Some news items from this past week:
– A 68-year-old man in Oregon was shot and killed by police and his 80-year-old girlfriend was arrested on marijuana charges. The police raided their house at 10:30pm on Wednesday night. Neighbors were shocked at hearing the news, although a drug task force had apparently discovered “dozens” of marijuana plants on their property in October. No news articles have said whether or not the police found any more plants on Wednesday, or whether or not the victims were cardholders in Oregon’s medical marijuana program.
– Here in Washington, the trial of Bruce Olson starts this Monday, March 9 in Port Orchard and could last at least a week. Olson was raided by the WestNET drug task force, and is being prosecuted despite being authorized by a doctor to grow and use medical marijuana. The Cannabis Defense Coalition is working to get supporters to the courtroom. If you would like to travel to Port Orchard for the trial, contact the Washington State Potline at 888-208-5332 and press 0 to reach a volunteer.
– Joe Turner at the Tacoma News-Tribune has an update on the potential state budget savings with the passage of SB 5615, which would decriminalize possession of small amounts of marijuana. Although I’m not sure if I’m in the “generation of Cheech and Chong.” I think my parents are though.
– Silja JA Talvi talks about the Obama Administration and what they should be doing to limit the damage being done by the drug war.
Lee: If you have the time for radio, a feature debate on the KCRW program To the Point on the war on drugs:
Though this is not a big issue for me (though Mexican instability because of the war on the cartels is very worrisome), I thought it was an interesting program.
Once again the pot-smoking LEFTIST PINHEADS dredge up another anecdotal story to justify themselves.
Listen, Puddy runs circles around you KLOWNS for a couple reasons…he has a higher IQ, a photographic memory, his reading & studying of issues is more well rounded AND HE DOESN’T SMOKE DOPE OR DRINK!
Wise up and Grow up KLOWNS.
@ 2
Puddy? You mean the guy who doesn’t know the difference between “up” and “down”?
Hey Puddy–
I’ve got the name for the weekly ATHEIST PROGRESSIVE Bottomfeeder Award…
How about we call it
How pathetic are Puddy and Cynical? They continue to defend a Republican Party wherein the elites have nothing but contempt for evangelicals like Puddy and Cynical.
I’ve got the name for the weekly ATHEIST PROGRESSIVE Bottomfeeder Award…
How about we call it
Will the award be presented after milk and cookies or after naptime?
Understaffed Geithner can’t keep up, critics say
The obama Whitehouse is focusing all their energy attacking critics the Treasury is run by one tax less employee that has no plan or vision.
Everyone is terrified of Obama and his pie in the sky ideas.
Where at 14% unemployment and obama is proud he saved 25 government jobs today.
Whoopee, we lost 651,000 jobs in February.
Obama is at a loss on what to do even though he told us in Nov. he had a plan. It was such a good plan that he’s now asking a foreign company for help with a plan.
This is the change you voted for? We have a weak so called leader who can talk a good spin.
it’s only words with no meaning.
PI Death Watch – 12 Days and counting!
Hey America hating commies, my ratings are through the roof! Thank you very much! Now I can push for $800 million instead of $400 million I will already get.
9)Speak for yourself. Those who call people who disagreed with them the past 8 years America Haters are the America Haters, for practically equating excersising their Constitutional Rights with Treason. Stifling descent is not the way to run a nation. We cannot fight for Freedom Abroad by denying it at home. Some great Journalist once said that, I believe it was Edward R. Murrow.
Lee, I heard an interesting story about the Gang Violence in Vancouver(on the Fraser) might be tied to the Drug Violence in Mexico. The gangs in Vancouver are fighting over a dwindling supply brought on by the problems in Mexico, and the U.S. caught in the middle. The Gang Violence is heating up the debate in Victoria for sure, how can they avoid it, dissolution day for the Legislature is coming. The Liberal Premier has no choice to ask for it, BC has Fixed Election Dates, but they still have the formality of dissolving the Legislature and calling the election, which is in the middle of May. The Liberals love to trash the NDP for the Gang Violence, despite the fact that when they swept the NDP out of power in 2001, they had 4 years of near total control of the Provincial Legislature to pass sweeping anti-crime legislation. What I am watching the BC Election is for the referendum on changing the way the MLAs are elected, to a proportional system similar to Ireland. It’s a system that will put Puddybud and Mr. Cynical out of buisness if they were politicians, can’t trash an opponent if you might want the opponent supporters to vote for you. I heard a story that when going door to door, Irish politicians if the voter says no on if they can have their vote, ask “then can I have your second choice vote”. System works so good, it has survived several attempts by the major parties to repeal it. The BC Voting Reform Referendum barely failed in 2005. BC is almost unique in Canada, for being a two party system, unlike the Federal Parliament, which has 4 parties in it, the Conservatives, Liberals, New Democratic Party, and the Bloc Quebecois. The last party has one stated goal, to bring down Canada.(Look on a map, you’ll see why the Liberals and Tories try to fight over who is better for National Unity. Quebec is right in the middle between Ontario and Western Canada, and Atlantic Canada). The two major parties in BC are the Center-Right Liberal Party(that’s right, they lean right at times, especially when they had the 77-2 seat majority), and the Center-Left New Democratic Party. The Liberals hold seats at the provincial level that are represented in Ottawa by Tories. I don’t know if the BC Marijuana Party is still around, their party platform was pretty much self-explanatory.
One example of the same mess, different results up there was BC Ferries. The NDP ran BC Ferries pretty badly, with a noble experiment of trying to reduce Tawassen-Vancouver Island crossing times, but the high speed catamaran turned out to be a failure(Another example of all politics is local, WSF had the same concept with Passenger Only ferries, the Chinook class, since retired, sold to a California Operator). The Liberals try to privatize it and fail, with few if any bidders, and one boat ends up on the bottom of the sea!(MV QUEEN OF THE NORTH)
I think your statement on the Bloc Quebecois is a little harsh. Bringing down Canada would be a wee bit beyond the reach of the the federal-level counterparts of the Parti Quebecois. Canada would survive just fine without Quebec, albeit in a bifurcated form (think the separation of India and Pakistan – Pakistan was separated into Eastern and Western segments until the Eastern half rebelled and became Bangladesh in 1971). But I will agree on BC politics being a little on the weird side, even by Canadian standards. Don’t forget about the weirdness of the Social Credit party back in the day, either.
Yeah, there’s been a lot of news this week about the gang violence in Vancouver tied to Mexican gangs. Your description of the article, though, sounds like the article may have been relying on some bad assumptions as to the cause. I don’t think there’s a dwindling supply in Mexico that’s being fought over. I think there’s a dwindling supply in Canada that’s being fought over. But I could be wrong, I’d have to see the original article.
Thanks for the great comment.
You may want to read this before you blame Obama for the staffing problems on his economic team.
and it’s not just his critics here in the states…
When Barack Obama announced his champion to rescue the world from economic ruin, it was the first time most Americans had ever heard the name Tim Geithner.
If anyone in the US media had thought to ask a former Australian prime minister for his assessment, they would have heard a different view. And they would not have been so surprised at Geithner’s performance since.
In other words, Geithner fundamentally misdiagnosed the problem. And his misdiagnosis led to a dreadfully wrong prescription.
It appears geithner has a reputation for making things worse.
Great pick obama… go wipe your ass.
If it’s wrong, why didn’t any lefties complain when harry reid started it? (from the link on your link)
Oh yeah, that democrat double standard. We can do onto you, but we’ll whine if you do it back.
Gore afraid to debate on man-made global warming still? Damn, sounds like obama calling out rush and then being afraid to debate him without a teleprompter.
Prague, March 5 (CTK) – Former U.S. vice-president Albert Gore allegedly feared a direct confrontation with Czech President Vaclav Klaus at a conference on global warming, and this is why Gore’s presentation was rescheduled for another day, Lidove noviny (LN) writes Thursday, referring to Klaus’s spokesman
However, Gore, a Nobel Peace prize winner, will speak at the conference Thursday. The organisers have changed the programme at the very last moment, LN writes.
“A dialogue (between Klaus and Gore) was to take place on one stage. We accepted the U.S. proposal positively.
Has the goreacle ever debated anyone on man made global warming?
Reset, overcharge. Not much of a difference in the obama administration.
The secretary of state shows up in russia with a gift of a button that says reset. Oops, no one in the government is smart enough to figure out the button really said overcharge.
It didn’t quite work out as she planned.
She handed him a palm-sized box wrapped with a bow. Lavrov opened it and pulled out the gift—a red plastic button on a black base with a Russian word “peregruzka” printed on top.
“We worked hard to get the right Russian word. Do you think we got it?” Clinton said as reporters, allowed in to observe the first few minutes of the meeting, watched.
“You got it wrong,” Lavrov said, to Clinton’s clear surprise. Instead of “reset,” he said the word on the box meant “overcharge.”
This after the obama gift giving debacle that insulted the britons. Even npr noticed the audacity of insult.
President Barack Obama’s gift of a set of DVDs to British Prime Minister Gordon Brown appalled the British media, furious about the lack of traditional protocol afforded to Brown while he was in Washington.
Iain Martin, a columnist and blogger for the Daily Telegraph, wrote that he found Obama to be rudeness personified toward Britain.
Smooth move obama… go wipe your ass.
No voter fraud here, just those civic minded acorn community workers working hard to get their guy elected.
About 47% of provisional ballots rejected in November were because the voter wasn’t registered in Ohio.
At least acorn admits…
A national voter-registration group admitted to Cuyahoga County election officials Tuesday that it cannot eliminate fraud from its operation.
I remember the old days when democrats cared about protecting the rights of the voters and were against voter fraud. Now that once again the fraud is working in their favor not only don’t they care, they give taxpayer $$ to the same organization that admits it can’t eliminate fraud from their employees.
Change & hope
Obama… go wipe your ass
What goes around comes around too bad but it’s true.
Besides obama was to bring the country and congress together. That’s his joke on us.
After scaring the country to believe the end is near. Here is obamas advice today:
NYT SUNDAY: Obama urges Americans not to ‘stuff money in mattresses’…
What a loser we have.
It take obama’s brain 3 weeks to come to a conclusion. Now we know why the economy and jobs are tanking.
This is change you can believe in…….
What a joke this guy is….
Obama rebukes attorney general for describing America as ‘nation of cowards’ on race… Developing…
‘If I had been advising my attorney general, we would have used different language’…
Although the administration likes to say it “inherited” the recession and trillion-dollar deficits, the economic wreckage has worsened on Obama’s still-young watch.
Every day, the economy is becoming more and more an Obama economy.
Analysis: Obama recovery plans sowing some unease
Wow.. This thread is stinky with Limbots and Sludge Report “truthiness”.
The idiocy @ 19 is too stupid.
I need to point this out as the ha team will miss it.
The recession started one month after the Democrats took control of congress. Gee wonder why?
“More than 4 million jobs have been lost since the recession began in December 2007 — roughly half in the past three months.”
Wisdom from the messiah:
WASHINGTON (AP) – President Barack Obama on Saturday challenged his country to see its hard times as a chance to “discover great opportunity in the midst of great crisis.”
“That is what we can do and must do today. And I am absolutely confident that is what we will do,” Obama said in his weekly radio and video address, taped a day earlier at the White House.
@2: The problem with Puddy and the rest of the trulls on HA is that you read everything the way you read the Bible: there is no evidence, there is only proof or counter-proof; there are no new ideas, only partisanship. You’re succeeding only in boring us all to death.
You lost faith in the NYT?
What can you expect from obama he made a million or more in the book deal he’s total charity donation that year was $300.00 shown on his federal income tax.
Explain what is stupid.
Are you disputing the facts in the link or the snarky way I am poking fun at your party.
LOL! Shades of Vitter. Sorry Stamn. You’re stuck with “diapering” for the Republicans.
Poor Stamm – you have nothing with the ACORN quote. Again, either you are too stupid to understand voter fraud or you are deliberately misrepresenting it. Oh, and if you actually read the link (unlikely since your reading and comprehension ability is suspect) you would see that out of 65,000 registration – 50 may be suspect. That is less than a 0.1% error rate. Far above any of the crap you put out.
Can you show a single voter that was registered by acorn that actually voted illegally?
Registration is not illegal voting. Illegal voting is a criminal offence. Acorn cannot stop the bad registrations because:
1. they are required (by law) to hand in any registration – even if they think they are bad.
2. they flag the bad registrations they can
You have nothing here as usual. That you even think this is important is more a reflection of your intellectually vacant mind than enything else. I am sure you fancy yourself as some kind of gadfly on this site – but really, most objective observers see you as an ego-driven fool with little insight into anything except repeating rightwingnut, discredited arguments.
OK – I need to stop laughing at the Thruth.
The idiot cannot even spell his own name right – oh, finally corrected it. Yeah, like you have any credibility.
When a moron comes on here and tries to argue the right wingnut point of view – but cannot express herself past the third grade level, well, consider the source.
Puddy ususally at least has some facts – but lately he has been lazy. He is just copying right wingnut cites that do not verify their facts. I fried him on this just yesterday. He quoted some global warming article and cited some “scientists” that said that global warming was not real.
When I looked up the first two scientists:
Scientist #1 was quoted as being a “skeptic” but actually agree with Gore and the IPCC later in the article.
Scientist #2 was identified as a member of the IPCC – that was false.
Poor puddy went apoplectic trying to explain how I was wrong….but all he did was make a bigger fool of himself.
Yeah, Pud – you need to actually quote from reputable sources or go bck and read the origianl source material – otherwise your crap is just that – crap.
Not the first time I have fact-checked Puddy and found his crap to be wanting. A lot of the time he cherry picks a quote but does not read the rest of the article. That is a sign of someone with a point of view who will use only the “facts” that prove his case and ignore the other facts that disprove it. A true academic would not work like that and an honest person would not cherry pick the data. Yes – in an argument you want to show your side…but not to the extent of being a fool about it.
Oops, I forgot to include the link to “wipe your ass” comment.
I’m sure Obama would be glad to debate Rush if he runs for president in 2012, until then being the president trumps being a talk radio deejay.
How long have you had this condition since childhood?
You post with no facts only what in your short memory. You can’t tell the difference from fantasy and reality. When you post no one takes you seriously.
Okay, go run to mommy’s lap she’s waiting for you.
P.S. The source today was the NYT fool!
obama, is fast with the mouth and slow comprehending what he just said.
This isn’t the only time he attacked a private citizen of the United States and needed to back track.
Stuffing the Beast, obamas plan to tax everyone.
Paul Krugman thinks obama plan sucks.
The Big Dither
The fool @ 40
Politics is the art of the possible. What Obama could do could only be accomplished with the cooperation of 3 Republicans.
Politics was responsible for Roosevelt pulling back in his second term and responsible for drawing out the Japanese’s recession.
Call your right wing politicians and tell them to tell Obama that he can go further.
Obama & his Henchmen are too busy scheming up dirty tricks against Republicans to pay attention to the economy and things that really matter.
I told y’all that the LEFTIST PINHEAD KLOWNS love playing dirty politics…but when in charge, cannot stop playing dirty politics.
They are klueless about how to fix the economy or run the country.
Obama & his Henchmen are a real joke.
The big goofball fool NotRight@34 tried again…
Let’s clear the air again shall we…
You said they were discredited – WRONG as usual
You said they weren’t scientists – Lady was most respected in the field – WRONG as usual
You said they weren’t peer reviewed – WRONG as usual
So it seems you are – WRONG as usual!
As Marvin says, time to wipe you ass!
Pakistan eventually broke up, but an interesting thing about the leaders in the last Bangladesh Election, both major party leaders were women.
As for Qebec seccession, there are movements at times for parts of Quebec to secede if Quebec secedes. The movement the BQ and their provincial counterparts PQ was first stirred up over the Coalition talks late last year between the Liberals, NDP, and BQ, as PM Harper played the National Unity card. The BQ lost one riding they had gained in 2006, Trudeau’s old seat in Montreal, the Liberal who won? Trudeau’s son Justin. It will be years before he becomes a force. When someone asked William Shatner if he wanted to be Governor General, he said, if offered that, he would run for office, would rather be PM!
re17: Did Copernicus debate the Pope on astronomy?
re 38: Limbaugh is not a ‘private citizen’. He is a public figure. That’s how he makes his living, and, as such, anyone can criticize him.
Limbaugh is a hate merchant.
Among other things that Limbaugh has said on his show is that James Earll Ray should receive the Medal of Freedom.
Whadaya think, Waxx? Should James Earl Ray get the Medal of Freedom for murdering Martin Luther King?
I don’t hear anyone quoting Milton Friedman much anymore.
You know the smog that you see over cities? Some nut tried to tell me that it was only a theory that it was caused by human activity.
I can see why conservatards don’t believe in evolution. They have no personal history of change or progress.
leadless douchy@47:
Is leadless douchy nominating him?
Send you selection into Preznit Barack with your real name and address.
Better yet, why don’t you presonally hand deliver your nomination to Preznit Barack?
Call Daily Kooks and write a guest blog entry why he’s your hero.
How do you live with your self?
That’s why you are the second step on the Lunacy Ladder.
What a moron!
leadless douchy@46:
You became a public figger when you made these comment gems in September 2005…
“Puddybud is a house nigger. But he knows enough not to leave the house at night.” -Comment by headless lucy
What a moron! Loved and cherished by Goldy and many on Puddy’s HA Lunacy Ladder.
OK, since this in an open thread, I can post my Obama joke:
Did Obama sign the stimulus package at the same desk where Clinton got his package stimulated?
HAR, har, har, har, har!
@53 That was worth a chuckle.
If it’s wrong, why didn’t any lefties complain when harry reid started it? (from the link on your link)
Because when Harry Reid and the Democrats were doing it, it wasn’t preventing a new administration from staffing up after inheriting a crisis from the other party’s administration. Second, it’s very different for a controlling majority to block appointments for people who are unqualified, than to block appointments of people you agree with out of spite.
I believe that is a paraphrase of a Limbaugh quote:
Yes, this is the guy that is your hero Puddy and that your beloved republican party bends down on their knees for.
Have you ever repudiated him?
Are you just after liberals who say racist stuff? Are you that much of a hypocrite?
And that is just one of many racist quotes. Of course Limbaugh is an equal opportunity racist:
He called Los Angeles mayor (a Hispanic) a shoe shine boy.
And here is Limbaugh on the protests by Americans on immigration:
@17: Poor Marvin- how did you ever get to be so stooopid?
As if a debate on global warming means ANYTHING. Scientists debate the facts all the time in journal articles. The global warming deniers have LOST the scientific debate – but they are trying to win the public opinion debate by citing a few industry paid scientists or outcasts without any real scientific experince.
Yes, there is still some debate within the scientific community on the models and the exact meaning – but the overall consensus is reflected by the IPCC report – written by the top scientists.
Only the few morons who deny the science are still pushing this as any real debate. These are the same flat earthers who deny evolution and like to “invent” their own science.
Hey, according to reputable scientists paid by the tobacco company – smoking has nothing to do with cancer too. Right. Hahahaha.
These quotes (BS) are your fantasy’s. Anyone who believes these have the same mental issues as you. He has transcripts of every show go look and come back with hard links if not go back to your mommy’s lap. This used to be fun coming here with people like you it’s getting boring.
It’s not the Republicans stopping geithner’s nominees. Before you blame the Republican’s they need to have a nominee presented to them. This hasn’t happen for treasury other than the tax less guy (Geithner) they accepted.
It’s the nominees dropping out for various reason like not paying taxes or finding the vetting process too invasive.
Yes NotRight, I’d like to see the full context of the “yanked” sentence. I see all the leftist pinhead sites have the one sentence but nothing before or after it. In my cursory review I didn’t see any of the King Family responding.
Why are you such a kook-aid drinker. Weren’t you one of those phony soldier comment lovers?
Illegal aliens don’t have rights. They are foerigners. This comment was yanked out.
The Republicans haven’t blocked any of the Treasury appointments, just advisors. But you’re dead wrong if you believe that the speed at which the Treasury is being staffed is slower than previous Administrations. The difference is that this Administration is starting off in an economic crisis of a scale that hasn’t been seen in over 80 years.
You wrote this in comment #7:
Everyone is terrified of Obama and his pie in the sky ideas.
This simply isn’t true when you look at the polling. Far more Americans are terrified of Republicans derailing Obama through petty sniping. You can argue that that’s misguided, but you’re full of shit if you think that the American people agree with you.
obama give away of your tax dollars.
Words mean nothing to him and now our money means nothing to him.
Do the math for 25 new recruit.
25 police officers hired in march 2009. $1.25 million in stimulus funds to cover the officers’ salaries through Dec. 31.2009
Americans are terrified of obama.
Guess if you poll in downtown Chicago you will find the majority agreeing with you.
I’m not a big fan of polling however just talking around town with people who supported obama in Nov. are having second thoughts now.
obama give away of your tax dollars.
Most elected officials give away our tax dollars. The question is who/what they give them to. I’m more confident that what Obama is spending tax dollars on now is far smarter than what Bush had been spending them on. He’s not perfect, of course, but it’s a big improvement over what we’ve had.
Words mean nothing to him and now our money means nothing to him.
This is idiotic. Bush expanded the federal government significantly while people like me complained about it – because the things we were spending it on were things that would not grow our economy. Yet back then, did you consider Bush to be as big a threat as you see Obama as now? Of course not. That’s why you’re a laughingstock. You’ve been convinced by the people who are stealing from us that “those other people” are the real swindlers. And you’re dumb enough to believe them.
Do the math for 25 new recruit.
I have a degree in Aerospace Engineering. I can do whatever math you throw at me. If you want to make some kind of a detailed argument about the effects of Obama’s spending relative to past spending, go for it. I can keep up. But you’re not. You’re making moronic arguments based on snippets of nonsensical outrage gleaned from talk radio. Sean Hannity makes $100 million precisely because you’re one of 20-25 million Americans dumb enough to believe every word he says.
25 police officers hired in march 2009. $1.25 million in stimulus funds to cover the officers’ salaries through Dec. 31.2009
That’s $50,000 per officer. If those police officers do their jobs well, they save communities untold amounts of money in increased business (because a safer community promotes commerce) and in reducing theft (which drains more money from insurance claims, individual productivity) and many other ways that have police officer benefits a community.
Of course, as I’ve argued before, if the police are out there only enforcing a nanny state, then that can have a detrimental effect on a community. That’s where the real argument lies, and when you grow up, we can maybe have a good discussion along those lines.
Americans are terrified of obama.
That’s simply incorrect. His approval rating is over 60 percent, and a majority of Americans approve of his handling of the economy. You may be terrified of Obama, but that makes you a very fringe individual who’s way out of touch with the average American.
I’m not a big fan of polling however just talking around town with people who supported obama in Nov. are having second thoughts now.
You can believe in the tooth fairy if you want too. That doesn’t mean it’s real.
Guess if you poll in downtown Chicago you will find the majority agreeing with you.
And by the way, Rick Santelli’s idiotic rant was in downtown Chicago. It’s in America’s middle class and lower class neighborhoods where Obama remains popular.
It’s pathetic how easy the Wall Street set pulls the wool over your eyes.
“Most elected officials give away our tax dollars. The question is who/what they give them to. I’m more confident that what Obama is spending tax dollars on now is far smarter than what Bush had been spending them on. He’s not perfect, of course, but it’s a big improvement over what we’ve had.”
Democrats controlled congress since 2007 which means they controlled the money!!!
“This is idiotic. Bush expanded the federal government significantly while people like me complained about it – because the things we were spending it on were things that would not grow our economy. Yet back then, did you consider Bush to be as big a threat as you see Obama as now? Of course not. That’s why you’re a laughingstock. You’ve been convinced by the people who are stealing from us that “those other people” are the real swindlers. And you’re dumb enough to believe them.”
Not worthy of a reply.
“That’s $50,000 per officer. If those police officers do their jobs well, they save communities untold amounts of money in increased business (because a safer community promotes commerce) and in reducing theft (which drains more money from insurance claims, individual productivity) and many other ways that have police officer benefits a community.”
$50,0000 for 9 months of work seems high.
If you would read the article you would have seen the scam obama played on us.
Paying for the police officers was nothing more than a staged show.
And as sheep do, you liked it.
Democrats controlled congress since 2007 which means they controlled the money!!!
I’m talking about the period from 2000-2006. Republicans in control of both the White House and Congress, yet spending underwent unparalleled increases.
Not worthy of a reply.
No, you’re not capable of a reply. There’s a big difference.
$50,0000 for 9 months of work seems high.
Not really. It’s a little more than half of what I make, yet when the job of a police officer is done well, it can have tremendous benefit for a community.
If you would read the article you would have seen the scam obama played on us.
No, the article itself is a scam being played on you. Fox News is a news outfit that uses your limited ability to understand economics to get you to froth at the mouth about any politician that wants to undermine the interests of the very rich. You are being tricked, and as amusing as it is for me to watch, it affects me as well, so I have an interest in having you (and others) dislodge your head from your ass.
Paying for the police officers was nothing more than a staged show.
And as sheep do, you liked it.
Actually, I’ve often criticized the kinds of law enforcement investments Obama has made, especially the money going towards drug task forces. But you’re making such an abstract argument about generic police officers, the only thing you’re proving is that you have an extremely limited understanding of how this all works.
“$50,0000 for 9 months of work seems high.
Not really. It’s a little more than half of what I make, yet when the job of a police officer is done well, it can have tremendous benefit for a community. ”
It was a political scam.
If you would read the article you would have seen the scam obama played on us.
“No, the article itself is a scam being played on you. Fox News is a news outfit that uses your limited ability to understand economics to get you to froth at the mouth about any politician that wants to undermine the interests of the very rich. You are being tricked, and as amusing as it is for me to watch, it affects me as well, so I have an interest in having you (and others) dislodge your head from your ass.”
Here is another link, google and you will find many more fool.
Paying for the police officers was nothing more than a staged show.
And as sheep do, you liked it.
“Actually, I’ve often criticized the kinds of law enforcement investments Obama has made, especially the money going towards drug task forces. But you’re making such an abstract argument about generic police officers, the only thing you’re proving is that you have an extremely limited understanding of how this all works.”
Obama plans to go to Ohio to show off his money scam. Just happens a week before he arrives
“last week Coleman announced that the Justice Department had told the city it would get $1.25 million in stimulus funds to cover the officers’ salaries through Dec. 31.”
On Jan.1,2010 25 police officers are out of a job. Let the show go on.
I can see how it works like every other thing obama has done just B.S.
What’s so funny about HA team is you guys/gals see everything through Socialist filtered glasses. If you read the truth and it’s against obama you turn it into a lie or change the subject. Your very hollow people I feel sorry for you. I guess being atheist gives you very little to believe in. So when you saw obama you jumped for it. Now you can’t defend the little guy screwing up every time he opens his mouth so you’re consistently attacking us good guys/gals.
God loves you even though you don’t love him.
Iran tell obama go screw yourself.
obama’s adm. refused to respond to the report.
What a idiot he have as leader.
Not a well thought out plan….
He has a healthcare plan to dump on us and is alarmed to find out:
“An estimated 116,000 registered nurse positions are unfilled at U.S. hospitals and nearly 100,000 jobs go vacant in nursing homes, experts said.”
Another halve ass attempt to screw you.
Hey righties – for about the 16th time in the last few weeks we’re bending you over and ramming it up your cowardly asses.
LOL! Get used to it bitches.
Oversight of Bank Bailouts Criticized
House Panel Faults Treasury for Not Forcing Firms to Reveal Overseas Deals.
Again the word Oversight is in the spot light.
How many days will it take obama’s brain to react to this threat?