Lee eleven men died when that rig exploded. If the corporate officers had some idea that they might spend time in the big house when deaths occurred thanks to the negligence on their part then we might have less negligence and less a need for regulations. Unfortunately we don’t have those kinds of laws.
Before some idiot wingnut crows (like that moronic right wing Dori Monson-loving coward), I’d thought I’d head them off at the pass.
Roman Polanski has had a cloud over his head since being charged with statutory rape way back in the 70’s. After reading about the case, I chalked it up to alcohol, bad judgement, a mistake with a young girl who was already sexually active and had been left in Polanski’s company by her stage mom. What a great parent.
To boot, the “victim”, now a middle-aged woman with 3 or 4 kids, thought Polanski should be left alone.
The age of consent in France is 15. So Stupes, let’s see you make a “Foley” argument for Polanski. Now that’d be a treat.
Politically Incorrectspews:
What has Roman Polanski got to do with the BP oil spill, Wall Street, and the West Virginia coal mine disaster?
As far as regulation goes, I just finished “No One Would Listen” by Harry Markopolous. He’s the guy that tried for years to get the SEC to stop Bernie Madoff’s Ponzi scheme. The point of his book is, if regulation is needed, it’s apparent that the government can’t handle the job.
More of stoner Lee’s pals go down. What a bad month for the druggies and tweakers! LOL. Undocumented as well? Nah, say it isn’t so! :) Good weekend all.
Puddybud sez, Ask the arschloch the backend of every threadspews:
Well Moronic Libtardos, how come the big DUMMOCRAPT donors and friends are exempt from the “Wall Street Reform” bills?
How come Warren Buffet lobbied for and was granted an exemption by Senate DUMMOCRAPTS for his company in the “Wall Street Reform” bills? Oh yeah a DUMMOCRAPT josck strap! Send the arschloch a shout out for the links in his “database”.
How come the Odumba Administration gave BP (big oil) an exemption in 2009 and then May 7th, 2010 they gave BP (big oil) another exemption? Oh yeah BP gave many large to the Odumba Campaign. Send the arschloch a shout out for the links in his “database”.
How come Odumba loves to talk out of both sides of his mouth when it comes to his MMA regulators and their dealings with Big Oil when it’s his peeps who are the regulators? Send the arschloch a shout out for the links in his “database”.
How come the IMF gave $50 Billion of our tax dollars to Socialist Greece to shore up their unions and lackeys who put Greece into default? Send the arschloch a shout out for the links in his “database”.
How come Odumba pressured Germany to jock strap a bail out bill with no repayment penalties and the German Newspapers said they were the schmucks again? Search Google for German schmucks.
How come leftist fools like Les Leopold can attack NJ Governor Chris Christie on AlterNet for giving a pass to taxing banking millionaires but Les will not attack Odumba and DUMMOCRAPTS in congress for not including them in the “Wall Street Reform” bill? Search AlterNet!
How come certain HA Libtardo Thread Writers (Y’all know who you are) jock strap the Palestinian Cause when they and their “friends” purposely want to kill you and your cousins in another holocaust? Remember it’s you fools who compare conservatives to Hitler. Well it seems your Palestinian friends support Hitler’s actions, something conservative outright condemn all the time. Now why wasn’t this o CAP or Media Morons or KosKook-Aid?
How come HA Libtardo Thread Writers won’t condemn this? Look at the list of speakers. It’s a who’s who of libtardo thought! Did you notice the University of Washington? Where is the well know HA arschloch ylb arschloch taking the lead on this? Oops… being the arschloch he’s always the caboose of a thread!!!
How come the don’t care about Odumba’s lies and his purposeful dismantling of Israel? You can read all about how the rich American Jews and not funding DUMMOCRAPTS in 2010 and 2012 because of Odumba’s actions. Haim Saban has been a big DUMMOCRAPT jock strap. First Things Magazine has learned not this year! Haim is keeping his money along with other rich prominent Jews from DUMMOCRAPTS. See his reaction to Odumba in 2008. Ya mean this wasn’t in any of the whackamole web sites? That’s becuz you read horse manure, that’s all you got!
“For example, Saban continued, “Obama was asked the same question Hillary was asked—‘If Iran nukes Israel, what would be your reaction?’ Hillary said, ‘We will obliterate them.’ We . . . will . . . obliterate . . . them. Four words, it’s simple to understand. Obama said only three words. He would ‘take appropriate action.’ I don’t know what that means. A rogue state that is supporting killing our men and women in Iraq; that is a supporter of Hezbollah, which killed more Americans than any other terrorist organization; that is a supporter of Hamas, which shot twelve thousand rockets at Israel—that rogue state nukes a member of the United Nations, and we’re going to ‘take appropriate action’! ” His voice grew louder. “I need to understand what that means. So I had a list of questions like that. And Chicago”—Obama campaign headquarters—“could not organize that meeting. ‘Schedule, heavy schedule.’ I was ready and willing to be helpful, but ‘helpful’ is not to write a check for two thousand three hundred dollars. It’s to raise millions, which I am fully capable of doing. But Chicago wasn’t able to deliver the meeting, so I couldn’t get on board.”
And GBS claims you DUMMOCRAPTS will win big in November. Your presnit is killing that chance even more every day in 2010!
Off the meds again, eh Spuddy?
Someone call the MHPs.
Puddybud sez, Ask the arschloch the backend of every threadspews:
Of course Deathfroggie… Puddy was never on your psychotropics. They cause facts to explode libtardo minds. Can you refute any of the points above? Of course not! You can’t find “your words” on any leftist kook site to copy and paste!
Puddy. Do you think the fact that corporations can now freely spend billions of dollars influencing elections may play a part in some of the “decisions” politicians are making?
All the right wingers are crying “socialism” when what we have for a government right now, and have had for almost 30 years is FASCISM.
It doesn’t matter what kind of regulations you have Lee. When corrupt lying animals like Bush get elected (sic) they ignore every single crime of their “friends” and supporters. You know, the folks Bush called his base, the “Haves, and the have mores” in his words.
Look at the MMS if you want an example. Hookers and cocaine for oil, and mining leases, and not one corporate, hooker buying, cocaine buying corporate criminal went to prison. Corporate crimes are never prosecuted. You can do all the government corrupting you want.
Dumocrats? Democrats are dumb? You would have to be a wet brain to think Republicans should be running government. Either that or a billionaire, or a traitor. Just look at what they did the last time Republicons controlled government. America barely survived. Now Republicans want to blame Obama for Bush’s mess.
Yikes, haven’t used this windows account in ages..
There, that’s better.
Puddybud sez, Ask the arschloch the backend of every threadspews:
First, Puddy notices you can’t refute any of the comments Puddy placed above. Each one is verifiable.
Second, knowing this you try to change the discussion to things you think you can discuss.
Third, Puddy will play along…
Do you think the fact that corporations can now freely spend billions of dollars influencing elections may play a part in some of the “decisions” politicians are making?
Yes! Wasn’t that the common thread of HA Libtardos during the BUSH years? Look up the Chicago Carbon Exchange AKA Crime Inc. See who’s involved.
Oh yeah Odumba’s puppet master Soros made millions betting against America when the stock market crashed 1000 points last week while the common schlub lost millions. You kneel at the altar of Soros just like the arschloch!
We see what “change” has gotten us huh?
Keep jack booting to the “cause”!
Puddybud sez, Ask the arschloch the backend of every threadspews:
Puddy don’t do your bidding. It’s you the libtardo arschloch guy proudly displaying his left porn eye. Puddy been against Polanski in every commentary moron.
Use that feckless database and refresh that pea-brain sized memory.
How come libtardo NBC news peeps were hoping last month the Times Square Almost Bomber was a white guy and not a Muslim? Send the arschloch a shout out for the links in his “database”.
Oh yeah Odumba’s puppet master Soros made millions betting against America when the stock market crashed 1000 points last week while the common schlub lost millions.
Stupes is so sceeeereed..
S O R O S …
Such silly paranoid fantasies that he swallows from right wing bullshit websites..
Look, its real fucking easy people, and it goes a little something like this:
You rape a child: manditory life in prison, no parole for first offense…hell even make it a mandatory death penalty
You kill a child: death penalty
You voilently rape an adult: mandatory life in prison, no parole
You kill ANYONE(with the intent to murder – barring some circumstances like spousal abuse): Death penalty
Attempted murder: mandatory life in prison – no parole…you shouldnt be rewarded with leniency because you fucked up.
This fucker was already a convicted sex offender. These murders are the direct result of limp wristed people who refuse to deal with these monsters they way they need to be dealt with.
The only good thing from this whole awful event is the advent of Chelseas Law.
There are some crimes that preclude a person from EVER getting a second chance at society.
@20 – just call it heterosexual love doc. You know how heterosexuals like to rape, murder and rob, spill oil, send people to their death in coal mines, and pillage like greedy bastards. Heterosexuals the downfall to America.
Dr. Drespews:
21…LMFAO….isnt it about time for you to “rent” a barely legal boy? Maybe take him to naked hot yoga?
sick freaks. revolting.
Dr. Drespews:
ya gman…you and your friends re-up your nambla memberships yet? dont want to miss the next newsletter do you?
Puddybud sez, Ask the arschloch the backend of every threadspews:
You excused Foley because of the age of consent.
Try again arschloch… You are lying about what Puddy wrote regarding Foley. Par for the course, being an arschloch. Even Steve admitted to what Puddy wrote about Foley, fool!
Then the FBI said Foley ‘BROKE NO LAWS’. He didn’t touch anyone you fool.
You are so NUTS your Koro affected NUTS draw inward to pizz and defecate!
Puddybud sez, Ask the arschloch the backend of every threadspews:
So arschloch… The New Yorker is right wing? NOPE. Haim Saban is a right wing Jew? NOPE. Or are you the libtardo arschloch guy proudly displaying his left porn eye? YEP. Sez much about you and facts fool!
Rest of the feckless rant from the arschloch is absolutely worthless, because you arschloch are the caboose of every HA thread.
Puddybud sez, Ask the arschloch the backend of every threadspews:
Oh poor arschloch…
The arschloch’s Nazi loving hero Soros is betting against Odumba and his merry band of Goldman Sucks disciples, and this fool, the arschloch, doesn’t get it.
Puddy said you were the lowest of the leftist life forms here, a dumb brick. You prove it everyday in every way!
Scream all you want fool, Soros is betting against you and all you fools who voted for Odumba.
Carry on with that jackboot march fool!
Puddybud sez, Ask the arschloch the backend of every threadspews:
Previously, Puddy provided the links where Gardner was sentenced the first time by a Libtardo CA judge who gave Gardner a light sentence. If the fool judge gave him the average sentence those two girls would be alive today. Thank you libtardo judges for all the deaths you assist in and get away with!
Send the arschloch a shout out for the links in his “database”.
Politically Incorrectspews:
3 – The right wing didn’t get where they are by dint of genius.
Uh. The title of the post is:
OK, go fuck yourself then.
BTW, I’ll bet you that Bernie Madoff and his whole family never voted for anyone other than liberals their entire lives. Kind of ironic, dontcha think?
As always, be sure to sign the I-1068 paperwork and vote for the initiative in November!
I’ll bet you that Bernie Madoff and his whole family never voted for anyone other than liberals their entire lives.
Never bet with a right winger. If he loses He’ll either welsh or take forever to pay up.
Politically Incorrectspews:
Were you referring to me? I’m NOT a right-winger, pal.
Then the FBI said Foley ‘BROKE NO LAWS’. He didn’t touch anyone you fool.
So what? Foley was GUILTY of crusing young males, kids entrusted to him for service as Congressional pages by their parents – for internet sex. YOU EXCUSED THE BEHAVIOR. YOU STILL EXCUSE IT.
Just because he had an R next to his name.
And of course you have no problem with Foley grooming the kids for sex when they became of age:
The ex-page says that in the fall of 2000, when he was 21 years old, he engaged in sexual intercourse with Foley at the congressman’s Washington residence. According to the former page’s account, “[t]he two had wine and pizza on a backyard patio and then retired to a spare bedroom.”[17]
Another former page told ABC News that Foley arranged a sexual liaison with him but only after he turned 18.[16]
Now because Polanski worked in Hollywood, next thing you know if he gets off because the age of consent is 15 in France (i.e. HE BROKE NO LAWS), you’ll whine he should get the chair.
26 – So? He’s entitled to do with his money what he pleases. Just like Murdoch, Scaife, Moon, Koch and the rest of right wing bastard club you admire.
If money measures talent, he’s a helluva lot smarter than you.
I hope he’s wrong. I know he’s been wrong in the past and it’s cost him some money.
the supidest motherfucker on the planet.
stay classy asshole.
And Foley, Craig and so on are from the “Family Friendly” party that are supposedly combating this sort of thing.
The rent-boy scandals I’ve seen all seem to involve anti-gay righties.
Puddybud sez, Ask the arschloch the backend of every threadspews:
Ahhh rujax,
the supidest motherfucker on the planet.
supidest? Hmmm…? You are a moron!
The rough and very dumb cinder block of HA. Notice the dumb cinder block has nothing to say about the facts! He can’t. He’s a marvel in his own mind.
Thanks for the “callout” moron!
Puddybud sez, Ask the arschloch the backend of every threadspews:
Foley was GUILTY of crusing young males, kids entrusted to him for service as Congressional pages by their parents – for internet sex. YOU EXCUSED THE BEHAVIOR. YOU STILL EXCUSE IT.
Fool, the FBI said he broke NO LAWS. What does that mean arschloch? If the FBI thought he broke laws don’t you think Brian Ross would have blasted it all over the ‘Nets? You can’t stand Foley not being guilty of anything. Whataschmuck!
You prove to everyone everyday how stupid you are. You prove you are the arschloch of HA, the caboose of the blog.
Regarding Polanski, the girl was an American you dickhead. Let Puddy help you idiot…
Roman Polanski was convicted of sexual abuse in 1977. He admitted to having sex with a 13 year old girl. Polanski fled the US to avoid sentencing, and there has been an arrest warrant for him since 1977. In 2005, an international arrest warrant was issued.
You are one ignorant libtardo, a real dumb brick! Keep proving how moronic you are! The caboose of all HA Libtardo threads.
Puddybud sez, Ask the arschloch the backend of every threadspews:
Bernie Madoff was a DUMMOCRAPTIC jock strap. His pals were rich Jewish whiteys who also voted DUMMOCRAPT!
Puddybud sez, Ask the arschloch the backend of every threadspews:
Now there is a new one on Polanski, another of your heroes moronic arschloch…
Charlotte Lewis has accused director Roman Polanski of sexually abusing her. Lewis was only 16 years old when the alleged abuse took place. Lewis said at a press conference that Polanski ‘forced her in the worst way possible’ to have sex even though he knew her age.
It happened four years later in LA after the first abuse happened fool!
Heterosexual Intelligence – Posts 22 – 40 – No wonder this country is fucked.
Puddybud sez, Ask the arschloch the backend of every threadspews:
A guy was driving when a policeman pulled him over. He rolled down his window and said to the officer, “Is there a problem, Officer?”
“No problem at all. I just observed your safe driving and am pleased to award you a $5,000 Safe Driver Award. Congratulations. What do you think you’re going to do with the money?”
He thought for a minute and said, “Well, I guess I’ll go get that drivers’ license.”
The lady sitting in the passenger seat said to the policeman, “Oh, don’t pay attention to him – he’s a smartass when he’s drunk and stoned.”
The guy from the back seat said, “I TOLD you guys we wouldn’t get far in a stolen car!”
At that moment, there was a knock from the trunk and a muffled voice said, “Are we over the border yet?”
“The idea was to see if the private sector could succeed in building highways,” said Marlon Boarnet, a professor of planning policy and design at the University of California Irvine. “But one thing that history is teaching us is that it is more complicated that we thought.”
Hulsizer said his company intends to operate the tollway through bankruptcy reorganization and beyond, even though he doesn’t expect the venture to turn a profit anytime soon.
Politically Incorrectspews:
For all of you that think I’m a right wing guy, here’s what one of the wingnuts over at Stefan’s blog said about me:
17. Politically Incorrect…The whole idea is the growing consensus amongst the People, both Democrat and Republican, is to have a changing of the Guard whether, they be Republican or Democrat. That means Patty Murray will become one of the fallen. Get it? Probably not. You’re a Liberal!
Posted by Daniel at May 15, 2010 03:53 PM
The libertarian position is untenable. Less regulation inevitably leads to greater corporate malfeasance.
History has shown this starting way back at the turn of the century. Teddy Roosevelt left the republican party over this vey issue. trusts, monoplies and coporate greed will trump good intentions and “principles” of less government every time.
We need a vigilant government watchdog – not the cozy Dick Cheney energy task force or the Bush admin. stuffed minerals board.
These disasters have Bush, republicans, lack of regulation and Phil Gramm written all over them.
terminal degree = BSspews:
inevitably leads … and blah blah blah
To repeat a trope you’ve seen here over and over: All the misfeasance and malfeasance of the recent past, together with most of it from the last century, happened while we were in the tender embrace of the regulatory state.
There’s something touchingly naive about believing that we’re in a bipolar world, corporations vs. regulations, with only regulation protecting us from corporate wickedness.
Alas, Big Government is not the antidote for Big Business because Big Government’s regulatory apparatus is more-or-less inevitably captured by the regulated. Etc.
And TR, like regulation, is more complicated than you pretend. His trust-busting faltered when it ran up against corporate donations to TR’s blind ambition. Have heard that he tried to muzzle the busting of Northern Securities because NS was a generous donor to TR. Taft had a stronger record than TR of busting down too-big-to-fail conglomerates.
And what’s with Phil Gramm? Is that a reference to the repeal of Glass-Steagall, signed by Bill Clinton in 1999?
Dr. Drespews:
lookin like correctbutwrong just got blown up by a fact bomb…..
Puddybud sez, Ask the arschloch the backend of every threadspews:
What is truly naive is to beleive that coporations will be good citizens and protect consumers ond the earth as opposed to going for the greatest possible profit for short term gain.
The evidence clearly shows tthis is not the case. Sure, there are examples of good corporations – but there will be cheaters and they will screw things up.
Not all regulations are good – they have to be carefully crafted and we still need good government to properly enforce the regulations (not the wink and nod of Reagan and Bush).
Oh, in case you didn’t pay attention – Gramm was the author of several pieces of legislation (along with the libertarian wing of the republican party and the banking lobbyists) that allowed the banking industry to do credit default swaps (one of the main problems in the economic meltdown) among other things.
And yes, Clinton signed the bill, since it was attached to a midnight last-minute addition of the budget bill in the Seante by the republicans who were in charge.
Talk about naive – maybe you actually need to read about what happened before you shoot off your mouth. Being misinformed is certainly naive, and could be dangerous to your health.
@52: Go ahead and defend deregulation….it just makes you look more stoopid than you already are.
Oh, and it looks like Obama has now had more foreign policy success than Bush had in 8 years. Iran is backing down and accepting the world and US plan for nuclear energy. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/37.....stn_africa
Looks like diplomatic and other pressure has started to change the Iranian regime.
Obama 1
Bush -10
Where is Puddy on this great diplomatic success?
Puddy has been going on and on about Iran. After 8 years of Bush and the unneded war in Iraq, Iran was diplomatically transcendant. Now, they are in retreat. Obama and diplomacy have totally reversed the Bush failures.
How is Puddy going to explain this one? Time to make up crap as usual – go to Faux News for your clues Puddy.
Only a true idiot would write something as simplistic and dumb as this:
All the misfeasance and malfeasance of the recent past, together with most of it from the last century, happened while we were in the tender embrace of the regulatory state.
Uh huh, and deregulation never happened?
And Reagan and Bush did not appoint people who gutted the EPA and other regulatory agencies…and then you have the nerve to ignore the facts and claim the REGULATION caused the problems?
Wow, talk about head in the sand naivite. Even a third grader can argue better than that.
Deregulation WAS the failure that caused the banking fiasco. The Mining and Minerals area was Dick cheney personal playground and they were busy partying with the polluters, oil and mining companies under bush.
did you not pay attention?
And then the hypocritical republicans are claiming it happened on Obama’s watch…hahaha, Bush and Cheney gutted the agencies and stuffed them with cronies.
Republicans lie, LIE and LIE. Liberarians are just naive and stoopid.
Dr. Drespews:
You are as naive as the Clinton admin if you think the Iranians are going to behave….its the same old same old from both the Iranians and North Koreans….lie, deceit, etc…its all they do.
הונולולו, הוואי, ארצות הבריתspews:
Correctnotbright, true simplistic dumb idiot that he is, witlessly misses the point and misrepresents the facts.
The facts have been laid out here at HA, in exhautive and exhausting detail, in recent months:
* The regulatory state got its grip, ~1890, with the Sherman Act that was intended to curb Gilded Age corporate power but that was, instead, used to club unions. Sherman may have been law, but it made the real law, the law of unintended consequences, blindingly obvious to everyone, probably, except correctnotbright. Sherman also set a pattern for regulation in the real world: seldom do the outcomes of regulation match the likely intent of regulation;
* Nobody, not even Rad Dyke Rabbit, refuted my excerpt from Atlantic Monthly showing that the repeal of Glass-Steagall did not lead to or cause the meltdown of 2007 and 2008 … deregulation, signed by Clinton, WAS NOT the cause of the banking fiasco;
* Nobody here, not even GBS or rhp, refuted my proofs that the modern era of deregulation began with Jimmy Carter, not Ronald Reagan. Carter signed off on the first wedge of finance deregulation. Carter and Teddy Kennedy began to deregulate transportation, beginning with aviation;
* Again, read a nonacademic book by nonacademic Joel Salatin (he’s the geek in Food Inc.) who tells how real-world regulation really works. The book, written in simple strong language that even correctnotbright can understand, is Everything I Want To Do Is Illegal. Illegal because, for farmer Salatin as for everyone else, Big (Agri)business lines up with Big Government to impose a regulatory regime that stifles competition. The big dogs can absorb and pass along costs of regulatory compliance, costs that either impede uppity little competitors from trying to compete, or that whack the margins of occasional upstart start-ups;
* Obama’s regulators waived permitting requirements for BP platforms in the Gulf. But you knew that already … Puddy told you so. Still, so much easier for you no-brains brainiacs to blame everything on Cheney;
* Wiki is sticky this morning, so will try to get back later with more about TR and Taft. Conservative Taft did more trust busting than radical TR. That’s the bottom line. The stated reason for TR’s treachery in 1912 is that Taft clipped the wings of TR’s boy toy, Gifford Pinchot.
הונולולו, הוואי, ארצות הבריתspews:
Here’s Wiki on the reality of TR’s anti-trust regulation regime:
President Theodore Roosevelt, following President McKinley’s assassination of 1901, began trust-busting and anti corporate influence activities, but fearing defeat, turned to bankers and industrialists for support in what turned out to be his 1904 landslide campaign. Roosevelt was embarrassed by his corporate financing and was unable to clear a suspicion of a quid pro quo exchange with E.H. Harriman for what was an eventually unfulfilled ambassador nomination. There was a resulting national call for reform, but Roosevelt claimed that it was legitimate to accept large contributions if there were no implied obligation.
Re Northern Securities, mentioned last night, TR went mano a mano eyeball to eyeball with J.P. Morgan who TR tried to characterize as a greedhead enemy of the people. But to whom did TR turn in 1907 when his big stick wilted like a little liberal pansy? Turned to Morgan to save the country. Morgan, despite being nipped and hounded and regulated by showboating TR, pulled the levers to stop a great depression. He did it because TR, a complete idiot about economics, didn’t know how.
And note the Great Depression of 1929 – 1941, the one that didn’t get averted. That meltdown happened either in spite of or because of regulations imposed after 1907 … you know, the birth in 1913 of the monster from Jekyll Island.
Note also that TR’s distant cousin FDR, even with the Fed and with a torrent of new regulatory authority, could not in eight years end the Depression.
@59 Dear absolute moron from Hawaii, US:
The Sherman act was just the beginning and did not work – maybe you actually need to read some history. The act was not effective which is why TR and others campaigned to reign in the trusts.
In 1898, President William McKinley launched the “saw-busting” era when he appointed the U.S. Industrial Commission on Trusts, which interrogated Andrew Carnegie, John D. Rockefeller, Charles M. Schwab, and other industrial titans. The report of the Industrial Commission was seized upon by Theodore Roosevelt, who became known as a “Trust-Regulator,” dissolving 44 trusts during his two terms as president. The “Trust Buster” name is probably more suited for Roosevelt’s successor, William Howard Taft, who brought an end to 90 trusts in one term. Although Taft may have done more to control the trusts while in office, Roosevelt retains the nickname because he was the pioneer of trust-busting.
That was all after 1890 when the “regulatory state supposedly got its grip. Ooops, what you wrote was NONSENSE.
If you want to quibble about TR – fine. He started some of the trust busting but maybe others did more. So what.
Ummm, dear ego meister. Many people have already documented the real reasons for the econmomic meltdowm of the banks and have traced it to three key pieces of legislation written by Phil Gramm (master deregulator, republican and banking lobbyist friend).
As to the Jimmy Carter claim…umm, what did Reagan campaign on? did you forget – who championed “deregulation” and said government was the problem. It sure was not Carter.
What planet are you from that you are trying to argue the opposite?
Wow,, you are a real moron too. You listen to the crap Puddy spews? Grow up and learn to think.
The permits for the oil platform (built in 2007 under BUSH).
The Bush administration did industry’s bidding for eight years: from fiscal 2001 to fiscal 2009, more than 41,700 drilling permits were approved on federal lands, almost two-and-a-half times as many as during the previous eight years. In 2005, the Government Accountability Office found that the “dramatic increase” in oil and gas development on federal lands had undercut the BLM’s ability to meet its environmental obligations. The pace of development was such that rural Sublette County, Wyoming – which doesn’t even have a traffic light – recorded ozone levels in February 2008 that were nearly 50 percent higher than federal health standards. But it wasn’t just the numbers, it was also the cherished places the Bush administration wanted to drill: Colorado’s Roan Plateau, New Mexico’s Otero Mesa, Montana’s Rocky Mountain Front, the Wyoming Range, and the list goes on.
Current MMS director Liz Birnbaum didn’t take office until July 2009, months after the exclusion was granted. More to the point, the dysfunctional attitude of MMS managers reflected problems that were deeply ingrained under the previous administration.
And who had the big slogan drill, baby, drill. That must have been the democrats, right?
And who stuffed the MMS with industry sympathizers? Dick Cheney.
Are you deliberately stoopid, plain ignorant or just a lying shill?
big swingin' dick cheneyspews:
Are you deliberately stoopid, plain ignorant or just a lying shill?
Um … multiple choice questions always screw me over. Can I just go straight to the essay section?
As for you, it’s utterly obvious that you’re utterly oblivious. You can’t handle the truth, particularly when it’s inconvenient. Guess we should agree to drop discussion of the dead past (1890, 1907) because it’s impossible to knock sense into the head of a dead donkey like you.
Won’t claim to have the final answer or even the first answer on oil platform permits, because the regulatory state is now eternal: it runs on its own fumes despite the party at the top of the org chart. But if you hold Bush and Cheney personally and severally to blame for anything that looked like a bureaucratic blunder between January 2001 and January 2009, then you’ve got to blame Obama for administrative screw-ups in the Gulf ON HIS WATCH … three magic words we heard very often during Bush/Cheney.
I posed an interesting point to you that wasn’t from the dead past. The point is about FDR’s Great Depression that continued almost eight years ON HIS WATCH while a regulatory apparatus was in place: Both the Fed of 1913/1914 and the new improved regulatory web that FDR spun from hot air.
How did it happen, you stoopid ignorant lying shill, that our worst economic calamity continued in a hyper-regulatory climate?
big swingin' dick cheneyspews:
PS: Your Gramm scam is very annoying. There’s no reasonable way you can blame 1/100th of the Senate for actions taken by the totality of the presidency at the time, Democrat Bill Clinton.
But it’s unreasonable to expect you to be capable of reason or of being reasonable. Won’t even attempt to tell you get real.
Here’s some typically sweet reason from my side: Rush Limbaugh’s attempt to blame the Carter/Clinton Community Reinvestment Acts for the subprime meltdown melted down. Conservative HNMT quickly thrashed “conservative” Limbaugh right here, at HA, for making unsupported claims.
But there is a tangled web of housing regulation that still, to this day, is in dangerous disarray. Fannie and Freddie, often led by political whores like Democrat Franklin Raines, show just how destructive reliance on Big Government control and “oversight” can be.
Another good example of regulation disease is Democrat Robert Rubin. Went from Clinton to Citi and apparently thought he was entitled to make out like a bandit.
And let’s not even start with Goldman Sachs. You’re so close to wetting your knickers already that a further attempt at rational discussion would just push you over the edge.
The point is about FDR’s Great Depression that continued almost eight years ON HIS WATCH while a regulatory apparatus was in place
Yawn… Hoover let GNP decline by at least 30 percent ON HIS WATCH while haranguing private charities to do more for those suffering from his policies.
By the end of his first term FDR had reclaimed that 30 percent. Unemployment dropped from 25 percent to 15 percent and unfortunately remained that way until WWII.
FDR lost his nerve somewhat and right wingers successfully used the Supreme Court to curtail his agenda.
I’ll take FDR over his enemies whose hate he gladly welcomed anytime.
@62 Big swinging idiot Cheney:
For an idiot who has just had every major argument you made refuted…well, you sure do like to call names liike a third-grader but you sure have lost every argument.
Point: Roosevelt started the trust busting.
Point: After the Sherman anti-trust act that (according to your warped view of history) screwed up the country – things got worse and the trusts (monopolies) took more control and got worse.
Point: Obama’s appointee did not even take office until after the permit exemption was given.
Point: According to your argument, Bush is responsible for 9/11.
No, idiot, BP is responsible for the leak.
And the government failures were due to lack of regulation – the head of the division of MM appointed in 2007 by Bush – just resigned and he was accused of being too cozy with industry and spoke in favor of deregulation.
Yes – only a complete liar or fool would claim that too much regulation caused these problems – but that is exactly what you are trying to claim.
You win the dunce award for stupidity.
As to your “interesting” question – try actually reading about the great depression – you might learn something.
First, lack of regulation was a major cause of the great depression (stock market crash and the bank failures and the debt). You kind of forgot that was on Hoover’s watch. The drought conditions and the actions in Europe did not help, either.
Second, it trigered worldwide depression – so recovery was very slow because Europe (and the European finance ministers) did not handle the depression well either (they beleived in the gold standard which helped to further the depression). In fact, it was worse in Germany where they had a tight fiscal policy (so much for your pathetic and simplistic theory).
The Roaring Twenties were an era dominated by Republican presidents: Warren Harding (1920-1923), Calvin Coolidge (1923-1929) and Herbert Hoover (1929-1933). Under their conservative economic philosophy of laissez-faire (“leave it alone”), markets were allowed to operate without government interference. Taxes and regulation were slashed dramatically, monopolies were allowed to form, and inequality of wealth and income reached record levels. The country was on the conservative’s preferred gold standard, and the Federal Reserve was not allowed to significantly change the money supply.
The fact that the Great Depression began in 1929, then, on the Republicans’ watch, is a great embarrassment to conservative economists. Many try to blame the worsening of the Depression on Hoover, for supposedly betraying the laissez-faire ideology. As the time line in the next section will show, however, almost all of Hoover’s government action occurred during his last year in office, long after the worst of the Depression had hit. In fact, he was voted out of office for doing “too little too late.” The only notable exception to his earlier idleness was the Smoot-Hawley tariff of 1930, whose minor impact we shall explore in more detail later on.
But much more importantly, the economy was clearly turning downward even before Hoover took office in 1929. Entire sectors of the economy were depressed throughout the decade, like agriculture, energy and mining. Even the two industries with the most spectacular growth — construction and automobile manufacturing — were contracting in the year before the stock market crash of 1929. About 600 banks a year were failing. Half the American people lived at or below the minimum subsistence level. By the time the stock market crashed, there was a major glut of goods on the market, with inventories three times their normal size.
The fact that all this occurred even before the first act of government intervention is a major refutation of laissez-faire ideology.
This is a nice summary of why you are totally wrong. You can try to believe in the revisionists – but most reputable historians dispute your version as failing in the actual facts of the matter. You are simply inventing what you want to beleive – the sign of a very simple mind.
Third, it was the failure to continue the government role that prolonged it. Roosevelt blinked in the middle of the program and things got worse again.
Another idiot wrote:
Your Gramm scam is very annoying. There’s no reasonable way you can blame 1/100th of the Senate for actions taken by the totality of the presidency at the time, Democrat Bill Clinton
Yes, the truth can be annoying.
The Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (GLBA), also known as the Financial Services Modernization Act of 1999, (Pub.L. 106-102, 113 Stat. 1338, enacted November 12, 1999) is an act of the 106th United States Congress (1999-2001) signed into law by President William J. Clinton which repealed part of the Glass-Steagall Act of 1933, opening up the market among banking companies, securities companies and insurance companies. The Glass-Steagall Act prohibited any one institution from acting as any combination of an investment bank, a commercial bank, and an insurance company.
Senate had already passed its version of the bill on May 6th by a much-narrower 54–44 vote along basically-partisan lines (53 Republicans and one Democrat in favor; 44 Democrats opposed).
Shortly after George W. Bush was elected president, Congress and President Clinton were trying to pass a $384 billion omnibus spending bill, and while the debates swirled around the passage of this bill, Senator Phil Gramm clandestinely slipped a 262-page amendment into the omnibus appropriations bill titled: Commodity Futures Modernization Act. It is likely that few senators read this bill, if any. The essence of the act was the deregulation of derivatives trading (financial instruments whose value changes in response to the changes in underlying variables; the main use of derivatives is to reduce risk for one party). The legislation contained a provision — lobbied for by Enron, a major campaign contributor to Gramm — that exempted energy trading from regulatory oversight. Basically, it gave way to the Enron debacle and ushered in the new era of unregulated securities. Interestingly enough, Gramm’s wife, Wendy, had been part of the Enron board, and her salary and stock income brought in between $900,000 and $1.8 million to the Gramm household, prior to the passage of the Commodity Futures Modernization Act.
Maybe you should actually read what happened – it was Phil “deregulation” Gramm that wrote the bills, that slipped in the worst bill that allowed this mess to happen.
Oh, and it was lobbyists who helpoed write these bills. Yeah, Enron lobbyists close to Dick Cheney and Bush.
Try reading – it really helps you to understand things.
Lee eleven men died when that rig exploded. If the corporate officers had some idea that they might spend time in the big house when deaths occurred thanks to the negligence on their part then we might have less negligence and less a need for regulations. Unfortunately we don’t have those kinds of laws.
Before some idiot wingnut crows (like that moronic right wing Dori Monson-loving coward), I’d thought I’d head them off at the pass.
Roman Polanski has had a cloud over his head since being charged with statutory rape way back in the 70’s. After reading about the case, I chalked it up to alcohol, bad judgement, a mistake with a young girl who was already sexually active and had been left in Polanski’s company by her stage mom. What a great parent.
To boot, the “victim”, now a middle-aged woman with 3 or 4 kids, thought Polanski should be left alone.
Well it appears that Polanski truly is a scumbag.
The age of consent in France is 15. So Stupes, let’s see you make a “Foley” argument for Polanski. Now that’d be a treat.
What has Roman Polanski got to do with the BP oil spill, Wall Street, and the West Virginia coal mine disaster?
As far as regulation goes, I just finished “No One Would Listen” by Harry Markopolous. He’s the guy that tried for years to get the SEC to stop Bernie Madoff’s Ponzi scheme. The point of his book is, if regulation is needed, it’s apparent that the government can’t handle the job.
More of stoner Lee’s pals go down. What a bad month for the druggies and tweakers! LOL. Undocumented as well? Nah, say it isn’t so! :) Good weekend all.
Well Moronic Libtardos, how come the big DUMMOCRAPT donors and friends are exempt from the “Wall Street Reform” bills?
How come Warren Buffet lobbied for and was granted an exemption by Senate DUMMOCRAPTS for his company in the “Wall Street Reform” bills? Oh yeah a DUMMOCRAPT josck strap! Send the arschloch a shout out for the links in his “database”.
How come the Odumba Administration gave BP (big oil) an exemption in 2009 and then May 7th, 2010 they gave BP (big oil) another exemption? Oh yeah BP gave many large to the Odumba Campaign. Send the arschloch a shout out for the links in his “database”.
How come Odumba loves to talk out of both sides of his mouth when it comes to his MMA regulators and their dealings with Big Oil when it’s his peeps who are the regulators? Send the arschloch a shout out for the links in his “database”.
How come the IMF gave $50 Billion of our tax dollars to Socialist Greece to shore up their unions and lackeys who put Greece into default? Send the arschloch a shout out for the links in his “database”.
How come Odumba pressured Germany to jock strap a bail out bill with no repayment penalties and the German Newspapers said they were the schmucks again? Search Google for German schmucks.
How come leftist fools like Les Leopold can attack NJ Governor Chris Christie on AlterNet for giving a pass to taxing banking millionaires but Les will not attack Odumba and DUMMOCRAPTS in congress for not including them in the “Wall Street Reform” bill? Search AlterNet!
How come certain HA Libtardo Thread Writers (Y’all know who you are) jock strap the Palestinian Cause when they and their “friends” purposely want to kill you and your cousins in another holocaust? Remember it’s you fools who compare conservatives to Hitler. Well it seems your Palestinian friends support Hitler’s actions, something conservative outright condemn all the time. Now why wasn’t this o CAP or Media Morons or KosKook-Aid?
How come HA Libtardo Thread Writers won’t condemn this? Look at the list of speakers. It’s a who’s who of libtardo thought! Did you notice the University of Washington? Where is the well know HA arschloch ylb arschloch taking the lead on this? Oops… being the arschloch he’s always the caboose of a thread!!!
How come the don’t care about Odumba’s lies and his purposeful dismantling of Israel? You can read all about how the rich American Jews and not funding DUMMOCRAPTS in 2010 and 2012 because of Odumba’s actions. Haim Saban has been a big DUMMOCRAPT jock strap. First Things Magazine has learned not this year! Haim is keeping his money along with other rich prominent Jews from DUMMOCRAPTS. See his reaction to Odumba in 2008. Ya mean this wasn’t in any of the whackamole web sites? That’s becuz you read horse manure, that’s all you got!
“For example, Saban continued, “Obama was asked the same question Hillary was asked—‘If Iran nukes Israel, what would be your reaction?’ Hillary said, ‘We will obliterate them.’ We . . . will . . . obliterate . . . them. Four words, it’s simple to understand. Obama said only three words. He would ‘take appropriate action.’ I don’t know what that means. A rogue state that is supporting killing our men and women in Iraq; that is a supporter of Hezbollah, which killed more Americans than any other terrorist organization; that is a supporter of Hamas, which shot twelve thousand rockets at Israel—that rogue state nukes a member of the United Nations, and we’re going to ‘take appropriate action’! ” His voice grew louder. “I need to understand what that means. So I had a list of questions like that. And Chicago”—Obama campaign headquarters—“could not organize that meeting. ‘Schedule, heavy schedule.’ I was ready and willing to be helpful, but ‘helpful’ is not to write a check for two thousand three hundred dollars. It’s to raise millions, which I am fully capable of doing. But Chicago wasn’t able to deliver the meeting, so I couldn’t get on board.”
And GBS claims you DUMMOCRAPTS will win big in November. Your presnit is killing that chance even more every day in 2010!
Off the meds again, eh Spuddy?
Someone call the MHPs.
Of course Deathfroggie… Puddy was never on your psychotropics. They cause facts to explode libtardo minds. Can you refute any of the points above? Of course not! You can’t find “your words” on any leftist kook site to copy and paste!
Keep jack booting to the “cause”!
Puddy. Do you think the fact that corporations can now freely spend billions of dollars influencing elections may play a part in some of the “decisions” politicians are making?
All the right wingers are crying “socialism” when what we have for a government right now, and have had for almost 30 years is FASCISM.
It doesn’t matter what kind of regulations you have Lee. When corrupt lying animals like Bush get elected (sic) they ignore every single crime of their “friends” and supporters. You know, the folks Bush called his base, the “Haves, and the have mores” in his words.
Look at the MMS if you want an example. Hookers and cocaine for oil, and mining leases, and not one corporate, hooker buying, cocaine buying corporate criminal went to prison. Corporate crimes are never prosecuted. You can do all the government corrupting you want.
Dumocrats? Democrats are dumb? You would have to be a wet brain to think Republicans should be running government. Either that or a billionaire, or a traitor. Just look at what they did the last time Republicons controlled government. America barely survived. Now Republicans want to blame Obama for Bush’s mess.
WET BRAINS – Every single one.
3 – The right wing didn’t get where they are by dint of genius.
Uh. The title of the post is:
Yikes, haven’t used this windows account in ages..
There, that’s better.
First, Puddy notices you can’t refute any of the comments Puddy placed above. Each one is verifiable.
Second, knowing this you try to change the discussion to things you think you can discuss.
Third, Puddy will play along…
Yes! Wasn’t that the common thread of HA Libtardos during the BUSH years? Look up the Chicago Carbon Exchange AKA Crime Inc. See who’s involved.
Oh yeah Odumba’s puppet master Soros made millions betting against America when the stock market crashed 1000 points last week while the common schlub lost millions. You kneel at the altar of Soros just like the arschloch!
We see what “change” has gotten us huh?
Keep jack booting to the “cause”!
Puddy don’t do your bidding. It’s you the libtardo arschloch guy proudly displaying his left porn eye. Puddy been against Polanski in every commentary moron.
Use that feckless database and refresh that pea-brain sized memory.
Wow Stupes. Quite a rant there.
Feel better now? I doubt it. Poor fool hasn’t had his castor oil this morning.
#2 is backed up!
Refute the points above arschloch… Oh yeah you “talk” out your arschloch…
Keep being the caboose of every thread, arschloch!
How come SCOTUS nominee Elena Kagan gets a pass for saying she supports holding peeps without trial. This disagrees with the Holder Theorem… oops Holder now changed his mind and the Holder Theorem… Nevermind…
How come libtardo NBC news peeps were hoping last month the Times Square Almost Bomber was a white guy and not a Muslim? Send the arschloch a shout out for the links in his “database”.
You excused Foley because of the age of consent. Let’s see you do it with Polanski.
You won’t because of your degenerate ideology.
Normally I wouldn’t bother with Stupes’ silly right wing bullshit.
But here’s the refutation:
Who’s SecState? What’s that old American foreign policy saw about speak softly and carry what?
Stupes is so sceeeereed..
S O R O S …
Such silly paranoid fantasies that he swallows from right wing bullshit websites..
Why is it that no has pointed out that BP is largely owned by .. Kuwaitis?
When are we ever going to get serious about people like this?
Look, its real fucking easy people, and it goes a little something like this:
You rape a child: manditory life in prison, no parole for first offense…hell even make it a mandatory death penalty
You kill a child: death penalty
You voilently rape an adult: mandatory life in prison, no parole
You kill ANYONE(with the intent to murder – barring some circumstances like spousal abuse): Death penalty
Attempted murder: mandatory life in prison – no parole…you shouldnt be rewarded with leniency because you fucked up.
This fucker was already a convicted sex offender. These murders are the direct result of limp wristed people who refuse to deal with these monsters they way they need to be dealt with.
The only good thing from this whole awful event is the advent of Chelseas Law.
There are some crimes that preclude a person from EVER getting a second chance at society.
@20 – just call it heterosexual love doc. You know how heterosexuals like to rape, murder and rob, spill oil, send people to their death in coal mines, and pillage like greedy bastards. Heterosexuals the downfall to America.
21…LMFAO….isnt it about time for you to “rent” a barely legal boy? Maybe take him to naked hot yoga?
sick freaks. revolting.
ya gman…you and your friends re-up your nambla memberships yet? dont want to miss the next newsletter do you?
Try again arschloch… You are lying about what Puddy wrote regarding Foley. Par for the course, being an arschloch. Even Steve admitted to what Puddy wrote about Foley, fool!
Then the FBI said Foley ‘BROKE NO LAWS’. He didn’t touch anyone you fool.
You are so NUTS your Koro affected NUTS draw inward to pizz and defecate!
So arschloch… The New Yorker is right wing? NOPE. Haim Saban is a right wing Jew? NOPE. Or are you the libtardo arschloch guy proudly displaying his left porn eye? YEP. Sez much about you and facts fool!
Rest of the feckless rant from the arschloch is absolutely worthless, because you arschloch are the caboose of every HA thread.
Oh poor arschloch…
The arschloch’s Nazi loving hero Soros is betting against Odumba and his merry band of Goldman Sucks disciples, and this fool, the arschloch, doesn’t get it.
Puddy said you were the lowest of the leftist life forms here, a dumb brick. You prove it everyday in every way!
Scream all you want fool, Soros is betting against you and all you fools who voted for Odumba.
Carry on with that jackboot march fool!
Dr Dre@20…
Previously, Puddy provided the links where Gardner was sentenced the first time by a Libtardo CA judge who gave Gardner a light sentence. If the fool judge gave him the average sentence those two girls would be alive today. Thank you libtardo judges for all the deaths you assist in and get away with!
Send the arschloch a shout out for the links in his “database”.
3 – The right wing didn’t get where they are by dint of genius.
Uh. The title of the post is:
OK, go fuck yourself then.
BTW, I’ll bet you that Bernie Madoff and his whole family never voted for anyone other than liberals their entire lives. Kind of ironic, dontcha think?
As always, be sure to sign the I-1068 paperwork and vote for the initiative in November!
Never bet with a right winger. If he loses He’ll either welsh or take forever to pay up.
Were you referring to me? I’m NOT a right-winger, pal.
So what? Foley was GUILTY of crusing young males, kids entrusted to him for service as Congressional pages by their parents – for internet sex. YOU EXCUSED THE BEHAVIOR. YOU STILL EXCUSE IT.
Just because he had an R next to his name.
And of course you have no problem with Foley grooming the kids for sex when they became of age:
Now because Polanski worked in Hollywood, next thing you know if he gets off because the age of consent is 15 in France (i.e. HE BROKE NO LAWS), you’ll whine he should get the chair.
26 – So? He’s entitled to do with his money what he pleases. Just like Murdoch, Scaife, Moon, Koch and the rest of right wing bastard club you admire.
If money measures talent, he’s a helluva lot smarter than you.
I hope he’s wrong. I know he’s been wrong in the past and it’s cost him some money.
the supidest motherfucker on the planet.
stay classy asshole.
And Foley, Craig and so on are from the “Family Friendly” party that are supposedly combating this sort of thing.
The rent-boy scandals I’ve seen all seem to involve anti-gay righties.
Ahhh rujax,
supidest? Hmmm…? You are a moron!
The rough and very dumb cinder block of HA. Notice the dumb cinder block has nothing to say about the facts! He can’t. He’s a marvel in his own mind.
Thanks for the “callout” moron!
Fool, the FBI said he broke NO LAWS. What does that mean arschloch? If the FBI thought he broke laws don’t you think Brian Ross would have blasted it all over the ‘Nets? You can’t stand Foley not being guilty of anything. Whataschmuck!
You prove to everyone everyday how stupid you are. You prove you are the arschloch of HA, the caboose of the blog.
Regarding Polanski, the girl was an American you dickhead. Let Puddy help you idiot…
You are one ignorant libtardo, a real dumb brick! Keep proving how moronic you are! The caboose of all HA Libtardo threads.
Bernie Madoff was a DUMMOCRAPTIC jock strap. His pals were rich Jewish whiteys who also voted DUMMOCRAPT!
Now there is a new one on Polanski, another of your heroes moronic arschloch…
It happened four years later in LA after the first abuse happened fool!
Heterosexual Intelligence – Posts 22 – 40 – No wonder this country is fucked.
A guy was driving when a policeman pulled him over. He rolled down his window and said to the officer, “Is there a problem, Officer?”
“No problem at all. I just observed your safe driving and am pleased to award you a $5,000 Safe Driver Award. Congratulations. What do you think you’re going to do with the money?”
He thought for a minute and said, “Well, I guess I’ll go get that drivers’ license.”
The lady sitting in the passenger seat said to the policeman, “Oh, don’t pay attention to him – he’s a smartass when he’s drunk and stoned.”
The guy from the back seat said, “I TOLD you guys we wouldn’t get far in a stolen car!”
At that moment, there was a knock from the trunk and a muffled voice said, “Are we over the border yet?”
40 – Heh. Didya read comment 2 fool?
Way late on that one dork.
Foley, Madoff, Polanski, shitheels one and all. Foley might not have broken any laws, but he sure was one creepy freak.
And YOU CAN. Thanks for making my point fool..
If the arschloch looked at his “vaulted” database… Puddy said Foley was a creep. This is why the arschloch is a useless dumb brick!
See, there are things in this world we can agree on!
Toll road operator goes bankrupt. This story warms my tree hugging, bike riding, heart.
For all of you that think I’m a right wing guy, here’s what one of the wingnuts over at Stefan’s blog said about me:
17. Politically Incorrect…The whole idea is the growing consensus amongst the People, both Democrat and Republican, is to have a changing of the Guard whether, they be Republican or Democrat. That means Patty Murray will become one of the fallen. Get it? Probably not. You’re a Liberal!
Posted by Daniel at May 15, 2010 03:53 PM
The libertarian position is untenable. Less regulation inevitably leads to greater corporate malfeasance.
History has shown this starting way back at the turn of the century. Teddy Roosevelt left the republican party over this vey issue. trusts, monoplies and coporate greed will trump good intentions and “principles” of less government every time.
We need a vigilant government watchdog – not the cozy Dick Cheney energy task force or the Bush admin. stuffed minerals board.
These disasters have Bush, republicans, lack of regulation and Phil Gramm written all over them.
To repeat a trope you’ve seen here over and over: All the misfeasance and malfeasance of the recent past, together with most of it from the last century, happened while we were in the tender embrace of the regulatory state.
There’s something touchingly naive about believing that we’re in a bipolar world, corporations vs. regulations, with only regulation protecting us from corporate wickedness.
Alas, Big Government is not the antidote for Big Business because Big Government’s regulatory apparatus is more-or-less inevitably captured by the regulated. Etc.
And TR, like regulation, is more complicated than you pretend. His trust-busting faltered when it ran up against corporate donations to TR’s blind ambition. Have heard that he tried to muzzle the busting of Northern Securities because NS was a generous donor to TR. Taft had a stronger record than TR of busting down too-big-to-fail conglomerates.
And what’s with Phil Gramm? Is that a reference to the repeal of Glass-Steagall, signed by Bill Clinton in 1999?
lookin like correctbutwrong just got blown up by a fact bomb…..
@51: terminal mind
What is truly naive is to beleive that coporations will be good citizens and protect consumers ond the earth as opposed to going for the greatest possible profit for short term gain.
The evidence clearly shows tthis is not the case. Sure, there are examples of good corporations – but there will be cheaters and they will screw things up.
Not all regulations are good – they have to be carefully crafted and we still need good government to properly enforce the regulations (not the wink and nod of Reagan and Bush).
Oh, in case you didn’t pay attention – Gramm was the author of several pieces of legislation (along with the libertarian wing of the republican party and the banking lobbyists) that allowed the banking industry to do credit default swaps (one of the main problems in the economic meltdown) among other things.
And yes, Clinton signed the bill, since it was attached to a midnight last-minute addition of the budget bill in the Seante by the republicans who were in charge.
Talk about naive – maybe you actually need to read about what happened before you shoot off your mouth. Being misinformed is certainly naive, and could be dangerous to your health.
@52: Go ahead and defend deregulation….it just makes you look more stoopid than you already are.
Oh, and it looks like Obama has now had more foreign policy success than Bush had in 8 years. Iran is backing down and accepting the world and US plan for nuclear energy.
Looks like diplomatic and other pressure has started to change the Iranian regime.
Obama 1
Bush -10
Where is Puddy on this great diplomatic success?
Puddy has been going on and on about Iran. After 8 years of Bush and the unneded war in Iraq, Iran was diplomatically transcendant. Now, they are in retreat. Obama and diplomacy have totally reversed the Bush failures.
How is Puddy going to explain this one? Time to make up crap as usual – go to Faux News for your clues Puddy.
Only a true idiot would write something as simplistic and dumb as this:
Uh huh, and deregulation never happened?
And Reagan and Bush did not appoint people who gutted the EPA and other regulatory agencies…and then you have the nerve to ignore the facts and claim the REGULATION caused the problems?
Wow, talk about head in the sand naivite. Even a third grader can argue better than that.
Deregulation WAS the failure that caused the banking fiasco. The Mining and Minerals area was Dick cheney personal playground and they were busy partying with the polluters, oil and mining companies under bush.
did you not pay attention?
And then the hypocritical republicans are claiming it happened on Obama’s watch…hahaha, Bush and Cheney gutted the agencies and stuffed them with cronies.
Republicans lie, LIE and LIE. Liberarians are just naive and stoopid.
You are as naive as the Clinton admin if you think the Iranians are going to behave….its the same old same old from both the Iranians and North Koreans….lie, deceit, etc…its all they do.
Correctnotbright, true simplistic dumb idiot that he is, witlessly misses the point and misrepresents the facts.
The facts have been laid out here at HA, in exhautive and exhausting detail, in recent months:
* The regulatory state got its grip, ~1890, with the Sherman Act that was intended to curb Gilded Age corporate power but that was, instead, used to club unions. Sherman may have been law, but it made the real law, the law of unintended consequences, blindingly obvious to everyone, probably, except correctnotbright. Sherman also set a pattern for regulation in the real world: seldom do the outcomes of regulation match the likely intent of regulation;
* Nobody, not even Rad Dyke Rabbit, refuted my excerpt from Atlantic Monthly showing that the repeal of Glass-Steagall did not lead to or cause the meltdown of 2007 and 2008 … deregulation, signed by Clinton, WAS NOT the cause of the banking fiasco;
* Nobody here, not even GBS or rhp, refuted my proofs that the modern era of deregulation began with Jimmy Carter, not Ronald Reagan. Carter signed off on the first wedge of finance deregulation. Carter and Teddy Kennedy began to deregulate transportation, beginning with aviation;
* Again, read a nonacademic book by nonacademic Joel Salatin (he’s the geek in Food Inc.) who tells how real-world regulation really works. The book, written in simple strong language that even correctnotbright can understand, is Everything I Want To Do Is Illegal. Illegal because, for farmer Salatin as for everyone else, Big (Agri)business lines up with Big Government to impose a regulatory regime that stifles competition. The big dogs can absorb and pass along costs of regulatory compliance, costs that either impede uppity little competitors from trying to compete, or that whack the margins of occasional upstart start-ups;
* Obama’s regulators waived permitting requirements for BP platforms in the Gulf. But you knew that already … Puddy told you so. Still, so much easier for you no-brains brainiacs to blame everything on Cheney;
* Wiki is sticky this morning, so will try to get back later with more about TR and Taft. Conservative Taft did more trust busting than radical TR. That’s the bottom line. The stated reason for TR’s treachery in 1912 is that Taft clipped the wings of TR’s boy toy, Gifford Pinchot.
Here’s Wiki on the reality of TR’s anti-trust regulation regime:
Re Northern Securities, mentioned last night, TR went mano a mano eyeball to eyeball with J.P. Morgan who TR tried to characterize as a greedhead enemy of the people. But to whom did TR turn in 1907 when his big stick wilted like a little liberal pansy? Turned to Morgan to save the country. Morgan, despite being nipped and hounded and regulated by showboating TR, pulled the levers to stop a great depression. He did it because TR, a complete idiot about economics, didn’t know how.
And note the Great Depression of 1929 – 1941, the one that didn’t get averted. That meltdown happened either in spite of or because of regulations imposed after 1907 … you know, the birth in 1913 of the monster from Jekyll Island.
Note also that TR’s distant cousin FDR, even with the Fed and with a torrent of new regulatory authority, could not in eight years end the Depression.
@59 Dear absolute moron from Hawaii, US:
The Sherman act was just the beginning and did not work – maybe you actually need to read some history. The act was not effective which is why TR and others campaigned to reign in the trusts.
That was all after 1890 when the “regulatory state supposedly got its grip. Ooops, what you wrote was NONSENSE.
If you want to quibble about TR – fine. He started some of the trust busting but maybe others did more. So what.
Ummm, dear ego meister. Many people have already documented the real reasons for the econmomic meltdowm of the banks and have traced it to three key pieces of legislation written by Phil Gramm (master deregulator, republican and banking lobbyist friend).
As to the Jimmy Carter claim…umm, what did Reagan campaign on? did you forget – who championed “deregulation” and said government was the problem. It sure was not Carter.
What planet are you from that you are trying to argue the opposite?
Wow,, you are a real moron too. You listen to the crap Puddy spews? Grow up and learn to think.
The permits for the oil platform (built in 2007 under BUSH).
And who had the big slogan drill, baby, drill. That must have been the democrats, right?
And who stuffed the MMS with industry sympathizers? Dick Cheney.
Are you deliberately stoopid, plain ignorant or just a lying shill?
Um … multiple choice questions always screw me over. Can I just go straight to the essay section?
As for you, it’s utterly obvious that you’re utterly oblivious. You can’t handle the truth, particularly when it’s inconvenient. Guess we should agree to drop discussion of the dead past (1890, 1907) because it’s impossible to knock sense into the head of a dead donkey like you.
Won’t claim to have the final answer or even the first answer on oil platform permits, because the regulatory state is now eternal: it runs on its own fumes despite the party at the top of the org chart. But if you hold Bush and Cheney personally and severally to blame for anything that looked like a bureaucratic blunder between January 2001 and January 2009, then you’ve got to blame Obama for administrative screw-ups in the Gulf ON HIS WATCH … three magic words we heard very often during Bush/Cheney.
I posed an interesting point to you that wasn’t from the dead past. The point is about FDR’s Great Depression that continued almost eight years ON HIS WATCH while a regulatory apparatus was in place: Both the Fed of 1913/1914 and the new improved regulatory web that FDR spun from hot air.
How did it happen, you stoopid ignorant lying shill, that our worst economic calamity continued in a hyper-regulatory climate?
PS: Your Gramm scam is very annoying. There’s no reasonable way you can blame 1/100th of the Senate for actions taken by the totality of the presidency at the time, Democrat Bill Clinton.
But it’s unreasonable to expect you to be capable of reason or of being reasonable. Won’t even attempt to tell you get real.
Here’s some typically sweet reason from my side: Rush Limbaugh’s attempt to blame the Carter/Clinton Community Reinvestment Acts for the subprime meltdown melted down. Conservative HNMT quickly thrashed “conservative” Limbaugh right here, at HA, for making unsupported claims.
But there is a tangled web of housing regulation that still, to this day, is in dangerous disarray. Fannie and Freddie, often led by political whores like Democrat Franklin Raines, show just how destructive reliance on Big Government control and “oversight” can be.
Another good example of regulation disease is Democrat Robert Rubin. Went from Clinton to Citi and apparently thought he was entitled to make out like a bandit.
And let’s not even start with Goldman Sachs. You’re so close to wetting your knickers already that a further attempt at rational discussion would just push you over the edge.
Yawn… Hoover let GNP decline by at least 30 percent ON HIS WATCH while haranguing private charities to do more for those suffering from his policies.
By the end of his first term FDR had reclaimed that 30 percent. Unemployment dropped from 25 percent to 15 percent and unfortunately remained that way until WWII.
FDR lost his nerve somewhat and right wingers successfully used the Supreme Court to curtail his agenda.
I’ll take FDR over his enemies whose hate he gladly welcomed anytime.
@62 Big swinging idiot Cheney:
For an idiot who has just had every major argument you made refuted…well, you sure do like to call names liike a third-grader but you sure have lost every argument.
Point: Roosevelt started the trust busting.
Point: After the Sherman anti-trust act that (according to your warped view of history) screwed up the country – things got worse and the trusts (monopolies) took more control and got worse.
Point: Obama’s appointee did not even take office until after the permit exemption was given.
Point: According to your argument, Bush is responsible for 9/11.
No, idiot, BP is responsible for the leak.
And the government failures were due to lack of regulation – the head of the division of MM appointed in 2007 by Bush – just resigned and he was accused of being too cozy with industry and spoke in favor of deregulation.
Yes – only a complete liar or fool would claim that too much regulation caused these problems – but that is exactly what you are trying to claim.
You win the dunce award for stupidity.
As to your “interesting” question – try actually reading about the great depression – you might learn something.
First, lack of regulation was a major cause of the great depression (stock market crash and the bank failures and the debt). You kind of forgot that was on Hoover’s watch. The drought conditions and the actions in Europe did not help, either.
Second, it trigered worldwide depression – so recovery was very slow because Europe (and the European finance ministers) did not handle the depression well either (they beleived in the gold standard which helped to further the depression). In fact, it was worse in Germany where they had a tight fiscal policy (so much for your pathetic and simplistic theory).
This is a nice summary of why you are totally wrong. You can try to believe in the revisionists – but most reputable historians dispute your version as failing in the actual facts of the matter. You are simply inventing what you want to beleive – the sign of a very simple mind.
Third, it was the failure to continue the government role that prolonged it. Roosevelt blinked in the middle of the program and things got worse again.
Another idiot wrote:
Yes, the truth can be annoying.
Maybe you should actually read what happened – it was Phil “deregulation” Gramm that wrote the bills, that slipped in the worst bill that allowed this mess to happen.
Oh, and it was lobbyists who helpoed write these bills. Yeah, Enron lobbyists close to Dick Cheney and Bush.
Try reading – it really helps you to understand things.