck up big time.
Clapper, Rice, Yates, Power, Lynch all saw no evidence of collusion.
But none of them have Steve’s imaginary friend in Trump Tower.
In a Republican administration, U-6 becomes mentionable.
Well said
“Comey still believes unelected bureaucrats , not the American people, should get to decide who runs the country and will break any law or protocol to subvert our choice. Imagine being this sanctimonious after all that’s come out.” Elizabeth Harrington, Republican National Committee spokeswoman.
Following on @ 4
Here’s what @TBPInvictus had to say about U-6 during the Obama administration (late 2015):
Stop Hyperventilating Over U-6
Because there are a lot of people working 30 hours per week and receiving both stimulus dollars and unemployment dollars, they fall under U-6 classification while actually earning more than they would if there were not a crisis. These people will very quickly fall off the U-6 tally.
The U-6 number is likely to plummet faster than the more commonly talked about U-3 unemployment rate as the economy recovers. And it’s that plummet that will become unmentionable by @TBPInvictus as we approach the November election.
@TBPInvictus is a shill. He’s Goldy with a bit more cerebral capacity, but the same interest in hiding anything that will harm a Democrat and amplifying anything that will harm a Republican.
@TBPInvictus wants you to know that U-6 is nearly unfathomable now. By mid-October U-6 will be unmentionable, briefly, because talking about it then will only help Trump.
Stop hyperventilating about U-6, @TBPInvictus.
FakeBook is creating a fact checker board. Guess who is on it? Stanford Professor Pamela Karlan. Remember her? “Professor” Karlan is that very angry Crooked Hillary Clinton donor and jockstrap who was on the Crooked one’s list as a potential Supreme Court nomination. WOW! Thank God for small favors! Also she attacked President Trump’s minor son.
Watch her look at Chairman Shifty Schiff when Gaetz rightly tells her she doesn’t get to interrupt him when he’s speaking. Even Barron’s mother Melania was upset.
Good job Fakebook!
I see Pence isn’t the only Rapepublican delivering a load of empty boxes.
So this is very interesting about Crowdstrike and the DNC hack…
When this was posted there were howls of untrue untrue. Well it seems it is TRUE TRUE! Seth Rich maybe dot bombed?
Well remember those usual hush-hush government sources in the know from the Wa Post always get it right huh dot bombed?
So Trump really was spied on!
The fun thing about Twitter is you can analyze an account in terms of what other accounts they follow and RT.
Piddles might have thought about that before posting.
But wrong side of Teh Orange Event Horizon.
Perhaps instead of Seth Rich it was one of the Sandy Hook midget crisis actors?
Some people are saying…
The exclamation mark makes it more credible. Also gives The Q Clearance Pussy a modest chubber.
@ 10
So Trump really was spied on!
Trump needs to suck it up. Obama treated the media even worse, Puddy:
James Rosen: Obama Treated Media Worse Than Trump
Obama had no trouble spying on Americans if it benefitted him. The supposed “scandal-free” administration is now being undone by the unveiling of what Obama’s DOJ and FBI did to the opposition party’s standard-bearer.
@4 & 6
Yep the U6 isn’t an accurate measure of much. But it was a Piddles favorite for eight solid years. Fox News liked to talk about the ‘real’ unemployment rate on the daily. Some jackass in Kent had a lighted billboard declaring it it all through the Kenyan President’s re-election campaign. The I-5 sign had it up for years.
But we don’t need it.
We can talk about other right wing favorites like:
Labor Force Participation:
Y’all were screaming about it at 64.1% LOWEST EVER! Kenyan! Take that.
Today it’s at 60.2%.
Official unemployment, 4.7% higher than at any point under the The Obama ‘Sadministration’.
The U6 will probably continue to be terrible as young seasonal workers who are included in it would under normal circumstances be heading into summer break soon. The Camp Counselor, movie theatre, mall jobs they often fill aren’t going to be there for them. And that ripples through the economy. If a 17-year old isn’t working the snack shack at the swim club they aren’t spending their own money at Burger King with their friends.
I feel a swelling in the hypocrisy. It’s like millions of Republicans cried out for eight years and then were silenced.
5 – That is a good explanation as to what has happened for the past 120 years in this country: Senior Executive Service and Civil Service personnel have come to think of themselves as the Ruling Elite. They do not care who gets elected because they feel they are the true government. They are working for the Democrats now because of a convergence of interest, re: Trump.
They are the Deep State and need to be brought to heel. If this doesn’t happen, the Constitution and the Bill of Rights will become meaningless.
What do Tom above and Donald have in common?
They both are known to fuck “the help” from time to time.
@1 If you think Walla Walla is something, you should see some of the bullshit you endorse every day.
Took me a bit to find it, because it turned out it was on the Twitter page of @TBPInvictus.
Here’s a good reason why the U-6 numbers aren’t really anything to hyperventilate about, and why @TBPInvictus is a hypocrite for his silly-ass @ 4 tweet:
A shit-ton of money was larded onto people, many of whom don’t need it. If your hours were cut back a bit but you were able to self-report that you were cut back more than a bit AND you received both a stimulus check and are getting $600 a week, you’re sittin’ pretty while adding to that U-6 figure.
It’s unfathomable that YLB’s kids will have to foot the bill for this amount of wildly-strewn cash, but their parents were part of the stupidity that resulted in the election of Donald Trump. So, really, it’s the kids paying for the sins of the parents. Totes fair, in my opinion.
@5 Yeah, who needs expertise, let morons dictate everything.
“Because I said so!”
75,000+ dead and counting.
@4, 6: “Unemployment has been greatly exaggerated,” sez the troll chirping about a small town health department’s misreading of the motivations behind BEACH WEEK!!! (Contrary to initial reports, the participants were only wildly reckless, not overtly trying to get sick.)
@7 “Good job Fakebook!”
Don’t like it? Don’t use it. I don’t.
@15 Yes, mob rule is much better, and the more ignorant the mob is, the better the chaos is.
At least, dumbfucks like you think so.
Obviously, you’ve never been anywhere near an actual government office, because you are clueless about what goes on in government offices. To wit, procedures are spelled out. Employees, i.e. bureaucrats, have no discretion. Policy is strictly made by legislators, elected executives, and agency heads who report to them. An FBI agent cannot file charges, or issue a search warrant. There are checks and balances all over the place — at least, there were, until your ilk came along and installed a petty dictator who doesn’t believe in checks and balances. You are an idiot.
@16 Tom is too stupid to fuck anybody. The only thing he fucks is up.
@18 Gotta say one thing for doc: His hatred of workers, especially low-wage workers, is consistent and unwavering. And when lots and lots of workers are unemployed through no fault of their own, he doubles down and hates them twice as much.
He probably hated patients, too. Well, karma; what goes around, comes around: His horse hates him. That’s why he can’t ride it anymore.
It’s a slow slog through the 53 transcripts that Schiff was forced to disclose yesterday.
This chick is running for Nita Lowey’s seat in The Chardonnay Lady 3.0’s NY district:
There are going to be a lot of these coming out in the next few days.
Hey, hey, Jay, Jay, Washington is a success story because you handled it right!!!
More from the interview @ 25:
That’s not what she alleged when she was on MSNBC, as an analyst and former Russian expert for the DOD.
Got that, Steve?
@ 26
One of the contributors of the relative success enjoyed – if that term can be used – by WA is that the version of the Wuhan that landed in WA was not the version of the Wuhan that came from Europe into NYC and spread to most other parts of the US.
That having been said, it was fortunate that people on the Eastside were vigilant and also fortunate that they chose to violate ethics rules to back-test some specimens for which patients had not provided consent.
When all of this is over, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit, because of the quick work of Inslee and others the wealth gap between you and me will be even wider. And that’s despite the 600 bucks per week you are collecting because you self-reported to the federal government that you lost your job as a paid HA commentator due to the Wuhan crisis.
“The two white men arrested Thursday evening in the fatal shooting of Ahmaud Arbery told police they believed he was a suspect in a series of break-ins. But no such string of crimes was reported in the weeks preceding the shooting … according to Glynn County Police … just one automobile burglary in the neighborhood … when a 9 mm pistol was stolen January 1* from an unlocked truck outside the McMichaels’ home.” (Ed. note: What kind of dumbshits leave a gun in an unlocked vehicle?)
And this:
“Asked why the GBI quickly arrested the McMichaels when local authorities did not for ten weeks, GBI Director Vic Reynolds said he couldn’t speak to the actions of other agencies.** But, he added, ‘I’m very comfortable in telling you that there’s more than sufficient probable cause in this case for felony murder.'”
* The McMichaels accosted and killed Arbery on Feb. 23, nearly 8 weeks later.
** The reason is obvious to anyone with 1/4 of a brain: The southern good ol’ boy system.
Couldn’t be happening to better people.
Open up the Fucking Government – I want to Work!
When you get right down to it, it’s Arbery’s own damn fault he’s dead. He had no damn business being black, living in Georgia, or having neighbors like the McMichaels. He shouldn’t have been jogging on a public street. He was a fool to try wrestling a shotgun away from a white guy who meant to use it on him. Topping it off, he punched the gunman trying to kill him! If you can’t do any better than that, you don’t belong on this earth.
How many more did The Hump murder today? Did they live on 5th Avenue or Main Street?
This Hump Virus is a beauty!
@31 Amen to that. He should have been riding a horse. The GOP they like horse riders.
@28 Oh, I see: Our friend SeattleJew was killed by a kinder and gentler Covid-19.
Yes, a dumbfuck would say that. A real dumbfuck would say that.
@33 Given the circumstances, he needed an APC. All black people in places like Georgia, Florida, and Texas need APCs. It’s the only way they can safely go outside.
But even that won’t insure their safety, because if black people get APCs, white people will demand they be supplied with Javelin antitank missiles.
You know, to protect their unlocked vehicles from burglaries.
@ 34
You are somewhat less kind when discussing deaths of older people in red states, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.
I suspect that Seattle Jew was frequently embarrassed by your comments, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit. I never met him, nor to my recollection exchanged a spew with him on HA. But if he was a good man, how could you not, with great frequency, have embarrassed him?
It should make Puddy happy that Arbery’s killers are arrested, facing charges, and the case against them appears to be slam-dunk.
It should make Dumbfuck happy, too, because you almost don’t need a trial for this one. Doc hates trials and due process. He’s a huge fan of drumhead justice.
But I think they should get a trial and due process, simply because everyone should get that, even a deserter like Bowe Bergdahl. And who knows, a racist prosecutor and/or jury might still save their asses.
@36 “You are somewhat less kind when discussing deaths of older people in red states, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.”
Got an example?
@36 He trusted me enough to give me unfettered access to his blog (which I still have), and to pay me for legal advice.
In other words, I was one of his lawyers, and you weren’t one of his doctors.
I think I’ll stop there.
QoS McHillbilly @ 8:
If it’s on Kimmel, Colbert, or Fallon, it’s not news. It’s not real.
No, Mike Pence Did Not Deliver Empty Boxes To A Nursing Home For A Publicity Stunt
It’s understandable how libbies can be suckered in by all of these false claims. I mean, just look at poor Steve. The guy hasn’t had a date in this millenium, he choked down the crap sandwich which was The Chardonnay Lady 2.0 only to see Trump relected, and now he’s being told that fuddy-duddy-with-wandering-hands Joe Biden is the DNC’s secret weapon to defeat Trump in 2020.
Is it any wonder he’s grasping at straws?
@40 He didn’t wear a mask in the nursing home, either.
just think Bob doesn’t have that dilemma when it comes to a gay person. He’s pretty consistent whether from a Red or Blue State.
He probably should wear one when at home with the wife, he could catch rabies or something.
Damn the babblin’ butthole got so bent out of shape when I documented the exact day when Flynn lied to the FBI.. A stupid troll (not butthole) tried to connect Adam Schiff, ranking MINORITY member of the Intelligence Committee at that time with Flynn’s treatment.
Sorry babblin’ butthole to get you so upset (heh not really)..
Even your beloved ORANGE idol of worship said Flynn LIED to the FBI..
Let’s clarify something: Republicans aren’t fighting for people’s right to go back to work; they’re fighting to force people to go back to work.
Then, as Pence returns to the van one final time, he makes the comment about the empty boxes and immediately smiles as those around him laugh.
Heh. Shades of Randroid Ryan pretending to wash pots and pans.
Wouldn’t want to catch soup kitchen cooties. Repukelicans are so funny when they do fake compassion.
Notice how quiet the lamestream media is over these yesterday released documents Shifty Schiff held in the dungeon until Ric Grenell threatened to release them?
Where are the “BOMSHELL REVELATIONS” comments from the leftist fool three letter lamestream companies or the the DNC mouthpiece MSDNC? Hmmm…?
“President Donald Trump said he had quite the teacher for handling those who investigate him and his administration. ‘I learned a lot from Richard Nixon,’ Trump said on ‘Fox & Friends’ Friday.”
So, he has a template, and didn’t invent this shit. Can’t say I’m surprised. Trump = Long National Nightmare 2.0
Where is the senile idiot wabbit on this?
Of the 40 people arrested for violating social distancing rules in the borough between March 17 and May 4, 35 were black, four were Hispanic, and one was white, according to the Brooklyn District Attorney’s Office.
Very interesting. Must not be really interesting since it’s in a northern blue state being run by his HERO Cuomo!
Nothing on website on Schiff’s document dump. No BOMBSHELL REVELATIONS they can tout because their “experts” told whoppers!
Nothing on website on Schiff’s document dump. No BOMBSHELL REVELATIONS they can tout because their “experts” told whoppers!
Nothing on website on Schiff’s document dump. No BOMBSHELL REVELATIONS they can tout because their “experts” told whoppers!
Corporate socialism is working out great for the S&P 500. Up slightly over a year?
My kids still get to trade notes with Mary Kay over dimfuk’s grave.
Where has Brandon Van Grack gone to?
@49 “Where is the senile idiot wabbit on this?”
Glad I live in Seattle, not Brooklyn, surrounded by only 1 stupid black person, instead of 35 of ’em.
It’s Friday… That means…
Is loading a van up with empties to make it LOOK LIKE you’re making a larger delivery anything like having a few extra people on a line?
Asking for a friend.
Nothing so satisfying as when the babblin’ fart bubble goes POP at the appointed time.
@56 Why wait ’til sundown, when you can enjoy instant gratification? See #53.
When you get right down to it, it’s Arbery’s own damn fault he’s dead. He had no damn business being black, living in Georgia, or having neighbors like the McMichaels. He shouldn’t have been jogging on a public street. He was a fool to try wrestling a shotgun away from a white guy who
meant to use it on him</strike had already fired on him. Topping it off, he punched the gunman trying to kill him! If you can’t do any better than that, you don’t belong on this earth.Good ole boy Sheriff and one time coworker of one of the defendants asserted they were well within their rights. That would be the newly discovered right to use a firearm to detain and interrogate anyone you damn well please.
Regardless the first shot in the video rings before Ahmaud deviated from his path.
I see dumbfuck dropped unemployment like a bad habit quickly.
If the market keeps reacting like this to tens of millions of newly unemployed, Kentucky Coal miners might start to catch on that Mitch bought the executives shiny F-350 Crew Cabs and they got fucked.
@58 “Regardless the first shot in the video rings before Ahmaud deviated from his path.”
Yeah, but the defense will argue it was only a warning shot to make him stop.
If the autopsy report says there was a gaping wound in his leg, the defense will argue they blew his leg off only to make him stop, and the hole in his chest was self-defense because they were only trying to stop him from trying to stop them from blowing his other leg off to make him stop.
It’s all about stopping, you see. If he wouldn’t stop jogging, they had a right to make him stop breathing.
people’s republic of california pop 40 million total deaths from covid-19: 2,546, 11 today
faux snooze channel touted sweden pop 10 million total deaths from covid-19: 3,175, 135 today
Which of the two above “inspire” the orangies more?
My money’s on the Faux Snooze approved one.
Oh and damn.. Sweden’s new cases are 642 vs Cali’s 398.. Sorry dimfuk.
@59 He didn’t have much to say about #39 either.
I don’t know what the trolls are so bent out of shape about re: Pence..
They should be really supportive of Pence delivering boxes of “thoughts and prayers” to any place where people are dying.
That’s very orange.
78,000 > 15
“I’ve been treated so unfairly. I’m doing such a great job and no one gives me credit. People are meaner to me than Lincoln. It’s like I can’t even eat my skittles and walk down the street without someone telling me I’m doing everything wrong. I could just be golfing you know. Luxurious golf courses. Make a reservation today folks at one of the Presidential golf clubs. I don’t jog and I need some exercise. Maybe I’ll go play BBs in a park.”
@61 But … but … Walla Walla. It was unintentional in Walla Walla. The partiers there didn’t intend to get sick. They just wanted to party.
Anyway, don’t you realize all these death reports are a hoax?
Best Laugh of the Day
CBS News: “What should Americans take away from your actions in the Flynn case today?”
Barr: “I wanted to make sure that we restore confidence in the system.”
“Steve” “Steve” “Steve” “Steve” “Steve” “Steve” “Steve” “Steve”
“Steve” “Steve” “Steve”
Looks like somebody pushed the traitor Doctor Dumbfuck’s button. Geez, I wonder who that might have been?
14.7% unemployment rate.
Over 33.4 million jobs lost
Over 77,000 dead
You fucked up big time, Dumbfuck. You own it. All of it.
Because telephone directory sized regulation manuals, constant threat of termination for any/no cause, historically low pay, and constant oppressive oversight has never been enough. Now “the aggrieved and resentful” need to witness some public floggings. And so if we must we will manufacture strange conspiracy theories to support that.
I remember once that your city treasurer was named in a LOLsuit filed by a city light ratepayer claiming that when she undressed at night the treasurer’s “men” were watching her through the light bulbs. Wasn’t her name Ronna McDaniel?
@ 52
Check under Comey’s bus, Puddy. Next to the FBI’s credibility.
@69 “Next to the FBI’s credibility.”
Doc Dumbfuck hates cops who catch real crooks, and loves cops who beat up and/or kill unarmed black men.
It’s not his fault. Dumbfucks gotta be dumbfucks. But being a racist dumbfuck is a matter of choice.
The Q Clearance Pussy will Mike Brown the fuck out of him.
By the time he’s done Arbery will be seven feet tall, weigh 300 lbs, have flaming hair, laser eyes, and be fitted with special weaponized Ninja body mods that shoot poison darts!
“Deadly unintentional shootings by children increased 43 percent in March and April compared to average gun deaths during the same two months over the last three years, according to data analyzed by advocacy group Everytown for Gun Safety.”
Of course, in order for these shootings to happen, a stupid gun owner had to leave a loaded gun lying around in the first place.
None of these accidents were caused by people who don’t own guns.
Recall now how Tamir Rice was “the most gigantic, hulking 12-year-old” you ever saw.
Also should have smiled more too.
“I think it’s going to be a closed casket, homie.”
Serve and protect.
@49 The real story here is about selective enforcement: Blacks and Hispanics are ticketed, while whites get a pass.
Unless you’re willing to believe that 80% of the violations are being committed by blacks and Hispanics.
The kittens made a video . . although I’m not sure that MammaryMasonJar was the
pestbest person to be the spokes-jar . . .Fools.
Oh. By the way, Jay. . .
CoronavirusWuhanFlu is leaving farmers in Washington with millions of dollars of debt — and about a billion potatoes that they can’t sell. Giving them all away is easier said than done.Oh, By the way Jay,
You do realize that WA seasonal immigrant workers have been sent home because your social distancing “rules” demand that their provided housing only house HALF as many workers:
So, Jay, stop doodling for a moment and let’s think ahead, shall we? Of WA’s top ten exports, SEVEN are agriculture products, representing $18.6 BILLION. Huh. I guess 18.6 BILLION DOLLARS to the Wahington economy pales in comparison your power of it’s destruction.
So, Jay you’ve already destroyed the potato business, decimated the Skagit Valley tulip industry and tourism, your destruction of wheat has caused flour shortages all over the country (have your looked for flour at Safeway & Fred Meyer in the past 5 weeks?), strawberries are coming from the e coli fields if foreign countries, there are no seasonal workers for summer produce, either, (but hey, Jay, it’s OK! We can get e.coli Romaine from Mexico and Guatemala too) and there will be no one to pick our most famous AG product, APPLES.
Oh and Jay, we haven’t forgotten the beef industry either. You are giving us shortages that have led groceries and Costco to LIMIT PURCHASES. Hmm, what’s that called . . .
supply and demand. . . no, no that’s the cause you caused . . . . the result is RATIONING YAY Jay – you’ve made us Venezuela!Oh and Jay, those shortages and resultant high prices of our APPLES, our most famous AG product, will go over really well in the fall when they are the mainstay of desserts and school lunches.
Oh well. Texas and Georgia will be exporting pecans. Aw hell, they’re healthier anyway – less sugar, more fiber.
Oh wait. What event of your highest concern takes place in the fall? We know it ain’t the September fair. Hmm now what happens in November. . . ?
YOU WORK FOR US . . . for a while, anyway.
In the meantime,
@76 Yep. Inslee works for us. Not for you.
Government doesn’t exist to cater your personal whims. And when you’re outvoted, you’re outvoted.
Now fuck off, and let the adults do their jobs.
Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit @ 74
Police terminated the chase when it reached 90 mph so as not to risk hurting bystanders. That’s protection, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.
Police killed him after he shot at them, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.
Really, you should spend some time actually reviewing the info in the links you post, before issuing commentary that makes clear that you’re just an anti-cop liberal asshole, looking for any opportunity to criticize.
Seattle Jew would be embarrassed by what you posted, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.
Contrary to Doctor Dumbfuck’s flimsy assertions, Flynn’s lies mattered:
“Flynn’s lies mattered not because of some technicality about the Logan Act, the ancient and much-disregarded law forbidding private diplomacy. Flynn’s lies mattered because they may have concealed a deal between Trump and Russia over sanctions.”
Specifically, the sanctions imposed by Obama in response to the Russian interference that put Trump in office.
Flynn and Kislyak probably weren’t discussing the weather.
@78 “Police terminated the chase when it reached 90 mph so as not to risk hurting bystanders.”
I didn’t say otherwise.
“Police killed him after he shot at them”
I didn’t say otherwise.
Let’s accept, for the sake of argument, that the guy had it coming. We’ll use that as a convenient starting point.
Now show me where “I think it’s going to be a closed casket, homie” is in the police procedures manual.
However much you personally enjoy dancing on the graves of black men, that’s not an approved procedure of the Indianapolis Police Department.
The news story, and my comment, are about what the cop said. That fact makes your response to my comment irrelevant and off-topic.
“The Flynn-Kislyak call was recorded by U.S. intelligence agencies. The judge in Flynn’s case ordered that the call be released. The Department of Justice successfully resisted the order by arguing that the recording was irrelevant to Flynn’s conviction and sentencing.
“And so Congress and the public remain unaware of what exactly was said to dissuade the Russians from retaliating in December 2016, and what—if anything—the Russians asked for in return.
“Congress and the public remain ignorant about whether Flynn acted on his own or was directed by President-elect Trump.
“Congress and the public remain uncertain whether Pence had himself been deceived when he delivered a false reassurance on CBS in January 2017—or whether he was part of the deceit.”
And this doesn’t concern Doctor Dumbfuck or the other trolls. Not a whit. Because they hate America.
@76 awwwwww… little ol’ me put the fear of skydaddy into the troll… no worries troll it’s only eternity in hell that’s at stake. Grovel before the sky daddy and the wrathful deity might give you a pass.
blah, blah, blah.. WA state was one of the first to get hit with the virus and has some of the best numbers when it comes to caseload and fatalities.
due in no small part to people just taking the crisis halfway seriously. due in no small part to the state government listening to the scientists:
Seems no one is paying much attention to you troll.. Typical for a Timmeh Lieman and old Dino 4-time Lossi fan.
Top Colorado Republican orders official to report false election results in leaked audio
A “damning” recording allegedly shows a GOP congressman trying to pressure a local official into committing a crime
It sure seems like the only evidence we ever see/hear for actual election fraud is committed by Republicans.
Vote for better people. Vote for Democrats. The REAL pro-life party.
Headline: Oregon football hosting Ohio State without fans, likely after Oregon governor’s order
Facebook Trumper: “Kate brown can go to hell. If she does this she should have to refund everyone money out of her own”
Me: “The stadium holds 54000. The virus kills 5%, 1 in 20. The game kills 2700 of your friends and neighbors and family.”
Facebook Trumper: “Peddling absolute false information should get you arrested and jailed.”
Me: “Prove me wrong:
Facebook Trumper: “”
Vote for better people. Vote for Democrats. The REAL pro-life party.
‘My God,’ Says US Senator After William Barr Deploys ‘History Is Written by the Winners’ Trope
“The head of the American justice system now saying publicly that there is no good or bad except what the strongest want. The definition of autocracy.”
Members of Congress, the Senate, the VP and all military take an oath that pledges to protect the Constitution against enemies both foreign and domestic. We have determined that the Constitution, oaths and laws are meaningless when republican senators and justices collectively shrug.
The ugliest time in America’s history will be November-January iwhen Trump loses the election. Like a scared animal backed into a corner, he will scratch, claw, and fight with a desperate energy nobody has ever seen. It will be a scary time for everybody.
What are the odds he will incite his base to rise up, and try to create such a large disturbance that he could declare martial law and suspend the inauguration of Biden. Think it won’t happen? Nobody has stopped him from doing anything yet.
Vote for better people. Vote for Democrats. The REAL pro-life party.
Coronavirus: US unemployment rate is highest since Great Depression
The impeached miserable failure was successful in getting rid of another President Obama’s achievement.
“Nearly all the job growth achieved during the 11-year recovery from the Great Recession has now been lost in one month.”
“A measure of what’s called underemployment — which counts the unemployed plus full-time workers who were reduced to part-time work — reached 22.8 percent, a record high.”
By comparison. The Great Depression peaked at 25%.
Vote for better people. Vote for Democrats. The REAL pro-life party.
Very stable genius:
“(Staffer) tested very good for a long period of time and then all of the sudden today she tested positive… This is why the whole concept of tests aren’t necessarily great”
Cool. No test. Have someone keep sliding those Quarter Pounders down your cake hole until they’re symptomatic.
“I don’t wanna, so I don’t have to!”
These protesters should tell that to the draftees who lost their lives in Vietnam defending their freedom to never grow up.
They didn’t wanna, either. But they had to.
senile idiot wabbit @75,
Isn’t NYC a bastion of libtards, policed by libtards, owned by libtards, and governed by libtards? So when you say whitey no tickety, aren’t you saying libtards are a racist bunch?
Yes your honor the senile on is doing that. The Prosecution Rests!
Any person attacked by armed men has a right to defend himself. And a black man attacked by armed white men inGeorgia, who have already fired their weapon, has every reason to believe his life depends on wrestling that weapon away from them.
Doctor Dumbfuck thinks Flynn is some guy the FBI plucked off the street and dragged into an entrapment interview for no reason.
Of course he thinks that. He’s a dumbfuck.
@76 No one’s making you stay here. If you don’t want to follow Washington’s Covid-19 rules, you’re free to leave, and have 49 other states to choose from.
Everything held so dear to the hearts of libtards is crashing like a stack of blown cards. Remember when BeerPong checkmate-252 claimed 17 agencies agreed that Steele’s Dossier claimed that Trump colluded with Russia?
Now we see it was a stacked deck starting with those illegally soured FISA applications which along with the bogus dossier started Mueller’s SCO op.
FACTS are difficult things to libtards.
@84 Now imagine yourself leaning precariously over a bridge railing, struggling to hold on to a man determined to commit suicide, who’s trying to pull you off with him.
What do you do?
Meanwhile someone is lying… Sussman or Comey.
Seems back during the last month of Obummerville and the first weeks of Trumpeting January 2017 then FBI Director James Comey told Senator Richard Burr of the Senate Intelligence Committee that the FBI made “multiple requests at different levels” which were declined.
Butt, Michael Sussman told Congress that the DNC offered FBI physical access to its servers and FBI declined.
Start on Page 24 and read through 27.
See ya
Meanwhile someone is lying… Sussman or Comey.
Seems back during the last month of Obummerville and the first weeks of Trumpeting January 2017 then FBI Director James Comey told Senator Richard Burr of the Senate Intelligence Committee that the FBI made “multiple requests at different levels” which were declined.
Butt, Michael Sussman told Congress that the DNC offered FBI physical access to its servers and FBI declined.
Start on Page 24 and read through 27.
See ya
@85 Barr has less to lose than Trump in November. All Barr stands to lose is his license to practice law, which he doesn’t need because he will never get work again anyway.
@89 Yeah, all the NYC cops are Bernie Bros, and the Brooklyn Bridge is for sale, cheap.
You don’t have to be a clown every day of your life. You’re entitled to take a vacation from clowning around and pretend to be a normal human being now and then.
FACTS are difficult things to worshipers of the ORANGE idol…
Like the orange idiot (with some white around the eyes) they’re going to vote for in November said Flynn LIED TO THE FBI!
The impeached miserable failure colluded with Russia. Trumpers can create revisionist history all they want, but their lies do not change the truth.
Vote for better people. Vote for Democrats. The REAL pro-life party.
See ya
Put HA HEROES first at 8:33 pm. Maybe you could explain that chronological failure about Rosenstein talking to Flynn about some “questions”.. No need to have a lawyer present..
Be there.
“It’s only 15. Soon it will be down to zero.”
“I want the passengers on the cruise ship to stay there I don’t need the numbers going up when it’s not our fault.”
“They’re saying 30,000 could die so that’s why I’m taking these bold actions today.”
“It will disappear In April”
“I never said 30,000. I listened to Dr. Fauci. Maybe everyone should go back to work and we can get it over with quicker. Grandma will sacrifice her life to leave an economy for the grand kids.”
“60,000 isn’t so bad. It would have been so much worse if I wasn’t on it so completely.. I wasn’t even golfing in months unless you count the four rounds just last month.”
“Probably 95,000 are going to die.”
And THEN it will get Down to zero.
That’s why piddles is reading excerpts on RW blogs and posting them here without question.
The alternative is to focus on the death count, unemployment, labor participation rate, death count, Aides to both Pres and VP positive for Corona virus…
Aides to both Pres and VP positive for Corona virus…
Oh my the popping of the orange bubble appears imminent..
Pray for the orange trolls.
Katie Miller, wife of (yuck) Stephen Miller and Pence flack has covid…
Pray for team orange trolls. They really need your thoughts and prayers right now..
Pack ’em in a box and send it to the “whitey house” whydoncha?
see ya (at 8:33 pm)
He just might have cost The Chardonnay Lady 2.0 the presidency, too. I mean, if the rest of her awful candidacy is taken out of the equation, it might have been him.
“Katie Miller, wife of (yuck) Stephen Miller and Pence flack has covid…”
Now that the WH is the nation’s new Covid-19 hot spot and they hate masks, Nancy Pelosi just might become our president in a few weeks.
Heh. Repeat after me, trolls. “President Pelosi”.
Doctor Dumbfuck probably had that thought earlier and that’s set him off.
“The country is hungry for honest, competent leadership.”
President Pelosi.
Don’t get your hopes up Steve..
After all drumpf and Pence have been dosing with hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin since this all started.
upon the advice of drumpf lovin’ “liberal” Larry Ellison.
and under the strict supervision of the “whitey house” physician. Wouldn’t want dear leaders to get bad side effects.
The murder in Georgia of the jogging black man.
“Always remember, they didn’t make the arrests because they saw the video, they made arrests because we saw the video.”
14.7% unemployment. Well done trump.
Roger Rabbit Quiz
Trump told reporters today the SARS-CoV-2 virus will “go away without a vaccine.” He said, “This is going to go away without a vaccine, it’s gonna go away, and we’re not going to see it again, hopefully, after a period of time.”
The reason it will go away without a vaccine is because:
[ ] 1. He wants it to.
[ ] 2. He’s president, and what he says goes.
[ ] 3. His border wall will keep it out.
[ ] 4. It will run out of hosts after everyone is dead.
[ ] 5. It won’t go away. He doesn’t know WTF he’s talking about.
If buffet restaurants are threatened, it seems reasonable that buffet dining setups on cruise ships might not be around much longer, either.
Souplantation, Sweet Tomatoes permanently closing all restaurants amid pandemic
Roger Dumbfuck’s fave restaurant is Waddle.
@112 My favorite restaurant is your vegetable garden.
@106 If Pelosi becomes president, Biden should withdraw and she should be the nominee. Continuity is important; we don’t want a temp in that job.
This would make Tara Reade and Doctor Dumbfuck happy, too.
“The rest of those filling up the van are empty, sir.”
Because it’s perfectly normal to load a delivery van with empty boxes.
Keep on lickin’ that stripper pole, Rapepublicans!
“A Yahoo News/YouGov poll released Friday showed that just 55 percent of Americans planned to get vaccinated against COVID-19 when it became available. Nineteen percent surveyed said they would not take a vaccine for the virus while 26 percent said they were not sure.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: The country that put men on the moon is going backwards; a substantial number of Americans are now dumber than llama shit.
Stories like this will play through November. Strong leadership!
“We have nothing to fear but someone else I appointed making another mistake!”
“Ask not what I can to for you. Ask what the Democrats did to Gen. Flynn.”
“The buck stops at Health and Human Services.”
“Ich bin Ich habe es nicht getan!’
“Walk softly and carry a big pointer and sharpie.”
[ ]6. Mike Pence is in actuality a spiritually immortal thousand year old medieval Knight Templar invested with supernatural powers by drinking from the Holy Grail who will defeat the virus in glorious open combat on the field of honor… after which Trump will
fire himbitch and whine until someone else fires him.And always keep latex gloves handy*. You never know when the next “hot” thirteen year old will come along.
*See what I did there?
Oh senile idiot wabbit,
It was you who claimed it was a Trump supporter in Oklahoma when the shots were fired in the McDonald’s restaurant. In fact you claimed it was two Trump Supporters. Butt once again you were wrong. WAY WRONG! When it looks like the article will impugn conservatives you are on it. When you are found out to be a buffoon for the 3rd vigintillionth time, you run away.
And, when someone calls you out on how libtards treat minorities in libtard land you go apoplectic. Typical libtrard reaction. Deal with it.
Here is a famous CNN/MSDNC frivolous fool saying something totally different behind closed doors.
Didn’t BeerPong believe him?
YES your honor it did. The Prosecution Rest.
Look what Puddy found in his Scribd web…
Seems Covington and Burling was giving LTG Flynn bad advice. Told Flynn to plead guilty due to a side deal with DOJ – SCO full of hate Trump DUMMOCRETINS. Now we see why Sidney Powell wants the email conversations and phone records between Flynn’s lawyers and Eric Holder, partner at Covington and Burling.
Republican led Florida has more elderly people that Libtard New York. Yet Cuomo decided to kill the old people with his edicts.
Yet the butt spigot and the senile idiot wabbit can’t seem to condemn Cuomo and his killing edict. Cuomo worried about his momma but he didn’t care about your momma in a NYS nursing home.
From the Shifty Schiff forced release of the documents we learned Obummer was in the middle of it after all. Sean Hannity called it again! CNN and MSDNC got it wrong again. Maybe that’s why you won’t find anything on those documents on their web sites.
Seems Twatter can’t sensor everything!
can’t seem to condemn Cuomo
LOL! It’s ordering us around again..
Just be here at 8:33 pm freak. On the dot.. And stay a while… put HA HEROES first… again..
who knows? we may be open to some of your stoopid diktates..
It was you who claimed it was a Trump supporter in Oklahoma
Remember this drumpf supporter in OK babblin’ poophead?
Wow poopyhead.. He was a birfer.. And that drumpf lover had a dark side:
I predicted, two years ago, the case against General Flynn would be dismissed. I was correct.
Now, General Flynn needs be made whole again due to government incompetence and corruption. Every asset the evil-doers have should be transferred to Flynn.
the case against General Flynn would be dismissed. I was correct.
And you agree with drumpf that Flynn lied to the FBI?
and that’s not a crime?
Every asset the evil-doers have should be transferred to Flynn.
Evil doers like drumpf who fired Flynn for lying? Wow! How generous of you. Flynn would own drumpf Tower!
@118 Damn. How did I overlook that one?
@122 Shorter Flynn: “My lawyers fucked me!”
This has never been heard in a jailhouse before.
@127 Getting off on a corrupt technicality isn’t the same thing as being innocent. As an impersonator of a Harvard Law School emeritus professor, you’re expected to know that.
Demorat-China Party Of Hate America & Travel Bans Are Racist Bombshell News – Evidence Mounts That Russia Hoax Was Treasonous Demorat-Russia Partnership Managed By Obama, Most Corrupt Administration In History.
Information released in the Justice Department’s motion to dismiss the case it brought against Lt. Ge. Michael Flynn confirms the significance of a January 5, 2017, meeting at the Obama White House. It was at this meeting that Obama gave guidance to key officials who would be tasked with protecting his administration’s utilization of secretly funded Clinton campaign research, which alleged Trump was involved in a treasonous plot to collude with Russia, from being discovered or stopped by the incoming administration.
When the mayor of flavortown is a better public servant than POTUS
Demorat-China Party Of Hate America & Always Believe Women, Unless They Accuse Demorats, Then They Are Lying Sluts Bombshell News – Stickyfingers Joe Biden-Einstein Challenged By Tara Reade To Take Polygraph; Bet On The Lying Phoney Running Away From The Opportunity To Demonstrate Credibility.
Tara Reade says Joseph R. Biden should drop out of the 2020 presidential race and says she is ready to take a polygraph test under one condition: the former vice president does the same.
Mr. Biden last week publicly denied Ms. Reade’s accusation that he sexually assaulted her decades ago, saying it never happened.
Ms. Reade on Thursday pushed back, telling former Fox News host Megyn Kelly that Mr. Biden is lying and should pull the plug on his White House bid.
Hey babblin’ butthole.. zippo pork slop @ 134 reads and spams the same always wrong sites you do..
You’re going to join us at 20:33 right?
Guess not.. C’mon babblin’ butthole. You know you want to put HA HEROES first..
You’re done it so many times since 2005..
How many did The Hump Virus murder today?
Trump will be re-elected in November.
“Trump will be re-elected in November.”
Sorry, but in a couple weeks Trump and Pence will have both been intubated and placed on ventilators. Sad!
Look on the bright side. Nancy Pelosi will be your president.
“Now, General Flynn needs be made whole again due to government incompetence and corruption.”
Yeah, I’m sure President Pelosi will be cool with that.
@138 I see you’re drinking alone on a Friday night again. Sux to be you.
Look on the bright side. I’m sure President Pelosi will see to it that everybody in the Trump WH will get a proper funeral.
“Ivanka Trump’s personal assistant has reportedly tested positive for the coronavirus”
Dersh @ 127,
You’re shitting the law bed again.
Your client’s case is not yet dismissed. You and all your corrupt kiddie fucking pals yelling into the media void about it may jeopardize
your client’sthe government’s pending motion.At the very least, Sullivan is going to demand some ‘splainin. And he also has the authority to convert to dismissal without prej. Which leaves your guy hanging by his undies from a flag pole.
You should know all this. What happened?
Too many poppers at Epstein’s orgies?
Keep lickin’ that stripper pole!