Queen YLB is counting on seven Fed rate cuts to pull the ass of my corrupt, incompetent, senile fossil of a president out of the fire.
Queen YLB does notcannot realizeunderstand that inflation has climbed each of the last two months.
Unserious Twatspews:
@1 Your already low IQ is dropping an awful lot faster than inflation is rising.
Blind faith in your Orange Jesus is what did that to you. He was the one who turned you into a low IQ dumbfuck Nazi coward and a traitor to you country.
For you there is no turning back. You are truly fucked.
Vicious Trollspews:
@ 2
You are truly fucked.
Nah. Queen YLB’s kids are truly fucked. All those long-dated naked puts I sold in March, when people were scared shitless about bank failures? They expire next Friday. Never let a crisis go to waste, I read somewhere. It’s a statement attributed to one of Obama’s underlings.
The widening wealth gap was “done to me” by my corrupt, incompetent, senile fossil of a president and by his equally corrupt Democrat cronies.
Queen YLB voted for all of it.
Elijah Dominic McFuckheadspews:
The profoundly stupid trust fund troll was far too preoccupied with CRACK PIPE, LAPTOP, BALLOT HARVESTING, and injecting himself with aquarium cleaner in 2021 to get around to it.
But according to the archives by early 2022 he was fully invested in shouting predictions of imminent economic catastrophe.
I hope the Krugerrands under the hay barn are still safe.
Unserious Twatspews:
All those long-dated naked puts I sold in March
Your after-the-fact trade announcements would get you laughed at on any trading forum just as they do here.
Besides being a dumbfuck Nazi coward, you’re a loser and you will always be a loser.
Elijah Dominic McFuckheadspews:
The only trades the profoundly stupid trust fund troll ever announced in advance were his long options on TSLA when it was still trading over 400, and his sales of family inherited multifamily buildings in the following year to cover those losses.
Unserious Twatspews:
profoundly stupid trust fund troll
Your “trust fund troll” trades options in retirement, lives on a shit-hole island, has a small boat with a 40 year-old outboard motor that doesn’t run and is truly saddened to see how slowly the 300 tiny Christmas trees he worked so hard to plant last year are growing.
Think about it. The dumbfuck Nazi coward lies about everything. There is no trust fund, no Mary Kay, no horse, no barn, nothing. Everything is a fucking lie.
Vicious Trollspews:
Bank earnings are being reported today. The special assessments levied by the FDIC to compensate for the money spent to bail out the failed banks last March are being recognized during 2023 Q4.
Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit owns Citigroup shares and he paid $67ish for them. A couple of years later they’re below $52. Nice goin’, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit. Citigroup’s share of the FDIC make-up assessment is $1.7 billion.
JP Morgan’s share is $2.9 billion. Even so, this bank still earned $9.3 billion. JPM is in all-time high territory.
BofA’s share is $2.1 billion.
All told, more than 100 banks will pay an assessment. The FDIC’s loss as of November was $16.3B.
Vicious Trollspews:
@ 7
… a small boat with a 40 year-old outboard motor that doesn’t run …
Not anymore. The outboard and fuel tank were stolen some time in the last few weeks, probably by Deathfrogg.
Is an Abortion Referendum in Pennsylvania on the Horizon?
Biden will lose PA if there isn’t a driver of liberal turnout.
What an asshole. I bet it’s a Republican.spews:
The outboard and fuel tank were stolen some time in the last few weeks
by the maga redneck it compromised its “rule” for the sake of ogling the redneck’s baby momma..
As if the junker on blocks wasn’t enough of a “fuck you”..
the magat is still fucking kreepshit in the ass.
What an asshole. I bet it’s a Republican.spews:
if there isn’t a driver of liberal turnout.
it’s called orange-tinted dear leader.. of teh repuke fascist party..
Vicious Trollspews:
Everyone glad they wasted time supporting POS Hunter Biden’s demand to only give public testimony, only to see him run away from MTG and Nancy Mace as they called him an emasculated coward?
Stephen Neukam
🚨 NEW: Hunter Biden’s lawyer, in a letter to Republicans, says the president’s son will sit for a deposition or public hearing if Republicans issue a NEW subpoena for his testimony in the impeachment probe.
7:57 AM · Jan 12, 2024
What an asshole. I bet it’s a Republican.spews:
run away from MTG and Nancy Mace
yawwwn.. feckless, showboating name callers diminish only themselves..
Vicious Trollspews:
@ 14
… feckless, showboating name callers only diminish only themselves..
Queen YLB unaware that Adam Schiff is running for the US Senate.
What an asshole. I bet it’s a Republican.spews:
Hunter Biden’s lawyer… if Republicans issue a NEW subpoena for his testimony in the impeachment probe…
yawwwn.. upon advice of counsel.. seems evident it’s sounder advice than anything chisum gym or Farmer Jim can muster… while they bore us all to tiers..
Vicious Trollspews:
I’d like to than silly chick-with-dick Dylan Mulvaney for the marked decline in AB InBev shares, which provided a lucrative naked put sale opportunity.
The only useful chick with a dick is the one you can make money off of, while it makes money off of the gullibility of Queen YLB’s fucked kids.
Elijah Dominic McFuckheadspews:
I’m not saying he’s a “successful” trust fund baby. In terms of relative financial performance, must Trustifarian assholes are not.
Having their financial stability handed to them at a relatively early age deprives many of them of some very important life lessons about risk, accountability, and consequences.
I’m just pointing out that by his own clear declaration, the profoundly stupid troll inherited a bunch of financial assets. Logic (and the tax codes) would tend to dictate that the bulk of those assets came in the form of income producing property. And it’s that income that would have enabled him to prematurely quit the productive working world as a rad tech to enjoy his squalid life of “leisure” moldering in a damp forested compound on a suburban island in Puget Sound.
What an asshole. I bet it’s a Republican.spews:
Adam Schiff is running for the US Senate.
He’s too “shifty” for ya, eh? I wish him well.. It’s always fun when a Dem drives kreepshit klownservatics into fits of hair pulling..
Especially to teh widbee kreepshit in particular who is already a bit hair challenged.
What an asshole. I bet it’s a Republican.spews:
the gullibility of …
land “lord” kreepshit compromising its “rule” for the sake of a poor redneck wearing a maga hat with baby momma in tow..
Vicious Trollspews:
How many times will POS Hunter invoke his Fifth Amendment rights during his deposition?
How many times will he do it in response to question that pertain to his conspiratorial business relationship with his father?
Elijah Dominic McFuckheadspews:
The outboard and fuel tank were stolen some time in the last few weeks,
Tells us the boat is stored in between uses trailered outdoors in an unsecured location without insurance.
This is not a paint-by-numbers picture of even a middle class retirement. Obvsly.
What an asshole. I bet it’s a Republican.spews:
the marked decline in AB InBev shares, which provided a lucrative naked put sale opportunity.
Wow notice the focus on a “chick with a dick” and not anything to do with the behavior of krap beer soaked yahoos.. all going to early graves from being sedentary and poor diet.. fewer ss checks cut..
according to degen kreepshit’s babbling – good for the kids…
Vicious Trollspews:
@ 13, 21
The offer to submit to deposition is a bait-and-switch. On the last page of the eight-page letter from Lowell to the House committee is this footnote:
33 During the January 10, 2024,Judiciary Committee markup, Representative GlennIvey suggested a procedure for a
hybrid process—a public deposition/hearing with alternating rounds of questions for Republicans and Democrats, and
with similar rules (e.g., role of counsel in questioning), as is done in a closed-door deposition. Four Republicans
actually voted in committee in support of this process. Perhaps that could be the basis for our discussion.
Really no different than a public hearing, as written above.
What an asshole. I bet it’s a Republican.spews:
I hope kreepshit is a better snake oil salesman:
U.S. producer prices unexpectedly fell in December amid declining costs for goods such as diesel fuel and food, suggesting inflation would continue to subside and allow the Federal Reserve to start cutting interest rates this year.
The report from the Labor Department on Friday, which also showed prices for services were unchanged for the third straight month, implied that a pick-up in consumer prices last month was likely a blip. It led economists to anticipate that the key price measures tracked by the U.S. central bank for its 2% inflation target rose moderately in December from the prior month.
“The inflation pipeline is clearing and consumer prices will gradually get to the Fed’s 2% target,” said Jeffrey Roach, chief economist at LPL Financial in Charlotte, North Carolina.
Something’s gotta cover the cost of airline travel for its sales trips and ease the “pain” it will experience in November.
knock, knock, knock…
Vicious Trollspews:
@ 23
krap beer soaked yahoos.. all going to early graves from being sedentary and poor diet.. fewer ss checks cut..
Queen YLB once again demonstrates her unserious, twatty ignorance of the fact that fewer than 20% of the consumers of the swill that is Bud Light are Caucasian. Those who are considered black, Hispanic, or Asian in heritage, respectively, each account for more than 20% of the consumers of the Bud Light swill.
Queen YLB now wishes that she hadn’t implied that these minority groups are composed of lazy, Popeye chicken-eatin’ alcoholics.
‘scept the “Asians”. ’cause Queen YLB hates “Asians”, who occupyown too many houses in her neighborhood.
Elijah Dominic McFuckheadspews:
The offer to submit to deposition is a bait-and-switch…
another solid bid for a pre-trial dismissal should any future DOJ every attempt to bring a criminal charge relating to these ultra MAGA stunts.
Lowell’s client has now turned up twice during scheduled hearings to be sworn and answer questions. And both times the ultra MAGA Republican majority controlling the committee refused him.
Now Lowell is just twisting the knife in Farmer Jim’s sour guts.
Vicious Trollspews:
@ 25
Read all of what you link to, Queen YLB.
The narrower measure of PPI, which strips out food, energy and trade services components, rose 0.2% in December after gaining 0.1% in the prior month. The so-called core PPI rose 2.5% on a year-on-year basis after increasing 2.4% in November.
Moreover, it is disingenuous to counter a report that describes economic effects on the consumer with one that descries economic effects on the producer, ya dumb twat. People know what they see at the checkout counter. They don’t know, nor necessarily care, what the farmer’s costs are.
People don’t vote the farmer’s costs, they vote their own.
Vicious Trollspews:
@ 27
I have yet to see a report that comments on the footnote. I read the letter, which is why I know about it.
Do you think that Lowell will let his client sit for a closed deposition with 30-60 minute questioning rounds? From the content of the letter, I don’t.
What an asshole. I bet it’s a Republican.spews:
fewer than 20% of the consumers of the swill that is Bud Light are Caucasian.
And how much did Bud Light sales decline?
Those who are considered black, Hispanic, or Asian in heritage, respectively, each account for more than 20% of the consumers
Yes, a demographic keen to the cultural influencer that is Kid Rock.. Kid who, that demographic might ask?
of the Bud Light swill.
Wow.. we’ve got it redirected from “chicks with dicks” to a greedhead corporation pushing a shit product. That’s progress of a sort I guess.
lazy, Popeye chicken-eatin’ alcoholics.
Notice the gratitude kreepshit has towards those who helped keep the IRS at bay for it and its ilk…
‘scept the “Asians”.
Who have been my good neighbors for years “‘cept” for the absentee landlords parking their cash in two properties on my street. Good thing I guess they’re not kreepshit otherwise we’d have redneck magats with baby mommas putting junkers on blocks.. We’d get an eyesore with only a laugh at kreepshit for relief.
Elijah Dominic McFuckheadspews:
Do you think that Lowell will let his client sit for a closed deposition with 30-60 minute questioning rounds? From the content of the letter
I don’t think ultra MAGA House Republicans will ever vote to approve a subpoena that conforms to a fair public process offering both the witness and the minority an equal opportunity to participate in a public format in front of witnesses and cameras where profoundly stupid ultra MAGA House Republicans will be made to look almost as stupid as you.
What an asshole. I bet it’s a Republican.spews:
People don’t vote the farmer’s costs, they vote their own.
Yawn.. who is reading challenged now? I repeat for the dim among us:
“The inflation pipeline is clearing and consumer prices will gradually get to the Fed’s 2% target,” said Jeffrey Roach, chief economist at LPL Financial in Charlotte, North Carolina.
Elijah Dominic McFuckheadspews:
Really no different than a public hearing, as written above.
Entirely different than the intent and purpose behind any of the previous subpoenas. As different as apples and oranges.
In normal proceedings, neither the House, nor any committee of the House is a criminal court. The House only has any such role or authority when it is conducting proceedings attendant to a lawful impeachment. And so outside of a lawfully authorized impeachment it has no authority to conduct “depositions” of witnesses. It only has a more generalized constitutional authority to conduct hearings into matters that are directly related to legislation under consideration. And such hearings are normally only closed to the public when the information to be presented relates to classified matters of national security.
So the prior subpoenas were bullshit. There can be no closed door “deposition” of witnesses. And Lowell was and is entirely right to have rejected them.
Elijah Dominic McFuckheadspews:
Here is the part where the profoundly stupid trust fund troll provides a methodical recitation of the “reasons” why Hunter Biden DICK PICS are closely related to any of the various pieces of important legislation that MAGA Mike or any of his ultra MAGA Republican colleagues have managed to pass or even put to a vote since they began issuing subpoenas.
Politically Incorrectspews:
The US is doing its best to get involved in multiple futile wars. It’s time to end the empire.
Trump's Weird Little Penisspews:
Maybe we were going to name a post office after Hunter Biden’s penis.
It could happen. If an HA account can be named after Trump’s penis, why not? Would totally be worth it.
Elijah Dominic McFuckheadspews:
Majority Leader Steve Scalise, R-La., said in a post on X Friday, “Next week the House will vote to hold Hunter Biden in contempt of Congress for repeatedly defying subpoenas. Enough of his stunts. He doesn’t get to play by a different set of rules. He’s not above the law.”
There is another, legal purpose behind Lowell’s letter to the committee, other than cruelly twisting the knife.
It colors the record for a future court to consider. Lowell is reminding the committee of his good faith basis for objecting to the prior subpoenas as well as notifying the committee of his willingness to comply should the committee cure the objection.
Some of this is as Scalise suspects, just political theater. But some of it is also skilled lawyering. Scalise is not a lawyer. He’s a lifelong career politician from a state that is famous for lifelong career politicians. He’s ill equipped to recognize what’s being done here, if he even cares.
What an asshole. I bet it’s a Republican.spews:
It’s time to end the empire.
It’d cost less, sure but you’d have to accept whatever steps into the power vacuum..
China absorbs Taiwan after spilling a lot of blood. Expands its hegemony over its sphere to ensure its oil supply.
Theocratic Islam expands.. That sucks immensely but the world is slowly turning away from the ME’s oil anyway.
Russia is emboldened to keep pushing westward whichever way it can. Its wanted to do that for centuries. If Putin dies, his successor will keep trying.
Both China and Russia will be slowed down by demographic collapse but they can’t help being China and Russia. They’re going to make trouble regardless. Only American Empire keeps them at bay.
Elijah Dominic McFuckheadspews:
It’d cost less, sure…
Fucktard’s tax bill might go down a bit.
But his grocery bill, utility bills, and holiday credit card bills would skyrocket.
He’s the kind of imbecile that thinks only “french wine, caviar, and stinky cheese” is somehow made available by global trade.
He doesn’t realize that without global trade he’ll be shitting in an old bucket and his care attendant’s will have to wipe his ass with leaves.
Personally, I can’t believe they don’t already audit this stuff.
The food industry mostly self-inspects for safety and compliance. But a regular percentage of everything is also routinely spot inspected. And the self-inspection processes are regularly audited. The USDA does not simply take their word for it. And the big risk they are avoiding is diarrhea, not 200 people plumeting at 500 mph into a suburban neighborhood.
HR Blockspews:
Lying again. The bounce back of AB InBev stock means either
A: the biggest fake bragging stock ‘expert’ on the blog kept his shit real quiet when he cashed it out months ago
B: it was a worthless play made near the bottom of AB InBev’s dip.
Trump lost his first sexual battery trial last May, when the jury found that he was liable for damages relating to his raping of E. Jean Carrol in a Bergdorf Goodman dressing room in the 1990s. Rapist Trump is about to go to trial again in federal court for his defamation of E Jean Carrol, when he denied the rape and accused her of being a liar while he was President of the United States. During the first trial the New York state judge found as a matter of law that it was a fact proven in evidence that Trump raped Ms. Carrol.
That finding leaves Trump without much in the way of a defense in the federal civil suit. So his strip mall lawyers are stuck having to get creative with a defense. Skip to page two, top and you’ll see some truly breathtaking creativity:
“Relatedly, this evidence directly bolsters that it was Plaintiff coming forward with
allegations against Defendant, and not Defendant’s denial, that caused her any damages (to the
extent there is any damage).”
Habba is arguing that it’s Ms. Carrol’s own fault for not shutting up about it.
Vicious Trollspews:
@ 43
…it’s Ms. Carrol’s own fault for not shutting up about it.
Pretty sure that had Jussie Smollett kept his mouth shut about a hate crime that didn’t happen, he wouldn’t be in hot water for it.
Roger Rabbitspews:
How’s that “Bidenflation” going? Let’s check …
“As inflation continues to throttle back across the broad U.S. economy, some consumer categories have sunk into outright deflation. In other words: Americans are seeing prices decline …”
… it was a worthless play made near the bottom of AB InBev’s dip.
It was at the bottom and it was a long-dated sold position, so not worthless. A little less than $5k for about $65k of potential risk. Doesn’t expire for a few more months but I don’t see a 20% decline in the shares coming. So…
There are now 2026 expiration options on BUD shares. I sold naked puts with a $75 strike price earlier this week. Bud Light has paid to affiliate with UFC, and just today I read that AB InBev paid to be the first beer global sponsor of the Olympics, through 2028. The shares could double in the next few years. I don’t have much interest but in the unlikely event that they are put to me I probably will hold them.
The bad news is pretty much in and the Queen YLB/Dylan Mulvaney unseriousness is getting long in the tooth. AB InBev learned its lesson. Why not profit off of its bad decision-making while I can?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@44 “Pretty sure that had Jussie Smollett kept his mouth shut about a hate crime that didn’t happen, he wouldn’t be in hot water for it.”
I couldn’t agree more, and I’m pretty sure every real (as opposed to pretend) lawyer will agree, too.
I’m also pretty sure that had Donald Trump kept his fly zipped and his mouth shut instead of raping E. Jean Carroll and then calling her a liar, he wouldn’t be in hot water for it.
Vicious Trollspews:
@ 45
How’s that “Bidenflation” going? Let’s check …
Yes, let’s. Specifically, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit, in your link is a graph and the darker blue line in that graph is heading upward since October. IOW November and December had higher inflation than existed in October. Which is what I wrote @ 1.
You can cherry-pick “some” items that are less expensive, but overall things are more expensive than they were a year ago and more expensive than they were a month ago. Further, the rate of price inflation over the last two months is increasing.
None of what has happened is consistent with a Fed decision to decrease rates in the near future. And quite recently Queen YLB unseriously cheer-led over the prospect of seven rate cuts.
You’re becoming the Unserious Turd to Queen YLB’s Unserious Twat, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit.
Of late inflation is worsening. It’s a documented fact.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@46 “The shares could double in the next few years.”
Could, maybe will, maybe won’t. As Yogi Berra said, “It’s tough making predictions, especially about the future.” More often than not, it’s just gambling.
Face it, doc: You’re a compulsive gambler. There’s help available; maybe you should talk to someone while you still have money to pay for the professional help you clearly need.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@48 “None of what has happened is consistent with a Fed decision to decrease rates in the near future. And quite recently Queen YLB unseriously cheer-led over the prospect of seven rate cuts.”
Well if he did, I missed it. Wall Street is quite unseriously cheerleading over the prospect of six rate cuts, beginning in March. Except maybe these delusional investors are starting to have second thoughts, because I see stocks leaking downwards now. And even you aren’t dumb enough to be buying call options in this market.
What’s coming down in price is goods. Services inflation is stickier, and has been all along, because it’s much easier to rescind excess profits than wage increases. If you persist in eating out, as you apparently like to do, you’ll pay more for it; if you prepare meals at home, you’ll pay less to stuff your fat face.
Persistent inflation is hitting people who demand to be waited on, have their beds made for them, and expect others do everything for them. They may not notice that inflation is receding. People who take care of themselves are paying less. There’s justice in the world.
Vicious Trollspews:
To non-millionaire Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit options strategies are “gambling”.
Still with utility stocks, Unserious Turd. You’re too old and infirm to risk what little your family has left on anything else.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@8 “Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit owns Citigroup shares and he paid $67ish for them. A couple of years later they’re below $52. Nice goin’, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit. Citigroup’s share of the FDIC make-up assessment is $1.7 billion.”
Yes, and Citigroup shares are up 1% today in the aftermath of that one-time assessment, which amounts to last year’s net profit. Will its Quarter 1 ’24 earnings dip? Sure. But the market is looking past that. Citigroup shares are up nearly 40% since late October. Obviously, long investors like this stock’s forward prospects.
I don’t recall you bragging about placing call options on Citigroup when the shares were trading for $38 and change a few weeks ago … did your magic crystal ball fail you that time?
By the way, my principal bank holding, far larger than my Citi holding, is BK and that one was up 4% today.
Elijah Dominic McFuckheadspews:
Pretty sure that had Jussie Smollett kept his mouth shut about a hate crime that didn’t happen, he wouldn’t be in hot water for it.
Only in this case “it” happened. And the profoundly stupid trust fund troll’s nominee is legally estopped from saying anything to the contrary.
He’s a rapist. I can say that Trump raped E. Jean Carrol. I can publish that under my own name in a newspaper. And if Trump tried to stop that by suing me or the newspaper he could not.
He is legally forbidden to deny it.
That’s why Trump has to depend upon orange throat-yogurt gobbling degenerates like this profoundly stupid trust fund troll to do it for him. Nothing could be more demeaning or discrediting.
I beg to differ. He can deny it, as shown by the fact he did deny it. Post-rape finding, it’s just a privilege he now has to pay to exercise, like going through a Disney World turnstile, that’s all.
Elijah Dominic McFuckheadspews:
He can’t argue it before a court of law.
Let’s face it. One trial after another establishes the inescapable conclusion that when it comes to public statements, and even sworn statements to bankers, lenders, creditors, and tax collectors, Trump says whatever the fuck lies he thinks most serves his interests in that moment. And with dumbfucks like our profoundly stupid trust fund troll footing the bill with regular clicks and purchases of TrumpBucks, and Trump Challenge Coins to be redeemed in the next life, maybe he can continue to afford to pay Ms. Carrol and her attorney for the privilege of defaming her by denying that he raped her.
But he can’t go to court next Tuesday and argue that he did not rape E Jean Carrol. Because as far as the court is concerned he did.
Manti Te'ospews:
Suuuuuure you did.
Cool story bro.
What an asshole. I bet it’s a Republican.spews:
The bad news is pretty much in
i.e. consumers with bad taste are back to swilling weak flavorless beer. Is pbr lite a thing?
AB InBev learned its lesson.
Hire Kid Rock? Bad music from a reactionary to go with bad beer..
Dylan Mulvaney unseriousness
Yes, teh widbee kreepshit is “serious” about misogyny and a good “chick with dicks” and “fucking child whores” story. Makes it go rapeshit..
Noun, verb antifa? Didn’t work..
Noun verb, Chicago? Didn’t work..
Noun verb, ‘flayshun? Didn’t work in 2022, not likely to work this year either.. Shades of TWO TERM Obama being the next Jimmy Carter ‘cuz gas prices. That didnt work either..
Please let it now be noun, verb, chicks with dicks.. Couldn’t be more entertaining ‘cuz it’s doomed to fail like almost all the shit it throws against the wall.
May it continue to babble, flail and fayle – just makes our point.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Oh look, Rule 11 sanctions for filing a frivolous lawsuit!
This county obviously needs special election rules to appease the locals. So here’s my proposal. Voting will only be in person, at neighborhood polling stations 30 miles apart, from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. on days when everyone has to work, and the two dozen or so ballots will be hand-counted and verified by ninja audit.
Or, to save money and trouble, we can stipulate there are no Democratic voters in this county and each Republican candidate on the ballot will be awarded 24 votes as a liquidated sum.
Vicious Trollspews:
@ 62
MAGA election director in MAGA county resigns after being harassed by MAGAites for not being MAGA enough.
Remember when Evan Bayh left the Senate rather than deal with intraparty bullshit because he wasn’t liberal enough to suit the “progressive” asswipes in the Democrat party? And when he tried to get his job back as a newly minted” progressive”, he had his ass handed to him?
Democrats lost that Senate seat because of their insistence on such purity. They’ll likely not get it back in your lifetime, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit.
We can do Charlie Crist any time you want, too. Different twist on it.
Roger Rabbitspews:
“A powerful blizzard put a freeze on campaign events Friday as candidates look to make their final case to Iowans ahead of Monday’s caucuses. … On top of Friday’s blizzard, extreme lows in the negative teens are expected on caucus night, leading many to question how the inclement weather will impact turnout and results Monday.”
Maybe scheduling caucuses in January just to be first isn’t such a hot idea.
Vicious Trollspews:
@ 52
Yes, and Citigroup shares are up 1% today…
Need I remind you, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit, that you used a one-day gain in GE shares to bolster your contention that they were a good investment for someone willing to wait 2-3 years?
’cause I can easily go back to October 2017 and quote the whole sentence verbatim. It’s little different than what you wrote today.
Roger Rabbitspews:
For the troll who relishes polls:
“A majority of Americans in a new survey say they would support the Supreme Court either disqualifying former President Trump from presidential ballots across the country or letting states decide whether to include him on their ballots.”
Voters who think Trump shouldn’t be on the ballot aren’t likely to vote for him, ya think?
Vicious Trollspews:
@ 52
I don’t recall you bragging about placing call options on Citigroup when the shares were trading for $38 and change a few weeks ago … did your magic crystal ball fail you that time?
Well, here’s where I was last year:
PUT (C) CITIGROUP INC JAN 20 23 $37.5 (100 SHS) 7.0000 $646.23 $0.00 $646.23 –
Click to expand C230616C65
CALL (C) CITIGROUP INC JUN 16 23 $65 (100 SHS) 6.0000 $229.98 $0.00 $229.98 –
Click to expand C230616P37.5
PUT (C) CITIGROUP INC JUN 16 23 $37.5 (100 SHS) 10.0000 $1,193.29 $0.00 $1,193.29
I currently have two sold call options and one sold put option on C shares, all naked. Since you asked about whether I placed a trade “a few weeks ago”:
2023-11-24 Short -$215.34 -150.95% $358.00 2 $0.71 $142.66
2023-11-24 Short -$323.01 -150.95% $537.00 3 $0.71 $213.99
2023-11-24 Short -$538.35 -150.95% $895.00 5 $0.71 $356.65
On 11/24/23 C shares were at $39.73.
This option is still an open position, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit.
You have lost money on your Citigroup shares. I have made money “gambling” on Citigroup option strategies, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit. Which of us did better?
…did your magic crystal ball fail you that time?
No, my crystal ball has not failed me on Citigroup, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit, because I use my Notadumbfuck method of investment, and make money while you lose money. As you have been impotent for more than two decades, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit, your balls have certainly failed you.
Roger Rabbitspews:
“Speaker Johnson Says He’ll Stand By Spending Pact, Daring Right Wing To Oppose Him”
Just a few weeks in, he already hates the job, and wants to go back to being an ordinary congressman.
What an asshole. I bet it’s a Republican.spews:
On the impending failure of kon-klown DEE-Santis:
“I don’t mind saying on the record that I’ve pushed him a little bit to not be afraid to tell that story,” Representative Chip Roy of Texas, who has endorsed Mr. DeSantis and campaigned alongside him across Iowa, said during an interview in West Des Moines this week. “Because it’s a good one. But it’s to his credit. It’s just not a part of his DNA to want to trumpet that kind of stuff about himself because it’s never been about him.”
American politics relies as much on storytelling as on policy. Bill Clinton was the Man from Hope. John McCain was a maverick, a war hero who put country first. Barack Obama represented hope and change. Mr. DeSantis’s campaign does not even have a bumper-sticker slogan.
That sense of remove has made itself clear on the campaign trail. His stump speech is about facts, not feelings. When Mr. DeSantis does invoke his life experiences, it can sound more like bullet points he is ticking through on a résumé, rather than moments to which voters might relate.
kon-klown doesn’t talk about himself because its story is that of a mean-spirited jerk. We already saw what the asshole did to pledges to his frat during hell week. Just march that back though its whole miserable life.
As a Governor the freak is just a thug.
So Casey just calls him “the governor”? After it implodes and endorses drumpf short of Casey/Kon transforming into the alpha darling maga couple, Casey just throws in the towel and divorces it.
Roger Rabbitspews:
BoBo the Klown isn’t polling well in her new district.
But moving there will be more convenient for court appearances on any future public lewdness and assault citations.
Elijah Dominic McFuckheadspews:
Asked by a reporter for a response to members of his own party who believe he needed congressional authorization for last night’s military strike on the Houthis, President Biden says, “they’re wrong.”
He’ll give exactly the same answer when he delivers F-16s armed with AIM 120s and ATACMs to Ukraine in a couple of months.
Roger Rabbitspews:
We now know why Biden lags among independent voters: They don’t think his opponent will be Trump, because almost none believe the GOP can possibly be that stupid.
It seems to me these voters are unlikely to vote for Trump if in fact he’s the nominee.
Vicious Trollspews:
@ 72
From your link:
And although polls currently show Trump slightly ahead of Biden, the president’s advisers are making a big bet that changes if Trump becomes the nominee and is on people’s television screens every day.
Another way of saying “making a big bet” is gambling. Isn’t that right @ 49, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit.
Elijah Dominic McFuckheadspews:
They’ll likely not get it back in your lifetime, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit.
Remember now, this profoundly stupid trust fund troll has been losing elections consistently for going on eight years. There is quite a lot of evidence that his perceptions of the more likely political future may be very erroneous.
And as he and his fellow Republicans watch their “inevitable” nominee get repeatedly defeated and demoralized in courtroom after courtroom in the coming year, as they watch in horror as what was supposed to be their triumphant Florida nominating convention devlolves into fist fights and bomb threats, and as they see their general election ballots ruined with third party ticket splitting as first Trump, and then hundreds of mini-Trumps file to run as EEN-DEE-PEN-DUNCE, the righteous zealotry will smolder into extinguished defeat and final numb acceptance. (Got any Proud Boys?)
And after that, who knows what may be possible for Democrats?
2024 stands to be essentially one of two things: Either it will be the year when liberal and progressive citizens succeeded in finally taking back their government from cappering, gibbering, nihilistic proto-fascist grifters and restoring civil rights. Or it will be the year we let democracy slip away. But if it is to be the former, then it will signal the demise of the Republican Party as a national political force. And that is a fight worth winning.
Vicious Trollspews:
@ 72
It seems to me these voters are unlikely to vote for Trump if in fact he’s the nominee.
Most voters didn’t vote for #CrookedHillary in 2016.
A larger share of the electorate voted for Trump in 2020 than voted for him in 2016. Trump didn’t lose PA, MI, AZ, GA, WI by much. And voters in those states have seen their purchasing power plummet under my corrupt, incompetent, senile fossil of a president.
Elijah Dominic McFuckheadspews:
That clearly seems to be playing a role in Iowa.
A big percentage of EEN-DEE-PEN-DUNCE taking part in the Iowa GOP cowcuses are particularly resistant to alignment with Trump and are struggling with the rest of the GOP field.
Polls are not elections.
And states like Iowa have absolutely nothing to do with the final outcome.
So just about the only good use we can make of such polls is to try and understand how infrequent and irregular unaligned voters may respond to a 2024 rematch between Trump and Biden.
That may not be the matchup that infrequent and irregular unaligned voters would prefer. This bias in favor of “new meat” is largely endemic to who they are politically. And so it’s little wonder that this bias should reveal itself in preference polling offering incumbent President Joe Biden pitted against a shifting field of potential challengers. But what we see in these kinds of preference polling is that once the nominees are nailed down with more certainty, many of those infrequent and irregular unaligned voters set that bias aside when they are forced to weight it against other preferences and biases.
They all want to vote for President Bartlett.
It’s only when they realize that he isn’t on their ballot that they make up their fucking minds.
Vicious Trollspews:
@ 72
We now know why Biden lags among independent voters…
As indy voters are not beholden to a specific party, they feel no pressure to behave as if there is nothing wrong with a near-death, senile fool in the White House.
Of course Biden is not swaying them. They have no reason to disbelieve their lyin’ eyes.
What an asshole. I bet it’s a Republican.spews:
, they feel no pressure to behave as if there is nothing wrong with a near-death, senile fool..
So they’re gonna “just try” the asshole they rejected in 2020..
As if “there is nothing wrong” with that same asshole.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@67 As a gentle reminder, long investors don’t lose money on a stock they’re sitting on. You have to sell the shares to gain or lose. The rising market value of C shares that makes you money on your options also shrinks my paper loss.
Citi was a stockbroker’s idea, not one of my picks. I don’t listen to stockbrokers anymore, because I’m better at stockpicking than they are. I paid $40 for BK eight months ago; today it’s $54. My smaller holding of C was acquired in 2020 and 2021 for diversification purposes. Dividends partially offset the price decline, so my paper loss is around 10% or about 3% a year. It’s easy to say in hindsight that money should’ve gone into BK, not C; I didn’t make that mistake again.
Of the dozens of stocks I own, not all will be winners, but enough are to come out way ahead. I’ve owned Starbucks since 1996, which has returned 9,618%, for an average annual return of 344%. I made money on Boeing and bailed out in time. Lockheed has been a huge winner for me; I paid $86 for it and still own it. Same with McDonalds, Hershey, Abbott and its Abbvie spinoff, and numerous others. My stockpicking made me a millionaire, but I do it as a hobby and to occupy my mind, not to live well. I have no complaints.
This is a free country, and if other people want to gamble on scratch-off and lottery tickets, horses, on-line sports betting, in casinos, or whatever, that’s their business. It doesn’t bother me if you win occasionally at the betting table. More power to you! I’m happy for you when you defy the odds and come out ahead. Life isn’t a zero-sum game. It doesn’t bother me that you’re a millionaire, too. I don’t resent other people’s success like you do.
Demorat-Pfizer Party Of Vax Mandates & Chickenhawk Warmongers News – Texans fire on Fort Sumter, Feds flee.
It’s like a modern-day showdown at the O.K. Corral, but this time it’s in Eagle Pass, Texas. The face-off is between the Texas National Guard and the Biden regime. Thanks to a fully fed-up Governor Greg Abbott, Texas has now taken control of Biden’s “New Voter” invasion.
As it stands now, the Border Patrol union has officially confirmed that their agents are being blocked by the Texas National Guard, and the union is actually praising Abbott for seizing control. In addition, the mayor of Eagle Pass has revealed that he too was made aware of the plans to take control of his city. https://revolver.news/2024/01/texas-national-guard-just-seized-control-of-eagle-pass-from-the-federal-government/
Elijah Dominic McFuckheadspews:
There is quite a lot of evidence that his perceptions of the more likely political future may be very erroneous.
In fairness he got Youngkin “right”. Beyond that it’s been a helluva dry spell.
-2018 was to be a triumphant “Red Wave” election in which Republicans extended their majorities in both chambers of Congress and Democrats faced a “wipe out”. “Pussy Hats” and “BLM” meant that righteous, zealous culture warriors would march to victory. In his second two years Trump would stride from massive victory to massive victory, completing his border wall in record time, withdrawing from NATO, and triggering a massive (but somehow not inflationary) explosion of six figure employment in domestic manufacturing.
-2020 was “payback’s a bitch” and “FAFO” time. Led by the mighty and powerful leader Trump, Republicans would rebound from their 2018 defeats by recapturing the House and extending their Senate majority. Pelosi was to be clapped in irons and frog marched. Disloyal members of Congress would face retribution for their betrayals. And Trump would cruise to victory against “Sleepy Joe” leveraging the power of office for one political victory after another.
-2022 was to be yet another Huge Comeback spurred on by a restless public dissatisfied with Biden’s economic performance and slow recovery from “Wuhan Lock Downs”. More MAGA blockheads like Kari Lake and Mastriano would stride forth to conquer a white America who felt besieged by “trans bathrooms”.
In between it all we were told that the vaccines were useless, that the pandemic would kill Biden, that the economy would never reopen, that all of Trump’s 15 million unemployed would remain that way becomming a permanent underclass weighing down the Biden economy, that China would eat our lunch, that Putin was stronger, that Democrats could never pass any of Biden’s legislative agenda, and that Lauren Boebert would become a dynamic transformational leader in Colorado conservative politics.
One of the things of come to admire about MAGAts in a perverse kind of way is the absolute shamelessness of them. These people literally shit their white pants in public in front of everyone and then go on simply refusing to acknowledge that it even happened.
It’s a talent. I guess.
Elijah Dominic McFuckheadspews:
FOX has finally canceled showing MyPillow ads after the company became more than 180 days past due.
I looked it up and so can youspews:
In 41 out of 50 US states, the richest 1% pay a lower tax rate than any other income group.
An Oregon Proud Boy, previously convicted on rioting charges, has reportedly pleaded guilty to illegally transporting undocumented migrants in Arizona.
Barry Lloyd James Johnson faces two additional years in prison for his participation in a scheme that earned him $800 from human trafficking gangs for smuggling illegal migrants across the border.
All your heroes are trying to fuck you in the ass, you idiot.
From salt-o-the-earth dairy farmers to “patriotic” Proud Boys.
They use you like the ass wipe that you are.
Roger Rabbitspews:
“While shelter inflation has come down over the past few months, in December, the shelter index was still 6.2% higher year over year. That increase accounted for two-thirds of the total rise in the price index, excluding food and energy,” where inflation is subsiding.
Two-thirds of inflation; more, if the decline in food and energy prices is counted. Doc can call shelter inflation “Bidenflation” if he wants to; but in reality, it’s due to the housing shortage resulting from collapse of residential construction due to the 2007-2008 subprime crash, which in turn was due to Republican mortage lending deregulation policies. Thus, it’s completely fair to say that today’s housing inflation, and the bulk of today’s CPI inflation, was “made in the GOP.”
The CNN article above isn’t entirely accurate, though. Homeowners aren’t inflation-free. They’re paying more for property taxes, insurance premiums, and utilities. On a percentage basis, their shelter costs have risen at a rate I’d guess isn’t far off the increase in average rents.
If Trump were to win his absolute immunity appeal to the Supreme Court, then there would be no legal authority in any part of the United States government that would be empowered to remove me after January 20th of 2025 even if I lost the election.
With absolute immunity from criminal prosecution I could declare an “emergency”, command my Marine guard detachment to clear the White House grounds and blockade the fenceline, and name myself “acting, interim President”. The House could vote to impeach me and if the Senate acquitted me I’d be legally unasailable and empowered to remain President forever.
That’s some wild, dank shit. 😎
Roger Rabbitspews:
@84 The more we learn about Trump’s Jan. 6 “tourists,” the more we discover many were drawn from criminal elements to begin with. That includes the former police chiefs and former fire chiefs among them.
Under the existing sanctions regime currently in place as your President I have the authority to embargo and seize billions in Russian oligarch funds that are connected to the regime’s unlawful and brutal invasion of Ukraine.
I could then order by Secretary of the Treasury to transfer those funds to Ukraine for the purchase of advanced weapons systems.
All perfectly legal and no Iranians or Marine lieutenant colonels required. 😎
Roger Rabbitspews:
@87 That’s isn’t half of it. You could avoid impeachment by having all the Republican congressmen and senators killed, and nobody could do anything about it. You could kill off the Supreme Court justices, too, to keep them from changing their minds about presidential immunity being absolute and untouchable.
The above hypotheticals are only for illustration purposes; there’s no suggestion here that anybody besides Trump would actually do these things.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@73 Not every bet is a gamble, and “betting” that Republicans are incredibly stupid isn’t gambling at all, it’s a sure thing.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@74 The irremediably stupid troll also doesn’t understand why Evan Bayh left the Senate. Not over ideology. Follow the money.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@75 “Most voters didn’t vote for #CrookedHillary in 2016.”
True, but most voters didn’t vote for Trump in 2016, either. He got only 46.1% to her 48.2%.
“A larger share of the electorate voted for Trump in 2020 than voted for him in 2016.”
True, but after four years in office, and with the advantages of incumbency, he only improved his performance from 46.1% to 46.8%, while this time his Democratic opponent got 51.3%, a gain of 3.1% for the Democrats from 2016 versus his gain of 0.7%.
And Trump, unlike Biden, has never gotten half the vote, or even gotten within a percent of half.
Elijah Dominic McFuckheadspews:
Biden will lose PA if there isn’t a driver of liberal turnout.
Independents are divided, with 45 percent supporting Trump and 44 percent supporting Biden. They break more to Kennedy/Stein from Trump than from Biden.
Take a look at the cross tabs and especially voters 65 and over.
65 and older goes to Biden 60 to 37 Trump.
College educated is Biden 60 to 35 Trump.
White women are Biden 55 to 41 Trump.
And so on.
The real campaign hasn’t even started yet.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@76 “This bias in favor of ‘new meat’ is largely endemic to who they are politically.”
It’s also pollyannish. When you consider how few presidents have been popular, it’s clear that hoping for something better to come along is an exercise in futility. Our political system gravitates toward the lowest common denominator. That’s also why Congress is full of people who would be unemployable in any other occupation, especially on the Republican side of the aisle.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Follow the money. Everything Republicans do is for profit. Whereas Trump’s loyal foot soldiers are rotting in jail, the political operatives who assembled the mob, rented buses and porta-a-potties, and incited them with “take our country back” speeches busily cashed checks. The rioters were just cannon fodder to feed their bank accounts. I hope someday they will understand that.
The Illinois governor has asked the Texas governor for a temporary moratorium on “dropping off asylum seekers without alerting us to their arrivals, at improper locations at all hours of the night,” in the interest of “saving lives right now,” because of a “dangerous winter storm.” What do you think Gov. Abbott’s response will be?
Don’t worry, MAGA Mike, the Democrats have your back. They won’t let Freedom Caucus bombthrowers oust you. The budget deal will go ahead, there will be no shutdown, and MTG isn’t going to dictate congressional policy on Ukraine or anything else. She can go fuck herself instead.
Fans and boosters have only themselves now. It’s a business.
That’s what they wanted .
You can’t really blame the help for seeing it that way too.
Time for the players who risk their lives and health to get a bigger piece of the action.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@101 College football has always been a business, which has thrived on free (or nearly free) labor. Of course, it isn’t free for the fans.
According to USA today, DeBoer made $4.2 million, with a maximum bonus of $1.25 million, at UW this season.
According to The Spun.com, U. of Alabama paid UW $12 million to buy out DeBoer’s contract, and will pay him at least $10 million a year. This website says UA is spending over $100 million on him.
Alabama is one of the poorest states in the country. I guess it’s a matter of what their priorities are. And, like you said, it’s a business. Just business.
Elijah Dominic McFuckheadspews:
It’s good business. And a shit hole state like Alabama can use any good business it can get. Other than NASA affiliated and non union auto, college football is it.
Those poor bastards probably feel incredibly lucky to mow a football field and sell hot dogs to drunks.
Queen YLB is counting on seven Fed rate cuts to pull the ass of my corrupt, incompetent, senile fossil of a president out of the fire.
Queen YLB
does notcannotrealizeunderstand that inflation has climbed each of the last two months.@1 Your already low IQ is dropping an awful lot faster than inflation is rising.
Blind faith in your Orange Jesus is what did that to you. He was the one who turned you into a low IQ dumbfuck Nazi coward and a traitor to you country.
For you there is no turning back. You are truly fucked.
@ 2
You are truly fucked.
Nah. Queen YLB’s kids are truly fucked. All those long-dated naked puts I sold in March, when people were scared shitless about bank failures? They expire next Friday. Never let a crisis go to waste, I read somewhere. It’s a statement attributed to one of Obama’s underlings.
The widening wealth gap was “done to me” by my corrupt, incompetent, senile fossil of a president and by his equally corrupt Democrat cronies.
Queen YLB voted for all of it.
The profoundly stupid trust fund troll was far too preoccupied with CRACK PIPE, LAPTOP, BALLOT HARVESTING, and injecting himself with aquarium cleaner in 2021 to get around to it.
But according to the archives by early 2022 he was fully invested in shouting predictions of imminent economic catastrophe.
I hope the Krugerrands under the hay barn are still safe.
All those long-dated naked puts I sold in March
Your after-the-fact trade announcements would get you laughed at on any trading forum just as they do here.
Besides being a dumbfuck Nazi coward, you’re a loser and you will always be a loser.
The only trades the profoundly stupid trust fund troll ever announced in advance were his long options on TSLA when it was still trading over 400, and his sales of family inherited multifamily buildings in the following year to cover those losses.
profoundly stupid trust fund troll
Your “trust fund troll” trades options in retirement, lives on a shit-hole island, has a small boat with a 40 year-old outboard motor that doesn’t run and is truly saddened to see how slowly the 300 tiny Christmas trees he worked so hard to plant last year are growing.
Think about it. The dumbfuck Nazi coward lies about everything. There is no trust fund, no Mary Kay, no horse, no barn, nothing. Everything is a fucking lie.
Bank earnings are being reported today. The special assessments levied by the FDIC to compensate for the money spent to bail out the failed banks last March are being recognized during 2023 Q4.
Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit owns Citigroup shares and he paid $67ish for them. A couple of years later they’re below $52. Nice goin’, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit. Citigroup’s share of the FDIC make-up assessment is $1.7 billion.
JP Morgan’s share is $2.9 billion. Even so, this bank still earned $9.3 billion. JPM is in all-time high territory.
BofA’s share is $2.1 billion.
All told, more than 100 banks will pay an assessment. The FDIC’s loss as of November was $16.3B.
@ 7
… a small boat with a 40 year-old outboard motor that doesn’t run …
Not anymore. The outboard and fuel tank were stolen some time in the last few weeks, probably by Deathfrogg.
Seems fair to me.
Is an Abortion Referendum in Pennsylvania on the Horizon?
Biden will lose PA if there isn’t a driver of liberal turnout.
The outboard and fuel tank were stolen some time in the last few weeks
by the maga redneck it compromised its “rule” for the sake of ogling the redneck’s baby momma..
As if the junker on blocks wasn’t enough of a “fuck you”..
the magat is still fucking kreepshit in the ass.
if there isn’t a driver of liberal turnout.
it’s called orange-tinted dear leader.. of teh repuke fascist party..
Everyone glad they wasted time supporting POS Hunter Biden’s demand to only give public testimony, only to see him run away from MTG and Nancy Mace as they called him an emasculated coward?
run away from MTG and Nancy Mace
yawwwn.. feckless, showboating name callers diminish only themselves..
@ 14
… feckless, showboating name callers only diminish only themselves..
Queen YLB unaware that Adam Schiff is running for the US Senate.
Hunter Biden’s lawyer… if Republicans issue a NEW subpoena for his testimony in the impeachment probe…
yawwwn.. upon advice of counsel.. seems evident it’s sounder advice than anything chisum gym or Farmer Jim can muster… while they bore us all to tiers..
I’d like to than silly chick-with-dick Dylan Mulvaney for the marked decline in AB InBev shares, which provided a lucrative naked put sale opportunity.
The only useful chick with a dick is the one you can make money off of, while it makes money off of the gullibility of Queen YLB’s fucked kids.
I’m not saying he’s a “successful” trust fund baby. In terms of relative financial performance, must Trustifarian assholes are not.
Having their financial stability handed to them at a relatively early age deprives many of them of some very important life lessons about risk, accountability, and consequences.
I’m just pointing out that by his own clear declaration, the profoundly stupid troll inherited a bunch of financial assets. Logic (and the tax codes) would tend to dictate that the bulk of those assets came in the form of income producing property. And it’s that income that would have enabled him to prematurely quit the productive working world as a rad tech to enjoy his squalid life of “leisure” moldering in a damp forested compound on a suburban island in Puget Sound.
Adam Schiff is running for the US Senate.
He’s too “shifty” for ya, eh? I wish him well.. It’s always fun when a Dem drives kreepshit klownservatics into fits of hair pulling..
Especially to teh widbee kreepshit in particular who is already a bit hair challenged.
the gullibility of …
land “lord” kreepshit compromising its “rule” for the sake of a poor redneck wearing a maga hat with baby momma in tow..
How many times will POS Hunter invoke his Fifth Amendment rights during his deposition?
How many times will he do it in response to question that pertain to his conspiratorial business relationship with his father?
Tells us the boat is stored in between uses trailered outdoors in an unsecured location without insurance.
This is not a paint-by-numbers picture of even a middle class retirement. Obvsly.
the marked decline in AB InBev shares, which provided a lucrative naked put sale opportunity.
Wow notice the focus on a “chick with a dick” and not anything to do with the behavior of krap beer soaked yahoos.. all going to early graves from being sedentary and poor diet.. fewer ss checks cut..
according to degen kreepshit’s babbling – good for the kids…
@ 13, 21
The offer to submit to deposition is a bait-and-switch. On the last page of the eight-page letter from Lowell to the House committee is this footnote:
Really no different than a public hearing, as written above.
I hope kreepshit is a better snake oil salesman:
U.S. producer prices unexpectedly fell in December amid declining costs for goods such as diesel fuel and food, suggesting inflation would continue to subside and allow the Federal Reserve to start cutting interest rates this year.
The report from the Labor Department on Friday, which also showed prices for services were unchanged for the third straight month, implied that a pick-up in consumer prices last month was likely a blip. It led economists to anticipate that the key price measures tracked by the U.S. central bank for its 2% inflation target rose moderately in December from the prior month.
“The inflation pipeline is clearing and consumer prices will gradually get to the Fed’s 2% target,” said Jeffrey Roach, chief economist at LPL Financial in Charlotte, North Carolina.
Something’s gotta cover the cost of airline travel for its sales trips and ease the “pain” it will experience in November.
knock, knock, knock…
@ 23
krap beer soaked yahoos.. all going to early graves from being sedentary and poor diet.. fewer ss checks cut..
Queen YLB once again demonstrates her unserious, twatty ignorance of the fact that fewer than 20% of the consumers of the swill that is Bud Light are Caucasian. Those who are considered black, Hispanic, or Asian in heritage, respectively, each account for more than 20% of the consumers of the Bud Light swill.
Queen YLB now wishes that she hadn’t implied that these minority groups are composed of lazy, Popeye chicken-eatin’ alcoholics.
‘scept the “Asians”. ’cause Queen YLB hates “Asians”, who
occupyown too many houses in her neighborhood.another solid bid for a pre-trial dismissal should any future DOJ every attempt to bring a criminal charge relating to these ultra MAGA stunts.
Lowell’s client has now turned up twice during scheduled hearings to be sworn and answer questions. And both times the ultra MAGA Republican majority controlling the committee refused him.
Now Lowell is just twisting the knife in Farmer Jim’s sour guts.
@ 25
Read all of what you link to, Queen YLB.
Moreover, it is disingenuous to counter a report that describes economic effects on the consumer with one that descries economic effects on the producer, ya dumb twat. People know what they see at the checkout counter. They don’t know, nor necessarily care, what the farmer’s costs are.
People don’t vote the farmer’s costs, they vote their own.
@ 27
I have yet to see a report that comments on the footnote. I read the letter, which is why I know about it.
Do you think that Lowell will let his client sit for a closed deposition with 30-60 minute questioning rounds? From the content of the letter, I don’t.
fewer than 20% of the consumers of the swill that is Bud Light are Caucasian.
And how much did Bud Light sales decline?
Those who are considered black, Hispanic, or Asian in heritage, respectively, each account for more than 20% of the consumers
Yes, a demographic keen to the cultural influencer that is Kid Rock.. Kid who, that demographic might ask?
of the Bud Light swill.
Wow.. we’ve got it redirected from “chicks with dicks” to a greedhead corporation pushing a shit product. That’s progress of a sort I guess.
lazy, Popeye chicken-eatin’ alcoholics.
Notice the gratitude kreepshit has towards those who helped keep the IRS at bay for it and its ilk…
‘scept the “Asians”.
Who have been my good neighbors for years “‘cept” for the absentee landlords parking their cash in two properties on my street. Good thing I guess they’re not kreepshit otherwise we’d have redneck magats with baby mommas putting junkers on blocks.. We’d get an eyesore with only a laugh at kreepshit for relief.
I don’t think ultra MAGA House Republicans will ever vote to approve a subpoena that conforms to a fair public process offering both the witness and the minority an equal opportunity to participate in a public format in front of witnesses and cameras where profoundly stupid ultra MAGA House Republicans will be made to look almost as stupid as you.
People don’t vote the farmer’s costs, they vote their own.
Yawn.. who is reading challenged now? I repeat for the dim among us:
“The inflation pipeline is clearing and consumer prices will gradually get to the Fed’s 2% target,” said Jeffrey Roach, chief economist at LPL Financial in Charlotte, North Carolina.
Really no different than a public hearing, as written above.
Entirely different than the intent and purpose behind any of the previous subpoenas. As different as apples and oranges.
In normal proceedings, neither the House, nor any committee of the House is a criminal court. The House only has any such role or authority when it is conducting proceedings attendant to a lawful impeachment. And so outside of a lawfully authorized impeachment it has no authority to conduct “depositions” of witnesses. It only has a more generalized constitutional authority to conduct hearings into matters that are directly related to legislation under consideration. And such hearings are normally only closed to the public when the information to be presented relates to classified matters of national security.
So the prior subpoenas were bullshit. There can be no closed door “deposition” of witnesses. And Lowell was and is entirely right to have rejected them.
Here is the part where the profoundly stupid trust fund troll provides a methodical recitation of the “reasons” why Hunter Biden DICK PICS are closely related to any of the various pieces of important legislation that MAGA Mike or any of his ultra MAGA Republican colleagues have managed to pass or even put to a vote since they began issuing subpoenas.
The US is doing its best to get involved in multiple futile wars. It’s time to end the empire.
Maybe we were going to name a post office after Hunter Biden’s penis.
It could happen. If an HA account can be named after Trump’s penis, why not? Would totally be worth it.
Majority Leader Steve Scalise, R-La., said in a post on X Friday, “Next week the House will vote to hold Hunter Biden in contempt of Congress for repeatedly defying subpoenas. Enough of his stunts. He doesn’t get to play by a different set of rules. He’s not above the law.”
There is another, legal purpose behind Lowell’s letter to the committee, other than cruelly twisting the knife.
It colors the record for a future court to consider. Lowell is reminding the committee of his good faith basis for objecting to the prior subpoenas as well as notifying the committee of his willingness to comply should the committee cure the objection.
Some of this is as Scalise suspects, just political theater. But some of it is also skilled lawyering. Scalise is not a lawyer. He’s a lifelong career politician from a state that is famous for lifelong career politicians. He’s ill equipped to recognize what’s being done here, if he even cares.
It’s time to end the empire.
It’d cost less, sure but you’d have to accept whatever steps into the power vacuum..
China absorbs Taiwan after spilling a lot of blood. Expands its hegemony over its sphere to ensure its oil supply.
Theocratic Islam expands.. That sucks immensely but the world is slowly turning away from the ME’s oil anyway.
Russia is emboldened to keep pushing westward whichever way it can. Its wanted to do that for centuries. If Putin dies, his successor will keep trying.
Both China and Russia will be slowed down by demographic collapse but they can’t help being China and Russia. They’re going to make trouble regardless. Only American Empire keeps them at bay.
It’d cost less, sure…
Fucktard’s tax bill might go down a bit.
But his grocery bill, utility bills, and holiday credit card bills would skyrocket.
He’s the kind of imbecile that thinks only “french wine, caviar, and stinky cheese” is somehow made available by global trade.
He doesn’t realize that without global trade he’ll be shitting in an old bucket and his care attendant’s will have to wipe his ass with leaves.
The hits will not stop:
It’s now daily almost. Trump keeps getting his ass kicked with terrible legal news from courts everywhere.
Personally, I can’t believe they don’t already audit this stuff.
The food industry mostly self-inspects for safety and compliance. But a regular percentage of everything is also routinely spot inspected. And the self-inspection processes are regularly audited. The USDA does not simply take their word for it. And the big risk they are avoiding is diarrhea, not 200 people plumeting at 500 mph into a suburban neighborhood.
Lying again. The bounce back of AB InBev stock means either
A: the biggest fake bragging stock ‘expert’ on the blog kept his shit real quiet when he cashed it out months ago
B: it was a worthless play made near the bottom of AB InBev’s dip.
This is quite the motion:
Trump lost his first sexual battery trial last May, when the jury found that he was liable for damages relating to his raping of E. Jean Carrol in a Bergdorf Goodman dressing room in the 1990s. Rapist Trump is about to go to trial again in federal court for his defamation of E Jean Carrol, when he denied the rape and accused her of being a liar while he was President of the United States. During the first trial the New York state judge found as a matter of law that it was a fact proven in evidence that Trump raped Ms. Carrol.
That finding leaves Trump without much in the way of a defense in the federal civil suit. So his strip mall lawyers are stuck having to get creative with a defense. Skip to page two, top and you’ll see some truly breathtaking creativity:
“Relatedly, this evidence directly bolsters that it was Plaintiff coming forward with
allegations against Defendant, and not Defendant’s denial, that caused her any damages (to the
extent there is any damage).”
Habba is arguing that it’s Ms. Carrol’s own fault for not shutting up about it.
@ 43
…it’s Ms. Carrol’s own fault for not shutting up about it.
Pretty sure that had Jussie Smollett kept his mouth shut about a hate crime that didn’t happen, he wouldn’t be in hot water for it.
How’s that “Bidenflation” going? Let’s check …
“As inflation continues to throttle back across the broad U.S. economy, some consumer categories have sunk into outright deflation. In other words: Americans are seeing prices decline …”
@ 42
… it was a worthless play made near the bottom of AB InBev’s dip.
It was at the bottom and it was a long-dated sold position, so not worthless. A little less than $5k for about $65k of potential risk. Doesn’t expire for a few more months but I don’t see a 20% decline in the shares coming. So…
There are now 2026 expiration options on BUD shares. I sold naked puts with a $75 strike price earlier this week. Bud Light has paid to affiliate with UFC, and just today I read that AB InBev paid to be the first beer global sponsor of the Olympics, through 2028. The shares could double in the next few years. I don’t have much interest but in the unlikely event that they are put to me I probably will hold them.
The bad news is pretty much in and the Queen YLB/Dylan Mulvaney unseriousness is getting long in the tooth. AB InBev learned its lesson. Why not profit off of its bad decision-making while I can?
@44 “Pretty sure that had Jussie Smollett kept his mouth shut about a hate crime that didn’t happen, he wouldn’t be in hot water for it.”
I couldn’t agree more, and I’m pretty sure every real (as opposed to pretend) lawyer will agree, too.
I’m also pretty sure that had Donald Trump kept his fly zipped and his mouth shut instead of raping E. Jean Carroll and then calling her a liar, he wouldn’t be in hot water for it.
@ 45
How’s that “Bidenflation” going? Let’s check …
Yes, let’s. Specifically, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit, in your link is a graph and the darker blue line in that graph is heading upward since October. IOW November and December had higher inflation than existed in October. Which is what I wrote @ 1.
You can cherry-pick “some” items that are less expensive, but overall things are more expensive than they were a year ago and more expensive than they were a month ago. Further, the rate of price inflation over the last two months is increasing.
None of what has happened is consistent with a Fed decision to decrease rates in the near future. And quite recently Queen YLB unseriously cheer-led over the prospect of seven rate cuts.
You’re becoming the Unserious Turd to Queen YLB’s Unserious Twat, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit.
Of late inflation is worsening. It’s a documented fact.
@46 “The shares could double in the next few years.”
Could, maybe will, maybe won’t. As Yogi Berra said, “It’s tough making predictions, especially about the future.” More often than not, it’s just gambling.
Face it, doc: You’re a compulsive gambler. There’s help available; maybe you should talk to someone while you still have money to pay for the professional help you clearly need.
@48 “None of what has happened is consistent with a Fed decision to decrease rates in the near future. And quite recently Queen YLB unseriously cheer-led over the prospect of seven rate cuts.”
Well if he did, I missed it. Wall Street is quite unseriously cheerleading over the prospect of six rate cuts, beginning in March. Except maybe these delusional investors are starting to have second thoughts, because I see stocks leaking downwards now. And even you aren’t dumb enough to be buying call options in this market.
What’s coming down in price is goods. Services inflation is stickier, and has been all along, because it’s much easier to rescind excess profits than wage increases. If you persist in eating out, as you apparently like to do, you’ll pay more for it; if you prepare meals at home, you’ll pay less to stuff your fat face.
Persistent inflation is hitting people who demand to be waited on, have their beds made for them, and expect others do everything for them. They may not notice that inflation is receding. People who take care of themselves are paying less. There’s justice in the world.
To non-millionaire Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit options strategies are “gambling”.
Still with utility stocks, Unserious Turd. You’re too old and infirm to risk what little your family has left on anything else.
@8 “Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit owns Citigroup shares and he paid $67ish for them. A couple of years later they’re below $52. Nice goin’, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit. Citigroup’s share of the FDIC make-up assessment is $1.7 billion.”
Yes, and Citigroup shares are up 1% today in the aftermath of that one-time assessment, which amounts to last year’s net profit. Will its Quarter 1 ’24 earnings dip? Sure. But the market is looking past that. Citigroup shares are up nearly 40% since late October. Obviously, long investors like this stock’s forward prospects.
I don’t recall you bragging about placing call options on Citigroup when the shares were trading for $38 and change a few weeks ago … did your magic crystal ball fail you that time?
By the way, my principal bank holding, far larger than my Citi holding, is BK and that one was up 4% today.
Only in this case “it” happened. And the profoundly stupid trust fund troll’s nominee is legally estopped from saying anything to the contrary.
He’s a rapist. I can say that Trump raped E. Jean Carrol. I can publish that under my own name in a newspaper. And if Trump tried to stop that by suing me or the newspaper he could not.
He is legally forbidden to deny it.
That’s why Trump has to depend upon orange throat-yogurt gobbling degenerates like this profoundly stupid trust fund troll to do it for him. Nothing could be more demeaning or discrediting.
@53 ” … is legally estopped … legally forbidden … ”
I beg to differ. He can deny it, as shown by the fact he did deny it. Post-rape finding, it’s just a privilege he now has to pay to exercise, like going through a Disney World turnstile, that’s all.
He can’t argue it before a court of law.
Let’s face it. One trial after another establishes the inescapable conclusion that when it comes to public statements, and even sworn statements to bankers, lenders, creditors, and tax collectors, Trump says whatever the fuck lies he thinks most serves his interests in that moment. And with dumbfucks like our profoundly stupid trust fund troll footing the bill with regular clicks and purchases of TrumpBucks, and Trump Challenge Coins to be redeemed in the next life, maybe he can continue to afford to pay Ms. Carrol and her attorney for the privilege of defaming her by denying that he raped her.
But he can’t go to court next Tuesday and argue that he did not rape E Jean Carrol. Because as far as the court is concerned he did.
Suuuuuure you did.
Cool story bro.
The bad news is pretty much in
i.e. consumers with bad taste are back to swilling weak flavorless beer. Is pbr lite a thing?
AB InBev learned its lesson.
Hire Kid Rock? Bad music from a reactionary to go with bad beer..
Dylan Mulvaney unseriousness
Yes, teh widbee kreepshit is “serious” about misogyny and a good “chick with dicks” and “fucking child whores” story. Makes it go rapeshit..
Noun, verb antifa? Didn’t work..
Noun verb, Chicago? Didn’t work..
Noun verb, ‘flayshun? Didn’t work in 2022, not likely to work this year either.. Shades of TWO TERM Obama being the next Jimmy Carter ‘cuz gas prices. That didnt work either..
Please let it now be noun, verb, chicks with dicks.. Couldn’t be more entertaining ‘cuz it’s doomed to fail like almost all the shit it throws against the wall.
May it continue to babble, flail and fayle – just makes our point.
Oh look, Rule 11 sanctions for filing a frivolous lawsuit!
Unserious Twat
What to a kreepshit klownservatic could be more “unserious” than giving munee to bleeding heart liberal causes?
Who close to “unpaid stable help” does that?
Habba works for free.
And it shows.
It was really “serious” of “unpaid stable help” to drop its “rule” for renters and let a maga zoomer redneck w/ a baby momma fuck it in the ass..
“seriously” deranged, “seriously” silly “unpaid stable help”…
MAGA election director in MAGA county resigns after being harassed by MAGAites for not being MAGA enough.
This county obviously needs special election rules to appease the locals. So here’s my proposal. Voting will only be in person, at neighborhood polling stations 30 miles apart, from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. on days when everyone has to work, and the two dozen or so ballots will be hand-counted and verified by ninja audit.
Or, to save money and trouble, we can stipulate there are no Democratic voters in this county and each Republican candidate on the ballot will be awarded 24 votes as a liquidated sum.
@ 62
MAGA election director in MAGA county resigns after being harassed by MAGAites for not being MAGA enough.
Remember when Evan Bayh left the Senate rather than deal with intraparty bullshit because he wasn’t liberal enough to suit the “progressive” asswipes in the Democrat party? And when he tried to get his job back as a newly minted” progressive”, he had his ass handed to him?
Democrats lost that Senate seat because of their insistence on such purity. They’ll likely not get it back in your lifetime, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit.
We can do Charlie Crist any time you want, too. Different twist on it.
“A powerful blizzard put a freeze on campaign events Friday as candidates look to make their final case to Iowans ahead of Monday’s caucuses. … On top of Friday’s blizzard, extreme lows in the negative teens are expected on caucus night, leading many to question how the inclement weather will impact turnout and results Monday.”
Maybe scheduling caucuses in January just to be first isn’t such a hot idea.
@ 52
Yes, and Citigroup shares are up 1% today…
Need I remind you, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit, that you used a one-day gain in GE shares to bolster your contention that they were a good investment for someone willing to wait 2-3 years?
’cause I can easily go back to October 2017 and quote the whole sentence verbatim. It’s little different than what you wrote today.
For the troll who relishes polls:
“A majority of Americans in a new survey say they would support the Supreme Court either disqualifying former President Trump from presidential ballots across the country or letting states decide whether to include him on their ballots.”
Voters who think Trump shouldn’t be on the ballot aren’t likely to vote for him, ya think?
@ 52
I don’t recall you bragging about placing call options on Citigroup when the shares were trading for $38 and change a few weeks ago … did your magic crystal ball fail you that time?
Well, here’s where I was last year:
I currently have two sold call options and one sold put option on C shares, all naked. Since you asked about whether I placed a trade “a few weeks ago”:
On 11/24/23 C shares were at $39.73.
This option is still an open position, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit.
You have lost money on your Citigroup shares. I have made money “gambling” on Citigroup option strategies, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit. Which of us did better?
…did your magic crystal ball fail you that time?
No, my crystal ball has not failed me on Citigroup, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit, because I use my Notadumbfuck method of investment, and make money while you lose money. As you have been impotent for more than two decades, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit, your balls have certainly failed you.
“Speaker Johnson Says He’ll Stand By Spending Pact, Daring Right Wing To Oppose Him”
Just a few weeks in, he already hates the job, and wants to go back to being an ordinary congressman.
On the impending failure of kon-klown DEE-Santis:
“I don’t mind saying on the record that I’ve pushed him a little bit to not be afraid to tell that story,” Representative Chip Roy of Texas, who has endorsed Mr. DeSantis and campaigned alongside him across Iowa, said during an interview in West Des Moines this week. “Because it’s a good one. But it’s to his credit. It’s just not a part of his DNA to want to trumpet that kind of stuff about himself because it’s never been about him.”
American politics relies as much on storytelling as on policy. Bill Clinton was the Man from Hope. John McCain was a maverick, a war hero who put country first. Barack Obama represented hope and change. Mr. DeSantis’s campaign does not even have a bumper-sticker slogan.
That sense of remove has made itself clear on the campaign trail. His stump speech is about facts, not feelings. When Mr. DeSantis does invoke his life experiences, it can sound more like bullet points he is ticking through on a résumé, rather than moments to which voters might relate.
kon-klown doesn’t talk about himself because its story is that of a mean-spirited jerk. We already saw what the asshole did to pledges to his frat during hell week. Just march that back though its whole miserable life.
As a Governor the freak is just a thug.
So Casey just calls him “the governor”? After it implodes and endorses drumpf short of Casey/Kon transforming into the alpha darling maga couple, Casey just throws in the towel and divorces it.
BoBo the Klown isn’t polling well in her new district.
But moving there will be more convenient for court appearances on any future public lewdness and assault citations.
Asked by a reporter for a response to members of his own party who believe he needed congressional authorization for last night’s military strike on the Houthis, President Biden says, “they’re wrong.”
He’ll give exactly the same answer when he delivers F-16s armed with AIM 120s and ATACMs to Ukraine in a couple of months.
We now know why Biden lags among independent voters: They don’t think his opponent will be Trump, because almost none believe the GOP can possibly be that stupid.
It seems to me these voters are unlikely to vote for Trump if in fact he’s the nominee.
@ 72
From your link:
Another way of saying “making a big bet” is gambling. Isn’t that right @ 49, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit.
Remember now, this profoundly stupid trust fund troll has been losing elections consistently for going on eight years. There is quite a lot of evidence that his perceptions of the more likely political future may be very erroneous.
And as he and his fellow Republicans watch their “inevitable” nominee get repeatedly defeated and demoralized in courtroom after courtroom in the coming year, as they watch in horror as what was supposed to be their triumphant Florida nominating convention devlolves into fist fights and bomb threats, and as they see their general election ballots ruined with third party ticket splitting as first Trump, and then hundreds of mini-Trumps file to run as EEN-DEE-PEN-DUNCE, the righteous zealotry will smolder into extinguished defeat and final numb acceptance. (Got any Proud Boys?)
And after that, who knows what may be possible for Democrats?
2024 stands to be essentially one of two things: Either it will be the year when liberal and progressive citizens succeeded in finally taking back their government from cappering, gibbering, nihilistic proto-fascist grifters and restoring civil rights. Or it will be the year we let democracy slip away. But if it is to be the former, then it will signal the demise of the Republican Party as a national political force. And that is a fight worth winning.
@ 72
It seems to me these voters are unlikely to vote for Trump if in fact he’s the nominee.
Most voters didn’t vote for #CrookedHillary in 2016.
A larger share of the electorate voted for Trump in 2020 than voted for him in 2016. Trump didn’t lose PA, MI, AZ, GA, WI by much. And voters in those states have seen their purchasing power plummet under my corrupt, incompetent, senile fossil of a president.
That clearly seems to be playing a role in Iowa.
A big percentage of EEN-DEE-PEN-DUNCE taking part in the Iowa GOP cowcuses are particularly resistant to alignment with Trump and are struggling with the rest of the GOP field.
Polls are not elections.
And states like Iowa have absolutely nothing to do with the final outcome.
So just about the only good use we can make of such polls is to try and understand how infrequent and irregular unaligned voters may respond to a 2024 rematch between Trump and Biden.
That may not be the matchup that infrequent and irregular unaligned voters would prefer. This bias in favor of “new meat” is largely endemic to who they are politically. And so it’s little wonder that this bias should reveal itself in preference polling offering incumbent President Joe Biden pitted against a shifting field of potential challengers. But what we see in these kinds of preference polling is that once the nominees are nailed down with more certainty, many of those infrequent and irregular unaligned voters set that bias aside when they are forced to weight it against other preferences and biases.
They all want to vote for President Bartlett.
It’s only when they realize that he isn’t on their ballot that they make up their fucking minds.
@ 72
We now know why Biden lags among independent voters…
As indy voters are not beholden to a specific party, they feel no pressure to behave as if there is nothing wrong with a near-death, senile fool in the White House.
Of course Biden is not swaying them. They have no reason to disbelieve their lyin’ eyes.
, they feel no pressure to behave as if there is nothing wrong with a near-death, senile fool..
So they’re gonna “just try” the asshole they rejected in 2020..
As if “there is nothing wrong” with that same asshole.
@67 As a gentle reminder, long investors don’t lose money on a stock they’re sitting on. You have to sell the shares to gain or lose. The rising market value of C shares that makes you money on your options also shrinks my paper loss.
Citi was a stockbroker’s idea, not one of my picks. I don’t listen to stockbrokers anymore, because I’m better at stockpicking than they are. I paid $40 for BK eight months ago; today it’s $54. My smaller holding of C was acquired in 2020 and 2021 for diversification purposes. Dividends partially offset the price decline, so my paper loss is around 10% or about 3% a year. It’s easy to say in hindsight that money should’ve gone into BK, not C; I didn’t make that mistake again.
Of the dozens of stocks I own, not all will be winners, but enough are to come out way ahead. I’ve owned Starbucks since 1996, which has returned 9,618%, for an average annual return of 344%. I made money on Boeing and bailed out in time. Lockheed has been a huge winner for me; I paid $86 for it and still own it. Same with McDonalds, Hershey, Abbott and its Abbvie spinoff, and numerous others. My stockpicking made me a millionaire, but I do it as a hobby and to occupy my mind, not to live well. I have no complaints.
This is a free country, and if other people want to gamble on scratch-off and lottery tickets, horses, on-line sports betting, in casinos, or whatever, that’s their business. It doesn’t bother me if you win occasionally at the betting table. More power to you! I’m happy for you when you defy the odds and come out ahead. Life isn’t a zero-sum game. It doesn’t bother me that you’re a millionaire, too. I don’t resent other people’s success like you do.
Demorat-Pfizer Party Of Vax Mandates & Chickenhawk Warmongers News – Texans fire on Fort Sumter, Feds flee.
It’s like a modern-day showdown at the O.K. Corral, but this time it’s in Eagle Pass, Texas. The face-off is between the Texas National Guard and the Biden regime. Thanks to a fully fed-up Governor Greg Abbott, Texas has now taken control of Biden’s “New Voter” invasion.
As it stands now, the Border Patrol union has officially confirmed that their agents are being blocked by the Texas National Guard, and the union is actually praising Abbott for seizing control. In addition, the mayor of Eagle Pass has revealed that he too was made aware of the plans to take control of his city.
There is quite a lot of evidence that his perceptions of the more likely political future may be very erroneous.
In fairness he got Youngkin “right”. Beyond that it’s been a helluva dry spell.
-2018 was to be a triumphant “Red Wave” election in which Republicans extended their majorities in both chambers of Congress and Democrats faced a “wipe out”. “Pussy Hats” and “BLM” meant that righteous, zealous culture warriors would march to victory. In his second two years Trump would stride from massive victory to massive victory, completing his border wall in record time, withdrawing from NATO, and triggering a massive (but somehow not inflationary) explosion of six figure employment in domestic manufacturing.
-2020 was “payback’s a bitch” and “FAFO” time. Led by the mighty and powerful leader Trump, Republicans would rebound from their 2018 defeats by recapturing the House and extending their Senate majority. Pelosi was to be clapped in irons and frog marched. Disloyal members of Congress would face retribution for their betrayals. And Trump would cruise to victory against “Sleepy Joe” leveraging the power of office for one political victory after another.
-2022 was to be yet another Huge Comeback spurred on by a restless public dissatisfied with Biden’s economic performance and slow recovery from “Wuhan Lock Downs”. More MAGA blockheads like Kari Lake and Mastriano would stride forth to conquer a white America who felt besieged by “trans bathrooms”.
In between it all we were told that the vaccines were useless, that the pandemic would kill Biden, that the economy would never reopen, that all of Trump’s 15 million unemployed would remain that way becomming a permanent underclass weighing down the Biden economy, that China would eat our lunch, that Putin was stronger, that Democrats could never pass any of Biden’s legislative agenda, and that Lauren Boebert would become a dynamic transformational leader in Colorado conservative politics.
One of the things of come to admire about MAGAts in a perverse kind of way is the absolute shamelessness of them. These people literally shit their white pants in public in front of everyone and then go on simply refusing to acknowledge that it even happened.
It’s a talent. I guess.
FOX has finally canceled showing MyPillow ads after the company became more than 180 days past due.
In 41 out of 50 US states, the richest 1% pay a lower tax rate than any other income group.
Hey there!
Are you Proud?
An Oregon Proud Boy, previously convicted on rioting charges, has reportedly pleaded guilty to illegally transporting undocumented migrants in Arizona.
Barry Lloyd James Johnson faces two additional years in prison for his participation in a scheme that earned him $800 from human trafficking gangs for smuggling illegal migrants across the border.
All your heroes are trying to fuck you in the ass, you idiot.
From salt-o-the-earth dairy farmers to “patriotic” Proud Boys.
They use you like the ass wipe that you are.
“While shelter inflation has come down over the past few months, in December, the shelter index was still 6.2% higher year over year. That increase accounted for two-thirds of the total rise in the price index, excluding food and energy,” where inflation is subsiding.
Two-thirds of inflation; more, if the decline in food and energy prices is counted. Doc can call shelter inflation “Bidenflation” if he wants to; but in reality, it’s due to the housing shortage resulting from collapse of residential construction due to the 2007-2008 subprime crash, which in turn was due to Republican mortage lending deregulation policies. Thus, it’s completely fair to say that today’s housing inflation, and the bulk of today’s CPI inflation, was “made in the GOP.”
The CNN article above isn’t entirely accurate, though. Homeowners aren’t inflation-free. They’re paying more for property taxes, insurance premiums, and utilities. On a percentage basis, their shelter costs have risen at a rate I’d guess isn’t far off the increase in average rents.
If Trump were to win his absolute immunity appeal to the Supreme Court, then there would be no legal authority in any part of the United States government that would be empowered to remove me after January 20th of 2025 even if I lost the election.
With absolute immunity from criminal prosecution I could declare an “emergency”, command my Marine guard detachment to clear the White House grounds and blockade the fenceline, and name myself “acting, interim President”. The House could vote to impeach me and if the Senate acquitted me I’d be legally unasailable and empowered to remain President forever.
That’s some wild, dank shit. 😎
@84 The more we learn about Trump’s Jan. 6 “tourists,” the more we discover many were drawn from criminal elements to begin with. That includes the former police chiefs and former fire chiefs among them.
Under the existing sanctions regime currently in place as your President I have the authority to embargo and seize billions in Russian oligarch funds that are connected to the regime’s unlawful and brutal invasion of Ukraine.
I could then order by Secretary of the Treasury to transfer those funds to Ukraine for the purchase of advanced weapons systems.
All perfectly legal and no Iranians or Marine lieutenant colonels required. 😎
@87 That’s isn’t half of it. You could avoid impeachment by having all the Republican congressmen and senators killed, and nobody could do anything about it. You could kill off the Supreme Court justices, too, to keep them from changing their minds about presidential immunity being absolute and untouchable.
The above hypotheticals are only for illustration purposes; there’s no suggestion here that anybody besides Trump would actually do these things.
@73 Not every bet is a gamble, and “betting” that Republicans are incredibly stupid isn’t gambling at all, it’s a sure thing.
@74 The irremediably stupid troll also doesn’t understand why Evan Bayh left the Senate. Not over ideology. Follow the money.
@75 “Most voters didn’t vote for #CrookedHillary in 2016.”
True, but most voters didn’t vote for Trump in 2016, either. He got only 46.1% to her 48.2%.
“A larger share of the electorate voted for Trump in 2020 than voted for him in 2016.”
True, but after four years in office, and with the advantages of incumbency, he only improved his performance from 46.1% to 46.8%, while this time his Democratic opponent got 51.3%, a gain of 3.1% for the Democrats from 2016 versus his gain of 0.7%.
And Trump, unlike Biden, has never gotten half the vote, or even gotten within a percent of half.
He may not even need “liberal” turnout:
Independents are divided, with 45 percent supporting Trump and 44 percent supporting Biden. They break more to Kennedy/Stein from Trump than from Biden.
Take a look at the cross tabs and especially voters 65 and over.
65 and older goes to Biden 60 to 37 Trump.
College educated is Biden 60 to 35 Trump.
White women are Biden 55 to 41 Trump.
And so on.
The real campaign hasn’t even started yet.
@76 “This bias in favor of ‘new meat’ is largely endemic to who they are politically.”
It’s also pollyannish. When you consider how few presidents have been popular, it’s clear that hoping for something better to come along is an exercise in futility. Our political system gravitates toward the lowest common denominator. That’s also why Congress is full of people who would be unemployable in any other occupation, especially on the Republican side of the aisle.
Follow the money. Everything Republicans do is for profit. Whereas Trump’s loyal foot soldiers are rotting in jail, the political operatives who assembled the mob, rented buses and porta-a-potties, and incited them with “take our country back” speeches busily cashed checks. The rioters were just cannon fodder to feed their bank accounts. I hope someday they will understand that.
The Illinois governor has asked the Texas governor for a temporary moratorium on “dropping off asylum seekers without alerting us to their arrivals, at improper locations at all hours of the night,” in the interest of “saving lives right now,” because of a “dangerous winter storm.” What do you think Gov. Abbott’s response will be?
“Cheaper than bullets.”
MyPillow guy claims Fox’s suspension of his advertising on their network is politically motivated.
Deadbeat is more like it. “’As soon as their account is paid, we would be happy to accept their advertising,’ Fox spokeswoman Irena Briganti said.”
Alabama has poached U. of Washington’s football coach, Kalen DeBoer, and many players are leaving with him.
Don’t worry, MAGA Mike, the Democrats have your back. They won’t let Freedom Caucus bombthrowers oust you. The budget deal will go ahead, there will be no shutdown, and MTG isn’t going to dictate congressional policy on Ukraine or anything else. She can go fuck herself instead.
Sorry, not sorry.
Fans and boosters have only themselves now. It’s a business.
That’s what they wanted .
You can’t really blame the help for seeing it that way too.
Time for the players who risk their lives and health to get a bigger piece of the action.
@101 College football has always been a business, which has thrived on free (or nearly free) labor. Of course, it isn’t free for the fans.
According to USA today, DeBoer made $4.2 million, with a maximum bonus of $1.25 million, at UW this season.
According to The Spun.com, U. of Alabama paid UW $12 million to buy out DeBoer’s contract, and will pay him at least $10 million a year. This website says UA is spending over $100 million on him.
Alabama is one of the poorest states in the country. I guess it’s a matter of what their priorities are. And, like you said, it’s a business. Just business.
It’s good business. And a shit hole state like Alabama can use any good business it can get. Other than NASA affiliated and non union auto, college football is it.
Those poor bastards probably feel incredibly lucky to mow a football field and sell hot dogs to drunks.