– I believe that killer cops, like all criminals, deserve a good defense in court and to not go to jail if found not guilty. But still fuck them forever.
– President Biden pardoned a bunch of people for marijuana possession.
– Ugh shut down unsafe clubs.
– Really glad that we have shield laws against anti trans states.
– Anyway, please wash your hands right now. And get vaccinated or boosted if you’re eligible.
Just have a feeling..
today will be the day..
when teh kreepshit troll…
will do a silly dance over its..
that unlike the silly dance it did for wifeypoo Mary Kay’s check many, many, many moons ago (no issue, she gives to liberal causes)..
will be such a freaking bummer for my two sons (according to its own babbling anyway)…
well, we all know when and how the checks stop coming..
Sorry, kreepshit.. your check is cancelled.. As fast as they’re cut..
Oh Dumbfuck….
‘Our intelligence services accept the IDF claim Hamas used the hospital as a base of operations. I’m satisfied.’
The WaPo piece on this is long.
Some highlights. No room in the hospital the IDF showed to media and to US Intelligence showed any signs of military or terrorist use.
None of the buildings IDF claimed as FACT are part of the Hamas Network connected to the tunnels Israel said were being accessed from inside the hospital connect to the tunnels.
When WaPo requested IDF grant their reporters and photographers access to the alleged tunnel connections or provide any additional material to bolster the claims they were denied with the IDF staying they had destroyed them. (Along with any physical evidence they were what the IDF said they were, just trust us.)
Joe Biden is a corrupt POS.
Records released by House Republicans show that Joe Biden repeatedly emailed Hunter Biden’s business associate in 2014
Mind you, these are the emails we know about so far.
Imagine how much we will know about the The Biden Crime Family‘s corruption by convention time. Then imagine how much we’ll know about The Biden Crime Family‘s corruption when the floor-nominated DNC candidate for president tries escaping any connection with that POS family.
Approval numbers in the 20s just aren’t very far away, libbies.
@3 Oh look it goes to nbcnews.. guess things are slow at the gateway moron.. too much eggnog…
emails about taxes.. yawwwwwnnnn…
whadabout those hush.. hussh. offshore accounts? oooh. that’ll drive kreepshit to distraction like those Citizens for Sanity commercials.. yep…
No Joe. You fucked fucked up.
You always fuck up.
A defunded IRS.. it’s easy if you try… No AI below us, above us only munee in the sky..
@ 2
There’s a very striking photograph that has been on the Jerusalem Post front page for at least 9-10 hours now.
It shows the moment of detonation of a series of Hamas operational tunnels in Palestine Square in Gaza.
Meanwhile, you are attempting to cast doubt on the use of Al Shifa hospital by Hamas, because IDF didn’t show a reporter everything requested, and because an unnamed pro-Hamas congressperson wants Israel’s burden of proof to be higher.
That’s the same hospital that the AP reported was being used by Hamas. Back in 2014.
Hamas had plenty of time to hide everything it needed to hide. The October 7 massacre was more than five weeks before IDF surrounded the hospital, reported on November 14.
You wish to cling to your willing suspension of disbelief that Hamas used Al Shifa hospital? You go right ahead and do that. While you’re at it, repeat your disbelief that an Islamic Jihad wayward missile struck a parking lot outside a Gaza hospital and killed some 30-50 Palestinian civilians who had sought refuge there, and cling instead to the claim that Israel hit the hospital itself, destroyed it, and killed some 497 innocent Palestinian civilians.
No, seriously. Go right ahead.
@ 2, 7
The New York Times, November 14:
But some reporter didn’t get to see everything (s)he wanted, and now some HA libbie asswipe thinks that is enough to rewrite a decade and a half of on-site observation and reporting. Including by infamous right-wing shills Amnesty International and The Daily Show.
I bet if the Columbine mass murderers had to take the train they wouldn’t have been able to wear long coats and they wouldn’t have been able to hide their weapons.
Man Dragged by Train in Oregon After Getting His Coat Stuck in the Doors
The man involved in the incident was reportedly wearing a long jacket when he exited the train
While this dude may never walk again, from a mass murder perspective public transit saves lives.
Jpost published this today, from Bibi:
Shorter @ 2
Yabbut Hamas didn’t have an Oval Office under that hospital, so IDF and everyone else lies.
Hamas trained commando babies took over the airports to defeat General Yankee Doodle Jesus. And the rest is HISTORY!
AFU Nazis used the maternity hospital in Mariupol as their Nazi Central Command.
I was obligated to obliterate it along with all the infants and mothers with massed artillery fire.
Da. Da. Very unfortunate. But I had no choice
Get ready for The Pain.
Second Video Turns Up Of Bridget Ziegler Having Sex With A Woman
Strange. Republicans usually fuck children and animals. Except me. I get it in the ass from a horse. But that’s only because I can’t find a black man with a BBC* to fuck me.
No, not British Broadcasting Corporation. Big Black Cock. When one thinks about BBC all the time like I do it helps to use an acronym.
@ 15
I’m having trouble understanding how a girl-on-girl consensual sex tape is more problematic for Republicans than Andrew Gillum’s overdose in a hotel room, in which he was found leaking gallons of santorum out of his anus, was for Democrats. Or that other thing he did.
BTW had Gillum won, no one would be talking about fat midgets or white boots.
What actually is happening is WaPo has proven the IDFs claims are not possible. The buildings were not connected to the tunnels. As IDF claimed was the primary justification for laying siege to a civilian hospital.
But good try.
Oh look, over there. IDF blew up something in some other place so PRESTO it was all true.
Baghdad Bob Bibi has never lied about any of this.
What a credulous fool you’ve bec…
Strike that. You’ve alway been as astute as a silent fart.
By laying siege to a hospital and leaving the corpses of babies to rot based on now known to be bullshit ‘justification’
By release we mean bombing the shit out the places we think they may be being held and shooting a few of them while they’re half naked and waving a white flag. And by no longer a threat we mean kill ever Arab and move in more Zionist settlements.
HA Gods sick and are biased in their censorship. Mao!
Explain why!?
The Heterosexual Neanderthal Virus got your tongue. 👅
It is perfectly safe. Hamas can never strike here. Our security Forces have all the intelligence you need. We are your protectors. Sleep soundly. Your kids are safe with us.
Had Republicans been smart enough to take out Trump when Democrats handed them the chance, twice, no one would be talking about fat midgets or white boots either.
You fuck ups did this to yourselves. And you’re still doing it.
HA Gods suck. Biased snowflakes. Censors
You can’t explain why you censor me and allow others to do the same. Sensitive to The HN Virus? I bet you are?
HA Gods are censors and allow other bullshit
Why? You have no reason. Except that you’re biased
One. Gillum wasn’t running for anything or in office at that point and no one tried to prop him up in the aftermath.
Two. Did Gillum co-found an entire nationwide organization based on the spreading of Evangelical Christian Morality? We’ve been over this. If you are totally, in public at least, advocating the elimination of the gay from sight, don’t get caught being gay.
Three. Did Andrew Gillum lead a crusade to rid schools of books about heteros only to be revealed to engage in heterosexual sex?
Four, did Gillum’s legally wedded spouse in the process get revealed as a rapist? Good that you got the word consensual in your post.
The fact that you even pose the question proves
You’re a Dumbfuck.
Snowflakes. The HN Virus gives you a sad
I’d like to revisit a previous-thread spew by QoS McHillbilly:
A presidential election is in no way a nationwide popularity contest. Nor is it democratic.
I agree. Like, 100%. I point this out for two reasons:
• Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit is sure to point out that the 2024 DNC loser-to-be won the popularity contest, as he did, repeatedly, WRT #CrookedHillary. The NPV is irrelevant. Full stop.
• “Saving our democracy” through non-democratic means is as silly as claiming that Trump represents a threat to our democracy. We’re a constitutional republic. It means shit like the NPV is irrelevant and small states have as many US senators as large states. Deal with it.
Overall I think best outcome for Fat Orange Rapist probably has him finishing with 248 EVs, well short of the need.
While this may age better than Cz-252’s proclamation that #CrookedHillary had an “absolute lock” on 252 EVs, QoS McHillbilly’s dismissal of NV and AZ as potential Trump wins flies in the face of recent polling, in which a majority of Hispanic voters prefer Trump to my corrupt, incompetent, senile fossil of a president.
Let’s start with Arizona.
I’ll add to this that the newly elected Democrat governor of AZ just called for a shitload of money to help secure the southern border in her state.
Now, Nevada.
NV has the sixth-largest Hispanic vote share, at 20%.
Hispanics voted for Biden over Trump by 21 points in 2020. If that advantage is only 13 points next year, Biden will lose NV.
Add AZ’s 11 and NV’s 6 to the 248 QoS McHillbilly is willing to allocate to Trump and you get 265.
Which is a lot closer to 270 than QoS McHillbilly wants to think about. Especially because his corrupt, incompetent, senile fossil of a president will be at 29% approval by the end of February.
Compare and contrast.
You have a person charged with wire fraud and campaign finance crimes but never convicted whose consensual drug and sex life were made embarrassingly public. He is assumed to have zero future in Politics and no remaining supporters except maybe close friends and family.
You have a person found liable for rape, guilty of tax fraud, had a foundation shut down due to tax fraud, is currently indicted for felonies in two more justifications and was a close associate of two child rapists,. He is the 2024 Republican Nominee for President.
And Dumbfuck thought it would be a good idea to bring up the former in some whaddaboutism
corrupt, incompetent, senile fossil of a president
You sorely need a hashtag. I’m sure my GRU can come up with one for you. After all, they’ve done it before.
@ 30
Being charged with stuff isn’t the dissuading factor you think it is.
Particularly when the opponent is a Biden. Or a Clinton, for that matter.
I tell ya, nobody, and I mean nobody, builds a coalition like ol’ Joe can.
After Afghanistan, it’s little surprise.
While Moms for Liberty were consensually taping Try-On-Haul videos featuring ball gags, strap-ons, and ruby anal plugs, a Democrat Governor was signing the abortion ballot measure petition in Arizona:
Dobbs is on the ballot in Arizona in 2024
Biggest loser: we all know by now.
Second biggest loser: Ruy Teixiera
Would this be a god time to remind you that U.S. based oil companies are given the protection of the U.S. Navy in any part of their operations while also receiving tax breaks leaving their bill for said services at zero?
Joe Rogan is a liar:
“Conservative podcast host Joe Rogan slammed what he said were President Biden’s claims about not having enough airports during the Revolutionary War, when it was former President Trump who said it.”
@ 35
Would this be a god time to remind you that U.S. based oil companies are given the protection …
And yet oil prices spiked $4.50/barrel since the middle of last week.
And then there are shipping container transport costs, now up to $10k each.
Container rates hit $10,000 as ocean freight inflation soars in Red Sea crisis
@3 Emailing his financial and tax adviser. How corrupt! I do it, too. I’ll bet you do, too. Will you and I end up as cellmates?
@5 Rogan didn’t “fuck up.” He’s a fucking liar.
@ 33, possibly explained:
I spared you the full tweet.
@16 “I’m having trouble understanding how a girl-on-girl consensual sex tape is more problematic for Republicans than Andrew Gillum’s overdose in a hotel room”
Let’s say it’s no more problematic. Where does that leave Republicans? I don’t mean with their base, I mean with normal voters.
@18 “Israel responded to the October 7 atrocities by waging a just war of self-defense” etc.
IDF had nothing to do with 20,000 civilian deaths, including thousands of women, children, and infants. They just dropped dead while bombs exploded and bullets flew all around them, and hospitals and schools went up in puffs of flame and smoke and flying rubble.
Democrats have the White House and the Senate.
Which wasn’t enough to confirm Julie Su. The United States, still without a Secretary of Labor.
Maybe Tom Perez wants it again.
@29 I gotta agree with you there are enough ignorant voters in our country who embrace wild conspiracy theories and love fascism to elect Trump once and possibly elect a twice-impeached, four-times-indicted criminal again to the highest office in the land under an undemocratic electoral system originally crafted to preserve slavery that gives outsized voting influence to backwater states with stunningly low educational attainment and third world health care.
Following on @ 29:
Cook Political Report shifts Michigan, Nevada toward GOP amid Biden’s weak polling
I’ll point out that Michigan wasn’t even on QoS McHillbilly’s list of states that Trump had a shot at next year. His Wednesday list. And yet Cook Political Report now has both as toss-ups.
The Heterosexual Neanderthal Virus kills and costs bucu for the taxpayer
Scummy Mims for Fascism like your daughter being rapped and killef
Cliff Mass laughs at your solar roofs.
Low Winds, Winter Sun, and Lots of Clouds Mean Little Renewable Energy over the Pacific Northwest
The typical conditions of mid-winter experienced lately resulted in virtually no renewable energy generation over the Pacific Northwest during recent weeks.
Consider the latest power generation summary for the past week from the Bonneville Administration. Red indicates the regional demand for energy (load), while blue is hydro generation. Purple is nuclear power and dark red is coal/gas/biomass. Green is wind and solar.
Nearly no solar or wind energy during the last week.
As late as June of 2020 Amy Walter at Cook had Trump kicking ass. The same week Trump’s death toll surpassed 100,000 and Trump said the numbers would start to drop and everyone should go outside and spit in each other’s mouths to “pwn the libs”.
Good post.
@ 49
I agree that if the nation faces a pandemic and a massive overreaction on the part of those who govern us that 2024 might go differently than predicted.
Trump also claimed that 15 days to slow the spread would be worthwhile. That wasn’t long after Pelosi told everyone that Trump was xenophobic and that they should visit Chinatown without concern. And not long before Harris told everyone that if a vaccine was promoted by Trump that she’d pass on it.
Someone trotting out The Pain v3.0
I’m on the ballot in AZ.
A Republican Juergen said I can’t be in NV but we’ll see what the all female State Supreme Court has to say
Someone trotting out The Pain
I’m on the ballot in AZ.
A Republican Judge said I can’t be in NV but we’ll see what the all female State Supreme Court has to say
Even though solar doesn’t work
Wow kreepshit.. tell that to… drum roll..
Texas is set to take over as the highest-capacity solar state in the U.S., much of which will be represented by large-scale projects like the ones featured in this update…
Much of this investment in solar, which nears $20 billion, is going towards big solar farms, often exceeding 100 MW in capacity. Over 10,000 Texans are employed by the solar industry, and those jobs numbers will sharply rise as more utility-scale projects are built. Today, nearly 5% of Texas electricity is generated by solar.
I’ll tell the kids to look out for good stocks to buy on a dip..
btw, stoopid dance wen?
@ 53
Texas is set to take over as the highest-capacity solar state in the U.S.,
Capacity means ability to produce and/or store, Queen YLB. Ya dumb twat, Washington state could have double Texas’ kW production potential and battery capacity but if there isn’t production in Washington state because the sun isn’t shining enough for the panels to produce, the capacity is useless.
No surprise that you’ll respond to a comment specific to Washington with a cherry-picked item from a southern state, Queen YLB. You’ve got that track record of ignorant irrelevance.
Where does that leave Republicans? I don’t mean with their base, I mean with normal voters.
It’s a much bigger problem for them than the profoundly stupid troll would like us to know. Otherwise he would not have devoted most of his Friday before Christmas weekend fighting to explain how Trump doesn’t repeat the same failure the second time around. But at least he’s admitting now that Trump will be his nominee and that the GOP primary is pointless exercise in ratifying a degenerate base.
The Moms for Liberty moral panics were a key component for getting sufficient numbers of white women to come back to Trump. According to the same Pew exit analysis of validated voters that the profoundly stupid troll mentions above, Biden’s coalition, which includes about 40% non-white voters, depended greatly on the four year shift in turnout between Boomers and post-Boomers. Boomers dropped from 52% of the electorate to only 44%. That transfer of electoral power swamped the small gains Trump made with women and Hispanics in 2020. Post-Boomer voters favored Biden by 20 points. And in the post Dobbs world, Trump’s gains among women are gone.
That’s why Rufo and the GOP made the pivot from CRT/BLM to Drag Shows as soon as Dobbs was granted cert. It was critical to amp up the moral panic among a broader cross section of suburban moms. But as the campaign against rainbows has unfolded the steady drum beat of Republican kid fucking and “legitimate rapes” has not abated. The credibility of the panic among these targeted voters depends tremendously on how those peddling the panic are perceived by those voters.
Trump being convicted at trial of rape, the theft of nuclear secrets and stashing them in the sex club bathroom, Lauren Boebert giving hand jobs in a children’s theater, Rudy Giuliani’s hot mic and Borat moments, literally hundreds of GOP luminaries being busted for CSAM, and then the king and queen of GOP Florida running a swing dungeon where their kids sleep is ruinous of that perceived credibility. That’s why they are now pivoting to a new DEI attack.
But the intention ideally is to have a lab tested and proven electoral tonic ready to deploy for 2024, not to still be A/B testing. As I suggested they would over a year ago, they’ve shot their BLM/CRT wads and apparently now the Drag Show wad as well. They have to fan into flame at least one entirely new moral panic and the clock is running down fast.
@ 53
Even if Washington panels don’t produce, Queen YLB’s fucked kids still pay for the subsidies. Even if Texas solar energy production benefits only Texans, Queen YLB’s fucked kids will still pay higher interest rates and, eventually, higher taxes to compensate for the generous subsidies handed to Texans.
And while watching her kids get fucked by the people she voted into office, Queen YLB will cheer the enrichment of Texans. At the expense of her fucked kids.
Just like she did @ 53. That’s our darling, unserious princess twat. It’s all she knows.
At the time this fool claimed that this would ensure Trump’s victory.
Genius. But far from stable.
Cliff Mass laughs
If Cliff wastes his student’s time ranting about politicians and policies he doesn’t like, Cliff himself is a big time joke.. Let’s take a look:
DONT TAKE THIS CLASS while its clear he knows a lot about weather, unfortunately, its even more apparent that he doesn’t really care about student learning and instead focuses more on constantly asserting his expertise by rambling about his weather blog/all the books he’s written. He seems to fail to realize this class is 101 class for NON MAJORS.
Looking through the reviews I guess the asshole is smart enough to leave his crank politics out of the classroom.. If 30 some reviews are any indication..
@ 55
But at least he’s admitting now that Trump will be his nominee and that the GOP primary is pointless exercise in ratifying a degenerate base.
More like praying for a miracle.
Trump rails after poll shows Haley within 4 points in New Hampshire
I read earlier this week that Christie is hurting her. He’s all-in in NH. If she comes close and he drops out and endorses her…
No better attack-dog VP candidate than Chris Christie. Except maybe Elizabeth Warren. God, what she did to Bloomberg was the stuff of legends.
kids still pay for the subsidies.
Yawwwn.. pay how? Same way you do? Sales, property taxes?
You seem happy to pay for subsidies for fossil fuels.. Never had a complaint your whole life..
20 billion a year’s worth..
yawwwn… silly…
And why do you HATE the “kids” of TexASS??? That’s like hating your own grandkids.. shit.. that wouldn’t surprise me.. bet you mutter under your breath that their “training” is costin’ you too much fookin’ munee…
No surprise that you’ll respond to a comment specific to Washington
your own babbling kreepshit.. you say solar doesn’t work.. you’ve always babbled that.. that’s why red states in sunny and windy places are dumping munee in it…
no worries.. their subsidies for a resource with no fuel cost and are inexhaustible can’t compare with typical subsidies for your beloved polluting fuels that get more expensive to extract over time as the easy stuff has been used up.
And you’ve been payin’ for those fossil fuel subsidies since you started fellatin’ bonzo…
I’m right there with you.
Nothing I’d like to see more than a GOP floor fight followed by Trump splitting Republicans in November.
Nimarata Randhawa 2024!
@ 60
pay how? Same way you do? Sales, property taxes?
The dumb twat doesn’t even know how her fucked kids are being fleeced.
To some extent, same way I do.
1. Tax credits, federal government. So the deficit grows and we all pay more because of it.
2. State sales tax exemption. So less in the state coffers and it has to be made up somehow. More fees or taxes, fewer services.
3. Net metering – utility pays the homeowner for producing. That money has to come from somewhere.
4. Rebates from the utility to the homeowner for installing solar. Again, money has to come from somewhere.
3, 4: There’s a WA state fund, into which all utility ratepayers contribute, that is doled out to those who have solar installs. Your kids pay more rent or higher prices to businesses who have to pay into the fund.
The difference between your fucked kids and us is 1) we already did solar and we got ours. Back before everyone had it and the payouts had to be slashed because it was a pyramid scheme. Oh, and 2) we can still do solar, and are planning a construction project. But we won’t. For it to work we’d have to cut down trees we don’t want to see go away. However, no one will require us to make it work in order to give us rebates and tax credits and other free shit for installing it. That’s the grift, Queen YLB. It doesn’t have to work. It just has to elect more Democrats. Even if it fucks your kids in the process.
Fuck them in the ass ’cause they love Democrats.
@63 yawwwn.. I seem to remember your solar experiment didn’t work out financially the way you’d hoped.. so you “fucked” yourself because the right shit wasn’t dotted and crossed.
But you babble on and on and on.. All energy resources are subsidized kreepshit.. The ones you seem to like better have been subsidized for generations..
Your shit don’t move. Keep babbling anyway believing that it bothers me.. I prefer the development of resources that have a lighter environmental footprint. Nothing’s perfect. People keep working on it – we’ll get there if your ilk doesn’t ruin it for everyone.
@ 61
.. you say solar doesn’t work.. you’ve always babbled that.. that’s why red states in sunny and windy places are dumping munee in it…
You stupid, unserious cunt. Queen YLB, they’re dumping money into it because they’re paid to do it. What the fuck do you think the Inflation Reduction Act was intended to do? Reduce inflation?
It’s a grift from the taxpayer to a small subset of taxpayers who can benefit from the financial handout from the government in order to do largely stupid shit.
It doesn’t have to work, Queen YLB. It just has to pay.
And your fucked kids foot the bill.
I wonder if Queen YLB has ever considered why those senators from Texas and Florida opposed the Inflation Reduction Act if it was going to be so fucking beneficial to their states’ residents by producing so much energy.
It’s because the energy production claims were a lie and only a small subset of their residents would truly benefit.
@65 Can’t leave it alone.. you musta “fucked” yourself big time..
What the fuck do you think the Inflation Reduction Act was intended to do? Reduce inflation?
Folks don’t have to pay as much for insulin. ’bout time I’d say..
’bout time we used less polluting fuels.. how do you get people to switch from doing the cheap harmful (and subsidized) shit?
give them an incentive…
yawwwn.. how fucking stupid are you?
why those senators from Texas and Florida opposed the Inflation Reduction Act
Simple.. they were paid to do that.. yawwwn…
It just has to pay.
It’s been the story of fossil fuels since the start..
Fracking used to be too expensive too.. compared to sticking a straw in the ground and relieving the pressure on the black gunk.. or letting out the gas..
OK whatever Cliff. Talk about cherry picking data from a specific week or weeks during a Puget sound winter. And we get it. You have a deep obsession with pointing to weather in a small region to claim climate change isn’t real and by extension renewables are not enough.
Take for example this ignorant sentence you typed Cliff.
Ahem, hydroelectric. 65 % of the TOTAL electrical production in the state is…virtually none. During a period of VERY high rainfall. Did you SEE the Snoqualmie Falls videos, Cliff? Also, does the Pacific Northwest include the Eastern side of the Cascades? Or are you even further Cherry picking?
You need an editor to keep you from being stupid about this shit. no wonder Dumbfuck’s a fan.
How solar works here Dumbfuck.
During cloudy months it is not very efficient and in extreme rain it may not work at all. Everyone weighs this capacity when installing as well as which direction the flat surfaces of a roof or yard face. Some homes here are just never going to work for solar.
Also, no one here disconnects from the grid. Can a solar equipped home provide at least some percent of daily power 240-250 days a year. Of course. Can a solar equipped house including a reverse meter generate payments to the power company to bank for winter during the summer? YES!
Is the yearly grid draw from every house with solar lower than exactly the same house without solar provided we aren’t talking about houses with zero southern exposure. YES?
Does the northern position of Puget Sound get about 14 hours of solar generating sun exposure during the high production periods of the year? I’ll just let you Google that.
Would you serve as vice president for a president who publicly calls you a “Bird Brain”?
Actually, I believe there’s no Republican who wouldn’t accept such humiliation in return for a little attention.
@32 “Being charged with stuff isn’t the dissuading factor you think it is.”
Not to people who brandish Confederate flags, close ranks around Confederate statues, rally behind white supremacists and neo-Nazis, and get jacked on Hitler quotes.
@37 “And yet oil prices spiked $4.50/barrel since the middle of last week.”
Which goes straight to oil companies’ bottom lines. They get more for their product at no extra expense.
@48 Did anybody really expect solar to generate copious amounts of power during Seattle winters? Solar power is seasonal around here.
@50 Many who considered it a “massive overreaction” are no longer here. All who didn’t still are, unless they left us for other reasons.
@56 So are you pushing for a law that makes solar panels legal only in states with lots of sunshine and unreliable electrical grids?
@63 Here the solar-bashing troll brags he got solar before anybody else.
@ 77
…he got solar before anybody else.
More accurately, I got solar before the uber-generous and easily obtained free money ran out, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit.
In WA state we were paid 54 cents per generated kWh. Plus, we didn’t have to buy that kWh, so tack on another 8 cents of worth.
That’s on top of a $500/kW rebate from the utility, no sales tax, a $5,000 federal tax credit – not deduction, but credit – accelerated MACRS of the purchase price minus the tax credit, and I think there was one more freebie I can’t recall.
The whole thing paid for itself in, like, 5.5 years, and it was free money every year after than until they ran out and had to cut back on the free shit.
Gawd, what a lucrative grift to those of us with the means to afford the initial outlay. All of it subsidized by the Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbits and future Queen YLB’s fucked kids of WA state.
Gawd, what a lucrative grift to those of us with the means to afford the initial outlay.
And a boost to an energy resource with a future..
like fracking… and other stuff..
According to an analysis from DBL Investors, federal support for oil and gas was five times greater than federal support for renewables during the first 15 years of available subsidies. The support for nuclear was more than 10 times greater than renewables.
Thanks for playing kreepshit… oooh. what a “tool” you are…
@78 The guy who a minute ago was bleating about how awful solar is in Washington is now bragging about how great his Washington solar is.
Given that he lives in a small town on an island, his lights probably work only from May to October.
Avoiding a Waterworld future is something the fucked kids will be thankful for.
Wisconsin Democrat majority Supreme Court will draw maps for 2024.
🎶Slip sliding away….🎶
@82 The only thing slipping away is the grotesqueries produced by Wisconsin gerrymander, such as Democrats winning 54% of the votes but only a third of the Assembly seats in the 2018 state elections. And good riddance, because all GOP dictatorship in Wisconsin has produced is misery for the working and middle classes.