Mrs. Rabbit and I just finished watching “Mississippi Burning” on TV, a heavily fictionalized dramatization of the 1964 murders of 3 civil rights workers, and a movie I’ve seen before.
The 3 civil rights workers were murdered by Ku Klux Klansmen in Neshoba County, Mississippi.
Only 16 years later, in 1980, Saint Ronnie launched his presidential campaign in Neshoba County with a speech that referred to “states rights.”
And you Republicans think Reagan was one of America’s greatest presidents? A guy who started his presidential campaign by paying homage to the murderers of those 3 civil rights workers?
Nah. Reagan was just a glib Hollywood actor who knew how to turn a phrase, but didn’t have enough character to speak the words “civil rights” in Neshoba County.
But then, what do you expect from a leader of the Grand Old Racist Party?
Roger Rabbitspews:
By the way, Reagan didn’t engineer the dissolution of the Soviet regime; Gorbachev did.
Roger Rabbitspews:
“Ronald Reagan’s ‘states’ rights’ speech … was [his] first public address after the Republican National Convention …. The speech drew attention for his use of the phrase ‘states’ rights’ at the Neshoba County Fair, just a few miles from Philadelphia, Mississippi, a town associated with the 1964 murders of civil rights workers. …
“Given the history of Philadelphia, and Reagan’s use of the words ‘states’ rights’, often interpreted as a desire to return to pre-Civil Rights laws regarding segregation, many felt that Reagan … was using this location and these words as a cynical appeal to the white racist vote. Columnist Bob Herbert of The New York Times wrote, ‘Everybody watching the 1980 campaign knew what Reagan was signaling at the fair’, and that it ‘was understood that … [he was] saying that when it comes down to you and the blacks, we’re with you”.
“Paul Krugman … wrote that this was just one of many examples of ‘Reagan’s tacit race-baiting in the historical record.’
“Eulogizing on Reagan’s death Washington Post columnist William Raspberry noted of the incident. ‘ … Countless observers have noted that Reagan took the Republican Party … to the ascendancy it now enjoys. The essence of that transformation, we shouldn’t forget, is the party’s successful wooing of the race-exploiting … Dixiecrats. And Reagan’s Philadelphia appearance was an important bouquet in that courtship.'” — Wikipedia
Roger Rabbit Commentary: And Republicans think this guy was a saint? Cripes! Why would anyone vote for them?
Roger Rabbitspews:
The Associated Press reports that prosecutors have dropped charges against 1 of the 5 Blackwater security guards who killed 17 Iraqis in 2007, although charges could be refiled at a later date. Legal arguments have revolved around immunity deals offered by investigators to the accused guards. The Blackwater guards attacked, among others, fleeing women and children; and even allegedly launched a grenade into a nearby girls’ school.
Trivia: Terry Norman, an armed FBI informant who for years was thought to have fired the first shots at Kent State (but the FBI later claimed he didn’t), now owns a janitorial firm in Maine.
Roger Rabbitspews:
They’re At It Again
If you see “Pray for Obama Psalm 109:8” on a bumper sticker or T-shirt, here’s what the person displaying it is praying for:
“Verse 8: May his days be few; may another take his place of leadership.
“Verse 9: May his children be fatherless and his wife a widow.
“Verse 10: May his children be wandering beggars; may they be driven from their ruined homes.
“Verse 11: May a creditor seize all he has; may strangers plunder the fruits of his labor.
“Verse 12: May no one extend kindness to him or take pity on his fatherless children.
“Verse 13: May his descendants be cut off, their names blotted out from the next generation.”
Roger Rabbitspews:
News reports suggest Harry Reid has the 60 votes needed to move health care reform to the Senate floor.
Landrieu of Louisiana, Nelson of Nebraska, and Lincoln of Arkansas are the last three holdouts among 58 Democrats and 2 independents.
Nelson and Lincoln have both signaled they will vote for the bill. Landrieu said her vote will be influenced by advice from Bill Clinton, who told senators not to hold out for a perfect bill.
Meanwhile, Republicans will go down in history for voting against affordable health care for all Americans. Why would anyone vote for those people?
Roger Rabbitspews:
Sneaky Ways Airlines Rip You Off
1. U.S. Airways and United have started charging passengers an extra $5 to pay baggage fees at the airport instead of online.
2. If your $15 bag is overweight, the airline will charge you $25 for a second bag, but you’ll pay anywhere from $39 to $175 for the privilege of jamming the extra weight into the $15 bag.
3. Several airlines have set up curbside baggage check-in. They’ll charge you an extra $2 if you opt to use it, instead of walking inside the terminal a few steps away.
4. Booking your flight over the phone instead of online will cost you $25.
5. Requesting a specific seat in coach class will cost you $5 to $15 depending on the airline.
6. Requesting a paper ticket will cost you $50 to $70.
7. Changing your departure date after buying your ticket will cost you $75 to $150.
8. Redeeming frequent flier miles less than 3 days to 22 days (depending on airline) before your flight will cost you $75 to $100.
9. If you don’t bring your own headphones, the airline will rent you a pair for $2.
10. Airlines change ticket prices several times a day, so don’t book at the first price you see, if it isn’t a good deal.
Roger Rabbitspews:
The fishwrapper reports that county exec-elect Dow Constantine will cut his staff by 15% and cut his staff’s salaries by 10% to 15%.
So don’t let trolls tell you Dow is increasing spending on his staff, because that’s a lie.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
It is my pleasure, actually my sworn duty, to give you the Obam-Mao Approval Ratings…from the most accurate poll in AMERICA!
Saturday, November 21, 2009
The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Saturday shows that 27% of the nation’s voters Strongly Approve of the way that Barack Obama is performing his role as President. Forty percent (40%) Strongly Disapprove giving Obama a Presidential Approval Index rating of -13.
Voters continue to see deficit reduction as the top Presidential priority with health care reform a distant second.
Broadway Joespews:
So then what does that make creating LOL’z at I Can Haz Cheezburger?
I believe that’s injecting heroin into your eyeballs.. :)
Puddybud Remembers Progressives Forgetspews:
BULLSHITTIUM Alert still active for Roger Dumb Bunny. He reads too much from WikiPedia and the RINO David Brooks. Anyone so loved by the NY Times is a RINO.
Only 16 years later, in 1980, Saint Ronnie launched his presidential campaign in Neshoba County with a speech that referred to “states rights.”
Since the Iowa Caucuses and the New Hapshire primaries were before his Neshoba County visit… Notice Puddy used WikiPedia correctly? What a useless tool you are Roger Dumb Bunny. Did you rob someone of their brain? You chose the wrong “victim”. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Moron: It was on November 21, 1976 when Ronald Wilson Reagan announced his decision and candidacy to run again for president of the United States. “As I had in 1976, I told my campaign staff that I intended to abide by the Eleventh Commandment: I’d attack only Democrats while trying to let the voters know where I stood.””
And you Republicans think Reagan was one of America’s greatest presidents? A guy who started his presidential campaign by paying homage to the murderers of those 3 civil rights workers?
Irrelevant. Just proved your original premise was a BIG TIME LIE!
Stay stupid Roger Dumb Bunny. You’re quite good at it.
Hey Roger find this “It was a cold and cloudy day on January 20, 1981, and Washington was preparing for the inauguration of Ronald Reagan. President Carter, involved all night in last minute negotiations to free the hostages in Iran, was ashen and visibly exhausted. Reagan, at nearly 70, the oldest man to take the presidential oath, looked like a movie star. Watching the sun break through the clouds as Reagan stepped up to take the oath of office, Americans could already see that a new kind of leadership was coming.” PuddyEmphasis
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Here is a story you might appreciate. I just got back from our Saturday Morning Men’s Breakfast & Fellowship group. One of the guys is a veterinarian in the Cattle Industry. He was down in the Peteluma area working last week. One of his clients took him out for a nice dinner and then to a “Vodka Tasting Room”.
Have you ever been to one of these? I’d never even heard of one before. Anyway, the deal is you not only drink Vodka at 29 degrees, but you dress up in fur coats and Russian hats and drink the 29 degree Vodka in a room that is 29 degrees. The owner claims it adds to the taste. They serve the finest Vodka’s.
When the bill came, my buddy looked at the Bill and told the owner “You know, I live in Montana….I could buy a couple bottles of Vodka for 1/10 of what you charge and drink it in my garage and have the same taste experience!”
He said the guy looked shell-shocked and didn’t know what to say.
Funny stuff.
Marvin Stamnspews:
1. Roger Rabbit spews:
Mrs. Rabbit and I just finished watching “Mississippi Burning” on TV, a heavily fictionalized dramatization of the 1964 murders of 3 civil rights workers, and a movie I’ve seen before.
When you say fictionalized does that mean there was no mention of the democrats involvement in those 1964 killings?
Because they wanted to sue the city becauase a 17 year old boy scout did 200 hours of volunteering to clean a trail to become an eagle scout.
A job the union boss says should have been given to union employees. If union thugs wanted to volunteer and clean it up, why didn’t they? Oh yeah, it’s not about volunteering and helping the community, it’;s about union jobs and power.
On Monday, during his Fox News television show, conservative talk show host Glenn Beck pointed to the events in Allentown as another example of the SEIU using bullying tactics to protect jobs at the expense of others.
“Even the Boy Scouts aren’t safe from SEIU’s thuggery,” Beck quipped.
Beck got involved, made the story public.
What choice did the head of the local union have but to resign once glen beck was on the case.
Puddybud Remembers Progressives Forgetspews:
Gallup, Quinnipiac, Fox and Rasmussen all have Mmmm Mmmm Mmmm below 50%. CNN, ABC, and CBS has Mmmm Mmmm Mmmm above 50%… And Puddy knows why CNN, ABC and CBS have greater than 50%.
Puddy told you how pollsters frame questions. Puddy told you how pollsters call certain political demographics with their perceived final answer a higher percentage of time in their poll study. Puddy told you how they use “weighted results”. Puddy told you how pollsters create polls with their objective known beforehand. Puddy gave all this to HA Libtardos earlier this year. Yet no one has the cojones to ask HA’s arschcloch, ylb arschloch for the proof. Embarrassment reigns supreme among the leftists.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Great catch.
The SEIU extorts money from members for political purposes. You can understand why members are afraid to stand up to the thuggery. We desperately need a law that requires positive affirmation from a member for any portion of the dues to be used for political purposes. Conservative Union Members are being extorted and “chilled” from speaking out due to an ever-present implied threat based on the Union’s thuggish actions like this.
If the SEIU will attack Boy Scouts, what will they do to members who question them??
Marvin Stamnspews:
Poster girl for oba-mao free government healthcare sentenced.
If only oba-mao passed his free government healthcare people wouldn’t sell drugs.
From reality to sanity.
Marvin Stamnspews:
19. Mr. Cynical spews:
If the SEIU will attack Boy Scouts, what will they do to members who question them??
Have they found union boss jimmy hoffa yet?
Mr. Cynicalspews:
And Obama’s only at 27% Strong Approval…which means his other Approval #’s are vulnerable.
Versus 40% Strong Disapproval.
I can read the tea leaves. They spell out the words SCREWED UP BAD. The KLOWNS merely close their eyes and put on pressure to dig a deeper hole. The Health Care Bill effective date means the R’s have time to regain power and reverse it. So the KLOWNS are trying to sneak thru something onerous and watched all their political capital squandered away for no good reason. They should have taken their time, adopted something simple and incrementally grabbed more over time rather than go for the whole enchilada. Arrogant.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Gotta go.
Going to the Grizzly/Bobcat game. It is always the game of the year out here. Tailgate party starts in an hour or so.
Got an 8 lb. Ham in the oven.
I’m not much of an alcohol drinker so have my Apple Cider we had pressed from this years apple crop.
It snowed a little last night and we might get some more for the game—that makes it more fun.
So Marvin & Puddy…hold these KLOWNS with their backs against the wall. As you know, it’s really easy. Your only weapon needs to be the truth!
Marvin Stamnspews:
That man-made-global-warming theory, that once data didn’t back it up was changed to climate change theory is due for another name change to match the data.
Hackers broke into the electronic files of one of the world’s foremost climate research centers this week and posted an array of e-mails in which prominent scientists engaged in a blunt discussion of global warming research and disparaged climate-change skeptics.
In one e-mail from 1999, the center’s director, Phil Jones, alludes to one of Mann’s articles in the journal Nature and writes, “I’ve just completed Mike’s Nature trick of adding in the real temps to each series for the last 20 years (i.e., from 1981 onwards) and from 1961 for Keith’s to hide the decline.”
Nothing like hiding the decline of global temperatures, how else can the argument be made the planet is warming if they don’t make the data match the rhetoric.
The e-mail messages, attributed to prominent American and British climate researchers, include discussions of scientific data and whether it should be released, exchanges about how best to combat the arguments of skeptics, and casual comments — in some cases derisive — about specific people known for their skeptical views. Drafts of scientific papers and a photo collage that portrays climate skeptics on an ice floe were also among the hacked data, some of which dates back 13 years.
In one e-mail exchange, a scientist writes of using a statistical “trick” in a chart illustrating a recent sharp warming trend. In another, a scientist refers to climate skeptics as “idiots.”
“The fact is that we can’t account for the lack of warming at the moment and it is a travesty that we can’t,” Dr. Trenberth wrote.
Phil Jones, a longtime climate researcher at the East Anglia Climate Research Unit, said he had used a “trick” employed by another scientist, Michael Mann, to “hide the decline” in temperatures.
Climate-change deniers will make much of the hacked emails at the University of Anglia showing global-warming researchers deprecating their opponents and expressing frustration that data show planetary temperatures temporarily declining.
Can you believe those man-made-global-warming deniers using the data from those that believe in man-made-global-warming as their proof.
Best line from the baltimore sun- The effects of global warming are uncertain, but they represent a huge risk to future generations.
The effects are uncertain, but the risk is huge. Only in the liberal mind would that make sense.
I wonder if dan rather excuse of fake-but-real is going to be used by the man-made-global-warming crowd.
Never shy about $eeking money, Democratic President Obama’s Organizing for America is now using the threat of Republican Sarah Palin as an opportunity to acquire more.
It has just sent an e-mail out to its millions of supporters today pleading for urgent donations to fight the mother of five, now on her heavily-publicized, cross-country book promotion bus tour. She holds no political office currently; in fact, she’s among America’s unemployed, though doing quite well financially.
… Although the Democratic National Committee dismisses Palin as an ignorant non-factor, it’s invested way more time and effort this week attacking Palin than selling Obama, who was on another overseas publicity trip of his own.
I was wondering why we didn’t hear more about oba-mao and his successes in china.
A line from a John Ford movie I saw last night, “How Green was my Valley”, as the Wales coal mine owners kept lowering the worker’s wages,
“Unions are the work of Satan!”
Wages going down, workers dying, widows crying, children working the mines, Satanic unions despised by workers as organizing would anger the mine owners. What’s not for a Republican to love?
Oscar winner for best movie. Four stars. The lovely Maureen O’Hara. A stoic Walter Pidgeon. A master of his craft, John Ford, at his best. Stunning cinematography. A great Welch music soundtrack. I heartily recommend this one for you guys.
Marvin Stamnspews:
More from the hacked computers of those that are behind the man-made-global-warming hoax…
Now we see why the man-made-global-warming believers kept saying the debate was over. Factsdon’tsupporttheirposition.
The left didn’t have any problem with left-wingnuts hacking into palins email, I wonder if the left is going to be outraged the climate data was hacked into and exposed.
29. my ancestors came from Europe spews:
More tape of Stamm’s hero Beck playing a loon again:
Did you notice the link where gle beck forced the union boss to resign?
Kinda like the way back is forcing those oba-mao appointees resign.
Marvin Stamnspews:
ping ylb
What’s your take on the hacked man-made-global-warming data and emails.
Those emails where they are talking about how to make the data match the results, the destroying of data before FOIA sure don’t make the point of man-made-global-warming that the left has been telling us ever since clinton/gore left office.
Um… What about all the data from England, Germany, Ice Land, Sweden… If global warming is some sort of conspiracy it’s a mighty big one.
Marvin Stamnspews:
30. my ancestors came from Europe spews:
Awwwwww. The Mat-Su Barbie gets booed:
Here’s a little text from the article you linked that you intentionally didn’t include since it destroys the point you wanted to make.
“You want somebody who’s gonna be quittin’ on the job?” yells one heckler. “Right there! Quittin’ on the job.”
Wow, one whole heckler.
And there was a woman chanting “sign our books” in the exact cadence left-wingers chant “o-ba-ma.” Go figure. And so what someone is chanting sign our books, that proves that more people wished they could have been in the 1,000 that got their books signed.
Marvin Stamnspews:
34. Michael spews:
Um… What about all the data from England, Germany, Ice Land, Sweden… If global warming is some sort of conspiracy it’s a mighty big one.
Have you checked out the hacked emails and data?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@9 You have no sworn duties. You’re just a crazy old hermit who fucks goats.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@12 Learn to read, jackass. You’re referring to his campaign for the GOP nomination. I’m referring to his presidential campaign. Neshoba County was his first post-convention speech after securing the GOP nomination — which you would know if you had bothered to read the Wikipedia article.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Hey puddy, here’s a plan for you. Be a good little Uncle Tom and chant “states rights, states rights, states rights” while stroking your dick for the Grand Old Racist Party.
There are no two single acts in the average American’s engagement in politics more responsible for the current state of our country than the act of voting for George W. Bush, twice. Try naming two bigger things the average American could have done to create the mess that Barack Obama has to clean up. Try it. You can’t.
What’s your take on the hacked man-made-global-warming data
Great fodder for the right wing and their fossil fuel industry paymasters (who paid for that hack I’m sure).
Now those fiends will cherry pick stuff for their propaganda till the cows come home and in the meanwhile Greenland will continue to melt and the oceans will acidify, the coral reefs degrade and the whole ocean food chain along with it.
That’s why politicians like the Clintons and Obama seal up their school records – so their enemies can’t make propaganda out of it that gullible tools like you will lap up.
I have now. It’s propaganda and like all good propaganda it’s based on fact. So, they found some folks in academia who were lazy (like that’s hard to do) and faked some of their work. But, you’d have to have a global, 30-35 year long conspiracy to have global to not be true and and that’s just not going to happen.
Politically Incorrectspews:
Does anyone know how to contact the FBI, CIA, DIA, NSA and the other secret agencies and, under the Freedom of Information Act, obtain copies of any and all files they might have on the inquirer? Ever since I saw a bit on the History Channel about Men in Black, I’m curious just how much info the “government” has collected on me over the years.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@43 Don’t worry, you’re not important enough to assign a GS-3 clerk to block-print your name on a file folder tab.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Hey, the EDIT function is back! Except, as usual, it doesn’t work.
Chris Stefanspews:
We could tell you but then we’d have to kill you.
Marvin Stamnspews:
30. my ancestors came from Europe spews:
Awwwwww. The Mat-Su Barbie gets booed:
I’m surprised you didn’t include this liberal news link.
“They didn’t have this organized well enough,” said Sue Hendricks. “It was just not done right.”
“I’m very disappointed. I think it was very rude. She could have at least apologized, and she didn’t even do that,” said Teresa Hedrick.
From the debunbking link-
include the comments of a Teresa Hedricks, who was critical of the way things went. Well I did find a Teresa Hedricks of IN on Twitter, @cfmommie11 and lo and behold, she is currently following 91 people. 89 of them are Hollywood celebrities, One for the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation and the only political person on her follower list is, Barack Obama.
ylb, it’s a common trick of the liberal media to only ask liberals about republicans.
Follow that news link ylb, explain how come they say “Palin Greets Hundreds, But Not Everyone Leaves Happy” while also reporting “The store handed out 1,000 wristbands” and “Several dozen people who had wristbands were turned away.”
Sarah’s raking in tons of money…..for the Dems. Duh’O!
The Democratic National Committee raised $11.5 million over the month of October, setting a new record for fundraising in a nonpresidential election year. According to the Washington Post, the spike in contributions may be partly due to Sarah Palin, whose efforts to mobilize “special interests and partisan extremists” (the DNC’s phrase) have prompted Democrats to open their wallets.
Marvin Stamnspews:
41. my ancestors came from Europe spews:
That’s why politicians like the Clintons and Obama seal up their school records – so their enemies can’t make propaganda out of it that gullible tools like you will lap up.
Good one.
That makes the lie oba-mao kept repeating about transparency even more laughable.
How did bush force oba-mao to make up facts and figures on the site?
Something like 440 fake congressional districts. Ouch. It’s not like someone mistyped 6y7 instead of 67, the oba-mao administration actually made up 440 congressional districts, and expected we the people to fall for it. Of course, you and the democrats did. Too bad for oba-mao that the right-wing wasn’t as gullible as the left.
Roger Rabbitspews:
MSNBC reports the Democrats have 60 votes for health care reform. We’re now only hours away from this historic vote. Republicans will go down in history as voting en bloc against affordable health care for average Americans. Why would anyone vote for those people?
Puddybud Remembers Progressives Forgetspews:
HAs arschloch, ylb arschloch lives on KookTV. He doesn’t know of other “sources”.
That makes the lie oba-mao kept repeating about transparency even more laughable.
Now you lie about transparency in school boy/girl records over transparency in government.
You’re a transparent tool!
How did bush force oba-mao to make up facts and figures on the site?
If they were wrong, who hid it? You’re going incoherent. If you’re arguing against transparency you’re not looking too convincing.
Something like 440 fake congressional districts
Is it corrected now? If so that would be a damn sight better than Bush finally admitting there was no WMD or correcting the right wing delusion that Saddam had something to do with 9/11.
All they did was present Beck practically unedited which is what KosTV does most of the time. The right wing defeats itself in most cases.
Poor Stupes can’t see through his own delusions.
Puddybud Remembers Progressives Forgetspews:
Roger Dumb Bunny,
You’re referring to his campaign for the GOP nomination. I’m referring to his presidential campaign.
Uhhhh EPIC FAIL fool!
Your links in WikiPedia are always biased. You’re not even clever anymore dumb bunny… Here is what was said when Mmmm Mmmm Mmmm launched his presidential campaign…
Sen. Obama Uses Brightcove To Launch Presidential Campaign On Internet Video
U.S. Sen. Barack Obama contracted with Brightcove to provide tools and services to help manage Internet video for his possible presidential campaign, the company says.
No where does the article say he’s running for the nomination. So much for that insipid and bankrupt argument foo1.
Here’s something worth pondering from Rick Warren:
People ask me, “What is the purpose of life?” And I respond: In a nutshell, life is preparation for eternity. We were not made to last forever, and God wants us to be with Him in Heaven. One day my heart is going to stop, and that will be the end of my body but not the end of me. I may live 60 to 100 years on earth, but I am going to spend trillions of years in eternity. This is the warm-up act – the dress rehearsal. God wants us to practice on earth what we will do forever in eternity.
We were made by God and for God, and until you figure that out, life isn’t going to make sense. Life is a series of problems: Either you are in one now, you’re just coming out of one, or you’re getting ready to go into another one. The reason for this is that God is more interested in your character than your comfort. God is more interested in making your life holy than He is in making your life happy. We can be reasonably happy here on earth, but that’s not the goal of life. The goal is to grow in character, in Christ likeness.
This past year has been the greatest year of my life but also the toughest, with my wife, Kay, getting cancer. I used to think that life was hills and valleys – you go through a dark time, then you go to the mountaintop, back and forth. I don’t believe that anymore.
Rather than life being hills and valleys, I believe that it’s kind of like two rails on a railroad track, and at all times you have something good and something bad in your life.
No matter how good things are in your life, there is always something bad that needs to be worked on. And no matter how bad things are in your life, there is always something good you can thank God for.
Doberman was always carrying around an empty beer bottle, because Sarah and Todd had trained it to get rid of all their beer bottles
I remember well the breathless, run-on sentences of my High School days…:)
That sentence by Sarah Palin could be entered into the annual Bulwer-Lytton bad writing contest.
Up until-
I probably should have mentioned that the sentence quoted above was not written by Sarah Palin. It’s taken from the first paragraph of Dreams from My Father, written by Barack Obama.
Puddybud Remembers Progressives Forgetspews:
Marvin, PMSNBC none-the-less. The second favrit channel of the meathead ylb arschloch.
Puddy wonders of PMSNBC will be disinvited to any whitey house functions soon?
A recently released music video for “Popular Demand” by the Clipse featured the awning of the infamous Obama Fried Chicken joint in Brownsville, Brooklyn. But in comparing versions of the video airing on MTV and elsewhere, it looks like the TV channel completely erased the restaurant’s name from the awning in the video’s opening shot.
Update: A spokesperson for MTV says, “MTV did not ask for that edit to be made. Someone else other than MTV made the request.” When asked who that may have been, they simply said, “We have no idea.”
If not mtv, who?
From the Christian Science Monitor.
For researchers directly involved in the email exchanges, such emails really present a picture of the lengths scientists go to ensure the high quality of the science. The exchanges are shocking to some of the rest of us only because they open a window on an enterprise alien to most people. The debates are public in the sense that they crop up in scientific journals.
Nothing in the package appears to overturn the general idea — arrived at via many lines of evidence — that the CO2 humans have been pumping into the atmosphere is warming the planet, nor does anything bolster the notion some put forward of a hoax on the part of climate scientists.
Broadway Joespews:
Lee, that’s just mean. Personally, I’d have called ICHC the equivalent of the bong. Not a lot of effort but a lot of giggling thereafter.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@54 What does Mmmmm Mmmmm Mmmmm have to do with what Ronnie Raygun said in Neshoba County, Mississippi, in 1980? Nothing! Absolutely nothing! Except that puddlehead needs to change the subject because he got his ass kicked again.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Few things are so enjoyable as poking a stick into a nest of trolls to get ’em buzzing.
Roger Rabbitspews:
It’s not my fault Republicans can’t win elections unless they pander to racists. If you have a problem with that, poodle, don’t vote for them.
It was you who said Reagan started his presidential campaign on Aug 1980. It was Puddy who proved Reagan started his 1980 campaign November 1976. Then Puddy proved Mmmm Mmmm Mmmm in 2007.
It was Roger Dumb Bunny, whe he realized his foolish attempt at a post was Destroyed and then he runs away claiming “victory”.
What a tool!Good try but again Puddy delivers the SMACKDOWN!
Hey look, the reliably conservative south has the nations highest crime rate, while the reliably liberal NE has the lowest.
Reagan kicked off his campaign as the Republican nominee in Neshoba County. Stop being deliberately obtuse.
Puddybud Remembers Libtardos Forgetspews:
Chris, you are RIGHT, as the nominee. That’s not what Roger Dumb Bunny said, so who is being obtuse again?
Check the mirror dude!
Chris Stefanspews:
There you go again attempting to distract from the larger issue. Which, just in case you weren’t paying attention, is Ronald Reagan as the 1980 GOP nominee, kicked off his campaign with a speech about states rights in a town that had witnessed one of the uglier incidents of the Civil Rights struggle only 16 years earlier.
That wasn’t a race-bating dog whistle, it was a fucking air raid siren.
Chris Stefanspews:
To quote the Rabbit:
“Ronald Reagan’s ’states’ rights’ speech … was [his] first public address after the Republican National Convention …. The speech drew attention for his use of the phrase ’states’ rights’ at the Neshoba County Fair, just a few miles from Philadelphia, Mississippi, a town associated with the 1964 murders of civil rights workers. …
Hmm … looks to me like he claimed the same thing I did. Ooops, puddinghead making shit up again.
Politically Incorrectspews:
“Roger Rabbit spews:
@43 Don’t worry, you’re not important enough to assign a GS-3 clerk to block-print your name on a file folder tab.”
Don’t kid yourself that you’re important, rodent, ’cause you’re not. I’d sure like to read about you being shot dead some day or killed in some painful fashion. Wow! That would be a day for a celebratory beer!
Puddybud Remembers Libtardos Forgetspews:
To quote the Dumb Bunny@1 Chris Stefan “Only 16 years later, in 1980, Saint Ronnie launched his presidential campaign in Neshoba County with a speech that referred to “states rights.”” PuddyEmphasis…
November 21, 1976 is when he launched his 1980 presidential campaign. Remember Chris, Dumb Bunny is the lawyer. When he conflates the facts Puddy will identify it!
Looks like Chris Stefan has his head up Dumb Bunny’s ASS again!
Mrs. Rabbit and I just finished watching “Mississippi Burning” on TV, a heavily fictionalized dramatization of the 1964 murders of 3 civil rights workers, and a movie I’ve seen before.
The 3 civil rights workers were murdered by Ku Klux Klansmen in Neshoba County, Mississippi.
Only 16 years later, in 1980, Saint Ronnie launched his presidential campaign in Neshoba County with a speech that referred to “states rights.”
And you Republicans think Reagan was one of America’s greatest presidents? A guy who started his presidential campaign by paying homage to the murderers of those 3 civil rights workers?
Nah. Reagan was just a glib Hollywood actor who knew how to turn a phrase, but didn’t have enough character to speak the words “civil rights” in Neshoba County.
But then, what do you expect from a leader of the Grand Old Racist Party?
By the way, Reagan didn’t engineer the dissolution of the Soviet regime; Gorbachev did.
“Ronald Reagan’s ‘states’ rights’ speech … was [his] first public address after the Republican National Convention …. The speech drew attention for his use of the phrase ‘states’ rights’ at the Neshoba County Fair, just a few miles from Philadelphia, Mississippi, a town associated with the 1964 murders of civil rights workers. …
“Given the history of Philadelphia, and Reagan’s use of the words ‘states’ rights’, often interpreted as a desire to return to pre-Civil Rights laws regarding segregation, many felt that Reagan … was using this location and these words as a cynical appeal to the white racist vote. Columnist Bob Herbert of The New York Times wrote, ‘Everybody watching the 1980 campaign knew what Reagan was signaling at the fair’, and that it ‘was understood that … [he was] saying that when it comes down to you and the blacks, we’re with you”.
“Paul Krugman … wrote that this was just one of many examples of ‘Reagan’s tacit race-baiting in the historical record.’
“Eulogizing on Reagan’s death Washington Post columnist William Raspberry noted of the incident. ‘ … Countless observers have noted that Reagan took the Republican Party … to the ascendancy it now enjoys. The essence of that transformation, we shouldn’t forget, is the party’s successful wooing of the race-exploiting … Dixiecrats. And Reagan’s Philadelphia appearance was an important bouquet in that courtship.'” — Wikipedia
Roger Rabbit Commentary: And Republicans think this guy was a saint? Cripes! Why would anyone vote for them?
The Associated Press reports that prosecutors have dropped charges against 1 of the 5 Blackwater security guards who killed 17 Iraqis in 2007, although charges could be refiled at a later date. Legal arguments have revolved around immunity deals offered by investigators to the accused guards. The Blackwater guards attacked, among others, fleeing women and children; and even allegedly launched a grenade into a nearby girls’ school.
Trivia: Terry Norman, an armed FBI informant who for years was thought to have fired the first shots at Kent State (but the FBI later claimed he didn’t), now owns a janitorial firm in Maine.
They’re At It Again
If you see “Pray for Obama Psalm 109:8” on a bumper sticker or T-shirt, here’s what the person displaying it is praying for:
“Verse 8: May his days be few; may another take his place of leadership.
“Verse 9: May his children be fatherless and his wife a widow.
“Verse 10: May his children be wandering beggars; may they be driven from their ruined homes.
“Verse 11: May a creditor seize all he has; may strangers plunder the fruits of his labor.
“Verse 12: May no one extend kindness to him or take pity on his fatherless children.
“Verse 13: May his descendants be cut off, their names blotted out from the next generation.”
News reports suggest Harry Reid has the 60 votes needed to move health care reform to the Senate floor.
Landrieu of Louisiana, Nelson of Nebraska, and Lincoln of Arkansas are the last three holdouts among 58 Democrats and 2 independents.
Nelson and Lincoln have both signaled they will vote for the bill. Landrieu said her vote will be influenced by advice from Bill Clinton, who told senators not to hold out for a perfect bill.
Meanwhile, Republicans will go down in history for voting against affordable health care for all Americans. Why would anyone vote for those people?
Sneaky Ways Airlines Rip You Off
1. U.S. Airways and United have started charging passengers an extra $5 to pay baggage fees at the airport instead of online.
2. If your $15 bag is overweight, the airline will charge you $25 for a second bag, but you’ll pay anywhere from $39 to $175 for the privilege of jamming the extra weight into the $15 bag.
3. Several airlines have set up curbside baggage check-in. They’ll charge you an extra $2 if you opt to use it, instead of walking inside the terminal a few steps away.
4. Booking your flight over the phone instead of online will cost you $25.
5. Requesting a specific seat in coach class will cost you $5 to $15 depending on the airline.
6. Requesting a paper ticket will cost you $50 to $70.
7. Changing your departure date after buying your ticket will cost you $75 to $150.
8. Redeeming frequent flier miles less than 3 days to 22 days (depending on airline) before your flight will cost you $75 to $100.
9. If you don’t bring your own headphones, the airline will rent you a pair for $2.
10. Airlines change ticket prices several times a day, so don’t book at the first price you see, if it isn’t a good deal.
The fishwrapper reports that county exec-elect Dow Constantine will cut his staff by 15% and cut his staff’s salaries by 10% to 15%.
So don’t let trolls tell you Dow is increasing spending on his staff, because that’s a lie.
It is my pleasure, actually my sworn duty, to give you the Obam-Mao Approval Ratings…from the most accurate poll in AMERICA!
Saturday, November 21, 2009
So then what does that make creating LOL’z at I Can Haz Cheezburger?
I believe that’s injecting heroin into your eyeballs.. :)
BULLSHITTIUM Alert still active for Roger Dumb Bunny. He reads too much from WikiPedia and the RINO David Brooks. Anyone so loved by the NY Times is a RINO.
Since the Iowa Caucuses and the New Hapshire primaries were before his Neshoba County visit… Notice Puddy used WikiPedia correctly? What a useless tool you are Roger Dumb Bunny. Did you rob someone of their brain? You chose the wrong “victim”. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Moron: It was on November 21, 1976 when Ronald Wilson Reagan announced his decision and candidacy to run again for president of the United States. “As I had in 1976, I told my campaign staff that I intended to abide by the Eleventh Commandment: I’d attack only Democrats while trying to let the voters know where I stood.””
Irrelevant. Just proved your original premise was a BIG TIME LIE!
Stay stupid Roger Dumb Bunny. You’re quite good at it.
Where does Roger Dumb Bunny get his “news”.
Hey Roger find this “It was a cold and cloudy day on January 20, 1981, and Washington was preparing for the inauguration of Ronald Reagan. President Carter, involved all night in last minute negotiations to free the hostages in Iran, was ashen and visibly exhausted. Reagan, at nearly 70, the oldest man to take the presidential oath, looked like a movie star. Watching the sun break through the clouds as Reagan stepped up to take the oath of office, Americans could already see that a new kind of leadership was coming.” PuddyEmphasis
Here is a story you might appreciate. I just got back from our Saturday Morning Men’s Breakfast & Fellowship group. One of the guys is a veterinarian in the Cattle Industry. He was down in the Peteluma area working last week. One of his clients took him out for a nice dinner and then to a “Vodka Tasting Room”.
Have you ever been to one of these? I’d never even heard of one before. Anyway, the deal is you not only drink Vodka at 29 degrees, but you dress up in fur coats and Russian hats and drink the 29 degree Vodka in a room that is 29 degrees. The owner claims it adds to the taste. They serve the finest Vodka’s.
When the bill came, my buddy looked at the Bill and told the owner “You know, I live in Montana….I could buy a couple bottles of Vodka for 1/10 of what you charge and drink it in my garage and have the same taste experience!”
He said the guy looked shell-shocked and didn’t know what to say.
Funny stuff.
When you say fictionalized does that mean there was no mention of the democrats involvement in those 1964 killings?
Balzano said he and seven other executive officers of the local SEIU stepped down.
Why did they step down?
Because they wanted to sue the city becauase a 17 year old boy scout did 200 hours of volunteering to clean a trail to become an eagle scout.
A job the union boss says should have been given to union employees. If union thugs wanted to volunteer and clean it up, why didn’t they? Oh yeah, it’s not about volunteering and helping the community, it’;s about union jobs and power.
Beck got involved, made the story public.
What choice did the head of the local union have but to resign once glen beck was on the case.
Gallup, Quinnipiac, Fox and Rasmussen all have Mmmm Mmmm Mmmm below 50%. CNN, ABC, and CBS has Mmmm Mmmm Mmmm above 50%… And Puddy knows why CNN, ABC and CBS have greater than 50%.
Puddy told you how pollsters frame questions. Puddy told you how pollsters call certain political demographics with their perceived final answer a higher percentage of time in their poll study. Puddy told you how they use “weighted results”. Puddy told you how pollsters create polls with their objective known beforehand. Puddy gave all this to HA Libtardos earlier this year. Yet no one has the cojones to ask HA’s arschcloch, ylb arschloch for the proof. Embarrassment reigns supreme among the leftists.
Great catch.
The SEIU extorts money from members for political purposes. You can understand why members are afraid to stand up to the thuggery. We desperately need a law that requires positive affirmation from a member for any portion of the dues to be used for political purposes. Conservative Union Members are being extorted and “chilled” from speaking out due to an ever-present implied threat based on the Union’s thuggish actions like this.
If the SEIU will attack Boy Scouts, what will they do to members who question them??
Poster girl for oba-mao free government healthcare sentenced.
In a phone interview after the sentencing, Butler called his client “a poster child for health care reform.” He said his client was selling some of the drugs to get money to pay for other pain medications that her insurance company was cutting her off from. He would not identify her insurance company.
If only oba-mao passed his free government healthcare people wouldn’t sell drugs.
From reality to sanity.
Have they found union boss jimmy hoffa yet?
And Obama’s only at 27% Strong Approval…which means his other Approval #’s are vulnerable.
Versus 40% Strong Disapproval.
I can read the tea leaves. They spell out the words SCREWED UP BAD. The KLOWNS merely close their eyes and put on pressure to dig a deeper hole. The Health Care Bill effective date means the R’s have time to regain power and reverse it. So the KLOWNS are trying to sneak thru something onerous and watched all their political capital squandered away for no good reason. They should have taken their time, adopted something simple and incrementally grabbed more over time rather than go for the whole enchilada. Arrogant.
Gotta go.
Going to the Grizzly/Bobcat game. It is always the game of the year out here. Tailgate party starts in an hour or so.
Got an 8 lb. Ham in the oven.
I’m not much of an alcohol drinker so have my Apple Cider we had pressed from this years apple crop.
It snowed a little last night and we might get some more for the game—that makes it more fun.
So Marvin & Puddy…hold these KLOWNS with their backs against the wall. As you know, it’s really easy. Your only weapon needs to be the truth!
That man-made-global-warming theory, that once data didn’t back it up was changed to climate change theory is due for another name change to match the data.
Nothing like hiding the decline of global temperatures, how else can the argument be made the planet is warming if they don’t make the data match the rhetoric.
The liberal ny times–
baltimore sun
Can you believe those man-made-global-warming deniers using the data from those that believe in man-made-global-warming as their proof.
Best line from the baltimore sun-
The effects of global warming are uncertain, but they represent a huge risk to future generations.
The effects are uncertain, but the risk is huge. Only in the liberal mind would that make sense.
I wonder if dan rather excuse of fake-but-real is going to be used by the man-made-global-warming crowd.
The liberal la times is reporting…
Obama now pleading for money to fight Sarah Palin
oba-mao is president, palin is a private citizen.
What is the oba-mao afraid of?
I was wondering why we didn’t hear more about oba-mao and his successes in china.
A line from a John Ford movie I saw last night, “How Green was my Valley”, as the Wales coal mine owners kept lowering the worker’s wages,
“Unions are the work of Satan!”
Wages going down, workers dying, widows crying, children working the mines, Satanic unions despised by workers as organizing would anger the mine owners. What’s not for a Republican to love?
Oscar winner for best movie. Four stars. The lovely Maureen O’Hara. A stoic Walter Pidgeon. A master of his craft, John Ford, at his best. Stunning cinematography. A great Welch music soundtrack. I heartily recommend this one for you guys.
More from the hacked computers of those that are behind the man-made-global-warming hoax…
Talking about a FOIA request-
Send them the raw data as is, by reconstructing it from GHCN. How could this be done? Replace all stations where the WMO ID agrees with what is in GHCN. This would be the raw data, but it would annoy them.
Now we see why the man-made-global-warming believers kept saying the debate was over. Factsdon’tsupporttheirposition.
The left didn’t have any problem with left-wingnuts hacking into palins email, I wonder if the left is going to be outraged the climate data was hacked into and exposed.
David Brooks has no spine.
More tape of Stamm’s hero Beck playing a loon again:
Well HE IS a loon. No playing. And he attracts every loon out there.
Awwwwww. The Mat-Su Barbie gets booed:
With “fans” like that????? Typical right wing – bunch of babies.
A great documentary about the teabagger cult. So real it’s parody:
Too funny.
Did you notice the link where gle beck forced the union boss to resign?
Kinda like the way back is forcing those oba-mao appointees resign.
ping ylb
What’s your take on the hacked man-made-global-warming data and emails.
Those emails where they are talking about how to make the data match the results, the destroying of data before FOIA sure don’t make the point of man-made-global-warming that the left has been telling us ever since clinton/gore left office.
Um… What about all the data from England, Germany, Ice Land, Sweden… If global warming is some sort of conspiracy it’s a mighty big one.
Here’s a little text from the article you linked that you intentionally didn’t include since it destroys the point you wanted to make.
Wow, one whole heckler.
And there was a woman chanting “sign our books” in the exact cadence left-wingers chant “o-ba-ma.” Go figure. And so what someone is chanting sign our books, that proves that more people wished they could have been in the 1,000 that got their books signed.
Have you checked out the hacked emails and data?
@9 You have no sworn duties. You’re just a crazy old hermit who fucks goats.
@12 Learn to read, jackass. You’re referring to his campaign for the GOP nomination. I’m referring to his presidential campaign. Neshoba County was his first post-convention speech after securing the GOP nomination — which you would know if you had bothered to read the Wikipedia article.
Hey puddy, here’s a plan for you. Be a good little Uncle Tom and chant “states rights, states rights, states rights” while stroking your dick for the Grand Old Racist Party.
Great quote. I agree completely.
Brilliant slogan – you can’t have the country back – you fucked it up!
Great tape of the cultist morons in that diary.
Great fodder for the right wing and their fossil fuel industry paymasters (who paid for that hack I’m sure).
Now those fiends will cherry pick stuff for their propaganda till the cows come home and in the meanwhile Greenland will continue to melt and the oceans will acidify, the coral reefs degrade and the whole ocean food chain along with it.
That’s why politicians like the Clintons and Obama seal up their school records – so their enemies can’t make propaganda out of it that gullible tools like you will lap up.
I have now. It’s propaganda and like all good propaganda it’s based on fact. So, they found some folks in academia who were lazy (like that’s hard to do) and faked some of their work. But, you’d have to have a global, 30-35 year long conspiracy to have global to not be true and and that’s just not going to happen.
Does anyone know how to contact the FBI, CIA, DIA, NSA and the other secret agencies and, under the Freedom of Information Act, obtain copies of any and all files they might have on the inquirer? Ever since I saw a bit on the History Channel about Men in Black, I’m curious just how much info the “government” has collected on me over the years.
@43 Don’t worry, you’re not important enough to assign a GS-3 clerk to block-print your name on a file folder tab.
Hey, the EDIT function is back! Except, as usual, it doesn’t work.
We could tell you but then we’d have to kill you.
I’m surprised you didn’t include this liberal news link.
Oh yeah, that link was already debunked.
From the “liberal news” link-
From the debunbking link-
ylb, it’s a common trick of the liberal media to only ask liberals about republicans.
Follow that news link ylb, explain how come they say “Palin Greets Hundreds, But Not Everyone Leaves Happy” while also reporting “The store handed out 1,000 wristbands” and “Several dozen people who had wristbands were turned away.”
Here’s the video you didn’t want to post, the one of cheers and no boos.
Sarah’s raking in tons of money…..for the Dems. Duh’O!
The Democratic National Committee raised $11.5 million over the month of October, setting a new record for fundraising in a nonpresidential election year. According to the Washington Post, the spike in contributions may be partly due to Sarah Palin, whose efforts to mobilize “special interests and partisan extremists” (the DNC’s phrase) have prompted Democrats to open their wallets.
Good one.
That makes the lie oba-mao kept repeating about transparency even more laughable.
How did bush force oba-mao to make up facts and figures on the site?
Something like 440 fake congressional districts. Ouch. It’s not like someone mistyped 6y7 instead of 67, the oba-mao administration actually made up 440 congressional districts, and expected we the people to fall for it. Of course, you and the democrats did. Too bad for oba-mao that the right-wing wasn’t as gullible as the left.
MSNBC reports the Democrats have 60 votes for health care reform. We’re now only hours away from this historic vote. Republicans will go down in history as voting en bloc against affordable health care for average Americans. Why would anyone vote for those people?
HAs arschloch, ylb arschloch lives on KookTV. He doesn’t know of other “sources”.
Now you lie about transparency in school boy/girl records over transparency in government.
You’re a transparent tool!
If they were wrong, who hid it? You’re going incoherent. If you’re arguing against transparency you’re not looking too convincing.
Is it corrected now? If so that would be a damn sight better than Bush finally admitting there was no WMD or correcting the right wing delusion that Saddam had something to do with 9/11.
All they did was present Beck practically unedited which is what KosTV does most of the time. The right wing defeats itself in most cases.
Poor Stupes can’t see through his own delusions.
Roger Dumb Bunny,
Uhhhh EPIC FAIL fool!
Your links in WikiPedia are always biased. You’re not even clever anymore dumb bunny… Here is what was said when Mmmm Mmmm Mmmm launched his presidential campaign…
Sen. Obama Uses Brightcove To Launch Presidential Campaign On Internet Video
U.S. Sen. Barack Obama contracted with Brightcove to provide tools and services to help manage Internet video for his possible presidential campaign, the company says.
No where does the article say he’s running for the nomination. So much for that insipid and bankrupt argument foo1.
Silly Stamm –
As noted above, Palin is probably one of the best fundraisers the Democrats have ever had.
I’m all for her milking the “Real Americans” for all they’re worth.
A couple funny pics of msnbc reporter andrea mitchell trying to ambush palin.
Look how bitter and hateful she looks.
How bad are things for oba-mao?
Once upon a time, chris matthews got a “thrill up his leg” when listening to oba-mao.
Not so much anymore.
Here’s something worth pondering from Rick Warren:
Not bad, ehh?
Maybe sarah palin isn’t that bright…
From, a quote from palins book.
“The apartment was small, with slanting floors and irregular heat and a buzzer downstairs that didn’t work, so that visitors had to call ahead from a pay phone at the corner gas station, where a black Doberman the size of a wolf paced through the night in vigilant patrol, its jaws clamped around an empty beer bottle.”
They rip her apart.
Doberman was always carrying around an empty beer bottle, because Sarah and Todd had trained it to get rid of all their beer bottles
I remember well the breathless, run-on sentences of my High School days…:)
That sentence by Sarah Palin could be entered into the annual Bulwer-Lytton bad writing contest.
Up until-
I probably should have mentioned that the sentence quoted above was not written by Sarah Palin. It’s taken from the first paragraph of Dreams from My Father, written by Barack Obama.
Marvin, PMSNBC none-the-less. The second favrit channel of the meathead ylb arschloch.
Puddy wonders of PMSNBC will be disinvited to any whitey house functions soon?
Someone asked the edit to be made…
Is the oba-mao really this skin-thinned that he has to ask edits to be made to rap videos?
If not mtv, who?
From the Christian Science Monitor.
Lee, that’s just mean. Personally, I’d have called ICHC the equivalent of the bong. Not a lot of effort but a lot of giggling thereafter.
@54 What does Mmmmm Mmmmm Mmmmm have to do with what Ronnie Raygun said in Neshoba County, Mississippi, in 1980? Nothing! Absolutely nothing! Except that puddlehead needs to change the subject because he got his ass kicked again.
Few things are so enjoyable as poking a stick into a nest of trolls to get ’em buzzing.
It’s not my fault Republicans can’t win elections unless they pander to racists. If you have a problem with that, poodle, don’t vote for them.
Foolish Dumb Bunny@64,
It was you who said Reagan started his presidential campaign on Aug 1980. It was Puddy who proved Reagan started his 1980 campaign November 1976. Then Puddy proved Mmmm Mmmm Mmmm in 2007.
It was Roger Dumb Bunny, whe he realized his foolish attempt at a post was Destroyed and then he runs away claiming “victory”.
What a tool!Good try but again Puddy delivers the SMACKDOWN!
Hey look, the reliably conservative south has the nations highest crime rate, while the reliably liberal NE has the lowest.
Reagan kicked off his campaign as the Republican nominee in Neshoba County. Stop being deliberately obtuse.
Chris, you are RIGHT, as the nominee. That’s not what Roger Dumb Bunny said, so who is being obtuse again?
Check the mirror dude!
There you go again attempting to distract from the larger issue. Which, just in case you weren’t paying attention, is Ronald Reagan as the 1980 GOP nominee, kicked off his campaign with a speech about states rights in a town that had witnessed one of the uglier incidents of the Civil Rights struggle only 16 years earlier.
That wasn’t a race-bating dog whistle, it was a fucking air raid siren.
To quote the Rabbit:
Hmm … looks to me like he claimed the same thing I did. Ooops, puddinghead making shit up again.
“Roger Rabbit spews:
@43 Don’t worry, you’re not important enough to assign a GS-3 clerk to block-print your name on a file folder tab.”
Don’t kid yourself that you’re important, rodent, ’cause you’re not. I’d sure like to read about you being shot dead some day or killed in some painful fashion. Wow! That would be a day for a celebratory beer!
To quote the Dumb Bunny@1 Chris Stefan “Only 16 years later, in 1980, Saint Ronnie launched his presidential campaign in Neshoba County with a speech that referred to “states rights.”” PuddyEmphasis…
November 21, 1976 is when he launched his 1980 presidential campaign. Remember Chris, Dumb Bunny is the lawyer. When he conflates the facts Puddy will identify it!
Looks like Chris Stefan has his head up Dumb Bunny’s ASS again!
Buttfloss for a dumb bunny! What a DIPSHIT!
See ya FOOL!