– Sound Transit Link light rail is going to change from a line to a system when trains start going to the Eastside. And we have the official date: April 27. Very, very cool.
– Listen, I don’t care about the Hunter Biden stuff, but man are Republicans fuckups about it.
– Backdoor. Backdoor. Backdoor!
– Anyway, please wash your hands right now and get vaccinated or boosted if you’re eligible.
I just wished the 2 line had better contractors, so it could be crossing the lake, too. Lynwood LINK will be at reduced capacity because of that.
Two bad Bidenflation reports this week, CPI and now PPI. This despite gas prices declining during part of January.
But there’s an unpleasant surprise happening this month:
AAA national average gallon gas price today is $3.284
One month ago it was $3.072. Gas prices are up nearly 7% in the last month.
Just think what that will do to the numbers that will be reported next month.
Bidenflation touches all. In particular, it ass-fucks Queen YLB’s fucked kids.
With the humiliating collapse of BIDEN CRIME FAMILY we now return to four year old deadtheme of BIDENFLAYSHUN.
Because I got nothing.
Witness Told Feds She Was Paid for Sex Parties With Matt Gaetz
Republicans “My God! Impeach Hunter now!”
Merrick Garland: “Let’s not rushing this. we have to be absolutely positively mega super duper sure before we even maybe think about next steps”
Love this headline
Remember the ‘Biden bribe’ allegation? DOJ now says it was made up.
So it was a conspiracy designed by the Trump administration in order to create chaos around a political rival.
A Slurring Donald Trump the Rapist Gives Unbelievable Excuse for Constant Mix-Ups
Donald Trump the Rapist’s recent memory failures sure do look like some kind of cognitive decline. In the last few months, Trump has mixed up President Joe Biden with former President Barack Obama, slurred his words, bragged about his favorite type of violent death and that he calls corn “non-liquid gold,” insisted you need voter ID to buy bread, and confused his GOP competitor Nikki Haley for California Representative Nancy Pelosi, claiming that the former failed to act during January 6.
“But during a campaign rally on Wednesday, Trump the Rapist had a new excuse for all that, claiming all of his short circuits are actually just sarcastic jokes.“
“Of course, I remember Nancy McHaley! You think I don’t know my own daughter?”
An old man trying to make excuses for his dementia.
With the humiliating collapse of BIDEN CRIME FAMILY we now return to four year old deadtheme of BIDENFLAYSHUN.
It’s God’s law that dumbfucks gotta dumbfuck.
While delusional right wing propaganda media undoubtedly spin DA Willis’s testimony under cross examination from Trump’s clown car attorneys yesterday as harmful to her, it is very telling that this morning after confering with the attorney representing Fulton County she did not take the stand under direct examination from her own attorney to rebutt or to contextualize any of the previous testimony. At this point, and as we should all know well, Republican Dumbfucks will believe exactly whatever the fuck they are told to believe by the approved propaganda media.
But when very, very seasoned, experienced, and highly successful opposing counsel across the aisle signal to you that they are satisfied with the work you have done on their behalf, you should pay attention.
Willis was certainly at times combative, and even disrespectful of the judge. And her performance took a proceeding that had already gone somewhat off the rails earlier in the day, owing to persistent misbehavior by the defense attorneys and even one or two defense clients present in the court, and steered it into a rage filled, emotional tirade. That may be satsifying to extreme MAGA Republicans interested only in wounding Trump’s enemies. But it probably doomed Merchant’s motion.
The disqualification of an elected public prosecutor is an otherwise very sobering thing to undertake. It is intended by statute to be a very difficult thing to prove. Because in effect it disenfranchises the expressed choice of the voters who have elected that prosecutor. And moreover, it presents a big challenge to the power of the people to seek justice and punish the wicked through the legal process. In any jurisidiction the courts and judges are highly skeptical of motions like these because of the doors they open to enable defense attorneys to corruptly harass and obstruct prosecutions. And for that reason judges are bound in such proceedings to demand the pursuit of a sober, methodical process limited in its scope.
But honestly McAfee, in hs apparent yearning to be “the cool teacher” and offer a relaxed and conversational approach to ordering his court, has obviously lost control of his own court at various times throughout. And as the moving party that loss of control is most harmful to Merchant, at least insofar as her interest in the motion being granted is concerned.
It now appears quite obvious that the movants in this case are merely using the motion and the hearing as a way of injecting prejudicial media reporting into the case to treat the case politically and perhaps to taint a jury. McAfee will be bound to deliberate based on the hearing itself, and the record and nothing else. The record now contains a whole lot of statements and information that movants would surely prefer that it did not. They lost their ability to use normal order of the proceedings to walk the witnesses carefully through a path of testimony from point A to point B to reach some at least implied conclusion in the record.
@ 4
Witness Told Feds She Was Paid for Sex Parties With Matt Gaetz
My guess is that she probably was. Although unless it involved misuse of campaign funds or she was underage at the time, it’s macht nichts.
But it’s not just a cold sore, Matt.
Merchant very frustrated today.
Her witness, the former partner of Wade is a human ruin.
It is now clear that Merchant established Terrance Bradley as a spy inside of Wade’s firm while he was a partner and while Bradley was serving as his attorney in his divorce. She is struggling now to get around privllege claims that normally would apply to such a witness. And she is largely failing. Very clearly most of what she alleged in her affidavit was sourced based upon an attorney spy working in the same office as Nathan Wade, and depended upon his representations to her at the time when he was spying for her.
Needless to say Bradley was fired as Wade’s divorce attorney and was dismissed from the firm and the partnership dissolved.
In particular, it ass-fucks
So sez an expert on getting its ass fucked..
It voted for Carter even after the REAL “miracle on ice”..
ooh that musta hurt during hell week.
Btw, both kids are Seattleites who use public transpo.. The wife too.. Bus, light rail.. Life is good here in the city. Not perfect but we highly value the good over the bad.
At HA Hunter’s dick pics touch teh widbee kreepshit only.
What happened to the laptop and the drip, drip?
knock, knock, knock…
She’s gone, she’s gone
Oh I, oh I
I better learn how to face it
@2 It’s not a surprise to anyone except low-information ignoramuses with bad memories like you, because
When this happened every winter under Trump, did you call it “Trumpflation”? And refinery outages aren’t exactly state secrets.
Hey idiot, if you read a newspaper once in a while, you might know more than you do.
One of Doctor Dumbfuck’s cosplaying grandmothers is in the news again.
WASHINGTON — A Jan. 6 defendant who was arrested near the Washington home of former President Barack Obama over the summer after former President Donald Trump posted a screenshot that included the address has been hit with five new charges. Three of the new charges relate to guns and ammunition that were allegedly found in Taranto’s van when he was arrested.
@5 “So it was a conspiracy designed by the Trump administration in order to create chaos around a political rival.”
Or a Russian looking for a payday or some kind of leverage.
Anyone who believes a Russian “source” is a fool. Honesty has no place in their culture. They’re not taught to be truthful; instead, they learn to hustle in a society of scarcity. So they tell you what you want to hear to get what they want from you.
$350 million judgement to be entered against Trump The Rapist for his financial fraud ennacted upon the state of New York.
Trump’s fucked kids are now barred for serving as an officer or director of any New York corporation.
@10 “Needless to say Bradley was fired as Wade’s divorce attorney and was dismissed from the firm and the partnership dissolved.”
What about bar proceedings? A lawyer spying on a client of his firm for opposing counsel isn’t going to be a lawyer very long. Neither will opposing counsel.
Predictably, a GOP congressman (does it matter which one?) compared Navalny’s death to the
perprosecution of Donald J. Trump.https://thehill.com/homenews/senate/4473011-schumer-knocks-zeldin-for-comparing-navalny-death-to-trump-prosecution/
We learned today in Ashleigh Merchant’s motion hearing that the lawyer she retained inside of Wade and Campbell’s firm as a spy and to serve as her star witness against Wade and Willis was forced to leave the firm after sexually assaulting both an employee of the firm and a client of the firm.
Funny as hell..
“We had a lot of them go up to New Hampshire, and I saw Trump standing side by side, he was next to Senator Judas — excuse me, Senator Scott,”..
“Vivague Ramaslimey backpedaling more than his receding hairline,”…
I was like, you know what? I feel awful, and I would like to take this chance to apologize to Pennywise[clown from Stephen King’s ‘It”],”
“Because Pennywise is a lot less creepy, a lot less of a clown, and he has a much better hairline than he [Ramaslimey] does.”..
[DeSantis] “wants to be Trump so bad it’s embarrassing.”
LMAO… Who’s the author of these barbs?
Nikki Haley’s son – Nalin
“Good on ‘im”
@17 @18 The biggest takeaway is Judge Engeron didn’t dissolve the Trump Organization but instead put it under a court-appointed monitor while Trump serves his 3-year ban. It’s 2 years for his kids. So the family can retake unfettered control of their New York business interests in a couple years. His lackeys, Weisselberg and another guy, got lifetime bans. So basically Engeron hit the Trumps with a wrist slap and the peasants who carried out their orders with a baseball bat.
A significant concern of Bradley’s in seeking to avoid testimony today centered around his belief that it may result in the loss of his license to practice law.
Nalvany is notable and principled in that he was relentless in exposing and opposing Putin’s corruption..
But he was also a fervent Russian nationalist and believed Ukraine belonged to Russia.
I don’t know but I wouldn’t be surprised if he was no fan of NATO and resented the membership of states in proximity to Russia’s borders.
I imagine this is fairly complex, but I would assume as a consequence of the control under the receipt of a court appointed monitor could have grave implications for Trump’s use of his New York assets as a source of finance for his now considerable civil legal obligations as well as his ongoing legal expenses.
I guess I’d further add that even if Mr. Bradley can retain is license to practice I believe his chances of ever again attracting partners, associates, or clients is probaby at an end. Which might explain his very pained expression.
Trump The Rapist is now as of today burdened with a total of $443.1 million in judgements that he owes.
It’s a good thing for him he managed to install his daughter-in-law Lara in charge of the Republican National Committee to make sure that all the money going forward is steered directly to Trump, his lawyers, and his mounting legal and civil judgements.. He will need all of it. But it is a tough break for someone like Matt Rosendale. More trimming of the sails can be expected.
Republican doners better step up, Trump the Rapist’s got a $350 million bill to pay with other people’s money.
27)Can practice law without associates or partners, but probably need clients.
Republicans saturated society with guns and we live like this now:
Anyone who tells you guns make us safer, or “an armed society is a polite society,” is a constipated bull. Thanks for nothing, NRA assholes. You have a lot of innocent blood on your hands.
Trump can’t do math. He ” likes the idea of a 16-week federal ban because it’s an ‘even’ four months.”
A month is not 4 weeks, and 16 weeks is not 4 months, it’s 3.68 months (rounded to nearest .01).
Two of now outgoing RNC Chairman Ronna Romney’s really great accomplishments over an incredibly successful tenure have been her building and development at the RNC of a nimble, automated, and very effective platform for small dollar fund raising called Win Red. Really fantastic.
And another has been her establishment within the RNC of a full time, robust, and well funded legal operation to sue states where I don’t win, and to defend me and my campaign when we fuck around with election fraud after we lose. And then fund it with all the money raised from the first thing.
It’s a perfect one-two punch, I like to say. Like two scoops of ice cream. A kind of a self-flushing money toilet maybe?
Why are so many people who work for LE agencies scumbags?
The Heterosexual Neanderthal Virus touches all, unlike gas prices that fluctuate in speculation and supply and demand and the forces of manipulation by terrorists and greedy oilmen, the Heterosexual Neanderthal Virus is just a fucking accepted virus of Neanderthals, costing Bob his hard earned shorts.
Heterosexuals and heterosexuality costing Bob dearly.
Gay Love. Straight Hate.
Don’t carry extreme MAGA Republican water.
Trump has no principles. He “likes” whatever sounds useful in the moment. He has clearly indicated previously that if Republicans bring him a ban as president he will sign it. He only talks about weeks and months in order to dupe a few more mouth breathers.
Do not help him by repeating the lies.
Trump does not “like” or support any particular abortion restriction other than the one extreme MAGA House and Senate Republicans bring to him to sign. He wants to make history for something other than criminal convictions and impeachments.
And both MAGA Mike and Mitch the Glitch are very clear on that.
Total nationwide ban starting at “conception” is what they want. There can be no doubt, Mitch the Glitch would bury the filibuster on day one to pass that bill.
Demorat-Pfizer Party Of Vax Mandates & Chickenhawk Warmongers News – Bidenclown false memory #928; awkward silence from German Chancellor Olaf Scholz as Bidenclown recalls conversation with Scholz’s predecessor.
https://twitter.com/RNCResearch/status/1756053543348285577; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WW7I-j1Rb94
Demorat-Pfizer Party Of Vax Mandates & Chickenhawk Warmongers News – If you think Bidenclown is not demented enough to start a nuclear war, think again.
Plans to deploy American nuclear weapons to an airbase in Suffolk have progressed, according to a US Department of Defence (DoD) notice.
This would be the first time in more than 15 years nuclear weapons have been deployed on British soil.
The base is currently home to the USAF’s 48th Fighter Wing, the only unit in Europe which operates both the F-15E Eagle and the F-35A Lighting II fighter aircraft.
Reports from the US indicate the newer F-35A had been flight tested to use the latest variant of the B61-12 thermonuclear bomb, which paved the way for the aircraft to begin carrying such weapons.
ass clown won teh stoopid award @ 38
Who was preznit 15 years ago? Hint: it was NOT Obama..
Weren’t you all bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb Iran back then?
Darth Cheney and even Johnny McSame were all for that. Sadly your dear leader of that time, George Dumbya Arbusto, wimped out whipped by Condi…
Imagine those America hating Mullahs going up in nuclear fire. Ain’t that ur wet dream?
Ain’t that ur wet dream?
Nah. Not so much anymore.
MAGA Republicans don’t roll that way. All they really want is “some tight pussy, loose shoes, and a warm place to shit.”
Stupidest motherfuckers on earth:
I assume @42 is a reply to @41.
Charlie Sykes says Smirnov’s arrest “is a spectacular pratfall for the Republicans. It’s hard to overstate how much they had banked on this one informant who turns out to be bogus.”
It’s also predictable. People who only listen to what they want to hear, and don’t verify anything, are easily played.
It’s quite understandable why defendants’ lawyers didn’t want Fani Willis’ testimony admitted:
And that was before she charged Trump and his allies with crimes.
Yeah, I can see why someone who has to defend this shit doesn’t wants to keep it out of the record so he isn’t put in a position of having to defend it.