Salmon are spawning upriver of the Grand Coulee Dam. What an amazing thing. It still needs humans to get them upriver, but oh boy is this something. Can’t wait to see if any of them return in 2024 and beyond.
Anyway, please wash your hands right now. And if you aren’t vaccinated, rectify that today.
Can’t wait to see if any of them return in 2024 and beyond.
Not returning in 2024:
Or Harris.
@ 190 of the previous thread QoS McHillbilly wonders why the forced sodomy of a 15 year-old girl in a school bathroom by a dude wearing a skirt was handled quietly, while his arrest for a second sexual offense at a different school five months later was announced publicly.
May I allow the law enforcement agency to respond, directly, in a statement it issued two days ago:
I’m not entirely sure whether QoS McHillbilly is trying to protect the skirt-wearing dude who committed forcible sodomy on a ninth-grade girl, the superintendent of the school district who tried to cover it up, or both of them.
None of those three possibilities would surprise me.
I’ll suggest a second reason the incidents were handled differently. The May incident included a DNA test kit. Weeks later the results still had not been received. It may be why charges were not filed until six weeks after the forced sodomy occurred. The October incident was limited to inappropriate touching. Maybe the dude couldn’t get his skirt off because it got tangled in the ankle monitor he was wearing when he began his sexual assault.
Dudes who wear skirts are still dudes.
There’s DNA evidence @ 1 that proves it.
One thing I’ve learned from watching First Vegetable Joe Biden this year is that Jim Clyburn makes a terrible kingmaker.
Think of the losses Democrats will suffer next year – control of both houses of Congress will flip.
In 2024 the White House will flip to the GOP as well.
Is it worth it?
Y’all libbies won’t think so on the first Wednesday of November, 2024.
“President Joe Biden publicly conceded Friday that the dollar amount of the proposed $3.5 trillion reconciliation bill was going to shrink during a speech at a child care center in Connecticut. …
“As Biden arrived at the Capitol Child Development Center and hugged children playing outside, he was greeted with ‘f*** Joe Biden’ from a group of Trump supporters ….”
In front of little kids. Nice people, those.
@ 200 in the preceding thread
Sounds like this is a criminal problem, not a trans problem.
Ah, but The Even Bigger Fucking Moron has informed us that criminal problems ARE trans problems. Because criminals who pretend to be trans can’t be differentiated from those fucked-up-but-otherwise-law-abiding people who truly don’t recognize that their middle leg means they’re XY. They both wear skirts, they both have dicks.
And then there are the instances in which trans people are also criminals.
Since we can’t tell, we should protect ourselves against all who claim to be trans in the same way liberals feel the need to protect themselves against all who claim to be Republicans.
Because you just don’t know.
@ 5
In front of little kids. Nice people, those.
This from a member of the group who normalized “pussy” in front of little kids by gleefully wearing Pink Pussy Hats. For four years.
Let’s go. Brandon.
@2 “the suspect and victim were familiar with each other”
Is this related to “why charges were not filed until six weeks after the forced sodomy occurred”? And if so, in what way? Just wondering.
The survivor of Kyle Rittenhouse’s rampage is going for the deep pockets.
“A man who was shot in the arm by Kyle Rittenhouse … has filed a federal lawsuit alleging police enabled the violence by allowing an armed militia to have free run of the streets during the demonstration. …
“Grosskreutz’s lawsuit filed Thursday alleges that Rittenhouse, who lives in Antioch, Illinois, had joined white supremacist militia members who had answered a call on social media to travel to Kenosha ….
“The filing maintains police knew the militia was there to hurt people, pointing to social media responses such as ‘Counter protest? Nah. I fully plan to kill looters and rioters tonight’ and ‘Armed and ready. Shoot to kill tonight.’ …
“Regardless, police welcomed them, allowing them to patrol the streets with their guns after curfew. One officer told the militia ‘we appreciate you guys,’ according to the lawsuit. Police later funneled protestors toward the militia, telling members they could take care of them, the lawsuit alleges.
“Numerous officers saw Rittenhouse before and after the shootings but never asked him for identification, detained him or disarmed him, and let him walk past them even though people were yelling that he had shot people and he still had his rifle slung over his chest, according to the lawsuit.”
Of course, these are only allegations in a lawsuit. They would gain credibility if the city pays the plaintiff $5 million or so.
@ 8
If not for the second sexual assault on a different girl at a different school mere months later, I would be wondering as well.
The dude sorta messed up his “innocent” claim with the second sexual assault. But feel free to back the poor, misguided trans person. After all, it’s not like you are a superintendent charged with keeping children safe from sexual predators, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit.
@ 9
They would gain credibility if the city pays the plaintiff $5 million or so.
Unlikely. Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit, did you ever see the video of the shooting of this guy?
I thought you learned from that unfortunate piece you penned. Apparently not.
It doesn’t help your defense when your co-defendant tells investigators you stood over the victim muttering “f – – – ing n – – – er” as he lay dying from “three shotgun blasts,” or that investigators found text messages on your cellphone using the N-word, or that the truck you were riding in when you chased down the victim had “a front bumper vanity plate of Georgia’s former state flag with the Confederate battle emblem.”
Also, if you plan to claim self-defense, you probably should stop shooting after the first shotgun blast. A jury might consider the next two offense, not defense.
“In the meantime, he’s going to finish up his time in the Marine Corps and figure out what the next chapter holds for him,” Parlatore said.
Anyone want to lay odds on that being a run for some public office?
Meanwhile, the world waits to see if Nick Rolovich is going to trade his $3 million-a-year football coaching job for a shot at a $35,000-a-year county commissioner job.
@7 It takes a real dumbfuck to equate wearing pink hats in front of a crowd of adults with chanting “Fuck Joe Biden” in front of an audience of little kids.
But doc keeps proving he’s a dumbfuck capable of that level of stupidity.
By the way, doc, can you point out where the not-suitable-for-young-minds language is in this photo?
It really sounds like you are retreating here.
So soon?
Yes, the May incident was described the the LCSO as a “complex investigation” with a prolonged delay by the Commonwealth’s Attorney before charges were filed. Not only does this information not support your stupid narrative of a school district “coverup”. It instead tends to support the LCSD statement that they were never informed. Regarding the October classroom incident, “The information released was unlikely to disclose the identity of the victim”. But there was some concern that releasing information about the May incident would identify the victim.
LCPS, under its memorandum of understanding with the LCSO does not initiate any investigation until it has been informed by LCSO that the criminal investigation has been completed. If the criminal investigation was still open then it’s more than likely no LCSD investigation was even underway, and no formal determination could be made to remove a student.
Every day in the United States kids assault other kids in school. Sometimes quite violently. Students can be suspended upon cause immediately when law enforcement authorities inform them of the circumstances while a juvenile criminal investigation takes place. But if investigators encounter obstacles to their investigation, especially in the form of uncooperative witnesses, that can be delayed significantly. And the accused student can return be returned to school. It certainly looks like the LCSD did what it could under the circumstances by moving the accused student to a different school for the new school year. But until the LCSO or the Commonwealth’s Attorney sends them a report, they may have been unable to do more than that.
This isn’t the first and only time something like this has happened in a public school.
It won’t be the last. Anymore than Summer Zervos or Trashelle Odom will be the last women sexually assaulted by a violent degenerate Republican. After all, Matt Gaetz is still on the loose and still has his Venmo available to buy teen hookers and drugs.
Who should we blame for that?
@ 17
Not only does this information not support your stupid narrative of a school district “coverup”. It instead tends to support the LCSD statement that they were never informed.
We don’t know and we can’t know.
But most of the time in circumstances like these it is because the prosecutor does not yet have a complaining witness.
Bit of a problem, that. Leaves you without much of a case, and often no actual way to file.
It’s much more common among juveniles than you might imagine. And it can be less that the victim refuses to give a statement as the victim is unable or the victim statements are multiple and contradictory. Keep in mind that in VA a charge of forced sodomy includes felatio. Presence of a DNA test kit would be consistent with recovery of bodily fluids from either the scene, or the alleged victim, or both. So-called “Romeo and Juliet” laws remove or lessen criminal liability for consensual sexual congress between minors above a certain age and within a certain age gap. In VA the exception in the statute has very complex application. Rather than describe it I’ll link to a citation:
It’s a bit of a mess. And no doubt presents some challenging issues to be sorted out by the Commonwealth’s Attorney before deciding to file. Getting the issue ages and consent settled would be crucial. That could be greatly complicated if the victim is reluctant to fully testify in a way that meets the language in the statute.
@ 19
That could be greatly complicated if the victim is reluctant to fully testify in a way that meets the language in the statute.
Less complicated if a civil suit against the school district is filed. The victims in each case would seem to have a claim.
There is some reason that the perpetrator was wearing an ankle monitor at the time of his second arrest. Maybe because the flashing LED goes nicely with his skirt?
It was not long ago that you claimed that the shooting victim in Olympia shot himself, QoS McHillbilly. You recall being very wrong then, do you not?
@17 As you pointed out, “Every day in the United States kids assault other kids in school. Sometimes quite violently.” E.g., this assault in a Spokane middle school last Tuesday, which is a far more common kind of school assault than the one Doctor Dumbfuck is fixating on. But he doesn’t care about this kind of assault. Like all his outrages, his outrage over that assault is highly selective.
If that’s the best you’ve got then I guess I have my answer.
Full retreat.
At least you learned something. Juvenile crimes are a lot more complicated that most people realize. It’s made worse by the fact that law enforcement authorities give very low priority to juvenile investigations, and prosecutors and courts are often some of the most inexperienced and unqualified. It gets worse still when any allegation of sexual assault is involved. Victims and the accused alike often see their lives destroyed by shitty police work and stupid prosecutors appearing in front of indifferent and lazy judges.
@20 Proud Boys are asking to get shot. They go looking for it. You could almost say they volunteer for it. You can’t say they don’t deserve it. Same with violent antifa types. You can say they deserve each other.
Not really.
Under Monell doctrine your plaintiffs must establish that whatever “fault” can be assigned to the municipal public agency, it arises from a clearly established policy or guideline within that public agency. So far, you haven’t even been able to show us that the school district was notified in a way that complies with their obligations under Title IX.
Learning of this sad truth probably had something to do with Mr. Smith going to a big public meeting, losing his shit, and taking off his pants. It’s frustrating.
@ 22
…I guess I have my answer.
WaPo didn’t report on this until yesterday. Now that there’s a poll (538 gives Trafalgar an A- rating) showing McAuliffe behind there will be more attention paid to the reasons why, and as this Loudoun incident gains traction we will hear more.
I’m willing to bet this gets worse for the LCSD, not better.
I recall you lying about this more than once.
I recall merely speculating that the victim probably shot himself because… well… Proud Boy. Stupid is as stupid does. I linked back to the comment last time you pulled this desperate claim out of the bin. I’m not doing it again.
We all get it by now.
Whenever Poor Bobby feels reality closing in on his Klownservatic Singularity he resorts to making shit up. Didn’t used to be this way. But this is what happens when you cross over to Trump.
Sure he did. Five years ago. Been losing steadily every since.
“The Trafalgar Group is an opinion polling and survey company founded by Robert Cahaly and based in Atlanta, Georgia. It first publicly released polls in 2016. The company has tended to produce polls that show more support for Trump than other pollsters do. Since successfully predicting the result of the 2016 presidential election, its polling has been less accurate.
“The company says it utilizes methods to increase the weighting of so-called ‘shy, pro-Trump’ voters which they argue to be underrepresented in most polls. The company does not disclose its methods.
“Leading up to the 2020 presidential election, pollsters associated with Trafalgar Group garnered significant media attention for their assertions that Trump would prevail over Joe Biden in the 2020 election, a claim that contradicted the polling consensus. This prediction of a Trump victory proved to be wrong, with Trafalgar incorrectly predicting victories for Trump in five battleground states won by Biden.”
“Robert Cahaly is an American pollster and founder of the Trafalgar Group. He was previously a political consultant for Republican Party candidates.”
Fwiw …
The stakes?
Nothing less than Poor Bobby’s sterling reputation and unimpeachable credibility.
RCP posted only 2 new polls in the VA governor’s race yesterday:
Trafalgar – tie
FOX News – McAuliffe +5
Fwiw …
@28 I’ll see that and raise him a toothpick, thereby doubling the pot.
[rabbit picking teeth]
@ 24
So far, you haven’t even been able to show us that the school district was notified in a way that complies with their obligations under Title IX.
The last thing the LCSD wants is for this to come out right now, and further increase the visibility of a school district that screws over every other kid so it can kiss the asses of boy felons who want to wear skirts so they can rape girls. After early November, when it matters less, we’ll learn more. Right now McAuliffe’s in so much trouble that nothing will change for at least 2 1/2 more weeks.
Same school district, perp now wearing an ankle monitor, and sexually assaults another girl. Your claim that the district did not know about the sodomy incident is silly. The FOIAs will uncover things soon enough. The school district will have a reason to stonewall. The LC Sheriff’s Department won’t.
Why Sinema won’t be holding constituent meetings any time soon.
Buried under other news stories is this one:
“A hand recount of Bonner County’s 2020 ballots found eight more votes for former President Donald Trump and one more for President Joe Biden. Bonner County’s certified results showed Trump received 5,476 votes and Biden garnered 2,055. Saturday’s recount included 5,484 votes for Trump and 2,056 for Biden, according to Bonner County Clerk Mike Rosedale.
“The Idaho Secretary of State’s Office said on Twitter that the nine ballots were attributed to faintly marked ballots and human error. The margin of error was 0.116%. Of the more than 27,000 ballots, Bonner County election officials manually inspected 7,700, the Idaho Secretary of State’s Office wrote.
“Bonner County, where Trump beat Biden by more than 10,000 votes in November, is the third Idaho county to manually recount ballots. The Idaho Secretary of State’s Office already hand counted ballots in Butte and Camas counties late last month in response to My Pillow CEO Mike Lindell’s election fraud claims that have been proven false. Lindell alleged Bonner County undercounted 2,200 votes for Trump, who collected 18,369 votes compared with Biden’s 8,310.”
I guess Lindell just can’t believe Trump beat Biden by only 30 points in the neo-Nazi capital of the United States.
What’s truly delightful in that comment at 25 is how nakedly it reveals that Bob’s “furious anger” is really just another stupid “conservative” con trolled out to gin up political poll numbers.
As he himself has said: “I feel nothing”.
Hell, he’d probably skull fuck Mr. Smith’s daughter himself if he thought it would move a vote or two. Truly deplorable.
@ 29
Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit mentions two VA gov polls. Good point, his. Here is a bit of commentary that is interesting but ultimately doesn’t shed more light on the discrepancy:
Oh stop.
Juvenile criminal investigations and school disciplinary records involving minor children are not subject to FOIA.
You’re just went from “Dumber” to “Rob Schneider” in a single thread.
No sale.
You just admitted that your reason for leaning into this is to move poll numbers in an unrelated election.
You’re the one fucking kids.
You’re “one of the baddies”.
Own it.
Republican-on-Republican crime.
The perp is a nutcase. Here’s his website:
And, to avoid any confusion, self-identifies as a Republican:
“Gov. Jay Inslee issued a new directive Thursday requiring anyone attending large games, concerts and other events that require tickets or reservations to be vaccinated and ready to prove it. The requirement begins Nov. 15 and applies specifically to outdoor events with more than 10,000 attendees, and indoor events drawing 1,000 people or more.
“It does not include religious services or events held on K-12 school grounds. It also does not cover large venues like shopping malls, museums or grocery stores. … The vaccine mandate does not apply to children younger than 12. …
“Many large venues in the state have already had this requirement to attend. For example, similar requirements are in place at Spokane Pavilion events, Washington State University games, University of Washington games, Seahawks games and Kraken games.”
Looks like Nick Rolovich won’t be allowed to attend WSU football games anymore.
@31 “The last thing the LCSD wants is for this to come out right now, and further increase the visibility of a school district that screws over every other kid so it can kiss the asses of boy felons who want to wear skirts so they can rape girls.”
I would guess that Title IX requirements probably have more to do with it than this does. This looks like you making up shit as you go along.
@34 “Hell, he’d probably skull fuck Mr. Smith’s daughter himself if he thought it would move a vote or two. Truly deplorable.”
I think he’d do it just for a little variety. A horse gets boring after a while. There’s basically only one way to fuck it.
@ 33
I guess Lindell just can’t believe Trump beat Biden by only 30 points in the neo-Nazi capital of the United States.
More useful is the error of 0.63% in one county. Might be totally innocent, but that’s a lot.
Imagine an error of 0.63% in the state of Georgia or in the state of Arizona in 2020, for example.
The importance of doing this is in the magnitude of error, the reason for error, and if present the direction of error. Learn from it and reduce it in the future.
We’re only 17 years from not one but two recounts in Washington state. There was a reason for that. Error.
I wouldn’t have wanted to recount Idaho. But I think the existence of the data, now that we have it, is useful.
@35 So now we’re no longer talking about Youngkin wiping out McAuliffe in a forthcoming election, but rather Trump wiping out Biden in a forthcoming election?
Another lie.
I’d say it’s possible the LCSD didn’t know. But whether or not they knew is not in the public domain, and may even be irrelevant.
Because as I said before very, very plainly, even plainly enough for a day-drinking, gone-Galt, child molester like you Bob, in accordance with VA statutes and the memorandum of understanding reached with the LCSO, the LCSD does not even INITIATE any investigation into any such incident until they have been informed by the LCSO that their own criminal investigation is complete.
What is likely to have happened is that LCSO did not issue that notification in time to prevent what occured in October. They might not have issued it at all. And under Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 and formal guidance published last year by the U.S. Department of Education under the oversight of Sec. DeVoss, the LCSD can’t remove a public school student from public school until they have completed an investigation that produces “clear and convincing” evidence of a sexual assault.
That’s a higher standard than previously existed. It puts a greater burden on public school districts like LCSD to document clear and unambiguous evidence supporting a claim of sexual assault, such as that alleged in the May bathroom incident. Quite ironic, eh? But regardless of Trump/GOP’s direct involvement in raising the school disciplinary bar, and whatever the standard, it would be challenging to meet if the alleged victim were uncooperative or inconsistent in their statements. It takes a slower, and more careful process to meet a more challenging standard of evidence.
@42 “that’s a lot”
9 votes, to be exact. Out of 1,401 votes total.
@42 “that’s a lot”
9 votes, to be exact. Out of 1,401 votes total.
In a county where 13.3% of the votes were for Biden, so it probably wasn’t Democrats who made the mistake. Whoever did the counting gave Trump 9 votes too many. And all of the errors in that county were in Trump’s favor.
Also note that doc has again changed the subject, from Lindell’s ridiculous claim that Trump was robbed of 2,200 votes in Bonner County, to a nitpicky percentage from another county that looks “big” (relatively speaking) only because that county barely has enough voters to fill a couple dozen school buses.
@ 43
So now we’re no longer talking about Youngkin wiping out McAuliffe in a forthcoming election, but rather Trump wiping out Biden in a forthcoming election?
No. Only you are. It’s your inability to understand that leads you to write inane shit like “fleeing felon” concepts WRT a thug shot numerous times in the front of his torso while in the process of bull-rushing a cop, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit.
The rest of us are trying to decipher conflicting poll data.
It’s 9 votes against a 267,000 vote margin.
Bob obviously has begun drinking.
@ 46
9 votes, to be exact. Out of 1,401 votes total.
You made at least two errors, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit. This is why I wrote @ 47 about your inability to understand.
Your first mistake is not understanding that it was 9 incorrectly tabulated votes out of a sample of 7,000 /- in Bonner County, which had 27,000 /- votes. That’s where the error rate came from, Dumbfuck. 9/7700 = 0.001168, or 0.1168%. That is NOT a small percentage. In any close race it’s a substantial percentage. It’s 40% of the difference between Biden and Trump in Arizona last year, for example. It’s nearly 50% of the difference between them in the initial Georgia count.
Your second mistake was not explaining how the number 1,401 votes total factors into anything discussed.
Pull your head out of your ass. Once in awhile.
@ 48
That I popped an IPA 20 minutes ago is irrelevant. Conversely, an error in one county of 0.63% is quite relevant, because that error rate exceeds the gap between a win and a loss in AZ and in GA.
It’s worth learning why that rate was so high and trying to reduce it, across the board, in future elections.
I have no comment about past elections. First Vegetable Joe Biden is my president.
A year later individual county totals don’t really matter much. Presidents are not elected by counties. Instead, and because of the state winner-take-all laws, presidents are elected by states. Candidates win states. Or they lose states. And based upon those results the winner is determined in the voting of the electoral college.
So why the obsession with counties?
Because initially, in real time, the results are being reported by counties. Some counties are big. Some counties are tiny. And since the era of radio/tv/internet media companies have tried to closely follow county reporting in order to improve the accuracy of their forecasting. Butte county Idaho going 90% to Trump may not matter much to such a forecast. Fuck. Let’s be real. Idaho may not matter much. But accurate results from a giant county in a close state mean a lot to forecasters reporting for networks etc.
But there’s of course another reason why counties matter to Republicans. Poor Bobby gives it away at 42.
Seventeen years later and the wound is as fresh as ever. Still stinging. Still bleeding. And just see what this crusade of false victimhood has done for them in Washington.
But in fairness, while the fakery in the wake of the Rossi humiliations may have destroyed the Republican Party in Washington, it did produce a cottage industry of aggrievement grift personified by Tim Eyman. And without that, HA would not exist.
I guess we should all thank Bob now.
And in case you have any doubt at all what the Republican turn to aggrievement grift can do for a state party facing increasingly challenging demographics, I offer you Nevada:
This oily turd is their Trump annointed challenger for Cortez Masto. The state party itself is in an absolute shambles. It’s split into two warring factions, with the old guard controlling the websites and some of the fund raising. And a Proud Boy affiliated upstart neo-Nazi rabble seizing control of meetings and beating up anyone who tries to stop them just like actual historically accurate Brownshirts – only real!
Something like half the state assembly Republicans have decided not to run again. And their donor network has pulled out. But other than that, #WINNING! TIGER BLOOD! WINNING!
Yes. It is. It really is. Because rate of error must be relevant to something. It’s not just a golf score. And that something is always the population against which the rate of error is calculated.
In this case the error measured is not relevant to the statewide total because it did not arise from a sampling (random or otherwise) of statewide ballots. According to Bob it arose from a sampling of ballots in a single county. So the rate of error detected is only relevant to the sampled population, which is the county canvass. Not the statewide canvass. And not Georgia. Because this wasn’t a sample from Georgia. Idaho and Georgia are two different things. This is pretty basic science.
Even Trump grasped this. And he’s dumb as fuck. He didn’t demand that the Georgia Secretary of State calculate the error rate for Fulton County. He told him to go find him 11,780 additional votes so he could win the state. (By this point he knew he couldn’t get them out of Fulton)
I know if Bob attended any medical school he was exposed to this. I know it with absolute certainty. It has been core to the teaching of stats for the sciences since the 1960s at least.
He would have demonstrated an understanding of all this before being granted admission to a medical school.
So maybe he forgot?
Greedy racist incel,
In just one recent month, seven pregnant 12-year-olds and their caregivers sought help at the Dallas Children’s Advocacy Center going forward, all seven girls will be forced, against their will, to carry to term the offspring of their rapists.
A boy in a dress allegedly sodomized two high school girls in two different schools. No indication if they got pregnant.
Want to get a barometer reading of where your morals fall.
Which is worse, or are they equal?
Place your bets, will greedy racist incel will shoot squid ink and/or not answer the question?
@47 “… ‘fleeing felon” … bull-rushing a cop, …”
WTF does that have to do with any election? Seriously, I think you have ADHD. On any given day, you can’t stay on task or topic for more than half a sentence.
@48 A little short of the 2,200 votes Pillow Guy claimed.
@49 “That is NOT a small percentage.”
That IS a small percentage. Trump won that county 67.2% – 30.4%; what fucking difference does a 0.12% error in Trump’s favor make?
Wanna call it “fraud”? Go right ahead. I’ll even agree to throw out Idaho’s 4 asswipe electoral votes. Permanently.
You are one colossal dumbass.
@50 “That I popped an IPA 20 minutes ago is irrelevant.”
It’s the sixpack before that one that’s relevant.
@50 “It’s worth learning why that rate was so high and trying to reduce it, across the board, in future elections.”
They told you why, idiot: “The Idaho Secretary of State’s Office said on Twitter that the nine ballots were attributed to faintly marked ballots and human error.”
Although I’m guessing, “faintly marked” probably means “pencil” instead of “pen.” I guess they don’t have ballpoints in some of those farmhouses. But it probably doesn’t matter anyway, the mail delivery being what it is.
Mailing his ballot probably cost Dimfuk an extra ferry trip, all the mailboxes in Washington having disappeared before the election.
Ever vindictive, Trump goes off the rails because McCabe is getting his pension after all.
You’d almost think it was personal. You know, because McCabe investigated him instead of Hillary, or something like that.