Arizona is 40% hispanic. Tucson is a University town and skews liberal. Yes, Arizona has been very conservative in the past. Yes, the polls say 60% of Arizonans favor SB1070.
However, it is going to be a close vote. McCain and the Republicans are demonizing Mexicans because they have no other choice but to try and bring out the racist vote, the way they sought the anti-gay voters in past elections.
Sounds like the righties are coming around on the war on drugs.
proud leftistspews:
Michael @ 2
The righties always eventually turn left because that is the history of the world. There is some back and forth, some see-sawing, but the inevitable force of history is to the left. The wingies resist and won’t acknowledge that, but such is so.
Puddybud identifies arscloch wondermoron as a dumb brickspews:
Lefties start making money and realize the state takes more and more in taxes the more they make. Then they become enlightened. That why most HA bloggers are dim watts. They haven’t made much money. The uppa crusties like you are naturally stupid.
That clarifies it.
Davey hearts Jane.
You’re right in a way.
The march of history slips a step here and there, but mostly moves forward. Whether this also means moving left is another thing.
I’d be curious how you define ‘left.’ I’ve been accused with some justification of replacing what I believe the left to believe with what it actually does. I’d like to hear what someone who identifies as a proud leftist has to say about what leftist means.
SJ .. the obamistspews:
@6 lost
What is disturbing to me is that left and right positions both lose contact with rationality. On the right, however, the line is crossed into a bizar world of fantasy.
People who call themselves “right” believe in a list that is utterly out of touch with the real world .. whether that is global warming, evolution, American exceptionalism, or the innate value of gold as a currency.
The “left” also has its myths .. “all kids can learn,” protecting illegal immigrants, belief in a magic solution to the energy crisis, nobility of government labor unions, …
These credos of the left may be naive opinions, but little in them violates scientific law, the physical reality of geology, or the practical realities of economics and world politics .
These credos of the right violate reality. Insistence on “drill babay drill” because oil is an infinite resource, or mandating the “right to life” because the blastula has soul, or spending trillions of dollars we do not have to defend American exceptionable puts our society up against the impenetrable wall of reality.
Personally, I prefer the term “rationalist” or “Jeffersonian” to left, democrat, or liberal. I side with the overall intent of the left to do good and provide for all but I also side with the right when it comes to teachers unions, charter schools, sacntity of the flag, and even the idea of prayer as free sppeech.
Maybe I should just casll myself an “Obamist?”
Uncle Tonoosespews:
re 3: Righties prefer to make it a moral argument that they are standing up for the old true blue values, but they are really just standing in the way (or ‘athwart history’, as WFB Jr. would have it).
Puddybud is a shameless toadire.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
All of the ObaMao Regimes divisive politics of attacking folks who disagree, massive deficit spending, more big government etc. is working real good…for the Republicans!!
ObaMao and his henchmen have been in Alinsky attack now for 2 full weeks.
They are playing right into the Tea Party’s hands because the vast majority of Americans are inherently mistrusting of Big Government…and even more mistrusting when Big Government mocks & ridicules folks who challenge them.
You lefty’s are sooooo arrogant and ignorant, that you just don’t get it, do you?
You really think that once in power, you can get away with the Blame Bush, Blame Others, constantly scream racism tactics that got you the power.
Had ObaMao immediately toned things down and embraced different viewpoints, rather than attack/mock & ridicule….these numbers would be much better.
The same nasty-ass politics that got ObaMao elected, will destroy Progressivism. You blame FoxNews?? Blame yourselves. The banter on this Blog is typical of the Nutroots. But real Americans want leaders…not dividers. ObaMao promised Hope & Change…a change in the political environment. Instead HE fanned the flames and piits folks against each other…to his own undoing.
Saturday, July 24, 2010
The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Saturday shows that 26% of the nation’s voters Strongly Approve of the way that Barack Obama is performing his role as president. Forty-four percent (44%) Strongly Disapprove, giving Obama a Presidential Approval Index rating of -18.
Seventy-five percent (75%) prefer free markets over a government managed economy, but the Political Class disagrees.
The amazing thing is these polls and the American people are telling you what they want and to lead. Instead, it’s a relentless Agenda that goes against the desires of the American people.
Here you had TOTAL POWER…a huge majority in the House, a Filibuster-proof Senate and the Presidency…and where do you stand today?
Name-calling, demonizing and a hostile environment blaming Bush & others.
A couple of you folks actually get it.
Geov kind of gets it…yet cannot help throw in his mean-spirited digs too.
Being in power requires humility.
ObaMao’s inexperience and arrogance is his downfall and he’ll take Progressivism down with him.
Proud leftist–
Actually History shows America is a basically Conservative Country that occassionally flows toward Big Government Socialism…but eventually back to Individual Liberty and the desire for OPPORTUNITY to be successful based on your own initiative, not government handouts.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
4. Puddybud identifies arscloch wondermoron as a dumb brick spews:
Lefties start making money and realize the state takes more and more in taxes the more they make. Then they become enlightened. That why most HA bloggers are dim watts. They haven’t made much money. The uppa crusties like you are naturally stupid.
That clarifies it.
That does clarify it Puddy.
People do vote with their pocketbook.
The Dems have pushed tax increases locally & Statewide to the limit and beyond.
Left-wing rich guys like Daddy Gates are soooooo arrogant, that Daddy (who made his money Estate & Tax Planning helping rich guys avoid paying taxes) comes up with a scheme where his Kid, The world’s richest man, will pay less in taxes!! And he has Useful Idiots in Goldy and his NW Division of Lunatic Moonbats embracing it!!
Gates is trying to tax folks who WANT to be rich…not rich folks who already have it. That’s why the tax is on Earned Income!
Here it is–
Daddy Gates wants you to embrace an Income Tax that will penalize entrepreneurs striving to be successful…and allow his Kid (the Worlds Richest Man) to pay less.
Bill Gates owns approx. $200 MILLION of Real Estate. He is paid a Salary of approx. $600,000.
Do the math smart guys!!
The old man has balls…and he knows how to manipulate educated idiot ideologues like Goldy and his band.
Do the Math Smart Guys!
You’ve been duped….again,.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
I love the ObaMaoists efforts to portray folks who are against ILLEGAL immigration and want our borders protected as “Hating Mexicans”.
No one HATES Mexicans. I have friends who are LEGAL Immigrants. There parents stood in line. They have worked hard and realized the American Dream with no handouts.
As Puddy has articulated, the Democrats are Pimps of Poverty. There base is Government Employees and folks who are dependent on handouts. It’s very pathetic. I can sympathize that folks struggling & having nothing would be tempted by the handouts.
But it’s nothing more than a drug to keep you dependent and on the Plantation.
How free is someone who is dependent on Government handouts and feels a sense of entitlement??
Free? My ass!!
@11 – so clinical, your solution is to show no compassion toward those that have been here for more than 10 years, even if some are not on welfare and are working and supporting themselves (somehow). Is every illegal Mexican on welfare? Why do you make that assumption and statement. So you think giving them freedom is a swift kick in the ass back to Mexico?
Now Illegal Immigration is not a Republican or Democrat problem. Why is welfare always on Republicans mind? When Social Security and Medicare are welfare programs, too.
Give it a rest. Stop politicizing the issue and lets get toward some type of mutual reform, that hasn’t been possible from 2001 to 2008.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
12. Gman spews:
@11 – so clinical, your solution is to show no compassion toward those that have been here for more than 10 years, even if some are not on welfare and are working and supporting themselves (somehow). Is every illegal Mexican on welfare? Why do you make that assumption and statement. So you think giving them freedom is a swift kick in the ass back to Mexico?
Compassion? For breaking the law?
I never said ALL ILLEGALS were on Welfare.
Show me where I made that assumption & statement.
But every single study in Arizona shows the deficit attributable to the ILLEGAL ISSUE. Almost $3 BILLION.
I think we must protect our borders. Mexico is happy to see hardcore criminals leave Mexico & come to America.
Do you want to see criminals come in goofman??
We need to get this under control…quickly.
Bush failed…and so has ObaMao.
The problem is getting worse…and it’s not just Mexicans getting in via the Mexican Border.
I tell you what gman….how many illegals would you like to adopt and have move in to your house neighborhood??
It’s easy for you in Seattle to tell folks in Arizona, NM and California how to protect their States. Arizona offered to bus as many as SF would like…free of charge. They wanted to know where in the Sanctuary City they could deliver them. No response.
Illegals don’t go to SF BECAUSE IT”S TOO EXPENSIVE! They price them out.
Perhaps Seattle should become a Sanctuary City??
Being a Sanctuary City with an Elitist status where no illegals could possibly afford to come is….disingenuous. Right?
Seattle Progressives are hilarious demanding Rights for Illegals…as long as they stay somewhere else.
Walk the talk goofman.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Seems more like Mexicans hate Mexicans.
51 corpses found!
Read about it…
I’ve been tagging handles left here over the years, glancing over the comments and separating them into troll and non-troll and it just kind of struck me.
Goldy’s been on the attack over Dino Rossi and I just wondered.
Did Rossi do ANYTHING constructive while drawing a salary from that phony baloney outfit he headed after 2004? Anything that anyone can point to and say yeah he did THAT?
Besides appointing Lou Guzzo his “idea man”?
“But real Americans want leaders…”
Real leaders. Real Americans. heh- More like dumbfuck KLOWNS.
Puddybud identifies arscloch wondermoron as a dumb brickspews:
Did Rossi do ANYTHING constructive while drawing a salary from that phony baloney outfit he headed after 2004? Anything that anyone can point to and say yeah he did THAT?
You mean if it ain’t in the vaulted HA database you need someone else to perform your DD?
Thanks for playing.. Enjoy voting for the loser as you done so many times in the past..
Puddybud identifies arscloch wondermoron as a dumb brickspews:
Never played your stupid game arschloch. Not for me to name anything to answer th likes of your sorry arschloch.
Still silly as ever.
Stay stupid. You already are an arschloch!
Puddybud identifies arscloch wondermoron as a dumb brickspews:
Oh you got rid of the your baby picture arschloch. Puddy was enjoying your pink hair and pasted on silly smile soooooooooooooo much!
@19 – Puddy doesn’t answer questions, he is the Sharon Angle of Horsesass. No questions answered just stupid, bigoted statements made. They must have come from the same ewe.
@13 – I’m not from Seattle or even Washington State, so I guess that throws your whole argument off. But I’ve always wanted to visit Seattle – maybe one day.
Puddybud identifies arscloch wondermoron as a dumb brickspews:
Huh? Puddy answers questions from credible peeps. You and the arschloch are “incredible”! As in incredibly moronic.
See ya!
Puddy @ 4:
Which explains why the Kennedys, Bill Gates Sr., and bill Gates Jr. are all uniformly opposed to increased taxes, especially on inherited wealth…
Oh, wait a minute…..
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Gates has big time tax lawyers.
He gifts or donates appreciated stock..avoid INCOME TAX.
He takes a small salary of approx. $600K and owns nearly $200M of Real estate so the Initiative his daddy put together will actually SAVE him money. Nice scam, huh?
Washington Income Tax…
World’s richest man pays less????
# 25: Missing the point, as usual. You said:
“Lefties start making money and realize the state takes more and more in taxes the more they make. Then they become enlightened….”
Then in # 25, you point out that under the current system Gates doesn’t pay that much (due to advice from lawyers and such).
You don’t even address the Kennedys at all. And your statements in # 25 completely repudiate your assumption in # 4, that the more people make the more taxes they pay, and therefore the less progressive they become.
I don’t think anybody ever claimed that a Washington State Income Tax would have a huge impact on taxed collected by Bill Gates Sr. or Jr. Their high-earning days are pretty much behind them, they have already accumulated as much as they could possibly need. Their accumulated wealth yields far larger amounts in dividents or appreciation than they could ever earn in salary from this point onwards.
Besides, Bill Gate’s Jr.’s wealth has never been in his salary, it’s been in the shares of his company which have appreciated considerably.
What we really need is a more robust estate tax (especially on the federal level) which discourages the tax-free transfer of large amounts of previously-untaxed appreciated assets to heirs. You know, something like Bill Gates Sr. suggested.
And if the Gates want to give their money to charity rather than in taxes, that’s up to them, I couldn’t care either way. That’s why we have a charitable deduction.
Thulsa Doomspews:
@15 I’ve been tagging handles left here over the years, glancing over the comments and separating them into troll and non-troll and it just kind of struck me.
Its amazing the things you can accomplish when you have no fucking job or life, right YLB?
Arizona is 40% hispanic. Tucson is a University town and skews liberal. Yes, Arizona has been very conservative in the past. Yes, the polls say 60% of Arizonans favor SB1070.
However, it is going to be a close vote. McCain and the Republicans are demonizing Mexicans because they have no other choice but to try and bring out the racist vote, the way they sought the anti-gay voters in past elections.
Sounds like the righties are coming around on the war on drugs.
Michael @ 2
The righties always eventually turn left because that is the history of the world. There is some back and forth, some see-sawing, but the inevitable force of history is to the left. The wingies resist and won’t acknowledge that, but such is so.
Lefties start making money and realize the state takes more and more in taxes the more they make. Then they become enlightened. That why most HA bloggers are dim watts. They haven’t made much money. The uppa crusties like you are naturally stupid.
That clarifies it.
Davey hearts Jane.
You’re right in a way.
The march of history slips a step here and there, but mostly moves forward. Whether this also means moving left is another thing.
I’d be curious how you define ‘left.’ I’ve been accused with some justification of replacing what I believe the left to believe with what it actually does. I’d like to hear what someone who identifies as a proud leftist has to say about what leftist means.
@6 lost
What is disturbing to me is that left and right positions both lose contact with rationality. On the right, however, the line is crossed into a bizar world of fantasy.
People who call themselves “right” believe in a list that is utterly out of touch with the real world .. whether that is global warming, evolution, American exceptionalism, or the innate value of gold as a currency.
The “left” also has its myths .. “all kids can learn,” protecting illegal immigrants, belief in a magic solution to the energy crisis, nobility of government labor unions, …
These credos of the left may be naive opinions, but little in them violates scientific law, the physical reality of geology, or the practical realities of economics and world politics .
These credos of the right violate reality. Insistence on “drill babay drill” because oil is an infinite resource, or mandating the “right to life” because the blastula has soul, or spending trillions of dollars we do not have to defend American exceptionable puts our society up against the impenetrable wall of reality.
Personally, I prefer the term “rationalist” or “Jeffersonian” to left, democrat, or liberal. I side with the overall intent of the left to do good and provide for all but I also side with the right when it comes to teachers unions, charter schools, sacntity of the flag, and even the idea of prayer as free sppeech.
Maybe I should just casll myself an “Obamist?”
re 3: Righties prefer to make it a moral argument that they are standing up for the old true blue values, but they are really just standing in the way (or ‘athwart history’, as WFB Jr. would have it).
Puddybud is a shameless toadire.
All of the ObaMao Regimes divisive politics of attacking folks who disagree, massive deficit spending, more big government etc. is working real good…for the Republicans!!
ObaMao and his henchmen have been in Alinsky attack now for 2 full weeks.
They are playing right into the Tea Party’s hands because the vast majority of Americans are inherently mistrusting of Big Government…and even more mistrusting when Big Government mocks & ridicules folks who challenge them.
You lefty’s are sooooo arrogant and ignorant, that you just don’t get it, do you?
You really think that once in power, you can get away with the Blame Bush, Blame Others, constantly scream racism tactics that got you the power.
Had ObaMao immediately toned things down and embraced different viewpoints, rather than attack/mock & ridicule….these numbers would be much better.
The same nasty-ass politics that got ObaMao elected, will destroy Progressivism. You blame FoxNews?? Blame yourselves. The banter on this Blog is typical of the Nutroots. But real Americans want leaders…not dividers. ObaMao promised Hope & Change…a change in the political environment. Instead HE fanned the flames and piits folks against each other…to his own undoing.
Saturday, July 24, 2010
The amazing thing is these polls and the American people are telling you what they want and to lead. Instead, it’s a relentless Agenda that goes against the desires of the American people.
Here you had TOTAL POWER…a huge majority in the House, a Filibuster-proof Senate and the Presidency…and where do you stand today?
Name-calling, demonizing and a hostile environment blaming Bush & others.
A couple of you folks actually get it.
Geov kind of gets it…yet cannot help throw in his mean-spirited digs too.
Being in power requires humility.
ObaMao’s inexperience and arrogance is his downfall and he’ll take Progressivism down with him.
Proud leftist–
Actually History shows America is a basically Conservative Country that occassionally flows toward Big Government Socialism…but eventually back to Individual Liberty and the desire for OPPORTUNITY to be successful based on your own initiative, not government handouts.
4. Puddybud identifies arscloch wondermoron as a dumb brick spews:
That does clarify it Puddy.
People do vote with their pocketbook.
The Dems have pushed tax increases locally & Statewide to the limit and beyond.
Left-wing rich guys like Daddy Gates are soooooo arrogant, that Daddy (who made his money Estate & Tax Planning helping rich guys avoid paying taxes) comes up with a scheme where his Kid, The world’s richest man, will pay less in taxes!! And he has Useful Idiots in Goldy and his NW Division of Lunatic Moonbats embracing it!!
Gates is trying to tax folks who WANT to be rich…not rich folks who already have it. That’s why the tax is on Earned Income!
Here it is–
Daddy Gates wants you to embrace an Income Tax that will penalize entrepreneurs striving to be successful…and allow his Kid (the Worlds Richest Man) to pay less.
Bill Gates owns approx. $200 MILLION of Real Estate. He is paid a Salary of approx. $600,000.
Do the math smart guys!!
The old man has balls…and he knows how to manipulate educated idiot ideologues like Goldy and his band.
Do the Math Smart Guys!
You’ve been duped….again,.
I love the ObaMaoists efforts to portray folks who are against ILLEGAL immigration and want our borders protected as “Hating Mexicans”.
No one HATES Mexicans. I have friends who are LEGAL Immigrants. There parents stood in line. They have worked hard and realized the American Dream with no handouts.
As Puddy has articulated, the Democrats are Pimps of Poverty. There base is Government Employees and folks who are dependent on handouts. It’s very pathetic. I can sympathize that folks struggling & having nothing would be tempted by the handouts.
But it’s nothing more than a drug to keep you dependent and on the Plantation.
How free is someone who is dependent on Government handouts and feels a sense of entitlement??
Free? My ass!!
@11 – so clinical, your solution is to show no compassion toward those that have been here for more than 10 years, even if some are not on welfare and are working and supporting themselves (somehow). Is every illegal Mexican on welfare? Why do you make that assumption and statement. So you think giving them freedom is a swift kick in the ass back to Mexico?
Now Illegal Immigration is not a Republican or Democrat problem. Why is welfare always on Republicans mind? When Social Security and Medicare are welfare programs, too.
Give it a rest. Stop politicizing the issue and lets get toward some type of mutual reform, that hasn’t been possible from 2001 to 2008.
12. Gman spews:
Compassion? For breaking the law?
I never said ALL ILLEGALS were on Welfare.
Show me where I made that assumption & statement.
But every single study in Arizona shows the deficit attributable to the ILLEGAL ISSUE. Almost $3 BILLION.
I think we must protect our borders. Mexico is happy to see hardcore criminals leave Mexico & come to America.
Do you want to see criminals come in goofman??
We need to get this under control…quickly.
Bush failed…and so has ObaMao.
The problem is getting worse…and it’s not just Mexicans getting in via the Mexican Border.
I tell you what gman….how many illegals would you like to adopt and have move in to your house neighborhood??
It’s easy for you in Seattle to tell folks in Arizona, NM and California how to protect their States. Arizona offered to bus as many as SF would like…free of charge. They wanted to know where in the Sanctuary City they could deliver them. No response.
Illegals don’t go to SF BECAUSE IT”S TOO EXPENSIVE! They price them out.
Perhaps Seattle should become a Sanctuary City??
Being a Sanctuary City with an Elitist status where no illegals could possibly afford to come is….disingenuous. Right?
Seattle Progressives are hilarious demanding Rights for Illegals…as long as they stay somewhere else.
Walk the talk goofman.
Seems more like Mexicans hate Mexicans.
51 corpses found!
Read about it…
I’ve been tagging handles left here over the years, glancing over the comments and separating them into troll and non-troll and it just kind of struck me.
Goldy’s been on the attack over Dino Rossi and I just wondered.
Did Rossi do ANYTHING constructive while drawing a salary from that phony baloney outfit he headed after 2004? Anything that anyone can point to and say yeah he did THAT?
Besides appointing Lou Guzzo his “idea man”?
“But real Americans want leaders…”
Real leaders. Real Americans. heh- More like dumbfuck KLOWNS.
You mean if it ain’t in the vaulted HA database you need someone else to perform your DD?
17 – You can’t name anything. Thought so!
Thanks for playing.. Enjoy voting for the loser as you done so many times in the past..
Never played your stupid game arschloch. Not for me to name anything to answer th likes of your sorry arschloch.
Still silly as ever.
Stay stupid. You already are an arschloch!
Oh you got rid of the your baby picture arschloch. Puddy was enjoying your pink hair and pasted on silly smile soooooooooooooo much!
@19 – Puddy doesn’t answer questions, he is the Sharon Angle of Horsesass. No questions answered just stupid, bigoted statements made. They must have come from the same ewe.
@13 – I’m not from Seattle or even Washington State, so I guess that throws your whole argument off. But I’ve always wanted to visit Seattle – maybe one day.
Huh? Puddy answers questions from credible peeps. You and the arschloch are “incredible”! As in incredibly moronic.
See ya!
Puddy @ 4:
Which explains why the Kennedys, Bill Gates Sr., and bill Gates Jr. are all uniformly opposed to increased taxes, especially on inherited wealth…
Oh, wait a minute…..
Gates has big time tax lawyers.
He gifts or donates appreciated stock..avoid INCOME TAX.
He takes a small salary of approx. $600K and owns nearly $200M of Real estate so the Initiative his daddy put together will actually SAVE him money. Nice scam, huh?
Washington Income Tax…
World’s richest man pays less????
# 25: Missing the point, as usual. You said:
“Lefties start making money and realize the state takes more and more in taxes the more they make. Then they become enlightened….”
Then in # 25, you point out that under the current system Gates doesn’t pay that much (due to advice from lawyers and such).
You don’t even address the Kennedys at all. And your statements in # 25 completely repudiate your assumption in # 4, that the more people make the more taxes they pay, and therefore the less progressive they become.
I don’t think anybody ever claimed that a Washington State Income Tax would have a huge impact on taxed collected by Bill Gates Sr. or Jr. Their high-earning days are pretty much behind them, they have already accumulated as much as they could possibly need. Their accumulated wealth yields far larger amounts in dividents or appreciation than they could ever earn in salary from this point onwards.
Besides, Bill Gate’s Jr.’s wealth has never been in his salary, it’s been in the shares of his company which have appreciated considerably.
What we really need is a more robust estate tax (especially on the federal level) which discourages the tax-free transfer of large amounts of previously-untaxed appreciated assets to heirs. You know, something like Bill Gates Sr. suggested.
And if the Gates want to give their money to charity rather than in taxes, that’s up to them, I couldn’t care either way. That’s why we have a charitable deduction.
I’ve been tagging handles left here over the years, glancing over the comments and separating them into troll and non-troll and it just kind of struck me.
Its amazing the things you can accomplish when you have no fucking job or life, right YLB?