I am glad that the Washington State eviction moratorium has been extended. I am also glad that Governor Inslee is preparing the way for a future extension. This crisis isn’t going anywhere until there’s a vaccine, or at the very least, competent Federal leadership.
Anyway, please wash your hands right now.
Fauci’s excuse for not wearing a mask when sitting between two other people is that one of them is “a good friend”.
Bet a lot of those Mount Vernon choir members were good friends, too.
It’s either a crisis or it isn’t. Pick one, Dr. Fauci.
Actually, back then the federal government, under Dr. Fauci @ 1, told us not to bother wearing masks, because they wouldn’t help.
Q Clearance Pussies demand answers!
Because Trump neeeeeds a scapegoat.
So now we find out it was TWO incidents with Rep. Yoho. He waited around for her to leave to start his harassment again.
Since Republicans always want to run the government like a business….
Dude you’re so very fired.
But in reality Dumbfuck said the little lady took it too seriously and was over emotional and cheer on the rampant abuse by men towards women.
Horses can’t talk back, right?
As we all know by now, Trolls4Trump join with prominent authors like J.K. Rowling in supporting unfettered free expression of opinions and opposing the terrible scourge of “Cancel Culture”.
For that reason the quality of their trolling may be a little off today as they will all be heavily preoccupied preparing their amicus briefs supporting the billionaire’s lawsuit against a children’s news website for expressing opinions she didn’t like.
I’m not sure which is more “Cancely”?
Expecting an employee in a professional office setting to keep his vulgar, offensive, or threatening personal opinions unrelated to the workplace to himself?
Or telling a woman if she doesn’t shut up you and your friends will cut her tits of and rape her to death.
It’s so hard to know with samey things like that.
@ 5
One of the best ways of ending stupidity like this is to make it very expensive. It’s bad enough that nobody born after 1995 or so has any idea what a real Nazi is, because your ilk has repurposed the word into nonsense.
Teaching schoolkids about slavery and segregation is teaching them to “hate America.” At least, Tom Cotton and Trumpalos say it does.
What’s next, telling kids that cops and federal troops shot striking workers?
From a guy who has a bit of personal experience with angry mobs.
From a guy who has a bit of personal experience with HIV.
I guess an eviction moratorium is okay, as long as it’s coupled with a mortgage moratorium, because Pa and Ma Landlord obviously can’t make the payments on their rental units if they’re not collecting rent.
A better solution here is for the federal government to pay tenants’ rent, so landlords can make their mortgage payments.
In any case, I don’t see a justification for unemployed workers who are receiving full income replacement not paying their rent or mortgages.
The simplest way to keep everyone afloat is to pay unemployment benefits to Covid-impacted workers that replace 100% of their lost wages and benefits (health insurance, child care, etc.).
What you can’t do is expect private landlords to provide free housing to tenants. That won’t work, except maybe in the case of government landlords. Might be an unconstitutional taking, too, but that’s almost irrelevant; it just won’t work.
@ 11
In any case, I don’t see a justification for unemployed workers who are receiving full income replacement not paying their rent or mortgages.
And you call yourself a liberal. Liar.
@1 Dumbfuck “logic.” Behaving badly doesn’t make what he tells the nation wrong.
@2 More dumbfuck “logic.” The fact he made early mistakes doesn’t mean he’s wrong now.
I don’t know, but I’d bet on him before I’d bet on the guy who prescribed injecting bleach.
I got a screen capture of @ 11 because Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit has 3 minutes, still, to change it, and I just can’t imagine him leaving it as is.
@4 “Horses can’t talk back, right?”
No, but they can turn your head into a canoe.
@7 “One of the best ways of ending stupidity like this is to make it very expensive.”
Careful. Promoting ideas like that could come back to bite Republicans like you.
‘Your ilk”
“Jews will not replace us!”
@9 How long has he been living in the alley behind the courthouse?
@12 Of course I call myself a liberal, and that doesn’t make me a liar. “Deadbeat” is a Republican platform plank.
@14 You can stop holding your breath now. Time’s up.
And someone who was clearing $250k mostly commission in a travel sales related job isn’t making mortgage money plus utilities even with $600 extra. Or auto sales. Or residential real estate.
But gotta make sure everyone is forced to get back to work so a small handful of folks aren’t eating steak instead of working.
The doctor is very confused, even for a dumbfuck. I’m for reforming the police, not eliminating them. I’m against rioting and lawlessness (not limited to police riots and lawless politicians). I support limited use of the death penalty for heinous murders. I’m a greedy capitalist. None of this makes me a conservative, a Republican, or a Trumper. Above all, it doesn’t make me like him.
@21 “And someone who was clearing $250k mostly commission in a travel sales related job isn’t making mortgage money plus utilities even with $600 extra.”
Well, that’s not most people, nor the kind of income replacement I’m talking about.
But I’d wager that quite a few folks used to living on $250k a year aren’t making ends meet on unemployment benefits of $1,150 a week. That’s their problem.
@1&2. In which conservatives play “Gotcha” without context or links. So it’s just them bloviating.
So, somebody like you or Tucker Carlson are entitled to express your odious and racist opinions, but only if you can afford to suffer the financial and/or reputational losses those opinions might entail.
We agree.
@17 They already have, according to your crowd. But that’s nothing, just wait until a black female gets the job you wanted so badly instead of you. Really, you shouldn’t have quit school after sixth grade.
Why some (a few) people get more from unemployment than their former wages:
“Democrats originally pushed for $600 because they wanted the government to match laid-off workers’ lost wages, but state labor departments use ancient software that couldn’t handle millions of individualized federal payments. So they went with $600 because it’s roughly the difference between the average weekly wage and the average state benefit.”
IOW, in a world where nothing’s perfect, better that a few get too much than many get too little.
Kinda like when a self-described billionaire pockets small business aid,
which doesn’t invalidate the desperate need of countless small businesses.
Nick Sandmann settled with WaPo.
A prominent internet neo-Nazi organizer turns out to be a pizza delivery driver.
He probably doesn’t get invited to the GOP Donor Circle, but not for any ideological reasons.
@28 The amount of the nuisance settlement, of course, is confidential because his attorneys don’t want you to know how much they made and how little the kid got.
$5,000 doesn’t make much of a statement. He could do better by riding his skateboard into the side of a parked car.
In Washington state, 19 deaths from the Wuhan, per 100,000 people (the denominator is population, not number infected).
That’s roughly 10% of the number of Washington residents who said they’d move to Canada if Trump became president.
Those are the people who are going to fall into default because those jobs aren’t coming back for a while. Especially the travel industry.
The damage here in SEA is hidden by all the work from home tech type jobs. Lots of people are still making money but if you ran logistics for an airline or were tied into the cruise industry and the company took PPP and kept you on….you’re about to lose your job.
So we figure out a way to deal with tenants and landlords but if you owned a home how much belt tightening can you do and for how long before you’re going to need to sell. And who’s buying and at what kind of value in another 6 months?
And where do you live after you sold? This isn’t just a Seattle problem it’s a looming problem for every suburb of McMansions in the country.
Look on the bright side: with Moden Monetary Theory, we can just print up cash as we need it and get it out there into circulation. The government can pay for everything with newly-printed cash, and we can all hold hands and sing kumbaya.
Need $14 trillion for some project? Heck, just print it up and send it. What could go wrong?
Then why argue that the fed should be under the control of “The King of Debt”?
You people can’t keep your story straight.
China ordering U.S. Embassy in Chengdu closed in retaliation for Donnie closing China’s Houston.
Pompeo warns, “Don’t go tit for tat.”
Well the ball is in their court. Donnie can do what he suggested before and close San Francisco (tit) and China will do what they threatened closing Hong Kong (big tat).
But the one thing Donnie won’t do is negotiate because he just likes to punch people and has no idea what to do when they land a counter.
Many grownups in Nick Sandmann’s position would donate the proceeds from this type of lawsuit to an educational institution or charity promoting cultural awareness, understanding, and tolerance. That’s more or less where I suggested a resolution of this incident should go at the time it happened.
But, as Doctor Dumbfuck has pointed out, the kid probably will buy a car with it.
@ 36
Sure, like some black Hebrew Israelites foundation or some Native American foundation that has Nathan Phillips as a member.
You know, the POS assholes who started that whole thing that was then blamed on Covington kids.
Yes, please. Let’s perpetuate the cycle, see it fail again, and then claim that the reason it failed was not enough money was donated.
On the bright side, yesterday Fauci finally demonstrated that there are American men who can throw a worse first pitch than Barack Obama.
@35 China is a bad guy. They’re a dictatorship, they oppress their minorities and own citizens, commit acts of aggression against their neighbors, sponsor and support the odious North Korean regime, steal technology and intellectual property from us, hack us, and are a growing military threat. Their students attend our schools to learn engineering and computer skills to use against us, and we let them do that. Their manufacturing industries displace American workers and sell us junk, some of it toxic, all of it shoddy. Our relationship with China is to a great extent one-sided and exploitive, and I believe we should scale back our engagement with them, although not completely withdraw from it (especially diplomatically, as diplomacy and negotiation are always preferable to armed conflict). Recasting our relationship with China is one of the few things Trump has done which I think is in the right direction, although he’s gone about it in the wrong way, of course, because his head is too far up his ass to change a tire let alone figure out a coherent China policy.
@38 Gonna criticize this guy’s pitching, too?
We don’t pay Fauci to pitch, nor did we pay Obama to pitch. They’re both a lot better at what they do than your orange moron is at what they do. Probably better than you are at what you do, too.
@37 ” … black Hebrew Israelites foundation … or … POS assholes … ”
That’s your idea, not mine.
As I consider Republicans “POS assholes,” I’m inclined to believe that Doctor Dumbfuck donates to POS assholes at regular intervals, so it’s strange to me seeing him complain about that.
Why does Fox News polls hate the fascist traitor Doctor Dumbfuck and his Nazi orange moron?
Pennsylvania: FOX News Biden 50, Trump 39 Biden +11
Minnesota: FOX News Biden 51, Trump 38 Biden +13
Michigan: FOX News Biden 49, Trump 40 Biden +9
So you don’t like being called a fascist and a Nazi, huh, Doctor? Tough shit, traitor.
Not true! He’s the best at going bankrupt.
Practice makes perfect.
Can president ShitMidas win without any of those states?
Asking for a pussy.
@43 “So you don’t like being called a fascist and a Nazi, huh, Doctor? Tough shit, traitor.”
Those are choices he made. He could, of course, have made other choices. He didn’t, and that’s on him.
@44 Read carefully. I didn’t say “than he is at what he does.” No one will dispute that Trump is far more experienced and adept at going bankrupt than either Fauci or Obama is.
I said “than he is at what they do,” i.e. he’s a shitty medical expert and a shitty president, and he really should leave those functions to people with competence in them.
USA-SDNY just wrote a nice three page letter to judge Furman letting him know that pretty much every single factual declaration they made in their February motion to dismiss a NY state lawsuit over travel restrictions was elegantly worded bullshit.
DOJ is claiming in their defense that they were misled (lied to) at that time by DHS hacks and goons.
Would not want to be any of these fuck sticks.
After having previously admitted that the office lied to him in a census case, Furman is probably not going to look the other way. Will not be surprised if Furman demands additional hearings to consider contempt. DOJ laying it on DHS had better make damn sure the receipts have all been burned.
My bad.
Because it’s Trump I assumed you were using the “Royal They”.
Speaking of Dr. Fauci, he and his family are getting threats; and not, I’d wager, from liberals.
“White House coronavirus advisor Dr. Anthony Fauci said Friday that he and his family are receiving hate mail and ‘serious threats’ from people angry over his advice on the pandemic. ‘There are people who get really angry at thinking I’m interfering with their life because I’m pushing a public health agenda,’ he said ….
“Fauci … and his family have been assigned security detail after threats against his wife and his daughters were made. … Fauci … has previously been targeted for his work on finding treatments for HIV/AIDS. …
“‘I’ve seen a side of society that I guess is understandable, but it’s a little bit disturbing,’ he added.”
This is of a piece with the psychos who get belligerent, assault store employees, and pull guns on customers for being asked to wear a mask. Trumpers all, every last one of ’em.
But his daughters. Geez, his daughters. What have they got to do with this? And no, it’s not “understandable,” he’s being far too generous to these people; it’s sick, and it’s criminal. Threatening public officials for doing their jobs is a fucking crime. That’s why the Bundy Ranch thugs who threatened BLM officers with guns should be in federal prisons. If rioters are arrested for throwing rocks and bottles at cops, and I’m not saying they shouldn’t be, then the sociopaths threatening Fauci’s wife and daughters should be hunted down and arrested, too.
Can we really be at all surprised that The Q Clearance Pussy got straight to work on that with his opening move, and put his shoulder to the wheel of this week’s distraction, even if it targeted this man’s children?
Rapepublicans are much worse than cockroaches.
@51 No, we can’t be surprised by that, unless we’re living under rocks, because that’s his standard m.o. It’s symptomatic of his total lack of governing skills. And given his ignorance of how to govern in a democratic society, it’s inevitable. He seems to have some depth of knowledge about how dictators keep their citizens in line, though.
They wouldn’t even say her name.
These are the kinds of “schools” Betsy DeVos wants to divert public education dollars to, and if you vote Republican, this is what you’re voting for. Shame on them, her, and you.
“After just a few days of training, dogs in Germany proved capable of identifying people infected with COVID-19, according to researchers. The dogs, part of a study by a veterinary university in Germany, were able to sniff out the coronavirus with stunning accuracy.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: The cops will love this. Now they have a new reason to detain drivers.
“Sir, open your mouth and let the dog sniff your tongue, or you’ll be placed under arrest!”
Ever french kiss a dog? There’s a first time for everything.
How to lose elections in one simple step. (Spoiler alert: By alienating 50% of the voters in one fell swoop.)
Roger Rabbit Commentary: I’m gonna stick my rabbit neck way, way out of my rabbit hole by making a prediction: I predict Republicans won’t win back the House this fall.
Eat shit Bobby!
Sorry Reverend. Your big ole ‘Rona party is on hold.
SCOTUS didn’t articulate a reason though the three knuckle draggers wrote dissents but it likely hinges on no specific religion being shut down AND gatherings are restricted for all secular events as well.
I’ll repeat myself here, if your faith is dependent on the ability to hear a sermon in person or to see the pastor wander the church with a Gibson Acoustic while covering Jars of Clay and giving a mini homily between verses or you just can’t WWJD without a PowerPoint on a big screen well your faith isn’t real.
Just thinking about all the times Doctor Dumbfuck has called a woman a “fucking bitch” in these comment threads.
Doctor Dumbfuck and his orange moron can’t do anything right.
FEMA Sends Faulty Protective Gear to Nursing Homes Battling Virus
The shipments have included loose gloves of unknown provenance stuffed into unmarked Ziploc bags, surgical masks crafted from underwear fabric and plastic isolation gowns without openings for hands that require users to punch their fists through the closed sleeves.
Demorat-China Party Of Hate America, Hate Cops, Race-Obsessed & Make Crime Great Again Bombshell News – Demorat War On Whites Report-White-Hating Demorats Call For Race War.
The Democrat National Committee draft platform for its 2020 convention mentions “whites” a total of 15 times, each of them within a “damning” context — a detail first noticed by the Washington Examiner’s Paul Bedard.
“In more than 80 pages in the draft platform published by Politico, whites are mentioned 15 times, all critical, including three references to white supremacy or supremacists and one to white nationalists,” Bedard writes.
He adds, “In most mentions, the reference is to how whites are better off at the expense of others. And the promise often is to ‘close the gap’ between minorities and whites, though no solutions are offered.”
Demorat-China Party Of Hate America, Hate Cops, Race-Obsessed & Make Crime Great Again Bombshell News – Demorat War On America Report- Lying Phoney Corporate Demorats Don’t Give A Shit About High Drug Prices Despite Their Lying Phoney Promises, Took Millions From Big Pharma & Never Lowered Drug Prices; Unlike Corporate Demorat Phonies Trump Wasn’t Bought Off, Kept His Promise.
President Trump issued a handful of executive orders Friday that aim to lower prescription drug prices through a variety of methods, including allowing medications to be imported from other countries.
One of the orders introduced Friday would deliver rebates from drug companies directly to patients for insulin and Epipens in a bid to prevent providers from pocketing the discounts themselves while charging low-income patients unaffordable prices.
The second order would allow wholesalers and pharmacies to legally import prescription drugs from Canada and other countries, where the president has repeatedly alleged identical drugs are available at costs as much as 90 percent lower than in the U.S.
The third order would bypass pharmacy benefit managers and other “middlemen” to deliver discounts for prescription drugs directly to patients. Trump said Friday that patients often never see these discounts from the manufacturer.
A final “favored nations” policy would require Medicare to purchase drugs at the same prices paid by foreign countries, which Trump said will prevent the U.S. from continuing to subsidize the cost of research and development for the entire world.
Not sure I understand why a landlord would evict a tenant that was long term and reliable pre pandemic. Where does he think he’ll find another tenant under these circumstances?
Wouldn’t he better off working out a payment plan with his tenant? Wouldn’t public funds be better spent subsidizing the landlords for losses or the tenants via the government?
@58 Yeah but he’s not a Member of Congress, they don’t let him near patients, and Daryl doesn’t kick people out of the HA sewer for swearing, so he gets away with it.
@60 “War on whites,” hahaha, that’s a good one … !!
Sucks to be white, huh? You shoulda been born an African-American, Native American, Hispanic, or Asian. Of all the possibilities, you got the short straw. Your bad luck!!!
Somebody didn’t like you when they were handing out ethnicities. You must’ve pissed off God in a previous life.
@62 Another factor is that an evicted tenant is less likely to pay the back rent, so landlords will have practical incentives to work with their existing tenants. But at some point they need cash flow, they can’t wait forever for tenants to resume paying, and many tenants are about to lose their replacement income.
Someone whose income was 100% replaced should have been paying rent all along. If they took advantage of the eviction moratorium to stop paying even though they had the ability to pay, and continue to be nonpaying because now they’re losing their enhanced unemployment benefits, I would expect the landlord to waste no time getting rid of that tenant.
It’s best not to think about it.
You can be absolutely sure he never does.