No, you forgot to figure out what you were going to write about until a couple minutes before you had to be at work. Anyway, wash your hands right now.
Turn the balloting of a national election over to the most incompetent public entity in the United States? We’ll end up with President Pelosi while this is all getting figured out.
“Our consideration is limited to the present circumstances.”
The Minnesota Star-Tribune has endorsed Ilhan Omar’s primary opponent.
I guess covering for POS Omar’s criminal behavior for more than two years has been hard on The Strib.
Puddybud, The One and Onlyspews:
Oh my more of dot bombed’s Portland peaceful friends treated this old lady with kindness and dignity of being an elder female.
But if a commentator, even on his own independent platform, delivers rhetoric that is offensive and inaccurate, we cannot support it.
This is the case today with Cliff Mass. His post on his personal blog compares recent events in Seattle to Kristallnacht, the 1938 pogrom carried out by Nazi Germany, and draws distorted, offensive parallels between protesters and Nazi Brownshirts. We abhor the comparison and find it sensationalized and misleading — it does not reflect who we are and what we stand for at KNKX.
Cliff Mass’ Nazi analogy gest him dumped by a tiny radio station.
Meanwhile, Goldy’s repeated Nazi analogies help keep him employed by a liberal billionaire.
Boeing watch: Another 737 crashes, this time in India. Share price down a smidge.
I’ve never owned Boeing. Owning Boeing is like cheering for the Seahawks: The locals expect you to do it, but deep down you know neither really deserves your support.
Portland feds gone and yet the violence continues.
It’s like it wasn’t about the feds, but about the violence and mayhem.
Wheeler, who was tear-gassed several weeks ago with protesters as he stood with them outside the federal courthouse, warned the demonstrators Thursday that their actions are helping Trump in his bid for a second term.
“Don’t think for a moment that if you are participating in this activity, you are not being a prop for the reelection campaign of Donald Trump — because you absolutely are,” he said. “If you don’t want to be part of that, then don’t show up.”
Maybe this is the other half of that bowl of shit.
Holly Otterbein
@hollyotterbein Nina Turner, Bernie Sanders’ 2020 campaign co-chair, is among the signers. “Congresswoman Bass would make an excellent VP,” she said. “She has a record of building coalitions, especially during turbulent times, and this skill set is absolutely needed in this critical moment.”
7:27 AM · Aug 7, 2020
Omar’s criminal behavior
Deja vu all over again. Too bad the dumbfuck name a crime. Again. Sad! But being a dumbfuck, bore and a Putin-loving traitor, shall we expect him to post this, say, maybe 4,000+ times?
@ 10
1. Bigamy
2. Immigration fraud
“a liberal billionaire”
Based on the dumbfuck’s values which informs him that “Jonas Salk and Dr. Albert Schweitzer are losers”, by his own reckoning that makes the liberal billionaire something like 1,000 times a better man than the dumbfuck.
Eleven Time Person Woman Man Camera TV Cognitive Noble Prize Winner in Dropping Humiliation Bombs on Rapepublicans, Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
3. Birth certificate, long form.
1. Bigamy
2. Immigration fraud
No shit, dumbfuck? When and where was she charged, tried and convicted?
@ 14
Same questions to your allegations, regarding Trump.
Sorry, Steve. #CrookedHillary was awful. Truly awful.
Think on your sins, dude.
Must be a sad existence for a dumbfuck troll who lives to make libs cry and yet all he’s ever accomplished has been to elicit derisive laughter and hilarious jokes made at his expense.
#CrookedHillary was awful. Truly awful.
Love how the dumbfuck keeps the LULZ at his expense coming.
Think on your sins, dude.
Oh, noes! I’m crying liberal tears! And to think it only took the dumbfuck troll posting that 1,000 times to make it happen to me. Sad!
The Steele Dossilies had some interesting bed fellows. Remember Fiona Hill, used by Adam Shifty Schiff as a impeachment cudgel against Trump? Go back and read the “comments” left by a certain Portland peaceful protest jockstrap. DAYUM Funny now!
Well, one of her Brookings Institute colleagues was Igor Danchenko. Now who is Igor Danchenko? The primary subsource for the Steele Dossilies! No wonder Schiff wanted to keep Danchenko’s name hidden through all that blathering activity on lamestream media sites in the congressional basement SCIF. Oh the sanctity of secret documents! What a crock!
Thank you Ric Grenell.
The connection to Fiona Hill is important because this more readily that Adam Schiff’s disgusting, reprehensible, unconstitutional congressional impeachment proceeding (remember the slow walk through Senate chambers by the seven morons) had as his star witness, Fiona Hill. She is closely connected to the Russian scandal and the Danchenko.
Hey WTF(gleeman), Grenell is a level headed gay man who thinks right; unlike you who can’t think at all!
@ 16
and yet all he’s ever accomplished has been to elicit derisive laughter and hilarious jokes made at his expenseAssociate Justices Gorsuch and Kavanaugh, a nice personal and corporate federal income tax cut, and the larding of trillions of new debt onto the generation of YLB’s kids in order to support equity share prices in the financial accounts of the wealthy.
ftfy, Steve.
Oh, and right now it’s maybe 40:60 that we’ll fill RBG’s seat before the end of the year, too.
Eleven Time Person Woman Man Camera TV Cognitive Noble Prize Winner in Dropping Humiliation Bombs on Rapepublicans, Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
When employees of the Trump 2016 campaign learned that Russian espionage agents had breached a secure server and stolen documents from another US campaign they not only stayed quiet about it, they lied about it.
Eleven Time Person Woman Man Camera TV Cognitive Noble Prize Winner in Dropping Humiliation Bombs on Rapepublicans, Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
When employees of the Trump 2016 campaign learned that one of the candidate’s former extramarital sex partners was threatening to sell her story to the media, they illegally diverted money donated by US citizens to fund the campaign in order to pay for her silence. Then they lied about it for almost a year.
Probably good that NY filed against NRA with some time to drip out facts. Not sure how rank and file membership are going to rally around the NRA as the suit is another doozy:
[excessively copied materials deleted]
All that’s without getting into the $20M paid to PR firm Ackerman McQueen which has failed to deliver to investigators any expense reports or documents for expenses incurred while working for the NRA. The NRA/Ackerman relationship is also part of the lawsuit.
Now all this is just alleged until the trial reaches a conclusion but it appears LaPierre was running a private grift and scamming millions of dollars from 2A and Gun enthusiasts. The NRA may survive by reorganizing and setting up outside NY but LaPierre and probably a bunch of high level staff are looking at prison terms if convicted.
@ 21
When employees of the Trump 2016 campaign learned that Russian espionage agents had breached a secure server and stolen documents from another US campaign they not only stayed quiet about it, they lied about it.
When the director of the FBI learned that top secret State Department documents “extremely carelessly” were transferred to the personal laptop of a pedophile spouse of the personal assistant to Hillary Clinton, who was actively if incompetently campaigning at the time, he not only did not remain quiet about it, he told the truth.
And Steve haz a four-year sad.
@ 23
UAW bigwigs dipped into the union cash repeatedly. I don’t see Michigan’s AG trying to blow up the UAW.
The Whaddabout is strong again.
Maybe you can write the MI AG a strongly worded letter. Demand he act.
trillions of new debt
The stupid fuck left out the 160,000 dead Americans along with double digit unemployment and the tens of millions of Americans facing eviction.
My Clarence Thomas death watch begins 1/21/2021. Thanks for being stupid enough to reveal how irritating that will be for you. The same as how you revealed that my accusing you of being a Putin-loving traitor with your head up an orange moron’s ass 4,000 times would get to you, too.
You simply can’t stop with the reveals. You know why, don’t you? Being a dumbfuck, of course you don’t. But here’s a clue, dumbfuck. It’s because you’re truly fucking stupid.
@ 26
Maybe you can wait until the end of the day on November 3rd before awarding MI’s electoral votes to your side, Cz-252.
A day after ol’ Joe disrespects the entire black electorate, Pelosi disrespects only the female half.
Jake Sherman
PELOSI on MSNBC: “I don’t think it matters who the vice presidential candidate is historically. It has never mattered. Lyndon Johnson for victory, Sarah Palin for defeat, but by and large, it’s really all about the two candidates for president.”
8:20 AM · Aug 7, 2020
Eleven Time Person Woman Man Camera TV Cognitive Noble Prize Winner in Dropping Humiliation Bombs on Rapepublicans, Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
Also indicates that for some time the business has not been operated as a 501(c)(4). Given the nature and extent of the efforts defining a pattern over many years of criminal acts included in the statute, both to divert and distribute proceeds of the business to purposes and uses not related to its social welfare mission, or to any social welfare mission, probably also…
dare I say it…
… but yes it just might be a RICO case.
Would have to wait for a new AG, of course. But there are clearly a bunch of tax violations involved, as well as financial fraud, probably mail fraud, probably obstruction, possibly money laundering, and possibly financial structuring,
That could open up a flood gate of other state suits as well as private suits that would reach beyond the corporate veil and directly implicate the finances of principle conspirators in the interlocking enterprises. Believe me, there are plenty of public interest law firms out there interested. Probably why LaPierre and Co. been moving bags of jewels and Krugerrands to the Bahamas for years.
Eleven Time Person Woman Man Camera TV Cognitive Noble Prize Winner in Dropping Humiliation Bombs on Rapepublicans, Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
Hypertension and diabetes.
I’m thinking Justice Thomas would really appreciate a Bacon-of-the-Month Club membership this Christmas.
I’m also thinking that, between her advanced directives, her treating physicians, The Chief Justice, and HIPPA, if it should unfortunately come to pass that Justice Ginsburg’s courageous battle with cancer becomes fatal, her passing and notice of it could be delayed for months.
Here’s hoping the Cat Lady sleeps well on that thought.
Eleven Time Person Woman Man Camera TV Cognitive Noble Prize Winner in Dropping Humiliation Bombs on Rapepublicans, Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
That’s quite a surrender, seeing The Q Clearance Cat Lady and the rest of Trump World settling for using the nickname “ol’ Joe”.
They really know how to land ’em.
Any minute now Trump will order Cardinal Fang to bring out… The Comfy Chair!
Roger Rabbitspews:
@1 “Turn the balloting of a national election over to the most incompetent public entity in the United States?”
The solution to that is an honest president who’ll appoint a competent postmaster general instead of reelecting the corrupt thug you support who appointed a political hack and ordered him to slow mail delivery in order to interfere with voting by mail in order to manipulate the election results.
A lot of senior citizens out there who get their Rx refills by mail are getting nervous, and nervous people don’t vote for the people whose shenanigans are causing their nervousness.
But he and his party probably have already lost the senior vote anyway. It didn’t help when a prominent Republican proposed sacrificing the lives of seniors to reopen BEACH WEEK!!! and POOL PARTY!!!.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@2 “The Minnesota Star-Tribune has endorsed Ilhan Omar’s primary opponent.”
Now all he has to do is overcome her 66%-29% lead in polls in the next 4 days.
Roger Rabbitspews:
It’ll be interesting to see how many bikers actually show up at Sturgis. Organizers predict 250,000. If it’s a fraction of that, bravado aside, they’re nervous.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@4 The GOP is in no position to call anyone incoherent, incompetent, or unfit to lead. Neither are you.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@6 Godwinha, I’ll concede that Trump hasn’t put people he doesn’t like, including women and children, in detention camps and gassed them. So far he’s only put people he doesn’t like, including women and children, in detention camps.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@7 All plane crashes are due to pilot error. If the plane was defective, the pilot was supposed to know that before trying to take off.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@8 Next step: Figure out how many Proud Boys disguised as protesters are throwing bricks at the courthouse.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@10 You gotta remember this is somebody who thinks accusation and conviction are one and the same.
Also, “the cops wouldn’t have detained him if he wasn’t up to no good.” (paraphrasing)
Roger Rabbitspews:
@11 “Bigamy. Immigration fraud.” That’s good. And typical Doctor Dumbfuck.
Legally married in 2018, legally divorced in 2019, legally remarried in 2020 = “bigamy.”
Came to U.S. with her family at age 13 under officially granted asylum and became naturalized U.S. citizen at age 17 = immigration fraud. Must’ve had someone forge the asylum papers and take the naturalization test for her.
Incoherent. Incompetent. Unfit to practice law. Can’t say about medicine, but note he “retired” at the young age of 55.
Oh, and for the record, I’d rather be represented in Congress by Omar than Doctor Dumbfuck, if those were my only choices.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@15 Let’s revisit that one in about 2 years, and see where it stands after the immunity from prosecution wears off.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@16 He certainly doesn’t have my audience; SJ’s blog has 5,548 views so far this week, and it’s only Friday. Got 1,299 yesterday alone.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@20 Now taking personal credit for two hacks on the Supreme Court.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@23 And this is a mansion he tried to buy for himself with the “nonprofit” NRA’s money.
You stupid, corrupt, greedy humans being what you are, where there’s a cow, somebody will try to milk it. And probably not cover their tracks very well; that’s where the “stupid” comes in.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@27 re “trillions of new debt”
Said the HA spokesperson for the faction that asserted saving the economy from another Great Depression would result in hyperinflation.
He says things like that, and votes for people like that, because he’s a dumbfuck.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@28 “Maybe you can wait until the end of the day on November 3rd before awarding MI’s electoral votes to your side”
No doubt the latest poll showing Biden with an 11-point lead there
@31 There’s also the “Weekend at Bernie’s” option. If the sneaky Democrats are capable of stuffing mailboxes with fake ballots, they’re certainly capable of keeping a dead body in a Supreme Court chair.
Somewhere our dumbfuck is crying the tears of a pussified traitor who’s been relentlessly pwned yet again. Sadly, Dumbfuck that he is, he’ll never learn.
I’ve often wondered how many times black kids kicked the racist dumbfuck’s ass after school. And I’ve also wondered how many of those ass-kickings were delivered by girls.
It would go far in explaining why he is what he is…a dumbfuck racist incel who hates women.
Poor dumbfuck. He’s never been loved nor feared, but he’s long been a joke.
“If we don’t open up the schools, you’re going to hurt the economy significantly.”
Wuuuuuuuuuuuut? Just the other day Schumer was deriding Trump over Trumps call to open schools wherever possible.
Puddybud, the HA dummocretin disinfectant!spews:
The Russians are backing Trump, and the Chinese are backing Biden.
The Russians back Biden too. Putin doesn’t like Trump being the number one oil producer over him. BiteME! will stop oil drilling to Putin’s happiness.
BiteME! claimed he would refund the WHO so the United Nations wants BiteME!
BiteME! claimed there would be no NATO if Trump reelected so NATO wants BiteME!
Roger Rabbitspews:
@55 Let ’em fight it out in Manchuria. But conventional weapons only, so the fallout doesn’t drift onto us.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@57 No, that’s merely adultery. Bigamy is when you try to legitimize it.
Roger Rabbitspews:
He who ignores context @58: The complete quote is, “What is one of the biggest problems facing us in the next month, as the Speaker mentions? Schools. Opening up the schools safely. If we don’t open up the schools, you’re going to hurt the economy significantly because lots of people can’t go to work. Executive orders leave out schools altogether.”
And what’s the issue with schools? Money to open them safely. Democratic position: Fund it. Republican position: Hell no.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@59 “The Russians back Biden too.”
That’s not what the reports say. Which ass did you pull that out of? Yours or the horse’s?
Eleven Time Person Woman Man Camera TV Cognitive Noble Prize Winner in Dropping Humiliation Bombs on Rapepublicans, Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
Don’t forget to mention Kerry, Obama, Clinton, Biden is going to rent the suburbs out to Angela Davis, and outlaw Christmas too.
I think we found the joke.
Eleven Time Person Woman Man Camera TV Cognitive Noble Prize Winner in Dropping Humiliation Bombs on Rapepublicans, Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
Like so many of these things, the money was needed months ago.
It’s way too late now to install the traffic management systems, barricades, plexi-glass, ingress and egress improvements required to operate a large school safely. And they know it. They knew it then too.
Rapepublicans just don’t give a fuck. They’d rather see entire communities sickened and killed off by their TrumPlague than give even one penny to public schools.
Puddybud, The One AND Only, Demonstrating the Senile Idiot Wabbit is Very Senilespews:
The only assesHorse are you dummocretins senile idiot wabbit. 98% of your comments are from your bipolar senile idiot mindASS.
Puddy gave you the reason. Putin not happy he and the Saudis can’t control the oil market no matter what this guy wrote.
It’s understandable you FORGOT that Bloomberg article regarding Putin and shale oil.
Puddybud, the HA dummocretin disinfectant!spews:
The problem senile idiot wabbit@62 with the dummocretin bill is they want to spend $250 Billion to fund dummocretin cities and states that are fiscally insolvent. To Republicans this is a waste of taxpayer money! In that bill there is at least $90 Billion for schools. Dummocretins own words
Dozens of groups sent a new request to Congress Tuesday, calling for at least $250 billion in new federal aid for K-12 schools and higher education, as part of a broader push to shore up state and local government funding.
The $90 Billion for schools has $27 Billion is set aside for public colleges and universities. Super rich universities like Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Stanford need that money? dummocretins love to throw other people’s money around all the time.
Pay attention to FACTS senile idiot wabbit!
Puddybud, the HA dummocretin disinfectant!spews:
When are you assesHorse dummocretins gonna admit that Joe BiteME! is a racist? All those libtard lamestream dummocretin teevee shows putting on the same black plantation residents to explain BiteME!’s black comments. BiteME! treats blacks as just a monolithic voting block who are too stoooooooooooooopid to evaluate candidates.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@67 The problem with your argument is that the state and municipal “insolvency” you cited is because of plunging tax collections. Consumers aren’t spending, in case you haven’t noticed. And the state/local revenue shortfalls will get even worse if GOP intransigence results in homeowners and landlords being unable to pay their property taxes.
Meanwhile, a GOP-run state’s (Oklahoma) idea of “fiscal responsibility” is paying unemployment benefits that max out at $44 a week.
But no problem, Oklahoma has oil, so their state and city governments should have no trouble making ends meet, right? And besides, SCOTUS just offloaded some of their criminal justice burdens to the feds.
@76 She was looking for a confrontation and found one. Not wearing a mask, either, which endangered the other demonstrators. Not saying this justifies the paint; it doesn’t. But they weren’t out to hurt her. Can’t say that for the Trump goon who shot a man’s eye out.
Puddybud, The One AND Only, Demonstrating the Senile Idiot Wabbit is Very Senilespews:
@67 The problem with your argument is that the state and municipal “insolvency” you cited is because of plunging tax collections.
And why is that senile idiot wabbit? Oh wait your deflection is priceless!
Consumers aren’t spending, in case you haven’t noticed. And the state/local revenue shortfalls will get even worse if GOP intransigence results in homeowners and landlords being unable to pay their property taxes.
NOPE you senile dope. It is because of unfunded union mandates, high taxes and people leaving high tax cities and states.
ALBANY — Gov. Andrew Cuomo has been begging rich people to return to New York City from their second-home retreats so they can pay taxes to help offset the state’s growing coronavirus-related revenue shortfall.
Eleven Time Person Woman Man Camera TV Cognitive Noble Prize Winner in Dropping Humiliation Bombs on Rapepublicans, Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
Is one of you guys trying to CANCEL CULTURE Jerry Falwell, Jr.?
I swear to The Sweet Sweet Baby Jeebus it isn’t me.
If it’s not me, and it’s none of you guys, and it’s not the Global DERP STATE Atheist/Zionist Hippie Conspiracy (Inc.) then who could it be?
Puddybud, The One AND Only, Demonstrating the Senile Idiot Wabbit is Very Senilespews:
@76 She was looking for a confrontation and found one. Wasn’t wearing a mask, either, which endangered the other demonstrators.
What a bunch of BULLSH^TTIUM. Antifa pukes pouring white paint on the old white lady standing alone by herself was a threat?
You really are a moron senile idiot wabbit. You have some real hatred for old white ladies taking a stand against dummocretins!
Roger Rabbitspews:
@78 “people leaving high tax cities and states”
The GOP answer for that was raising their federal taxes.
Eleven Time Person Woman Man Camera TV Cognitive Noble Prize Winner in Dropping Humiliation Bombs on Rapepublicans, Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
NOPE you senile dope.
Well damn. I guess he’s got you there, Roger. How can you argue with such irrefutable logic as that?
Especially if he follows up with some dubious, random, cherry picked LEEEEEENKS and then signs of with the patented “Try again…”
It’s air tight.
You know.
Like The Q Clearance Cat Lady’s wife when it’s her bull’s night and he brings friends.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Your link @78: Gee, I guess NYC must be a really unattractive place, because only ~8.4 million people live there. What are starting salaries for lawyers there? Wall Street’s new hires? More than in Des Moines, Iowa, I’ll bet. Sure, taxes are higher there, so are rents, but so are incomes. Waaaay higher. That’s why people go there. And stay.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@80 “Antifa pukes pouring white paint on the old white lady standing alone by herself was a threat?”
I didn’t say that. I said pouring the paint on her wasn’t justified. Learn to read.
While we’re on this subject, what kind of idiot calls Democrats (or, as you call them, “dummocretins”) “antifa”??
For that matter, what kind of idiot calls Democrats “dummocretins”?
Look in a mirror and you’ll see what such an idiot looks like. “Babbling butthole” is a good description.
Puddybud, The One and Onlyspews:
The GOP answer for that was raising their federal taxes.
When did that happen senile idiot wabbit?
Puddybud, The One AND Only, Demonstrating the Senile Idiot Wabbit is Very Senilespews:
Wasn’t wearing a mask, either, which endangered the other demonstrators.
Who wrote that senile idiot wabbit? If she wasn’t wearing a mask then per you she was a threat to other dummonstrators.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@85 When they capped the state/local tax deduction at $10k, moron.
Puddybud, The One and Onlyspews:
Democrats (or, as you call them, “dummocretins”) “antifa”??
Do they support Trump?
NOPE – dummocretins!
Dr. Dumbfuck’s orange moron had HUGE announcement – he’s going to issue EO to protect Americans with pre-existing conditions.
LULZ across America at his and Dr. Dumbfuck’s stupidity.
Where’s Dr. Dumbfuck? Out in the horse barn crying fascist traitor tears? Sad!
What a loser.
Puddybud, The One AND Only, Demonstrating the Senile Idiot Wabbit is Very Senilespews:
@85 When they capped the state/local tax deduction at $10k, moron.
Ahhhh yes senile idiot wabbit, Puddy was waiting for this SALT argument. So why do these states have such high income taxes? And why do the rich dummocretin run from paying those high taxes? Shouldn’t dummocretins love paying taxes? Oh wait… they want to use other peoples’ money!
We’ll wait…
Puddybud, the HA dummocretin disinfectant!spews:
Puddy loves how dot bombed@82, can’t refute Andrew Cuomo’s own words about taxes just two days ago so it write useless vitriolic blather; the kind Puddy identified last Monday and Wednesday in the open threads. Another unread assesHorse dummocretin tool!
As they say, the zebra can’t change its stripes and the leopard its spots; neither can a dummocretin deliver anything but assesHorse dung on a blog!
Puddybud, The One and Only, Always a Friend of Steve'sspews:
Hey Steve,
Have a Great Saturday. Talk to you Sunday!
The $90 Billion for schools has $27 Billion is set aside for public colleges and universities. Super rich universities like Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Stanford need that money?
Which of those are Public Colleges and Universities.
I’ll wait.
Donald today announced he’s going
To enact Obamacare by Executive Order.
Own goal.
Eleven Time Person Woman Man Camera TV Cognitive Noble Prize Winner in Dropping Humiliation Bombs on Rapepublicans, Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
can’t refute Andrew Cuomo’s own words about taxes just two days ago
His words are his opinion. They may not be true. They are not FACTS. And nothing you’ve posted adds any credibility to them. You simply perform searches and cherry pick. It isn’t evidence. It’s just search returns. And in this case nothing of any great value or note. And most importantly, just someone’s opinion.
You think because these people have (D)s after their names they can’t be wrong or I can’t disagree with them? You’re looking even dumber than you looked yesterday.
Other than that, what’s left of the garbage you post? Name calling and Steve Urkel catch phrases. Weak. Watery. Shit.
Eleven Time Person Woman Man Camera TV Cognitive Noble Prize Winner in Dropping Humiliation Bombs on Rapepublicans, Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
Do they support Trump?
NOPE – dummocretins!
The Q Clearance Cat Lady claims that he does not support Trump. Although the evidence may indicate otherwise. But for one or two slips, he remains quite steadfast in that claim.
Ergo, The Q Clearance Cat Lady is a “dummocretin”.
Whadya know ’bout that.
Hey Cat Lady! Well done! Welcome to the Right Side of History. Welcome to the Side of the Angels. Welcome to the Equal Justice Side.
Are you getting excited about watching Trump dragged out of the White House, hogtied, and tossed onto Marine One as much as the rest of Real America? Watching the tears plow tracks through Jared’s makeup? Watching the following four years of splashy humiliating criminal and civil trials unfold?
It’s going to be a series of huge parties with all the best bottles brought up from the cellar and cheering and singing late into the night and into the next day.
Don’t get me wrong. I want to be protected from criminals. I’m 100% supportive of good cops who do the job right. I’m only against cops who break into a black guy’s apartment, throw him down a flight of stairs, take him to an alley and beat the crap out of him, then dump him on a roadside to walk home. And it turns out the scene of the domestic violence call was six houses away and across the street. In other words, I’m against dumbfucks being cops.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@96 Well, he can do recipes …
Everybody’s good for something, even Puddy.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@91 You’re probably one of those people who wears out tires on I-5 so you can pay Oregon sales taxes and Washington income taxes.
What could go wrong?
Over 80,000 mail-in ballots disqualified in NYC primary mess
Turn the balloting of a national election over to the most incompetent public entity in the United States? We’ll end up with President Pelosi while this is all getting figured out.
“Our consideration is limited to the present circumstances.”
The Minnesota Star-Tribune has endorsed Ilhan Omar’s primary opponent.
I guess covering for POS Omar’s criminal behavior for more than two years has been hard on The Strib.
Oh my more of dot bombed’s Portland peaceful friends treated this old lady with kindness and dignity of being an elder female.
Biden brain function 2008 vs. Biden brain function 2020.
It reflects who way too many of the” protesters” are. Wasn’t directed at you, KNKX.
KNKX to stop airing Weather with Cliff Mass, effective immediately
Cliff Mass’ Nazi analogy gest him dumped by a tiny radio station.
Meanwhile, Goldy’s repeated Nazi analogies help keep him employed by a liberal billionaire.
Boeing watch: Another 737 crashes, this time in India. Share price down a smidge.
I’ve never owned Boeing. Owning Boeing is like cheering for the Seahawks: The locals expect you to do it, but deep down you know neither really deserves your support.
Portland feds gone and yet the violence continues.
It’s like it wasn’t about the feds, but about the violence and mayhem.
This is correct:
Maybe this is the other half of that bowl of shit.
Deja vu all over again. Too bad the dumbfuck name a crime. Again. Sad! But being a dumbfuck, bore and a Putin-loving traitor, shall we expect him to post this, say, maybe 4,000+ times?
@ 10
1. Bigamy
2. Immigration fraud
“a liberal billionaire”
Based on the dumbfuck’s values which informs him that “Jonas Salk and Dr. Albert Schweitzer are losers”, by his own reckoning that makes the liberal billionaire something like 1,000 times a better man than the dumbfuck.
3. Birth certificate, long form.
No shit, dumbfuck? When and where was she charged, tried and convicted?
@ 14
Same questions to your allegations, regarding Trump.
Sorry, Steve. #CrookedHillary was awful. Truly awful.
Think on your sins, dude.
Must be a sad existence for a dumbfuck troll who lives to make libs cry and yet all he’s ever accomplished has been to elicit derisive laughter and hilarious jokes made at his expense.
Love how the dumbfuck keeps the LULZ at his expense coming.
Oh, noes! I’m crying liberal tears! And to think it only took the dumbfuck troll posting that 1,000 times to make it happen to me. Sad!
What a stupid fucking bore.
Oh my… Looks like Puddy overlooked something the 4th week of July.
The Steele Dossilies had some interesting bed fellows. Remember Fiona Hill, used by Adam Shifty Schiff as a impeachment cudgel against Trump? Go back and read the “comments” left by a certain Portland peaceful protest jockstrap. DAYUM Funny now!
Well, one of her Brookings Institute colleagues was Igor Danchenko. Now who is Igor Danchenko? The primary subsource for the Steele Dossilies! No wonder Schiff wanted to keep Danchenko’s name hidden through all that blathering activity on lamestream media sites in the congressional basement SCIF. Oh the sanctity of secret documents! What a crock!
Thank you Ric Grenell.
The connection to Fiona Hill is important because this more readily that Adam Schiff’s disgusting, reprehensible, unconstitutional congressional impeachment proceeding (remember the slow walk through Senate chambers by the seven morons) had as his star witness, Fiona Hill. She is closely connected to the Russian scandal and the Danchenko.
Hey WTF(gleeman), Grenell is a level headed gay man who thinks right; unlike you who can’t think at all!
@ 16
ftfy, Steve.
Oh, and right now it’s maybe 40:60 that we’ll fill RBG’s seat before the end of the year, too.
When employees of the Trump 2016 campaign learned that Russian espionage agents had breached a secure server and stolen documents from another US campaign they not only stayed quiet about it, they lied about it.
When employees of the Trump 2016 campaign learned that one of the candidate’s former extramarital sex partners was threatening to sell her story to the media, they illegally diverted money donated by US citizens to fund the campaign in order to pay for her silence. Then they lied about it for almost a year.
Probably good that NY filed against NRA with some time to drip out facts. Not sure how rank and file membership are going to rally around the NRA as the suit is another doozy:
[excessively copied materials deleted]
All that’s without getting into the $20M paid to PR firm Ackerman McQueen which has failed to deliver to investigators any expense reports or documents for expenses incurred while working for the NRA. The NRA/Ackerman relationship is also part of the lawsuit.
Now all this is just alleged until the trial reaches a conclusion but it appears LaPierre was running a private grift and scamming millions of dollars from 2A and Gun enthusiasts. The NRA may survive by reorganizing and setting up outside NY but LaPierre and probably a bunch of high level staff are looking at prison terms if convicted.
@ 21
When employees of the Trump 2016 campaign learned that Russian espionage agents had breached a secure server and stolen documents from another US campaign they not only stayed quiet about it, they lied about it.
When the director of the FBI learned that top secret State Department documents “extremely carelessly” were transferred to the personal laptop of a pedophile spouse of the personal assistant to Hillary Clinton, who was actively if incompetently campaigning at the time, he not only did not remain quiet about it, he told the truth.
And Steve haz a four-year sad.
@ 23
UAW bigwigs dipped into the union cash repeatedly. I don’t see Michigan’s AG trying to blow up the UAW.
The Whaddabout is strong again.
Maybe you can write the MI AG a strongly worded letter. Demand he act.
The stupid fuck left out the 160,000 dead Americans along with double digit unemployment and the tens of millions of Americans facing eviction.
My Clarence Thomas death watch begins 1/21/2021. Thanks for being stupid enough to reveal how irritating that will be for you. The same as how you revealed that my accusing you of being a Putin-loving traitor with your head up an orange moron’s ass 4,000 times would get to you, too.
You simply can’t stop with the reveals. You know why, don’t you? Being a dumbfuck, of course you don’t. But here’s a clue, dumbfuck. It’s because you’re truly fucking stupid.
@ 26
Maybe you can wait until the end of the day on November 3rd before awarding MI’s electoral votes to your side, Cz-252.
I’d live to see ol’ Joe Biden behind the wheel in the Durkan Kill zone.
A day after ol’ Joe disrespects the entire black electorate, Pelosi disrespects only the female half.
Also indicates that for some time the business has not been operated as a 501(c)(4). Given the nature and extent of the efforts defining a pattern over many years of criminal acts included in the statute, both to divert and distribute proceeds of the business to purposes and uses not related to its social welfare mission, or to any social welfare mission, probably also…
dare I say it…
… but yes it just might be a RICO case.
Would have to wait for a new AG, of course. But there are clearly a bunch of tax violations involved, as well as financial fraud, probably mail fraud, probably obstruction, possibly money laundering, and possibly financial structuring,
That could open up a flood gate of other state suits as well as private suits that would reach beyond the corporate veil and directly implicate the finances of principle conspirators in the interlocking enterprises. Believe me, there are plenty of public interest law firms out there interested. Probably why LaPierre and Co. been moving bags of jewels and Krugerrands to the Bahamas for years.
Hypertension and diabetes.
I’m thinking Justice Thomas would really appreciate a Bacon-of-the-Month Club membership this Christmas.
I’m also thinking that, between her advanced directives, her treating physicians, The Chief Justice, and HIPPA, if it should unfortunately come to pass that Justice Ginsburg’s courageous battle with cancer becomes fatal, her passing and notice of it could be delayed for months.
Here’s hoping the Cat Lady sleeps well on that thought.
That’s quite a surrender, seeing The Q Clearance Cat Lady and the rest of Trump World settling for using the nickname “ol’ Joe”.
They really know how to land ’em.
Any minute now Trump will order Cardinal Fang to bring out… The Comfy Chair!
@1 “Turn the balloting of a national election over to the most incompetent public entity in the United States?”
The solution to that is an honest president who’ll appoint a competent postmaster general instead of reelecting the corrupt thug you support who appointed a political hack and ordered him to slow mail delivery in order to interfere with voting by mail in order to manipulate the election results.
A lot of senior citizens out there who get their Rx refills by mail are getting nervous, and nervous people don’t vote for the people whose shenanigans are causing their nervousness.
But he and his party probably have already lost the senior vote anyway. It didn’t help when a prominent Republican proposed sacrificing the lives of seniors to reopen BEACH WEEK!!! and POOL PARTY!!!.
@2 “The Minnesota Star-Tribune has endorsed Ilhan Omar’s primary opponent.”
Now all he has to do is overcome her 66%-29% lead in polls in the next 4 days.
It’ll be interesting to see how many bikers actually show up at Sturgis. Organizers predict 250,000. If it’s a fraction of that, bravado aside, they’re nervous.
@4 The GOP is in no position to call anyone incoherent, incompetent, or unfit to lead. Neither are you.
@6 Godwinha, I’ll concede that Trump hasn’t put people he doesn’t like, including women and children, in detention camps and gassed them. So far he’s only put people he doesn’t like, including women and children, in detention camps.
@7 All plane crashes are due to pilot error. If the plane was defective, the pilot was supposed to know that before trying to take off.
@8 Next step: Figure out how many Proud Boys disguised as protesters are throwing bricks at the courthouse.
@10 You gotta remember this is somebody who thinks accusation and conviction are one and the same.
Also, “the cops wouldn’t have detained him if he wasn’t up to no good.” (paraphrasing)
@11 “Bigamy. Immigration fraud.” That’s good. And typical Doctor Dumbfuck.
Legally married in 2018, legally divorced in 2019, legally remarried in 2020 = “bigamy.”
Came to U.S. with her family at age 13 under officially granted asylum and became naturalized U.S. citizen at age 17 = immigration fraud. Must’ve had someone forge the asylum papers and take the naturalization test for her.
Incoherent. Incompetent. Unfit to practice law. Can’t say about medicine, but note he “retired” at the young age of 55.
Oh, and for the record, I’d rather be represented in Congress by Omar than Doctor Dumbfuck, if those were my only choices.
@15 Let’s revisit that one in about 2 years, and see where it stands after the immunity from prosecution wears off.
@16 He certainly doesn’t have my audience; SJ’s blog has 5,548 views so far this week, and it’s only Friday. Got 1,299 yesterday alone.
@20 Now taking personal credit for two hacks on the Supreme Court.
@23 And this is a mansion he tried to buy for himself with the “nonprofit” NRA’s money.
You stupid, corrupt, greedy humans being what you are, where there’s a cow, somebody will try to milk it. And probably not cover their tracks very well; that’s where the “stupid” comes in.
@27 re “trillions of new debt”
Said the HA spokesperson for the faction that asserted saving the economy from another Great Depression would result in hyperinflation.
He says things like that, and votes for people like that, because he’s a dumbfuck.
@28 “Maybe you can wait until the end of the day on November 3rd before awarding MI’s electoral votes to your side”
No doubt the latest poll showing Biden with an 11-point lead there
with 88 days to go, is
(A) wrong
(b) a fabrication
(c) more or less correct, but things will turn around by Nov. 3,
which makes any prediction that Biden will carry MI insanely reckless.
What climate change? There’s no climate change. It’s weather!
@31 There’s also the “Weekend at Bernie’s” option. If the sneaky Democrats are capable of stuffing mailboxes with fake ballots, they’re certainly capable of keeping a dead body in a Supreme Court chair.
Somewhere our dumbfuck is crying the tears of a pussified traitor who’s been relentlessly pwned yet again. Sadly, Dumbfuck that he is, he’ll never learn.
I’ve often wondered how many times black kids kicked the racist dumbfuck’s ass after school. And I’ve also wondered how many of those ass-kickings were delivered by girls.
It would go far in explaining why he is what he is…a dumbfuck racist incel who hates women.
Poor dumbfuck. He’s never been loved nor feared, but he’s long been a joke.
Trump is no longer ‘loved nor feared’ — he’s just become a ‘joke’: conservative
Evangelical Hypocrites Are Human Too Dep’t
Heck, what’s the big deal, even the apostles had female admirers. But they kept their robes zipped, as far as we know.
A joke? Leave it to conservatives to laugh at a quarter of a million dead bodies.
The Russians are backing Trump, and the Chinese are backing Biden.
Especially ones where the plane landed safely and then went off the end of the runway.
A properly maintained and regularly inspected plane doesn’t have sudden brake failure. So likely the pilot failed.
I thought Bigamy was repeatedly Fucking a porn star while your third legal wife is still nursing your infant son.
Let me look that one up in the OED.
Looks like Chucky Schumer wants to open schools now.
Wuuuuuuuuuuuut? Just the other day Schumer was deriding Trump over Trumps call to open schools wherever possible.
The Russians back Biden too. Putin doesn’t like Trump being the number one oil producer over him. BiteME! will stop oil drilling to Putin’s happiness.
BiteME! claimed he would refund the WHO so the United Nations wants BiteME!
BiteME! claimed there would be no NATO if Trump reelected so NATO wants BiteME!
@55 Let ’em fight it out in Manchuria. But conventional weapons only, so the fallout doesn’t drift onto us.
@57 No, that’s merely adultery. Bigamy is when you try to legitimize it.
He who ignores context @58: The complete quote is, “What is one of the biggest problems facing us in the next month, as the Speaker mentions? Schools. Opening up the schools safely. If we don’t open up the schools, you’re going to hurt the economy significantly because lots of people can’t go to work. Executive orders leave out schools altogether.”
And what’s the issue with schools? Money to open them safely. Democratic position: Fund it. Republican position: Hell no.
@59 “The Russians back Biden too.”
That’s not what the reports say. Which ass did you pull that out of? Yours or the horse’s?
Don’t forget to mention
Kerry, Obama, Clinton,Biden is going to rent the suburbs out to Angela Davis, and outlaw Christmas too.52,
I think we found the joke.
Like so many of these things, the money was needed months ago.
It’s way too late now to install the traffic management systems, barricades, plexi-glass, ingress and egress improvements required to operate a large school safely. And they know it. They knew it then too.
Rapepublicans just don’t give a fuck. They’d rather see entire communities sickened and killed off by their TrumPlague than give even one penny to public schools.
The only assesHorse are you dummocretins senile idiot wabbit. 98% of your comments are from your bipolar senile idiot
mindASS.Puddy gave you the reason. Putin not happy he and the Saudis can’t control the oil market no matter what this guy wrote.
It’s understandable you FORGOT that Bloomberg article regarding Putin and shale oil.
The problem senile idiot wabbit@62 with the dummocretin bill is they want to spend $250 Billion to fund dummocretin cities and states that are fiscally insolvent. To Republicans this is a waste of taxpayer money! In that bill there is at least $90 Billion for schools. Dummocretins own words
The $90 Billion for schools has $27 Billion is set aside for public colleges and universities. Super rich universities like Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Stanford need that money? dummocretins love to throw other people’s money around all the time.
Pay attention to FACTS senile idiot wabbit!
When are you assesHorse dummocretins gonna admit that Joe BiteME! is a racist? All those libtard lamestream dummocretin teevee shows putting on the same black plantation residents to explain BiteME!’s black comments. BiteME! treats blacks as just a monolithic voting block who are too stoooooooooooooopid to evaluate candidates.
@67 The problem with your argument is that the state and municipal “insolvency” you cited is because of plunging tax collections. Consumers aren’t spending, in case you haven’t noticed. And the state/local revenue shortfalls will get even worse if GOP intransigence results in homeowners and landlords being unable to pay their property taxes.
Meanwhile, a GOP-run state’s (Oklahoma) idea of “fiscal responsibility” is paying unemployment benefits that max out at $44 a week.
But no problem, Oklahoma has oil, so their state and city governments should have no trouble making ends meet, right? And besides, SCOTUS just offloaded some of their criminal justice burdens to the feds.
It’s ok. I need time to play with my whores.
Praise the Lord! Prazzzeee the Lord!
You can find election fraud if you look hard enough.
But it’s like gold: It’s rare, and to find it, you have to look for it where it is, not in your backyard.
You’re more likely to find some if you start with Republicans and their fellow travelers.
@70 I’m on it. See link @53.
SJ’s blog, now managed by me, has 832 views today as of 6:30 pm. Doctor Dumbfuck’s audience is his horse’s view of his dick.
The virus is fake.
Joe Arpaio loses again.
Demorat-China Party Of Hate America, Race War & Make Crime Great Again Bombshell News – Life Under Demorat Rule Report – Demorat War On Elderly.
[Excessively copied material deleted]
Article w/ embedded vids;
@76 She was looking for a confrontation and found one. Not wearing a mask, either, which endangered the other demonstrators. Not saying this justifies the paint; it doesn’t. But they weren’t out to hurt her. Can’t say that for the Trump goon who shot a man’s eye out.
And why is that senile idiot wabbit? Oh wait your deflection is priceless!
NOPE you senile dope. It is because of unfunded union mandates, high taxes and people leaving high tax cities and states.
Oh my you are not well read senile idiot wabbit.
Try again senile idiot wabbit.
Is one of you guys trying to CANCEL CULTURE Jerry Falwell, Jr.?
I swear to The Sweet Sweet Baby Jeebus it isn’t me.
If it’s not me, and it’s none of you guys, and it’s not the Global DERP STATE Atheist/Zionist Hippie Conspiracy (Inc.) then who could it be?
What a bunch of BULLSH^TTIUM. Antifa pukes pouring white paint on the old white lady standing alone by herself was a threat?
You really are a moron senile idiot wabbit. You have some real hatred for old white ladies taking a stand against dummocretins!
@78 “people leaving high tax cities and states”
The GOP answer for that was raising their federal taxes.
Well damn. I guess he’s got you there, Roger. How can you argue with such irrefutable logic as that?
Especially if he follows up with some dubious, random, cherry picked LEEEEEENKS and then signs of with the patented “Try again…”
It’s air tight.
You know.
Like The Q Clearance Cat Lady’s wife when it’s her bull’s night and he brings friends.
Your link @78: Gee, I guess NYC must be a really unattractive place, because only ~8.4 million people live there. What are starting salaries for lawyers there? Wall Street’s new hires? More than in Des Moines, Iowa, I’ll bet. Sure, taxes are higher there, so are rents, but so are incomes. Waaaay higher. That’s why people go there. And stay.
@80 “Antifa pukes pouring white paint on the old white lady standing alone by herself was a threat?”
I didn’t say that. I said pouring the paint on her wasn’t justified. Learn to read.
While we’re on this subject, what kind of idiot calls Democrats (or, as you call them, “dummocretins”) “antifa”??
For that matter, what kind of idiot calls Democrats “dummocretins”?
Look in a mirror and you’ll see what such an idiot looks like. “Babbling butthole” is a good description.
When did that happen senile idiot wabbit?
Who wrote that senile idiot wabbit? If she wasn’t wearing a mask then per you she was a threat to other dummonstrators.
@85 When they capped the state/local tax deduction at $10k, moron.
Do they support Trump?
NOPE – dummocretins!
Dr. Dumbfuck’s orange moron had HUGE announcement – he’s going to issue EO to protect Americans with pre-existing conditions.
LULZ across America at his and Dr. Dumbfuck’s stupidity.
Where’s Dr. Dumbfuck? Out in the horse barn crying fascist traitor tears? Sad!
What a loser.
Ahhhh yes senile idiot wabbit, Puddy was waiting for this SALT argument. So why do these states have such high income taxes? And why do the rich dummocretin run from paying those high taxes? Shouldn’t dummocretins love paying taxes? Oh wait… they want to use other peoples’ money!
We’ll wait…
Puddy loves how dot bombed@82, can’t refute Andrew Cuomo’s own words about taxes just two days ago so it write useless vitriolic blather; the kind Puddy identified last Monday and Wednesday in the open threads. Another unread assesHorse dummocretin tool!
As they say, the zebra can’t change its stripes and the leopard its spots; neither can a dummocretin deliver anything but assesHorse dung on a blog!
Hey Steve,
Have a Great Saturday. Talk to you Sunday!
Which of those are Public Colleges and Universities.
I’ll wait.
Donald today announced he’s going
To enact Obamacare by Executive Order.
Own goal.
His words are his opinion. They may not be true. They are not FACTS. And nothing you’ve posted adds any credibility to them. You simply perform searches and cherry pick. It isn’t evidence. It’s just search returns. And in this case nothing of any great value or note. And most importantly, just someone’s opinion.
You think because these people have (D)s after their names they can’t be wrong or I can’t disagree with them? You’re looking even dumber than you looked yesterday.
Other than that, what’s left of the garbage you post? Name calling and Steve Urkel catch phrases. Weak. Watery. Shit.
The Q Clearance Cat Lady claims that he does not support Trump. Although the evidence may indicate otherwise. But for one or two slips, he remains quite steadfast in that claim.
Ergo, The Q Clearance Cat Lady is a “dummocretin”.
Whadya know ’bout that.
Hey Cat Lady! Well done! Welcome to the Right Side of History. Welcome to the Side of the Angels. Welcome to the Equal Justice Side.
Are you getting excited about watching Trump dragged out of the White House, hogtied, and tossed onto Marine One as much as the rest of Real America? Watching the tears plow tracks through Jared’s makeup? Watching the following four years of splashy humiliating criminal and civil trials unfold?
It’s going to be a series of huge parties with all the best bottles brought up from the cellar and cheering and singing late into the night and into the next day.
And now you get to attend!
Doctor Dumbfuck’s cops:
Don’t get me wrong. I want to be protected from criminals. I’m 100% supportive of good cops who do the job right. I’m only against cops who break into a black guy’s apartment, throw him down a flight of stairs, take him to an alley and beat the crap out of him, then dump him on a roadside to walk home. And it turns out the scene of the domestic violence call was six houses away and across the street. In other words, I’m against dumbfucks being cops.
@96 Well, he can do recipes …
Everybody’s good for something, even Puddy.
@91 You’re probably one of those people who wears out tires on I-5 so you can pay Oregon sales taxes and Washington income taxes.