I’m watching video clips on NBC News from Sarah Palin’s press conference this afternoon, and trying to figure out what this hillbilly does that annoys me so much.
She’s a liar, for one thing. She asserts the clothes were showered on her, and she never asked for anything except a Diet Pepsi. McCain campaign staffers say otherwise. She hit up her own campaign staffers to put clothing purchases on their personal credit cards. She insults our intelligence by thinking she can get away with barefaced lies like this.
She blames the media. Listening to her, McCain ran a perfect campaign and it’s all the media’s fault that he lost. Furthermore, the media is at fault for not swallowing her lies.
The sheer arrogance of this woman is stunning. She must think we’re all as dumb as rocks. She’s been hanging around the wingnut fringe too much. They are that dumb. The rest of us are not.
It’s her smugness, that’s what it is. It’s the smugness of her lying that grates on me. I loathe smug liars.
RobertSeattle Says: Where can I contribute $44 to Palin 2012 campaign? :-)
Uncle Fester Lurks Says: 100% of democrats agree with those 64% of republicans who want Sarah Palin to run for president in 2012. :)
help.me.jebus Says: YES!…. Please run Sarah PLEEEEEEEASE!
Badmoodman Says: Palin vs. Obama in a debate. Will the networks televise that type of carnage, especially in prime time?
Stupid Git Says: Joe The Plumber for VP!!!
Michael Lafferty Says: It will be strangely satisfying to watch this group of lemmings head over the cliff in four years. They have apparently learned nothing. Nothing.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
From today’s New York Times re: Health Care:
HEALTH CARE: An Overhaul Will Have to Wait
Democrats’ campaign rhetoric aside, few health care analysts expect the new president and Congress to undertake a sweeping overhaul of the health care industry any time soon.
The more pressing needs of a faltering economy make it unlikely that big changes in health care can quickly make their way to the top of the new agenda.
Obama’s biggest challenge will be to convince his ardent supporters that many of his campaign promises will have to wait….a loooooooooooong time.
Obama is now dealing in reality…not campaign-speak. There is a huge difference.
Watch similiar things happen on taxes because it has to if we are going to turn things around. You folks fail to realize that for every government idea to take money from the rich, rich folks (including Democrat’s) have Tax Lawyers & CPA’s working full-time to figure out how to legally circumvent them.
You seem to think it is easy to write foolproof tax Legislation. It’s not.
I could write for hours on some of the plans to AVOID (not EVADE) proposed Tax Legislation.
Probably only Roger Rabbit can understand this. Explain it to them Rog………..
And trust me, wealthy Dems are into the “tax planning” up to their a$$holes…including heroes Gates & Buffett. That’s how they became BILLIONAIRES! They want to be in on the ground floor of writing loopholes for themselves and their mega-corporate structure.
Jim, (a genuine musician)spews:
With Joe The Alleged Plumber as the v-p running mate.
Please, God.
Broadway Joespews:
The only thing I’d want involving Palin and Malkin is a threesome. The profits from that tape would certainly move me up a few tax brackets.
Broadway Joespews:
I’ve read Michael “Right Hook” Lafferty. He used to be the token rightie for the Reno News & Review. Oddly enough, he was actually fairly sensible compared to the woman that replaced him, the president of the UNR College Republicans. She’s a total witch (with apologies to my wife).
Broadway Joespews:
By the way, Super Obama World is hilarious.
Isn’t that the name of Darcy Moonbat!’s candidacy?
I bet a better Moonbat! in 2010 gives better results. Darryl, why not run?
For all of you who read this post, Darcy Burner is now toast.
Darcy Burner FYI, see what happens when you lie?
Dave has beat you fair and square, go take Henry to the fair.
Far all of us, I’d like to say, Pease just Darcy GO AWAY!
Wingnuts ghouls:
Regarding Darcy Burner – you are ignored. Reichert is the Congressman you deserve. Congrats.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@6 I don’t have any trouble circumventing taxes. No work, no income. No income, no taxes. I sure as hell ain’t gonna work under a tax code that screws workers.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@8 There might not be any profits after satisfying the goat’s financial demands.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@12 Enjoy your federal earmarks for the next 2 years. All 10 cents of them.
31st District Voterspews:
YLB: How about the Democrats nominating someone worthy of the 8th? Say someone with a HALFWAY decent resume?
As I mentioned yesterday, the Burner campaign made some tactical missteps during the final weeks of the campaign, and the late vote ended up breaking toward Reichert. Those mistakes won’t be repeated.
Ahem. Let’s keep going, shall we?
But perhaps the biggest factor that [Chris] Hurst, [Rodney] Tom and other nay-sayers ignore is the most obvious one of all: turnout. Despite the national Democratic tide, turnout was actually much lighter than expected in WA-08. Only 251,383 people voted in in 2006, compared to 336,499 in 2004. Democrats simply don’t turn out in the same percentages as Republicans during non-presidential years, and thus with greater turnout and presidential coattails, we can expect that 2008 will be a very good year for the Democratic nominee. And with the war in Iraq continuing its tailspin into disaster, who’s to say that 2008 won’t be the “best year in 40 years to run as a Democrat”…?
Finally, wave or no wave, Burner started out with zero money, zero name ID, and zero support from the Democratic establishment. She worked hard to earn her credibility, and the media and institutional attention that made her viable, and she continues to work hard today. All of those disadvantages have been erased, and if Hurst really doesn’t understand how this changes the dynamics of the 2008 campaign, one has to wonder why anybody would take anything Hurst has to say seriously?
Maybe, just maybe, Goldy, Chris Hurst (who won quite easily here in the 31st, again) actually LIVES, WORKS and KNOWS the 8th District, and knew Burner had her chance and lost, and maybe it was time to look at someone else who could win?
Oh, that’s right, it’s the Seattle Times fault, it’s the stupid voters in the 8th (go check the results for Obama and Gregoire in the 8th first), etc., but don’t look at your candidate’s faults…
Yeah, it’s over in WA-08. At least one galling jerk still left in Congress. I hope Joel Connelly is happy.
For a decade WA-08 was a gimme for the Republicans. Jennifer Dunn pulled gobs of cash out of it for the RNCC and trotted around helping other Republicans get elected.
Now WA-08 is in play, the RNCC has to spend gobs of money to keep it, they have to send in heavy hitters to keep the seat and it’s occupied by a backbench dullard. I kinda think, I like it the way it is today better than when Jennifer Dunn held the seat.
If we went by what the crusty, constipated, tight-ass’s responsible for King County’s MSM political discourse (and much of both parties discourse) have to say (the people who are all for liberalism as long as no one gets carried away and nothing ever changes) WA-08 would still be a gimme for the Republicans.
I’m happy as hell that Darcy Burner and her supports put themselves out there and gave it a shot. I think they did great work, made it possible for other Dem’s to get elected and laid the ground work for us taking the district in 2010.
Good work and thanks for the effort!
(roughly) Total votes from eastern WA for Rossi:
Total votes from King county for Gregoire:
Most Annoying Person In America
I’m watching video clips on NBC News from Sarah Palin’s press conference this afternoon, and trying to figure out what this hillbilly does that annoys me so much.
She’s a liar, for one thing. She asserts the clothes were showered on her, and she never asked for anything except a Diet Pepsi. McCain campaign staffers say otherwise. She hit up her own campaign staffers to put clothing purchases on their personal credit cards. She insults our intelligence by thinking she can get away with barefaced lies like this.
She blames the media. Listening to her, McCain ran a perfect campaign and it’s all the media’s fault that he lost. Furthermore, the media is at fault for not swallowing her lies.
The sheer arrogance of this woman is stunning. She must think we’re all as dumb as rocks. She’s been hanging around the wingnut fringe too much. They are that dumb. The rest of us are not.
It’s her smugness, that’s what it is. It’s the smugness of her lying that grates on me. I loathe smug liars.
Look on the bright side. Republicans still overwhelmingly want her to be the nominee in 2012.
@2 O Great Mother Rabbit Spirit please yes! Yes! Yes yes yes!!!
With Michelle Malkin as her running mate!
@2 (continued) Here are some of the comments under that story:
Zooey Says: Wow. Finally, something on which I agree with Republicans. :D
krazeeinjun Says: Ohhh please, please, please, pretty please!!
web_geek Says: Run, Sarah! Run!
RobertSeattle Says: Where can I contribute $44 to Palin 2012 campaign? :-)
Uncle Fester Lurks Says: 100% of democrats agree with those 64% of republicans who want Sarah Palin to run for president in 2012. :)
help.me.jebus Says: YES!…. Please run Sarah PLEEEEEEEASE!
Badmoodman Says: Palin vs. Obama in a debate. Will the networks televise that type of carnage, especially in prime time?
Stupid Git Says: Joe The Plumber for VP!!!
Michael Lafferty Says: It will be strangely satisfying to watch this group of lemmings head over the cliff in four years. They have apparently learned nothing. Nothing.
From today’s New York Times re: Health Care:
HEALTH CARE: An Overhaul Will Have to Wait
Obama’s biggest challenge will be to convince his ardent supporters that many of his campaign promises will have to wait….a loooooooooooong time.
Obama is now dealing in reality…not campaign-speak. There is a huge difference.
Watch similiar things happen on taxes because it has to if we are going to turn things around. You folks fail to realize that for every government idea to take money from the rich, rich folks (including Democrat’s) have Tax Lawyers & CPA’s working full-time to figure out how to legally circumvent them.
You seem to think it is easy to write foolproof tax Legislation. It’s not.
I could write for hours on some of the plans to AVOID (not EVADE) proposed Tax Legislation.
Probably only Roger Rabbit can understand this. Explain it to them Rog………..
And trust me, wealthy Dems are into the “tax planning” up to their a$$holes…including heroes Gates & Buffett. That’s how they became BILLIONAIRES! They want to be in on the ground floor of writing loopholes for themselves and their mega-corporate structure.
With Joe The Alleged Plumber as the v-p running mate.
Please, God.
The only thing I’d want involving Palin and Malkin is a threesome. The profits from that tape would certainly move me up a few tax brackets.
I’ve read Michael “Right Hook” Lafferty. He used to be the token rightie for the Reno News & Review. Oddly enough, he was actually fairly sensible compared to the woman that replaced him, the president of the UNR College Republicans. She’s a total witch (with apologies to my wife).
By the way, Super Obama World is hilarious.
Isn’t that the name of Darcy Moonbat!’s candidacy?
I bet a better Moonbat! in 2010 gives better results. Darryl, why not run?
For all of you who read this post, Darcy Burner is now toast.
Darcy Burner FYI, see what happens when you lie?
Dave has beat you fair and square, go take Henry to the fair.
Far all of us, I’d like to say, Pease just Darcy GO AWAY!
Wingnuts ghouls:
Regarding Darcy Burner – you are ignored. Reichert is the Congressman you deserve. Congrats.
@6 I don’t have any trouble circumventing taxes. No work, no income. No income, no taxes. I sure as hell ain’t gonna work under a tax code that screws workers.
@8 There might not be any profits after satisfying the goat’s financial demands.
@12 Enjoy your federal earmarks for the next 2 years. All 10 cents of them.
YLB: How about the Democrats nominating someone worthy of the 8th? Say someone with a HALFWAY decent resume?
Oh, yes, Goldy had it right way back last year:
Ahem. Let’s keep going, shall we?
Maybe, just maybe, Goldy, Chris Hurst (who won quite easily here in the 31st, again) actually LIVES, WORKS and KNOWS the 8th District, and knew Burner had her chance and lost, and maybe it was time to look at someone else who could win?
Oh, that’s right, it’s the Seattle Times fault, it’s the stupid voters in the 8th (go check the results for Obama and Gregoire in the 8th first), etc., but don’t look at your candidate’s faults…
Yeah, it’s over in WA-08. At least one galling jerk still left in Congress. I hope Joel Connelly is happy.
For a decade WA-08 was a gimme for the Republicans. Jennifer Dunn pulled gobs of cash out of it for the RNCC and trotted around helping other Republicans get elected.
Now WA-08 is in play, the RNCC has to spend gobs of money to keep it, they have to send in heavy hitters to keep the seat and it’s occupied by a backbench dullard. I kinda think, I like it the way it is today better than when Jennifer Dunn held the seat.
If we went by what the crusty, constipated, tight-ass’s responsible for King County’s MSM political discourse (and much of both parties discourse) have to say (the people who are all for liberalism as long as no one gets carried away and nothing ever changes) WA-08 would still be a gimme for the Republicans.
I’m happy as hell that Darcy Burner and her supports put themselves out there and gave it a shot. I think they did great work, made it possible for other Dem’s to get elected and laid the ground work for us taking the district in 2010.
Good work and thanks for the effort!
(roughly) Total votes from eastern WA for Rossi:
Total votes from King county for Gregoire: