– This looks like a potentially interesting discovery that could assist in combating climate change.
– Maricopa County, Arizona sheriff Joe Arpaio is a menace to society.
– U.S. Attorney Tanya Treadway isn’t much better.
– Speaking of unhinged U.S. Attorneys, I neglected to say farewell to a true authoritarian nightmare, Mary Beth Buchanan.
– Washington Post reporter Ashley Halsey III gets caught passing along bogus statistics, yet when this is pointed out to him, instead of issuing a correction, he throws a fit.
– Eric Martin has a post on the secretive war we’re fighting inside Pakistan. With all of the focus on Afghanistan recently, I think we’re overlooking what has the potential to be a greater failure in our overall strategy there.
Party Time
Happy Hanukkah, Marvin.
Have you ever noticed how many bluebloods go into the CIA and the diplomatic corp?
OK, you brew up a huge batch of this bacteria. Let’s say you fill the Great Lakes with it. The plan is to put these bacteria to work making isobutanol from CO2. But they don’t like being worker bees and get their own ideas … then what?*
* Ha ha! Just kidding! Wingnut science fiction.
Joe Arpaio needs to go down. He is worse than a common criminal. He wields considerable power without the slightest appreciation for the value of the rule of law. He is all about the Rule of Joe. Republicans like him because he is very adept at blustering. Republicans value blustering talent more than anything else. Sarah can bluster. Dickie C. can bluster. Rush can bluster. Republicans love those who can bluster. Substance? Ah, who could give a shit about substance?
Cabin Fever Dep’t
A grand jury has indicted a 98-year-old Massachusetts woman for strangling her 100-year-old nursing home roommate.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Don’t let them put you in a room with a Republican.
Credit Card Debt — By The Numbers
MSNBC reports that consumer credit card debt peaked at $975 billion in September 2008, has fallen 13 consecutive months, and now is $888 billion (seasonally adjusted).
Credit card companies have reduced credit limits for 58 million customers.
The average credit card interest rate is 13.71%, up from 11.88% in May 2008.
I’ve read elsewhere that about 2/3rds of credit card holders pay off their balances in full every month to avoid interest charges. You’ve gotta watch that, though, because some companies may start charging interest the moment you charge an item.
Joe Arpaio is a national embarassment. Even Amnesty International has gone after his inhumane practices and prisoner abuse (which have cost the County millions of dollars in a series of lawsuits). A lot of Phoenicians hate the guy. But the blue hairs in the retirement communities lap up his “law ‘n order” schtick. And they vote their guy in faithfully–because they really believe he personally protects them from all the “bad people” out there.
On top of everything else, there’s just something about the guy personally that creeps me out.
No Thanks. I’m not into reading fiction
…and Sherrif Joe is a national treasure. Good on you, Sherrif Arpaio.
Here: http://scienceblogs.com/pharyn.....n_fire.php
When the green revolution unseats the power elite of the energy suppliers (e.g., gas, oil, electricity), the partnership of these elites with governments (‘free enterprise’, in Wingnutville) will disappear.
@10 “Sherrif Joe is a national treasure.”
Sheriff Joe is a fascist and you’re an illiterate who can’t even spell “Sheriff” correctly.
Folllowing Obama’s “another speech” accepting his UNEARNED Nobel Prize….
Here is the result.
From +32 post Inauguration to -16…his lowest rating yet.
The Economy numbers will be the driver in the upcoming elections and will be his legacy.
Folks aren’t buyin’ the borrow our way to prosperity gig.
The Republicans are smart to draw the line in the sand about not raising the Debt Ceiling another $1.8 TRILLION. This is one of the key issues. Hopefully Fiscal Conservatives of both Party’s will say enough is enough.
Saturday, December 12, 2009
You KLOWNS have handled things worse than the Republicans…in the eyes of most Americans.
Political Capital===ALL GONE!
AP: No Faked Science Found
“E-mails stolen from climate scientists … don’t support claims that the science of global warming was faked, according to an exhaustive review by The Associated Press.
“The 1,073 e-mails examined by the AP … don’t undercut the vast body of evidence showing the world is warming because of man-made greenhouse gas emissions.”
The AP assigned a team of 5 reporters to read and analyze the stolen e-mails. What these e-mails show is that some of the scientists became frustrated with global warming deniers who harassed and even threatened them, the AP report indicates. The skeptics also deluged the scientists with public records requests in an effort to obstruct their work, the AP report indicates.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: The planet clearly is warming. This is plainly visible in time-lapse photography of alpine and polar glaciers, even if one chooses to ignore the vast data that has been collected over the years. Common sense argues that humankind can’t pump billions of tons of CO2 into the atmosphere without effect. But science deniers with a partisan agenda have no common sense — only slavish loyalty to dogma and ideology, no matter how obvious the truth is.
@14 Even Republicans are praising Obama’s Nobel acceptance speech, Klown! Why aren’t you on board? Didn’t you get the memo? Were you distracted out in the goat shed when the word came down?
If only he would let those criminals out of jail all would be fine in liberal land.
Besides for not coddling criminals, what bothers you about the sheriff?
Like right-wingers have been saying, the recession is a boom to government employees.
Liberal usa today reports–
For democrats, it’s all about the “average people” supporting government employees.
@17 “Besides for not coddling criminals, what bothers you about the sheriff?”
Threatening and harassing judges, for starters. The guy doesn’t understand the concept of balancing the powers of government between separate and coequal branches of government in order to prevent abuses of power by any one branch. He wants to run his county as a dictator.
When you have a zero carbon footprint, in other words, when you quit destroying the environment, you can point fingers.
Why do believers refuse to stop destroying the planet?
If everyone that believes in man-madeup-global-warming stopped their destructive habits, the problem would be solved.
Why do those that believe refuse to stop destroying the planet.
Poor wittle judges.
If he is committing a crime “Threatening and harassing judges,” why hasn’t he been arrested?
Oh yeah, you’re making stuff up.
typical partisan hack.
@18 As federal payroll data are backward-looking, and the latest data would be from 2007 (or 2008 at the latest), you are talking about what happened under the BUSH administration, dolt!
I wonder how much these averages were skewed by fat salaries paid to political appointees? For example, under Bush we saw young attorneys fresh out of third-tier law schools, whose only qualifications were party loyalty and a willingness to take orders from party superiors, appointed to U.S. Attorney positions and top jobs in the Justice Department that normally require years of experience. And then thoroughly botch their handling of the responsibilities of those positions.
Also, it’s disingenuous to compare the federal workforce — which is almost entirely college-educated, is top-heavy with professionals, and includes diplomats, policymakers, researchers, managers, analysts, military officers, regulators, etc. — with the private workforce, which includes retail clerks, waitresses, janitors, drivers, etc.
That’s like comparing NASA’s payroll with a local muffler shop, then using the data to argue that NASA workers are overpaid.
@21 “If he is committing a crime “Threatening and harassing judges,” why hasn’t he been arrested?”
He just might be. He’s under investigation by federal authorities.
@21 “Oh yeah, you’re making stuff up.”
No, I got that info by reading Lee’s links, jackass. Of course, YOU didn’t read the actual news articles, so you don’t KNOW anything; you just peel bullcrap off the ceiling, Marvie Stupes. Par for the course, for you.
In your opinion, since bush was president when the democrat controlled congress controlled the checkbook that makes those high salaries okay?
To a liberal, since oba-mao is failing it must be someone’s fault. Someone besides oba-mao, so lets blame the people.
Sounds exactly like the democrats during the bush term.
16. Roger Rabbit spews:
I don’t give a shit.
Screw the Republicans.
Read the poll numbers and weep Rog!!
He might just not be.
And until he’s convicted, he’s innocent.
Marvin @ 18–
Those are FACTS!
Watch Rog spin around in circles and come up with some lame spin.
It is not sustainable…or desirable to have any gap,,much less this huge.
And it is a huge mistake to use only salaries BECAUSE GOVERNMENT WORKERS have huge benefits packages…above the private sector.
We need to ALWAYS talk about TOTAL COMPENSATION> Comprende???
Rog & his KLOWNmates will now proceed to reflect on the unreasonable salaries of a few hundred Corp. Execcs.
That is all they have.
Hey Rog…what are the UNION talking points on this one?
I’m waiting for them FROM YOU!
Poll numbers are dropping everyday.
Oba-mao is out of touch with working americans.
How sad that the rabbit is forced to using republicans as proof the empty suit is dropping in the polls.
Oba-mao has lower approval ratings at this moment than what left-wingnuts called the worst president in the history of presidents.
Government employees enjoy a standard that “average people” can’t because of the tax burden to pay so many government employees so much.
What, about 50 CEOs that liberals are attacking?
Compared to the transportation department going from 1 employee making over $170,000 to 1,689 employees making $170,000.
I’m guessing the rabbit is pissed that so many other people were able to profit off government employment while he couldn’t figure out how.
@25 “In your opinion, since bush was president when the democrat controlled congress controlled the checkbook that makes those high salaries okay?”
Congress doesn’t determine executive branch salaries, jackass.
Oh, and Marvie Stupes, while you’re complaining about federal payrolls, would you please throw in some comments about the money the Busheviks spent on Blackwater security guards and no-bid contractors?
@27 “Screw the Republicans.”
My sentiments exactly! That’s THREE things we have in common, Cyni-Slime!
1. We flip stocks.
2. We screw four-legged animals.
3. We have no use for Republicans.
I wonder if we might be relatives? Distant cousins perhaps? Maybe the same microbial ancestor on the evolutionary tree?
@28 “He might just not be.”
Then again, he just might be. If you read a newspaper once in a while you might know something, stupes.
@29 “Those are FACTS!”
Those also are Bush’s employees, and Bush being generous to his cronies with your tax money.
Two Idiots (Klown & Stupes) @various: Yep, federal pay is so generous there’s a mass exodus of CEOs into the public sector …
Let’s see, these two wingnuts are bitching about federal employees in top managerial or policymaking positions making $170,000 a year — but not a peep from them about CEOs getting paid $10 million to $100 million a year as a reward for running their companies into the ground.
Yep, that’s wingnut credibility on parade …
Exactly like oba-mao being generous to his cronies with your tax money.
Yet for some reason the rabbit wants to be a hypocrite and only complain about republicans doing what democrats are currently doing. Nothing like living in the past, wouldn’t you say rabbit?
I’ve explained this many times to you, why are you having problems learning it?
I have no choice about paying taxes.
I have a choice to give bank of america my money.
So what if some private company wants to pay someone a ridiculous amount of money, I have a choice to not fund his salary.
And even though you don’t know it, you are not forced to help fund any CEO salaries you disagree with. If a CEO making a lot of money bothers you, either stop giving that company your money or get into therapy and learn why you are so jealous of others.
This mornings Tacoma paper had a piece by Kathleen Parker praising Obama’s speech.
The poll numbers, while bad for Obama, don’t mean that people are embracing your libertarian views.
merry christmas to all
I’m a Conservative…with some Libertarian views. I believe in a small, cost-effective, unintrusive Government..something BOTH major Political Parties have failed to achieve.
TeaPartiers have the broadest base of any political Party. They have MOMENTUM. Yeah, there are a few kooks..just not as many as the R’s & D’s.
I suspect there may be 5 Party’s in 2012.
Democrats, Progressives, Republicans, TeaParty and Greens.
That ought to force some issues in this country, don’t you think??
Who will win??
If a Progressive Party forms…it will be the Progressives or the Tea Party.
WHY? Emotion & passion behind both movements.
The status quo Parties are in serious trouble.
Merry Christmas to you.
Now you’re talking.
Kudos to Sheriff Joe Arpaio! Perhaps stoner Lee should hop in his Prius and visit AZ. Good riddance asshole.
You’re always such a breath of fresh air.
So stop bitching about having to pay for transit and bike lanes that you don’t use.
This from CNN news: http://d.yimg.com/kq/groups/17.....c-vi26.wmv
What do his numbers prove?
That America isn’t embracing the views of oba-mao.
The poll numbers show that Obama’s support is weak right now, but that doesn’t mean that the Republican’s support is growing or strong.
Cyn did a good job of clarifying things @ #44.
Lee: Nice article on the bacteria that convert CO2 into isobutanol (or one step away). The problem with this research (and others) is always in the scale up – how much CO2 can the bacteria capture and how can they be grown en mass enough to start making a difference.
speaking of bogus statistics, can we all just admit that the globull worming scam is just that…a scam designed to bleed of us our money and to reduce the US to just another lackluster socialist country
god damn people, the evidence of the trickery and lies is staring you in the face. Time admit that your belief in the globull worming religion was wrong.
The “green” side of our economy is doing better than the “brown” side. It’s THE way for people to employed and make money in the future.
The “green” side of our economy is doing better than the “brown” side. It’s THE way for people to employed and make money in the future.
Sucka’ @54
@55…keep telling yourself that…reminds me of when corn fuel was gonna save us all…LMFAO.
The only way green building is being sustained now is through govt subsidy..otherwise it collapses because its pure smoke and mirrors – and that is coming from someone who deals with LEED projects all day long.
@57…yup, and only through govt subsidy. Otherwise the business model doesnt make any sense. sucka.
BTW, will all these energy saving devices being used, has anybody’s energy bill done down? NOPE. The less you use, the more the rate climbs….you’ve been had. sucka.
how much does it cost per rider on light rail?
@58…govt subsidy can make any business look good.
are you really that much of a simpleton? wow, go back to hanging out in Belltown with all the other lemmings.
Green businesses typically get LESS subsidy. Walmart and coal fired power plants are the king and queen of public subsidy. Plus, even in standard, non-green businesses, the more green and sustainable the business is the better it’s doing.
I live in a nice house, with a nice view, in Gig Harbor, Btw.
Government subsidy built the Grand Coulee Dam. Next time you eat a fast food burger, you’ll be eating food subsidized by the federal government. Government subsidy is involved in every single product Boeing makes. Everything you buy travels over roads and there isn’t a single, producer, shipper or store that’s paying their full share of their road usage.
Sorry, Max.
Hey Max, checkout comment #3
It doesn’t get much more “old economy” around here than logging and fishing. Hmm… I wonder if they get any government money.
You’re talking about a very narrow part of green building. I never once mentioned “green building.” I’m talking about newer parts of our economy that are generally considered green or sustainable.
I agree with you on LEED.
Why didn’t you thread this? This is interesting and it’s on AL Gorebasm’s network!
UFC 107 picks for the evening…
Sanchez over Penn
Mir over Congo
Fitch over Pierce
Guida over Florain
Buentello over Struve
place your bets…
Denver’s T-REX project spent $19.3 million per highway lane-mile and $27.6 million per LRT track-mile. Denver’s light rail has a carrying capacity 8 times greater than the highways in that project.
Plus, you don’t have to own a car to use light rail.
6 lanes of freeway can carry about 11,000 cars per hour. According to AAA it costs 61.8¢ to drive a medium sized sedan a mile. That’s $6798.00 per mile! And every single gallon of gas being burned while those cars are whizzing by receives massive amounts of subsidies.
cmon now, nobody with a wife and kids is gonna be able to live in this society without a car.
Besides, do you really want to take light rail through Rainier Valley? ugh, no thanks.
parting thought for the night: I’d rather fuck to Foghat…..
Lots-o-folks don’t have a wife (or husband) and kids or have them, but only have one car. Or have a low enough income that they’d be better off if they didn’t have to have a car.
Looking to the future, with our imploded credit markets and more expensive gas, not as many people are going to be able to afford have cars and most of those who have cars are going to be driving less.
The Puget Sound Basin’s roads are already over crowded and both our population and population densities will be going up in the future. We wont have the space on the roads and in parking lots for all the new comers to have cars. Rail’s the only way to go.
I’ve never ridden light rail through Rainier Valley, but I’ve ridden my bicycle through it on several occasions (dropping off the I-90 trail and picking up the Interurban). I’ve never had any issues. It’s a fun and vibrant place.
’19. Roger Rabbit spews:
@17 “Besides for not coddling criminals, what bothers you about the sheriff?”
Threatening and harassing judges, for starters.’
Quote your source bunny-boy. Otherwise just shut the fuck up and admit that what is really bothering you is that he did not consult with the International Brotherhood of Retired Courthouse Janitors, of which I’m sure you’re a high ranking member.
re 73: Most of the people that R-pie-O denigrates and oppresses in his jails have not been convicted of anything — but he treats them as if they had.
So fuck you in the ass hard MarkI.
My source is an article in New Yorker Magazine. I know…. It doesn’t have the bright, primary colours of the weakly standard, but it’s a fairly reliable source, I’m told.
74. Bloggy Bloggerton spews:
Post the link headless you dumbass.
Some article in New Yorker??
Who wrote it…give it to us.
I know you won’t…because it doesn’t exist!
Hey headless, isn’t that the magazine that had oba-mao and his wife on the cover and got so much crap from left-wingnuts about?
Why am I not surprised that’s your source.
@73 “Quote your source …”
Why do I need to? Don’t you know how to read a newspaper or conduct a simple Google search?
“Yesterday, Arpaio and Thomas criminally charged Judge Donahoe (the judge who held Arpaio’s document-swiping deputy in contempt) on bribery charges. Except there was apparently never any actual bribe. They didn’t like how Donahoe had ruled on some motions related to Arpaio’s investigation into the construction of a new tower for the county courthouse. Apparently, Donahoe’s ‘bribe’ was merely his employment with the court system that benefits from the tower. Oh, and he’s also retiring soon.”
“Maricopa County Attorney Andrew Thomas this afternoon struggled to explain his decision to charge the county’s presiding criminal court judge, Gary Donahoe, with three felony counts — bribery, obstructing a criminal investigation, and hindering prosecution.
“But Thomas couldn’t offer any evidence to the assembled media … that Donahoe actually had accepted a bribe of any sort. … In fact, the county attorney said no evidence exists that the veteran judge personally has received anything in the way of a personal financial benefit ….
“Arizona has a ‘very broad’ definition of bribery, Thomas said in response to requests for specificity. … Even the Valley’s usually compliant press corps seemed incredulous with the announcement of criminal charges against the highly respected Donahoe …. But Thomas insisted that he wasn’t pursuing a criminal case against Donahoe as a preemptive strike hours before the judge was set to hold a hearing that could have ended with Thomas being barred from prosecuting any county supervisor. He later told the gaggle, ‘If I’m not explaining this well, I hope you’ll help me.'”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: And that, my friends, is how wingnuts play politics in Texas — the same state where it’s against the law to sue developers for shoddy construction. I’m sure glad I don’t live in that hellhole! Nothing there but cactus, rattlesnakes, and Republicans.
Ar-pee-oh is a fucking circus clown who’s turning Maricopa County into a laughingstock. I sure wouldn’t live there or locate a business there.
I wonder how long it’ll take the wingnuts to figure out Maricopa County isn’t in Texas? Fifteen minutes so far, and not a peep from them, still counting …
Mr. Cynical @ 44
Please. Don’t flatter yourself.
Having a view implies belief. You can’t explain yourself. You can’t defend your statements. Call me a cynic, but you don’t believe what you say. So you have no views.
For example:
In your libertarian utopia, who pays for the administration of elections and the courts?
You’re nothing. If not inconsistent.
Phoenix TV station KPHO reports the FBI “is looking into accusations that Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio is using his position to settle political vendettas.”
The TV station says it has interviewed “more than two dozen … business owners, government workers, mayors and law-enforcement officials” who received “unwelcome visits” from Arpaio’s deputies after publicly criticizing the sheriff.
Oh, and America’s Toughest Sheriff(TM) is corrupt, too:
“In 2004, … Phoenix New Times reporter Dougherty found himself under criminal investigation after he had been working on a story about the sheriff’s hidden land investments — a story that was potentially embarrassing for Arpaio. … Despite the investigation, the New Times continued to report on the land story, and on the night of Oct. 18, 2007, the paper’s publisher and executive editor were arrested and jailed.”
Former U.S. Attorney David Iglesias, after reviewing KPHO’s research file, said he’s “never seen anything like this” and would seek a federal indictment against Arpaio if he were still a federal prosecutor, the TV station reported.
Between 2004 and 2007, the federal lawsuits filed against Joe Arpaio numbered 2,150. That’s not a misprint. (Source: Wikipedia)
30 minutes and still counting …
You trolls want links? I gave you some links. Those are only a drop in the bucket.
You always write stuff that isn’t true.
Kudos, this time even you caught it.
Funny the link you cited didn’t include how many of those 2,150 he lost.
I wonder how many of those 2,150 were frivolous lawsuits filed by bitter hateful left-wingnuts like that democrat birther.
83. Roger Rabbit spews:
Any asshole can file a lawsuit…just look at you! Living proof.
re 75: Here’s a link to the Arpaio article in the New Yorker.
Read it with a dictionary close by. This isn’t the Weakly Standard.