Great movie. Goldy had comics on his radio show every Friday, maybe every Friday on HA we can have movie clip night. How about Office Space next time? Especially the part where Bill Lumbergh asks Peter to come in to work on Saturday and Sunday.
@1 That guy Lumbergh took the stapler away from had the right idea about working. Just kidding! I’m against burning the office down. Buy stock in the company instead. Then you won’t have to work. I don’t work!! I’m a member of the Owner Class now!! Like Republicans, I get a favorable tax rate for pushing money around in circles, living on capital gains, and — most important of all — producing absolutely nothing!!!
Roger Rabbitspews:
The Republican-controlled Congress didn’t want you to work. That’s why they gave all the tax breaks to the Owner Class and taxed the shit out of wages. A hedge fund manager making over $1 billion a year gets a lower tax rate than the $15-an-hour night janitor who empties his wastebasket. Personally, I think that’s sick, but this is America, where CEOs get bonuses for losing their shareholders’ money and a (formerly) dominant political party thinks only work should be taxed — inheritances, capital gains, and dividends should all be tax free!
Roger Rabbitspews:
The Republican belief in inheritocracy has given us such able leaders as Shrub, McCain, and Katherine Harris. I know dishwashers who could do a better job than them, but hey! — Republicans believe only the Ruling Class should be allowed to rule. The rest of us are supposed to be their donkeys.
proud leftistspews:
You can’t possibly be suggesting that John McCain, the Straight Talk Express by his own acclamation, might be influenced by lobbyists, are you? Haven’t you heard, the Mainstream Media has declared him to be a “maverick”? That means he is immune to the pressures of outside influence, he only pays attention to the dictates of his own principles. John McCain is independent, got it?
McCain America's heterosxual Republicanspews:
It must be Friday-the rabbit is crowing like a rooster about his wonderful life as a stock investor. Buy tobacco stocks Rabbitt and get rich off killing people.
I was in Walgreens awhile ago and they had a notice posted by the cash register about their staff dressing down becxause of something to do with raising money to fight breast cancer. Behind the register was a ten foot high pile of cigarette cartons. Lung cancer kills more women than breast cancer and 97% of lung cancer is caused by cigarette smoking. Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, what a bunch of unthinking uncritical fucking sheep Americans are. Piper where are you? Give us 3000 words on this subject please. Tell us why making war on Iraq for not having anything to do with 911 makes sense and allowing the tobacco industry to kill 400,000 Americans each year and prosper and grow is acceptable.
Oh, and for the smokers on this blog, a little information. YOU STINK! Your clothes stink, and your hair stinks. You sound like a fucking idiot as you sit there and cough and hack while anxiously awaiting your next smoke break. Pathetic bastards-not only do you spend good money to poison yourself-you support an industry that kills millions.
Well, boys and girls. It appears that the Republicans are using another of the tactics that they have used before to split the Democratic vote.
Ralph Nader is back.
CNN is reporting that Ralph Nader could be poised for another third party presidential campaign. Apparently he’s going to appear on Meet the Press this coming Sunday. Nader launched his 2004 presidential campaign on the show.
I’ve often mentioned that some Democrats are uncomfortable with the idea of actually winning. This would explain why some folks are willing to vote for Mr. Nader, even though it requires them to ignore the massive help he’s been given by the Republicans in his last two tries.
I’m not sure whether Mr. Nader has just deluded himself into thinking that he can make some sort of positive contribution, or if he’s actually a neo-con.
But if he’s willing to enter this race and try to split the Democratic vote again, even after the consequences of the last two times he did so, I’d have to lean towards him being deliberately in league with the Republicans.
And he will draw off that portion of our party that just cannot tolerate winning elections.
proud leftistspews:
Hey, dude, chill. Freedom is messy, sometimes even smelly. If someone wants to pursue self-destruction, let ’em. That’s what the blues is all about, and where would we be without the blues?
proud leftistspews:
Ralph Nader is a sad example a guy who refuses to grow old gracefully. He contributed a great deal to our betterment during his productive years. He drew attention to consumer protection issues that needed to be addressed. He is an American hero. Now, he’s staining his own shorts. His ego precludes him from fading away. He recently wrote a book about his family, but he can’t just fade into his family. He needs media. That is sad. His legacy would not be improved by another pointless presidential run. If he’s going on MTP to endorse Obama, he will help himself. If he’s going on MTP to announce another Sisyphian presidential run, then his ego is truly remarkable.
The Blatantly Obviousspews:
I remember when Icons of the 60’s committed suicide on video.
Like Richard Nixon, and Timothy Leary.
Now they tell their grey, fragile bodies to run for President.
The Pianist (a genuine musician)spews:
McCain’s running mate will be Reagan’s casket. They are going to drag it around on a little trailer or something so everybody at the McCain rally can bow or kiss the casket or genuflect or whatever.
And I had to verbally pants one of the unarmed folks at work the other day, when he blathered the talking points about Senator Obama’s rhetorical skill:
“You guys really have to remember that Reagan never really gave a speech. He was a trained actor who read everything from 3 X 5 cards or TelePrompters. Therefore, you have to be careful when running down somebody who can actually form a thought in his head and then say the damn words out loud.”
Broadway Joespews:
‘Caddyshack’ was fucking brilliant. We need more of that kind of brilliance in entertainment these days. “I almost got head from Amelia Earhart!” Still hilarious after all these years.
PL @ 9:
Nader WAS an American hero, once. Now he’s just another puppet of the GOP, whether he admits it (or is even aware of it) or not.
Ralph’s nadir.
PuddyPrick, The Fact Finding Prognosticator...spews:
OneMan: Skip this post too.
Oh no. Goldy, paper of record the P-I printed something good about Reichert and the 16%ers are a tizzy.
“Rep. Dave Reichert, R-Wash., scored 85 out of 100 in the League of Conservation Voters’ scorecard for the first year since 1994 in which Democrats have controlled both houses of Congress.
The score for Republican Reichert is astounding, since the LCV is notorious for giving high ratings to Democrats and, at most, modest scores to even the greenest voices in the GOP.”
Ms Tlaz – Sorry you can find the URL yourself.
Wow just look – a republican who is touting the environmental record of another republican – don’t they take away your GOP membership card for being interested in something other than war profiteering?
PuddyPrick, The Fact Finding Prognosticator...spews:
OneMan: Skip this post too.
Ms Tlaz: If you had two brain cells you could rub together and a synaptic firing could occur, you’d notice I get my PuddyFacts from all over.
Here NY Slimes Editor Bill Keller is being interviewed by National Taxpayer Paid Democratic Organ NPR – “”If, hypothetically, we had established that he had a romantic relationship with a lobbyist — and had done favors for that lobbyist — that would have been a different story,” he says. But the newspaper was not able to confirm any relationship.”
You can find the URL Ms Tlaz, through a little DD!
PuddyPrick, The Fact Finding Prognosticator...spews:
OneMan: Skip this post too. I really care you stay ignorant.
Ms Tlaz: I’ll post this one just for you: Slate women blog about politics, etc…
PuddyPrick, The Fact Finding Prognosticator...spews:
BBG: Please demonstrate to all here where I have benefited from “war profiteering”?
I work in computers. Now if you want to discuss war profiteering… how about those Loral Rocket Telemetry sales approved by the husband of the worse woman candidate for POTUS ever, back in the 90s to Red China and how their missiles can hit LA, SF and Seattle all liberal bastions?
Mike in Seattlespews:
@8 (blows smoke in his face and laughs)
Now that we have McCain fundraisers going to prison and being deported for not having work visas, is the right going to demand the kind of investigation it would if this were a Democrat? Of course not – they think that crime pays.
Asshole @18 Demonstrate where I said you benefited from war profiteering. Can’t you inbred morons even read?
And here I thought the right was so focused on “protecting our borders.” I guess it’s okay if GOP friends are illegal aliens. But man oh man, they seem to have a totally different standard if a guy from Mexico wants to work at McDonalds.
As USUAL – right = hypocrite.
Marvin Stamnspews:
#20 PuddyPrick, The Fact Finding Prognosticator… says:
Now if you want to discuss war profiteering…
I know this isn’t polite to say around liberals/democrats, but what about diane feinstein profiting from the war. The connection between her hubby and URS corp & perini corp combined with diane’s position (chairman and ranking member) on the Senate Military Construction Appropriations Subcommittee would be enough to get cheney lynched.
Lucky for her, the liberals/democrats only listen/watch left wing media so they remain ignorant about this.
PuddyPrick, The Fact Finding Prognosticator...spews:
You farted:”Wow just look – a republican (directed at Puddy) who is touting the environmental record of another republican (Dave Reichert) – don’t they (someone else)take away your (directed at Puddy) GOP membership card for being interested in something other than war profiteering (derived association of me profiting)?”
Didn’t I post last week Liberalism is a mental disorder?
The Prosecution Rests.
PuddyPrick, The Fact Finding Prognosticator...spews:
Marvin: I posted URL after URL on Dianne Feinstein and how she had to resign the Senate Milcon Committee and the 16%er peeps like Ms Tlaz ignored them.
Oh yes, her husband did a fine job on the Walter Reed Army Medical Center after she steered the job to one of his corporations. Yessirreeee. Notice how the National Press shut down that story when it was determined who “didn’t” do the contracted work as they signed up for?
PuddyPrick, The Fact Finding Prognosticator...spews:
Oneman: Skip this post.
Maybe it should have read Fecal Alcohol Syndrome Baby instead…
Well BBG is a big feces poster… like Pelletizer
Stupes – it’s Saturday! It’s holier than thou day!
Oh my bad Stupes – every day is holier than thou day to you.
Marvin Stamnspews:
#27 PuddyPrick, The Fact Finding Prognosticator… says:
Oh yes, her husband did a fine job on the Walter Reed Army Medical Center after she steered the job to one of his corporations. Yessirreeee. Notice how the National Press shut down that story when it was determined who “didn’t” do the contracted work as they signed up for?
They kept part of the story going, the part about blaming bush.
I guess the liberal media didn’t think their constituents wouldn’t understand the nuances of democrats profiting from the war. Too many big words for their readers.
16 I’ll have to make a note to discuss this with that nice lady from the LCV the next time she knocks on our door asking for money.
Well would you look at that another crooked Republican gets indited.
Lawmaker Rick Renzi faces federal indictment
The 35 counts against the U.S. representative from Arizona include extortion, money laundering and fraud.
By Richard B. Schmitt, Los Angeles Times Staff Writer
February 23, 2008
WASHINGTON — Rep. Rick Renzi, a three-term Republican from Arizona, was charged in a federal indictment unsealed Friday with multiple counts of wrongdoing, including using his official position to promote a land deal that secretly brought millions to him and a business partner.
The indictment, handed up by a federal grand jury in Tucson late Thursday and revealed by Justice Department officials at a news conference Friday, charges Renzi with 35 counts, including extortion, money laundering and fraud. Aside from the land deal, Renzi, 49, was charged with illegally skimming hundreds of thousands of dollars from a closely held insurance firm he owned.
From NBC/NJ’s Adam Aigner-Treworgy and NBC’s Kelly O’Donnell
On his weekly blogger conference call, John McCain said that Rep. Rick Renzi (R) would probably step down as co-chair of his Arizona campaign. McCain was unaware of the Arizona congressman’s indictment until asked about it this morning after a town hall in Indianapolis, at which point he said that you always think about the family in these circumstances and he would look into Renzi’s role in his campaign.
They kept part of the story going, the part about blaming bush.
If he didn’t start the stupid invasion and occupation, no one would be profiting from it.
Imagine that – building crappy hospitals, schoolhouses and police stations over there for no-bid cost-plus contracts vs. building quality stuff here at competitive bid.
That’s the Republican way – which is going to end in November.
From Seattle Times:
Health Care: the Billion-Dollar Dreams
Posted by Bruce Ramsey
Here is the first bill I’ve seen in Olympia with a projected cost in excess of $100 billion over the next decade. It is Senate Bill 6221, whose prime sponsor is Sen. Karen Keiser, D-Des Moines. Also sponsored by Sen. Jeanne Kohl-Welles, D-Seattle. It is a “universal coverage” medical care bill, called a bill to “establish a Washington Health Partnership.”
The Office of Financial Management, following I-960, has put out the following “projection of increased cost to taxpayers and affected ratepayers.” The estimate is zero for fiscal 2008 and 2009 because the program wouldn’t start until 2010. By my back-of-the-envelope calculations, this program would more than double the state near-general-fund budget:
Year Individual and Employer Assessments for Washington Health Partnership
FY 2008 –
FY 2009 –
FY 2010 $ 7,197,000,000
FY 2011 $ 18,274,000,000
FY 2012 $ 18,731,000,000
FY 2013 $ 19,198,000,000
FY 2014 $ 19,677,950,000
FY 2015 $ 20,169,898,750
FY 2016 $ 20,674,146,219
FY 2017 $ 21,190,999,874
Total $ 145,112,994,843
Whether these numbers are right I have no idea. They are not comforting.
WOW! And how much is Gregoire gonna ask us to raise our taxes to add an additional 10+ BILLION a year? AMAZING!
Marvin Stamnspews:
#35 YLB says:
no-bid cost-plus contracts vs. building quality stuff here at competitive bid.
Ever hear of LOGCAP? Maybe I’m stupid, please explain it to me.
Did the no bid thing bother you when Clinton was doing it with Halliburton?
Tommy Thompsonspews:
Why is it that as I read the comments my mind remains coherent just until I get to one of PuddyWhack’s comments, then my mind gets scrambled and almost crashes. PuddyJucie get a fucking brain.
Puddyprick is an addict. He can’t NOT spew his drivel on this board. One asks “who sent in the clown?” He spends HOURS with his obsession.
However, the comic relief here is that he’s evidently so delusional that he thinks the REAL people here pay any attention to his effluvia.
It’s funny to watch, if you can stand the smell.
Did the no bid thing bother you when Clinton was doing it with Halliburton?
Does not being able to argue your way out of a paper bag bother you?
Crate 'N' Barrelspews:
re 13: Have you heard the one about the guy who rubs a magic lamp he finds on the beach and out pops a genie………………Anyway, the punch line is: “I said ten inch penis, not pianist!” Heh…
PuddyPrick, The Fact Finding Prognosticator...spews:
Headless the SemperSimpleton: Why do people ask for my URLs if real people don’t pay attention?
Oh… that’s right you ain’t real people. You and your 17 other names are all scrambling for attention in that small cranial orifice you call a hat rack.
Talk among your selves like you always do.
PuddyPrick, The Fact Finding Prognosticator...spews:
Tommy Thompson: Facts do that to the liberal mind.
To date when have you postulated anything worthy of discussion? Vacuous and insipid. Keep up the good work.
Marvin Stamnspews:
#40 YLB says:
Did the no bid thing bother you when Clinton was doing it with Halliburton?
Does not being able to argue your way out of a paper bag bother you?
It’s hard to argue when the other person is afraid to answer the questions.
Have you even heard of LOGCAP?
Crate 'N' Barrelspews:
re 43: Did you find an ebonics to English translation guide? You are starting to write a little more clearly. Still stupidly, though.
In 1985, the military created LOGCAP with the purpose of privatizing more of the duties involved in civil logistics. The military first used LOGCAP in 1988 to construct and maintain two petroleum pipeline systems in Southwest Asia in support of contingency operations. But most of the military’s civil logistics activities were still not privatized.
It was Dick Cheney, as defense secretary in 1992, who spearheaded the movement to privatize most of the military’s civil logistics activities. Under the direction of Secretary Cheney, the Pentagon paid $9 million to Halliburton’s subsidiary, KBR, to conduct a study to determine whether private companies like itself should handle all of the military’s civil logistics. KBR’s classified study concluded that greater privatization of logistics was in the government’s best interest. Shortly thereafter, on August 3, 1992, Secretary Cheney awarded the first comprehensive LOGCAP contract to KBR. The Washington Post reported “The Pentagon chose [KBR] to carry out the study and subsequently selected the company to implement its own plan.” Three years later, in 1995, Halliburton hired Cheney as its CEO.
In 1997, two years after Cheney became CEO of Halliburton, KBR’s LOGCAP contract was not renewed and the government alleged the company engaged in fraudulent billing practices. The independent auditing arm of Congress, the GAO, had criticized KBR’s performance during America’s war in the Balkans. GAO said KBR’s cost-overruns in the Balkans inflated the original contract price by 32 percent. After KBR was effectively fired by the Army in 1997, the LOGCAP contract was awarded to Halliburton competitor DynCorp. But, after Cheney became vice president in 2001, DynCorp was fired and KBR was re-awarded the contract.
They’re great guys, all right. But the Clinton administration TERMINATED the Halliburton contract when it turned out they were crooks.
Daddy Lovespews:
That’s not to mention their little rape squads.
Daddy Lovespews:
Halliburton subsidiary European Marine Contractors (EMC) helps lay the offshore portion of the Yadana natural gas pipeline in Burma. Several human rights organizations allege tremendous human rights abuses are associated with the project, as thousands of villagers in Burma are forced to work in support of the pipeline and related infrastructure. Many lose their homes due to forced relocation, and there are reports of rape, torture and killings by soldiers hired by the companies as security guards for the pipelines.
A Houston, Texas woman says she was gang-raped by Halliburton/KBR coworkers in Baghdad, and the company and the U.S. government are covering up the incident…According to her lawsuit, Jones was raped by “several attackers who first drugged her, then repeatedly raped and injured her, both physically and emotionally.”
Jones told that an examination by Army doctors showed she had been raped “both vaginally and anally,” but that the rape kit disappeared after it was handed over to KBR security officers...Legal experts say Jones’ alleged assailants will likely never face a judge and jury, due to an enormous loophole that has effectively left contractors in Iraq beyond the reach of United States law.
Great movie. Goldy had comics on his radio show every Friday, maybe every Friday on HA we can have movie clip night. How about Office Space next time? Especially the part where Bill Lumbergh asks Peter to come in to work on Saturday and Sunday.
@1 That guy Lumbergh took the stapler away from had the right idea about working. Just kidding! I’m against burning the office down. Buy stock in the company instead. Then you won’t have to work. I don’t work!! I’m a member of the Owner Class now!! Like Republicans, I get a favorable tax rate for pushing money around in circles, living on capital gains, and — most important of all — producing absolutely nothing!!!
The Republican-controlled Congress didn’t want you to work. That’s why they gave all the tax breaks to the Owner Class and taxed the shit out of wages. A hedge fund manager making over $1 billion a year gets a lower tax rate than the $15-an-hour night janitor who empties his wastebasket. Personally, I think that’s sick, but this is America, where CEOs get bonuses for losing their shareholders’ money and a (formerly) dominant political party thinks only work should be taxed — inheritances, capital gains, and dividends should all be tax free!
The Republican belief in inheritocracy has given us such able leaders as Shrub, McCain, and Katherine Harris. I know dishwashers who could do a better job than them, but hey! — Republicans believe only the Ruling Class should be allowed to rule. The rest of us are supposed to be their donkeys.
You can’t possibly be suggesting that John McCain, the Straight Talk Express by his own acclamation, might be influenced by lobbyists, are you? Haven’t you heard, the Mainstream Media has declared him to be a “maverick”? That means he is immune to the pressures of outside influence, he only pays attention to the dictates of his own principles. John McCain is independent, got it?
It must be Friday-the rabbit is crowing like a rooster about his wonderful life as a stock investor. Buy tobacco stocks Rabbitt and get rich off killing people.
I was in Walgreens awhile ago and they had a notice posted by the cash register about their staff dressing down becxause of something to do with raising money to fight breast cancer. Behind the register was a ten foot high pile of cigarette cartons. Lung cancer kills more women than breast cancer and 97% of lung cancer is caused by cigarette smoking. Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, what a bunch of unthinking uncritical fucking sheep Americans are. Piper where are you? Give us 3000 words on this subject please. Tell us why making war on Iraq for not having anything to do with 911 makes sense and allowing the tobacco industry to kill 400,000 Americans each year and prosper and grow is acceptable.
Oh, and for the smokers on this blog, a little information. YOU STINK! Your clothes stink, and your hair stinks. You sound like a fucking idiot as you sit there and cough and hack while anxiously awaiting your next smoke break. Pathetic bastards-not only do you spend good money to poison yourself-you support an industry that kills millions.
Well, boys and girls. It appears that the Republicans are using another of the tactics that they have used before to split the Democratic vote.
Ralph Nader is back.
CNN is reporting that Ralph Nader could be poised for another third party presidential campaign. Apparently he’s going to appear on Meet the Press this coming Sunday. Nader launched his 2004 presidential campaign on the show.
I’ve often mentioned that some Democrats are uncomfortable with the idea of actually winning. This would explain why some folks are willing to vote for Mr. Nader, even though it requires them to ignore the massive help he’s been given by the Republicans in his last two tries.
I’m not sure whether Mr. Nader has just deluded himself into thinking that he can make some sort of positive contribution, or if he’s actually a neo-con.
But if he’s willing to enter this race and try to split the Democratic vote again, even after the consequences of the last two times he did so, I’d have to lean towards him being deliberately in league with the Republicans.
And he will draw off that portion of our party that just cannot tolerate winning elections.
Hey, dude, chill. Freedom is messy, sometimes even smelly. If someone wants to pursue self-destruction, let ’em. That’s what the blues is all about, and where would we be without the blues?
Ralph Nader is a sad example a guy who refuses to grow old gracefully. He contributed a great deal to our betterment during his productive years. He drew attention to consumer protection issues that needed to be addressed. He is an American hero. Now, he’s staining his own shorts. His ego precludes him from fading away. He recently wrote a book about his family, but he can’t just fade into his family. He needs media. That is sad. His legacy would not be improved by another pointless presidential run. If he’s going on MTP to endorse Obama, he will help himself. If he’s going on MTP to announce another Sisyphian presidential run, then his ego is truly remarkable.
I remember when Icons of the 60’s committed suicide on video.
Like Richard Nixon, and Timothy Leary.
Now they tell their grey, fragile bodies to run for President.
McCain’s running mate will be Reagan’s casket. They are going to drag it around on a little trailer or something so everybody at the McCain rally can bow or kiss the casket or genuflect or whatever.
And I had to verbally pants one of the unarmed folks at work the other day, when he blathered the talking points about Senator Obama’s rhetorical skill:
“You guys really have to remember that Reagan never really gave a speech. He was a trained actor who read everything from 3 X 5 cards or TelePrompters. Therefore, you have to be careful when running down somebody who can actually form a thought in his head and then say the damn words out loud.”
‘Caddyshack’ was fucking brilliant. We need more of that kind of brilliance in entertainment these days. “I almost got head from Amelia Earhart!” Still hilarious after all these years.
PL @ 9:
Nader WAS an American hero, once. Now he’s just another puppet of the GOP, whether he admits it (or is even aware of it) or not.
Ralph’s nadir.
OneMan: Skip this post too.
Oh no. Goldy, paper of record the P-I printed something good about Reichert and the 16%ers are a tizzy.
“Rep. Dave Reichert, R-Wash., scored 85 out of 100 in the League of Conservation Voters’ scorecard for the first year since 1994 in which Democrats have controlled both houses of Congress.
The score for Republican Reichert is astounding, since the LCV is notorious for giving high ratings to Democrats and, at most, modest scores to even the greenest voices in the GOP.”
Ms Tlaz – Sorry you can find the URL yourself.
Wow just look – a republican who is touting the environmental record of another republican – don’t they take away your GOP membership card for being interested in something other than war profiteering?
OneMan: Skip this post too.
Ms Tlaz: If you had two brain cells you could rub together and a synaptic firing could occur, you’d notice I get my PuddyFacts from all over.
Here NY Slimes Editor Bill Keller is being interviewed by National Taxpayer Paid Democratic Organ NPR – “”If, hypothetically, we had established that he had a romantic relationship with a lobbyist — and had done favors for that lobbyist — that would have been a different story,” he says. But the newspaper was not able to confirm any relationship.”
You can find the URL Ms Tlaz, through a little DD!
OneMan: Skip this post too. I really care you stay ignorant.
Ms Tlaz: I’ll post this one just for you: Slate women blog about politics, etc…
BBG: Please demonstrate to all here where I have benefited from “war profiteering”?
I work in computers. Now if you want to discuss war profiteering… how about those Loral Rocket Telemetry sales approved by the husband of the worse woman candidate for POTUS ever, back in the 90s to Red China and how their missiles can hit LA, SF and Seattle all liberal bastions?
@8 (blows smoke in his face and laughs)
Now that we have McCain fundraisers going to prison and being deported for not having work visas, is the right going to demand the kind of investigation it would if this were a Democrat? Of course not – they think that crime pays.
Asshole @18 Demonstrate where I said you benefited from war profiteering. Can’t you inbred morons even read?
And here I thought the right was so focused on “protecting our borders.” I guess it’s okay if GOP friends are illegal aliens. But man oh man, they seem to have a totally different standard if a guy from Mexico wants to work at McDonalds.
As USUAL – right = hypocrite.
#20 PuddyPrick, The Fact Finding Prognosticator… says:
I know this isn’t polite to say around liberals/democrats, but what about diane feinstein profiting from the war. The connection between her hubby and URS corp & perini corp combined with diane’s position (chairman and ranking member) on the Senate Military Construction Appropriations Subcommittee would be enough to get cheney lynched.
Lucky for her, the liberals/democrats only listen/watch left wing media so they remain ignorant about this.
Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Baby@23:
You farted:”Wow just look – a republican (directed at Puddy) who is touting the environmental record of another republican (Dave Reichert) – don’t they (someone else)take away your (directed at Puddy) GOP membership card for being interested in something other than war profiteering (derived association of me profiting)?”
Didn’t I post last week Liberalism is a mental disorder?
The Prosecution Rests.
Marvin: I posted URL after URL on Dianne Feinstein and how she had to resign the Senate Milcon Committee and the 16%er peeps like Ms Tlaz ignored them.
Oh yes, her husband did a fine job on the Walter Reed Army Medical Center after she steered the job to one of his corporations. Yessirreeee. Notice how the National Press shut down that story when it was determined who “didn’t” do the contracted work as they signed up for?
Oneman: Skip this post.
Maybe it should have read Fecal Alcohol Syndrome Baby instead…
Well BBG is a big feces poster… like Pelletizer
Stupes – it’s Saturday! It’s holier than thou day!
Oh my bad Stupes – every day is holier than thou day to you.
#27 PuddyPrick, The Fact Finding Prognosticator… says:
They kept part of the story going, the part about blaming bush.
I guess the liberal media didn’t think their constituents wouldn’t understand the nuances of democrats profiting from the war. Too many big words for their readers.
16 I’ll have to make a note to discuss this with that nice lady from the LCV the next time she knocks on our door asking for money.
Well would you look at that another crooked Republican gets indited.
Lawmaker Rick Renzi faces federal indictment
The 35 counts against the U.S. representative from Arizona include extortion, money laundering and fraud.
By Richard B. Schmitt, Los Angeles Times Staff Writer
February 23, 2008
WASHINGTON — Rep. Rick Renzi, a three-term Republican from Arizona, was charged in a federal indictment unsealed Friday with multiple counts of wrongdoing, including using his official position to promote a land deal that secretly brought millions to him and a business partner.
The indictment, handed up by a federal grand jury in Tucson late Thursday and revealed by Justice Department officials at a news conference Friday, charges Renzi with 35 counts, including extortion, money laundering and fraud. Aside from the land deal, Renzi, 49, was charged with illegally skimming hundreds of thousands of dollars from a closely held insurance firm he owned.
Oops forgot the URL
The really fun part about this is that Renzi is/was the co-chair of the McCain campaign in Arizona.
From NBC/NJ’s Adam Aigner-Treworgy and NBC’s Kelly O’Donnell
On his weekly blogger conference call, John McCain said that Rep. Rick Renzi (R) would probably step down as co-chair of his Arizona campaign. McCain was unaware of the Arizona congressman’s indictment until asked about it this morning after a town hall in Indianapolis, at which point he said that you always think about the family in these circumstances and he would look into Renzi’s role in his campaign.
They kept part of the story going, the part about blaming bush.
If he didn’t start the stupid invasion and occupation, no one would be profiting from it.
Imagine that – building crappy hospitals, schoolhouses and police stations over there for no-bid cost-plus contracts vs. building quality stuff here at competitive bid.
That’s the Republican way – which is going to end in November.
From Seattle Times:
Health Care: the Billion-Dollar Dreams
Posted by Bruce Ramsey
Here is the first bill I’ve seen in Olympia with a projected cost in excess of $100 billion over the next decade. It is Senate Bill 6221, whose prime sponsor is Sen. Karen Keiser, D-Des Moines. Also sponsored by Sen. Jeanne Kohl-Welles, D-Seattle. It is a “universal coverage” medical care bill, called a bill to “establish a Washington Health Partnership.”
The Office of Financial Management, following I-960, has put out the following “projection of increased cost to taxpayers and affected ratepayers.” The estimate is zero for fiscal 2008 and 2009 because the program wouldn’t start until 2010. By my back-of-the-envelope calculations, this program would more than double the state near-general-fund budget:
Year Individual and Employer Assessments for Washington Health Partnership
FY 2008 –
FY 2009 –
FY 2010 $ 7,197,000,000
FY 2011 $ 18,274,000,000
FY 2012 $ 18,731,000,000
FY 2013 $ 19,198,000,000
FY 2014 $ 19,677,950,000
FY 2015 $ 20,169,898,750
FY 2016 $ 20,674,146,219
FY 2017 $ 21,190,999,874
Total $ 145,112,994,843
Whether these numbers are right I have no idea. They are not comforting.
WOW! And how much is Gregoire gonna ask us to raise our taxes to add an additional 10+ BILLION a year? AMAZING!
#35 YLB says:
Ever hear of LOGCAP? Maybe I’m stupid, please explain it to me.
Did the no bid thing bother you when Clinton was doing it with Halliburton?
Why is it that as I read the comments my mind remains coherent just until I get to one of PuddyWhack’s comments, then my mind gets scrambled and almost crashes. PuddyJucie get a fucking brain.
Puddyprick is an addict. He can’t NOT spew his drivel on this board. One asks “who sent in the clown?” He spends HOURS with his obsession.
However, the comic relief here is that he’s evidently so delusional that he thinks the REAL people here pay any attention to his effluvia.
It’s funny to watch, if you can stand the smell.
Did the no bid thing bother you when Clinton was doing it with Halliburton?
Does not being able to argue your way out of a paper bag bother you?
re 13: Have you heard the one about the guy who rubs a magic lamp he finds on the beach and out pops a genie………………Anyway, the punch line is: “I said ten inch penis, not pianist!” Heh…
Headless the SemperSimpleton: Why do people ask for my URLs if real people don’t pay attention?
Oh… that’s right you ain’t real people. You and your 17 other names are all scrambling for attention in that small cranial orifice you call a hat rack.
Talk among your selves like you always do.
Tommy Thompson: Facts do that to the liberal mind.
To date when have you postulated anything worthy of discussion? Vacuous and insipid. Keep up the good work.
#40 YLB says:
It’s hard to argue when the other person is afraid to answer the questions.
Have you even heard of LOGCAP?
re 43: Did you find an ebonics to English translation guide? You are starting to write a little more clearly. Still stupidly, though.
They’re great guys, all right. But the Clinton administration TERMINATED the Halliburton contract when it turned out they were crooks.
That’s not to mention their little rape squads.
Cheney was their CEO then, right?;page=1
#46 Daddy Love says:
A whole 32%??? Wow, if only they had a no-bid contract for the big dig. What was that, from 2.6 billion to 14 billion? 32% sounds downright thrifty.
Rape squads? Probably hired a bunch of viet nam vets. Remember, kerry told us all about what americans did in vietnam.
Poor Puddy, he’s got to be the one of the most dillsuional people on this planet.
Puddy is an addict. He’ll never be rational. He came here with brain damage, evidently, else he’d see what a fool he makes of himself.
yeah pudbutt is our little assklown. (he’s here for comic relief)
So? No comments on where Washington State Gov is gonna get the extra 14.5 BILLION a year?
Still waiting for something intelligent or noteworthy.
What are you now O fer 359?
Headless SimpleSemper Lucy.
Whatever from you 24/7. You are calling me brain damaged with your comments?
What a crock!
Mike admits he’s from Seattle. Nothing else to say…
Daddy Love at 48. Was the girl even hot?