John Da Bore is still silent on the murder of the lesbian woman by a black man (who has now been caught). Some even suspect this murder may be a hate crime.
John made about 4 posts about someone painting some racial graffiti in our state, so why won’t he speak out against a crime when the offender is black? And it’s a murder, no less. Does John believe a white on black graffiti crime is worse than a black on white murder?
John got angry, really angry, over paint. Where is John now?
Get your own blog, decide on your own content, silly troll.
I’ve never seen you comment about this Ukrainian police officer who murdered an internet journalist. Why aren’t you speaking out about it? Do you think it’s ok to murder internet journalists? If not, why are you so silent?
@3 No, it was not okay to murder that internet journalist. And I was silent because I never heard of that story.
I’m just wondering why he’s writes four posts about racist graffiti, but doesn’t even write one post about a black man murdering a lesbian, which some people think may be a hate crime. I don’t recall him writing a post about Tubaman’s murder, either, where 5 blacks robbed, then beat to death, a white man. And I think he was silent about the Paroline murder, when a black man killed a man watering some plants.
He becomes angry when blacks are the victim of racist graffiti, and writes 4 posts about it, but when the victims are white, and they are murdered, he’s silent.
Just seems strange to me.
It’s because the racist graffiti happened in Vancouver, where he lives.
And this is not your blog. You’re a visitor here. Your primary purpose is to be the thing everyone points at and laughs.
Dance, monkey, dance!
troll, silly troll, living an illusion.
Tell us again how well respected you are. Friday night is silly time.
But first see if Mom has any chores for you before bedtime.
Prediction: Liberals will find the South Park stabbing suspect not guilty by reason of insanity. They will say he too is an equal victim; a victim of mental illness. I know how liberals think. This IS what will happen.
It’s very possible that he has a mental illness. What matters is that someone that dangerous be kept away from the public – either in a mental institution or a jail.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Gee Lee, you never covered these killings and they from “our” home town. Puddy wonders why?
Just like you never cover great Dummocraptic corruption stories like Dianne Feinstein and her MILCOM shenanigans. You turned a blind eye while she directed $800 Million to her husband’s companies, skipped fixing WRAMC, was caught by the libtardo rag The Nation and had to step down. You never covered it Lee.
Marvin Stamnspews:
9. Puddybud is shocked SHOCKED spews:
Gee Lee, you never covered these killings…
Just like you never cover…
You never covered it Lee.
Like lee said…
Because this is a partisan blog that takes on Republicans. He would be disgusted by the Democrat and what he did, but he wouldn’t write about it here.
And considering how often I’ve criticized the Obama Administration recently, to think that my motivation is partisan politics is even more evidence of your idiocy.
And it’s not Puddy’s fault yous an idiot. Butt, keep striving, you could top NutsTooTight some day!
Lee, you’re a laugh a minute with your myopic view of the world. Keep inhaling.
Marvin Stamnspews:
11. Lee spews:
There are too many news stories in a day to cover them all. We choose the ones that tend to fall under our own areas of interest.
Because this is a partisan blog that takes on Republicans. He would be disgusted by the Democrat and what he did, but he wouldn’t write about it here.
Your “area of interest” is obvious.
Daddy Lovespews:
Too bad it’s an open thread. That was a funny comic panel.
However, maybe one of you guys should try to code a copy time estimator that can correctly predict network conditions, disk read and write speeds over fragemented disk areas, processor load balancing, and CRC durations for copying n files.
Daddy Lovespews:
Hey, why don’t you guys write blog posts about how a white doctor killed Michael Jackson BECAUSE HE WAS BLACK? Kind of.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Daddy Love, what you have asked for is already in the marketplace. There are data analyzers for network traffic flow prediction and simulation and large iron companies have their specific tools to provide actual and predicted disk results based on traffic patterns and data flow rates.
Where you been brotha? Reading too many left-wing web sites?
Hey wingnuts,
Check it out. Your newest darling. The lady generally known as “crazy Eileen”:
John Da Bore is still silent on the murder of the lesbian woman by a black man (who has now been caught). Some even suspect this murder may be a hate crime.
John made about 4 posts about someone painting some racial graffiti in our state, so why won’t he speak out against a crime when the offender is black? And it’s a murder, no less. Does John believe a white on black graffiti crime is worse than a black on white murder?
John got angry, really angry, over paint. Where is John now?
Get your own blog, decide on your own content, silly troll.
I’ve never seen you comment about this Ukrainian police officer who murdered an internet journalist. Why aren’t you speaking out about it? Do you think it’s ok to murder internet journalists? If not, why are you so silent?
@2 I do have my own blog. You’re on it.
@3 No, it was not okay to murder that internet journalist. And I was silent because I never heard of that story.
I’m just wondering why he’s writes four posts about racist graffiti, but doesn’t even write one post about a black man murdering a lesbian, which some people think may be a hate crime. I don’t recall him writing a post about Tubaman’s murder, either, where 5 blacks robbed, then beat to death, a white man. And I think he was silent about the Paroline murder, when a black man killed a man watering some plants.
He becomes angry when blacks are the victim of racist graffiti, and writes 4 posts about it, but when the victims are white, and they are murdered, he’s silent.
Just seems strange to me.
It’s because the racist graffiti happened in Vancouver, where he lives.
And this is not your blog. You’re a visitor here. Your primary purpose is to be the thing everyone points at and laughs.
Dance, monkey, dance!
troll, silly troll, living an illusion.
Tell us again how well respected you are. Friday night is silly time.
But first see if Mom has any chores for you before bedtime.
Prediction: Liberals will find the South Park stabbing suspect not guilty by reason of insanity. They will say he too is an equal victim; a victim of mental illness. I know how liberals think. This IS what will happen.
It’s very possible that he has a mental illness. What matters is that someone that dangerous be kept away from the public – either in a mental institution or a jail.
Gee Lee, you never covered these killings and they from “our” home town. Puddy wonders why?
Just like you never cover great Dummocraptic corruption stories like Dianne Feinstein and her MILCOM shenanigans. You turned a blind eye while she directed $800 Million to her husband’s companies, skipped fixing WRAMC, was caught by the libtardo rag The Nation and had to step down. You never covered it Lee.
Like lee said…
Because this is a partisan blog that takes on Republicans. He would be disgusted by the Democrat and what he did, but he wouldn’t write about it here.
It’s all about partisan politics.
There are too many news stories in a day to cover them all. We choose the ones that tend to fall under our own areas of interest.
The fact that you two knuckleheads (and Troll) can’t figure that out is the most significant piece of evidence why everyone here laughs at you.
Dance, monkeys, dance!
And considering how often I’ve criticized the Obama Administration recently, to think that my motivation is partisan politics is even more evidence of your idiocy.
Dance, monkeys, dance!!
Puddy wonders why?
It’s not my fault you’re a moron.
And it’s not Puddy’s fault yous an idiot. Butt, keep striving, you could top NutsTooTight some day!
Lee, you’re a laugh a minute with your myopic view of the world. Keep inhaling.
Your “area of interest” is obvious.
Too bad it’s an open thread. That was a funny comic panel.
However, maybe one of you guys should try to code a copy time estimator that can correctly predict network conditions, disk read and write speeds over fragemented disk areas, processor load balancing, and CRC durations for copying n files.
Hey, why don’t you guys write blog posts about how a white doctor killed Michael Jackson BECAUSE HE WAS BLACK? Kind of.
Daddy Love, what you have asked for is already in the marketplace. There are data analyzers for network traffic flow prediction and simulation and large iron companies have their specific tools to provide actual and predicted disk results based on traffic patterns and data flow rates.
Where you been brotha? Reading too many left-wing web sites?
Hey wingnuts,
Check it out. Your newest darling. The lady generally known as “crazy Eileen”:
Please, please bring her out to speak her “mind” at your next “tea party”!