The new Seattle drug law has a lot of whereases. They do not have the force of law behind them, but they generally seem like good things. But of course the proof of the pudding is in the eating. And as budgets get proposed and passed, and as the law is implemented and enforced, we will know how valuable those whereases are.
The law is better than when it was first proposed. But I fear that people who were concerned about getting people to treatment will be disappointed.
Anyway, please wash your hands right now and get vaccinated or boosted if you’re eligible.
From the previous thread:
favorite senator was just indicted.
Fine let the wheels of justice turn as they may..
I’ll forever laugh at a silly troll to this day whacking off to twaddle about “child whores”.
Smears published by a shit for brains who was fired from its 7 or 8 figure job for smearing a corporation with the means to sue its degnerate employer’s ass off.
Another thing about shit for brains Tucker..
It claimed it was not anti-semitic but…
then in same breath admitted that it was anti-Roman Catholic..
But why???
In the midst of Tucker’s pity hire by Faux Snooze (he was turned down for employment by everyone else), Roger Ailes told Tuckem’s that he’d never have a show in prime time..
But why??
“Because you’re not Roman Catholic”, Ailes supposedly told him.
Wow.. Incredible if true..
@ 1
Queen YLB licks the taint of serious journalist Michael Wolff.
That’s enough to satisfy HA’s Unserious Twat.
Hear me out, mostly quoting somethin charlie_ferrous posted on Reddit …
“I think conservative men hate trans women because trans women are “failed men.” Men who’ve lost their social value as men, instead becoming objects of disgust, and/or objects of temptation. On one hand, they’re an existential threat reminding cis-men of the fragile and conditional nature of their own masculinity. On the other, they’re a homoerotic threat, because what if a straight guy thinks “a tranny” is hot? Either way, his masculinity is under attack.
I think conservative men hate trans men because trans men are “ruined women.” Women’s social value for them is based on their feminine bodily assets – their beauty, their breasts, their sexual currency as fuckable objects and as mothers. Trans-masc people intentionally de-emphasize or reject these qualities of the feminine, and conservative patriarchy views that like shattering stained glass. “What kind of woman intentionally destroys her own market value?!” The threat isn’t to men’s identity as men, but to the integrity of their property.”
>> One of the greedy racist incel’s go-to insults is to demasculate the people who are beating him. In his mind, the best way to ruin a man is say he has feminine traits.
Jim Wright
“Republicans are going to shut down the government, AGAIN, because Republicans cannot come to any sort of agreement with … Republicans.
Not democrats. Not the president. But republicans.
They literally can’t find any middle ground or compromise with their own party.”
>> Heck of a party you got there republicans. Will they blame rainbows and books and pronouns and drag queens and not enough guns for their disarray?
It’s a lot more than “FB friends from CO”.
A whole lot more than “long form birth certificate”.
Bamboo fibers and tan suits have a right to “answers”.
@ 5
The Even Bigger Fucking Moron, who is Jim Wright?
The Even Bigger Fucking Moron, why is it particularly appropos to mention Jim Wright on a day that one of his fellow Democrats has been indicted?
Merely a coincidence.
@6 And Ray Epps anyone? That and so much more…
“Serious” indeed…
why is it particularly appropos to mention Jim Wright on a day that one of his fellow Democrats has been indicted?
yawwwn.. why babble the bridge tragedy movie is going to amount to anything more than a hamster pellet?
Lessee according to imdb, estimated budget of 13 million and a worldwide gross of 18.264 million..
In hollyweird accounting that’s nothin’ but a net flop..
sorry shitstain…
@ 1
… twaddle about “child whores”.
A reminder that the Justice Department uncovered corroborating evidence that Bob Menendez fucked underage prostitutes.
This is the “twaddle” reported in court filings by prosecutors with the Department of Justice under President Obama.
This is why Queen YLB will always be an unserious twat.
@11 uh shitstain.. despite all the trouble Menendez has been in and all the smears…
he still serves… cuz’ there was no there there..
That’s called reality..
Tucker’s horseshit is just that. And you still believe cuz’ you’ve been divorced from reality since you learned from your frat bros to love fellating bonzo..
A lot of insurrection conspirators went through Stephanie Grisham.
Some very similar things about this. And one or two big differences.
One of the differences might be that it is the Vice President’s job to host trade and diplomatic events.
I’m going to have to keep digging in Article 2 for the part describing the President’s job role in organizing terrorist attacks on the Congress.
@ 12
cuz’ there was no there there..
Mistrial is hardly “no there there”.
Unless the Senate’s failure, twice, to convict Trump means there was “no there there”.
widbee shitstain fantasy: bridge tragedy movie in 2018 is going to bounce the dems and re-erect drumpf..
reality: MBNA Joe Biden wins in 2020 – campaigning from his basement.
the cited reports do not corroborate the specific allegations of child prostitution at all.
What they corroborate is that someone hosting the defendant flew strippers from Florida to the DR. And that the defendant may have been present at the same locations in the DR as some of the Florida strippers.
The UAW wants Biden to walk the picket line.
The Biden Shuffle.
Unless the Senate’s failure, twice, to convict Trump means there was “no there there”.
LMAO.. Senate “trial” is politics as usual..
Trial in a court of law hinges on statements of fact over which a jury determines truth beyond a reasonable doubt..
yawwnn.. yet more poor false equivalences from teh shitstain..
“Serious” indeed
It should be noted that one exception in the recent Senate trials eschewed politics as usual: shitstain’s beloved “man who understands [vulture] kapitalism”.. Heh
@ 16
…the cited reports do not corroborate the specific allegations of child prostitution at all.
Tell it to the DOJ. Page 4 of the indictment included in the link I provided @ 11:
Fine let the wheels of justice turn as they may..
A sentiment shared by myself and I’m sure the other progressives here feel the same. The troll pwns nobody with Menendez but at least he has something to talk about seeing as how he’ll never talk about J6, Trump’s four indictments and the more than ninety count filed against him. That’s not even to mention his unwillingness to talk about all the other fascist traitors who are already in prison or on their way there, as well as the right’s ongoing attack on our democracy.
The foul brew of cowardice and stupidity that is our troll is why the clown-show named dumbfuck is will always be an unserious twat.
The troll needs Menendez. I’m almost saddened by the fact that the dumbfuck can’t pwn anybody here with Menendez and that he’s too stupid to understand why this is so.
Someone leaked the UAW plans, forcing the union to strike everywhere (OK, 38 more locations), beginning noon today.
That will deplete the strike fund much more quickly. Whether the Big 3 are willing to withstand it is yet to be seen.
This won’t do the economy any good.
New reports show Associate Justice Thomas fund raising for the Koch Network.
The Roberts Court being viciously cucked by BBC is a very Republican thing.
Look at the camera, baby. How’s that feel?
Again, read their own reports if you doubt it.
The describe eyewitness reports of the host flying Florida strippers to the DR. And some of those eyewitnesses also place the defendant at some of the same locations.
That’s it.
The eyewitnesses imply prostitution, based on other evidence of payments made by the host for the strippers.
After reading about Nikki Haley’s economic platform here, I have to admit she’s better than most at cloaking stealthy plans to cut Social Security and Medicare benefits.
She won’t admit that, of course. But how else do you eliminate the federal gas tax, cut middle class taxes, and write balanced budgets without “reforming” entitlements?
For the young, of course. Boomers will be grandfathered. They’ll get theirs. It’s their middle-aged children and youthful grandchildren who will work two or three jobs, 60 to 80 hours a week, so they won’t starve in their old age.
From the same DOJ filing:
“As an initial matter, it is most certainly a federal crime to leave the country for the purpose of engaging in a commercial sex act with a minor, and the defendants’ suggestion to the contrary is unsettling..”
Shades of Limbaugh and its thousands of ed pills..
Investigated but not charged apparently because strip teases don’t amount to the “fucking” in the shitstain’s fantasies lapped up from Tucker’s smears.
@ 23
He wasn’t charged for child abuse. I’ll concede the challenges of finding birth certificates for underage whores in shithole countries. It’s far easier, apparently, to just fly in for the weekend and fuck ’em, especially if it’s on a buddy’s dime.
No wonder Queen YLB is such a fan of Robert Menendez.
The GOP’s platform is taking shape. It includes handing over Ukraine to Russia.
Ted Cruz has his 2024 Democratic nominee.
Now all he has to do is get the nominee and the Democratic Party’s delegates to cooperate.
a fan of Robert Menendez.
Not really. Huge fan however of the comedy of seeing you going half cocked for miles over unhinged sex fantasies..
You did the same over the skirt wearing dude who was not trans, had sex previously with the girl – just another sex crazed teen male who took shit too far..
prolly like teh shitstain back in the day.. “too far” ending most prolly with the hand.. still does..
The seriously stupid unserious twat talking about Menendez and rape only serves to remind us that the stupe traitor voted for a rapist to be our nation’s president three times and will do so two more times next year, even if his candidate is in prison for trying to end our democracy with a violent insurrection.
@7 “The Even Bigger Fucking Moron, why is it particularly appropos to mention Jim Wright on a day that one of his fellow Democrats has been indicted?”
I assume you’re mentioning Jim Wright because being a dead Democrat makes him guilty of Menendez’s alleged corruption, and being a live Democrat makes Menendez guilty of Wright’s alleged corruption, in a mind like yours that uses guilt-by-association as one of its basic operating principles.
@11 Oh look, Doctor Dumbfuck is appointing himself Lord High Protector of Children. Unfortunately, he left horses out. Poor horses. Also, expect enforcement actions to be spotty and selective.
@14 In which a colossal dumbfuck thinks a Senate impeachment trial is the same thing as a court trial, and a “jury” of hyper-partisan hacks like Lindsey Graham is the same thing as a jury of impartial citizens.
Corrupt Portland Police union now has to pay a former City Council member $700,000 for trying to frame her for hit and run.
The suit was set for trial this coming Monday.
The union was facing a motion for directed verdict after refusing to produce discovery. The insurance company admitted that if they produced discovery they would lose. And they admitted that if they went to trial they would lose.
This is real police work.
@21 The Big Three automakers aren’t the river of profits the UAW thinks they are, and at some point the strikers will have to adjust their demands, but the wages you’d like to pay workers of all stripes aren’t good for the economy, either.
The reports you claimed “corroborate” charges of child prostitution do not.
And now you have admitted they do not.
The defendant was present in about the same place and at about the same time as strippers who are alleged by some of the eyewitnesses to have been working as prostitutes.
By the line of reasoning you are employing, the DOJ would be justified in starting a child rape investigation of Donald J. Trump.
Or you.
@22 “New reports show Associate Justice Thomas fund raising for the Koch Network.”
Wisconsin Republicans probably would impeach him for that if he was a justice on their court and was doing that for, say, Jimmy Carter’s Habitat for Humanity.
@ 29
You did the same over the skirt wearing dude who was not trans, had sex previously with the girl
Shorter Queen YLB: This was not rape! When they were going out months ago there was this other time when she consented. So this was not rape! Yes once is Yes FOREVAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This seems to be a pattern with you. The lying about alleged criminal behavior of others.
Yes prostitution is prostitution. It is not normally a federally investigated matter.
And rape is rape. But gender conformity has nothing at all to do with it.
Are you compensating?
This was not rape!
Uh shit stain I said the skirt wearing dude took it too far…
ya know, like 20 minutes of fucking action? Like you and all your fucking asshole frat bros and their jungle punch?
So yes it was rape..
But it wasn’t because of some woke policy about trans kids that you went off half cocked (again) about. So go fuck yourself.. you’re an expert.
I hope my shitty staff have cleaned up my itinerary and done a better job with security for my visit home this weekend compared to two weeks ago.
I go home to party and do drugs. Not to make voyeur porn videos.
Killer “greatest hits” mix from CNN:
Predictably, more details trickling out now about the band director tased by B’ham police.
Police killed the lights over the objections of the stadium operator. Police maced students. And in follow up video from other BWC responding officers can be seen complaining to band director (still in handcuffs) outside the stadium that his refusal to comply with their orders to curtail the band performance resulted in the “escalation” to violent physical force.
I’m just going to point out very quickly here that a band performance is a very typically protected form of expression that by itself may not normally be designated as “criminal”. Like kneeling in prayer on the 50, for example.
It does not appear the band director or the musicians were “trespassing” at the point when police intervened and began trying to terminate the performance.
They just didn’t like it. Because the Birmingham home team had just lost 27-0.
Paydays for everybody.
Bidenflation will last much longer than liberals want.
Two key Fed officials express support for keeping interest rates high
Look how desperate you are.
“I know a guy who knows a guy who MIGHT be able to score a favor.”
And the fact that it didn’t happens means…
They couldn’t deliver. Shot their best shot and it clanked off the rim.
@ 43
It does not appear the band director or the musicians were “trespassing” at the point when police intervened and began trying to terminate the performance.
No more than a student sit-in in the dean’s office. After all, as tuition-paying entities they have a right to be there. And I’m at least 50% sure that band leader paid his rent, allowing his landlord to pay the property taxes that support the school.
The Washington state capital gains tax excludes short-term capital gains.
If I were to say, buy Generac shares and sell them more than a year later for a profit of, say, $1,000, I would owe $70 because my other cap gains exceed $250k.
However, if I “gamble”, to use Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit’s preferred term for options trading, on GNRC shares by profiting off of a slew of short-term positions, then I would owe zero cap gains tax to the state.
And if I were to time the market by buying and holding Generac shares for a short period before selling at a profit, I would also avoid taxation.
The WA cap gains tax only penalizes the buy-and-hold investor. Good thing Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit will never, ever make enough to trigger that tax.
@ 39
Yes prostitution is prostitution. It is not normally a federally investigated matter.
Neither is “parading”.
Hey Dumbfuck,
Some Democrats are already calling for Menendez to resign. That’s how one party does it.
Gym Jordan covered up child sexual abuse. Zero calls to resign
The former President fucked Pornstars while wife #3 nurses a kid. AND he blackmailed a foreign country AND he too emoluments AND he incited an insurrection.
Matt Gaetz, travelled across state lines with underage girls for the purpose of sex. No calls to resign.
“Charge him. Try him. Put him in jail if you have the evidence” -Democrats
“Fuck it, if he’s a yea vote we’ll keep him on don’t matter if the kid in his bed took photos.” -Republicans
Meanwhile, take him down. He gets replaced by a Democratic Governor temporarily and then y’all can try to win the seat in…checks…New Jersey.
Biden +16
Booker +16
Menedez +11
I called the troll out for being a coward. As he has offered no rebuttal, I take it that he’s in agreement with me.
Say, about trespassing. It is impossible to trespass when you have been invited until a proper authority requests you to leave and you do not.
In the case of a public school the proper authority is school staff, principal or school board.
Billy Joe the GED cop cannot be the person to determine that this piece of public property is now closed and all must depart.
So, Dumbfuck.
How come on zero reports have anyone from the school district suggesting the lights were turned off at the request of the grounds crew? No school official defending the actions of police?
I get it, if it wears a badge it’s your daddy.
Remember when the greedy racist incel lied about this?
@godwinha spews: Tuesday, 3/3/20 at 1:21 pm
Tennessee deaths from last night’s tornado (so far):
2124US deaths from coronavirus infection (so far):
71,127,152 deaths, reported to WHO.Now, I only have a conservative rural Oregon education but even if you add up all the tornado deaths in 2020, 21, 22 and 23, 1,127,152 is still more than 295.
I know he is immune to shame or he would have slunk away by now, so we don’t listen to him about anything.
Because. He. Lie.
@ 49
Some Democrats are already calling for Menendez to resign. That’s how one party does it.
This time, you mean.
’cause the last time was just too close for comfort. A mistrial – who woulda thunk it?
Let’s look at last time:
Democrats couldn’t say much last time, without risking Harry Reid’s position.
This Jim Wright.
I only PRETENDED to touch her but your guy rapes that woman in a changing room.*
*proven to the satisfaction of a judge in open court.
Remember when the greedy racist incel implied he was pro choice?
That statement also is not at all true.
300 BLM protesters in and around the White House and Capitol were convicted or plead guilty to violation of the section and received custodial sentences for their offenses.
18 USC 1507 is a criminal misdemeanor and it is investigated and charged quite regularly.
So now you are just plain lying about it.
In the background of the BWC you can see the home team band, their band director, their students, and their cheerleaders watching the scheduled performance.
Fifth Quarter events were originally developed as a safe Friday night social outlet for high school teens and to help defuse and prevent instances of post game drinking, petty vandalism, etc.
School districts embraced and encouraged the events and sought to hire band directors interested in developing and promoting the gatherings.
The troll is a bootlicker. And police are opposed to these events because hassling children is always a lot easier than investigating real criminals.
The troll is a bootlicker.
And a badge bunny..
@41 “I go home to party and do drugs. Not to make voyeur porn videos.” Or meet with constituents.
@46 “And I’m at least 50% sure that band leader paid his rent, allowing his landlord to pay the property taxes that support the school.”
And now, in circular firing squad fashion, those taxes will pay the band leader’s rent.
@47 “And if I were to time the market …”
Everyone on Wall Street wants to know how you do that. Me too.
@47 Don’t you realize it’s a Bill Gates tax? But they can’t call it that. It only applies to residents, but Gates won’t move to another state, because he has roots here. And can afford the tax, and doesn’t share your antipathy to paying another 70 bucks of taxes on your $250K-plus gambling income.
It’s not a Jeff Bezos tax, too, because he had the, um, good sense to flee Washington to, um, New York …
To hear doc tell it, stock options are a sure thing, guaranteed to earn big bucks.
They’re just encouraging investors to become day traders.
Redistributing that wealth so to speak since by the fake positions you’ve told us about you lost money on Tesla twice. Margin calls are a bitch.