The last time I took a bus to Olympia, the entire way between Tacoma and Olympia, I was sat next to a very talkative man. Y’all! He had so much to say about his neighbor’s herpes. On and on and on.
Anyway, people complain about the Seattle freeze, and there was recently some discussion about it on Twitter. But I love it. It is a lovely combination of Nordic stoicism and big city life. Small talk is great but not with randos. I love not talking to you. I know that it isn’t for everyone, but I appreciate it so hard.
If you think working for Trump is tough, you should try working for Kim Un Jong.
Although I’m pretty sure Trump would like to kill some of his former employees, too, and would if he could. We know he admires dictators who can and do.
Nowadays, Carl, talking to strangers is likely to get you arrested, sued, or on YouTube. So it’s better to make like a turtle and stay in your shell. Except, of course, in the HA comment threads.
Here, almost anything goes; in particular, Doctor Dumbfuck’s alleged sexual perversions, which are a subject of never-ending fascination for the rest of us.
Carl, that guy on the bus – was he from? Wasila, Alaska?
Did PI go on an extended vacation?
“Here, almost anything goes; in particular, Doctor Dumbfuck’s alleged sexual perversions”
It’s easy to believe that sexual perversion afflicts everybody on the right.
“‘Unapologetically’ Christian pizza parlor went viral — then its owner got busted for trying to have sex with underage staff”
“Did PI go on an extended vacation?”
He’s taken to posting his investment losses in dead threads. Understandable, but so…SAD!
@5 Is the device (tossed in the river) needed to retrieve the messages/texts? Or do telecommunications companies have records on their servers?
I wonder if they sell a pizza with clams at that porn joint.
The owner probably took the clams home with him. For reasons.
Doctor Dumbfuck thinks it’s funny, too.
“Florida lawmaker laughs when constituents ask if he can introduce a Bible-based bill to put gay people to death”
At a local meeting last week of the Women for Responsible Legislation, held in the Pensacola City Hall, constituents asked Rep. Hill about a Democrat’s legislation to protect LGBTQ people from discrimination.
One constituent chimed in, saying, “In 1 Corinthians, it says that a man who has an affair with another man will be put to death.”
Rep. Hill did not miss a beat.
“It says that in the Old Testament, too,” Hill noted, as an opinion piece in the Pensacola News Journal notes.
“Can you introduce legislation?” yet another constituent asked.
Rep. Hill joined attendees in laughter, as if killing gay people would be funny.
“Introduce legislation?” Hill asked, chuckling. “I wonder how that would go over?” he added.
Not all Republicans are traitors willing to surrender America to Putin. Just most of them.
“GOP attorneys release a devastating video that lays out the case for Trump’s prosecution”
Jonathan Raban put it best referring to the “Seattle freeze” as “Scando-Japanese reserve”.
@9 I’m sure some Germans laughed, too, when the Nazis talked about putting Jews to death.
We already know that no small number of Republicans think like Nazis, so this really isn’t surprising.
A Texas legislator recently introduced a bill that would impose the death penalty on women who exercise their constitutional right to have an abortion.
What’s next, firing squads for holding liberal opinions? That doesn’t seem so far-fetched when conservatives openly talk about “executing” liberals or putting us in “concentration camps.”
And then there’s all the rightwinger nutjobs who have committed mass murders in churches, mosques, and synagogues.
Given all the evidence that the right is unhinged and violently inclined, and their bragging about how armed to the teeth they are, why shouldn’t we believe they’re literally capable of anything?
We’d be complacent fools not to.
It appears some Republican politicians are breaking ranks with Trump on his Mexico tariffs. You can count on these hypocrites to squawk when their own pocketbooks get hit.
@13. Why won’t they sacrifice for the good of the country?
Fucking Project Managers and Executives want me to be good cop / bad cop. Fuck them they need to deal with their felons themselves. I ain’t got time for it, I’m not a baby sitter.
It isn’t just president sundowner. As you note, it is only some Republicans who are breaking with the administration on global tariffs (it is fair to call it global, now that this involves China, Japan, the EU, and Mexico).
The market reaction is in part owing to the dawning realization that president sundowner is incapable of inaction, and that Art-O-TehDeal is without any other tools. He isn’t going to stop with Mexico. And he isn’t going to stop at 5%. He clearly feels he needs to be seen as “taking action” going into the campaign. And the more money he pulls out of the economy from tariffs, the more he has to spend on WALL!
And the party supports all of this. None of them really understand how tariffs work, who pays them, and what effect any of it has on trade, employment, or the economy. They actually appear confident that sucking tens of billions of dollars out of the economy by artificially raising prices and lowering sales, productivity, and growth, will somehow create more middle class jobs somewhere.
Sure it will. In Australia.
On March 15th 20 SWAT officers, six plain clothes investigators and an equal number of uniformed patrol officers of the Chicago Police Department served a felony warrant at a residential address just before 6 am. While Ms. Alberta Wilson begged them to stop, CPD handcuffed her 8-year-old son Royal with his hands behind his back, and left him standing in the street, in the dark, in his underwear, in March, in Chicago, for more than 40 minutes, while SWAT officers trained semi-automatic military assault rifles at him, his mother, and his brothers and sisters. In an attempt to handcuff Ms Wilson’s adult daughter CPD officers briefly forced her to set her infant child down in the street. Ms. Wilson’s tearful pleading eventually convinced CPD to remove her daughter’s cuffs and allow her to recover her 2-year-old grand daughter from the rain soaked pavement. After an hour police left having made no arrests and with no evidence of any crimes.
Bad tip. Woahkay.
A little over a month earlier plain clothes CPD raided the birthday party of 4-year-old T.J. Jackson using a battering ram to smash in an unlocked back door, dumping the child’s birthday cake out onto the floor, and opening up walls with crowbars and sledge hammers while a house filled with pre-schoolers were driven into the street at gun point shrieking and crying in terror, all based on a tip about a suspected ecstasy dealer who had not lived at that address for several years.
For CPD this is all considered great progress, since no innocent children were shot to death having somehow managed to avoid making any “furtive movements” or accidentally assuming a “bladed stance”.
Is there really any great mystery why the Cook County Atty might have chosen to avoid trial for a botched CPD arrest of Jussie Smollet?
These are our police. Not just “a few bad apples”. This is who they are. This is what they do. Every day. All of them. They do not make our communities more safe. They make our communities less safe.
+24.79% for the period January 1, 2018 through May 31, 2019.
This is not an investment loss.
@14 Don’t you know? Republicans don’t do sacrifice. That’s something they ask of others.
@17 Nothing that a couple of $1 million settlements can’t set right. And it’s only taxpayer money, so who cares?
Hmmm. The trolls scoffed at the black guy’s improving employment picture. Labor participation rate they bleated..
So the LPR hasn’t improved on the watch of the orange twitter rage freak..
Not a peep from the trolls. Yawwnn. So it goes.
Perhaps. Then again, who do you suppose has the greater legal resources? The city with a ten billion dollar budget, twelve thousand police officers available to destroy evidence and intimidate potential witnesses, and who runs the state courts? Or the grandmother in her forties working two jobs but still so poor she sleeps ten to a three bedroom, one bath?
The police do this shit for sport, knowing perfectly well that qualified immunity will protect them so long as they remember to use all the right magic words in their paper work*. And the city settles these cases cheap, knowing these people are too poor to hold out through years of litigation, even with contingent fee counsel.
*Or when absolutely necessarry just plant a toy gun.
So what you’re saying is that, so long as your “portfolio” is worth no less than it was on Jan 1, 2018, you will consider your investments successful?
Another day, another madman with a gun. At least 11 dead, 6 injured, at a municipal community center in Virginia Beach, Virginia. The shooter, a disgruntled employee, was killed in a shootout with police.
It’s not like Republicans are strange or anything.
“Former Idaho GOP chair arrested for stalking estranged wife and performing sex act while hiding in bushes: report”
Child rape. It’s what Republicans do and it’s why they separated children from their parents and caged them in what can only be described as rape camps.
“Over 200 allegations of abuse of migrant children — only one case of Homeland Security disciplining someone”
But Doctor Dumbfuck is okay with that. It’s why he comes here to denigrate those who don’t support an orange rapist of a 13 year-old who appointed a gang-rapist of a 15 year-old as SCOTUS justice, all in hopes of rulings by the court that would force the girls Republicans rape to have to give birth to their rapist’s child Oh, and visiting rights for the rapist.