– Blogger Andrew Sullivan appears to have gotten some very favorable treatment from prosecutors after being busted for pot possession in Cape Cod. Sullivan is particularly enlightened on the drug war and certainly understands how lucky he was to escape more serious consequences. Hopefully, he’ll share some thoughts soon at his place.
– Grits For Breakfast has a roundup of links on Cameron Todd Willingham, a man who was executed in Texas for arson, but may have been innocent.
– A man in West Virginia was busted with a sophisticated marijuana grow room (over 100 plants) in his attic. What makes this pot bust story different than the dozens of other busted grows every month around the country? The man tending the plants had been appearing in commercials and on YouTube promoting his labor union’s drug free policies.
– The Drug War Chronicle took a week off from compiling their corrupt cop roundup and wound up with a pretty big list this week.
An anti-abortion protester is snuffed out early morning east coast time today and the NY Times finally put’s it up around 11PM. Great timing. If it was the other way around the Slimes would have had it up in 15 seconds after learning about it.
We’ve spent the last two weeks in southern California (daughter’s wedding in Santa Monica, followed by a few days of “decompressin” at Big Bear Lake).
It occurred to us that greater Los Angeles is the small business (meaning really small business) capital of the universe. Here in the place where the wingers sneer about how all the taxes and regulations are so bad for business, there are gazillions of mom-and-pop enterprises covering everything from fast food to furniture, not to mention all the independent artists, musicians, production companies and so on in the “creative community”. At the same time, there are comparatively few “big box” stores.
Seems to be another example of where the conservative mythos doesn’t hold up when you check it against reality.
Idiot @ 1
I pointed out to Marvin much earlier that CNN (or the Clinton News Network to right wing morons) carried the story.
Poor little Marvie’s claims of a “librul” media blackout were refuted.
Well thank goodness the Census Bureau grew a brain and severed ties with ACORN. Why did they ever think it was a good idea to join with this criminal enterprise in the first place?
4 – Hmmm.. I’d ask Arlen Specter sort of the same question. Why did he ever associate himself with that criminal organization in the first place?
Thank goodness he severed ties with that den of thieves and moral reprobates.
Looks like ACORN might be cleaning up its act a little. They fired those tax advisors Glenn Beck had on tape telling some undercover folks how to cheat on their taxes.
Liberal shoots and kills peaceful protester.
Heterosexuals are murdering,raping and thieving con artists. You pig fuckers are the downfall to society. Look in the mirror and see your stink.
“Police Investigate Pattern of Seattle Robberies.”
On thing that the Seattle Times isn’t telling you is the suspects are black and the victims are white.
John, you were outraged over some spray paint on a garage door when the victim was black. Why are you silent over a more violent crime when the victims are white and the suspects are black?
ArtFart spews:
Did you ask these small business folks how they are doing?? Having a small business doesn’t mean it is successful. And there are many huge shopping centers with every Big Box you can think of….just not all along the freeways.
Nice attempt at trying to make a case for Big Government, High Taxes & Excessive Regs…but no sale. California is bankrupt…financially and spiritually. Many businesses would love to flee…but cannot sell property.
More to the story than Art’s simplistic slam at Conservatives.
Tea Partiers arrive in DC!!
I love the quote from the 73 year-old retired Paper Mill worker–
Hey lee, why no mention that I turned you on to the andrew “trig-birther” sullivan story?
I don’t think you should expect him to share his thoughts on it. He committed a crime, and then because of party affiliation got away with it.
Is there any doubt if palin was veep andrew would have had to face a judge.
ylb left-eye fool,
Reread #1 moron. The Slimes is the “paper of record”. Why did it take them over 12 hours to cover the story? Cuz it wasn’t “their type of news”.
You prove to all your stupidity each and every day moron!
And last night with his support of pimping very young girls into prostitution he proved he is morally bankrupt.
Gunning down peaceful anti-abortion protesters, now phoning-in bomb threats to tea parties …
Liberalism = Terrorism?
Last night being the political friday night news dump, the usual time politicians come clean so it won’t get as much press comes…
Today, for the first time as far as we know, the administration is backing a provision that would require proof of citizenship before someone could enroll in a plan selected on the exchange.
•Undocumented immigrants would not be able to buy private insurance on the exchange.
•Verification will be required when purchasing health insurance on the exchange
If joe wilson was wrong, why did the obama administration release new “bullet points” that denies illegal aliens from the free government healthcare?
(The link is from left-leaning msnbc so you know it’s not some right-wing bullshit.)
Poor little stoner Lee and Co., you guys are having one hell of a bad month! Too bad, so sad asshole.
This probably explains why liberal radio fails.
Liberal radio talker ed schultz talking about joe wilson believes…
Ask yourself this question as you try to put this in perspective. Do you think it was professional? And ask yourself, if you acted like that in the workplace, how would that be received by your supervisor and do you think you’d be able to hang onto your job?
Maybe it was the failing school system I went to, but don’t congresscritters work for we the people? As does the whiskey tango foxtrot president?
That’s a good point. I think what we’re seeing is a rise in terrorism against the opposition. Perhaps what what we are witnessing is the start of the suppression and elimination of any dissent against the party in power, through any means necessary.
Wait a second, are you saying that Andrew Sullivan is a Democrat?
Dance, monkey, dance!
Um, you might want to re-read your comment, then pick up a dictionary to understand what the word “free” means.
None of the bills presented allow illegal immigrants to buy into a federal health insurance plan. The Obama Administration will often put out clarifications like that for the same reason that there are warnings on shirts that say “don’t iron while wearing”. Because there are people out there – like you – dumb enough to believe that you can iron a shirt while you’re wearing it.
Dance, monkey, dance!
@21 None of the bills presented allow illegal immigrants to buy into a federal health insurance plan.
“The proposed new marketplace, or exchange, would allow consumers and small businesses to shop for insurance and compare prices in a regulated, competitive environment. The exchange has been built into all the health bills moving through the House and Senate.
“Private companies could offer health coverage through the exchange if they meet certain criteria and if Congress created a new government-run plan that would be offered through the exchange, too.
“Illegal immigrants were to be allowed in the exchange and even in the public plan if they used their own money under legislation that passed three committees in the House and one in the Senate. Before Friday, there was little indication that that would change, even in the crucial Senate Finance Committee, which is facing a deadline of early next week to complete a comprehensive health bill.”
White House Stiffens Against Illegal Immigrants
To an idiot right winger the worst thing another right winger can do is get caught. See Mike Duvall. He was caught bragging about screwing female lobbyists who brought business before his office. They brought the business and apparently the quid pro quo was sex – lots of it for a paunchy, pasty “family values” conservative Republican.
The second worst is raise money for Democrats..
Joe Wilson’s fat mouth has raised over 1 million dollars in 48 hours for his opponent in November.
If only the Republican party would clear out all the dross from its stable.
Ooops there wouldn’t be hardly anything left.
And CNN is the “Clinton News Network” according to certain right wing idiots, i.e. YOU
I would think CNN according to the “logic” of your delusional system would be even WORSE!
Right wing “librul media” hysteria refuted.
Can you believe an activist judge has overruled Washington State law that’s been in place for years (public disclosure) and decided, in their activist personal opinion that THEY don’t like our law so it’s not valid.
I’ve been waiting for the outrage by the conservatives on here, angry at some Federal judge re-writing Washington State laws enacted by our elected leaders, and changing it the way they want. Activist judges! I wonder how long I’ll have to wait to hear outrage from Republicans on this? LOL.
Forever is the answer. Same with ‘over spending’, it’s not a philosophical position. Bush overspent $600 billion a year, and added $500 billion to socialized medicine (Medicare), not one tea-bag protest. Not one. Ever. Seriously. Reagan added $3 trillion to our national debt. No tea-bag protests. Not one.
Part of the problem is that each party see’s their spending as “necessary”. See, Reagan HAD to rack up $3 trillion in debt, to spend down the evil Soviets. It was necessary. Bush had to rack over a few trillion in over spending, to fight the evil doers and free the Iraqi people from bondage. It was necessary. Obama had to over spend by trillions to save the frozen credit markets and prevent a banking collapse. It was necessary.
In each case, you CAN make valid arguments why the spending was important. Some folks really believe Reagan had to outspend the Soviets. Some folks really believe the war in Iraq was worth a trillion of tax payer money. Some folks really believe our economy would have collapsed without the Bush/Obama intervention.
So what have we learned? The Democrats don’t like Republican overspending and the Republicans don’t like the Democratic overspending. Shocking! My shit is stuff, and your stuff is shit (George Carlin).
@1 CNN ran the story as an “Anti-abortionist shot” within minutes. So anti-reality. Didn’t happen. The “liberal” media, including Huffington Post, put up this story immediate. Anti-reality.
For the record, shooting someone because you disagree with their speech is WRONG and this guy was a f**k scum for doing it! Republican or Democrat! I don’t want to see Democrats lowering themselves to the tactics of Republicans. I don’t want to see an “Oklahoma City” attack by liberals ever! Stop it guys! Just because the other guys do it isn’t an excuse! You can’t shoot people over speech or because you think the ‘evil govment’ is out to get you.
Take ALL Federal Money away from ACORN immediately…including this $1.6 MILLION.
the only way to save this country
(and it has to be done in the next 2 years)
1 abolish the federal reserve
2 prohibit anyone from serving in government who holds dual citizenship
3 close borders
4 prohbit any american wealth from being transferred out of the country
5 make the house of rep part time, non paid, only serve one term.
@27 – don’t forget – neuter every heterosexual so that they no longer can breed murderers, rapists and thieves. Pig fuckers that they are.
On thing that the Seattle Times isn’t telling you is the suspects are black and the victims are white.
while true, keep in mind that its not because these people are black, its because the liberal elites choose to continue a welfare state that contributes to violence and ignorance to perpetuate a class of democratic voters. (not to mention keeping them uneducated so they can never, for example, be head of the federal reserve)
More Lee spinning@21.
If this was TRUE, this health care issue wouldn’t need “clarification”.
Keep spinning yarns Lee!
Notice ylb blind left-eye didn’t answer the question in #23. He runs away and spins diversions to cover his sorry ASS!
Nothing has been refuted ylb blind left-eye@25. The NY Slimes took over 12 hours to cover the assassination of the poor dude. Thems da facts fool.
Sucks to be a small tool of the leftist pinheads.
David the moron@26
How? Congress passes the appropriation bills. Did you fail civics?
David @27
You proved my point. You realize the Slimes took 12 hours to report something other outlets ran quickly. Puddy asked why it took Paul Krugman, Frank Rich, and Maureed Dowd’s paymaster so long to react? It wasn’t their type of news fool!
Sounds like liberals to Puddy!
Thanks for the identification.
23 is my comment. I don’t pose questions in a public forum to myself.
I would think only strange people who would refer to themselves in the third person would do such a thing
Yep, Marvin claimed there was a blackout in the media on the story and one google search proved CNN had covered it.
Pretend all you want. There was ample coverage in several local newspapers and CNN.
Right wing knee jerk anti-MSM hysteria refuted. Idiocy of the moron I call Stupes proved.
Didn’t even try to answer the question.
All he did was talk about the sex life of some guy he doesn’t like.
Puddy went to La Raza’s web site to view their positions.
“address the barriers to health insurance that more than 47 million uninsured Americans face”
Seems they haven’t modified the value to the new limit of 30 million. Puddy will continue to check.
So ylb blind left-eye, what say you? These are your peeps. Since you voted affirmative on ACORN El Salvadorean kiddie prostitution what say you? Probably nuthin much. Not much upstairs in that granite encased Neanderthal cranial orifice! Vacancy flashing in the left eye and the NBC test pattern in the right eye.
29 – Joe Wilson called the President a liar during his address to Congress. I’ve never heard that done before.
In doing so, he raised one million dollars for his opponent in 48 hours.
Yeah I talked about an elected representative (a conservative Republican with a perfect “family values” rating) having sex with a female lobbyist. If you can show me that the people of his district would approve of his mixing business with pleasure like that then I’ll leave it alone.
But obviously he strongly believed his constituents would disapprove because he resigned before they could signal one way or the other.
Not even worth a spit shine@38
Puddy asked about the NY Slimes fool. You and other leftist tools skirted the question. over 12 hours
Something to chew on.
“Hundreds of prisoners held by the U.S. military in Afghanistan will for the first time have the right to challenge their indefinite detention and call witnesses in their defense under a new review system being put in place this week, according to administration officials. ”
Looks like those Miranda rights readings are working leftist tools.
You and Marvin claimed there was a media conspiracy to hush up or ignore the story.
I showed the story was covered by the following outfits from one google search:
Kansas City Star, Detroit Free Press, Slate, USA Today, Reuters, Chicago Tribune, CNN….
So what if the Times didn’t cover it until after..
There was NO conspiracy. Right wingers lose the argument.
43 – It’s about time Americans felt free to live up to their own values over justice.
Couldn’t do that with the chimp you voted for twice and his puppet master Dork Cheney.
’bout time someone spoke the truth in the halls of congress.
Oh, and Wilson did so only after the cowardly president called others liars in that same speech (without naming names).
You give, you get…..grow up Mr. President… thats just life.
46 – The President didn’t lie. But the right wing has polluted the debate over healthcare with senseless disruptions in townhalls and lie after lie after lie.
The President called it out. It would have been a mistake to pretend it wasn’t there.
You’re a liar as well but that’s ok. I can handle it. I’ve commented here a long time. You’re not anything different from any other right winger I’ve seen come through there.
Thank you for holding up the values of your “tribe”, confirming my stands here and demonstrating to all the lurkers out there that they shouldn’t go anywhere near the right wing.
In other news a GOP candidate for Governor in Virginia bites the dust (I hope):
He must have been dreaming of all the sex Mike Duvall was getting. If a Republican Assemblyman could get that just think what a Governor could get!
Yes Mike maybe lobbyist prostitutes could help fund transportation in Virginia.
ylb the moron with the blind left-eye farts
Where fool? The Puddy post #1 was about the NY Slimes. Man you project vacuous crap all the time.
49 –
Here it is:
You’re assuming the Times is slow because of the pro-life guy getting killed, but you have no explanation for all those other media outlets being quicker.
Were they more right wing? Hardly – you’ve attacked them all in these threads.
Losing right wing moron skewered due to his brain dead and yep, vacuous ideology.