Among the many ways to look (experience) all of this would be that: In the year of the 40th anniversary of Woodstock, all of the preeminent jam bands of the last 40+ years have chosen this summer to all reconnect on tour!! Regardless of your preferences, the Dead, Allman Brothers, Phish, String Cheese will be passing through the region re-inspiring legends and tales, and hopefully bringing some serious quantities of phun to our troubled times. In some ways it can’t get any better than that.
So it looks like Puffybutt’s wife finally got caught.
Marvin Stamnspews:
1. spyder spews:
Among the many ways to look (experience) all of this would be that: In the year of the 40th anniversary of Woodstock, all of the preeminent jam bands of the last 40+ years have chosen this summer to all reconnect on tour!!
What about man made global warming?
All those private jets, big tour buses, all those people driving to the concert, all that trash from the unwashed masses?
PLEASE, stop the myth. That “Gin and Juice” cover is by “The Gourds.” I’ve seen them do it at the Tractor, TWICE.
It appears as a studio track (your link) on their debut “Gogitchyershinebox” LP (1998, re-released with additional tracks as “Shinebox” in 2001) and a live version, also often misattributed to Phish appears on “The Gourds Live at the Bluebird Theater.” (on the Gourds website, you can see a poor quality video of Snoop listening to the track.)
Best bumper sticker EVER:
“Jerry’s Dead, Phish Sucks, Get a Job!”
headless lucyspews:
I listened to a bit of the music and it sounded like a poor imitation of Pat Metheny.
You need an electric 12 string and some skill to pull that off — or, be a fish.
headless lucyspews:
re 5 Kiss my ass, party pooper!
proud leftistspews:
Shit, Lee,
Phish shucks. As a coffeehouse and barroom guitar player, I feel competent enough to say–that ain’t that hard to do what they’re doing. And, they’re doing it for too long. They ain’t The Dead. (Not that I wouldn’t trade places.)
“Puppet Show and Phish”
music for honkies.
Marvin Stamnspews:
8. headless lucy spews:
re 5 Kiss my ass, party pooper!
Don’t talk to me the way you talk to the kids you “coach.”
Say, do you have any black friends yet.
hey cesspool trollz, is it for this your lives you sought?
Daddy Lovespews:
Democrats: Saving American Capitalism Since 1933.
I’m not sure which is the greater assault on the senses… Phish or the dogfucker. It is fitting to place them both in the same post, however. Doubleplus yuck to both of them.
Will happily rant on Phish any day – and this from a lover of pretty much all the other jambands. I can’t tell you how much I wish they had just stayed done. Here’s the why: their lyrics suck balls. And it’s hard not to see how their lyrical laziness is contributing to the delinquency of minors.
Among the many ways to look (experience) all of this would be that: In the year of the 40th anniversary of Woodstock, all of the preeminent jam bands of the last 40+ years have chosen this summer to all reconnect on tour!! Regardless of your preferences, the Dead, Allman Brothers, Phish, String Cheese will be passing through the region re-inspiring legends and tales, and hopefully bringing some serious quantities of phun to our troubled times. In some ways it can’t get any better than that.
Go Phish!
Phish – Gin & Juice cover
To quote My Big Fat Greek Wedding:
“Ew. Please let that be the end of your story.”
So it looks like Puffybutt’s wife finally got caught.
What about man made global warming?
All those private jets, big tour buses, all those people driving to the concert, all that trash from the unwashed masses?
PLEASE, stop the myth. That “Gin and Juice” cover is by “The Gourds.” I’ve seen them do it at the Tractor, TWICE.
It appears as a studio track (your link) on their debut “Gogitchyershinebox” LP (1998, re-released with additional tracks as “Shinebox” in 2001) and a live version, also often misattributed to Phish appears on “The Gourds Live at the Bluebird Theater.” (on the Gourds website, you can see a poor quality video of Snoop listening to the track.)
Best bumper sticker EVER:
“Jerry’s Dead, Phish Sucks, Get a Job!”
I listened to a bit of the music and it sounded like a poor imitation of Pat Metheny.
You need an electric 12 string and some skill to pull that off — or, be a fish.
re 5 Kiss my ass, party pooper!
Shit, Lee,
Phish shucks. As a coffeehouse and barroom guitar player, I feel competent enough to say–that ain’t that hard to do what they’re doing. And, they’re doing it for too long. They ain’t The Dead. (Not that I wouldn’t trade places.)
“Puppet Show and Phish”
music for honkies.
Don’t talk to me the way you talk to the kids you “coach.”
Say, do you have any black friends yet.
hey cesspool trollz, is it for this your lives you sought?
Democrats: Saving American Capitalism Since 1933.
I’m not sure which is the greater assault on the senses… Phish or the dogfucker. It is fitting to place them both in the same post, however. Doubleplus yuck to both of them.
Will happily rant on Phish any day – and this from a lover of pretty much all the other jambands. I can’t tell you how much I wish they had just stayed done. Here’s the why: their lyrics suck balls. And it’s hard not to see how their lyrical laziness is contributing to the delinquency of minors.