Liberal chris matthews rips kos and his netroots a new one. I will be using some of his material here in the future.
Kos gets invited on some left-wing msnbc show for a rebuttal.
Nobody with a brain watches Ed Shultz live… or PMSNBC either… just look at the Neilsen numbas. That why we on right catch his “show” on the Internet later for a good laugh.
Marvin@3, Damn Funny man… damn funny. And the name…”Captain Cream Cabaret” causes you to bust a gut.
Puddybud Remembers Progressives Forgetspews:
Recently Darryl used Stephen Colbert to attack Glenn Beck and others. Butt, Darryl gives Al Gorebasm a pass for what he’s doing. And he’s using the libtardos in Congress to press his case. Cap and Trade will cost American consumers a lot in igher utility bills but that’s okay, cuz Al Gorebasm will become a $$$MMMaire.
Where does this fit into Goldy’s “regressive tax structure” argument? Cap and Trade will be an ugly regressive tax upon poor peeps of WA State.
Marvin Stamnspews:
8. Puddybud Remembers Progressives Forget spews:
but that’s okay, cuz Al Gorebasm will become a $$$MMMaire.
Mr. Gore is poised to become the world’s first “carbon billionaire,” profiteering from government policies he supports that would direct billions of dollars to the business ventures he has invested in.
A billionaire?
Shit, no wonder he’s pushing his man-madeup-global-warming.
“Do you think there is something wrong with being active in business in this country?” Mr. Gore said. “I am proud of it. I am proud of it.”
Al gore has no problem. But then, he’s becoming so rich the left will have to hate him like they hate other rich people. Oops, democrats only hate rich republicans, they have no problem with democrats being rich.
Mr. Gore has invested a significant portion of the tens of millions of dollars he has earned since leaving government in 2001 in a broad array of environmentally friendly energy and technology business ventures, like carbon trading markets, solar cells and waterless urinals.
Follow the money.
Al gore has earned “tens of millions of dollars” since leaving office. Looks like the man-madeup-global-warming story has made al gore very very rich. The american dream, ala joe kennedy or bernie madeoff.
Doing what? As the rabbit would say, working a real job? nope, I doubt al gore even mows his own lawn. I sure hope the rabbit isn’t going to be a hypocrite and not comment on al gore “earning” tens of millions in less than 20 years not doing a real job.
Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez says his American counterpart Barack Obama should give his Nobel Peace Prize back as he is sending more soldiers to war-weary Afghanistan.
“He [Obama] got the Nobel Peace Prize almost the same day as he sent 30,000 soldiers to kill innocent people in Afghanistan,” he said during a speech at a climate change conference in Denmark.
So oba-mao sent 30,000 troops to kill innocent people.
Nope, that’s the same as bush.
Marvin Stamnspews:
It appears that the climate summit in copenhagen was a success.
Like the left continuously said during the bush term… iraq never attacked us. Afghanistan never attacked us. Yemen never attacked us. All the terrorists were from saudi arabia.
And lets not forget the humanitarian groups… Cruise missiles can’t distinguish between terrorists and innocent little children.
If you’re a little kid in yemen watching bombs explode and kill your family & friends, do those kids consider this CHANGE?
Yet it got worse. The long-awaited meeting, on which so much hope has been placed for so long around the world – the Danes, from their Prime Minister Lars Lokke Rasmussne down, have been referring to Copenhagen as “Hopenhagen” – threatened to descend into farce when Venezuela’s firebrand Marxist President, Hugo Chavez, fired off a string of insults at Mr Obama from the podium, saying he had been awarded “the Nobel Prize for war” and referring to his “Yankee Empire”.
I wonder how much the world will hate us because we lied to them about hope & change.
People believed.
Now innocent people are dying in yemen because of the yankee empire.
SANAA (Reuters) – Yemen’s opposition accused the government on Friday of killing dozens of civilians, including whole families, in raids a day earlier which the authorities said had killed about 30 al Qaeda militants.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Merry Christmas!
Here is a Christmas present for y’all——
Saturday, December 19, 2009
The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Saturday shows that 26% of the nation’s voters Strongly Approve of the way that Barack Obama is performing his role as President. Forty percent (40%) Strongly Disapprove giving Obama a Presidential Approval Index rating of -14.
Just 34% believe that passing the health care legislation currently before Congress is better than passing nothing. Fifty-seven percent (57%) take the opposite view.
From +32 when no one really knew Obam-Mao…to -14 now that we know him.
Won’t be fooled again.
Progressivism is dying under it’s own weight….and a little sunshine on it’s lunacy.
Security officials in the region said that about 30 militants were killed
U.S. and Afghan forces have killed 30 Taliban fighters
So oba-mao kills terrorists in groups of 30. Campaigned in 57 states. Made up 440 fake congressional districts. Assured us that unemployment wouldn’t go above 9% if we believed him.
Math/numbers obviously aren’t the strong point of oba-mao. Can anyone say “present?”
Mr. Cynicalspews:
More proof Progressivism is on the WRONG track and being rejected———– Thursday, December 17, 2009
Sixty-six percent (66%) of U.S. voters prefer a smaller government with fewer services and lower taxes over a more active government with more services and higher taxes. That’s the second highest finding of the year: In August at the height of the congressional town hall controversies over the health care plan, 70% felt that way. A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that just 22% prefer a government with more services and higher taxes. Eleven percent (11%) aren’t sure which is best
“The Senate bill is a recipe for national disaster. If it’s that bill or nothing, I prefer nothing.”
– Darcy Burner,
Hadn’t you assured us that Darcy had done much to move health care reform forward, Goldy? Yet now she wants to kill the legislation that Obama assures us – as recently as this morning, actually – will help achieve that reform. The legislation, according to Obama:
“would represent the toughest measures we’ve ever taken to hold the insurance industry accountable. Anyone who says otherwise simply hasn’t read the bills.”
…reporter calls Inhofe ‘ridiculous’ at Copenhagen summit.
“The senator’s aides quickly set up an impromptu press conference at the top of a staircase in the Bella Center, where the Republican declared that climate change is a fraud perpetuated by the “Hollywood elite” — a claim so outlandish to the international journalists in attendance that one German reporter editorialized directly to Inhofe’s face and said, ‘You’re ridiculous.’”
A friend of mine and I went to Avatar in 3D yesterday afternoon.
The storyline is excellent!
The graphics of Pandora are beautiful!
The thoughts behind creating creating Pandora are amazing!
The acting is excellent!
Watching the movie in 3D just added a whole new excellent dimension!
“many white and in their 50’s or 60’s”. thats so funny, for the writer to note ethnicity. for example if i note most posters here are jews, is that the same thing?
Marvin Stamnspews:
19. The Caveman Economist spews:
…reporter calls Inhofe ‘ridiculous’ at Copenhagen summit.
I wonder why gore won’t debate anyone.
Do you have any idea why gore is afraid headless?
If all the made up and modified data proves it, why doesn’t he debate.
Oh yeah, it’s such a scam they had to change the name from global warming to climate change in order to not be proven the same kind of crackpots that predicted the world would be freezing over about now.
Headless, are you still destroying the planet or do you have a zero carbon footprint?
If you believe, why won’t you do the right thing?
Marvin Stamnspews:
22. The Caveman Economist spews:
re 21: You’re ridiculous.
Did he not bow?
I think ridiculous is someone that has to keep changing their name and hiding behind sockpuppets.
Marvin Stamnspews:
Poor pelosi, all that snow when she wanted to talk about man-madeup-global-warming.
Can we agree that the oba-mao stimulus package that he told us had to be passed right away is a failure.
Forget that oba-mao doled the money out in according to political party, his lied about unemployment going above 9%. Oba-mao lied, people lost their homes. Of course not the rich people that donated to oba-mao.
Unemployment rates dropped in 36 states and the District of Columbia, but that trend appeared to reflect more people leaving the work force. Unemployed people who stop looking for jobs out of frustration aren’t counted in the labor force.
Typical obva-mao. If he’s not campaigning in 57 states or helping out 440 fake congressional districts he’s not counting unemployed people that have given up looking for work.
Hurry, the days that you can buy an overpriced car with bad wiring are numbered.
Swedish PM says winding down of Saab no surprise
Sat Dec 19, 2009 10:30am EST
STOCKHOLM, Dec 19 (Reuters) – Sweden’s prime minister said on Saturday he was unsurprised by the collapse of GM’s [GM.UL] efforts to sell Saab because the U.S. auto giant had failed to make the loss-making Swedish carmaker into a successful brand.
Sabb, the Norwegian boat motor company, seems to be putting along just fine.
Clearly, this is a threat to the peoples of Latin America and particularly those nations targeted, such as Venezuela. Most people in the US don’t know about this military agreement, but it they did, they should question why their government, led by Nobel Peace Prize winner Barack Obama, is preparing for war in South America. And, in the midst of an economic crisis with millions of people in the US losing jobs and homes, why are millions of dollars being spent on military bases in Colombia? The US Congress already approved $46 million for one of the bases in Colombia. And surely more funds will be supplied in the future.
Congress quietly shoves in earmarks for unnecessary and ridiculously expensive weapons programs, and pays for them by gutting the existing budgets for actual soldiers.
They mean the democrat controlled congress.
Why does the democrat controlled congress hate the troops?
It’s always amazed me that this stuff isn’t more of an issue with the right. We’re talking about robbing soldiers to pay defense executives.
He’s amazed that the right isn’t complaining.
He’s not amazed that the democrat controlled congress would screw over the troops.
The Obama administration refused Friday to follow a federal judge’s order to provide insurance benefits to the wife of a lesbian court employee in San Francisco and said its hands were tied by a discriminatory law.
Typical democrat support of gays. Vote for us, now go away.
One of Golinski’s lawyers, Jenny Pizer of the gay-rights group Lambda Legal, said Kaplan’s response was “something we might have expected from the Bush or Reagan administration, and not from a ‘fierce advocate’ of LBGT rights,” as President Obama has described himself.
Everyday someone new is comparing oba-mao to bush. And where did she get the idea that oba-mao was a “fierce advocate” of gay rights. His religious views won’t allow that.
The administration is not sponsoring legislation to repeal the Defense of Marriage Act, however, and is defending the law in a suit by same-sex married couples in Massachusetts.
Oba-mao said he was against gay marriage because of his religious beliefs.
Did the gay population honestly think he would help people he was against because of his religious views?
@38 We’d be better off without the South. Then we could get some Reeeeeeeally cheap labor. Bunch of illegal sorghum swilling aliens anyway.
and….we’d be better of without new york too. no more maddoff like, money changer/scammers.
Marvin Stamnspews:
40. The Caveman Economist spews:
It make more sense to call Tiger Woods Oba-Mao — as he is part Orirntal.
Did you spell oriental wrong on purpose to be cute?
It’s obvious besides not having any black friends, you don’t have any asian friends.
Again you are on the wrong side of bigotry.
Are you aware that calling people oriental is not politically correct?
Marvin Stamnspews:
42. The Caveman Economist spews:
L60 votes Marvin. Change is a slow train comin’ and you can’t stop it.
Change is not always good.
Candy ass.
As said by someone scared to be around black people 24/7.
And now as evidenced by your choice of words, you also have issues with “Orirntals.”
Marvin Stamnspews:
40. The Caveman Economist spews:
re 37: Why don’t you call Obama something like ‘Sweet Brown Africa-Man Sassafrassee’?
I never thought of that. Hhmm, why did you? I know, because you are the person that actually wrote in a public forum you have problems being around blacks 24/7.
It make more sense to call Tiger Woods Oba-Mao — as he is part Orirntal.
lol…that scion of feminism meryl streep is doing a tv add that says, 1 in 6 americans have a mental illness….so, do the math to see how many retards post on this site.
@42 Change is a slow train comin’ and you can’t stop it.
That’s strange, because a big chunk of Obama’s base are furious and trying to stop this train DESPITE Obama’s assurances – and apparently yours – that it’s all good.
Whether they like it or not, DOMA is the law of the land and the Administrative branch of the government has to obey and defend it.
Roger Rabbitspews:
It just goes to show you can get away with anything in Orange County if you’re a cop.
Roger Rabbitspews:
But hey, I can’t think of a finer bunch of taxpayers than Orange County Republicans to fork over $400,000 to a local stripper for the privilege of having their city’s finest jerk off on her in a traffic stop.
Marvin Stamnspews:
52. Roger Rabbit spews:
It just goes to show you can get away with anything in Orange County if you’re a cop.
It just goes to show there is one set of laws for taxpayers and one for government employees.
Shouldn’t government employees be held to a higher standard?
The U.S. economy is far more carbon efficient than China, India, Vietnam, and so on. A cap and trade program will make it more cost effective to move many of the jobs that have been off-shored in the last 30 years back to American soil.
From the NIH:
Mental disorders are common in the United States and internationally. An estimated 26.2 percent of Americans ages 18 and older — about one in four adults — suffer from a diagnosable mental disorder in a given year. When applied to the 2004 U.S. Census residential population estimate for ages 18 and older, this figure translates to 57.7 million people.
Based on what you’ve written here, I’d say that meds and therapy could help you a lot.
We’ve been funding and fighting wars in South America since Teddy Roosevelt was in the White House. Do you really think that Obama could change that with a wave of a magic wand?
There’s no shortage of people on the right that claim those of us on the left thought Obama could change everything with a wave of a wand, but I’ve yet to meet a member of the left that lives up to that stereotype.
hey goldstien, i was watching the travel channel and saw that there is a town called santa claus in indiana. and, the post office even has a christmas postmark. omg goldstein, you should ruun there and complain about that. bring silverman of the aclu with you too.
Who cares. Sounds pretty consensual to me, and the jury agreed. Immoral perhaps, but illegal? No. Prosecutor Shaddi Kamiabipour sounds like a man-hating twat anyhow. Someone send her a napkin, she has egg all over her face. Let’s bring back Tom Leykis, he’d set her straight. :)
Daddy Lovespews:
Hey, let’s talk some teabagger into primarying Reichert! At the very least, he’ll have to run right to get through, and then a horrified independents in the 8th CD will finally send him back to whatever coiffed-hair-shaped hole he crawled out of.
@60 Mommy Love:
Yeah, been tried. FAIL. Ditzy Darcy Burnout crashed that plane twice. Don’t get your panties all in a knot.
And this from a dope who assured us health care reform was on its way. Even Darcy Burner wants to kill this legislation now, Daddy!
Puddybud Remembers Progressives Forgetspews:
Puddy called this long ago…
You know how you know you are going to win if you pass anything [regarding healthcare reform]? The Republicans will know they have lost…Let them keep score and it`s easy. It`s complicated when liberals get to keep score. We`re always arguing. Well, I`m a liberal, too.
Chris Matthews on NoBalls
Puddybud Remembers Progressives Forgetspews:
Puddy found Grayson’s foolish letter… It’s a hoot, complaining about someone who’s picking on him…
Copenhagen prostitutes?
Climate prostitutes?
Shame on you for this gutter reportage. [Emphasis added.]
This is the second time this week I have written you thereon, the first about giving space in your blog to the Pielkes.
The vibe that I am getting from here, there and everywhere is that your reportage is very worrisome to most climate scientists.
Of course, your blog is your blog.
But, I sense that you are about to experience the ‘Big Cutoff’ from those of us who believe we can no longer trust you, me included. [Emphasis added.]
Copenhagen prostitutes?
Unbelievable and unacceptable.
What are you doing and why?
“This is spiritual piracy and cultural elitism, and we Christians have stood for it long enough. And all those lousy holiday songs by Jewish guys that trash up the malls every year, Rudolph and the chestnuts and the rest of that dreck. Did one of our guys write “Grab your loafers, come along if you wanna, and we’ll blow that shofar for Rosh Hashanah”? No, we didn’t.”
Garrison Keillor, Puddy didn’t know you had it in ya… Wait a minute… you are a progressive pinhead… Puddy takes that back, you do have it in ya…
then you shouldn’t have a problem :-)
Liberal chris matthews rips kos and his netroots a new one. I will be using some of his material here in the future.
Kos gets invited on some left-wing msnbc show for a rebuttal.
“Stop, or I’ll shoot” takes on a whole different meaning.
More of that democrat infighting.
Another msnbc host and some democrat congresswoman
What? Officer gets away with sexual assault because the woman is a stripper? Fuck, man, what year is this?
Blame the jury as well as the cop.
Nobody with a brain watches Ed Shultz live… or PMSNBC either… just look at the Neilsen numbas. That why we on right catch his “show” on the Internet later for a good laugh.
Marvin@3, Damn Funny man… damn funny. And the name…”Captain Cream Cabaret” causes you to bust a gut.
Recently Darryl used Stephen Colbert to attack Glenn Beck and others. Butt, Darryl gives Al Gorebasm a pass for what he’s doing. And he’s using the libtardos in Congress to press his case. Cap and Trade will cost American consumers a lot in igher utility bills but that’s okay, cuz Al Gorebasm will become a $$$MMMaire.
Where does this fit into Goldy’s “regressive tax structure” argument? Cap and Trade will be an ugly regressive tax upon poor peeps of WA State.
How does the liberal ny times defend him?
A billionaire?
Shit, no wonder he’s pushing his man-madeup-global-warming.
Al gore has no problem. But then, he’s becoming so rich the left will have to hate him like they hate other rich people. Oops, democrats only hate rich republicans, they have no problem with democrats being rich.
Follow the money.
Al gore has earned “tens of millions of dollars” since leaving office. Looks like the man-madeup-global-warming story has made al gore very very rich. The american dream, ala joe kennedy or bernie madeoff.
Doing what? As the rabbit would say, working a real job? nope, I doubt al gore even mows his own lawn. I sure hope the rabbit isn’t going to be a hypocrite and not comment on al gore “earning” tens of millions in less than 20 years not doing a real job.
Follow the money.
Here’s a picture the liberal media won’t be showing you.
Isn’t this how the world thought of bush?
When the close friends of oba-mao say he shouldn’t have won the nobel peace prize, you know the wheels are coming off the bus. Probably the bus had so many people thrown under it that it screwed up the suspension.
So oba-mao sent 30,000 troops to kill innocent people.
Nope, that’s the same as bush.
It appears that the climate summit in copenhagen was a success.
Experts said the storm could produce the most significant snowfall to hit the area since Feb. 15-18 of 2003, when more than 16 inches fell across the region. It also could be the biggest December storm in Washington since at least 1932, when 12 inches fell Dec. 17, the Weather Service said.
Imagine a man-madeup-global-warming summit in blizzard conditions.
Or coming home from a man-madeup-global-warming summit and there record amounts of snow around your house.
Or making tens of millions of dollars pushing an agenda you won’t even debate.
Who is america attacking today?
On orders from President Barack Obama, the U.S. military launched cruise missiles early Thursday against two suspected al-Qaeda sites in Yemen, administration officials told ABC News in a report broadcast on ABC World News with Charles Gibson.
Like the left continuously said during the bush term… iraq never attacked us. Afghanistan never attacked us. Yemen never attacked us. All the terrorists were from saudi arabia.
And lets not forget the humanitarian groups… Cruise missiles can’t distinguish between terrorists and innocent little children.
If you’re a little kid in yemen watching bombs explode and kill your family & friends, do those kids consider this CHANGE?
Obama’s climate accord fails the test
I wonder how much the world will hate us because we lied to them about hope & change.
People believed.
Now innocent people are dying in yemen because of the yankee empire.
The liberal ny times reports on the death of innocents-
Merry Christmas!
Here is a Christmas present for y’all——
Saturday, December 19, 2009
From +32 when no one really knew Obam-Mao…to -14 now that we know him.
Won’t be fooled again.
Progressivism is dying under it’s own weight….and a little sunshine on it’s lunacy.
That’s the oba-mao magic number.
Up to 30 suspected militants were killed
Air strikes in two areas of the Mohmand border region killed 30 suspected militants
The military said that the troops have killed 30 more militants
At least 30 bodies of suspected Taliban fighters were recovered
As many as 30 Taliban insurgents might have been killed when troops
Thirty Taliban militants were killed in clashes
Security officials in the region said that about 30 militants were killed
U.S. and Afghan forces have killed 30 Taliban fighters
So oba-mao kills terrorists in groups of 30. Campaigned in 57 states. Made up 440 fake congressional districts. Assured us that unemployment wouldn’t go above 9% if we believed him.
Math/numbers obviously aren’t the strong point of oba-mao. Can anyone say “present?”
More proof Progressivism is on the WRONG track and being rejected———–
Thursday, December 17, 2009
“The Senate bill is a recipe for national disaster. If it’s that bill or nothing, I prefer nothing.”
– Darcy Burner,
Hadn’t you assured us that Darcy had done much to move health care reform forward, Goldy? Yet now she wants to kill the legislation that Obama assures us – as recently as this morning, actually – will help achieve that reform. The legislation, according to Obama:
“would represent the toughest measures we’ve ever taken to hold the insurance industry accountable. Anyone who says otherwise simply hasn’t read the bills.”
So, Obama begs to differ with you, Goldy.
…reporter calls Inhofe ‘ridiculous’ at Copenhagen summit.
“The senator’s aides quickly set up an impromptu press conference at the top of a staircase in the Bella Center, where the Republican declared that climate change is a fraud perpetuated by the “Hollywood elite” — a claim so outlandish to the international journalists in attendance that one German reporter editorialized directly to Inhofe’s face and said, ‘You’re ridiculous.’”
Avatar Review!
A friend of mine and I went to Avatar in 3D yesterday afternoon.
The storyline is excellent!
The graphics of Pandora are beautiful!
The thoughts behind creating creating Pandora are amazing!
The acting is excellent!
Watching the movie in 3D just added a whole new excellent dimension!
For those not snowed in – Go see it!!!
Oba-mao finds someone in copenhagen to bow to.
Or maybe he’s just looking on the ground for his CHANGE.
re 21: You’re ridiculous.
“many white and in their 50’s or 60’s”. thats so funny, for the writer to note ethnicity. for example if i note most posters here are jews, is that the same thing?
I wonder why gore won’t debate anyone.
Do you have any idea why gore is afraid headless?
If all the made up and modified data proves it, why doesn’t he debate.
Oh yeah, it’s such a scam they had to change the name from global warming to climate change in order to not be proven the same kind of crackpots that predicted the world would be freezing over about now.
Headless, are you still destroying the planet or do you have a zero carbon footprint?
If you believe, why won’t you do the right thing?
Did he not bow?
I think ridiculous is someone that has to keep changing their name and hiding behind sockpuppets.
Poor pelosi, all that snow when she wanted to talk about man-madeup-global-warming.
Copenhagen (CNN) – In a strange twist, a Washington snowstorm is forcing Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-California, to make an early departure from a global warming summit here in Denmark.
When you gotta leave a global warming summit because of snowfall, a reasonable person would want to reopen the debate that NEVER happened.
Oba-mao without a teleprompter is like watching an elementary school kid give a speech.
Can’t a great orator look down ay his notes and memorize more than a few words at a time? Didn’t he read his speech beforehand and get a feel for it?
It’s just as funny if you turn the sound off and just watch. He spends as much time looking down at his notes as he does looking at the audience.
His inability to speak without a teleprompter is becoming a national embarrassment.
I thought this was pretty funny. It’s patterned after Jeff Foxworthy’s “You may be a redneck if” shtick:
1. You refine heroin for a living, but you have a moral objection to liquor.
2. You own a $3,000 machine gun and $5,000 rocket launcher, but you can’t afford shoes.
3. You have more wives than teeth.
4. You wipe your butt with your bare hand, but consider bacon “unclean.”
5. You think vests come in two styles: bullet-proof and suicide.
6. You can’t think of anyone you haven’t declared Jihad against.
7. You consider television dangerous, but routinely carry explosives in your clothing.
8. You were amazed to discover that cell phones have uses other than setting off roadside bombs.
9. You have nothing against women and think every man should own at least four.
10. You’ve always had a crush on your neighbor’s goat.
Avg Jobless Length Longest On Record
The longest since 1948.
Can we agree that the oba-mao stimulus package that he told us had to be passed right away is a failure.
Forget that oba-mao doled the money out in according to political party, his lied about unemployment going above 9%. Oba-mao lied, people lost their homes. Of course not the rich people that donated to oba-mao.
Typical obva-mao. If he’s not campaigning in 57 states or helping out 440 fake congressional districts he’s not counting unemployed people that have given up looking for work.
Hurry, the days that you can buy an overpriced car with bad wiring are numbered.
Sabb, the Norwegian boat motor company, seems to be putting along just fine.
I wonder if the left will give as much respect to foreign newspapers punking oba-mao as they did when they punked bush?
I bet no, the liberal media will do everything they can to cover for their messiah.
Nobel Peace Prize Winner Barack Obama, is Preparing for War in South America
All good questions. What is oba-mao doing?
Liberal rawstory is linking to-
They mean the democrat controlled congress.
Why does the democrat controlled congress hate the troops?
He’s amazed that the right isn’t complaining.
He’s not amazed that the democrat controlled congress would screw over the troops.
After all, those troops are in the “enemy camp.”
Give it a rest. Obama ain’t the Anti-Christ, nor is he Saint Francis of Assisi. He’s just a politician.
re 25: You’re still ridiculous. You bow before the corporate overlords.
Mitch McConnell is about as credible as Tim Conway. He’s ridiculous.
The liberal san fran chronicle is reporting–
Typical democrat support of gays. Vote for us, now go away.
Everyday someone new is comparing oba-mao to bush. And where did she get the idea that oba-mao was a “fierce advocate” of gay rights. His religious views won’t allow that.
Oba-mao said he was against gay marriage because of his religious beliefs.
Did the gay population honestly think he would help people he was against because of his religious views?
Southerners are absurdists anyway. What do they call THEIR attack on Ft. Sumter (to this day): ‘The war of Northern Agression’.
We’d be better off without the South. Then we could get some Reeeeeeeally cheap labor. Bunch of illegal sorghum swilling aliens anyway.
I’m sure you’ve got a link to prove that headless?
Did he bow or not? Why are you afraid to answer the question?
re 37: Why don’t you call Obama something like ‘Sweet Brown Africa-Man Sassafrassee’?
It make more sense to call Tiger Woods Oba-Mao — as he is part Orirntal.
re 39: Yeah. I got a link for you, Marvin: A big ol’ pepperoni right between my legs.
You’re ridiculous.
Let’s see — almost 100 years and we’ve got some healthcare reform — finally.
The only things wrong with it are the things that YOUR side insisted upon.
60 votes Marvin. Change is a slow train comin’ and you can’t stop it.
Candy ass.
Again I’ll ask you to prove it.
I know it’s stupid to ask you to prove anything, you never do.
We’d be better off without the South. Then we could get some Reeeeeeeally cheap labor. Bunch of illegal sorghum swilling aliens anyway.
and….we’d be better of without new york too. no more maddoff like, money changer/scammers.
Did you spell oriental wrong on purpose to be cute?
It’s obvious besides not having any black friends, you don’t have any asian friends.
Again you are on the wrong side of bigotry.
Are you aware that calling people oriental is not politically correct?
Change is not always good.
As said by someone scared to be around black people 24/7.
And now as evidenced by your choice of words, you also have issues with “Orirntals.”
I never thought of that. Hhmm, why did you? I know, because you are the person that actually wrote in a public forum you have problems being around blacks 24/7.
Can’t. I’m making a couple extra bucks propagandizing today.
It was democrats that referred to oba-mao as the messiah.
lol…that scion of feminism meryl streep is doing a tv add that says, 1 in 6 americans have a mental illness….so, do the math to see how many retards post on this site.
@42 Change is a slow train comin’ and you can’t stop it.
That’s strange, because a big chunk of Obama’s base are furious and trying to stop this train DESPITE Obama’s assurances – and apparently yours – that it’s all good.
Whether they like it or not, DOMA is the law of the land and the Administrative branch of the government has to obey and defend it.
It just goes to show you can get away with anything in Orange County if you’re a cop.
But hey, I can’t think of a finer bunch of taxpayers than Orange County Republicans to fork over $400,000 to a local stripper for the privilege of having their city’s finest jerk off on her in a traffic stop.
It just goes to show there is one set of laws for taxpayers and one for government employees.
Shouldn’t government employees be held to a higher standard?
The U.S. economy is far more carbon efficient than China, India, Vietnam, and so on. A cap and trade program will make it more cost effective to move many of the jobs that have been off-shored in the last 30 years back to American soil.
From the NIH:
Based on what you’ve written here, I’d say that meds and therapy could help you a lot.
We’ve been funding and fighting wars in South America since Teddy Roosevelt was in the White House. Do you really think that Obama could change that with a wave of a magic wand?
There’s no shortage of people on the right that claim those of us on the left thought Obama could change everything with a wave of a wand, but I’ve yet to meet a member of the left that lives up to that stereotype.
hey goldstien, i was watching the travel channel and saw that there is a town called santa claus in indiana. and, the post office even has a christmas postmark. omg goldstein, you should ruun there and complain about that. bring silverman of the aclu with you too.
Who cares. Sounds pretty consensual to me, and the jury agreed. Immoral perhaps, but illegal? No. Prosecutor Shaddi Kamiabipour sounds like a man-hating twat anyhow. Someone send her a napkin, she has egg all over her face. Let’s bring back Tom Leykis, he’d set her straight. :)
Hey, let’s talk some teabagger into primarying Reichert! At the very least, he’ll have to run right to get through, and then a horrified independents in the 8th CD will finally send him back to whatever coiffed-hair-shaped hole he crawled out of.
@60 Mommy Love:
Yeah, been tried. FAIL. Ditzy Darcy Burnout crashed that plane twice. Don’t get your panties all in a knot.
And this from a dope who assured us health care reform was on its way. Even Darcy Burner wants to kill this legislation now, Daddy!
Puddy called this long ago…
Chris Matthews on NoBalls
Puddy found Grayson’s foolish letter… It’s a hoot, complaining about someone who’s picking on him…
re 50: “@42 Change is a SLOW train comin’ and you can’t stop it.”
It’s harder and takes longer to build something up than to drag it down. But Republicans would’t know that because they are the wrecking crew.
re 45: “Are you aware that calling people oriental is not politically correct?”
Yes. But I was talking about a golfer. He’s not the guy who built the railroads.
If you agree that the Orient is a part of the world, then people who live there or have that ancestry are Orientals.
Should they start calling the Oriental Express the Asian Express?
Where is this “Oriental Express”?
Puddy is amazed when libtardos attack someone who carries their water in ClimateGate
Copenhagen prostitutes?
Climate prostitutes?
Shame on you for this gutter reportage. [Emphasis added.]
This is the second time this week I have written you thereon, the first about giving space in your blog to the Pielkes.
The vibe that I am getting from here, there and everywhere is that your reportage is very worrisome to most climate scientists.
Of course, your blog is your blog.
But, I sense that you are about to experience the ‘Big Cutoff’ from those of us who believe we can no longer trust you, me included. [Emphasis added.]
Copenhagen prostitutes?
Unbelievable and unacceptable.
What are you doing and why?
It seems another libtardo is showing his progressive colors..
“This is spiritual piracy and cultural elitism, and we Christians have stood for it long enough. And all those lousy holiday songs by Jewish guys that trash up the malls every year, Rudolph and the chestnuts and the rest of that dreck. Did one of our guys write “Grab your loafers, come along if you wanna, and we’ll blow that shofar for Rosh Hashanah”? No, we didn’t.”
Garrison Keillor, Puddy didn’t know you had it in ya… Wait a minute… you are a progressive pinhead… Puddy takes that back, you do have it in ya…